1 /*
2  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
3  * Programmer(s): Daniel Reynolds @ SMU
4  *                Scott D. Cohen, Alan C. Hindmarsh, Radu Serban
5  *                   and Dan Shumaker @ LLNL
6  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
7  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
8  * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, Lawrence Livermore National Security
9  * and Southern Methodist University.
10  * All rights reserved.
11  *
12  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
13  *
14  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
15  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
16  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
17  * Implementation header file for the main CVODE integrator.
18  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
19  */
21 #ifndef _CVODE_IMPL_H
22 #define _CVODE_IMPL_H
24 #include <stdarg.h>
25 #include <cvode/cvode.h>
27 #include "cvode_proj_impl.h"
29 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif
33 /*
34  * =================================================================
35  *   M A I N    I N T E G R A T O R    M E M O R Y    B L O C K
36  * =================================================================
37  */
39 /* Basic CVODE constants */
41 #define ADAMS_Q_MAX 12     /* max value of q for lmm == ADAMS     */
42 #define BDF_Q_MAX    5     /* max value of q for lmm == BDF       */
43 #define Q_MAX  ADAMS_Q_MAX /* max value of q for either lmm       */
44 #define L_MAX  (Q_MAX+1)   /* max value of L for either lmm       */
45 #define NUM_TESTS    5     /* number of error test quantities     */
47 #define HMIN_DEFAULT     RCONST(0.0)    /* hmin default value     */
48 #define HMAX_INV_DEFAULT RCONST(0.0)    /* hmax_inv default value */
49 #define MXHNIL_DEFAULT   10             /* mxhnil default value   */
50 #define MXSTEP_DEFAULT   500            /* mxstep default value   */
52 /* Control constants for lower-level functions used by cvStep
53  * ----------------------------------------------------------
54  *
55  * cvHin return values:
56  *    CV_SUCCESS
58  *    CV_TOO_CLOSE
59  *
60  * cvStep control constants:
61  *    DO_ERROR_TEST
63  *
64  * cvStep return values:
65  *    CV_SUCCESS,
70  *
71  * cvNls input nflag values:
72  *    FIRST_CALL
75  *    PREV_ERR_FAIL
76  *
77  * cvNls return values:
78  *    CV_SUCCESS,
81  *
82  * cvNewtonIteration return values:
83  *    CV_SUCCESS,
86  *    TRY_AGAIN
87  *
88  */
90 #define DO_ERROR_TEST    +2
91 #define PREDICT_AGAIN    +3
93 #define TRY_AGAIN        +5
94 #define FIRST_CALL       +6
95 #define PREV_CONV_FAIL   +7
96 #define PREV_PROJ_FAIL   +8
97 #define PREV_ERR_FAIL    +9
99 #define RHSFUNC_RECVR    +10
100 #define CONSTR_RECVR     +11
101 #define CONSTRFUNC_RECVR +12
102 #define PROJFUNC_RECVR   +13
104 /*
105  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
106  * Types : struct CVodeMemRec, CVodeMem
107  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
108  * The type CVodeMem is type pointer to struct CVodeMemRec.
109  * This structure contains fields to keep track of problem state.
110  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
111  */
113 typedef struct CVodeMemRec {
115   realtype cv_uround;    /* machine unit roundoff */
117   /*--------------------------
118     Problem Specification Data
119     --------------------------*/
121   CVRhsFn cv_f;              /* y' = f(t,y(t))                                */
122   void *cv_user_data;        /* user pointer passed to f                      */
123   int cv_lmm;                /* lmm = CV_ADAMS or CV_BDF                      */
124   int cv_itol;               /* itol = CV_SS, CV_SV, CV_WF, CV_NN             */
126   realtype cv_reltol;        /* relative tolerance                            */
127   realtype cv_Sabstol;       /* scalar absolute tolerance                     */
128   N_Vector cv_Vabstol;       /* vector absolute tolerance                     */
129   booleantype cv_atolmin0;   /* flag indicating that min(abstol) = 0          */
130   booleantype cv_user_efun;  /* SUNTRUE if user sets efun                     */
131   CVEwtFn cv_efun;           /* function to set ewt                           */
132   void *cv_e_data;           /* user pointer passed to efun                   */
134   booleantype cv_constraintsSet; /* constraints vector present:
135                                     do constraints calc                       */
