1 #include "SUMA_suma.h"
usage_SurfToSurf(SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE * ps,int detail)3 void usage_SurfToSurf (SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps, int detail)
4 {
5       static char FuncName[]={"usage_SurfToSurf"};
6       char * s = NULL, *sio=NULL, *st = NULL, *sts = NULL;
7       int i;
8       s = SUMA_help_basics();
9       sio  = SUMA_help_IO_Args(ps);
10       printf (
11 "\n"
12 "Usage: SurfToSurf <-i_TYPE S1> [<-sv SV1>]\n"
13 "                  <-i_TYPE S2> [<-sv SV1>]\n"
14 "                  [<-prefix PREFIX>]\n"
15 "                  [<-output_params PARAM_LIST>]\n"
16 "                  [<-node_indices NODE_INDICES>]\n"
17 "                  [<-proj_dir PROJ_DIR>]\n"
18 "                  [<-data DATA>]\n"
19 "                  [<-node_debug NODE>]\n"
20 "                  [<-debug DBG_LEVEL>]\n"
21 "                  [-make_consistent]\n"
22 "                  [<-dset DSET>]\n"
23 "                  [<-mapfile MAP_INFO>]\n"
24 " \n"
25 "  This program is used to interpolate data from one surface (S2)\n"
26 " to another (S1), assuming the surfaces are quite similar in\n"
27 " shape but having different meshes (non-isotopic).\n"
28 " This is done by projecting each node (nj) of S1 along the normal\n"
29 " at nj and finding the closest triangle t of S2 that is intersected\n"
30 " by this projection. Projection is actually bidirectional.\n"
31 " If such a triangle t is found, the nodes (of S2) forming it are \n"
32 " considered to be the neighbors of nj.\n"
33 " Values (arbitrary data, or coordinates) at these neighboring nodes\n"
34 " are then transfered to nj using barycentric interpolation or \n"
35 " nearest-node interpolation.\n"
36 " Nodes whose projections fail to intersect triangles in S2 are given\n"
37 " nonsensical values of -1 and 0.0 in the output.\n"
38 "\n"
39 " Mandatory input:\n"
40 "  Two surfaces are required at input. See -i_TYPE options\n"
41 "  below for more information. \n"
42 "\n"
43 " Optional input:\n"
44 "  -prefix PREFIX: Specify the prefix of the output file.\n"
45 "                  The output file is in 1D format at the moment.\n"
46 "                  Default is SurfToSurf\n"
47 "  -output_params PARAM_LIST: Specify the list of mapping\n"
48 "                             parameters to include in output\n"
49 "     PARAM_LIST can have any or all of the following:\n"
50 "        NearestTriangleNodes: Use Barycentric interpolation (default)\n"
51 "                              and output indices of 3 nodes from S2\n"
52 "                              that neighbor nj of S1\n"
53 "        NearestNode: Use only the closest node from S2 (of the three \n"
54 "                     closest neighbors) to nj of S1 for interpolation\n"
55 "                     and output the index of that closest node.\n"
56 "        NearestTriangle: Output index of triangle t from S2 that\n"
57 "                         is the closest to nj along its projection\n"
58 "                         direction. \n"
59 "        DistanceToSurf: Output distance (signed) from nj, along \n"
60 "                        projection direction to S2.\n"
61 "                        This is the parameter output by the precursor\n"
62 "                        program CompareSurfaces\n"
63 "        ProjectionOnSurf: Output coordinates of projection of nj onto \n"
64 "                          triangle t of S2.\n"
65 "        NearestNodeCoords: X Y Z coordinates of closest node on S2\n"
66 "        Data: Output the data from S2, interpolated onto S1\n"
67 "              If no data is specified via the -data option, then\n"
68 "              the XYZ coordinates of SO2's nodes are considered\n"
69 "              the data.\n"
70 "  -data DATA: 1D file containing data to be interpolated.\n"
71 "              Each row i contains data for node i of S2.\n"
72 "              You must have one row for each node making up S2.\n"
73 "              In other terms, if S2 has N nodes, you need N rows\n"
74 "              in DATA. \n"
75 "              Each column of DATA is processed separately (think\n"
76 "              sub-bricks, and spatial interpolation).\n"
77 "              You can use [] selectors to choose a subset \n"
78 "              of columns.\n"
79 "              If -data option is not specified and Data is in PARAM_LIST\n"
80 "              then the XYZ coordinates of SO2's nodes are the data.\n"
81 "  -dset DSET: Treat like -data, but works best with datasets, preserving\n"
82 "              header information in the output.\n"
83 "              -dset and -data are mutually exclusive.\n"
84 "              Also, -dset and parameter Data cannot be mixed.\n"
85 "  -node_indices NODE_INDICES: 1D file containing the indices of S1\n"
86 "                              to consider. The default is all of the\n"
87 "                              nodes in S1. Only one column of values is\n"
88 "                              allowed here, use [] selectors to choose\n"
89 "                              the column of node indices if NODE_INDICES\n"
90 "                              has multiple columns in it.\n"
91 "  -proj_dir PROJ_DIR: 1D file containing projection directions to use\n"
92 "                      instead of the node normals of S1.\n"
