2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Routines to apply a delta pulse for RTP and EMD
8! **************************************************************************************************
10MODULE rt_delta_pulse
11   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type
12   USE commutator_rpnl,                 ONLY: build_com_mom_nl
13   USE cp_cfm_basic_linalg,             ONLY: cp_cfm_column_scale,&
14                                              cp_cfm_gemm
15   USE cp_cfm_diag,                     ONLY: cp_cfm_heevd
16   USE cp_cfm_types,                    ONLY: cp_cfm_create,&
17                                              cp_cfm_release,&
18                                              cp_cfm_to_cfm,&
19                                              cp_cfm_type
20   USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dft_control_type
21   USE cp_dbcsr_cp2k_link,              ONLY: cp_dbcsr_alloc_block_from_nbl
22   USE cp_dbcsr_operations,             ONLY: copy_dbcsr_to_fm,&
23                                              copy_fm_to_dbcsr,&
24                                              cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply,&
25                                              dbcsr_allocate_matrix_set,&
26                                              dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set
27   USE cp_fm_basic_linalg,              ONLY: cp_fm_scale_and_add,&
28                                              cp_fm_upper_to_full
29   USE cp_fm_cholesky,                  ONLY: cp_fm_cholesky_decompose,&
30                                              cp_fm_cholesky_invert,&
31                                              cp_fm_cholesky_reduce,&
32                                              cp_fm_cholesky_restore
33   USE cp_fm_diag,                      ONLY: cp_fm_syevd
34   USE cp_fm_struct,                    ONLY: cp_fm_struct_create,&
35                                              cp_fm_struct_release,&
36                                              cp_fm_struct_type
37   USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
38                                              cp_fm_get_info,&
39                                              cp_fm_p_type,&
40                                              cp_fm_release,&
41                                              cp_fm_set_all,&
42                                              cp_fm_to_fm,&
43                                              cp_fm_type
44   USE cp_gemm_interface,               ONLY: cp_gemm
45   USE dbcsr_api,                       ONLY: &
46        dbcsr_copy, dbcsr_create, dbcsr_deallocate_matrix, dbcsr_filter, dbcsr_init_p, &
47        dbcsr_p_type, dbcsr_set, dbcsr_type, dbcsr_type_antisymmetric
48   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_get_lval,&
49                                              section_vals_type
50   USE kinds,                           ONLY: dp
51   USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: twopi
52   USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
53   USE qs_environment_types,            ONLY: get_qs_env,&
54                                              qs_environment_type
55   USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: qs_kind_type
56   USE qs_mo_types,                     ONLY: get_mo_set,&
57                                              mo_set_p_type
58   USE qs_moments,                      ONLY: build_berry_moment_matrix
59   USE qs_neighbor_list_types,          ONLY: neighbor_list_set_p_type
60   USE rt_propagation_types,            ONLY: get_rtp,&
61                                              rt_prop_type
62#include "../base/base_uses.f90"
68   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'rt_delta_pulse'
70   PUBLIC :: apply_delta_pulse_periodic, &
71             apply_delta_pulse
75! **************************************************************************************************
76!> \brief uses perturbation theory to get the proper initial conditions
77!> \param qs_env ...
78!> \param mos_old ...
79!> \param mos_new ...
