1 /****************************************************************
2 Copyright 1990 - 1994 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore.
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
5 and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
6 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
7 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
8 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
9 documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories,
10 Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in
11 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
12 software without specific, written prior permission.
14 AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to
15 this software, including all implied warranties of
16 merchantability and fitness.  In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or
17 Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential
18 damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
19 data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or
20 other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the
21 use or performance of this software.
22 ****************************************************************/
23 #include "defs.h"
24 #include "usignal.h"
26 char binread[] = "rb", textread[] = "r";
27 char binwrite[] = "wb", textwrite[] = "w";
28 char *c_functions	= "c_functions";
29 char *coutput		= "c_output";
30 char *initfname		= "raw_data";
31 char *initbname		= "raw_data.b";
32 char *blkdfname		= "block_data";
33 char *p1_file		= "p1_file";
34 char *p1_bakfile	= "p1_file.BAK";
35 char *sortfname		= "init_file";
36 char *proto_fname	= "proto_file";
38 char link_msg[]		= "-lf2c -lm"; /* was "-lF77 -lI77 -lm -lc"; */
40 char *outbuf = "", *outbtail;
42 #ifndef TMPDIR
43 #ifdef MSDOS
44 #define TMPDIR ""
45 #else
46 #define TMPDIR "/tmp"
47 #endif
48 #endif
50 char *tmpdir = TMPDIR;
51 #ifndef MSDOS
52 #ifndef KR_headers
53 extern int getpid(void);
54 #endif
55 #endif
57  void
58 #ifdef KR_headers
Un_link_all(cdelete)59 Un_link_all(cdelete)
60 	int cdelete;
61 #else
62 Un_link_all(int cdelete)
63 #endif
64 {
65 #ifndef KR_headers
66 	extern int unlink(const char *);
67 #endif
68 	if (!debugflag) {
69 		unlink(c_functions);
70 		unlink(initfname);
71 		unlink(p1_file);
72 		unlink(sortfname);
73 		unlink(blkdfname);
74 		if (cdelete && coutput)
75 			unlink(coutput);
76 		}
77 	}
79  void
set_tmp_names(Void)80 set_tmp_names(Void)
81 {
82 	int k;
83 	if (debugflag == 1)
84 		return;
85 	k = strlen(tmpdir) + 24;
86 	c_functions = (char *)ckalloc(7*k);
87 	initfname = c_functions + k;
88 	initbname = initfname + k;
89 	blkdfname = initbname + k;
90 	p1_file = blkdfname + k;
91 	p1_bakfile = p1_file + k;
92 	sortfname = p1_bakfile + k;
93 	{
94 #ifdef MSDOS
95 	char buf[64], *s, *t;
96 	if (!*tmpdir || *tmpdir == '.' && !tmpdir[1])
97 		t = "";
98 	else {
99 		/* substitute \ for / to avoid confusion with a
100 		 * switch indicator in the system("sort ...")
101 		 * call in formatdata.c
102 		 */
103 		for(s = tmpdir, t = buf; *s; s++, t++)
104 			if ((*t = *s) == '/')
105 				*t = '\\';
106 		if (t[-1] != '\\')
107 			*t++ = '\\';
108 		*t = 0;
109 		t = buf;
110 		}
111 	sprintf(c_functions, "%sf2c_func", t);
112 	sprintf(initfname, "%sf2c_rd", t);
113 	sprintf(blkdfname, "%sf2c_blkd", t);
114 	sprintf(p1_file, "%sf2c_p1f", t);
115 	sprintf(p1_bakfile, "%sf2c_p1fb", t);
116 	sprintf(sortfname, "%sf2c_sort", t);
117 #else
118 	long pid = getpid();
119 	sprintf(c_functions, "%s/f2c%ld_func", tmpdir, pid);
120 	sprintf(initfname, "%s/f2c%ld_rd", tmpdir, pid);
121 	sprintf(blkdfname, "%s/f2c%ld_blkd", tmpdir, pid);
122 	sprintf(p1_file, "%s/f2c%ld_p1f", tmpdir, pid);
123 	sprintf(p1_bakfile, "%s/f2c%ld_p1fb", tmpdir, pid);
124 	sprintf(sortfname, "%s/f2c%ld_sort", tmpdir, pid);
125 #endif
126 	sprintf(initbname, "%s.b", initfname);
127 	}
128 	if (debugflag)
129 		fprintf(diagfile, "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", c_functions,
130 			initfname, blkdfname, p1_file, p1_bakfile, sortfname);
131 	}
133  char *
134 #ifdef KR_headers
c_name(s,ft)135 c_name(s, ft)
136 	char *s;
137 	int ft;
138 #else
139 c_name(char *s, int ft)
140 #endif
141 {
142 	char *b, *s0;
143 	int c;
145 	b = s0 = s;
146 	while(c = *s++)
147 		if (c == '/')
148 			b = s;
149 	if (--s < s0 + 3 || s[-2] != '.'
