1 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Programmer(s): Scott D. Cohen, Alan C. Hindmarsh and
3  *                Radu Serban @LLNL
4  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
5  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
6  * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, Lawrence Livermore National Security
7  * and Southern Methodist University.
8  * All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
11  *
12  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
13  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
14  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
15  * Example problem:
16  *
17  * An ODE system is generated from the following 2-species diurnal
18  * kinetics advection-diffusion PDE system in 2 space dimensions:
19  *
20  * dc(i)/dt = Kh*(d/dx)^2 c(i) + V*dc(i)/dx + (d/dy)(Kv(y)*dc(i)/dy)
21  *                 + Ri(c1,c2,t)      for i = 1,2,   where
22  *   R1(c1,c2,t) = -q1*c1*c3 - q2*c1*c2 + 2*q3(t)*c3 + q4(t)*c2 ,
23  *   R2(c1,c2,t) =  q1*c1*c3 - q2*c1*c2 - q4(t)*c2 ,
24  *   Kv(y) = Kv0*exp(y/5) ,
25  * Kh, V, Kv0, q1, q2, and c3 are constants, and q3(t) and q4(t)
26  * vary diurnally. The problem is posed on the square
27  *   0 <= x <= 20,    30 <= y <= 50   (all in km),
28  * with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, and for time t in
29  *   0 <= t <= 86400 sec (1 day).
30  * The PDE system is treated by central differences on a uniform
31  * 10 x 10 mesh, with simple polynomial initial profiles.
32  * The problem is solved with CVODES, with the BDF/GMRES
33  * method (i.e. using the SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver) and a banded
34  * preconditioner, generated by difference quotients, using the
35  * module CVBANDPRE. The problem is solved with left and right
36  * preconditioning.
37  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
38  */
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #include <stdlib.h>
42 #include <math.h>
44 #include <cvodes/cvodes.h>             /* main integrator header file          */
45 #include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>    /* access to serial N_Vector            */
46 #include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spgmr.h> /* access to SPGMR SUNLinearSolver      */
47 #include <cvodes/cvodes_bandpre.h>     /* access to CVBANDPRE module           */
48 #include <sundials/sundials_types.h>   /* defs. of realtype, sunindextype      */
50 /* helpful macros */
52 #ifndef SQR
53 #define SQR(A) ((A)*(A))
54 #endif
56 /* Problem Constants */
58 #define ZERO RCONST(0.0)
59 #define ONE  RCONST(1.0)
60 #define TWO  RCONST(2.0)
62 #define NUM_SPECIES  2                 /* number of species         */
63 #define KH           RCONST(4.0e-6)    /* horizontal diffusivity Kh */
64 #define VEL          RCONST(0.001)     /* advection velocity V      */
65 #define KV0          RCONST(1.0e-8)    /* coefficient in Kv(y)      */
66 #define Q1           RCONST(1.63e-16)  /* coefficients q1, q2, c3   */
67 #define Q2           RCONST(4.66e-16)
68 #define C3           RCONST(3.7e16)
69 #define A3           RCONST(22.62)     /* coefficient in expression for q3(t) */
70 #define A4           RCONST(7.601)     /* coefficient in expression for q4(t) */
71 #define C1_SCALE     RCONST(1.0e6)     /* coefficients in initial profiles    */
72 #define C2_SCALE     RCONST(1.0e12)
74 #define T0           ZERO                /* initial time */
75 #define NOUT         12                  /* number of output times */
76 #define TWOHR        RCONST(7200.0)      /* number of seconds in two hours  */
77 #define HALFDAY      RCONST(4.32e4)      /* number of seconds in a half day */
78 #define PI       RCONST(3.1415926535898) /* pi */
80 #define XMIN         ZERO                /* grid boundaries in x  */
81 #define XMAX         RCONST(20.0)
82 #define YMIN         RCONST(30.0)        /* grid boundaries in y  */
83 #define YMAX         RCONST(50.0)
84 #define XMID         RCONST(10.0)        /* grid midpoints in x,y */
85 #define YMID         RCONST(40.0)
87 #define MX           10             /* MX = number of x mesh points */
88 #define MY           10             /* MY = number of y mesh points */
89 #define NSMX         20             /* NSMX = NUM_SPECIES*MX */
90 #define MM           (MX*MY)        /* MM = MX*MY */
92 /* CVodeInit Constants */
94 #define RTOL    RCONST(1.0e-5)   /* scalar relative tolerance */
95 #define FLOOR   RCONST(100.0)    /* value of C1 or C2 at which tolerances */
96                                  /* change from relative to absolute      */
97 #define ATOL    (RTOL*FLOOR)     /* scalar absolute tolerance */
98 #define NEQ     (NUM_SPECIES*MM) /* NEQ = number of equations */
100 /* User-defined vector and matrix accessor macros: IJKth, IJth */
102 /* IJKth is defined in order to isolate the translation from the
103    mathematical 3-dimensional structure of the dependent variable vector
104    to the underlying 1-dimensional storage. IJth is defined in order to
105    write code which indexes into small dense matrices with a (row,column)
106    pair, where 1 <= row, column <= NUM_SPECIES.
