2# FEMTank
3# This is an intermediate function that modifies the cylinder model into a "tank" model
4# it skews the parameters, in order to act as a proxy for a Finite Element model
6# usage from python script:
7## import FEMTank
8## FEMTank.main(X_vec, Phi_vec, P, (Gamma, -Chi), H, E, Nu, L, R, T, m, summaryFile, dataFile)
10# usage example from commandline:
11## python -c"import FEMTank; FEMTank.main(3, [0.9,1.1], 10, 3.2, 12, 3e7, .3, 59, 30, 0.25, 1, 'summary', 'data')"
13# Arguments are:
14##  1.	X_vec 		$1\times {{N}_{x}}$ vector, passed as comma delimited string, bounds $\left[ 0,\frac{L}{2} \right]$  (in)
15##  2.	Phi_vec 	$1\times {{N}_{\varphi }}$ vector, passed as comma delimited string, bounds $\left[ 0,180 \right]$  (o)
16##			The code computes responses at all combinations of $x,\varphi$ to produce ${N_x}\times {N_\varphi}$ locations
17##  3.	P		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 0,\infty  \right]$  (psig)
18##  4.	Gamma, -Chi	Scalar - Liquid specific weight OR composition
19##  			Positive numbers interpreted as specific weight, bounds $\left[ 0,\infty  \right]$ (lbs/in3)
20##  			Negative numbers $\left[ -1,0 \right]$ interpreted as negative composition
21##  5.	H		Scalar (zero in the pressure only scenario) , bounds $\left[ 0,2R \right]$ (in)
22##  6.	E		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 2.6e6,3.0e6 \right]$ (psi)
23##  7.	Nu 		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 0.2,0.5 \right]$
24##  8.	L 		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 0,\infty  \right]$ (in)
25##  9.	R 		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 0,\infty  \right]$ (in)
26##  10.	T		Scalar, bounds $\left[ 0,\infty  \right]$ (in)
27##  11.	m		Mesh ID (choose from 1,2,3,4)
28##  12.	summaryFile 	name of summary file, This writes out:
29##  	a.	Maximum von Mises Stress
30##  	b.	$x$  index (note that python starts indexing from 0)
31##  	c.	$\varphi $ index (note that python starts indexing from 0)
32##  	d.	Surface - inner (-1) or outer (1)
33##  13.	dataFile	Name of data file - if empty string, no dataFile is written. This writes out:
34##  	a.	All inputs
35##  	b.	Locations ($x$ and $\varphi $ )
36##  	c.	Comma separated matrices for normal displacement (in), and stresses (psi) on the outside and inside surface of the tank $\left[ {{N}_{x}}\times {{N}_{\varphi }} \right]$
39from sys import argv
40from subprocess import call
41from math import pi, sin, cos, acos, sinh, cosh, sqrt
44#  Cylinder Report Functions
46# Various reporting options
47# Notes:
48# 1) compute phi in radians, but report in degrees
49# 2) compute transverse displacement w/ positive inward, but report postive outward
51def reportShort(fileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec):
52  # Dakota friendly output for strains. not currently used. need to be careful with ordering of resposnes
53  f = open(fileName, 'w')
54  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
55    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
56      f.write('%.6g\n' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_phi_out))
57  f.close
59def reportDisplPonly(fileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec):
60  # Dakota friendly output
61  f = open(fileName, 'w')
62  for XPhi_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
63    f.write('%.6g\n' % (-1*results.midDisplMap[XPhi_idx][XPhi_idx].w))
64  f.close
66def reportDisplPandL(fileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec):
67  # Dakota friendly output
68  f = open(fileName, 'w')
69  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
70    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
71      f.write('%.6g\n' % (-1*results.midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].w))
72  f.close
74def reportInputs(fileName, X_vec, Phi_vec, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, Pressure, gamma, LiqHeight, M, N, meshID):
75  # text file with all the inputs, can handle either the Tank or Cylinder (meshID==0)
76  f = open(fileName, 'w')
77  f.write('Tank Results\n')
78  f.write('Pressure  = %s\n' % (Pressure))
79  f.write('Gamma     = %s\n' % (gamma))
80  f.write('LiqHeight = %s\n' % (LiqHeight))
81  f.write('E         = %s\n' % (E))
82  f.write('Nu        = %s\n' % (nu))
83  f.write('Length    = %s\n' % (Length))
84  f.write('Radius    = %s\n' % (Radius))
85  f.write('Thickness = %s\n' % (Thickness))
86  f.write('nX        = %s\n' % (len(X_vec)))
87  f.write('nPhi      = %s\n' % (len(Phi_vec)))
88  if meshID == '':
89    f.write('M         = %s\n' % (M))
90    f.write('N         = %s\n' % (N))
91  else:
92    f.write('meshID    = %s\n' % (meshID))
94  f.write('\n%s\n' % ('Distance from Centerline toward Supports (Inches)'))
95  for x in X_vec:
96    f.write('%.6f%s' % (x, ','))
97  f.write('\n%s\n' % ('Phi values (degrees)'))
98  for phi in Phi_vec:
99    f.write('%.6f%s' % (phi*180/pi, ','))
101def reportResults(fileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec):
102  # text file with all the results
103  # note that this APPENDS to the file created by reportInputs, for historical reasons.
