1 #ifndef  D0RunIIconeJets_CONESPLITMERGE
2 #define  D0RunIIconeJets_CONESPLITMERGE
3 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 // ConeSplitMerge.hpp
5 //
6 // Created: 28-JUL-2000 Francois Touze
7 //
8 // Purpose: Implements the pT ordered jet split/merge algorithm for the
9 //   Improved Legacy Cone Algorithm split/merge algo.
10 //
11 // Modified:
12 //   31-JUL-2000  Laurent Duflot
13 //     + introduce support for additional informations (ConeJetInfo)
14 //    1-AUG-2000  Laurent Duflot
15 //     + jet merge criteria was wrong, now calculate shared_ET and compare to
16 //       neighbour jet pT.
17 //     + split was incomplete: shared items not really removed from jets.
18 //    4-Aug-2000  Laurent Duflot
19 //     + use item methods y() and phi() rather than p4vec() and then P2y and
20 //       P2phi
21 //    7-Aug-2000  Laurent Duflot
22 //     + force the list to be organized by decreasing ET and, for identical ET,
23 //       by decreasing seedET. Identical protojets can be found by eg nearby
24 //       seeds. The seedET ordering is such that for identical jets, the one
25 //       with the highest seedET is kept, which is what we want for efficiency
26 //       calculations.
27 //     + avoid unecessary copies of lists by using reference when possible
28 //    9-Aug-2000  Laurent Duflot
29 //     + save initial jet ET before split/merge
30 //    1-May-2007 Lars Sonnenschein
31 //    extracted from D0 software framework and modified to remove subsequent dependencies
32 //
33 //
34 // This file is distributed with FastJet under the terms of the GNU
35 // General Public License (v2). Permission to do so has been granted
36 // by Lars Sonnenschein and the D0 collaboration (see COPYING for
37 // details)
38 //
39 // History of changes in FastJet compared tothe original version of
40 // ConeSplitMerge.hpp
41 //
42 // 2011-12-13  Gregory Soyez  <soyez@fastjet.fr>
43 //
44 //        * added license information
45 //
46 // 2009-01-17  Gregory Soyez  <soyez@fastjet.fr>
47 //
48 //        * put the code in the fastjet::d0 namespace
49 //
50 // 2007-12-14  Gavin Salam  <salam@lpthe.jussieu.fr>
51 //
52 //        * replaced make_pair by std::make_pair
53 //
54 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 #include <iostream>
58 #include <map>
59 #include <utility>
60 #include <vector>
61 #include "ProtoJet.hpp"
63 //using namespace D0RunIIconeJets_CONEJETINFO;
65 #include <fastjet/internal/base.hh>
69 namespace d0{
71 //
72 // this class is used to order ProtoJets by decreasing ET and seed ET
73 template <class Item>
74 class ProtoJet_ET_seedET_order
75 {
76 public:
operator ()(const ProtoJet<Item> & first,const ProtoJet<Item> & second) const77   bool operator()(const ProtoJet<Item> & first, const ProtoJet<Item> & second) const
78   {
79     if ( first.pT() > second.pT() ) return true;
80     else
81       if ( first.pT() < second.pT() ) return false;
82       else return ( first.info().seedET() > second.info().seedET() );
83   }
84 };
87 template <class Item>
88 class ConeSplitMerge {
90 public :
92   typedef std::multimap<ProtoJet<Item>,float,ProtoJet_ET_seedET_order<Item> > PJMMAP;
94   ConeSplitMerge();
95   ConeSplitMerge(const std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >& jvector);
96   ConeSplitMerge(const std::list<ProtoJet<Item> >& jlist);
~ConeSplitMerge()97   ~ConeSplitMerge() {;}
98   void split_merge(std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >& ecv,float s, float pT_min_leading_protojet, float pT_min_second_protojet, int MergeMax, float pT_min_noMergeMax);
100 private :
101   PJMMAP _members;
102 };
103 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 template<class Item>
ConeSplitMerge()105 ConeSplitMerge<Item>::ConeSplitMerge():_members() {;}
107 template<class Item>
ConeSplitMerge(const std::vector<ProtoJet<Item>> & jvector)108 ConeSplitMerge<Item>::ConeSplitMerge(const std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >& jvector)
109 {
110   // sort proto_jets in Et descending order
111   typename std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >::const_iterator jt;