93 "                      Each row should contain one direction for each\n"
94 "                      of the nodes forming S1.\n"
95 "  -closest_possible OO: Flag allowing the substitution of the projection\n"
96 "                        result with the closest node that could be found\n"
97 "                        along any direction.\n"
98 "                        0: Don't do that, direction results only.\n"
99 "                        1: Use closest node if projection fails to hit target\n"
100 "                        2: Use closest node if it is at a closer distance.\n"
101 "                        3: Use closest and don't bother with projections.\n"
102 "  -make_consistent: Force a consistency check and correct triangle \n"
103 "                    orientation of S1 if needed. Triangles are also\n"
104 "                    oriented such that the majority of normals point\n"
105 "                    away from center of surface.\n"
106 "                    The program might not succeed in repairing some\n"
107 "                    meshes with inconsistent orientation.\n"
108 "  -mapfile MAP_INFO: Use the mapping from S2 to S1 that is stored in\n"
109 "                     MAP_INFO. MAP_INFO is a file containing the mapping\n"
110 "                     parameters between surfaces S2 and S1. \n"
111 "                     It is generated automatically by SurfToSurf when \n"
112 "                     -mapfile is not used, and saved under PREFIX.niml.M2M.\n"
113 "                     Reusing the MAP_INFO file allows for faster execution\n"
114 "                     of SurfToSurf the next time around, assuming of course\n"
115 "                     that the two surfaces involved are the same, and that \n"
116 "                     only the input data differs.\n"
117 "               MAP_INFO is also generated by MapIcosahedron.\n"
118 "\n"
119 "%s"
120 "%s"
121                "\n", sio,  s);
122       SUMA_free(s); s = NULL; SUMA_free(st); st = NULL; SUMA_free(sio); sio = NULL;
123       s = SUMA_New_Additions(0, 1); printf("%s\n", s);SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
124       printf("       Ziad S. Saad SSCC/NIMH/NIH saadz@mail.nih.gov     \n"
125              "       Shruti Japee LBC/NIMH/NIH  shruti@codon.nih.gov \n");
126       exit(0);
127 }
SUMA_SurfToSurf_ParseInput(char * argv[],int argc,SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE * ps)129 SUMA_GENERIC_PROG_OPTIONS_STRUCT *SUMA_SurfToSurf_ParseInput(
130    char *argv[], int argc, SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
131 {
132    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_BrainWrap_ParseInput"};
134    int kar;
135    SUMA_Boolean brk, accepting_out;
137    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
139    SUMA_ENTRY;
141    Opt = SUMA_Alloc_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct();
142    kar = 1;
143    brk = NOPE;
144    Opt->in_1D = NULL;
145    Opt->NodeDbg = -1;
146    Opt->debug = 0;
147    Opt->NearestNode = 0;
148    Opt->NearestTriangle = 0;
149    Opt->DistanceToMesh = 0;
150    Opt->ProjectionOnMesh = 0;
151    Opt->NearestNodeCoords = 0;
152    Opt->Data = 0;
153    Opt->in_name = NULL;
154    Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
155    Opt->fix_winding = 0;
156    Opt->iopt = 0;
157    Opt->oform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
158    accepting_out = NOPE;
159    while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
160       /*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
162       if (!brk && accepting_out) {
163          /* make sure you have not begun with new options */
164          if (*(argv[kar]) == '-') accepting_out = NOPE;
165       }
167       if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
168           usage_SurfToSurf(ps, strlen(argv[kar]) > 3 ? 2:1);
169           exit (0);
170       }
172       SUMA_SKIP_COMMON_OPTIONS(brk, kar);
174       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-debug") == 0))
175       {
176          if (kar+1 >= argc)
177          {
178             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -debug \n");
179             exit (1);
180          }
182          Opt->debug = atoi(argv[++kar]);
183          brk = YUP;
184       }
186       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_debug") == 0))
187       {
188          if (kar+1 >= argc)
189          {
190             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -node_debug \n");
191             exit (1);
192          }
194          Opt->NodeDbg = atoi(argv[++kar]);
195          brk = YUP;
196       }
198       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_indices") == 0))
199       {
200          if (kar+1 >= argc)
201          {
202             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a parameter after -node_indices \n");
203             exit (1);
204          }
206          Opt->in_nodeindices = argv[++kar];
207          brk = YUP;
208       }
210       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-closest_possible") == 0))
211       {
212          if (kar+1 >= argc)
213          {
214             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a number after -closest_possible \n");
215             exit (1);
