1 /* This source file is part of the Avogadro project.
2    It is released under the 3-Clause BSD License, see "LICENSE". */
7 #include <vtkDoubleArray.h>
8 #include <vtkFloatArray.h>
9 #include <vtkImageData.h>
10 #include <vtkIntArray.h>
11 #include <vtkMath.h>
12 #include <vtkPointData.h>
13 #include <vtkTable.h>
15 #include <cmath>
17 namespace Avogadro {
19 /** Single component integral type specialization. */
20 template <typename T,
21           typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
calcHistogram(T * values,const vtkIdType numTuples,const float min,const float inv,int * pops,int &)22 void calcHistogram(T* values, const vtkIdType numTuples, const float min,
23                    const float inv, int* pops, int&)
24 {
25   for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numTuples; ++j) {
26     ++pops[static_cast<int>((*values++ - min) * inv)];
27   }
28 }
30 /** Needs to be present, should never be compiled. */
31 template <typename T>
calcHistogram(T *,const vtkIdType,int *)32 void calcHistogram(T*, const vtkIdType, int*)
33 {
34   static_assert(!std::is_same<unsigned char, T>::value, "Invalid type");
35 }
37 /** Single component unsigned char covering 0 -> 255 range. */
calcHistogram(unsigned char * values,const vtkIdType numTuples,int * pops)38 void calcHistogram(unsigned char* values, const vtkIdType numTuples, int* pops)
39 {
40   for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numTuples; ++j) {
41     ++pops[*values++];
42   }
43 }
45 /** Single component floating point type specialization. */
46 template <typename T,
47           typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
calcHistogram(T * values,const vtkIdType numTuples,const float min,const float inv,int * pops,int & invalid)48 void calcHistogram(T* values, const vtkIdType numTuples, const float min,
49                    const float inv, int* pops, int& invalid)
50 {
51   for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numTuples; ++j) {
52     T value = *(values++);
53     if (std::isfinite(value)) {
54       ++pops[static_cast<int>((value - min) * inv)];
55     } else {
56       ++invalid;
57     }
58   }
59 }
61 /**
62  * Computes a histogram from an array of values.
63  * \param values The array from which to compute the histogram.
64  * \param numTuples Number of tuples in the array.
65  * \param numComponents Number of components in each tuple.
66  * \param min Minimum value in range
67  * \param max Maximum value in range
68  * \param inv Inverse of bin size, numBins is the number of bins
69  * in the histogram (or length of the pops array), and invalid is a return
70  * parameter indicating how many values in the array had a non-finite value.
71  */
72 template <typename T>
CalculateHistogram(T * values,const vtkIdType numTuples,const vtkIdType numComponents,const float min,const float max,int * pops,const float inv,int & invalid)73 void CalculateHistogram(T* values, const vtkIdType numTuples,
74                         const vtkIdType numComponents, const float min,
75                         const float max, int* pops, const float inv,
76                         int& invalid)
77 {
78   // Single component is a simpler/faster path, let's dispatch separately.
79   if (numComponents == 1) {
80     // Very fast path for unsigned char in 0 -> 255 range, or fast path.
81     if (std::is_same<T, unsigned char>::value && min == 0.f && max == 255.f) {
82       calcHistogram(values, numTuples, pops);
83     } else {
84       calcHistogram(values, numTuples, min, inv, pops, invalid);
85     }
86   } else {
87     // Multicomponent magnitude
88     for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numTuples; ++j) {
89       // Check that all components are valid.
90       bool valid = true;
91       double squaredSum = 0.0;
92       for (vtkIdType c = 0; c < numComponents; ++c) {
93         T value = *(values + c);
94         if (!vtkMath::IsFinite(value)) {
95           valid = false;
96           break;
97         }
98         squaredSum += (value * value);
99       }
100       if (valid) {
101         int index = static_cast<int>((sqrt(squaredSum) - min) * inv);
102         ++pops[index];
103       } else {
104         ++invalid;
105       }
106       values += numComponents;
107     }
108   }
109 }
PopulateHistogram(vtkImageData * input,vtkTable * output)111 void PopulateHistogram(vtkImageData* input, vtkTable* output)
112 {
113   // The output table will have the twice the number of columns, they will be
114   // the x and y for input column. This is the bin centers, and the population.
115   double minmax[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 };
117   // This number of bins in the 2D histogram will also be used as the number of
118   // bins in the 2D transfer function for X (scalar value) and Y (gradient mag.)
119   const int numberOfBins = 256;
121   // Keep the array we are working on around even if the user shallow copies
122   // over the input image data by incrementing the reference count here.
123   vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> arrayPtr = input->GetPointData()->GetScalars();
124   if (!arrayPtr) {
125     return;
126   }
128   // The bin values are the centers, extending +/- half an inc either side
129   arrayPtr->GetFiniteRange(minmax, -1);
130   if (minmax[0] == minmax[1]) {
131     minmax[1] = minmax[0] + 1.0;
132   }
134   double inc = (minmax[1] - minmax[0]) / (numberOfBins - 1);
135   double halfInc = inc / 2.0;
136   vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> extents =
137     vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(output->GetColumnByName("image_extents"));
138   if (!extents) {
139     extents = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
140     extents->SetName("image_extents");
141   }
142   extents->SetNumberOfTuples(numberOfBins);
143   double min = minmax[0] + halfInc;
144   for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBins; ++j) {
145     extents->SetValue(j, min + j * inc);
146   }
147   vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray> populations =
148     vtkIntArray::SafeDownCast(output->GetColumnByName("image_pops"));
149   if (!populations) {
150     populations = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
151     populations->SetName("image_pops");
152   }
153   populations->SetNumberOfTuples(numberOfBins);
154   auto pops = static_cast<int*>(populations->GetVoidPointer(0));
155   for (int k = 0; k < numberOfBins; ++k) {
156     pops[k] = 0;
157   }
158   int invalid = 0;
160   switch (arrayPtr->GetDataType()) {
161     vtkTemplateMacro(CalculateHistogram(
162       reinterpret_cast<VTK_TT*>(arrayPtr->GetVoidPointer(0)),
163       arrayPtr->GetNumberOfTuples(), arrayPtr->GetNumberOfComponents(),
164       minmax[0], minmax[1], pops, 1.0 / inc, invalid));
165     default:
166       cout << "UpdateFromFile: Unknown data type" << endl;
167   }
169 #ifndef NDEBUG
170   vtkIdType total = invalid;
171   for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBins; ++i)
172     total += pops[i];
173   assert(total == arrayPtr->GetNumberOfTuples());
174 #endif
175   if (invalid) {
176     cout << "Warning: NaN or infinite value in dataset" << endl;
177   }
179   output->AddColumn(extents);
180   output->AddColumn(populations);
181 }
183 } // namespace Avogadro