104  f = open(fileName, 'a')
105#  f.write('\n%s' % ('Axial Displacement, u'))
106#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
107#    f.write('\n')
108#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
109#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].u, ','))
110#  f.write('\n%s' % ('Circumferential Displacement, v'))
111#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
112#    f.write('\n')
113#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
114#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].v, ','))
115  f.write('\n%s' % ('Normal Displacement, w'))
116  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
117    f.write('\n')
118    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
119      f.write('%.6g%s' % (-1*results.midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].w, ','))
121#  f.write('\n%s' % ('eps_x (Outboard)'))
122#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
123#    f.write('\n')
124#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
125#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_x_out, ','))
126#  f.write('\n%s' % ('eps_phi (Outboard)'))
127#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
128#    f.write('\n')
129#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
130#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_phi_out, ','))
131#  f.write('\n%s' % ('gamma_x_phi (Outboard)'))
132#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
133#    f.write('\n')
134#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
135#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].gamma_x_phi_out, ','))
137#  f.write('\n%s' % ('eps_x (Inboard)'))
138#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
139#    f.write('\n')
140#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
141#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_x_in, ','))
142#  f.write('\n%s' % ('eps_phi (Inboard)'))
143#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
144#    f.write('\n')
145#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
146#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_phi_in, ','))
147#  f.write('\n%s' % ('gamma_x_phi (Inboard)'))
148#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
149#    f.write('\n')
150#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
151#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].gamma_x_phi_in, ','))
153#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_x (Outboard)'))
154#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
155#    f.write('\n')
156#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
157#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_out, ','))
158#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_phi (Outboard)'))
159#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
160#    f.write('\n')
161#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
162#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_out, ','))
163#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_x_phi (Outboard)'))
164#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
165#    f.write('\n')
166#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
167#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_out, ','))
169  f.write('\n%s' % ('EFFECTIVE STRESSES (Outboard)'))
170  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
171    f.write('\n')
172    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
173      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_out, ','))
174#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_x (Inboard)'))
175#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
176#    f.write('\n')
177#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
178#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_in, ','))
179#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_phi (Inboard)'))
180#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
181#    f.write('\n')
182#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
183#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_in, ','))
184#  f.write('\n%s' % ('sig_x_phi (Inboard)'))
185#  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
186#    f.write('\n')
187#    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
188#      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_in, ','))
190  f.write('\n%s' % ('EFFECTIVE STRESSES (Inboard)'))
191  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
192    f.write('\n')
193    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
194      f.write('%.6g%s' % (results.stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_in, ','))
196  f.close
198def resultsSummary(results, X_vec, Phi_vec, outputFileName):
199  # Dakota friendly result file, with value and location of max stress.
200  f = open(outputFileName, "w")
201  f.write('%.10e %s \n' % (results.maxStressEqu, 'max_stress_equ'))
202  f.write('%.10e %s \n' % (X_vec[results.X_ind_max_stress], 'X_max_stress'))
203  f.write('%.10e %s \n' % (Phi_vec[results.Phi_ind_max_stress], 'Phi_max_stress'))
204  f.write('%i %s \n' % (results.surface_stress, 'surface_max_stress')) #report as -1 1 b/c Dakota only likes numerical responses.
205  f.write('\n')
206  f.close()
211#  Cylinder calculations
213# classes and functions for computing the cylinder solution
215# usage from python script:
216## import FEMTank
217## FEMTank.cylinder(X_vec, Phi_vec, P, Gamma, H, E, Nu, L, R, T, M, N, summaryFile, dataFile)
219# usage example from commandline:
220## python -c"import FEMTank; FEMTank.cylinder(13, [1,1.1], 10, 3.2, 12, 3e7, .3, 59, 30, 0.25, 19, 13, 'summary', 'data')"
222# This computes the stresses, strains, and displacements on a cylinder with
223# simple supports on the ends, while it has liquid and pressure loading
226## The series solution is adapted from: S. Timoshenko, S. Woinowsky-Krieger: Theory of Plates and Shells.  McGraw-Hill (1987).
