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READMEH A D13-Nov-20201.7 KiB4333

dakmatlab.cH A D13-Nov-202011.3 KiB542496

f.mH A D13-Nov-2020103 65

fp.mH A D13-Nov-2020141 76

fpp.mH A D13-Nov-2020181 98

makefileH A D13-Nov-2020415 1811

rosenbrock.inH A D13-Nov-20201.2 KiB4437


1The makefile compiles and links dakmatlab, an analysis_driver for
2DAKOTA that uses MATLAB to evaluate a function expressed in f.m,
3possibly using gradients computed by fp.m and Hessians computed by
4fpp.m.  When first invoked (e.g., explicitly by "./dakmatlab -s", or
5implicitly when used by DAKOTA as an analysis_driver), dakmatlab
6starts a copy of itself that talks with MATLAB and talks with the
7copies of dakmatlab that DAKOTA invokes over named pipes.  This way,
8MATLAB is kept alive, and the large startup cost of invoking MATLAB is
9only paid by the initial "dakmatlab -s" invocation.  If shell variable
10$DAKMATLAB_PIPE is set to a nonempty value, the named pipes are called
11${DAKMATLAB_PIPE}1 and ${MATLAB_PIPE}2, i.e., their names are obtained
12by appending "1" and "2" to $DAKMATLAB_PIPE.  If $DAKMATLAB_PIPE is
13not set, the named pipes are called dakmatlab_pipe1 and
16When done with the named pipes, invoke
18	echo quit >dakmatlab_pipe1
21	echo quit >${DAKMATLAB_PIPE}1
23to make the copy of dakmatlab that talks with MATLAB quit
24and remove the named pipes.
26To compile and link dakmatlab, you will probably need to adjust one or
27more of the "E =", "B =", "L =", and "W =" lines in the makefile to
28accord with your system.  It should be clear from looking at the
29makefile that $E/extern/include (or, more specifically, $I) should be
30the relevant "include" directory provided with your MATLAB
31installation, and that $B should be a corresponding directory
32containing shared libraries of your MATLAB installation.
34DAKOTA input file rosenbrock.in illustrates use of dakmatlab.
35Try invoking "dakota rosenbrock.in", possibly after an initial
36"./dakmatlab -s".
40	./dakmatlab --help
42causes dakmatlab to print a message about its use.