137   /*-----------------------
138     Nordsieck History Array
139     -----------------------*/
141   N_Vector cv_zn[L_MAX];  /* Nordsieck array, of size N x (q+1).
142                              zn[j] is a vector of length N (j=0,...,q)
143                              zn[j] = [1/factorial(j)] * h^j * (jth
144                              derivative of the interpolating polynomial       */
146   /*--------------------------
147     other vectors of length N
148     -------------------------*/
150   N_Vector cv_ewt;     /* error weight vector                                 */
151   N_Vector cv_y;       /* y is used as temporary storage by the solver
152                           The memory is provided by the user to CVode
153                           where the vector is named yout.                     */
154   N_Vector cv_acor;    /* In the context of the solution of the nonlinear
155                           equation, acor = y_n(m) - y_n(0). On return,
156                           this vector is scaled to give the est. local err.   */
157   N_Vector cv_tempv;   /* temporary storage vector                            */
158   N_Vector cv_ftemp;   /* temporary storage vector                            */
159   N_Vector cv_vtemp1;  /* temporary storage vector                            */
160   N_Vector cv_vtemp2;  /* temporary storage vector                            */
161   N_Vector cv_vtemp3;  /* temporary storage vector                            */
163   N_Vector cv_constraints; /* vector of inequality constraint options         */
165   /*-----------------
166     Tstop information
167     -----------------*/
169   booleantype cv_tstopset;
170   realtype cv_tstop;
172   /*---------
173     Step Data
174     ---------*/
176   int cv_q;                    /* current order                               */
177   int cv_qprime;               /* order to be used on the next step
178                                   = q-1, q, or q+1                            */
179   int cv_next_q;               /* order to be used on the next step           */
180   int cv_qwait;                /* number of internal steps to wait before
181                                   considering a change in q                   */
182   int cv_L;                    /* L = q + 1                                   */
184   realtype cv_hin;             /* initial step size                           */
185   realtype cv_h;               /* current step size                           */
186   realtype cv_hprime;          /* step size to be used on the next step       */
187   realtype cv_next_h;          /* step size to be used on the next step       */
188   realtype cv_eta;             /* eta = hprime / h                            */
189   realtype cv_hscale;          /* value of h used in zn                       */
190   realtype cv_tn;              /* current internal value of t                 */
191   realtype cv_tretlast;        /* value of tret last returned by CVode        */
193   realtype cv_tau[L_MAX+1];    /* array of previous q+1 successful step
194                                   sizes indexed from 1 to q+1                 */
195   realtype cv_tq[NUM_TESTS+1]; /* array of test quantities indexed from
196                                   1 to NUM_TESTS(=5)                          */
197   realtype cv_l[L_MAX];        /* coefficients of l(x) (degree q poly)        */
199   realtype cv_rl1;              /* the scalar 1/l[1]                          */
200   realtype cv_gamma;            /* gamma = h * rl1                            */
201   realtype cv_gammap;           /* gamma at the last setup call               */
202   realtype cv_gamrat;           /* gamma / gammap                             */
204   realtype cv_crate;            /* estimated corrector convergence rate       */
205   realtype cv_delp;             /* norm of previous nonlinear solver update   */
206   realtype cv_acnrm;            /* | acor | wrms                              */
207   booleantype cv_acnrmcur;      /* is | acor | wrms current?                  */
208   realtype cv_nlscoef;          /* coeficient in nonlinear convergence test   */
210   /*------
211     Limits
212     ------*/
214   int cv_qmax;          /* q <= qmax                                          */
215   long int cv_mxstep;   /* maximum number of internal steps for one user call */
216   int cv_maxcor;        /* maximum number of corrector iterations for the
217                            solution of the nonlinear equation                 */
218   int cv_mxhnil;        /* maximum number of warning messages issued to the
219                            user that t + h == t for the next internal step    */