227## https://ia700807.us.archive.org/34/items/TheoryOfPlatesAndShells/TheoryOfPlatesAndShellsS.timoshenko2ndEdition.pdf
229# Identifiers for the tank surfaces and directions
230U = 1 #Axial
231V = 2 #Radial
232W = 3 #Transverse
233OUT = 1 #outer surface of the cylinder wall
234IN = -1 #inner suface
236class cylHydrostaticCoefficients_mn:
237  def __init__(self):
238    self.A_fluid_mn = float('NaN')
239    self.B_fluid_mn = float('NaN')
240    self.C_fluid_mn = float('NaN')
242  def __str__(self):
243    return 'A_fluid_mn='+str(self.A_fluid_mn)+'\n'+'B_fluid_mn='+str(self.B_fluid_mn)+'\n'+'C_fluid_mn='+str(self.C_fluid_mn)+'\n'
245class cylHydrostaticCoefficients:
246  def __init__(self, Mmax, Nmax):
247    self.coefficients=[]
248    self.columnIndex=[]
250    for m in range (0, Mmax):
251      self.columnIndex.append(-1)
252      row=[]
253      for n in range(0, Nmax):
254        row.append(cylHydrostaticCoefficients_mn())
255      self.coefficients.append(row)
256    self.rowIndex=-1
258  def set(self, m, n, coeff):
259    self.rowIndex=max(self.rowIndex, m)
260    self.columnIndex[m]=max(self.columnIndex[m], n)
261    self.coefficients[m][n]=coeff
263  def get(self, m, n):
264    return self.coefficients[m][n]
266  def getRowIndex(self):
267    return self.rowIndex
269  def getColumnIndex(self, m):
270    return self.columnIndex[m]
272class cylMidDisplComponents:
273  def __init__(self):
274    self.u = 0
275    self.v = 0
276    self.w = 0
278class cylStrainsAndCurvatures:
279  def __init__(self):
280    self.ep_x_0 = float('NaN')
281    self.ep_phi_0 = float('NaN')
282    self.gam_x_phi_0 = float('NaN')
283    self.kappa_x = float('NaN')
284    self.kappa_phi = float('NaN')
285    self.kappa_x_phi = float('NaN')
287class cylStressComponents:
288  def __init__(self):
289    self.sig_x_out = 0.0
290    self.sig_phi_out = 0.0
291    self.sig_x_phi_out = 0.0
292    self.sig_eq_out = 0.0
293    self.sig_x_in = 0.0
294    self.sig_phi_in = 0.0
295    self.sig_x_phi_in = 0.0
296    self.sig_eq_in = 0.0
298class cylStrainComponents:
299  def __init__(self):
300    self.eps_x_out = 0.0
301    self.eps_phi_out = 0.0
302    self.gamma_x_phi_out = 0.0
303    self.eps_x_in = 0.0
304    self.eps_phi_in = 0.0
305    self.gamma_x_phi_in = 0.0
308class cylResults:
309  def __init__(self):
310    midDisplMap = []
311    stressMap = []
312    strainMap = []
313    maxStressEqu = 0
314    X_ind_max_stress = 0
315    Phi_ind_max_stress = 0
316    surface_stress = 0
318def cylEvalCoefficents_fluid(m, n, D_fluid_mn, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu):
319  coeffs = cylHydrostaticCoefficients_mn()
321  PI = pi
322  PI2 = PI*PI ; PI3 = PI2*PI ; PI4 = PI3*PI ; PI6 = PI4*PI2 ; PI8 = PI6*PI2
323  T3 = Thickness*Thickness*Thickness
324  R2 = Radius*Radius ; R4 = R2*R2 ; R5 = R4*Radius ; R6 = R5*Radius ; R7 = R6*Radius ; R8 = R7*Radius
325  L2 = Length*Length ; L4 = L2*L2 ; L5 = L4*Length ; L6 = L5*Length ; L7 = L6*Length ; L8 = L7*Length
326  nu2 = nu*nu ; nu3 = nu2*nu
327  n2 = n*n ; n3 = n2*n ; n4 = n3*n ; n6 = n4*n2 ; n8 = n6*n2
328  m2 = m*m ; m3 = m2*m ; m4 = m3*m ; m6 = m4*m2 ; m8 = m6*m2
330  coeffs.A_fluid_mn = ((12*R7*L5*m3*nu3-12*R7*L5*m3*nu)*D_fluid_mn*PI3+(12*R5*L7*m*n2-12*R5*L7*m*n2*nu2)*D_fluid_mn*PI)/(R8*T3*m8*E*PI8+4*R6*T3*L2*m6*n2*E*PI6+(-12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4*nu2+6*R4*T3*L4*m4*n4+12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4)*E*PI4+4*R2*T3*L6*m2*n6*E*PI2+T3*L8*n8*E)
331  coeffs.B_fluid_mn = -((12*R6*L6*m2*n*nu3+24*R6*L6*m2*n*nu2-12*R6*L6*m2*n*nu-24*R6*L6*m2*n)*D_fluid_mn*PI2+(12*R4*L8*n3*nu2-12*R4*L8*n3)*D_fluid_mn)/(R8*T3*m8*E*PI8+4*R6*T3*L2*m6*n2*E*PI6+(-12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4*nu2+6*R4*T3*L4*m4*n4+12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4)*E*PI4+4*R2*T3*L6*m2*n6*E*PI2+T3*L8*n8*E)
332  coeffs.C_fluid_mn = -((12*R8*L4*m4*nu2-12*R8*L4*m4)*D_fluid_mn*PI4+(24*R6*L6*m2*n2*nu2-24*R6*L6*m2*n2)*D_fluid_mn*PI2+(12*R4*L8*n4*nu2-12*R4*L8*n4)*D_fluid_mn)/(R8*T3*m8*E*PI8+4*R6*T3*L2*m6*n2*E*PI6+(-12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4*nu2+6*R4*T3*L4*m4*n4+12*R6*Thickness*L4*m4)*E*PI4+4*R2*T3*L6*m2*n6*E*PI2+T3*L8*n8*E)
334  return coeffs
336def cylEvalMidDispls_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, m, n, coeffs):
337  disp = cylMidDisplComponents()
339  A_fluid_mn = coeffs.A_fluid_mn
340  B_fluid_mn = coeffs.B_fluid_mn
341  C_fluid_mn = coeffs.C_fluid_mn
343  angularArg = n*phi