216          }
218          Opt->iopt = atoi(argv[++kar]);
219          if (Opt->iopt != 0 && Opt->iopt != 1 && Opt->iopt != 2 &&
220              Opt->iopt != 3) {
221             SUMA_S_Errv("Must choose from 0, 1, 2, or 3 for -closest_possible."
222                         " Have %d\n",
223                          Opt->iopt);
224             exit (1);
225          }
226          brk = YUP;
227       }
229       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-output_params") == 0))
230       {
231          if (kar+1 >= argc)
232          {
233             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
234                      "need at least one parameter after output_params \n");
235             exit (1);
236          }
238          accepting_out = YUP;
239          brk = YUP;
240       }
242       if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestNode") == 0)) {
243          if (Opt->NearestNode < 1) Opt->NearestNode = 1;
244          brk = YUP;
245       }
247       if (!brk && accepting_out &&
248             (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestTriangleNodes") == 0)) {
249          if (Opt->NearestNode < 3) Opt->NearestNode = 3;
250          brk = YUP;
251       }
253       if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestTriangle") == 0)) {
254          if (Opt->NearestTriangle < 1) Opt->NearestTriangle = 1;
255          brk = YUP;
256       }
258       if (!brk && accepting_out && (strcmp(argv[kar], "DistanceToSurf") == 0)) {
259          Opt->DistanceToMesh = 1;
260          brk = YUP;
261       }
263       if (!brk && accepting_out &&
264             (strcmp(argv[kar], "ProjectionOnSurf") == 0)) {
265          Opt->ProjectionOnMesh = 1;
266          brk = YUP;
267       }
269       if (!brk && accepting_out &&
270             (strcmp(argv[kar], "NearestNodeCoords") == 0)) {
271          Opt->NearestNodeCoords = 1;
272          brk = YUP;
273       }
275       if (!brk && accepting_out &&
276             (strcmp(argv[kar], "Data") == 0)) {
277          if (Opt->Data < 0) {
278             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
279                      "Cannot mix parameter Data with -dset option \n");
280             exit (1);
281          }
282          Opt->Data = 1;
283          brk = YUP;
284       }
286       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-data") == 0))
287       {
288          if (kar+1 >= argc)
289          {
290             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -data \n");
291             exit (1);
292          }
293          ++kar;
294          if (strcmp(argv[kar],"_XYZ_") == 0) {
295             /* default Opt->in_name = NULL*/
296             if (Opt->in_name) {
297                SUMA_SL_Err("Input already specified."
298                            "Do not mix -data and -dset");
299                exit (1);
300             }
301          } else {
302             Opt->in_name = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
303          }
304          Opt->Data = 1;
305          brk = YUP;
306       }
308       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-dset") == 0))
309       {
310          if (kar+1 >= argc)
311          {
312             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -dset \n");
313             exit (1);
314          }
315          ++kar;
316          if (strcmp(argv[kar],"_XYZ_") == 0 || Opt->Data > 0) {
317             /* default Opt->in_name = NULL*/
318             if (Opt->in_name || Opt->Data > 0) {
319                SUMA_SL_Err("Input already specified."
320                            "Do not mix -data and -dset."
