1 /*
2   This file is part of CDO. CDO is a collection of Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate model Data.
4   Author: Uwe Schulzweida
6 */
8 /*
9    This module contains the following operators:
11       Seltime    seltimestep     Select timesteps
12       Seltime    seltime         Select times
13       Seltime    selhour         Select hours
14       Seltime    selday          Select days
15       Seltime    selmonth        Select months
16       Seltime    selyear         Select years
17       Seltime    selseason       Select seasons
18       Seltime    seldate         Select dates
19       Seltime    selsmon         Select single month
20 */
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <algorithm> // sort
23 #include <cdi.h>
25 #include "cdo_options.h"
26 #include "process_int.h"
27 #include "param_conversion.h"
28 #include "util_string.h"
30 static std::vector<int>
get_season_list(const std::vector<std::string> & seasonString)31 get_season_list(const std::vector<std::string> &seasonString)
32 {
33   std::vector<int> listArrayInt;
34   int imon[13] = { 0 };  // 1-12 !
36   const int nsel = seasonString.size();
37   if (isdigit(seasonString[0][0]))
38     {
39       for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++)
40         {
41           const auto ival = parameter_to_int(seasonString[i]);
42           // clang-format off
43           if      (ival == 1) { imon[12]++; imon[ 1]++; imon[ 2]++; }
44           else if (ival == 2) { imon[ 3]++; imon[ 4]++; imon[ 5]++; }
45           else if (ival == 3) { imon[ 6]++; imon[ 7]++; imon[ 8]++; }
46           else if (ival == 4) { imon[ 9]++; imon[10]++; imon[11]++; }
47           else cdo_abort("Season %d not available!", ival);
48           // clang-format on
49         }
50     }
51   else
52     {
53       for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++) season_to_months(seasonString[i].c_str(), imon);
54     }
56   for (int i = 1; i < 13; ++i)
57     if (imon[i]) listArrayInt.push_back(i);
59   return listArrayInt;
60 }
62 // last update: 2020-02-17 (Oliver Heidmann)
63 /*
64  * Input:
65  *      std::vector<std::string> => vector of length 1 or 2 containing string representing a range of dates or a single date to be
66  * selected Output: std::vector<doube>       => vector of length 1 or 2 containing the to double converted date or date range
67  *
68  * This function turns a date range string into a list of double values which
69  * represent the start and the end of the range.
70  * when only one argument is given and it contains no time string (marked with
71  * T e.g 2006-01-01T23:00:30) we set the second value of the retrun vector to
72  * the end of the day from the first argument.  if only one argument is given
73  * AND it contains a time string we return a vector of length one which
74  * contains only the converted value of the first argument. This function
75  * accepts the string "-". This represents the possible maximum start or end
76  * date depending on where the string is in the arguments. If the first
77  * argument is "-" we set the start date to -999999999 and to 999999999 if the
78  * string is in the second.