150 			 || ((c = *--s) != 'f' && c != 'F')) {
151 		infname = s0;
152 		Fatal("file name must end in .f or .F");
153 		}
154 	strcpy(outbtail, b);
155 	outbtail[s-b] = ft;
156 	b = copys(outbuf);
157 	return b;
158 	}
160  static void
161 #ifdef KR_headers
killed(sig)162 killed(sig)
163 	int sig;
164 #else
165 killed(int sig)
166 #endif
167 {
168 	sig = sig;	/* shut up warning */
169 	signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
170 #ifdef SIGQUIT
171 	signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
172 #endif
173 #ifdef SIGHUP
174 	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
175 #endif
176 	signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
177 	Un_link_all(1);
178 	exit(126);
179 	}
181  static void
182 #ifdef KR_headers
sig1catch(sig)183 sig1catch(sig)
184 	int sig;
185 #else
186 sig1catch(int sig)
187 #endif
188 {
189 	sig = sig;	/* shut up warning */
190 	if (signal(sig, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
191 		signal(sig, killed);
192 	}
194  static void
195 #ifdef KR_headers
flovflo(sig)196 flovflo(sig)
197 	int sig;
198 #else
199 flovflo(int sig)
200 #endif
201 {
202 	sig = sig;	/* shut up warning */
203 	Fatal("floating exception during constant evaluation; cannot recover");
204 	/* vax returns a reserved operand that generates
205 	   an illegal operand fault on next instruction,
206 	   which if ignored causes an infinite loop.
207 	*/
208 	signal(SIGFPE, flovflo);
209 }
211  void
212 #ifdef KR_headers
sigcatch(sig)213 sigcatch(sig)
214 	int sig;
215 #else
216 sigcatch(int sig)
217 #endif
218 {
219 	sig = sig;	/* shut up warning */
220 	sig1catch(SIGINT);
221 #ifdef SIGQUIT
222 	sig1catch(SIGQUIT);
223 #endif
224 #ifdef SIGHUP
225 	sig1catch(SIGHUP);
226 #endif
227 	sig1catch(SIGTERM);
228 	signal(SIGFPE, flovflo);  /* catch overflows */
229 	}
dofork(Void)232 dofork(Void)
233 {
234 #ifdef MSDOS
235 	Fatal("Only one Fortran input file allowed under MS-DOS");
236 #else
237 #ifndef KR_headers
238 	extern int fork(void), wait(int*);
239 #endif
240 	int pid, status, w;
241 	extern int retcode;
243 	if (!(pid = fork()))
244 		return 1;
245 	if (pid == -1)
246 		Fatal("bad fork");
247 	while((w = wait(&status)) != pid)
248 		if (w == -1)
249 			Fatal("bad wait code");
250 	retcode |= status >> 8;
251 #endif
252 	return 0;
253 	}
255 /* Initialization of tables that change with the character set... */
257 char escapes[Table_size];
259 #ifdef non_ASCII
260 char *str_fmt[Table_size];
261 static char *str0fmt[127] = { /*}*/
262 #else
263 char *str_fmt[Table_size] = {
264 #endif
265  "\\000", "\\001", "\\002", "\\003", "\\004", "\\005", "\\006", "\\007",
266    "\\b",   "\\t",   "\\n", "\\013",   "\\f",   "\\r", "\\016", "\\017",
267  "\\020", "\\021", "\\022", "\\023", "\\024", "\\025", "\\026", "\\027",
268  "\\030", "\\031", "\\032", "\\033", "\\034", "\\035", "\\036", "\\037",
269      " ",     "!",  "\\\"",     "#",     "$",     "%%",    "&",     "'",
270      "(",     ")",     "*",     "+",     ",",     "-",     ".",     "/",
271      "0",     "1",     "2",     "3",     "4",     "5",     "6",     "7",
272      "8",     "9",     ":",     ";",     "<",     "=",     ">",     "?",
273      "@",     "A",     "B",     "C",     "D",     "E",     "F",     "G",
274      "H",     "I",     "J",     "K",     "L",     "M",     "N",     "O",
275      "P",     "Q",     "R",     "S",     "T",     "U",     "V",     "W",
276      "X",     "Y",     "Z",     "[",  "\\\\",     "]",     "^",     "_",
277      "`",     "a",     "b",     "c",     "d",     "e",     "f",     "g",
278      "h",     "i",     "j",     "k",     "l",     "m",     "n",     "o",
279      "p",     "q",     "r",     "s",     "t",     "u",     "v",     "w",
280      "x",     "y",     "z",     "{",     "|",     "}",     "~"
281      };
283 #ifdef non_ASCII