321                            "Or use parameter DATA with -dset");
322                exit (1);
323             }
324          } else {
325             Opt->in_name = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
326          }
327          Opt->Data = -1;
328          brk = YUP;
329       }
331       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0))
332       {
333          if (kar+1 >= argc)
334          {
335             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -prefix \n");
336             exit (1);
337          }
339          Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_eng(argv[++kar],
340                                                       &(Opt->oform));
341          brk = YUP;
342       }
344       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mapfile") == 0))
345       {
346          if (kar+1 >= argc)
347          {
348             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -mapfile \n");
349             exit (1);
350          }
352          Opt->s = SUMA_Extension(argv[++kar],".niml.M2M", NOPE);
353          if (!SUMA_filexists(Opt->s)) {
354             SUMA_S_Errv("File %s not found\n"
355                          , Opt->s);
356             exit(1);
357          }
358          brk = YUP;
359       }
361       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-proj_dir") == 0))
362       {
363          if (kar+1 >= argc)
364          {
365             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need a name after -proj_dir \n");
366             exit (1);
367          }
369          Opt->in_1D = argv[++kar];
370          brk = YUP;
371       }
372       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-make_consistent") == 0))
373       {
374          Opt->fix_winding = 1;
375          brk = YUP;
376       }
377       if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
378          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,
379                   "Error %s:\n"
380                   "Option %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n",
381                   FuncName, argv[kar]);
382          suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[kar]);
383          exit (1);
384       } else {
385          brk = NOPE;
386          kar ++;
387       }
388    }
390    /* set default for NearestNode if nothing has been set */
391    if (Opt->NearestNode < 1) Opt->NearestNode = 3;
393    if (!Opt->out_prefix) Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("SurfToSurf");
394    if (Opt->in_1D && Opt->s) {
395       SUMA_S_Err("Cannot use -proj_dir along with -mapfile");
396       exit(1);
397    }
398    SUMA_RETURN(Opt);
399 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])401 int main (int argc,char *argv[])
402 {/* Main */
403    static char FuncName[]={"SurfToSurf"};
406    SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO1=NULL, *SO2 = NULL;
407    SUMA_SurfSpecFile *Spec = NULL;
409    int N_Spec=0, *nodeind = NULL, N_nodeind, icol, i, j;
410    MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL, *im_data=NULL;
411    int nvec=0, ncol=0, nvec_data=0, ncol_data=0, Nchar=0;
412    float *far = NULL, *far_data=NULL, *dt = NULL, *projdir=NULL;
413    char *outname = NULL, *s=NULL, sbuf[100];
414    void *SO_name = NULL;
415    FILE *outptr=NULL;
416    SUMA_Boolean exists = NOPE;
419    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
422    SUMA_mainENTRY;
424    /* Allocate space for DO structure */
425    SUMAg_DOv = SUMA_Alloc_DisplayObject_Struct (SUMA_MAX_DISPLAYABLE_OBJECTS);
426    ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-i;-t;-spec;-s;-sv;-o;");
428    Opt = SUMA_SurfToSurf_ParseInput (argv, argc, ps);
429    if (argc < 2) {
430       SUMA_S_Err("Too few options");
431       usage_SurfToSurf(ps, 0);
432       exit (1);
433    }
436    /* if output surface requested, check on pre-existing file */
437    if (ps->o_N_surfnames) {
438       SO_name = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName(ps->o_surfnames[0],
439                                         NULL, NULL, ps->o_FT[0], &exists);
440       if (exists) {
441          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
442                   "Error %s:\nOutput file(s) %s* on disk.\n"
443                   "Will not overwrite.\n", FuncName, ps->o_surfnames[0]);
444          exit(1);
445       }
446    }
448    if (Opt->debug > 2) LocalHead = YUP;
449    outname = SUMA_append_extension(Opt->out_prefix,".1D");
450    if (SUMA_filexists(outname) && !THD_ok_overwrite()) {
451       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Output file %s exists.\n", outname);
452       exit(1);
453    }
455    /* Load the surfaces from command line*/
456    Spec = SUMA_IO_args_2_spec(ps, &N_Spec);
457    if (N_Spec != 1) {
458       SUMA_S_Err( "Multiple spec at input.\n"
459                   "Do not mix surface input types together\n");
460       exit(1);
461    }
463       if (Spec->N_Surfs != 2) {
464       SUMA_S_Err("2 surfaces expected.");
465       exit(1);
466    }
468    SO1 = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, 0, ps->sv[0], 0);
469    if (!SO1) {
470          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
471                               "Failed to find surface\n"
472                               "in spec file. \n",
473                               FuncName );
474          exit(1);
475    }