79  */
81 static std::vector<double>
get_date_list(const std::vector<std::string> & arguments)82 get_date_list(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments)
83 {
84   std::vector<double> dateList;
86   if (arguments.size() < 1) cdo_abort("Too few arguments!");
87   if (arguments.size() > 2) cdo_abort("Too many arguments!");
89   bool containsTime = false;
90   for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++)
91     {
92       double fval = 0.0;
93       // if "-" set start date to maximum start (i == 0) or end (i == 1)
94       if (arguments[i] == "-")
95         {
96           fval = (i == 0) ? -99999999999. : 99999999999.;
97         }
98       // get the double value representing the date and check for time string
99       else
100         {
101           fval = date_str_to_double(arguments[i].c_str(), 0);
102           if (strchr(arguments[i].c_str(), 'T')) containsTime = true;
103         }
104       dateList.push_back(fval);
105     }
106   // if two arguments and no time:
107   // set second argument to end of day
108   if (arguments.size() == 2 && !containsTime) dateList[1] += 0.999;
110   // if time and only one argument:
111   // set second date to first and set second to end of day
112   if (arguments.size() == 1 && !containsTime) dateList.push_back(dateList[0] + 0.999);
114   return dateList;
115 }
117 static std::string
get_argv_string(const std::vector<std::string> & argvVec)118 get_argv_string(const std::vector<std::string> &argvVec)
119 {
120   std::string s = argvVec[0];
121   for (size_t i = 1; i < argvVec.size(); i++) s += "," + argvVec[i];
122   return s;
123 }
125 static bool
argv_has_negativ_values(const std::vector<std::string> & argv)126 argv_has_negativ_values(const std::vector<std::string> &argv)
127 {
128   for (const auto &argument : argv)
129     {
130       int first, last, inc;
131       split_intstring(argument, first, last, inc);
132       if (first < 0 || last < 0) return true;
133     }
135   return false;
136 }
138 static std::vector<int>
cdo_argv_to_int_timestep(const std::vector<std::string> & argv,int ntimesteps)139 cdo_argv_to_int_timestep(const std::vector<std::string> &argv, int ntimesteps)
140 {
141   std::vector<int> v;
143   for (const auto &argument : argv)
144     {
145       int first, last, inc;
146       split_intstring(argument, first, last, inc);
148       if (inc == -1 && (first < 0 || last < 0)) inc = 1;
149       if (first < 0) first += ntimesteps + 1;
150       if (last < 0) last += ntimesteps + 1;
152       if (inc >= 0)
153         {
154           for (auto ival = first; ival <= last; ival += inc) v.push_back(ival);
155         }
156       else
157         {
158           for (auto ival = first; ival >= last; ival += inc) v.push_back(ival);
159         }
160     }
162   return v;
163 }
165 void *Select(void *process);
167 void *
Seltime(void * process)168 Seltime(void *process)
169 {
170   CdoStreamID streamID2 = CDO_STREAM_UNDEF;
171   int varID, levelID;
172   int nsel = 0;
173   int ncts = 0, nts;
174   int nts1 = 0, nts2 = 0;
175   int its1 = 0, its2 = 0;
176   double selfval = 0;
177   bool lconstout = false;
178   bool process_nts1 = false, process_nts2 = false;
179   std::vector<int64_t> vdate_list;
180   std::vector<int> vtime_list;
181   std::vector<int> intarr;
182   std::vector<double> fltarr;
184   cdo_initialize(process);
186   const auto dataIsUnchanged = data_is_unchanged();
188   enum
189   {
190     func_time,
191     func_date,
192     func_step,
193     func_datetime
194   };
196   // clang-format off
197   const auto SELTIMESTEP = cdo_operator_add("seltimestep", func_step,     0, "timesteps");
198   const auto SELDATE     = cdo_operator_add("seldate",     func_datetime, 0, "start date and end date (format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss)");
199   const auto SELTIME     = cdo_operator_add("seltime",     func_time,     0, "times (format hh:mm:ss)");
200   const auto SELHOUR     = cdo_operator_add("selhour",     func_time,     0, "hours");
201   const auto SELDAY      = cdo_operator_add("selday",      func_date,     0, "days");
202   const auto SELMONTH    = cdo_operator_add("selmonth",    func_date,     0, "months");
203   const auto SELYEAR     = cdo_operator_add("selyear",     func_date,     0, "years");
204   const auto SELSEASON   = cdo_operator_add("selseason",   func_date,     0, "seasons");
205   const auto SELSMON     = cdo_operator_add("selsmon",     func_date,     0, "month[,nts1[,nts2]]");