80!> \author Joost & Martin (2011)
81! **************************************************************************************************
83   SUBROUTINE apply_delta_pulse_periodic(qs_env, mos_old, mos_new)
84      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
85      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: mos_old, mos_new
87      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'apply_delta_pulse_periodic', &
88         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
90      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER            :: eigenvalues_sqrt
91      INTEGER                                            :: handle, icol, idir, irow, ispin, nao, &
92                                                            ncol_local, nmo, nrow_global, &
93                                                            nrow_local, nvirt
94      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: col_indices, row_indices
95      LOGICAL                                            :: com_nl
96      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: eps_ppnl, factor
97      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: kvec
98      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: eigenvalues
99      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: local_data
100      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
101      TYPE(cp_cfm_type), POINTER                         :: oo_c, oo_v, oo_vt
102      TYPE(cp_fm_struct_type), POINTER                   :: fm_struct_tmp
103      TYPE(cp_fm_type), POINTER                          :: eigenvectors, mat_ks, mat_tmp, momentum, &
104                                                            oo_1, oo_2, S_chol, S_inv_fm, tmpS, &
105                                                            virtuals
106      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: matrix_ks, matrix_rv, matrix_s
107      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: S_inv
108      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
109      TYPE(mo_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: mos
110      TYPE(neighbor_list_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), &
111         POINTER                                         :: sab_orb, sap_ppnl
112      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
113      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
114      TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
115      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: input
117      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
119      NULLIFY (cell, mos, rtp, matrix_s, matrix_ks, input, dft_control, particle_set)
120      ! we need the overlap and ks matrix for a full diagionalization
121      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
122                      cell=cell, &
123                      mos=mos, &
124                      rtp=rtp, &
125                      matrix_s=matrix_s, &
126                      matrix_ks=matrix_ks, &
127                      dft_control=dft_control, &
128                      input=input, &
129                      particle_set=particle_set)
130      com_nl = section_get_lval(section_vals=input, keyword_name="DFT%REAL_TIME_PROPAGATION%COM_NL")
131      CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, S_inv=S_inv)
132      CALL cp_fm_create(S_chol, matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, name="S_chol")
133      CALL cp_fm_create(S_inv_fm, matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, name="S_inv_fm")
134      CALL cp_fm_create(tmpS, matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct)
135      CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(S_inv, S_inv_fm)
136      CALL cp_fm_upper_to_full(S_inv_fm, tmpS)
137      CALL cp_fm_get_info(S_inv_fm, nrow_global=nrow_global)
138      CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_s(1)%matrix, S_chol)
139      CALL cp_fm_cholesky_decompose(S_chol)
140      NULLIFY (mat_ks, eigenvectors, mat_tmp)
141      CALL cp_fm_create(mat_ks, matrix_struct=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct, name="mat_ks")
142      CALL cp_fm_create(eigenvectors, matrix_struct=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct, name="eigenvectors")
144      ! calculate non-local commutator
145      IF (com_nl) THEN
146         NULLIFY (qs_kind_set, sab_orb, sap_ppnl)
147         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
148                         sap_ppnl=sap_ppnl, &
149                         sab_orb=sab_orb, &
150                         qs_kind_set=qs_kind_set)
151         eps_ppnl = dft_control%qs_control%eps_ppnl
153         NULLIFY (matrix_rv)
154         CALL dbcsr_allocate_matrix_set(matrix_rv, 3)
155         DO idir = 1, 3
156            CALL dbcsr_init_p(matrix_rv(idir)%matrix)
157            CALL dbcsr_create(matrix_rv(idir)%matrix, template=matrix_s(1)%matrix, &
158                              matrix_type=dbcsr_type_antisymmetric)
159            CALL cp_dbcsr_alloc_block_from_nbl(matrix_rv(idir)%matrix, sab_orb)
160            CALL dbcsr_set(matrix_rv(idir)%matrix, 0._dp)
161         ENDDO
162         CALL build_com_mom_nl(qs_kind_set, sab_orb, sap_ppnl, eps_ppnl, particle_set, matrix_rv=matrix_rv)
163      ENDIF
165      DO ispin = 1, SIZE(matrix_ks)
166         ALLOCATE (eigenvalues(nrow_global))
167         CALL cp_fm_create(mat_tmp, matrix_struct=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct, name="mat_tmp")
169         CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_ks(ispin)%matrix, mat_ks)
170         CALL cp_fm_cholesky_reduce(mat_ks, S_chol)
171         CALL cp_fm_syevd(mat_ks, mat_tmp, eigenvalues)
172         CALL cp_fm_cholesky_restore(mat_tmp, nrow_global, S_chol, eigenvectors, "SOLVE")
174         ! virtuals
175         CALL get_mo_set(mo_set=mos(ispin)%mo_set, nao=nao, nmo=nmo)
176         nvirt = nao - nmo
177         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct_tmp, para_env=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%para_env, context=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%context, &
178                                  nrow_global=nrow_global, ncol_global=nvirt)
179         CALL cp_fm_create(virtuals, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="virtuals")
180         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct_tmp)
181         CALL cp_fm_to_fm(eigenvectors, virtuals, nvirt, nmo + 1, 1)
183         ! occupied
184         CALL cp_fm_to_fm(eigenvectors, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, nmo, 1, 1)
186         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct_tmp, para_env=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%para_env, context=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%context, &
187                                  nrow_global=nvirt, ncol_global=nmo)
188         CALL cp_fm_create(momentum, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="momentum")
189         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct_tmp)
191         ! the momentum operator (in a given direction)
192         CALL cp_fm_set_all(mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
194         ! the prefactor (strength of the electric field)