112   for(jt = jvector.begin(); jt != jvector.end(); ++jt)
113   {
114     // this is supposed to be a stable cone, declare so
115     ProtoJet<Item> jet(*jt);
116     jet.NowStable();
117     _members.insert(std::make_pair(jet,jet.pT()));
118   }
119 }
121 template<class Item>
ConeSplitMerge(const std::list<ProtoJet<Item>> & jlist)122 ConeSplitMerge<Item>::ConeSplitMerge(const std::list<ProtoJet<Item> >& jlist)
123 {
124   //_max_nb_items =-1;
125   // sort proto_jets in Et descending order
126   typename std::list<ProtoJet<Item> >::const_iterator jt;
127   for(jt = jlist.begin(); jt != jlist.end(); ++jt)
128   {
129     // this is supposed to be a stable cone, declare so
130     ProtoJet<Item> jet(*jt);
131     jet.NowStable();
132     _members.insert(std::make_pair(jet,jet.pT()));
133   }
134 }
136 template<class Item>
split_merge(std::vector<ProtoJet<Item>> & jcv,float shared_ET_fraction,float pT_min_leading_protojet,float pT_min_second_protojet,int MergeMax,float pT_min_noMergeMax)137 void ConeSplitMerge<Item>::split_merge(std::vector<ProtoJet<Item> >& jcv,
138 				       float shared_ET_fraction,
139 				       float pT_min_leading_protojet, float pT_min_second_protojet,
140 				       int MergeMax, float pT_min_noMergeMax)
141 {
142   while(!_members.empty())
143   {
144     /*
145     {
146       std::cout << std::endl;
147       std::cout << " ---------------  list of protojets ------------------ " <<std::endl;
148       for ( PJMMAP::iterator it = _members.begin();
149 	    it != _members.end(); ++it)
150       {
151 	std::cout << " pT y phi " << (*it).pT() << " " << (*it).y() << " " << (*it).phi() << " " << (*it).info().seedET() <<  " " << (*it).info().nbMerge() << " " << (*it).info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
152       }
153       std::cout << " ----------------------------------------------------- " <<std::endl;
154     }
155     */
158     // select highest Et jet
159     typename PJMMAP::iterator itmax= _members.begin();
160     ProtoJet<Item> imax((*itmax).first);
161     const std::list<const Item*>& ilist(imax.LItems());
163     _members.erase(itmax);
165     // does jet share items?
166     bool share= false;
167     float shared_ET = 0.;
168     typename PJMMAP::iterator jtmax;
169     typename PJMMAP::iterator jt;
170     for(jt = _members.begin(); jt != _members.end(); ++jt)
171     {
172       const std::list<const Item*>& jlist((*jt).first.LItems());
173       typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator tk;
174       int count;
175       for(tk = ilist.begin(), count = 0; tk != ilist.end();
176 	  ++tk, ++count)
177       {
178 	typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator where=
179 	  find(jlist.begin(),jlist.end(),*tk);
180 	if(where != jlist.end())
181 	{
182 	  share= true;
183 	  shared_ET += (*tk)->pT();
184 	}
185       }
186       if(share)
187       {
188 	jtmax = jt;
189 	break;
190       }
191     }
193     if(!share) {
194       // add jet to the final jet list
195       jcv.push_back(imax);
196       //std::cout << " final jet " << imax.pT() << " "<< imax.info().nbMerge() << " " << imax.info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
197     }
198     else
199     {
200       // find highest Et neighbor
201       ProtoJet<Item> jmax((*jtmax).first);
203       // drop neighbor
204       _members.erase(jtmax);
207       //std::cout << " split or merge ? " << imax.pT() << " " << shared_ET << " " << jmax.pT() << " " << s << " " << (jmax.pT())*s << std::endl;
209       // merge
210       if( shared_ET > (jmax.pT())*shared_ET_fraction
211 	  && (imax.pT() > pT_min_leading_protojet || jmax.pT() > pT_min_second_protojet)
212 	  && (imax.info().nbMerge() < MergeMax || imax.pT() > pT_min_noMergeMax))
213 	{
214 	  // add neighbor's items to imax
215 	  const std::list<const Item*>& jlist(jmax.LItems());
216 	  typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator tk;
217 	  typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator iend= ilist.end();
218 	  bool same = true; // is jmax just the same as imax ?