108    IJKth(vdata,i,j,k) references the element in the vdata array for
109    species i at mesh point (j,k), where 1 <= i <= NUM_SPECIES,
110    0 <= j <= MX-1, 0 <= k <= MY-1. The vdata array is obtained via
111    the call vdata = N_VGetArrayPointer(v), where v is an N_Vector.
112    For each mesh point (j,k), the elements for species i and i+1 are
113    contiguous within vdata.
115    IJth(a,i,j) references the (i,j)th entry of the small matrix realtype **a,
116    where 1 <= i,j <= NUM_SPECIES. The small matrix routines in dense.h
117    work with matrices stored by column in a 2-dimensional array. In C,
118    arrays are indexed starting at 0, not 1. */
120 #define IJKth(vdata,i,j,k) (vdata[i-1 + (j)*NUM_SPECIES + (k)*NSMX])
121 #define IJth(a,i,j)        (a[j-1][i-1])
123 /* Type : UserData
124    contains problem constants */
126 typedef struct {
127   realtype q4, om, dx, dy, hdco, haco, vdco;
128 } *UserData;
130 /* Private Helper Functions */
132 static void InitUserData(UserData data);
133 static void SetInitialProfiles(N_Vector u, realtype dx, realtype dy);
134 static void PrintIntro(sunindextype mu, sunindextype ml);
135 static void PrintOutput(void *cvode_mem, N_Vector u, realtype t);
136 static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem);
138 /* Private function to check function return values */
139 static int check_retval(void *returnvalue, const char *funcname, int opt);
141 /* Function Called by the Solver */
143 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector u, N_Vector udot, void *user_data);
145 /*
146  *-------------------------------
147  * Main Program
148  *-------------------------------
149  */
main()151 int main()
152 {
153   realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout;
154   N_Vector u;
155   UserData data;
156   SUNLinearSolver LS;
157   void *cvode_mem;
158   int retval, iout, jpre;
159   sunindextype ml, mu;
161   u = NULL;
162   data = NULL;
163   LS = NULL;
164   cvode_mem = NULL;
166   /* Allocate and initialize u, and set problem data and tolerances */
167   u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
168   if(check_retval((void *)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
169   data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);
170   if(check_retval((void *)data, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
171   InitUserData(data);
172   SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy);
173   abstol = ATOL;
174   reltol = RTOL;
176   /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the
177    * Backward Differentiation Formula */
178   cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF);
179   if(check_retval((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);
181   /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */
182   retval = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
183   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);
185   /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
186    * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
187    * the initial dependent variable vector u. */
188   retval = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
189   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);
191   /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
192    * and scalar absolute tolerances */
193   retval = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
194   if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);
196   /* Call SUNLinSol_SPGMR to specify the linear solver SUNLinSol_SPGMR
197    * with left preconditioning and the default Krylov dimension */
198   LS = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(u, PREC_LEFT, 0);
199   if(check_retval((void *)LS, "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", 0)) return(1);
201   /* Call CVodeSetLinearSolver to attach the linear sovler to CVode */
202   retval = CVodeSetLinearSolver(cvode_mem, LS, NULL);
203   if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetLinearSolver", 1)) return 1;
205   /* Call CVBandPreInit to initialize band preconditioner */
206   ml = mu = 2;
207   retval = CVBandPrecInit(cvode_mem, NEQ, mu, ml);
208   if(check_retval(&retval, "CVBandPrecInit", 0)) return(1);
210   PrintIntro(mu, ml);
212   /* Loop over jpre (= PREC_LEFT, PREC_RIGHT), and solve the problem */
