1 /*
2    CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
3    Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sebastian Wouters
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #ifndef CASPT2_CHEMPS2_H
21 #define CASPT2_CHEMPS2_H
23 #include "DMRGSCFindices.h"
24 #include "DMRGSCFintegrals.h"
25 #include "DMRGSCFmatrix.h"
27 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_A         0
30 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_C         3
31 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_D         4
37 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_G_TRIPLET 10
38 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_H_SINGLET 11
39 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_H_TRIPLET 12
40 #define CHEMPS2_CASPT2_NUM_CASES 13
42 namespace CheMPS2{
43 /** CASPT2 class.
44     \author Sebastian Wouters <sebastianwouters@gmail.com>
45     \date December 11, 2015
47     \section theo_caspt2 Information
49     The CASPT2 class contains the functions to perform second order multireference perturbation theory on top of a CASSCF wavefuntion [CASPT1, CASPT2]. CASPT2 has recently also been used with DMRG as active space solver: the active space 4-RDM contracted with the Fock operator, together with the 1-, 2- and 3-RDM are required thereto [CASPT3]. Alternatively, cumulant approximations can be used as well [CASPT4]. To mitigate problems with CASPT2 several modifications of the zeroth order Hamiltonian have been introduced: IPEA corrections [CASPT5], the g1 term [CASPT6], real level shifts [CASPT7] and imaginary level shifts [CASPT8].
51     \section biblio_caspt2 References
53     [CASPT1]  K. Andersson, P.-A. Malmqvist, B.O. Roos, A.J. Sadlej and K. Wolinski, Journal of Physical Chemistry 94, 5483-5488 (1990). http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/j100377a012 \n
54     [CASPT2]  K. Andersson, P.‐A. Malmqvist and B.O. Roos, Journal of Chemical Physics 96, 1218-1226 (1992). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.462209 \n
55     [CASPT3]  Y. Kurashige and T. Yanai, Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 094104 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3629454 \n
56     [CASPT4]  Y. Kurashige, J. Chalupsky, T.N. Lan and T. Yanai, Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 174111 (2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4900878 \n
57     [CASPT5]  G. Ghigo, B.O. Roos and P.-A. Malmqvist, Chemical Physics Letters 396, 142-149 (2004). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2004.08.032 \n
58     [CASPT6]  K. Andersson, Theoretica Chimica Acta 91, 31-46 (1995). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01113860 \n
59     [CASPT7]  B.O. Roos and K. Andersson, Chemical Physics Letters 245, 215-223 (1995). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0009-2614(95)01010-7 \n
60     [CASPT8]  N. Forsberg and P.-A. Malmqvist, Chemical Physics Letters 274, 196-204 (1997). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0009-2614(97)00669-6 \n
61 */
62    class CASPT2{
64       public:
66          //! Constructor
67          /** \param idx      DMRGSCFindices which contain the partitioning into occupied, active, and virtual orbitals per irrep
68              \param ints     The two-electron integrals needed for CASSCF and CASPT2, in pseudocanonical orbitals
69              \param oei      All one-electron integrals, in pseudocanonical orbitals
70              \param fock     The fock matrix of CASPT2, in pseudocanonical orbitals
71              \param one_dm   The spin-summed one-particle density matrix one_dm[i+L*j] = sum_sigma < a^+_i,sigma a_j,sigma > (with L the number DMRG orbitals), in pseudocanonical orbitals
72              \param two_dm   The spin-summed two-particle density matrix two_dm[i+L*(j+L*(k+L*l))] = sum_sigma,tau < a^+_i,sigma a^+_j,tau a_l,tau a_k,sigma > (with L the number DMRG orbitals), in pseudocanonical orbitals
73              \param three_dm The spin-summed three-particle density matrix three_dm[i+L*(j+L*(k+L*(l+L*(m+L*n))))] = sum_z,tau,s < a^+_{i,z} a^+_{j,tau} a^+_{k,s} a_{n,s} a_{m,tau} a_{l,z} > (with L the number DMRG orbitals), in pseudocanonical orbitals
