1 /*
2  * (C) Copyright 2005- ECMWF.
3  *
4  * This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
5  * which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
6  *
7  * In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by
8  * virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction.
9  */
11 /*
12  *
13  * Description: Check the geometry of a global GRIB field
14  *              which has a Gaussian Grid (reduced or regular)
15  *
16  */
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <assert.h>
20 #include <stdarg.h>
21 #include <sys/stat.h>
23 #include "grib_api_internal.h"
25 #define STR_EQUAL(s1, s2) (strcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0)
27 int exit_on_error = 1; /* By default exit if any check fails */
28 int verbose       = 0; /* By default quiet unless errors */
29 int error_count   = 0;
DBL_EQUAL(double d1,double d2,double tolerance)31 int DBL_EQUAL(double d1, double d2, double tolerance)
32 {
33     return fabs(d1 - d2) <= tolerance;
34 }
usage(const char * prog)36 static void usage(const char* prog)
37 {
38     printf("Usage: %s [-f] [-v] grib_file grib_file ...\n\n", prog);
39     printf("Check geometry of GRIB fields with a Gaussian Grid.\n");
40     printf("(The grid is assumed to be GLOBAL)\n\n");
41     printf("Options:\n");
42     printf("  -f  Do not exit on first error\n");
43     printf("  -v  Verbose\n");
44     printf("\n");
45     exit(1);
46 }
48 /* Print an error message and optionally die */
error(const char * filename,int msg_num,const char * fmt,...)49 void error(const char* filename, int msg_num, const char* fmt, ...)
50 {
51     char buf[1024] = {0,};
52     va_list list;
53     va_start(list, fmt);
54     if (verbose)
55         sprintf(buf, " Error: %s", fmt); /* indent a bit */
56     else
57         sprintf(buf, "Error: %s #%d: %s", filename, msg_num, fmt);
58     vfprintf(stderr, buf, list);
59     va_end(list);
61     ++error_count;
62     if (exit_on_error) {
63         exit(1);
64     }
65 }
get_precision(long edition)67 double get_precision(long edition)
68 {
69     if (edition == 1)
70         return 1.0 / 1000.0; /* milli degrees */
71     if (edition == 2)
72         return 1.0 / 1000000.0; /* micro degrees */
73     assert(!"Invalid edition");
74     return 0.0;
75 }
process_file(const char * filename)77 int process_file(const char* filename)
78 {
79     int err = 0, msg_num = 0;
80     grib_handle* h = NULL;
81     FILE* in       = NULL;
83     if (!path_is_regular_file(filename)) {
84         if (verbose)
85             printf(" WARNING: '%s' not a regular file! Ignoring\n", filename);
86         return GRIB_IO_PROBLEM;
87     }
89     in = fopen(filename, "r");
90     if (!in) {
91         fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open input file '%s'\n", filename);
92         exit(1);
93     }
95     if (verbose)
96         printf("Checking file %s\n", filename);
98     while ((h = grib_handle_new_from_file(0, in, &err)) != NULL) {
99         int is_reduced = 0, is_regular = 0, grid_ok = 0;
100         long edition = 0, N = 0, Nj = 0, numberOfDataPoints;
101         size_t len = 0, sizeOfValuesArray = 0;
102         double* lats       = NULL;
103         long* pl           = NULL;
104         char gridType[128] = {0,};
105         double angular_tolerance, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, expected_lon2;
106         double iDirectionIncrementInDegrees;
108         if (err != GRIB_SUCCESS)
109             GRIB_CHECK(err, 0);
110         ++msg_num;
111         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "edition", &edition), 0);
112         if (verbose)
113             printf(" Processing GRIB message #%d (edition=%ld)\n", msg_num, edition);
115         len = 32;
116         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_string(h, "gridType", gridType, &len), 0);
117         is_regular = STR_EQUAL(gridType, "regular_gg");
118         is_reduced = STR_EQUAL(gridType, "reduced_gg");
119         grid_ok    = is_regular || is_reduced;
120         if (!grid_ok) {
121             /*error("ERROR: gridType should be Reduced or Regular Gaussian Grid!\n");*/
122             if (verbose)
123                 printf(" WARNING: gridType=%s. It should be Reduced or Regular Gaussian Grid! Ignoring\n", gridType);
124             grib_handle_delete(h);
125             continue;
126         }
128         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "N", &N), 0);
129         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "Nj", &Nj), 0);
130         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "numberOfDataPoints", &numberOfDataPoints), 0);
131         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h, "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", &lat1), 0);
132         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h, "longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees", &lon1), 0);
133         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h, "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", &lat2), 0);
134         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h, "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees", &lon2), 0);
135         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h, "iDirectionIncrementInDegrees", &iDirectionIncrementInDegrees), 0);
137         angular_tolerance = get_precision(edition);
139         if (N <= 0) {
140             error(filename, msg_num, "N should be > 0\n", N);
141         }
142         if (Nj != 2 * N) {
143             error(filename, msg_num, "Nj is %ld but should be 2*N (%ld)\n", Nj, 2 * N);
144         }
146         if (lon1 != 0) {