476    if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO1, "EdgeList|MemberFace", NULL)) {
477       SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO1");
478       exit(1);
479    }
480    if (Opt->fix_winding) {
481       int orient, trouble;
482       if (LocalHead)
483          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
484                   "%s: Making sure S1 is consistently orientated\n", FuncName);
485       if (!SUMA_MakeConsistent (SO1->FaceSetList, SO1->N_FaceSet,
486                                 SO1->EL, Opt->debug, &trouble)) {
487          SUMA_SL_Err("Failed in SUMA_MakeConsistent");
488       }
489       if (trouble && LocalHead) {
490          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
491                      "%s: trouble value of %d from SUMA_MakeConsistent.\n"
492                      "Inconsistencies were found and corrected unless \n"
493                      "stderr output messages from SUMA_MakeConsistent\n"
494                      "indicate otherwise.\n", FuncName, trouble);
495       }
496       if (LocalHead)
497          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Checking orientation.\n", FuncName);
498       orient = SUMA_OrientTriangles (SO1->NodeList, SO1->N_Node,
499                                      SO1->FaceSetList, SO1->N_FaceSet,
500                                      1, 0, NULL, NULL);
501       if (orient < 0) {
502          /* flipping was done, dump the edge list since it is not
503             automatically updated (should do that in function,
504             just like in SUMA_MakeConsistent,  shame on you)
506             If you revisit this section, use the newer:
507             SUMA_OrientSOTriangles
508          */
509          if (SO1->EL) SUMA_free_Edge_List(SO1->EL); SO1->EL = NULL;
510          if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO1, "EdgeList", NULL)) {
511             SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO1"); exit(1);
512          }
513          /* free normals, new ones needed (Normals should be flipped inside  of
514             SUMA_OrientTriangles! (just like in SUMA_MakeConsistent) ) */
515          if (SO1->NodeNormList) SUMA_free(SO1->NodeNormList);
516             SO1->NodeNormList = NULL;
517          if (SO1->FaceNormList) SUMA_free(SO1->FaceNormList);
518             SO1->FaceNormList = NULL;
519       }
520       if (!orient) {
521          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
522                   "Error %s:\nFailed in SUMA_OrientTriangles\n", FuncName);
523       }
524       if (LocalHead) {
525          if (orient < 0) { SUMA_SL_Note("S1 was reoriented"); }
526          else { SUMA_SL_Note("S1 was properly oriented"); }
527       }
528    }
531    if (!SO1->NodeNormList || !SO1->FaceNormList) {
532       SUMA_LH("Node Normals"); SUMA_RECOMPUTE_NORMALS(SO1);
533    }
534    if (Opt->NodeDbg >= SO1->N_Node) {
535       SUMA_SL_Warn(  "node_debug index is larger than number "
536                      "of nodes in surface, ignoring -node_debug.");
537       Opt->NodeDbg = -1;
538    }
540    SO2 = SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(Spec, 1, ps->sv[1], 0);
541    if (!SO2) {
542       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n"
543                            "Failed to find surface\n"
544                            "in spec file. \n",
545                            FuncName );
546       exit(1);
547    }
548    if (!SUMA_SurfaceMetrics(SO2, "EdgeList|MemberFace", NULL)) {
549       SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create edge list for SO2"); exit(1);
550    }
551    if (!SO2->NodeNormList || !SO2->FaceNormList) {
552       SUMA_LH("Node Normals"); SUMA_RECOMPUTE_NORMALS(SO2);
553    }
555    if (LocalHead) {
556       SUMA_LH("Surf1");
557       SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(SO1, NULL);
558       SUMA_LH("Surf2");
559       SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(SO2, NULL);
560    }
562    /* a select list of nodes? */
563    nodeind = NULL; N_nodeind = 0;
564    if (Opt->in_nodeindices) {
565       im = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_nodeindices);
566       if (!im) { SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of node indices"); exit(1);}
567       far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im);
568       N_nodeind = nvec = im->nx;
569       ncol = im->ny;
570       if (ncol != 1) {
571          SUMA_SL_Err("More than one column in node index input file."); exit(1);
572       }
573       nodeind = (int *)SUMA_calloc(nvec, sizeof(int));
574       if (!nodeind) { SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); }
575       for (i=0;i<nvec;++i) {
576          nodeind[i] = (int)far[i];
577          if (nodeind[i] < 0 || nodeind[i] >= SO1->N_Node) {
578             fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
579                     "Error %s:\n"
580                     "A node index of %d was found in input file %s, entry %d.\n"
581                     "Acceptable indices are positive and less than %d\n",
582                     FuncName, nodeind[i], Opt->in_nodeindices, i, SO1->N_Node);
583             exit(1);
584          }
585       }
586       mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
587    }
589    /* a preset directions vector ?*/
590    projdir = NULL;
591    if (Opt->in_1D) {
592       im = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_1D);