206   // clang-format on
208   const auto operatorID = cdo_operator_id();
209   const auto operfunc = cdo_operator_f1(operatorID);
211   operator_input_arg(cdo_operator_enter(operatorID));
212   const auto argv = get_argv_string(cdo_get_oper_argv());
213   std::string newCommand = "select,";
215   auto redirectEnabled = false;  // only for seperating prototype from code (redirects execution to Select.cc)
216   auto redirectFound = true;     // for opers that are not redirectable for now
217   auto ID = operatorID;
218   if (redirectEnabled)
219     {
220       // clang-format off
221       if      (ID == SELTIMESTEP ) { newCommand += "timestep=" + argv; }
222       else if (ID == SELDATE)      { newCommand += "date="     + argv; }
223       //else if(ID == SELTIME)    { newCommand += "time="      + argv; }  // unimplemented
224       else if (ID == SELHOUR)      { newCommand += "hour="     + argv; }
225       else if (ID == SELDAY)       { newCommand += "day="      + argv; }
226       else if (ID == SELMONTH)     { newCommand += "month="    + argv; }
227       else if (ID == SELYEAR)      { newCommand += "year="     + argv; }
228       else if (ID == SELSEASON)    { newCommand += "season="   + argv; }
229       else if (ID == SELSMON)      { newCommand += "month="    + argv; }
230       else                         { redirectFound = false; }
231       // clang-format on
232     }
234   if (redirectFound && redirectEnabled)
235     {
236       Debug(Yellow("Redirecting to %s"), newCommand);
237       ((Process *) process)->init_process("select", {newCommand});
238       return Select(process);
239       // If a redirect was found the entire process is ended through this return!
240     }
242   if (operatorID == SELSEASON)
243     {
244       intarr = get_season_list(cdo_get_oper_argv());
245       nsel = intarr.size();
246     }
247   else if (operatorID == SELDATE)
248     {
249       fltarr = get_date_list(cdo_get_oper_argv());
250       nsel = fltarr.size();
251     }
252   else if (operatorID == SELTIME)
253     {
254       nsel = cdo_operator_argc();
255       if (nsel < 1) cdo_abort("Too few arguments!");
256       intarr.reserve(nsel);
257       for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++)
258         {
259           auto currentArgument = cdo_operator_argv(i).c_str();
260           if (strchr(currentArgument, ':'))
261             {
262               int hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
263               sscanf(currentArgument, "%d:%d:%d", &hour, &minute, &second);
264               intarr.push_back(cdiEncodeTime(hour, minute, second));
265             }
266           else
267             {
268               intarr.push_back(parameter_to_int(currentArgument));
269             }
270         }
271     }
272   else if (operatorID != SELTIMESTEP)
273     {
274       intarr = cdo_argv_to_int(cdo_get_oper_argv());
275       nsel = intarr.size();
276     }
278   if (operatorID != SELTIMESTEP && nsel < 1) cdo_abort("No timestep selected!");
280   if (operatorID == SELSMON)
281     {
282       if (nsel > 1) nts1 = intarr[1];
283       nts2 = (nsel > 2) ? intarr[2] : nts1;
285       if (nsel > 3) cdo_abort("Too many parameters");
287       if (Options::cdoVerbose) cdo_print("mon=%d  nts1=%d  nts2=%d", intarr[0], nts1, nts2);
289       nsel = 1;
290     }
292   const auto streamID1 = cdo_open_read(0);
294   const auto vlistID1 = cdo_stream_inq_vlist(streamID1);
295   const auto vlistID2 = vlistDuplicate(vlistID1);
297   Field field;
299   VarList varList1;
300   varListInit(varList1, vlistID1);
302   // add support for negative timestep values
303   if (operatorID == SELTIMESTEP)
304     {
305       auto ntsteps = vlistNtsteps(vlistID1);
307       if (argv_has_negativ_values(cdo_get_oper_argv()))
308         {
309           if (ntsteps < 0)
310             {
311               if (cdo_assert_files_only())
312                 {
313                   int tsID = 0;
314                   while (cdo_stream_inq_timestep(streamID1, tsID)) tsID++;
315                   ntsteps = tsID;
316                   if (Options::cdoVerbose) cdo_print("Found %d timesteps", ntsteps);
317                 }
319               cdo_abort("Negative timesteps not supported in CDO pipes!");
320             }
322           intarr = cdo_argv_to_int_timestep(cdo_get_oper_argv(), ntsteps);
323         }
324       else
325         {