147             error(filename, msg_num, "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees=%f but should be 0\n", lon1);
148         }
149         expected_lon2 = 360.0 - 360.0 / (4 * N);
151         /* Check first and last latitudes */
152         if (lat1 != -lat2) {
153             error(filename, msg_num, "First latitude must be = last latitude but opposite in sign: lat1=%f, lat2=%f\n",
154                   lat1, lat2);
155         }
156         /* Note: grib_get_gaussian_latitudes() assumes the 'lats' array has 2N elements! */
157         /*       So do not allocate Nj */
158         lats = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * N);
159         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_gaussian_latitudes(N, lats), 0);
161         if (!DBL_EQUAL(lats[0], lat1, angular_tolerance)) {
162             error(filename, msg_num, "latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees=%f but should be %f\n", lat1, lats[0]);
163         }
164         if (!DBL_EQUAL(lats[Nj - 1], lat2, angular_tolerance)) {
165             error(filename, msg_num, "latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees=%f but should be %f\n", lat2, lats[Nj - 1]);
166         }
168         if (is_reduced) {
169             int pl_sum = 0, max_pl = 0, is_missing_Ni = 0, is_missing_Di = 0;
170             size_t i = 0, pl_len = 0;
171             long is_octahedral = 0;
172             is_missing_Ni      = grib_is_missing(h, "Ni", &err);
173             assert(err == GRIB_SUCCESS);
174             is_missing_Di = grib_is_missing(h, "iDirectionIncrement", &err);
175             assert(err == GRIB_SUCCESS);
176             if (!is_missing_Ni) {
177                 error(filename, msg_num, "For a reduced gaussian grid Ni should be missing\n");
178             }
179             if (!is_missing_Di) {
180                 error(filename, msg_num, "For a reduced gaussian grid iDirectionIncrement should be missing\n");
181             }
183             GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h, "pl", &pl_len), 0);
184             assert(pl_len > 0);
185             if (pl_len != 2 * N) {
186                 error(filename, msg_num, "Length of pl array is %ld but should be 2*N (%ld)\n", pl_len, 2 * N);
187             }
188             pl = (long*)malloc(pl_len * sizeof(long));
189             assert(pl);
190             GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long_array(h, "pl", pl, &pl_len), 0);
191             max_pl = pl[0];
193             /* Check pl is symmetric */
194             for (i = 0; i < pl_len / 2; ++i) {
195                 const long pl_start = pl[i];
196                 const long pl_end   = pl[pl_len - 1 - i];
197                 if (pl_start != pl_end) {
198                     error(filename, msg_num, "pl array is not symmetric: pl[%ld]=%ld, pl[%ld]=%ld\n",
199                           i, pl_start, pl_len - 1 - i, pl_end);
200                 }
201             }
203             /* Check sum of pl array and total number of points */
204             for (i = 0; i < pl_len; ++i) {
205                 pl_sum += pl[i];
206                 if (pl[i] > max_pl)
207                     max_pl = pl[i];
208             }
209             if (pl_sum != numberOfDataPoints) {
210                 error(filename, msg_num, "Sum of pl array %ld does not match numberOfDataPoints %ld\n", pl_sum, numberOfDataPoints);
211             }
212             GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h, "isOctahedral", &is_octahedral), 0);
213             if (is_octahedral) {
214                 if (verbose)
215                     printf("  This is an Octahedral Gaussian grid\n");
216                 expected_lon2 = 360.0 - 360.0 / max_pl;
217             }
218             free(pl);
219         }
221         if (fabs(lon2 - expected_lon2) > angular_tolerance) {
222             error(filename, msg_num, "longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees=%f but should be %f\n", lon2, expected_lon2);
223         }
225         GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h, "values", &sizeOfValuesArray), 0);
226         if (sizeOfValuesArray != numberOfDataPoints) {
227             error(filename, msg_num, "Number of data points %d different from size of values array %d\n",
228                   numberOfDataPoints, sizeOfValuesArray);
229         }
231         free(lats);
232         grib_handle_delete(h);
233     }
234     fclose(in);
235     if (verbose)
236         printf("\n");
237     return GRIB_SUCCESS;
238 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)240 int main(int argc, char** argv)
241 {
242     int i = 0;
244     if (argc < 2) {
245         usage(argv[0]);
246         return 1;
247     }
249     for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
250         const char* arg = argv[i];
251         if (STR_EQUAL(arg, "-f")) {
252             if (argc < 3) {
253                 usage(argv[0]);
254                 return 1;
255             }
256             exit_on_error = 0;
257         }
258         else if (STR_EQUAL(arg, "-v")) {
259             if (argc < 3) {
260                 usage(argv[0]);
261                 return 1;
262             }
263             verbose = 1;
264         }
265         else {
266             /* We have a file (not an option) */
267             process_file(arg);
268         }
269     }
271     if (verbose)
272         printf("###############\n");
273     if (error_count == 0) {
274         if (verbose)
275             printf("ALL OK\n");
276     }
277     else {
278         printf("Error count: %d\n", error_count);
279         return 1;
280     }
282     return 0;
283 }