220   int cv_maxnef;        /* maximum number of error test failures              */
221   int cv_maxncf;        /* maximum number of nonlinear convergence failures   */
223   realtype cv_hmin;     /* |h| >= hmin                                        */
224   realtype cv_hmax_inv; /* |h| <= 1/hmax_inv                                  */
225   realtype cv_etamax;   /* eta <= etamax                                      */
227   /*--------
228     Counters
229     --------*/
231   long int cv_nst;         /* number of internal steps taken                  */
232   long int cv_nfe;         /* number of f calls                               */
233   long int cv_ncfn;        /* number of corrector convergence failures        */
234   long int cv_netf;        /* number of error test failures                   */
235   long int cv_nni;         /* number of Newton iterations performed           */
236   long int cv_nsetups;     /* number of setup calls                           */
237   int cv_nhnil;            /* number of messages issued to the user that
238                               t + h == t for the next iternal step            */
240   realtype cv_etaqm1;      /* ratio of new to old h for order q-1             */
241   realtype cv_etaq;        /* ratio of new to old h for order q               */
242   realtype cv_etaqp1;      /* ratio of new to old h for order q+1             */
244   /*----------------------------
245     Space requirements for CVODE
246     ----------------------------*/
248   sunindextype cv_lrw1;        /* no. of realtype words in 1 N_Vector             */
249   sunindextype cv_liw1;        /* no. of integer words in 1 N_Vector              */
250   long int cv_lrw;             /* no. of realtype words in CVODE work vectors     */
251   long int cv_liw;             /* no. of integer words in CVODE work vectors      */
253   /*---------------------
254     Nonlinear Solver Data
255     ---------------------*/
257   SUNNonlinearSolver NLS;  /* Sundials generic nonlinear solver object */
258   booleantype ownNLS;      /* flag indicating if CVODE created the nonlinear
259                               solver object */
260   int convfail;            /* flag to indicate when a Jacbian update may
261                               be needed */
263   /*------------------
264     Linear Solver Data
265     ------------------*/
267   /* Linear Solver functions to be called */
269   int (*cv_linit)(struct CVodeMemRec *cv_mem);
271   int (*cv_lsetup)(struct CVodeMemRec *cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
272 		   N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr, N_Vector vtemp1,
273 		   N_Vector vtemp2, N_Vector vtemp3);
275   int (*cv_lsolve)(struct CVodeMemRec *cv_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
276 		   N_Vector ycur, N_Vector fcur);
278   int (*cv_lfree)(struct CVodeMemRec *cv_mem);
280   /* Linear Solver specific memory */
282   void *cv_lmem;
284   /*------------
285     Saved Values
286     ------------*/
288   int cv_qu;                   /* last successful q value used                */
289   long int cv_nstlp;           /* step number of last setup call              */
290   realtype cv_h0u;             /* actual initial stepsize                     */
291   realtype cv_hu;              /* last successful h value used                */
292   realtype cv_saved_tq5;       /* saved value of tq[5]                        */
293   booleantype cv_jcur;         /* is Jacobian info. for lin. solver current?  */
294   realtype cv_tolsf;           /* tolerance scale factor                      */
295   int cv_qmax_alloc;           /* value of qmax used when allocating memory   */
296   int cv_indx_acor;            /* index of the zn vector with saved acor      */
298   booleantype cv_VabstolMallocDone;
299   booleantype cv_MallocDone;
300   booleantype cv_constraintsMallocDone;
302   /*-------------------------------------------
303     Error handler function and error ouput file
304     -------------------------------------------*/
306   CVErrHandlerFn cv_ehfun;    /* error messages are handled by ehfun          */
307   void *cv_eh_data;           /* data pointer passed to ehfun                 */
308   FILE *cv_errfp;             /* CVODE error messages are sent to errfp       */
310   /*-------------------------------------------
311     User access function
312   -------------------------------------------*/
313   CVMonitorFn cv_monitorfun;     /* func called with CVODE mem and user data  */
314   long int cv_monitor_interval;  /* step interval to call cv_monitorfun       */
316   /*-------------------------
317     Stability Limit Detection
318     -------------------------*/
320   booleantype cv_sldeton;     /* is Stability Limit Detection on?             */