326           intarr = cdo_argv_to_int(cdo_get_oper_argv());
327         }
329       nsel = intarr.size();
331       if (nsel < 1) cdo_abort("No timestep selected!");
332     }
334   if (operatorID == SELTIMESTEP)
335     {
336       std::sort(intarr.begin(), intarr.end());
337       const auto ip = std::unique(intarr.begin(), intarr.end());
338       intarr.resize(std::distance(intarr.begin(), ip));
339       nsel = intarr.size();
340     }
342   if (Options::cdoVerbose)
343     {
344       for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++)
345         {
346           if (operatorID == SELDATE)
347             cdo_print("fltarr entry: %d %14.4f", i + 1, fltarr[i]);
348           else
349             cdo_print("intarr entry: %d %d", i + 1, intarr[i]);
350         }
351     }
353   vlistDefNtsteps(vlistID2, (nsel == 1 && operfunc == func_step) ? 1 : -1);
355   const auto taxisID1 = vlistInqTaxis(vlistID1);
356   const auto taxisID2 = taxisDuplicate(taxisID1);
357   vlistDefTaxis(vlistID2, taxisID2);
359   std::vector<bool> selfound(nsel, false);
361   int iselmax = -1;
362   if (operatorID != SELDATE)
363     for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++) iselmax = std::max(iselmax, intarr[i]);
365   const auto nvars = vlistNvars(vlistID1);
366   int nconst = 0;
367   for (varID = 0; varID < nvars; varID++)
368     if (varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT) nconst++;
370   FieldVector3D vars;
372   const auto lnts1 = (operatorID == SELSMON) && (nts1 > 0);
374   if (lnts1 || nconst)
375     {
376       if (lnts1)
377         {
378           vdate_list.resize(nts1);
379           vtime_list.resize(nts1);
380         }
381       else
382         {
383           nts1 = 1;
384         }
386       vars.resize(nts1);
388       for (int tsID = 0; tsID < nts1; tsID++)
389         {
390           fields_from_vlist(vlistID1, vars[tsID]);
392           for (varID = 0; varID < nvars; varID++)
393             {
394               if (lnts1 || varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT)
395                 {
396                   const auto nlevels = varList1[varID].nlevels;
397                   for (levelID = 0; levelID < nlevels; levelID++) vars[tsID][varID][levelID].resize(varList1[varID].gridsize);
398                 }
399             }
400         }
401     }
403   int tsmax = -1;
404   if (operatorID == SELTIMESTEP)
405     for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++) tsmax = std::max(tsmax, intarr[i]);
407   int indexNext = 0;
408   int tsID = 0;
409   int tsID2 = 0;
410   while (true)
411     {
412       const auto nrecs = cdo_stream_inq_timestep(streamID1, tsID);
413       if (nrecs == 0) break;
415       const auto vdate = taxisInqVdate(taxisID1);
416       const auto vtime = taxisInqVtime(taxisID1);
418       auto copytimestep = false;
419       int selival = -1;
421       if (operfunc == func_step)
422         {
423           selival = tsID + 1;
424           if (selival > iselmax) break;
425         }
426       else if (operfunc == func_date)
427         {
428           int year, month, day;
429           cdiDecodeDate(vdate, &year, &month, &day);
430           selival = (operatorID == SELYEAR) ? year : (operatorID == SELDAY) ? day : month;
431         }
432       else if (operfunc == func_time)
433         {
434           int hour, minute, second;
435           cdiDecodeTime(vtime, &hour, &minute, &second);
436           selival = (operatorID == SELHOUR) ? hour : vtime;
437         }
438       else if (operfunc == func_datetime)
439         {
440           selfval = vdate + vtime / 1000000.;
441         }
443       if (operatorID == SELDATE)
444         {
445           if (selfval >= fltarr[0] && selfval <= fltarr[nsel - 1])
446             {
447               copytimestep = true;
448               selfound[0] = true;
449               selfound[nsel - 1] = true;
450             }
451           else if (selfval > fltarr[nsel - 1])
452             {
453               break;
454             }
455         }
456       else if (operatorID == SELTIMESTEP)
457         {
458           if (tsID >= tsmax) break;
460           int index;
461           for (index = indexNext; index < nsel; index++)
462             if (selival == intarr[index]) break;
463           if (index < nsel)
464             {
465               copytimestep = true;
466               selfound[index] = true;
467               indexNext = index + 1;