195         kvec(:) = cell%h_inv(1, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(1) + &
196                   cell%h_inv(2, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(2) + &
197                   cell%h_inv(3, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(3)
198         kvec = -kvec*twopi*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_scale
200         DO idir = 1, 3
201            factor = kvec(idir)
202            IF (factor .NE. 0.0_dp) THEN
203               CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(matrix_s(idir + 1)%matrix, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, &
204                                            mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, ncol=nmo)
205               CALL cp_fm_scale_and_add(1.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, factor, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix)
206               IF (com_nl) THEN
207                  CALL cp_fm_set_all(mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, 0.0_dp)
208                  CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(matrix_rv(idir)%matrix, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, &
209                                               mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, ncol=nmo)
210                  CALL cp_fm_scale_and_add(1.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, factor, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix)
211               ENDIF
212            ENDIF
213         ENDDO
215         CALL cp_gemm('T', 'N', nvirt, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, virtuals, mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, 0.0_dp, momentum)
217         ! the tricky bit ... rescale by the eigenvalue difference
218         CALL cp_fm_get_info(momentum, nrow_local=nrow_local, ncol_local=ncol_local, &
219                             row_indices=row_indices, col_indices=col_indices, local_data=local_data)
220         DO icol = 1, ncol_local
221            DO irow = 1, nrow_local
222               factor = 1/(eigenvalues(col_indices(icol)) - eigenvalues(nmo + row_indices(irow)))
223               local_data(irow, icol) = factor*local_data(irow, icol)
224            ENDDO
225         ENDDO
226         CALL cp_fm_release(mat_tmp)
227         DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues)
229         ! now obtain the initial condition in mos_old
230         CALL cp_fm_to_fm(eigenvectors, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, nmo, 1, 1)
231         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nvirt, 1.0_dp, virtuals, momentum, 0.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix)
233         CALL cp_fm_release(virtuals)
234         CALL cp_fm_release(momentum)
236         ! orthonormalize afterwards
237         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct_tmp, para_env=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%para_env, context=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%context, &
238                                  nrow_global=nmo, ncol_global=nmo)
239         CALL cp_fm_create(oo_1, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="oo_1")
240         CALL cp_fm_create(oo_2, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="oo_2")
241         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct_tmp)
243         CALL cp_fm_create(mat_tmp, matrix_struct=mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix%matrix_struct, name="tmp_mat")
244         ! get the complex overlap matrix
245         ! x^T S x + y^T S y + i (-y^TS x+x^T S y)
246         CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(matrix_s(1)%matrix, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, &
247                                      mat_tmp, ncol=nmo)
249         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, mat_tmp, 0.0_dp, oo_1)
250         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, -1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, mat_tmp, 0.0_dp, oo_2)
252         CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(matrix_s(1)%matrix, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, &
253                                      mat_tmp, ncol=nmo)
254         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, mat_tmp, 1.0_dp, oo_1)
255         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, mat_tmp, 1.0_dp, oo_2)
256         CALL cp_fm_release(mat_tmp)
258         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_c, oo_1%matrix_struct)
259         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_v, oo_1%matrix_struct)
260         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_vt, oo_1%matrix_struct)
261         oo_c%local_data = CMPLX(oo_1%local_data, oo_2%local_data, KIND=dp)
263         ! compute inv(sqrt(overlap))
264         ALLOCATE (eigenvalues(nmo))
265         ALLOCATE (eigenvalues_sqrt(nmo))
266         CALL cp_cfm_heevd(oo_c, oo_v, eigenvalues)
267         eigenvalues_sqrt = CMPLX(1.0_dp/SQRT(eigenvalues), 0.0_dp, dp)
268         CALL cp_cfm_to_cfm(oo_v, oo_vt)
269         CALL cp_cfm_column_scale(oo_v, eigenvalues_sqrt)
270         DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues)
271         DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues_sqrt)
272         CALL cp_cfm_gemm('N', 'C', nmo, nmo, nmo, (1.0_dp, 0.0_dp), &
273                          oo_v, oo_vt, (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp), oo_c)
274         oo_1%local_data = REAL(oo_c%local_data, KIND=dp)
275         oo_2%local_data = AIMAG(oo_c%local_data)
276         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_c)
277         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_v)
278         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_vt)
280         ! use this to compute the orthonormal vectors
281         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, oo_1, 0.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix)
282         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, oo_2, 0.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin)%matrix)
284         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, -1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, oo_2, 0.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix)
285         CALL cp_fm_scale_and_add(1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin - 1)%matrix, 1.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin - 1)%matrix)
287         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix, oo_1, 1.0_dp, mos_new(2*ispin)%matrix)
288         CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_new(2*ispin)%matrix, mos_old(2*ispin)%matrix)
290         CALL cp_fm_release(oo_1)
291         CALL cp_fm_release(oo_2)
292      END DO
294      CALL cp_fm_release(S_chol)
295      CALL cp_fm_release(mat_ks)
296      CALL cp_fm_release(eigenvectors)
298      IF (com_nl) CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix_set(matrix_rv)
301!remove later
302      CALL cp_fm_release(S_inv_fm)
303      CALL cp_fm_release(tmpS)
305      CALL timestop(handle)
307   END SUBROUTINE apply_delta_pulse_periodic
309! **************************************************************************************************
310!> \brief applies exp(ikr) to the wavefunction.... stored in mos_old...