321   realtype cv_ssdat[6][4];    /* scaled data array for STALD                  */
322   int cv_nscon;               /* counter for STALD method                     */
323   long int cv_nor;            /* counter for number of order reductions       */
325   /*----------------
326     Rootfinding Data
327     ----------------*/
329   CVRootFn cv_gfun;        /* function g for roots sought                     */
330   int cv_nrtfn;            /* number of components of g                       */
331   int *cv_iroots;          /* array for root information                      */
332   int *cv_rootdir;         /* array specifying direction of zero-crossing     */
333   realtype cv_tlo;         /* nearest endpoint of interval in root search     */
334   realtype cv_thi;         /* farthest endpoint of interval in root search    */
335   realtype cv_trout;       /* t value returned by rootfinding routine         */
336   realtype *cv_glo;        /* saved array of g values at t = tlo              */
337   realtype *cv_ghi;        /* saved array of g values at t = thi              */
338   realtype *cv_grout;      /* array of g values at t = trout                  */
339   realtype cv_toutc;       /* copy of tout (if NORMAL mode)                   */
340   realtype cv_ttol;        /* tolerance on root location                      */
341   int cv_taskc;            /* copy of parameter itask                         */
342   int cv_irfnd;            /* flag showing whether last step had a root       */
343   long int cv_nge;         /* counter for g evaluations                       */
344   booleantype *cv_gactive; /* array with active/inactive event functions      */
345   int cv_mxgnull;          /* number of warning messages about possible g==0  */
347   /*----------------
348     Projection Data
349     ----------------*/
351   CVodeProjMem proj_mem;      /* projection memory structure               */
352   booleantype  proj_enabled;  /* flag indicating if projection is enabled  */
353   booleantype  proj_applied;  /* flag indicating if projection was applied */
354   realtype     cv_p[L_MAX];   /* coefficients of p(x) (degree q poly)      */
356   /*-----------------------
357     Fused Vector Operations
358     -----------------------*/
360   realtype cv_cvals[L_MAX]; /* array of scalars */
361   N_Vector cv_Xvecs[L_MAX]; /* array of vectors */
363   booleantype cv_usefused;  /* flag indicating if CVODE specific fused kernels should be used */
365 } *CVodeMem;
367 /*
368  * =================================================================
369  *     I N T E R F A C E   T O    L I N E A R   S O L V E R S
370  * =================================================================
371  */
373 /*
374  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
375  * Communication between CVODE and a CVODE Linear Solver
376  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
377  * convfail (input to cv_lsetup)
378  *
379  * CV_NO_FAILURES : Either this is the first cv_setup call for this
380  *                  step, or the local error test failed on the
381  *                  previous attempt at this step (but the Newton
382  *                  iteration converged).
383  *
384  * CV_FAIL_BAD_J  : This value is passed to cv_lsetup if
385  *
386  *                  (a) The previous Newton corrector iteration
387  *                      did not converge and the linear solver's
388  *                      setup routine indicated that its Jacobian-
389  *                      related data is not current
390  *                                   or
391  *                  (b) During the previous Newton corrector
392  *                      iteration, the linear solver's solve routine
393  *                      failed in a recoverable manner and the
394  *                      linear solver's setup routine indicated that
395  *                      its Jacobian-related data is not current.
396  *
397  * CV_FAIL_OTHER  : During the current internal step try, the
398  *                  previous Newton iteration failed to converge
399  *                  even though the linear solver was using current
400  *                  Jacobian-related data.
401  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
402  */
404 /* Constants for convfail (input to cv_lsetup) */
406 #define CV_NO_FAILURES 0
407 #define CV_FAIL_BAD_J  1
408 #define CV_FAIL_OTHER  2
410 /*
411  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
412  * int (*cv_linit)(CVodeMem cv_mem);
413  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
414  * The purpose of cv_linit is to complete initializations for a
415  * specific linear solver, such as counters and statistics.
