1### This file configures various Code_Saturne options.
3### The commented-out examples below are intended to demonstrate
4### how to use this file.
6### Section for Code_Saturne installation customizations.
7### -----------------------------------------------------
11### Define an alternate launcher which should be used instead of
12### DATA/code_saturne.
13### This launcher should be in the user's path, and the defined
14### postfix allows handling multiple versions and recognizing them.
15# wrapper_postfix =
17### Select the batch system type and job template.
18# batch =
20### Define the command used for job submission
21### (if batch system unknown or a local command needs to be used instead)
22# submit_command =
24### Define the local resource name, to appear as a section in the run.cfg file.
25### If not defined, "resource_default" or "<batch>_default" will be used.
26# resource_name =
28### Define installation prefixes of alternate builds for compute tasks.
29### Either the absolute name or the base name of the installation prefix may
30### be used (using the more concise base name assumes a consistent naming
31### scheme, with builds installed side-by-side). Multiple builds are
32### separated by colons (:).
33# compute_versions =
35### Set the location to the SYRTHES installation directory
36### (e.g. <syrthes_home>/syrthes4.3/syrthes4.3/arch/<arch>).
37# syrthes =
39### Set the location to the Cathare installation directory
40### (e.g. <cathare_home>/mod5.1).
41# cathare =
43### Optional path to sourcable shell environment initialization file
44### (similar to .profile or .bashrc, specific to Code_Saturne).
45# rcfile =
47### Information about remote installations.
48### ---------------------------------------
52### Define paths to the directory containing the different installations of the
53### given version (opt, debug, etc...).
54### Syntax is <batch_system>_<cluster url or name>=<path>
55### distant installation paths
57### Section for Code_Saturne run customizations.
58### --------------------------------------------
61### Set the temporary directory.
62# scratchdir = /scratch/%(user)s
64### Set the mesh database directory.
65# meshpath =
67### Section for MPI parameters.
68### ---------------------------
70### Due to the wide variety of MPI implementations and build options,
71### the default configuration may not give correct values in some cases,
72### so the configuration options defined here allow redefining some options.
76### Path to mpi binaries
77# bindir =
78### mpiexec, mpirun, or equivalent command
79# mpiexec = mpiexec
80### mpiexec command options
81# mpiexec_opts =
82### Option to pass arguments (usually none, or -args)
83# mpiexec_args =
84### Option to define executable (usually none, or -exe)
85# mpiexec_exe =
86### Option to define number of ranks (e.g. ' -n ', ' -np ';
87### trailing whitespace is significant, so quotes may be used here)
88# mpiexec_n = ' -n '
89### Option to define number of ranks per node (e.g. ' -ppn ', ' --ranks-per-node ';
90### trailing whitespace is significant, so quotes may be used here)
91# mpiexec_n_per_node =
92### Separator after mpiexec options (':' for Blue Gene/Q without SLURM)
93# mpiexec_separator =
94### Shell command to generate hostsfile if required. When using a fixed
95### hostfile, passing it in mpiexec_opts is simpler, so this command is
96### only useful when using a resource manager which is not handled correctly
97### by the MPI library.
98# gen_hostsfile =
99### Shell command to delete hostsfile if required
100# del_hostsfile =
101### Command to start environment (e.g. mpdboot for some old MPICH2 builds)
102# mpiboot =
103### Command to halt environment (e.g. mpdallexit after mpdboot)
104# mpihalt =
105### Multiple Program Multiple Data mode: 'mpiexec' (mpiexec ':'-separated syntax),
106### 'configfile' (mpiexec -configfile syntax), or 'script'
107# mpmd = mpiexec