344  axialArg = m*pi*x/Length
345  disp.u = A_fluid_mn*cos(angularArg)*cos(axialArg)
346  disp.v = B_fluid_mn*sin(angularArg)*sin(axialArg)
347  disp.w = C_fluid_mn*cos(angularArg)*sin(axialArg)
349  return disp
351def cylEvalMidDispls_pres(x, beta, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, Pressure, PP, QQ, RR):
352  disp = cylMidDisplComponents()
354  disp.u = 0
355  disp.v = 0
356  disp.w = -PP*(1-QQ*sin(beta*x)*sinh(beta*x)-RR*cos(beta*x)*cosh(beta*x))
357  return disp
359def cylEvalStrainsAndCurvatures_pres(x, phi, beta, Radius, nu, w, PP, QQ, RR):
360  sc = cylStrainsAndCurvatures()
362  sc.ep_phi_0 = PP*(-cos(beta*x)*cosh(beta*x)*RR-sin(beta*x)*sinh(beta*x)*QQ+1)/Radius
363  sc.gam_x_phi_0 = 0
364  sc.ep_x_0 = nu*w/Radius
365  sc.kappa_x = -PP*(2*beta**2*sin(beta*x)*sinh(beta*x)*RR-2*beta**2*cos(beta*x)*cosh(beta*x)*QQ)
366  sc.kappa_phi = 0
367  sc.kappa_x_phi = 0
369  return sc
371def cylEvalStrainsAndCurvatures_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, Radius, coeffs, m, n, q_fluid_mn):
372  sc = cylStrainsAndCurvatures()
374  A_fluid_mn = coeffs.A_fluid_mn
375  B_fluid_mn = coeffs.B_fluid_mn
376  C_fluid_mn = coeffs.C_fluid_mn
377  PI = pi
379  sc.ep_x_0 = -A_fluid_mn*m*cos(n*phi)*PI*sin(m*x*PI/Length)/Length
380  sc.ep_phi_0 = B_fluid_mn*n*cos(n*phi)*sin(m*x*PI/Length)/Radius-C_fluid_mn*cos(n*phi)*sin(m*x*PI/Length)/Radius
381  sc.gam_x_phi_0 = B_fluid_mn*m*sin(n*phi)*PI*cos(m*x*PI/Length)/Length-A_fluid_mn*n*sin(n*phi)*cos(m*x*PI/Length)/Radius
382  sc.kappa_x = -C_fluid_mn*(m*m)*cos(n*phi)*PI*PI*sin(m*x*PI/Length)/(Length*Length)
383  sc.kappa_phi = (B_fluid_mn*n*cos(n*phi)*sin(m*x*PI/Length)-C_fluid_mn*n*n*cos(n*phi)*sin(m*x*PI/Length))/(Radius*Radius)
384  sc.kappa_x_phi = (B_fluid_mn*m*sin(n*phi)*PI*cos(m*x*PI/Length)/Length-C_fluid_mn*m*n*sin(n*phi)*PI*cos(m*x*PI/Length)/Length)/Radius
386  return sc
388def cylEvalStresses_pres(x, phi, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, Pressure, w, beta, PP, QQ, RR):
389  sig = cylStressComponents()
391  sc = cylEvalStrainsAndCurvatures_pres(x, phi, beta, Radius, nu, w, PP, QQ, RR)
392  ep_x_0 = sc.ep_x_0
393  ep_phi_0 = sc.ep_phi_0
394  gam_x_phi_0 = sc.gam_x_phi_0
395  kappa_x = sc.kappa_x
396  kappa_phi = sc.kappa_x_phi
397  kappa_x_phi = sc.kappa_x_phi
399  G = E/(2*(1+nu))
401  z = -Thickness/2
402  sig.sig_x_out = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_x_0+nu*ep_phi_0-z*(kappa_x+nu*kappa_phi))
403  sig.sig_phi_out = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_phi_0+nu*ep_x_0-z*(kappa_phi+nu*kappa_x))
404  sig.sig_x_phi_in = (gam_x_phi_0-2*z*kappa_x_phi)*G
406  z = Thickness/2
407  sig.sig_x_in = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_x_0+nu*ep_phi_0-z*(kappa_x+nu*kappa_phi))
408  sig.sig_phi_in = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_phi_0+nu*ep_x_0-z*(kappa_phi+nu*kappa_x))
409  sig.sig_x_phi_in = (gam_x_phi_0-2*z*kappa_x_phi)*G
411  return sig
413def cylEvalStresses_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, coeffs, m, n, q_fluid_mn):
414  sig_fluid_mn = cylStressComponents()
416  sc = cylEvalStrainsAndCurvatures_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, Radius, coeffs, m, n, q_fluid_mn)
417  ep_x_0 = sc.ep_x_0
418  ep_phi_0 = sc.ep_phi_0
419  gam_x_phi_0 = sc.gam_x_phi_0
420  kappa_x = sc.kappa_x
421  kappa_phi = sc.kappa_x_phi
422  kappa_x_phi = sc.kappa_x_phi
424  G = E/(2*(1+nu))
426  z = -Thickness/2
427  sig_fluid_mn.sig_x_out = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_x_0+nu*ep_phi_0-z*(kappa_x+nu*kappa_phi))
428  sig_fluid_mn.sig_phi_out = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_phi_0+nu*ep_x_0-z*(kappa_phi+nu*kappa_x))
429  sig_fluid_mn.sig_x_phi_in = (gam_x_phi_0-2*z*kappa_x_phi)*G
431  z = Thickness/2
432  sig_fluid_mn.sig_x_in = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_x_0+nu*ep_phi_0-z*(kappa_x+nu*kappa_phi))
433  sig_fluid_mn.sig_phi_in = E/(1-nu*nu)*(ep_phi_0+nu*ep_x_0-z*(kappa_phi+nu*kappa_x))
434  sig_fluid_mn.sig_x_phi_in = (gam_x_phi_0-2*z*kappa_x_phi)*G
436  return sig_fluid_mn
438def cylEvalLoadCoeff_fluid_mn(Radius, gamma, LiqHeight, m, n):
439  if LiqHeight > Radius:
440    alpha = pi-acos((LiqHeight-Radius)/Radius)
441  else:
442    alpha = acos((Radius-LiqHeight)/Radius)
444  if n == 0:
445    D_fluid_mn = -4*gamma*Radius/(m*pi*pi)*(sin(alpha)-alpha*cos(alpha))
446  elif n == 1:
447    D_fluid_mn = -2*gamma*Radius/(m*pi*pi)*(2*alpha-sin(2*alpha))
448  else:
449    D_fluid_mn = -8*(gamma*Radius/(m*n*pi*pi*(n*n-1))*(cos(alpha)*sin(n*alpha)-n*cos(n*alpha)*(sin(alpha))))
451  return D_fluid_mn
453def cylEvalResults(M, N, X_vec, Phi_vec, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, Pressure, gamma, LiqHeight):
455  results = cylResults()
457  midDisplMap = []
458  stressMap = []
459  strainMap = []
461  for X_idx in X_vec:
462    row1 = []
463    row2 = []
464    row3 = []
465    for Phi_idx in Phi_vec:
466      row1.append(cylStressComponents())
467      row2.append(cylStrainComponents())
468      row3.append(cylMidDisplComponents())
469    stressMap.append(row1)
470    strainMap.append(row2)
471    midDisplMap.append(row3)
473  PI = pi
475  beta = pow(3*(1-nu*nu)/(Radius*Radius*Thickness*Thickness), 0.25)
476  DD = E*Thickness*Thickness*Thickness/(12*(1-nu*nu))
478  if (Pressure != 0):
479    alp = beta*Length/2
480    PP = Pressure*Length*Length*Length*Length/(64*DD*alp*alp*alp*alp)
481    QQ = 2*sin(alp)*sinh(alp)/(cos(2*alp)+cosh(2*alp))
482    RR = 2*cos(alp)*cosh(alp)/(cos(2*alp)+cosh(2*alp))
483    for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
484      x = X_vec[X_idx] #  For hydrostatic solution x is (0, Length)  for Pressure x is (-Length/2,Length/2)
485      for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
486        phi = Phi_vec[Phi_idx]
487        midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx] = cylEvalMidDispls_pres(x, beta, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, Pressure, PP, QQ, RR)
488        stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx] = cylEvalStresses_pres(x, phi, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, Pressure, midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].w, beta, PP, QQ, RR)
490  if (gamma != 0) & (LiqHeight != 0):
491    parm1 = pi/Length
492    mStart = gCoefficients.getRowIndex()+2
493    for m in range(1, M+1, 2):
494      parm2 = m*parm1
495      nStart = gCoefficients.getColumnIndex(m)+1
496      for n in range(nStart, N+1):
497        D_fluid_mn = cylEvalLoadCoeff_fluid_mn(Radius, gamma, LiqHeight, m, n)
498        coeffs = cylEvalCoefficents_fluid(m, n, D_fluid_mn, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu)
499        gCoefficients.set(m, n, coeffs)
501    if LiqHeight > Radius:
502      alpha = pi-acos((LiqHeight-Radius)/Radius)
503    else:
504      alpha = acos((Radius-LiqHeight)/Radius)
506    for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
507      x = X_vec[X_idx] + Length/2 #  For hydrostatic solution x is (0, Length)  for Pressure x is (-Length/2,Length/2)
508      for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
509        phi = Phi_vec[Phi_idx]
510        for m in range(1, M+1, 2):
511          for n in range(0, N+1):
512            coeffs = gCoefficients.get(m,n)
513            disp_fluid_mn = cylEvalMidDispls_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, m, n, coeffs)
514            midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].u += disp_fluid_mn.u
515            midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].v += disp_fluid_mn.v
516            midDisplMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].w += disp_fluid_mn.w
517            stresses_fluid_mn = cylEvalStresses_fluid_mn(x, phi, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, nu, coeffs, m, n, D_fluid_mn)
519            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_out     += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_x_out
520            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_out   += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_phi_out
521            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_out += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_x_phi_out
522            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_in      += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_x_in
523            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_in    += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_phi_in
524            stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_in  += stresses_fluid_mn.sig_x_phi_in
526  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
527    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
528      sig_x     = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_out
529      sig_phi   = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_out
530      sig_x_phi = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_out
