1 /* GTS - Library for the manipulation of triangulated surfaces
2  * Copyright (C) 1999 St�phane Popinet
3  *
4  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
6  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * Library General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
15  * License along with this library; if not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
17  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
18  */
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include "config.h"
23 #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H
24 #  include <getopt.h>
25 #endif /* HAVE_GETOPT_H */
26 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
27 #  include <unistd.h>
28 #endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */
29 #include "gts.h"
31 #ifndef PI
32 #define PI 3.14159265359
33 #endif
35 typedef enum { NUMBER, COST } StopOptions;
36 typedef enum { COST_LENGTH, COST_OPTIMIZED, COST_ANGLE } CostOptions;
37 typedef enum { MIDVERTEX, OPTIMIZED } MidvertexOptions;
stop_number_verbose(gdouble cost,guint number,guint * min)39 static gboolean stop_number_verbose (gdouble cost, guint number, guint * min)
40 {
41   static guint nmax = 0, nold = 0;
42   static GTimer * timer = NULL, * total_timer = NULL;
44   g_return_val_if_fail (min != NULL, TRUE);
46   if (timer == NULL) {
47     nmax = nold = number;
48     timer = g_timer_new ();
49     total_timer = g_timer_new ();
50     g_timer_start (total_timer);
51   }
53   if (number != nold && number % 121 == 0 &&
54       number < nmax && nmax > *min) {
55     gdouble total_elapsed = g_timer_elapsed (total_timer, NULL);
56     gdouble remaining;
57     gdouble hours, mins, secs;
58     gdouble hours1, mins1, secs1;
60     g_timer_stop (timer);
62     hours = floor (total_elapsed/3600.);
63     mins = floor ((total_elapsed - 3600.*hours)/60.);
64     secs = floor (total_elapsed - 3600.*hours - 60.*mins);
66     remaining = total_elapsed*((nmax - *min)/(gdouble) (nmax - number) - 1.);
67     hours1 = floor (remaining/3600.);
68     mins1 = floor ((remaining - 3600.*hours1)/60.);
69     secs1 = floor (remaining - 3600.*hours1 - 60.*mins1);
71     fprintf (stderr,
72 	     "\rEdges: %10u %3.0f%% %6.0f edges/s "
73 	     "Elapsed: %02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f "
74 	     "Remaining: %02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f ",
75 	     number,
76 	     100.*(nmax - number)/(nmax - *min),
77 	     (nold - number)/g_timer_elapsed (timer, NULL),
78 	     hours, mins, secs,
79 	     hours1, mins1, secs1);
80     fflush (stderr);
82     nold = number;
83     g_timer_start (timer);
84   }
85   if (number < *min) {
86     g_timer_destroy (timer);
87     g_timer_destroy (total_timer);
88     return TRUE;
89   }
90   return FALSE;
91 }
stop_cost_verbose(gdouble cost,guint number,gdouble * max)93 static gboolean stop_cost_verbose (gdouble cost, guint number, gdouble * max)
94 {
95   g_return_val_if_fail (max != NULL, TRUE);
97   if (number % 121 == 0) {
98     fprintf (stderr, "\rEdges: %10u Cost: %10g ", number, cost);
99     fflush (stderr);
100   }
101   if (cost > *max)
102     return TRUE;
103   return FALSE;
104 }
stop_log_cost(gdouble cost,guint number)106 static gboolean stop_log_cost (gdouble cost, guint number)
107 {
108   fprintf (stderr, "%d %g\n", number, cost);
109   return FALSE;
110 }
cost_angle(GtsEdge * e)112 static gdouble cost_angle (GtsEdge * e)
113 {
114   if (e->triangles && e->triangles->next)
115     return fabs (gts_triangles_angle (e->triangles->data,
116 				      e->triangles->next->data));
117   return G_MAXDOUBLE;
118 }
120 /* coarsen - produce a coarsened version of the input */
main(int argc,char * argv[])121 int main (int argc, char * argv[])
122 {
123   GtsSurface * s;
124   GtsPSurface * ps = NULL;