593       if (!im) {
594          SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of projection directions"); exit(1);
595       }
596       far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im);
597       if (im->ny != 3) {
598          SUMA_SL_Err("Need three columns in projection directions file.");
599          exit(1);
600       }
601       if (im->nx != SO1->N_Node) {
602          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
603                   "Error %s: You must have a direction for each node in SO1.\n"
604                   "%d directions found but SO1 has %d nodes.\n",
605                   FuncName, im->nx, SO1->N_Node);
606          exit(1);
607       }
609       /* change to row major major and make it match nodeind */
610       projdir = (float *)SUMA_calloc(SO1->N_Node*3, sizeof(float));
611       if (!projdir) { SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate"); exit(1); }
612       for (i=0; i<SO1->N_Node; ++i) {
613          projdir[3*i  ] = far[i              ];
614          projdir[3*i+1] = far[i+  SO1->N_Node];
615          projdir[3*i+2] = far[i+2*SO1->N_Node];
616       }
617       mri_free(im); im = NULL;   /* done with that baby */
619    }
621    if (SO_name) {
622       /* user is interpolating surface coords, check on other input insanity */
623       if (nodeind) {
624          fprintf( SUMA_STDERR,
625                   "Error %s: You cannot combine "
626                   "option -o_TYPE with -node_indices", FuncName);
627          exit(1);
628       }
629       if (Opt->in_name) {
630          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,
631                   "Error %s: You cannot combine option -o_TYPE with -data",
632                   FuncName);
633          exit(1);
634       }
635    }
636    /* a 1D file containing data, or Data parameter (for XYZ)? */
637    if (Opt->Data > 0) {
638       if (Opt->in_name) {
639          /* When you are ready to work with dsets, you should
640          checkout the function morphDsetToStd. It uses M2M */
641          im_data = mri_read_1D(Opt->in_name);
642          if (!im_data) {
643             SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to read 1D file of data"); exit(1);}
644          far_data = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im_data);
645          nvec_data = im_data->nx;
646          ncol_data = im_data->ny;
647          if (nvec_data != SO2->N_Node) {
648             SUMA_SL_Err("Your data file must have one row "
649                         "for each node in surface 2.\n"); exit(1);
650          }
651          d_order = SUMA_COLUMN_MAJOR;
652       } else {
653          im_data = NULL;
654          far_data = SO2->NodeList;
655          nvec_data = SO2->N_Node;
656          ncol_data = 3;
657          d_order = SUMA_ROW_MAJOR;
658       }
659    } else {
660       /* just -dset */
661    }
666    if (!Opt->s) {
667       SUMA_LH("Going for the mapping of SO1 --> SO2");
668       M2M = SUMA_GetM2M_NN( SO1, SO2, nodeind, N_nodeind,
669                             projdir, 0, Opt->NodeDbg, Opt->iopt);
670       SUMA_S_Notev("Saving M2M into %s\n\n",
671                Opt->out_prefix);
672       if (!(SUMA_Save_M2M(Opt->out_prefix, M2M))) {
673          SUMA_S_Err("Failed to save M2M");
674          exit(1);
675       }
676    } else {
677       SUMA_S_Notev("Reusing mapping of SO1 --> SO2 from %s\n\n",
678                Opt->s);
679       if (!(M2M = SUMA_Load_M2M(Opt->s))) {
680          SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to load %s\n", Opt->s);
681          exit(1);
682       }
683    }
685    /* Now show the mapping results for a debug node ? */
686    if (Opt->NodeDbg >= 0) {
687       char *s = NULL;
688       s = SUMA_M2M_node_Info(M2M, Opt->NodeDbg);
689       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Debug for node %d ([%f, %f, %f])of SO1:\n%s\n\n",
690                            FuncName, Opt->NodeDbg,
691                            SO1->NodeList[3*Opt->NodeDbg],
692                            SO1->NodeList[3*Opt->NodeDbg+1],
693                            SO1->NodeList[3*Opt->NodeDbg+2],
694                            s);
695       SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
696    }
698    /* Now please do the interpolation */
699    if (Opt->Data > 0) {
700       if (Opt->NearestNode > 1)
701          dt = SUMA_M2M_interpolate( M2M, far_data, ncol_data,
702                                     nvec_data, d_order, 0 );
703       else if (Opt->NearestNode == 1)
704          dt = SUMA_M2M_interpolate( M2M, far_data, ncol_data,
705                                     nvec_data, d_order, 1 );
706       if (!dt) {
707          SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to interpolate");
708          exit(1);
709       }
710    } else if (Opt->Data < 0) {
711          SUMA_DSET *dset=NULL, *dseto=NULL;
712          char *oname=NULL, *uname=NULL, *s1=NULL, *s2=NULL;
713          int iform=SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
714          if (Opt->NodeDbg>= 0) {
715             SUMA_S_Notev("Processing dset %s\n", Opt->in_name);
716          }
717          iform = SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT;
718          if (!(dset = SUMA_LoadDset_s (Opt->in_name, &iform, 0))) {
719             SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to load %s\n", Opt->in_name);
720             exit(1);