74              \param contract The spin-summed four-particle density matrix contracted with the fock operator contract[i+L*(j+L*(k+L*(p+L*(q+L*r))))] = sum_{t,sigma,tau,s} fock(t,t) < a^+_{i,sigma} a^+_{j,tau} a^+_{k,s} E_{tt} a_{r,s} a_{q,tau} a_{p,sigma} > (with L the number DMRG orbitals), in pseudocanonical orbitals
75              \param IPEA     The CASPT2 IPEA shift from Ghigo, Roos and Malmqvist, Chemical Physics Letters 396, 142-149 (2004) */
76          CASPT2(DMRGSCFindices * idx, DMRGSCFintegrals * ints, DMRGSCFmatrix * oei, DMRGSCFmatrix * fock, double * one_dm, double * two_dm, double * three_dm, double * contract, const double IPEA);
78          //! Destructor
79          virtual ~CASPT2();
81          //! Solve for the CASPT2 energy (note that the IPEA shift has been set in the constructor)
82          /** \param imag_shift The CASPT2 imaginary shift from Forsberg and Malmqvist, Chemical Physics Letters 274, 196-204 (1997)
83              \param CONJUGATE_GRADIENT If true (false), the conjugate gradient (Davidson) algorithm is used to solve the CASPT2 equation
84              \return The CASPT2 variational correction energy */
85          double solve( const double imag_shift, const bool CONJUGATE_GRADIENT = false ) const;
87          //! Return the vector length for the CASPT2 first order wavefunction (before diagonalization of the overlap matrix)
88          /** \param idx The number of core, active, and virtual orbitals per irrep
89              \return The vector length for the CASPT2 first order wavefunction (before diagonalization of the overlap matrix) */
90          static long long vector_length( const DMRGSCFindices * idx );
92       private:
94          // The number of occupied, active, and virtual orbitals per irrep (externally allocated and deleted)
95          const DMRGSCFindices * indices;
97          // The Fock matrix in pseudocanonical orbitals (externally allocated and deleted)
98          const DMRGSCFmatrix * fock;
100          // The active space 1-RDM (externally allocated and deleted)
101          double * one_rdm;
103          // The active space 2-RDM (externally allocated and deleted)
104          double * two_rdm;
106          // The active space 3-RDM (externally allocated and deleted)
107          double * three_rdm;
109          // The active space 4-RDM contracted with the Fock operator (externally allocated and deleted)
110          double * f_dot_4dm;
112          // The active space 3-RDM contracted with the Fock operator (allocated and deleted in this class)
113          double * f_dot_3dm;
115          // The active space 2-RDM contracted with the Fock operator (allocated and deleted in this class)
116          double * f_dot_2dm;
118          // The active space 1-RDM contracted with the Fock operator
119          double f_dot_1dm;
121          // The number of irreps
122          int num_irreps;
124          // Calculate the expectation value of the Fock operator
125          void create_f_dots();
127          // Calculate the total vector length and the partitioning of the vector in blocks
128          int vector_helper();
130          // Once make_S**() has been calles, these overlap matrices can be used to contruct the RHS of the linear problem
131          void construct_rhs( const DMRGSCFmatrix * oei, const DMRGSCFintegrals * integrals );
133          // Fill result with the diagonal elements of the Fock operator
134          void diagonal( double * result ) const;
136          // Fill result with Fock operator times vector
137          void matvec( double * vector, double * result, double * diag_fock ) const;
138          static void matmat( char totrans, int rowdim, int coldim, int sumdim, double alpha, double * matrix, int ldaM, double * origin, int ldaO, double * target, int ldaT );
140          // Helper functions for solve
141          void add_shift( double * vector, double * result, double * diag_fock, const double shift, const int * normalizations ) const;
142          double inproduct_vectors( double * first, double * second, const int * normalizations ) const;
143          void energy_per_sector( double * solution ) const;
145          // Variables for the partitioning of the vector in blocks
146          int * jump;