214   for (jpre = PREC_LEFT; jpre <= PREC_RIGHT; jpre++) {
216     /* On second run, re-initialize u, the solver, and SPGMR */
218     if (jpre == PREC_RIGHT) {
220       SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy);
222       retval = CVodeReInit(cvode_mem, T0, u);
223       if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeReInit", 1)) return(1);
225       retval = SUNLinSol_SPGMRSetPrecType(LS, PREC_RIGHT);
226       if(check_retval(&retval, "SUNLinSol_SPGMRSetPrecType", 1)) return(1);
228       retval = CVBandPrecInit(cvode_mem, NEQ, mu, ml);
229       if(check_retval(&retval, "CVBandPrecInit", 0)) return(1);
231       printf("\n\n-------------------------------------------------------");
232       printf("------------\n");
233     }
235     printf("\n\nPreconditioner type is:  jpre = %s\n\n",
236            (jpre == PREC_LEFT) ? "PREC_LEFT" : "PREC_RIGHT");
238     /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */
240     for (iout = 1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) {
241       retval = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
242       check_retval(&retval, "CVode", 1);
243       PrintOutput(cvode_mem, u, t);
244       if (retval != CV_SUCCESS) {
245         break;
246       }
247     }
249     /* Print final statistics */
251     PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem);
253   } /* End of jpre loop */
255   /* Free memory */
256   N_VDestroy(u);
257   free(data);
258   CVodeFree(&cvode_mem);
259   SUNLinSolFree(LS);
261   return(0);
262 }
264 /*
265  *-------------------------------
266  * Private helper functions
267  *-------------------------------
268  */
270 /* Load problem constants in data */
InitUserData(UserData data)272 static void InitUserData(UserData data)
273 {
274   data->om = PI/HALFDAY;
275   data->dx = (XMAX-XMIN)/(MX-1);
276   data->dy = (YMAX-YMIN)/(MY-1);
277   data->hdco = KH/SQR(data->dx);
278   data->haco = VEL/(TWO*data->dx);
279   data->vdco = (ONE/SQR(data->dy))*KV0;
280 }
282 /* Set initial conditions in u */
SetInitialProfiles(N_Vector u,realtype dx,realtype dy)284 static void SetInitialProfiles(N_Vector u, realtype dx, realtype dy)
285 {
286   int jx, jy;
287   realtype x, y, cx, cy;
288   realtype *udata;
290   /* Set pointer to data array in vector u. */
292   udata = N_VGetArrayPointer(u);
294   /* Load initial profiles of c1 and c2 into u vector */
296   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
297     y = YMIN + jy*dy;
298     cy = SQR(RCONST(0.1)*(y - YMID));
299     cy = ONE - cy + RCONST(0.5)*SQR(cy);
300     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
301       x = XMIN + jx*dx;
302       cx = SQR(RCONST(0.1)*(x - XMID));
303       cx = ONE - cx + RCONST(0.5)*SQR(cx);
304       IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy) = C1_SCALE*cx*cy;
305       IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy) = C2_SCALE*cx*cy;
306     }
307   }
308 }
PrintIntro(sunindextype mu,sunindextype ml)310 static void PrintIntro(sunindextype mu, sunindextype ml)
311 {
312   printf("2-species diurnal advection-diffusion problem, %d by %d mesh\n",
313          MX, MY);
314   printf("SPGMR solver; band preconditioner; mu = %ld, ml = %ld\n\n",
315          (long int) mu, (long int) ml);
317   return;
318 }
320 /* Print current t, step count, order, stepsize, and sampled c1,c2 values */
PrintOutput(void * cvode_mem,N_Vector u,realtype t)322 static void PrintOutput(void *cvode_mem, N_Vector u,realtype t)
323 {
324   long int nst;
325   int qu, retval;
326   realtype hu, *udata;
327   int mxh = MX/2 - 1, myh = MY/2 - 1, mx1 = MX - 1, my1 = MY - 1;
329   udata = N_VGetArrayPointer(u);
331   retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
332   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
333   retval = CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem, &qu);
334   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetLastOrder", 1);
335   retval = CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem, &hu);
336   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetLastStep", 1);
339   printf("t = %.2Le   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2Le\n",
340          t, nst, qu, hu);
341   printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3Le  %12.3Le  %12.3Le\n",
342          IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