721          }
722          if (!(dseto = SUMA_morphDsetToStd ( dset, M2M,
723                                              Opt->NearestNode == 1 ? 1:0))) {
724             SUMA_S_Errv("Failed to map %s\n", Opt->in_name);
725             exit(1);
726          }
727          if (0 && !strchr(Opt->out_prefix,'/') ){
728             /* Don't know what made me think that appending the
729                path of the input was a good idea... */
730             s1 = SUMA_append_string(
731                   SUMA_FnameGet(Opt->in_name,"pa", SUMAg_CF->cwd),
732                   Opt->out_prefix);
733          } else {
734             s1 = SUMA_copy_string(Opt->out_prefix);
735          }
736          s2 = SUMA_RemoveDsetExtension_s(
737                SUMA_FnameGet(Opt->in_name,"l",SUMAg_CF->cwd),
738                SUMA_NO_DSET_FORMAT);
739          uname = SUMA_append_extension(s1,s2);
740          SUMA_free(s1); SUMA_free(s2);
741          oname = SUMA_WriteDset_s (uname, dseto, Opt->oform, 1, 1);
742          if (Opt->NodeDbg>= 0) SUMA_S_Notev("Wrote %s\n", oname);
743          if (oname) SUMA_free(oname); oname=NULL;
744          if (uname) SUMA_free(uname); oname=NULL;
745          if (dseto) SUMA_FreeDset(dseto); dseto = NULL;
746          if (dset) SUMA_FreeDset(dset); dset = NULL;
747    }
749    SUMA_LH("Forming the remaining output");
750    outptr = fopen(outname,"w");
751    if (!outptr) {
752       SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to open file for output.\n");
753       exit(1);
754    }
756    /* first create the header of the output */
757    SS = SUMA_StringAppend(NULL, NULL);
758    SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
759       "#Mapping from nodes on surf 1 (S1) to nodes on surf 2 (S2)\n"
760       "#  Surf 1 is labeled %s, idcode:%s\n"
761       "#  Surf 2 is labeled %s, idcode:%s\n",
762       SO1->Label, SO1->idcode_str, SO2->Label, SO2->idcode_str);
763    icol = 0;
764    SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS, "#Col. %d:\n"
765                                  "#     S1n (or nj): Index of node on S1\n"
766                                  , icol);
767    ++icol;
768    if (Opt->NearestNode > 1) {
769       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
770          "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
771          "#     S2ne_S1n: Indices of %d nodes on S2 \n"
772          "#     that are closest neighbors of nj.\n"
773          "#     The first index is that of the node on S2 that is closest \n"
774          "#     to nj. If -1 then these values should be ignored because\n"
775          "#     in such cases, nj's projection failed.\n"
776          , icol, icol+Opt->NearestNode-1, Opt->NearestNode);
777       icol += Opt->NearestNode;
778       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
779          "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
780          "#     S2we_S1n: Weights assigned to nodes on surf 2 (S2) \n"
781          "#     that are closest neighbors of nj.\n"
782          , icol, icol+Opt->NearestNode-1, Opt->NearestNode);
783       icol += Opt->NearestNode;
784    } else if (Opt->NearestNode == 1) {
785       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
786          "#Col. %d:\n"
787          "#     S2ne_S1n: Index of the node on S2 (label:%s idcode:%s)\n"
788          "#     that is the closest neighbor of nj.\n"
789          "#     If -1 then this value should be ignored because\n"
790          "#     nj's projection failed.\n"
791          , icol, SO2->Label, SO2->idcode_str);
792       ++icol;
793    }
794    if (Opt->NearestTriangle) {
795       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
796          "#Col. %d:\n"
797          "#     S2t_S1n: Index of the S2 triangle that hosts node nj on S1.\n"
798          "#     In other words, nj's closest projection onto S2 falls on \n"
799          "#     triangle S2t_S1n\n"
800          "#     If -1 then this value should be ignored because \n"
801          "#     nj's projection failed.\n"
802          , icol);
803       ++icol;
804    }
805    if (Opt->ProjectionOnMesh) {
806       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
807          "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
808          "#     S2p_S1n: Coordinates of projection of nj onto S2\n"
809          , icol, icol+2);
810       icol += 3;
811    }
812    if (Opt->DistanceToMesh) {
813       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
814          "#Col. %d:\n"
815          "#     Closest distance from nj to S2\n"
816          , icol);
817          ++icol;
818    }
819    if (Opt->NearestNodeCoords) {
820       SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
821          "#Col. %d .. %d:\n"
822          "#     X Y Z coords of nearest node\n"
823          , icol,  icol+2);
824       icol += 3;
825    }
826    if (Opt->Data > 0) {
827       if (!Opt->in_name) {
828          SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
829       "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
830       "#     Interpolation using XYZ coordinates of S2 nodes that neighbor nj\n"
831       "#     (same as coordinates of node's projection onto triangle in S2, \n"
832       "#     if using barycentric interpolation)\n"
833          , icol, icol+2);
834       icol += 3;
835 } else {
836 SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
837          "#Col. %d..%d:\n"