416  * An LInitFn should return 0 if it has successfully initialized the
417  * CVODE linear solver and a negative value otherwise.
418  * If an error does occur, an appropriate message should be sent to
419  * the error handler function.
420  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
421  */
423 /*
424  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
425  * int (*cv_lsetup)(CVodeMem cv_mem, int convfail, N_Vector ypred,
426  *                 N_Vector fpred, booleantype *jcurPtr,
427  *                 N_Vector vtemp1, N_Vector vtemp2,
428  *                 N_Vector vtemp3);
429  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
430  * The job of cv_lsetup is to prepare the linear solver for
431  * subsequent calls to cv_lsolve. It may recompute Jacobian-
432  * related data is it deems necessary. Its parameters are as
433  * follows:
434  *
435  * cv_mem - problem memory pointer of type CVodeMem. See the
436  *          typedef earlier in this file.
437  *
438  * convfail - a flag to indicate any problem that occurred during
439  *            the solution of the nonlinear equation on the
440  *            current time step for which the linear solver is
441  *            being used. This flag can be used to help decide
442  *            whether the Jacobian data kept by a CVODE linear
443  *            solver needs to be updated or not.
444  *            Its possible values have been documented above.
445  *
446  * ypred - the predicted y vector for the current CVODE internal
447  *         step.
448  *
449  * fpred - f(tn, ypred).
450  *
451  * jcurPtr - a pointer to a boolean to be filled in by cv_lsetup.
452  *           The function should set *jcurPtr=SUNTRUE if its Jacobian
453  *           data is current after the call and should set
454  *           *jcurPtr=SUNFALSE if its Jacobian data is not current.
455  *           Note: If cv_lsetup calls for re-evaluation of
456  *           Jacobian data (based on convfail and CVODE state
457  *           data), it should return *jcurPtr=SUNTRUE always;
458  *           otherwise an infinite loop can result.
459  *
460  * vtemp1 - temporary N_Vector provided for use by cv_lsetup.
461  *
462  * vtemp3 - temporary N_Vector provided for use by cv_lsetup.
463  *
464  * vtemp3 - temporary N_Vector provided for use by cv_lsetup.
465  *
466  * The cv_lsetup routine should return 0 if successful, a positive
467  * value for a recoverable error, and a negative value for an
468  * unrecoverable error.
469  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
470  */
472 /*
473  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
474  * int (*cv_lsolve)(CVodeMem cv_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
475  *                  N_Vector ycur, N_Vector fcur);
476  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
477  * cv_lsolve must solve the linear equation P x = b, where
478  * P is some approximation to (I - gamma J), J = (df/dy)(tn,ycur)
479  * and the RHS vector b is input. The N-vector ycur contains
480  * the solver's current approximation to y(tn) and the vector
481  * fcur contains the N_Vector f(tn,ycur). The solution is to be
482  * returned in the vector b. cv_lsolve returns a positive value
483  * for a recoverable error and a negative value for an
484  * unrecoverable error. Success is indicated by a 0 return value.
485  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
486  */
488 /*
489  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
490  * int (*cv_lfree)(CVodeMem cv_mem);
491  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
492  * cv_lfree should free up any memory allocated by the linear
493  * solver. This routine is called once a problem has been
494  * completed and the linear solver is no longer needed.  It should
495  * return 0 upon success, nonzero on failure.
