1 #ifndef ODEBASE_H_
2 #define ODEBASE_H_
4 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
6 #include "MUQ/Modeling/ModPiece.h"
7 #include "MUQ/Modeling/ODEData.h"
9 namespace muq {
10   namespace Modeling {
12     /// A bass class to integrate ODE's
13     class ODEBase : public ModPiece {
14     public:
16       /**
17 	    @param[in] rhs The right hand side of the ODE
18       @param[in] inputSizes The input input sizes
19       @param[in] outputSizes The output sizes
20 	    @param[in] pt A boost::property_tree::ptree with options/tolerances for the ODE integrator
21       */
22 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
23   ODEBase(std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> const& rhs, Eigen::VectorXi const& inputSizes, Eigen::VectorXi const& outputSizes, boost::property_tree::ptree const& pt, std::shared_ptr<parcer::Communicator> const& comm = nullptr);
24 #else
25       ODEBase(std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> const& rhs, Eigen::VectorXi const& inputSizes, Eigen::VectorXi const& outputSizes, boost::property_tree::ptree const& pt);
26 #endif
28       virtual ~ODEBase();
30     protected:
32       /// Are we computing the Jacobian, the action of the Jacobian, or the action of the Jacobian transpose
33       enum DerivativeMode {
34 	/// The Jacobian
35 	Jac,
36 	/// The action of the Jacobian
37 	JacAction,
38 	/// The action of the Jacobian transpose
39 	JacTransAction
40       };
42       /// Check the return flag of a Sundials function
43       /**
44 	 @param[in] flagvalue The value of the Sundials flag
45 	 @param[in] funcname The name of the Sundials function
46 	 @param[in] opt An option to determine how to check the flag, 0: check if flag is nullptr, 1: flag is an int, check if flag<0 (indicates Sundials error)
47 	 \return false: failure, true: success
48        */
49       bool CheckFlag(void* flagvalue, std::string const& funcname, unsigned int const opt) const;
51       /// Alloc memory and set up options for the Sundials solver
52       /**
53 	 @param[in] cvode_mem The Sundials solver
54 	 @param[in] state The initial state
55 	 @param[in] data An object that holds the RHS inputs and can evaluate the RHS
56        */
57       void CreateSolverMemory(void* cvode_mem, N_Vector const& state, std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const;
59       int CreateSolverMemoryB(void* cvode_mem, double const timeFinal, N_Vector const& lambda, N_Vector const& nvGrad, std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const;
61       /// Deal with Sundials errors
62       /**
63 	 Sundials will call this function if it runs into a problem
64 	 @param[in] error_code Sundials error code
65 	 @param[in] module The name of the CVODES module reporting the error
66 	 @param[in] function The name of the function in which the error occured
67 	 @param[in] msg The error message
68 	 @param[in] user_data A pointer to an muq::Modeling::ODEData
69        */
70       static void ErrorHandler(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *user_data);
72       /// Evaluate the right hand side
73       /**
74 	 @param[in] time The current time
75 	 @param[in] state The current state
76 	 @param[out] deriv The derivative of the state with respect to time
77 	 @param[in] user_data A pointer to an muq::Modeling::ODEData
78        */
79       static int EvaluateRHS(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector deriv, void *user_data);
81       static int AdjointRHS(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector deriv, void *user_data);
83       /// Evaluate the Jacobian of the right hand side
84       /**
85 	 @param[in] N
86 	 @param[in] time The current time
87 	 @param[in] state The current state
88 	 @param[in] rhs The derivative of the state with respect to time
89 	 @param[out] jac The Jacobian of the right hand side with respect to the current state
90 	 @param[in] user_data A pointer to an muq::Modeling::ODEData
91 	 @param[in] tmp1
92 	 @param[in] tmp2
93 	 @param[in] tmp3
94        */
95       static int RHSJacobian(long int N, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector rhs, DlsMat jac, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
97       static int AdjointJacobian(long int N, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector rhs, DlsMat jac, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
99       /// Evaluate the action of the Jacobian of the right hand side
100       /**
101 	 @param[in] v The vector the Jacobian is acting on
102 	 @param[out] Jv The action of the Jacobian on v
103 	 @param[in] time The current time
104 	 @param[in] state The current state
105 	 @param[in] rhs The derivative of the state with respect to time
106 	 @param[in] user_data A pointer to an muq::Modeling::ODEData
107 	 @param[in] tmp
108        */
109       static int RHSJacobianAction(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector rhs, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
111       static int AdjointJacobianAction(N_Vector target, N_Vector output, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector adjRhs, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp);
113       /// Sundials uses this function to compute the derivative of the state at each timestep
114       /**
115 	 @param[in] Ns The number of sensitivities
116 	 @param[in] time The current time
117 	 @param[in] y The current state
118 	 @param[in] ydot The derivative of the current state with respect to time
119 	 @param[in] ys
120 	 @param[in] ySdot The sensitivties
121 	 @param[in] user_data A pointer to an muq::Modeling::ODEData
122        */
123       static int ForwardSensitivityRHS(int Ns, realtype time, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, N_Vector *ys, N_Vector *ySdot, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2);
125       static int AdjointQuad(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector quadRhs, void *user_data);
127       /// Set up the solver for sensitivity information
128       /**
129 	 @param[in] cvode_mem The Sundials solver
130 	 @param[in] paramSize The size of the input parameter we are differenating wrt
131 	 @param[in,out] sensState This will become the 'current' Jacobian
132        */
133       void SetUpSensitivity(void *cvode_mem, unsigned int const paramSize, N_Vector *sensState) const;
135       /// Which linear solver should we use?
136       enum LinearSolver {
137 	/// Dense solver
138 	Dense,
139 	/// SPGMR
140 	SPGMR,
141 	/// SPBCG
142 	SPBCG,
143 	/// SPTFQMR
145       };
147       /// The right hand side of the ODE
148       std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> rhs;
150       /// Linear solver method
151       LinearSolver slvr;
153       /// The relative tolerance
154       const double reltol;
156       /// The absolute tolerance
157       const double abstol;
159       /// The maximum time step size
160       const double maxStepSize;
162       /// The maximum number of time steps
163       const unsigned int maxNumSteps;
165       /// Multistep method
166       int multiStep;
168       /// Nonlinear solver method
169       int solveMethod;
171       /// Is the RHS autonomous?
172       const bool autonomous;
174       /// Check point gap
175       const unsigned int checkPtGap;
177 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
178       /// The global size of the state vector
179       const unsigned int globalSize = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::quiet_NaN();
181       std::shared_ptr<parcer::Communicator> comm = nullptr;
182 #endif
184     private:
186     };
188   } // namespace Modeling
189 } // namespace muq
191 #endif