1 //
2 // Author: Hai-Anh Le <anh@u.northwestern.edu>
3 // Date: January 31, 2014
4 //
10 #include <cmath>
11 #include <vector>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <iomanip>
14 #include "mpreal.h"
16 using namespace mpfr;
17 static const double pi__ = std::atan(1.0)*4.0;
19 namespace test {
21 template<typename T, typename... Value>
22 class RadialInt {
24   protected:
25     bool print_intermediate_;
26     int max_iter_;
27     double thresh_int_;
28     std::vector<double> x_, w_, r_;
29     double integral_;
31   public:
32     RadialInt(Value... tail, const bool print = false, const int max_iter = 100, const double thresh_int = 1e-10) :
print_intermediate_(print)33       print_intermediate_(print),
34       max_iter_(max_iter),
35       thresh_int_(thresh_int)
36     {
37       T function(tail...);
38       integrate(function);
39     }
~RadialInt()41     ~RadialInt() {}
integrate(T function)43     void integrate(T function) {
44       mpreal previous = 0.0;
45       int ngrid = 31;
46       for (int iter = 0; iter != max_iter_; ++iter) {
47         transform_Becke(ngrid);
48 //      transform_Log(ngrid, 3); //TODO: to be checked
49 //      transform_Ahlrichs(ngrid);
50         mpreal ans = 0.0;
51         int cnt = 0;
52         for (auto& it : r_) {
53           ans += function.compute(it) * w_[cnt++];
54         }
55         const mpreal error = ans - previous;
56         if (print_intermediate_)
57            std::cout << "Iter = " << std::setw(5) << iter << std::setw(10) << "npts = " << std::setw(10) << ngrid
58                      << std::setw(10) << "ans = " << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(10) << ans
59                      << std::setw(10) << "err = " << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(10) << error << std::endl;
60         if (fabs(error) < thresh_int_ && iter != 0) {
61           if (print_intermediate_) {
62             std::cout << "Integration converged..." << std::endl;
63             std::cout << "Radial integral = " << ans << std::endl;
64           }
65           integral_ = ans.toDouble();
66           break;
67         } else if (iter == max_iter_-1) {
68           std::cout << "Max iteration exceeded..." << std::endl;
69         }
70         previous = ans;
71         x_.clear();
72         w_.clear();
73         r_.clear();
74         ngrid *= 2;
75       }
76     }
integral()78     double integral() { return integral_; }
80     void transform_Log(const int ngrid, const int m = 3) { // Mura and Knowles JCP, 104, 9848.
81       w_.resize(ngrid);
82       r_.resize(ngrid);
83       const double alpha = 5.0;
84       for (int i = 1; i <= ngrid; ++i) {
85         const double x = i / (ngrid + 1.0);
86         const double xm = 1.0 - std::pow(x, m);
87         r_[i-1] = - alpha * std::log(xm);
88         w_[i-1] = std::pow(r_[i-1], 2) * alpha * m * std::pow(x, m-1) / (xm * (ngrid + 1.0));
89       }
90     }
transform_Ahlrichs(const int ngrid)92     void transform_Ahlrichs(const int ngrid) { // Treutler and Ahlrichs JCP, 102, 346.
93       GaussChebyshev2nd(ngrid);
94       r_.resize(ngrid);
95       const double alpha = 1.0;
96       for (int i = 0; i != ngrid; ++i) {
97         const double exp = 0.6;
98         const double prefactor = alpha / std::log(2.0);
99         r_[i]  = prefactor * std::pow(1.0 + x_[i], exp) * std::log(2.0 / (1 - x_[i]));
100         w_[i] *= prefactor * (exp * std::pow(1.0 + x_[i], exp - 1.0) * std::log(2.0 / (1.0 - x_[i]))
101                           + std::pow(1.0 + x_[i], exp) / (1.0 - x_[i]));
102       }
103     }
transform_Becke(const int ngrid)105     void transform_Becke(const int ngrid) { // Becke JCP, 88, 2547.
106       GaussChebyshev2nd(ngrid);
107       r_.resize(ngrid);
108       const double alpha = 1.0;
109       for (int i = 0; i != ngrid; ++i) {
110         r_[i] = alpha * (1.0 + x_[i]) / (1.0 - x_[i]);
111         w_[i] *= 2.0 * alpha / std::pow(1.0 - x_[i], 2);
112       }
113     }
GaussChebyshev2nd(const int ngrid)115     void GaussChebyshev2nd(const int ngrid) {
116       x_.resize(ngrid);
117       w_.resize(ngrid);
118       for (int i = 1; i <= ngrid; ++i) {
119         x_[i-1] = std::cos(i * pi__ / (ngrid + 1));
120         w_[i-1] = pi__ * std::sin(i * pi__ / (ngrid + 1)) / (ngrid + 1);
121       }
122     }
124 };
126 }
128 #endif