284 char *chr_fmt[Table_size];
285 static char *chr0fmt[127] = {	/*}*/
286 #else
287 char *chr_fmt[Table_size] = {
288 #endif
289    "\\0",   "\\1",   "\\2",   "\\3",   "\\4",   "\\5",   "\\6",   "\\7",
290    "\\b",   "\\t",   "\\n",  "\\13",   "\\f",   "\\r",  "\\16",  "\\17",
291   "\\20",  "\\21",  "\\22",  "\\23",  "\\24",  "\\25",  "\\26",  "\\27",
292   "\\30",  "\\31",  "\\32",  "\\33",  "\\34",  "\\35",  "\\36",  "\\37",
293      " ",     "!",    "\"",     "#",     "$",     "%%",    "&",   "\\'",
294      "(",     ")",     "*",     "+",     ",",     "-",     ".",     "/",
295      "0",     "1",     "2",     "3",     "4",     "5",     "6",     "7",
296      "8",     "9",     ":",     ";",     "<",     "=",     ">",     "?",
297      "@",     "A",     "B",     "C",     "D",     "E",     "F",     "G",
298      "H",     "I",     "J",     "K",     "L",     "M",     "N",     "O",
299      "P",     "Q",     "R",     "S",     "T",     "U",     "V",     "W",
300      "X",     "Y",     "Z",     "[",  "\\\\",     "]",     "^",     "_",
301      "`",     "a",     "b",     "c",     "d",     "e",     "f",     "g",
302      "h",     "i",     "j",     "k",     "l",     "m",     "n",     "o",
303      "p",     "q",     "r",     "s",     "t",     "u",     "v",     "w",
304      "x",     "y",     "z",     "{",     "|",     "}",     "~"
305      };
307  void
fmt_init(Void)308 fmt_init(Void)
309 {
310 	static char *str1fmt[6] =
311 		{ "\\b", "\\t", "\\n", "\\f", "\\r", "\\%03o" };
312 	register int i, j;
313 	register char *s;
315 	/* str_fmt */
317 #ifdef non_ASCII
318 	i = 0;
319 #else
320 	i = 127;
321 #endif
322 	for(; i < Table_size; i++)
323 		str_fmt[i] = "\\%03o";
324 #ifdef non_ASCII
325 	for(i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
326 		s = str0fmt[i];
327 		str_fmt[*(unsigned char *)s] = s;
328 		}
329 	str_fmt['"'] = "\\\"";
330 #else
331 	if (Ansi == 1)
332 		str_fmt[7] = chr_fmt[7] = "\\a";
333 #endif
335 	/* chr_fmt */
337 #ifdef non_ASCII
338 	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
339 		chr_fmt[i] = chr0fmt[i];
340 #else
341 	i = 127;
342 #endif
343 	for(; i < Table_size; i++)
344 		chr_fmt[i] = "\\%o";
345 #ifdef non_ASCII
346 	for(i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
347 		s = chr0fmt[i];
348 		j = *(unsigned char *)s;
349 		if (j == '\\')
350 			j = *(unsigned char *)(s+1);
351 		chr_fmt[j] = s;
352 		}
353 #endif
355 	/* escapes (used in lex.c) */
357 	for(i = 0; i < Table_size; i++)
358 		escapes[i] = i;
359 	for(s = "btnfr0", i = 0; i < 6; i++)
360 		escapes[*(unsigned char *)s++] = "\b\t\n\f\r"[i];
361 	/* finish str_fmt and chr_fmt */
363 	if (Ansi)
364 		str1fmt[5] = "\\v";
365 	if ('\v' == 'v') { /* ancient C compiler */
366 		str1fmt[5] = "v";
367 #ifndef non_ASCII
368 		escapes['v'] = 11;
369 #endif
370 		}
371 	else
372 		escapes['v'] = '\v';
373 	for(s = "\b\t\n\f\r\v", i = 0; j = *(unsigned char *)s++;)
374 		str_fmt[j] = chr_fmt[j] = str1fmt[i++];
375 	/* '\v' = 11 for both EBCDIC and ASCII... */
376 	chr_fmt[11] = Ansi ? "\\v" : "\\13";
377 	}
379  void
outbuf_adjust(Void)380 outbuf_adjust(Void)
381 {
382 	int n, n1;
383 	char *s;
385 	n = n1 = strlen(outbuf);
386 	if (*outbuf && outbuf[n-1] != '/')
387 		n1++;
388 	s = Alloc(n+64);
389 	outbtail = s + n1;
390 	strcpy(s, outbuf);
391 	if (n != n1)
392 		strcpy(s+n, "/");
393 	outbuf = s;
394 	}
397 /* Unless SYSTEM_SORT is defined, the following gives a simple
398  * in-core version of dsort().  On Fortran source with huge DATA
399  * statements, the in-core version may exhaust the available memory,
400  * in which case you might either recompile this source file with
401  * SYSTEM_SORT defined (if that's reasonable on your system), or
402  * replace the dsort below with a more elaborate version that
403  * does a merging sort with the help of auxiliary files.