531      stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_out = sqrt(sig_x*sig_x+sig_phi*sig_phi-sig_x*sig_phi+3*sig_x_phi*sig_x_phi)
533      sig_x     = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_in
534      sig_phi   = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_in
535      sig_x_phi = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_in
536      stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_in = sqrt(sig_x*sig_x+sig_phi*sig_phi-sig_x*sig_phi+3*sig_x_phi*sig_x_phi)
538      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_x_out       = (stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_out+nu*stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_out)/E
539      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_phi_out     = (stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_out+nu*stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_out)/E
540      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].gamma_x_phi_out = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_out*2*(1+nu)/E
541      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_x_in        = (stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_in+nu*stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_in)/E
542      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].eps_phi_in      = (stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_phi_in+nu*stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_in)/E
543      strainMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].gamma_x_phi_in  = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_x_phi_in*2*(1+nu)/E
545  maxStressEqu = 0
546  for X_idx in range(0, len(X_vec)):
547    for Phi_idx in range(0, len(Phi_vec)):
549      val = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_out
550      if (val > maxStressEqu):
551        maxStressEqu = val
552        X_ind_max_stress = X_idx
553        Phi_ind_max_stress = Phi_idx
554        surface_stress = OUT
556      val = stressMap[X_idx][Phi_idx].sig_eq_in
557      if (val > maxStressEqu):
558        maxStressEqu = val
559        X_ind_max_stress = X_idx
560        Phi_ind_max_stress = Phi_idx
561        surface_stress = IN
563  results.midDisplMap = midDisplMap
564  results.stressMap = stressMap
565  results.strainMap = strainMap
566  results.maxStressEqu = maxStressEqu
567  results.X_ind_max_stress = X_ind_max_stress
568  results.Phi_ind_max_stress = Phi_ind_max_stress
569  results.surface_stress = surface_stress
571  return results
573def cylinder(X_vec_in, Phi_vec_in, Pressure, Gamma, LiqHeight, E, Nu, Length, Radius, Thickness, M, N, summaryFileName, dataFileName):
575# Process variables - if this function is called from python, the types should
576# already be consisitent. If called from command line, the types may be ambiguous
577  if type(X_vec_in) is str:
578    temp = [float(x) for x in X_vec_in.replace(","," ").replace(";"," ").split() ]
579  elif type(X_vec_in) in [int, float]:
580    temp = [X_vec_in]
581  elif type(X_vec_in) is list:
582    temp = X_vec_in
583  else:
584    print('Input failure: X_vec')
585  X_vec = temp
587  if type(Phi_vec_in) is str:
588    temp = [float(x) for x in Phi_vec_in.replace(","," ").replace(";"," ").split() ]
589  elif type(Phi_vec_in) in [int, float]:
590    temp = [Phi_vec_in]
591  elif type(Phi_vec_in) is list:
592    temp = Phi_vec_in
593  else:
594    print('Input failure: Phi_vec')
595  Phi_vec = temp
597  Pressure = float(Pressure)
598  Gamma = float(Gamma)
599  LiqHeight = float(LiqHeight)
601  E = float(E)
602  Nu = float(Nu)
604  Length = float(Length)
605  Radius = float(Radius)
606  Thickness = float(Thickness)
608  M = int(float(M)/1)
609  N = int(float(N)/1)
611# some validation - not comprehensive
612  if M > M_MAX or N > N_MAX:
613    print('M must be less than ' +str(M_MAX)+ ', and N must be less than '+str(N_MAX))
614    return 2
616  results = cylEvalResults(M, N, X_vec, Phi_vec, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, Nu, Pressure, Gamma, LiqHeight)
618  # Write results files
619  # default is to write four quantities of interest from the simulation
620  # to the summary file, and an optional datafile with detailed information
621  # about stress, strain, and displacement
622  # In addition, two special cases exist that will skip the datafile,
623  # and write out the displacements at specific locations to the summary file
624  if (dataFileName == 'DisplacementsDataOnDiagonal'): #special case 3