838          "#     Interpolation of data at nodes on S2 that neighbor nj\n"
839          "#     Data obtained from %s\n"
840          , icol, icol+ncol_data-1, Opt->in_name);  icol += ncol_data;
841       }
842    }
843    s = SUMA_HistString("SurfToSurf", argc, argv, NULL);
844    SS = SUMA_StringAppend_va(SS,
845                                 "#History:\n"
846                                 "#%s\n", s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
847    SUMA_SS2S(SS,s);
848    fprintf(outptr,"%s\n",s); SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
850    /* put headers atop columns */
851    Nchar = 6; /* if you change this number you'll need to fix  formats below */
852    for (i=0; i<icol; ++i) {
853       sprintf(sbuf,"#%s", MV_format_fval2(i, Nchar -1));
854       fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", sbuf);
855    }
856    fprintf(outptr,"\n");
858    /* Now put in the values, make sure you parallel columns above! */
859    for (i=0; i<M2M->M1Nn; ++i) {
860       fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M1n[i], Nchar));
861       if (Opt->NearestNode > 0) {
862          for (j=0; j<Opt->NearestNode; ++j) {
863             if (j < M2M->M2Nne_M1n[i])
864                fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ",
865                   MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2ne_M1n[i][j], Nchar));
866             else fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", "-1");
867          } /* Neighboring nodes */
868       }
869       if (Opt->NearestNode > 1) { /* add the weights */
870          for (j=0; j<Opt->NearestNode; ++j) {
871             if (j < M2M->M2Nne_M1n[i])
872                fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ",
873                   MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2we_M1n[i][j], Nchar));
874             else fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", "0.0");
875          }
876       }
877       if (Opt->NearestTriangle) {
878          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2t_M1n[i], Nchar));
879       }
880       if (Opt->ProjectionOnMesh) {
881          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i], Nchar));
882          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i+1], Nchar));
883          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->M2p_M1n[3*i+2], Nchar));
884       }
885       if (Opt->DistanceToMesh) {
886          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(M2M->PD[i], Nchar));
887       }
888       if (Opt->NearestNodeCoords) {
889          float x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
890          int n = M2M->M2ne_M1n[i][0];
891          if (n>0) {
892             n = n * SO2->NodeDim;
893             x = SO2->NodeList[n];
894             y = SO2->NodeList[n+1];
895             z = SO2->NodeList[n+2];
896          }
897          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(x, Nchar));
898          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(y, Nchar));
899          fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(z, Nchar));
900       }
901       if (dt && Opt->Data > 0) {
902          if (!Opt->in_name) {
903             fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i], Nchar));
904             fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i+1], Nchar));
905             fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ", MV_format_fval2(dt[3*i+2], Nchar));
906          } else { /* Column major business */
907             for (j=0; j<ncol_data; ++j) {
908                fprintf(outptr,"%6s   ",
909                      MV_format_fval2(dt[i+j*M2M->M1Nn], Nchar)); }
910          }
911       }
912       fprintf(outptr,"\n");
913    }
915    /* do they want an output surface ? */
916    if (SO_name) {
917       float *tmpfv = NULL;
918       SUMA_LH("Writing surface");
919       tmpfv = SO1->NodeList;
920       SO1->NodeList = dt;
921       if (!SUMA_Save_Surface_Object (SO_name, SO1,
922                                      ps->o_FT[0], ps->o_FF[0], NULL)) {
923          SUMA_S_Err("Failed to write surface object.\n");
924          exit (1);
925       }
926       SO1->NodeList = tmpfv; tmpfv = NULL;
927    }
929    if (N_Spec) {
930       int k=0;
931       for (k=0; k<N_Spec; ++k) {
932          if (!SUMA_FreeSpecFields(&(Spec[k]))) {
933             SUMA_S_Err("Failed to free spec fields");
934          }
935       }
936       SUMA_free(Spec); Spec = NULL; N_Spec = 0;
937    }
939    if (projdir) SUMA_free(projdir); projdir = NULL;
940    if (SO_name) SUMA_free(SO_name); SO_name = NULL;
941    if (outptr) fclose(outptr); outptr = NULL;
942    if (dt) SUMA_free(dt); dt = NULL;
943    if (s) SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
944    if (im_data) mri_free(im_data); im_data = NULL;   /* done with the data */
945    if (nodeind) SUMA_free(nodeind); nodeind = NULL;
946    if (M2M) M2M = SUMA_FreeM2M(M2M);
947    if (SO1) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO1); SO1 = NULL;
948    if (SO2) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO2); SO2 = NULL;
949    if (Spec) SUMA_free(Spec); Spec = NULL;
950    if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
951    if (Opt) Opt = SUMA_Free_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct(Opt);
952    if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
953    exit(0);
955 }