496  * -----------------------------------------------------------------
497  */
499 /*
500  * =================================================================
501  *   C V O D E    I N T E R N A L   F U N C T I O N S
502  * =================================================================
503  */
505 /* Prototype of internal ewtSet function */
507 int cvEwtSet(N_Vector ycur, N_Vector weight, void *data);
509 /* High level error handler */
511 void cvProcessError(CVodeMem cv_mem,
512 		    int error_code, const char *module, const char *fname,
513 		    const char *msgfmt, ...);
515 /* Prototype of internal ErrHandler function */
517 void cvErrHandler(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function,
518 		  char *msg, void *data);
520 /* Nonlinear solver initializtion function */
522 int cvNlsInit(CVodeMem cv_mem);
524 /* Projection functions */
526 int cvDoProjection(CVodeMem cv_mem, int *nflagPtr, realtype saved_t,
527                    int *npfPtr);
528 int cvProjInit(CVodeProjMem proj_mem);
529 int cvProjFree(CVodeProjMem *proj_mem);
531 /* Restore tn and undo prediction to reattempt a step */
533 void cvRestore(CVodeMem cv_mem, realtype saved_t);
535 /* Reset h and rescale history array to prepare for a step */
537 void cvRescale(CVodeMem cv_mem);
539 /*
540  * =================================================================
541  *   C V O D E    E R R O R    M E S S A G E S
542  * =================================================================
543  */
547 #define MSG_TIME        "t = %Lg"
548 #define MSG_TIME_H      "t = %Lg and h = %Lg"
549 #define MSG_TIME_INT    "t = %Lg is not between tcur - hu = %Lg and tcur = %Lg."
550 #define MSG_TIME_TOUT   "tout = %Lg"
551 #define MSG_TIME_TSTOP  "tstop = %Lg"
555 #define MSG_TIME        "t = %lg"
556 #define MSG_TIME_H      "t = %lg and h = %lg"
557 #define MSG_TIME_INT    "t = %lg is not between tcur - hu = %lg and tcur = %lg."
558 #define MSG_TIME_TOUT   "tout = %lg"
559 #define MSG_TIME_TSTOP  "tstop = %lg"
561 #else
563 #define MSG_TIME        "t = %g"
564 #define MSG_TIME_H      "t = %g and h = %g"
565 #define MSG_TIME_INT    "t = %g is not between tcur - hu = %g and tcur = %g."
566 #define MSG_TIME_TOUT   "tout = %g"
567 #define MSG_TIME_TSTOP  "tstop = %g"
569 #endif
571 /* Initialization and I/O error messages */
573 #define MSGCV_NO_MEM "cvode_mem = NULL illegal."
574 #define MSGCV_CVMEM_FAIL "Allocation of cvode_mem failed."
575 #define MSGCV_MEM_FAIL "A memory request failed."
576 #define MSGCV_BAD_LMM  "Illegal value for lmm. The legal values are CV_ADAMS and CV_BDF."
577 #define MSGCV_NO_MALLOC "Attempt to call before CVodeInit."
578 #define MSGCV_NEG_MAXORD "maxord <= 0 illegal."
579 #define MSGCV_BAD_MAXORD  "Illegal attempt to increase maximum method order."
580 #define MSGCV_SET_SLDET  "Attempt to use stability limit detection with the CV_ADAMS method illegal."
581 #define MSGCV_NEG_HMIN "hmin < 0 illegal."
582 #define MSGCV_NEG_HMAX "hmax < 0 illegal."
583 #define MSGCV_BAD_HMIN_HMAX "Inconsistent step size limits: hmin > hmax."
584 #define MSGCV_BAD_RELTOL "reltol < 0 illegal."
585 #define MSGCV_BAD_ABSTOL "abstol has negative component(s) (illegal)."
586 #define MSGCV_NULL_ABSTOL "abstol = NULL illegal."
587 #define MSGCV_NULL_Y0 "y0 = NULL illegal."
588 #define MSGCV_Y0_FAIL_CONSTR "y0 fails to satisfy constraints."
589 #define MSGCV_NULL_F "f = NULL illegal."
590 #define MSGCV_NULL_G "g = NULL illegal."
591 #define MSGCV_BAD_NVECTOR "A required vector operation is not implemented."
592 #define MSGCV_BAD_CONSTR "Illegal values in constraints vector."
593 #define MSGCV_BAD_K "Illegal value for k."
594 #define MSGCV_NULL_DKY "dky = NULL illegal."
595 #define MSGCV_BAD_T "Illegal value for t." MSG_TIME_INT
596 #define MSGCV_NO_ROOT "Rootfinding was not initialized."
597 #define MSGCV_NLS_INIT_FAIL "The nonlinear solver's init routine failed."