311!> \param qs_env ...
312!> \param mos_old ...
313!> \param mos_new ...
314!> \author Joost & Martin (2011)
315! **************************************************************************************************
317   SUBROUTINE apply_delta_pulse(qs_env, mos_old, mos_new)
318      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
319      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: mos_old, mos_new
321      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'apply_delta_pulse', &
322         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
324      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER            :: eigenvalues_sqrt
325      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, nao, nmo
326      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: kvec
327      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: eigenvalues
328      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
329      TYPE(cp_cfm_type), POINTER                         :: oo_c, oo_v, oo_vt
330      TYPE(cp_fm_struct_type), POINTER                   :: fm_struct_tmp
331      TYPE(cp_fm_type), POINTER                          :: mat_S, oo_1, oo_2, S_inv_fm, tmp
332      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: matrix_s
333      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: cosmat, S_inv, sinmat
334      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
335      TYPE(mo_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: mos
336      TYPE(rt_prop_type), POINTER                        :: rtp
338      NULLIFY (dft_control)
340      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
342      ! we need the inverse overlap
344      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, &
345                      mos=mos, &
346                      rtp=rtp, &
347                      matrix_s=matrix_s, &
348                      dft_control=dft_control)
349      CALL get_rtp(rtp=rtp, S_inv=S_inv)
351      CALL cp_fm_create(S_inv_fm, matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, name="tmp_mat")
353      CALL cp_fm_create(tmp, matrix_struct=rtp%ao_ao_fmstruct, name="tmp_mat")
355      CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_s(1)%matrix, S_inv_fm)
356      CALL cp_fm_cholesky_decompose(S_inv_fm)
357      CALL cp_fm_cholesky_invert(S_inv_fm)
358      CALL cp_fm_upper_to_full(S_inv_fm, tmp)
360      CALL cp_fm_create(mat_S, matrix_struct=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct, name="mat_S")
361      CALL copy_dbcsr_to_fm(matrix_s(1)%matrix, mat_S)
362      CALL cp_fm_upper_to_full(mat_S, tmp)
364      CALL cp_fm_release(tmp)
366      ! we need the berry matrix
367      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, cell=cell)
369      ! direction ... unscaled, this will yield a exp(ikr) that is periodic with the cell
370      kvec(:) = cell%h_inv(1, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(1) + &
371                cell%h_inv(2, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(2) + &
372                cell%h_inv(3, :)*dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_direction(3)
373      kvec = -kvec*twopi
374      ! scaling will make the things not periodic with the cell, which would only be good for gas phase systems ?