625    reportDisplPonly(summaryFileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec)
626  elif (dataFileName == 'DisplacementsDataFullGrid'): #special case 4
627    reportDisplPandL(summaryFileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec)
628  elif dataFileName == '': # no datafile --> only write out the summary file, standard
629    if summaryFileName:
630      resultsSummary(results, X_vec, Phi_vec, summaryFileName) # write summary file in a Dakota friendly format
631  else: #if not a special case and not empty, complete the datafile and summaryFile
632    reportInputs(dataFileName, X_vec, Phi_vec, Length, Thickness, Radius, E, Nu, Pressure, Gamma, LiqHeight, M, N, '')
633    reportResults(dataFileName, results, X_vec, Phi_vec) #complete the datafile
634    if summaryFileName:
635      resultsSummary(results, X_vec, Phi_vec, summaryFileName) # write summary file in a Dakota friendly format
638  return results
641# Global vars for Cylinder
642# limit the maximum length of the expansion
643M_MAX = 45 # axial
644N_MAX = 45 # circumferencial
646gCoefficients = cylHydrostaticCoefficients(M_MAX+1, N_MAX+1)
655# FEM Tank Functions
658def skewInputs(Pressure_orig, Gamma_orig, LiqHeight_orig, E_orig, Nu_orig, Length_orig, Radius_orig, Thickness_orig, meshID):
659#biases applied to the input variable values, to bring them in line with the true variable values, which are evaluated in the physics model
660# change the sensitivity with a multiplier on the input variable
661# skew the input vs. meshID using a Mesh Convergence Parameters
662# compute new parameter values
664# handle biases and skew differently for Ponly and PandL scenarios
665  if ( Gamma_orig * LiqHeight_orig)  == 0: # pressure only scenario
666    meshID = meshID + 2
668    biasLength = 0
669    magLength = 1
670    mcpLength = 1.005
671    mcp2Length = 6/float(meshID)
672    Length_new = (Length_orig*magLength+biasLength)*pow(mcpLength, mcp2Length)
674    # convert 28-32 to 25-31
675    biasRadius = -17
676    magRadius = 1.5
677    mcpRadius = 0.992
678    mcp2Radius = 6/float(meshID)
679    Radius_new = (Radius_orig*magRadius+biasRadius)*pow(mcpRadius, mcp2Radius)
681    # convert 0.2~0.25 to 0.15~0.3
682    biasThickness = -0.45
683    magThickness = 3
684    mcpThickness = 0.996
685    mcp2Thickness = 6/float(meshID)
686    Thickness_new = (Thickness_orig*magThickness+biasThickness)*pow(mcpThickness, mcp2Thickness)
688    LiqHeight_new = LiqHeight_orig #don't mess with height, will be too obvious
690    biasPressure = 0
691    magPressure = 0.9-(Nu_orig-0.25)*2
692    mcpPressure = 1.005
693    mcp2Pressure = 7/float(meshID)
694    Pressure_new = (Pressure_orig*magPressure+biasPressure)*pow(mcpPressure, mcp2Pressure)
696    Gamma_new = 0
698    # convert 26~30e6 to 15~23e6
699    biasE = -37e6
700    magE = 2
701    mcpE = 1.012
702    mcp2E = 6/float(meshID)
703    E_new = (E_orig*magE+biasE)*pow(mcpE, mcp2E)
705    # convert 0.24~0.34 to 0.28~0.355
706    Nu_new = Nu_orig
707    biasNu = 0.1
708    magNu = 0.75
709    Nu_new = (Nu_orig*magNu+biasNu)
711  else: # pressure and liquid loading
712    biasLength = 0
713    magLength = 1
714    mcpLength = 1.01
715    mcp2Length = 4/float(meshID)
716    Length_new = (Length_orig*magLength+biasLength)*pow(mcpLength, mcp2Length)
718    # convert 28-32 to 25-31
719    biasRadius = -17
720    magRadius = 1.5
721    mcpRadius = 0.99
722    mcp2Radius = 4/float(meshID)
723    Radius_new = (Radius_orig*magRadius+biasRadius)*pow(mcpRadius, mcp2Radius)
725    # convert 0.2~0.25 to 0.22~0.32
726    biasThickness = -0.18
727    magThickness = 2
728    mcpThickness = 0.993
729    mcp2Thickness = 5/float(meshID)
730    Thickness_new = (Thickness_orig*magThickness+biasThickness)*pow(mcpThickness, mcp2Thickness)
732    LiqHeight_new = LiqHeight_orig #don't mess with height, will be too obvious
734    biasPressure = 0
735    magPressure = 0.9
736    mcpPressure = 1.05
737    mcp2Pressure = 5/float(meshID)
738    Pressure_new = (Pressure_orig*magPressure+biasPressure)*pow(mcpPressure, mcp2Pressure)
740    # convert 2.6~3.2 to 1.7~2.9
741    biasGamma = -3.5
742    magGamma = 2
743    mcpGamma = 0.99
744    mcp2Gamma = 5/float(meshID)
745    Gamma_new = (Gamma_orig*magGamma+biasGamma)*pow(mcpGamma, mcp2Gamma)
747    # convert 26~30e6 to 10~22e6
748    biasE = -68e6
749    magE = 3
750    mcpE = 1.02
751    mcp2E = 4/float(meshID)
752    E_new = (E_orig*magE+biasE)*pow(mcpE, mcp2E)