125   gboolean verbose = FALSE;
126   gboolean progressive = FALSE;
127   gboolean log_cost = FALSE;
128   guint number = 0;
129   gdouble cmax = 0.0;
130   StopOptions stop = NUMBER;
131   CostOptions cost = COST_OPTIMIZED;
132   MidvertexOptions mid = OPTIMIZED;
133   GtsKeyFunc cost_func = NULL;
134   GtsCoarsenFunc coarsen_func = NULL;
135   GtsStopFunc stop_func = NULL;
136   gpointer stop_data = NULL;
137   int c = 0;
138   GtsFile * fp;
139   gdouble fold = PI/180.;
140   GtsVolumeOptimizedParams params = { 0.5, 0.5, 0. };
141   gpointer coarsen_data = NULL, cost_data = NULL;
143   /* parse options using getopt */
144   while (c != EOF) {
146     static struct option long_options[] = {
147       {"angle", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
148       {"progressive", no_argument, NULL, 'p'},
149       {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
150       {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
151       {"number", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
152       {"length", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
153       {"midvertex", no_argument, NULL, 'm'},
154       {"cost", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
155       {"fold", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
156       {"vweight", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
157       {"bweight", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
158       {"sweight", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
159       {"log", no_argument, NULL, 'L'}
160     };
161     int option_index = 0;
162     switch ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hvmc:n:lpf:w:b:s:La",
163 			      long_options, &option_index))) {
164 #else /* not HAVE_GETOPT_LONG */
165     switch ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hvmc:n:lpf:w:b:s:La"))) {
166 #endif /* not HAVE_GETOPT_LONG */
167     case 'a': /* angle */
168       cost = COST_ANGLE;
169       break;
170     case 'L': /* log */
171       log_cost = TRUE;
172       break;
173     case 'p': /* write progressive surface */
174       progressive = TRUE;
175       break;
176     case 'n': /* stop by number */
177       stop = NUMBER;
178       number = atoi (optarg);
179       break;
180     case 'c': /* stop by cost */
181       stop = COST;
182       cmax = atof (optarg);
183       break;
184     case 'v': /* verbose */
185       verbose = TRUE;
186       break;
187     case 'm': /* midvertex */
188       mid = MIDVERTEX;
189       break;
190     case 'l': /* cost is length */
191       cost = COST_LENGTH;
192       break;
193     case 'f': /* fold angle */
194       fold = atof (optarg)*PI/180.;
195       break;
196     case 'w': /* volume optimized weight */
197       params.volume_weight = atof (optarg);
198       break;
199     case 'b': /* boundary optimized weight */
200       params.boundary_weight = atof (optarg);
201       break;
202     case 's': /* shape optimized weight */
203       params.shape_weight = atof (optarg);
204       break;
205     case 'h': /* help */
206       fprintf (stderr,
207              "Usage: coarsen [OPTION] < file.gts\n"
208 	     "Construct a coarsened version of the input.\n"
209 	     "\n"
210 	     "  -n N, --number=N    stop the coarsening process if the number of\n"
211 	     "                      edges was to fall below N\n"
212 	     "  -c C, --cost=C      stop the coarsening process if the cost of collapsing\n"
213 	     "                      an edge is larger than C\n"
214 	     "  -m    --midvertex   use midvertex as replacement vertex\n"
215 	     "                      default is volume optimized point\n"
216 	     "  -l    --length      use length^2 as cost function\n"
217 	     "                      default is optimized point cost\n"