375      kvec(:) = dft_control%rtp_control%delta_pulse_scale*kvec
377      ALLOCATE (cosmat, sinmat)
378      CALL dbcsr_copy(cosmat, matrix_s(1)%matrix, 'COS MOM')
379      CALL dbcsr_copy(sinmat, matrix_s(1)%matrix, 'SIN MOM')
380      CALL build_berry_moment_matrix(qs_env, cosmat, sinmat, kvec)
382      ! apply inv(S)*operator to C
383      DO i = 1, SIZE(mos)
384         CALL get_mo_set(mos(i)%mo_set, nao=nao, nmo=nmo)
385         CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(cosmat, mos(i)%mo_set%mo_coeff, mos_new(2*i - 1)%matrix, ncol=nmo)
386         CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(sinmat, mos(i)%mo_set%mo_coeff, mos_new(2*i)%matrix, ncol=nmo)
388         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, S_inv_fm, mos_new(2*i - 1)%matrix, 0.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix)
389         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, S_inv_fm, mos_new(2*i)%matrix, 0.0_dp, mos_old(2*i)%matrix)
391         ! in a finite basis, unfortunately, inv(S)*operator is not unitary, so orthonormalize afterwards
392         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct_tmp, para_env=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%para_env, context=S_inv_fm%matrix_struct%context, &
393                                  nrow_global=nmo, ncol_global=nmo)
394         CALL cp_fm_create(oo_1, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="oo_1")
395         CALL cp_fm_create(oo_2, matrix_struct=fm_struct_tmp, name="oo_2")
396         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct_tmp)
398         CALL cp_fm_create(tmp, matrix_struct=mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix%matrix_struct, name="tmp_mat")
399         ! get the complex overlap matrix
400         ! x^T S x + y^T S y + i (-y^TS x+x^T S y)
401         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mat_S, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, 0.0_dp, tmp)
402         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, tmp, 0.0_dp, oo_1)
403         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, -1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i)%matrix, tmp, 0.0_dp, oo_2)
405         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mat_S, mos_old(2*i)%matrix, 0.0_dp, tmp)
406         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i)%matrix, tmp, 1.0_dp, oo_1)
407         CALL cp_gemm("T", "N", nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, tmp, 1.0_dp, oo_2)
408         CALL cp_fm_release(tmp)
410         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_c, oo_1%matrix_struct)
411         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_v, oo_1%matrix_struct)
412         CALL cp_cfm_create(oo_vt, oo_1%matrix_struct)
413         oo_c%local_data = CMPLX(oo_1%local_data, oo_2%local_data, KIND=dp)
415         ! compute inv(sqrt(overlap))
416         ALLOCATE (eigenvalues(nmo))
417         ALLOCATE (eigenvalues_sqrt(nmo))
418         CALL cp_cfm_heevd(oo_c, oo_v, eigenvalues)
419         eigenvalues_sqrt = CMPLX(1.0_dp/SQRT(eigenvalues), 0.0_dp, dp)
420         CALL cp_cfm_to_cfm(oo_v, oo_vt)
421         CALL cp_cfm_column_scale(oo_v, eigenvalues_sqrt)
422         DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues)
423         DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues_sqrt)
424         CALL cp_cfm_gemm('N', 'C', nmo, nmo, nmo, (1.0_dp, 0.0_dp), &
425                          oo_v, oo_vt, (0.0_dp, 0.0_dp), oo_c)
426         oo_1%local_data = REAL(oo_c%local_data, KIND=dp)
427         oo_2%local_data = AIMAG(oo_c%local_data)
428         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_c)
429         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_v)
430         CALL cp_cfm_release(oo_vt)
432         ! use this to compute the orthonormal vectors
433         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, oo_1, 0.0_dp, mos_new(2*i - 1)%matrix)
434         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, oo_2, 0.0_dp, mos_new(2*i)%matrix)
436         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, -1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i)%matrix, oo_2, 0.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix)
437         CALL cp_fm_scale_and_add(1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i - 1)%matrix, 1.0_dp, mos_new(2*i - 1)%matrix)
439         CALL cp_gemm("N", "N", nao, nmo, nmo, 1.0_dp, mos_old(2*i)%matrix, oo_1, 1.0_dp, mos_new(2*i)%matrix)
440         CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mos_new(2*i)%matrix, mos_old(2*i)%matrix)
442         CALL cp_fm_release(oo_1)
443         CALL cp_fm_release(oo_2)
444      END DO
446      CALL cp_fm_release(mat_S)
448      CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(cosmat)
449      CALL dbcsr_deallocate_matrix(sinmat)
452!remove later
453      CALL copy_fm_to_dbcsr(S_inv_fm, S_inv)
454      CALL dbcsr_filter(S_inv, rtp%filter_eps)
455      CALL cp_fm_release(S_inv_fm)
458      CALL timestop(handle)
460   END SUBROUTINE apply_delta_pulse
462END MODULE rt_delta_pulse