1 //
2 // BAGEL - Brilliantly Advanced General Electronic Structure Library
3 // Filename: ras/determinants.cc
4 // Copyright (C) 2013 Toru Shiozaki
5 //
6 // Author: Shane Parker <shane.parker@u.northwestern.edu>
7 // Maintainer: Shiozaki group
8 //
9 // This file is part of the BAGEL package.
10 //
11 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 // (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // GNU General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 //
25 #include <iostream>
26 #include <iomanip>
27 #include <cassert>
29 #include <src/util/combination.hpp>
30 #include <src/ci/ras/determinants.h>
32 using namespace std;
33 using namespace bagel;
RASDeterminants(const int norb1,const int norb2,const int norb3,const int nelea,const int neleb,const int max_holes,const int max_particles,const bool mute)35 RASDeterminants::RASDeterminants(const int norb1, const int norb2, const int norb3, const int nelea, const int neleb,
36                                  const int max_holes, const int max_particles, const bool mute)
37  : ras_{{norb1, norb2, norb3}}, max_holes_(max_holes), max_particles_(max_particles) {
39   if ( nelea < 0 || neleb < 0) throw runtime_error("nele < 0");
41   // check that nbit__ is big enough
42   if ( max_particles_ >= nbit__ || std::max(nelea,neleb) >= nbit__)
43     throw logic_error("Inappropriate value for \"nbit__\". Must be greater than nele AND max_particles");
45   // Construct spaces and with them, a list of strings
46   if (!mute) cout << " o Restricted Active Spaces:" << endl;
47   if (!mute) cout << "   - RAS1 -> " << ras_[0] << endl;
48   if (!mute) cout << "   - RAS2 -> " << ras_[1] << endl;
49   if (!mute) cout << "   - RAS3 -> " << ras_[2] << endl << endl;
51   if (!mute) cout << " o Constructing all possible strings with up to " << max_holes_ << " holes and " << max_particles_ << " particles" << endl;
52   {
53     list<shared_ptr<const RASString>> alpha;
54     list<shared_ptr<const RASString>> beta;
56     for (int nholes = 0; nholes <= max_holes_; ++nholes) {
57       const int nele1 = norb1 - nholes;
58       for (int nparticles = 0; nparticles <= max_particles_; ++nparticles) {
59         const int nele3 = nparticles;
60         const int nele2a = nelea - (nele1 + nele3);
61         const int nele2b = neleb - (nele1 + nele3);
63         if (nele1 >= 0 && nele3 <= norb3) {
64           if (nele2a >= 0 && nele2a <= norb2) {
65             auto astring = make_shared<RASString>(nele1, norb1, nele2a, norb2, nele3, norb3);
66             if (astring->size() > 0)
67               alpha.push_back(astring);
68           }
70           if (nele2b >= 0 && nele2b <= norb2) {
71             auto bstring = make_shared<RASString>(nele1, norb1, nele2b, norb2, nele3, norb3);
72             if (bstring->size() > 0)
73               beta.push_back(bstring);
74           }
75         }
76       }
77     }
78     if (!alpha.empty())
79       alphaspaces_ = make_shared<CIStringSet<RASString>>(alpha);
80     if (!beta.empty())
81       betaspaces_ = make_shared<CIStringSet<RASString>>(beta);
82   }
84   size_ = 0;
86   if (alphaspaces_ && betaspaces_) {
87     if (alphaspaces_->size()*betaspaces_->size() > 0) {
88       if (!mute) cout << "   - alpha strings: " << alphaspaces_->size() << endl;
89       if (!mute) cout << "   - beta strings: "  <<  betaspaces_->size() << endl << endl;
91       if (!mute) cout << " o Constructing alpha and beta displacement lists" << endl;
92       construct_phis_<0>(alphaspaces_, phia_, phia_ij_);
93       if (!mute) cout << "   - alpha lists: " << phia_->size() << endl;
94       construct_phis_<1>(betaspaces_, phib_, phib_ij_);
95       if (!mute) cout << "   - beta lists: "  << phib_->size() << endl;
97       if (!mute) cout << " o Constructing pairs of allowed string spaces" << endl;
99       for (int nholes = 0; nholes <= max_holes_; ++nholes) {
100         for (int nha = nholes; nha >= 0; --nha) {
101           const int nhb = nholes - nha;
102           for (int npart = 0; npart <= max_particles_; ++npart) {
103             for (int npa = npart; npa >= 0; --npa) {
104               const int npb = npart - npa;
106               auto block = make_shared<const CIBlockInfo<RASString>>(space<0>(nha, npa), space<1>(nhb, npb), size_);
107               blockinfo_.push_back(block);
108               if (!block->empty()) size_ += block->size();
109             }
110           }
111         }
112       }
113     }
114     if (!mute) cout << "   - size of restricted space: " << size_ << endl;
115   }
116 }
spin_adapt(const int spin,const bitset<nbit__> alpha,const bitset<nbit__> beta) const118 pair<vector<tuple<bitset<nbit__>, bitset<nbit__>, int>>, double> RASDeterminants::spin_adapt(const int spin, const bitset<nbit__> alpha, const bitset<nbit__> beta) const {
119   vector<tuple<bitset<nbit__>, bitset<nbit__>, int>> out;
121   // bit pattern for doubly occupied orbitals
122   bitset<nbit__> common = (alpha & beta);
124   bitset<nbit__> alpha_without_common = alpha ^ common;
125   bitset<nbit__> beta_without_common = beta ^ common;
127   // alpha pattern without highest spin orbitals
128   vector<int> salpha_array = bit_to_numbers(alpha_without_common);
129   vector<int> ualpha_array;
130   if (salpha_array.size() < spin) throw logic_error("Something is wrong? Determinants::spin_adapt");
131   for (int i = 0; i != spin; ++i) {
132     ualpha_array.push_back(salpha_array.back());
133     salpha_array.pop_back();
134   }
135   bitset<nbit__> salpha = numbers_to_bit(salpha_array);
136   bitset<nbit__> ualpha = numbers_to_bit(ualpha_array);
137   bitset<nbit__> common_plus_alpha(common.to_ulong() + ualpha.to_ulong());
139   // number of unpaired alpha orbitals (minus Ms)
140   const int nalpha = salpha.count();
142   // a vector of number that specify open orbitals
143   vector<int> open = bit_to_numbers(salpha^beta_without_common);
144   assert((salpha^beta_without_common) == (salpha|beta_without_common));
146   // take a linear combination to make a vector singlet coupled.
147   // TODO for the time being, we just leave Ms highest orbitals and singlet-couple other orbitals
148   assert(nalpha*2 == open.size());
149   int icnt = 0;
150   do {
151     bitset<nbit__> ialpha = common_plus_alpha;
152     bitset<nbit__> ibeta = common;
153     for (int i =0; i!=nalpha; ++i) ialpha.flip(open[i]);
154     for (int i=nalpha; i!=open.size(); ++i) ibeta.flip(open[i]);
156     // sign is always compensated by moving alpha to the left and beta to the right
157     // our convention is (aaaa)(bbbb)|0> due to the alpha-beta string algorithm
158     const double sign = 1.0;
160     out.push_back(make_tuple(ibeta, ialpha, sign));
161     ++icnt;
162   } while (boost::next_combination(open.begin(), open.begin()+nalpha, open.end()));
164   // scale to make the vector normalized
165   const double factor = 1.0/sqrt(static_cast<double>(icnt));
166   return {out, factor};
167 }