343   printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3Le  %12.3Le  %12.3Le\n\n",
344          IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
346   printf("t = %.2e   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2e\n",
347          t, nst, qu, hu);
348   printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n",
349          IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
350   printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n\n",
351          IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
352 #else
353   printf("t = %.2e   no. steps = %ld   order = %d   stepsize = %.2e\n",
354          t, nst, qu, hu);
355   printf("c1 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n",
356          IJKth(udata,1,0,0), IJKth(udata,1,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,1,mx1,my1));
357   printf("c2 (bot.left/middle/top rt.) = %12.3e  %12.3e  %12.3e\n\n",
358          IJKth(udata,2,0,0), IJKth(udata,2,mxh,myh), IJKth(udata,2,mx1,my1));
359 #endif
360 }
362 /* Get and print final statistics */
PrintFinalStats(void * cvode_mem)364 static void PrintFinalStats(void *cvode_mem)
365 {
366   long int lenrw, leniw ;
367   long int lenrwLS, leniwLS;
368   long int lenrwBP, leniwBP;
369   long int nst, nfe, nsetups, nni, ncfn, netf;
370   long int nli, npe, nps, ncfl, nfeLS;
371   long int nfeBP;
372   int retval;
374   retval = CVodeGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrw, &leniw);
375   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetWorkSpace", 1);
376   retval = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
377   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
378   retval = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfe);
379   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
380   retval = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem, &nsetups);
381   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups", 1);
382   retval = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &netf);
383   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumErrTestFails", 1);
384   retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem, &nni);
385   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters", 1);
386   retval = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfn);
387   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails", 1);
389   retval = CVodeGetLinWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwLS, &leniwLS);
390   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetLinWorkSpace", 1);
391   retval = CVodeGetNumLinIters(cvode_mem, &nli);
392   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinIters", 1);
393   retval = CVodeGetNumPrecEvals(cvode_mem, &npe);
394   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumPrecEvals", 1);
395   retval = CVodeGetNumPrecSolves(cvode_mem, &nps);
396   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumPrecSolves", 1);
397   retval = CVodeGetNumLinConvFails(cvode_mem, &ncfl);
398   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinConvFails", 1);
399   retval = CVodeGetNumLinRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeLS);
400   check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetNumLinRhsEvals", 1);
402   retval = CVBandPrecGetWorkSpace(cvode_mem, &lenrwBP, &leniwBP);
403   check_retval(&retval, "CVBandPrecGetWorkSpace", 1);
404   retval = CVBandPrecGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem, &nfeBP);
405   check_retval(&retval, "CVBandPrecGetNumRhsEvals", 1);
407   printf("\nFinal Statistics.. \n\n");
408   printf("lenrw   = %5ld     leniw   = %5ld\n"  , lenrw, leniw);
409   printf("lenrwls = %5ld     leniwls = %5ld\n"  , lenrwLS, leniwLS);
410   printf("lenrwbp = %5ld     leniwbp = %5ld\n"  , lenrwBP, leniwBP);
411   printf("nst     = %5ld\n"                     , nst);
412   printf("nfe     = %5ld     nfetot  = %5ld\n"  , nfe, nfe+nfeLS+nfeBP);
413   printf("nfeLS   = %5ld     nfeBP   = %5ld\n"  , nfeLS, nfeBP);
414   printf("nni     = %5ld     nli     = %5ld\n"  , nni, nli);
415   printf("nsetups = %5ld     netf    = %5ld\n"  , nsetups, netf);
416   printf("npe     = %5ld     nps     = %5ld\n"  , npe, nps);
417   printf("ncfn    = %5ld     ncfl    = %5ld\n\n", ncfn, ncfl);
418 }
420 /* Check function return value...
