1# Automatically generated by ./create_tables.pl from database fm92_grib2@grib-param-db-prod.ecmwf.int, do not edit
20 0 Flash flood guidance (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time between the reference time and valid time) (kg m-2)
31 1 Flash flood runoff (Encoded as an accumulation over a floating subinterval of time) (kg m-2)
42 2 Remotely sensed snow cover (code table 4.215)
53 3 Elevation of snow covered terrain (code table 4.216)
64 4 Snow water equivalent percent of normal (%)
75 5 Baseflow-groundwater runoff (kg m-2)
86 6 Storm surface runoff (kg m-2)
9255 255 Missing (-)