1 /*
2 Copyright � 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research.
3 Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose
4 is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
5 that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
6 CERN makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
7 It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
8 */
9 package cern.jet.random;
11 import cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine;
12 /**
13  * Logarithmic distribution.
14  * <p>
15  * Valid parameter ranges: <tt>0 &lt; p &lt; 1</tt>.
16  * <p>
17  * Instance methods operate on a user supplied uniform random number generator; they are unsynchronized.
18  * <dt>
19  * Static methods operate on a default uniform random number generator; they are synchronized.
20  * <p>
21  * <b>Implementation:</b>
22  * <dt>
23  * Method: Inversion/Transformation.
24  * <dt>
25  * This is a port of <tt>lsk.c</tt> from the <A HREF="http://www.cis.tu-graz.ac.at/stat/stadl/random.html">C-RAND / WIN-RAND</A> library.
26  * C-RAND's implementation, in turn, is based upon
27  * <p>
28  * A.W. Kemp (1981): Efficient generation of logarithmically distributed pseudo-random variables, Appl. Statist. 30, 249-253.
29  *
30  * @author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
31  * @version 1.0, 09/24/99
32  */
33 public class Logarithmic extends AbstractContinousDistribution {
34 	protected double my_p;
36 	// cached vars for method nextDouble(a) (for performance only)
37  	private double t,h,a_prev = -1.0;
39  	// The uniform random number generated shared by all <b>static</b> methods.
40 	protected static Logarithmic shared = new Logarithmic(0.5,makeDefaultGenerator());
41 /**
42  * Constructs a Logarithmic distribution.
43  */
Logarithmic(double p, RandomEngine randomGenerator)44 public Logarithmic(double p, RandomEngine randomGenerator) {
45 	setRandomGenerator(randomGenerator);
46 	setState(p);
47 }
48 /**
49  * Returns a random number from the distribution.
50  */
nextDouble()51 public double nextDouble() {
52 	return nextDouble(this.my_p);
53 }
54 /**
55  * Returns a random number from the distribution; bypasses the internal state.
56  */
nextDouble(double a)57 public double nextDouble(double a) {
58 /******************************************************************
59  *                                                                *
60  *      Logarithmic Distribution - Inversion/Transformation       *
61  *                                                                *
62  ******************************************************************
63  *                                                                *
64  * The algorithm combines Inversion and Transformation.           *
65  * It is based on the following fact: A random variable X from    *
66  * the Logarithmic distribution has the property that X for fixed *
67  * Y=y is Geometric distributed with P(X=x|Y=y)=(1-y)*y^(x-1) (*) *
68  * where Y has distribution function F(y)=ln(1-y)/ln(1-p).        *
69  * So first random numbers y are generated by simple Inversion,   *
70  * then k=(long int) (1+ln(u)/ln(y)) is a Geometric random number *
71  * and because of (*) a Logarithmic one.                          *
72  * To speed up the algorithm squeezes are used as well as the     *
73  * fact, that many of the random numbers are 1 or 2 (depending on *
74  * special circumstances).                                        *
75  * On an IBM/PC 486 optimal performance is achieved, if for p<.97 *
76  * simple inversion is used and otherwise the transformation.     *
77  * On an IBM/PC 286 inversion should be restricted to p<.90.      *
78  *                                                                *
79  ******************************************************************
80  *                                                                *
81  * FUNCTION:    - lsk  samples a random number from the           *
82  *                Logarithmic distribution with                   *
83  *                parameter  0 < p < 1 .                          *
84  * REFERENCE:   - A.W. Kemp (1981): Efficient generation of       *
85  *                logarithmically distributed pseudo-random       *
86  *                variables, Appl. Statist. 30, 249-253.          *
87  * SUBPROGRAMS: - drand(seed) ... (0,1)-Uniform generator with    *
88  *                unsigned long integer *seed.                    *
89  *                                                                *
90  ******************************************************************/
91 	double u,v,p,q;
92 	int k;
94 	if (a != a_prev) {                   // Set-up
95 		a_prev = a;
96 		if (a<0.97) t = -a / Math.log(1.0 - a);
97 		else h=Math.log(1.0 - a);
98 	}
100 	u=randomGenerator.raw();
101 	if (a<0.97) {                        // Inversion/Chop-down
102 		k = 1;
103 		p = t;
104 		while (u > p) {
105 			//System.out.println("u="+u+", p="+p);
106 			u -= p;
107 			k++;
108 			p *= a * (k-1.0)/(double)k;
109 		}
110 		return k;
111 	}
113 	if (u > a) return 1;                 // Transformation
114 	u=randomGenerator.raw();
115 	v = u;
116 	q = 1.0 - Math.exp(v * h);
117 	if ( u <= q * q) {
118 		k = (int) (1 + Math.log(u) / Math.log(q));
119 		return k;
120 	}
121 	if (u > q) return 1;
122 	return 2;
123 }
124 /**
125  * Sets the distribution parameter.
126  */
setState(double p)127 public void setState(double p) {
128 	this.my_p = p;
129 }
130 /**
131  * Returns a random number from the distribution.
132  */
staticNextDouble(double p)133 public static double staticNextDouble(double p) {
134 	synchronized (shared) {
135 		return shared.nextDouble(p);
136 	}
137 }
138 /**
139  * Returns a String representation of the receiver.
140  */
toString()141 public String toString() {
142 	return this.getClass().getName()+"("+my_p+")";
143 }
144 /**
145  * Sets the uniform random number generated shared by all <b>static</b> methods.
146  * @param randomGenerator the new uniform random number generator to be shared.
147  */
xstaticSetRandomGenerator(RandomEngine randomGenerator)148 private static void xstaticSetRandomGenerator(RandomEngine randomGenerator) {
149 	synchronized (shared) {
150 		shared.setRandomGenerator(randomGenerator);
151 	}
152 }
153 }