599 /* CVode Error Messages */
601 #define MSGCV_NO_TOL "No integration tolerances have been specified."
602 #define MSGCV_LSOLVE_NULL "The linear solver's solve routine is NULL."
603 #define MSGCV_YOUT_NULL "yout = NULL illegal."
604 #define MSGCV_TRET_NULL "tret = NULL illegal."
605 #define MSGCV_BAD_EWT "Initial ewt has component(s) equal to zero (illegal)."
606 #define MSGCV_EWT_NOW_BAD "At " MSG_TIME ", a component of ewt has become <= 0."
607 #define MSGCV_BAD_ITASK "Illegal value for itask."
608 #define MSGCV_BAD_H0 "h0 and tout - t0 inconsistent."
609 #define MSGCV_BAD_TOUT "Trouble interpolating at " MSG_TIME_TOUT ". tout too far back in direction of integration"
610 #define MSGCV_EWT_FAIL "The user-provide EwtSet function failed."
611 #define MSGCV_EWT_NOW_FAIL "At " MSG_TIME ", the user-provide EwtSet function failed."
612 #define MSGCV_LINIT_FAIL "The linear solver's init routine failed."
613 #define MSGCV_HNIL_DONE "The above warning has been issued mxhnil times and will not be issued again for this problem."
614 #define MSGCV_TOO_CLOSE "tout too close to t0 to start integration."
615 #define MSGCV_MAX_STEPS "At " MSG_TIME ", mxstep steps taken before reaching tout."
616 #define MSGCV_TOO_MUCH_ACC "At " MSG_TIME ", too much accuracy requested."
617 #define MSGCV_HNIL "Internal " MSG_TIME_H " are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway."
618 #define MSGCV_ERR_FAILS "At " MSG_TIME_H ", the error test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin."
619 #define MSGCV_CONV_FAILS "At " MSG_TIME_H ", the corrector convergence test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin."
620 #define MSGCV_SETUP_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the setup routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
621 #define MSGCV_SOLVE_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the solve routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
622 #define MSGCV_FAILED_CONSTR "At " MSG_TIME ", unable to satisfy inequality constraints."
623 #define MSGCV_RHSFUNC_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the right-hand side routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
624 #define MSGCV_RHSFUNC_UNREC "At " MSG_TIME ", the right-hand side failed in a recoverable manner, but no recovery is possible."
625 #define MSGCV_RHSFUNC_REPTD "At " MSG_TIME " repeated recoverable right-hand side function errors."
626 #define MSGCV_RHSFUNC_FIRST "The right-hand side routine failed at the first call."
627 #define MSGCV_RTFUNC_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the rootfinding routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
628 #define MSGCV_CLOSE_ROOTS "Root found at and very near " MSG_TIME "."
629 #define MSGCV_BAD_TSTOP "The value " MSG_TIME_TSTOP " is behind current " MSG_TIME " in the direction of integration."
630 #define MSGCV_INACTIVE_ROOTS "At the end of the first step, there are still some root functions identically 0. This warning will not be issued again."
631 #define MSGCV_NLS_SETUP_FAILED "At " MSG_TIME ", the nonlinear solver setup failed unrecoverably."
632 #define MSGCV_NLS_INPUT_NULL "At " MSG_TIME ", the nonlinear solver was passed a NULL input."
633 #define MSGCV_NLS_FAIL "At " MSG_TIME ", the nonlinear solver failed in an unrecoverable manner."
635 /* CVode Projection Error Messages */
637 #define MSG_CV_MEM_NULL  "cvode_mem = NULL illegal."
638 #define MSG_CV_MEM_FAIL  "A memory request failed."
640 #define MSG_CV_PROJ_MEM_NULL       "proj_mem = NULL illegal."
641 #define MSG_CV_PROJFUNC_FAIL       "At " MSG_TIME " the projection function failed with an unrecoverable error."
642 #define MSG_CV_REPTD_PROJFUNC_ERR  "At " MSG_TIME " the projection function had repeated recoverable errors."
644 #ifdef __cplusplus
645 }
646 #endif
648 #endif