147          int * size_A;
148          int * size_C;
149          int * size_D;
150          int * size_E;
151          int * size_G;
152          int * size_B_singlet;
153          int * size_B_triplet;
154          int * size_F_singlet;
155          int * size_F_triplet;
157          // Functions for the partitioning of the vector in blocks
158          int get_maxsize() const;
159          static int jump_AC_active( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_t, const int irrep_u, const int irrep_v );
160          static int jump_BF_active( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_t, const int irrep_u, const int ST );
161          static int shift_D_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_i, const int irrep_a );
162          static int shift_B_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_i, const int irrep_j, const int ST );
163          static int shift_F_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_a, const int irrep_b, const int ST );
164          static int shift_E_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_a, const int irrep_i, const int irrep_j, const int ST );
165          static int shift_G_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_i, const int irrep_a, const int irrep_b, const int ST );
166          static int shift_H_nonactive( const DMRGSCFindices * idx, const int irrep_i, const int irrep_j, const int irrep_a, const int irrep_b, const int ST );
168          // The RHS of the linear problem
169          double * vector_rhs;
171          // Variables for the overlap (only allocated during creation of the CASPT2 object)
172          double ** SAA;
173          double ** SCC;
174          double ** SDD;
175          double ** SEE;
176          double ** SGG;
177          double ** SBB_singlet;
178          double ** SBB_triplet;
179          double ** SFF_singlet;
180          double ** SFF_triplet;
182          // Variables for the diagonal part of the Fock operator
183          double ** FAA;
184          double ** FCC;
185          double ** FDD;
186          double ** FEE;
187          double ** FGG;
188          double ** FBB_singlet;
189          double ** FBB_triplet;
190          double ** FFF_singlet;
191          double ** FFF_triplet;
193          // Variables for the off-diagonal part of the Fock operator: Operator[ IL ][ IR ][ w ][ left + SIZE * right ]
194          double **** FAD;
195          double **** FCD;
196          double *** FEH;
197          double *** FGH;
198          double **** FAB_singlet;
199          double **** FAB_triplet;
200          double **** FCF_singlet;
201          double **** FCF_triplet;
202          double **** FBE_singlet;
203          double **** FBE_triplet;
204          double **** FFG_singlet;
205          double **** FFG_triplet;
206          double **** FDE_singlet;
207          double **** FDE_triplet;
208          double **** FDG_singlet;
209          double **** FDG_triplet;
211          // Fill overlap and Fock matrices
212          void make_AA_CC( const bool OVLP, const double IPEA );
213          void make_DD( const bool OVLP, const double IPEA );
214          void make_EE_GG( const bool OVLP, const double IPEA );
215          void make_BB_FF_singlet( const bool OVLP, const double IPEA );
216          void make_BB_FF_triplet( const bool OVLP, const double IPEA );
218          void make_FAD_FCD();
219          void make_FEH_FGH();
220          void make_FAB_FCF_singlet();
221          void make_FAB_FCF_triplet();
222          void make_FBE_FFG_singlet();
223          void make_FBE_FFG_triplet();
224          void make_FDE_FDG();
226          // Diagonalize the overlap matrices and adjust jump, vector_rhs, and FXX accordingly
227          void recreate();
228          static int  recreatehelper1( double * FOCK, double * OVLP, int SIZE, double * work, double * eigs, int lwork );
229          static void recreatehelper2( double * LEFT, double * RIGHT, double ** matrix, double * work, int OLD_LEFT, int NEW_LEFT, int OLD_RIGHT, int NEW_RIGHT, const int number );
230          static void recreatehelper3( double * OVLP, int OLDSIZE, int NEWSIZE, double * rhs_old, double * rhs_new, const int num_rhs );
232    };
233 }
235 #endif