404  */
406 #ifdef SYSTEM_SORT
408  int
409 #ifdef KR_headers
dsort(from,to)410 dsort(from, to)
411 	char *from;
412 	char *to;
413 #else
414 dsort(char *from, char *to)
415 #endif
416 {
417 	char buf[200];
418 	sprintf(buf, "sort <%s >%s", from, to);
419 	return system(buf) >> 8;
420 	}
421 #else
423  static int
424 #ifdef KR_headers
compare(a,b)425  compare(a,b)
426   char *a, *b;
427 #else
428  compare(const void *a, const void *b)
429 #endif
430 { return strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b); }
432 #ifdef KR_headers
dsort(from,to)433 dsort(from, to)
434 	char *from;
435 	char *to;
436 #else
437 dsort(char *from, char *to)
438 #endif
439 {
440 	struct Memb {
441 		struct Memb *next;
442 		int n;
443 		char buf[32000];
444 		};
445 	typedef struct Memb memb;
446 	memb *mb, *mb1;
447 	register char *x, *x0, *xe;
448 	register int c, n;
449 	FILE *f;
450 	char **z, **z0;
451 	int nn = 0;
453 	f = opf(from, textread);
454 	mb = (memb *)Alloc(sizeof(memb));
455 	mb->next = 0;
456 	x0 = x = mb->buf;
457 	xe = x + sizeof(mb->buf);
458 	n = 0;
459 	for(;;) {
460 		c = getc(f);
461 		if (x >= xe && (c != EOF || x != x0)) {
462 			if (!n)
463 				return 126;
464 			nn += n;
465 			mb->n = n;
466 			mb1 = (memb *)Alloc(sizeof(memb));
467 			mb1->next = mb;
468 			mb = mb1;
469 			memcpy(mb->buf, x0, n = x-x0);
470 			x0 = mb->buf;
471 			x = x0 + n;
472 			xe = x0 + sizeof(mb->buf);
473 			n = 0;
474 			}
475 		if (c == EOF)
476 			break;
477 		if (c == '\n') {
478 			++n;
479 			*x++ = 0;
480 			x0 = x;
481 			}
482 		else
483 			*x++ = c;
484 		}
485 	clf(&f, from, 1);
486 	f = opf(to, textwrite);
487 	if (x > x0) { /* shouldn't happen */
488 		*x = 0;
489 		++n;
490 		}
491 	mb->n = n;
492 	nn += n;
493 	if (!nn) /* shouldn't happen */
494 		goto done;
495 	z = z0 = (char **)Alloc(nn*sizeof(char *));
496 	for(mb1 = mb; mb1; mb1 = mb1->next) {
497 		x = mb1->buf;
498 		n = mb1->n;
499 		for(;;) {
500 			*z++ = x;
501 			if (--n <= 0)
502 				break;
503 			while(*x++);
504 			}
505 		}
506 	qsort((char *)z0, nn, sizeof(char *), compare);
507 	for(n = nn, z = z0; n > 0; n--)
508 		fprintf(f, "%s\n", *z++);
509 	free((char *)z0);
510  done:
511 	clf(&f, to, 1);
512 	do {
513 		mb1 = mb->next;
514 		free((char *)mb);
515 		}
516 		while(mb = mb1);
517 	return 0;
518 	}
519 #endif