468             }
469         }
470       else
471         {
472           for (int i = 0; i < nsel; i++)
473             if (selival == intarr[i])
474               {
475                 copytimestep = true;
476                 selfound[i] = true;
477                 break;
478               }
479         }
481       auto copy_nts2 = false;
482       if (operatorID == SELSMON && !copytimestep)
483         {
484           copy_nts2 = false;
486           if (process_nts1)
487             {
488               process_nts2 = true;
489               its2 = 0;
490               process_nts1 = false;
491             }
493           if (process_nts2)
494             {
495               if (its2++ < nts2)
496                 copy_nts2 = true;
497               else
498                 process_nts2 = false;
499             }
500         }
502       if (copytimestep || copy_nts2)
503         {
504           cdo_taxis_copy_timestep(taxisID2, taxisID1);
505           if (tsID2 == 0)
506             {
507               streamID2 = cdo_open_write(1);
508               cdo_def_vlist(streamID2, vlistID2);
509             }
511           if (lnts1 && ncts == 0)
512             {
513               nts = nts1;
514               if (its1 < nts1)
515                 {
516                   nts = its1;
517                   cdo_warning("%d timesteps missing before month %d!", nts1 - its1, intarr[0]);
518                 }
520               for (int it = 0; it < nts; it++)
521                 {
522                   taxisDefVdate(taxisID2, vdate_list[it]);
523                   taxisDefVtime(taxisID2, vtime_list[it]);
524                   cdo_def_timestep(streamID2, tsID2++);
526                   for (varID = 0; varID < nvars; varID++)
527                     {
528                       if (varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT && tsID2 > 1) continue;
529                       const auto nlevels = varList1[varID].nlevels;
530                       for (levelID = 0; levelID < nlevels; levelID++)
531                         {
532                           cdo_def_record(streamID2, varID, levelID);
533                           auto single = vars[it][varID][levelID].vec_d.data();
534                           const auto nmiss = vars[it][varID][levelID].nmiss;
535                           cdo_write_record(streamID2, single, nmiss);
536                         }
537                     }
538                 }
540               its1 = 0;
541             }
543           ncts++;
544           if (!process_nts2)
545             {
546               its2 = 0;
547               process_nts1 = true;
548             }
550           cdo_def_timestep(streamID2, tsID2++);
552           if (tsID > 0 && lconstout)
553             {
554               lconstout = false;
555               nts = nts1 - 1;
556               for (varID = 0; varID < nvars; varID++)
557                 {
558                   if (varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT)
559                     {
560                       const auto nlevel = varList1[varID].nlevels;
561                       for (levelID = 0; levelID < nlevel; levelID++)
562                         {
563                           cdo_def_record(streamID2, varID, levelID);
564                           auto single = vars[nts][varID][levelID].vec_d.data();
565                           const auto nmiss = vars[nts][varID][levelID].nmiss;
566                           cdo_write_record(streamID2, single, nmiss);
567                         }
568                     }
569                 }
570             }
572           for (int recID = 0; recID < nrecs; recID++)
573             {
574               cdo_inq_record(streamID1, &varID, &levelID);
575               cdo_def_record(streamID2, varID, levelID);
576               if (dataIsUnchanged)
577                 {
578                   cdo_copy_record(streamID2, streamID1);
579                 }
580               else
581                 {
582                   field.init(varList1[varID]);
583                   cdo_read_record(streamID1, field);
584                   cdo_write_record(streamID2, field);
585                 }
586             }
587         }
588       else
589         {
590           ncts = 0;
592           if (lnts1 || tsID == 0)
593             {
594               if (tsID == 0 && nconst && (!lnts1)) lconstout = true;
596               nts = nts1 - 1;
597               if (lnts1)