218 	     "  -f F, --fold=F      set maximum fold angle to F degrees\n"
219 	     "                      default is one degree\n"
220 	     "  -w W, --vweight=W   set weight used for volume optimization\n"
221 	     "                      default is 0.5\n"
222 	     "  -b W, --bweight=W   set weight used for boundary optimization\n"
223 	     "                      default is 0.5\n"
224 	     "  -s W, --sweight=W   set weight used for shape optimization\n"
225 	     "                      default is 0.0\n"
226 	     "  -p    --progressive write progressive surface file\n"
227 	     "  -L    --log         logs the evolution of the cost\n"
228 	     "  -v    --verbose     print statistics about the surface\n"
229 	     "  -h    --help        display this help and exit\n"
230 	     "\n"
231 	     "Reports bugs to %s\n",
232 	     GTS_MAINTAINER);
233       return 0; /* success */
234       break;
235     case '?': /* wrong options */
236       fprintf (stderr, "Try `coarsen --help' for more information.\n");
237       return 1; /* failure */
238     }
239   }
241   /* read surface in */
242   s = gts_surface_new (gts_surface_class (),
243 		       gts_face_class (),
244 		       gts_edge_class (),
245 		       gts_vertex_class ());
246   fp = gts_file_new (stdin);
247   if (gts_surface_read (s, fp)) {
248     fputs ("coarsen: the file on standard input is not a valid GTS file\n",
249 	   stderr);
250     fprintf (stderr, "stdin:%d:%d: %s\n", fp->line, fp->pos, fp->error);
251     return 1; /* failure */
252   }
254   /* if verbose on print stats */
255   if (verbose) {
256     gts_surface_print_stats (s, stderr);
257     fprintf (stderr, "# volume: %g area: %g\n",
258 	     gts_surface_volume (s), gts_surface_area (s));
259   }
261   /* select the right coarsening process */
262   switch (cost) {
263   case COST_OPTIMIZED:
264     cost_func = (GtsKeyFunc) gts_volume_optimized_cost;
265     cost_data = &params;
266     break;
267   case COST_LENGTH:
268     cost_func = NULL; break;
269   case COST_ANGLE:
270     cost_func = (GtsKeyFunc) cost_angle; break;
271   default:
272     g_assert_not_reached ();
273   }
274   switch (mid) {
275   case MIDVERTEX:
276     coarsen_func = NULL;
277     break;
278   case OPTIMIZED:
279     coarsen_func = (GtsCoarsenFunc) gts_volume_optimized_vertex;
280     coarsen_data = &params;
281     break;
282   default:
283     g_assert_not_reached ();
284   }
285   if (log_cost)
286     stop_func = (GtsStopFunc) stop_log_cost;
287   else {
288     switch (stop) {
289     case NUMBER:
290       if (verbose)
291 	stop_func = (GtsStopFunc) stop_number_verbose;
292       else
293 	stop_func = (GtsStopFunc) gts_coarsen_stop_number;
294       stop_data = &number;
295       break;
296     case COST:
297       if (verbose)
298 	stop_func = (GtsStopFunc) stop_cost_verbose;
299       else
300 	stop_func = (GtsStopFunc) gts_coarsen_stop_cost;
301       stop_data = &cmax;
302       break;
303     default:
304       g_assert_not_reached ();
305     }
306   }
307   if (progressive)
308     ps = gts_psurface_new (gts_psurface_class (),
309 			   s, gts_split_class (),
310 			   cost_func, cost_data,
311 			   coarsen_func, coarsen_data,
312 			   stop_func, stop_data,
313 			   fold);
314   else
315     gts_surface_coarsen (s,
316 			 cost_func, cost_data,
317 			 coarsen_func, coarsen_data,
318 			 stop_func, stop_data, fold);
320   /* if verbose on print stats */
321   if (verbose) {
322     fputc ('\n', stderr);
323     gts_surface_print_stats (s, stderr);
324     fprintf (stderr, "# volume: %g area: %g\n",
325 	     gts_surface_volume (s), gts_surface_area (s));
326   }
328   /* write resulting surface to standard output */
329   if (progressive)
330     gts_psurface_write (ps, stdout);
331   else
332     gts_surface_write (s, stdout);
334   return 0; /* success */
335 }