754    # convert 0.24~0.34 to 0.28~0.355
755    Nu_new = Nu_orig
756    biasNu = 0.1
757    magNu = 0.75
758    Nu_new = (Nu_orig*magNu+biasNu)
761  M = meshID*4 + 8
762  N = meshID*4 + 7
764  return ( Pressure_new, Gamma_new, LiqHeight_new, E_new, Nu_new, Length_new, Radius_new, Thickness_new, M, N)
766def main(X_vec_in, Phi_vec_in, Pressure, Gamma_Chi, LiqHeight, E, Nu, Length, Radius, Thickness, meshID, summaryFileName, dataFileName):
768# Process variables - if this function is called from python, the types should
769# already be consisitent. If called from command line, the types may be ambiguous
770  if type(X_vec_in) is list:
771    X_vec_orig = X_vec_in
772  elif type(X_vec_in) in [int, float]:
773    X_vec_orig = [X_vec_in]
774  elif type(X_vec_in) is str:
775    X_vec_orig = [float(x) for x in X_vec_in.replace(","," ").replace(";"," ").split() ]
776  else:
777    print('Input failure: X_vec')
778    return 6
780  if type(Phi_vec_in) is list:
781    Phi_vec_orig = Phi_vec_in
782  elif type(Phi_vec_in) in [int, float]:
783    Phi_vec_orig = [Phi_vec_in]
784  elif type(Phi_vec_in) is str:
785    Phi_vec_orig = [float(x) for x in Phi_vec_in.replace(","," ").replace(";"," ").split() ]
786  else:
787    print('Input failure: Phi_vec')
788    return 5
790  Pressure_orig = float(Pressure)
792  if Gamma_Chi < 0:
793    Chi = - Gamma_Chi
794    Dfun_Chi_0 = 0.3
795    Dfun_gamma_0 = 7
796    Dfun_a = -8
797    Dfun_b = 0.25
798    Dfun_c = 5
800    Gamma_orig = Dfun_gamma_0 * Chi / (1 + Dfun_b * pow(Chi - Dfun_Chi_0, 2) ) + Dfun_a * pow(Chi, 0.5) + Dfun_c
801  else:
802    Gamma_orig = Gamma_Chi
804  LiqHeight_orig = float(LiqHeight)
806  E_orig = float(E)
807  Nu_orig = float(Nu)
809  Length_orig = float(Length)
810  Radius_orig = float(Radius)
811  Thickness_orig = float(Thickness)
813  meshID = int(float(meshID)/1)
815# meshID has allowable values
816  if 1 > meshID or meshID > 4:
817    print("meshID must be 1, 2, 3 or 4")
818    return 404
820# convert meshID into expansion lengths
822  [Pressure_new, Gamma_new, LiqHeight_new, E_new, Nu_new, Length_new, Radius_new, Thickness_new, M, N] = skewInputs(Pressure_orig, Gamma_orig, LiqHeight_orig, E_orig, Nu_orig, Length_orig, Radius_orig, Thickness_orig, meshID)
824# also rescale the x position, since the length of tank may have changed. angle does not change
825  rescale = Length_orig / Length_orig
826  X_vec_new = [x * rescale for x in X_vec_orig]
827  Phi_vec_new = Phi_vec_orig
829  # Run the skewed inputs.
830  results = cylinder(X_vec_new, Phi_vec_new, Pressure_new, Gamma_new, LiqHeight_new, E_new, Nu_new, Length_new, Radius_new, Thickness_new, M, N, '','') # don't have cylinder write any files
832  # Write results files
833  # default is to write four quantities of interest from the simulation
834  # to the summary file, and an optional datafile with detailed information
835  # about stress, strain, and displacement
836  # In addition, two special cases exist that will skip the datafile,
837  # and write out the displacements at specific locations to the summary file
838  if (dataFileName == 'DisplacementsDataOnDiagonal'): #special case 3
839    reportDisplPonly(summaryFileName, results, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig)
840  elif (dataFileName == 'DisplacementsDataFullGrid'): #special case 4
841    reportDisplPandL(summaryFileName, results, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig)
842  elif dataFileName == '': # no datafile --> only write out the summary file, standard
843    resultsSummary(results, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig, summaryFileName) # write summary file in a Dakota friendly format
844  else: #if not a special case and not empty, complete the datafile and summaryFile
845    reportInputs(dataFileName, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig, Length_orig, Thickness_orig, Radius_orig, E_orig, Nu_orig, Pressure_orig, Gamma_orig, LiqHeight_orig, M, N, meshID)
846    reportResults(dataFileName, results, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig)
847    resultsSummary(results, X_vec_orig, Phi_vec_orig, summaryFileName) # write summary file in a Dakota friendly format
848    # for debugging, you can write out the true (skewed) parameter values
849#    reportInputs(dataFileName + '.true', X_vec_new, Phi_vec_new, Length_new, Thickness_new, Radius_new, E_new, Nu_new, Pressure_new, Gamma_new, LiqHeight_new, M, N, '')
851if __name__ == "__main__":
852  main()