598                 {
599                   if (its1 <= nts)
600                     nts = its1;
601                   else
602                     for (int it = 0; it < nts; it++)
603                       {
604                         vdate_list[it] = vdate_list[it + 1];
605                         vtime_list[it] = vtime_list[it + 1];
606                         for (varID = 0; varID < nvars; varID++)
607                           {
608                             if (varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT) continue;
609                             const auto nlevels = varList1[varID].nlevels;
610                             for (levelID = 0; levelID < nlevels; levelID++)
611                               {
612                                 vars[it][varID][levelID].vec_d = vars[it + 1][varID][levelID].vec_d;
613                                 vars[it][varID][levelID].nmiss = vars[it + 1][varID][levelID].nmiss;
614                               }
615                           }
616                       }
618                   vdate_list[nts] = taxisInqVdate(taxisID1);
619                   vtime_list[nts] = taxisInqVtime(taxisID1);
621                   its1++;
622                 }
624               for (int recID = 0; recID < nrecs; recID++)
625                 {
626                   cdo_inq_record(streamID1, &varID, &levelID);
627                   if (lnts1 || varList1[varID].timetype == TIME_CONSTANT)
628                     {
629                       auto single = vars[nts][varID][levelID].vec_d.data();
630                       cdo_read_record(streamID1, single, &vars[nts][varID][levelID].nmiss);
631                     }
632                 }
633             }
634         }
636       tsID++;
637     }
639   if (streamID2 != CDO_STREAM_UNDEF) cdo_stream_close(streamID2);
640   cdo_stream_close(streamID1);
642   if (operatorID == SELSMON)
643     if (its2 < nts2) cdo_warning("%d timesteps missing after the last month!", nts2 - its2);
645   for (int isel = 0; isel < nsel; isel++)
646     {
647       if (selfound[isel] == false)
648         {
649           if (operatorID == SELTIMESTEP)
650             {
651               int isel2;
652               auto lcont = false;
653               for (isel2 = isel + 1; isel2 < nsel; isel2++)
654                 if (selfound[isel2]) break;
655               if (isel2 == nsel && (nsel - isel) > 1) lcont = true;
657               auto lcont2 = false;
658               if (lcont)
659                 {
660                   for (isel2 = isel + 1; isel2 < nsel; isel2++)
661                     if (intarr[isel2 - 1] != intarr[isel2] - 1) break;
662                   if (isel2 == nsel) lcont2 = true;
663                 }
665               if (lcont2)
666                 {
667                   cdo_warning("Timesteps %d-%d not found!", intarr[isel], intarr[nsel - 1]);
668                   break;
669                 }
670               else
671                 cdo_warning("Timestep %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
672             }
673           else if (operatorID == SELDATE)
674             {
675               if (isel == 0) cdo_warning("Date between %14.4f and %14.4f not found!", fltarr[0], fltarr[nsel - 1]);
676             }
677           else if (operatorID == SELTIME)
678             {
679               cdo_warning("Time %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
680             }
681           else if (operatorID == SELHOUR)
682             {
683               cdo_warning("Hour %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
684             }
685           else if (operatorID == SELDAY)
686             {
687               cdo_warning("Day %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
688             }
689           else if (operatorID == SELMONTH)
690             {
691               cdo_warning("Month %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
692             }
693           else if (operatorID == SELYEAR)
694             {
695               cdo_warning("Year %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
696             }
697           else if (operatorID == SELSEASON)
698             {
699               if (isel < 3) cdo_warning("Month %d not found!", intarr[isel]);
700             }
701         }
702     }
704   vlistDestroy(vlistID2);
706   if (tsID2 == 0) cdo_abort("No timesteps selected!");
708   cdo_finish();
710   return nullptr;
711 }