421      opt == 0 means SUNDIALS function allocates memory so check if
422               returned NULL pointer
423      opt == 1 means SUNDIALS function returns an integer value so check if
424               retval < 0
425      opt == 2 means function allocates memory so check if returned
426               NULL pointer */
check_retval(void * returnvalue,const char * funcname,int opt)428 static int check_retval(void *returnvalue, const char *funcname, int opt)
429 {
430   int *retval;
432   /* Check if SUNDIALS function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
433   if (opt == 0 && returnvalue == NULL) {
434     fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
435             funcname);
436     return(1); }
438   /* Check if retval < 0 */
439   else if (opt == 1) {
440     retval = (int *) returnvalue;
441     if (*retval < 0) {
442       fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with retval = %d\n\n",
443               funcname, *retval);
444       return(1); }}
446   /* Check if function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */
447   else if (opt == 2 && returnvalue == NULL) {
448     fprintf(stderr, "\nMEMORY_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n",
449             funcname);
450     return(1); }
452   return(0);
453 }
455 /*
456  *-------------------------------
457  * Function called by the solver
458  *-------------------------------
459  */
461 /* f routine. Compute f(t,u). */
f(realtype t,N_Vector u,N_Vector udot,void * user_data)463 static int f(realtype t, N_Vector u, N_Vector udot,void *user_data)
464 {
465   realtype q3, c1, c2, c1dn, c2dn, c1up, c2up, c1lt, c2lt;
466   realtype c1rt, c2rt, cydn, cyup, hord1, hord2, horad1, horad2;
467   realtype qq1, qq2, qq3, qq4, rkin1, rkin2, s, vertd1, vertd2, ydn, yup;
468   realtype q4coef, dely, verdco, hordco, horaco;
469   realtype *udata, *dudata;
470   int idn, iup, ileft, iright, jx, jy;
471   UserData data;
473   data = (UserData) user_data;
474   udata = N_VGetArrayPointer(u);
475   dudata = N_VGetArrayPointer(udot);
477   /* Set diurnal rate coefficients. */
479   s = sin(data->om*t);
480   if (s > ZERO) {
481     q3 = exp(-A3/s);
482     data->q4 = exp(-A4/s);
483   } else {
484     q3 = ZERO;
485     data->q4 = ZERO;
486   }
488   /* Make local copies of problem variables, for efficiency. */
490   q4coef = data->q4;
491   dely = data->dy;
492   verdco = data->vdco;
493   hordco  = data->hdco;
494   horaco  = data->haco;
496   /* Loop over all grid points. */
498   for (jy = 0; jy < MY; jy++) {
500     /* Set vertical diffusion coefficients at jy +- 1/2 */
502     ydn = YMIN + (jy - RCONST(0.5))*dely;
503     yup = ydn + dely;
504     cydn = verdco*exp(RCONST(0.2)*ydn);
505     cyup = verdco*exp(RCONST(0.2)*yup);
506     idn = (jy == 0) ? 1 : -1;
507     iup = (jy == MY-1) ? -1 : 1;
508     for (jx = 0; jx < MX; jx++) {
510       /* Extract c1 and c2, and set kinetic rate terms. */
512       c1 = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy);
513       c2 = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy);
514       qq1 = Q1*c1*C3;
515       qq2 = Q2*c1*c2;
516       qq3 = q3*C3;
517       qq4 = q4coef*c2;
518       rkin1 = -qq1 - qq2 + TWO*qq3 + qq4;
519       rkin2 = qq1 - qq2 - qq4;
521       /* Set vertical diffusion terms. */
523       c1dn = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+idn);
524       c2dn = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+idn);
525       c1up = IJKth(udata,1,jx,jy+iup);
526       c2up = IJKth(udata,2,jx,jy+iup);
527       vertd1 = cyup*(c1up - c1) - cydn*(c1 - c1dn);
528       vertd2 = cyup*(c2up - c2) - cydn*(c2 - c2dn);
530       /* Set horizontal diffusion and advection terms. */
532       ileft = (jx == 0) ? 1 : -1;
533       iright =(jx == MX-1) ? -1 : 1;
534       c1lt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+ileft,jy);
535       c2lt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+ileft,jy);
536       c1rt = IJKth(udata,1,jx+iright,jy);
537       c2rt = IJKth(udata,2,jx+iright,jy);
538       hord1 = hordco*(c1rt - TWO*c1 + c1lt);
539       hord2 = hordco*(c2rt - TWO*c2 + c2lt);
540       horad1 = horaco*(c1rt - c1lt);
541       horad2 = horaco*(c2rt - c2lt);
543       /* Load all terms into udot. */
545       IJKth(dudata, 1, jx, jy) = vertd1 + hord1 + horad1 + rkin1;
546       IJKth(dudata, 2, jx, jy) = vertd2 + hord2 + horad2 + rkin2;
547     }
548   }
550   return(0);
551 }