219 	  for(tk = jlist.begin(); tk != jlist.end(); ++tk)
220 	    {
221 	      typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator where=
222 		find(ilist.begin(),iend,*tk);
223 	      if(where == iend)
224 		{
225 		  imax.addItem(*tk);
226 		  same = false;
227 		}
228 	    }
229 	  if ( ! same )
230 	    {
231 	      // recalculate
232 	      //float old_pT = imax.pT();
234 	      imax.updateJet();
235 	      imax.merged();
236 	      //std::cout << " jet merge :: " << old_pT << " " << jmax.pT() << " " << imax.pT() << " "<< imax.info().nbMerge() << " " << imax.info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
237 	    }
238 	}
240       //split and assign removed shared cells from lowest pT protojet
241       else if(shared_ET > (jmax.pT())*shared_ET_fraction)
242       {
243 	// here we need to pull the lists, because there are items to remove
244 	std::list<const Item*> ilist(imax.LItems());
245 	std::list<const Item*> jlist(jmax.LItems());
247         typename std::list<const Item*>::iterator tk;
248         for(tk = jlist.begin(); tk != jlist.end(); )
249 	  {
250 	    typename std::list<const Item*>::iterator where=
251 	      find(ilist.begin(),ilist.end(),*tk);
252 	    if(where != ilist.end()) {
253 	      tk = jlist.erase(tk);
254 	    }
255 	    else ++tk;
256 	  }
258         jmax.erase();
260         for ( typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator it = jlist.begin();
261               it != jlist.end(); ++it) jmax.addItem(*it);
263         // recalculated jet quantities
264         jmax.updateJet();
265         jmax.splitted();
266         //std::cout << " jet split 1 :: " << jmax.pT() << " "<< jmax.info().nbMerge() << " " << jmax.info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
267         _members.insert(std::make_pair(jmax,jmax.pT()));
268       }
270       // split and assign shared cells to nearest protojet
271       else
272       {
273 	// here we need to pull the lists, because there are items to remove
274 	std::list<const Item*> ilist(imax.LItems());
275 	std::list<const Item*> jlist(jmax.LItems());
277 	typename std::list<const Item*>::iterator tk;
278 	for(tk = jlist.begin(); tk != jlist.end(); )
279 	{
280 	  typename std::list<const Item*>::iterator where=
281 	    find(ilist.begin(),ilist.end(),*tk);
282 	  if(where != ilist.end()) {
283 	    float yk   = (*tk)->y();
284 	    float phik = (*tk)->phi();
285 	    float di= RD2(imax.y(),imax.phi(),yk,phik);
286 	    float dj= RD2(jmax.y(),jmax.phi(),yk,phik);
287 	    if(dj > di)
288 	    {
289 	      tk = jlist.erase(tk);
290 	      //std::cout << " shared item " << (*tk)->pT() << " removed from neighbour jet " << std::endl;
291 	    }
292 	    else
293 	    {
294 	      ilist.erase(where);
295 	      ++tk;
296 	      //std::cout << " shared item " << (*tk)->pT() << " removed from leading jet " << std::endl;
297 	    }
298 	  }
299 	  else ++tk;
300 	}
301 	// recalculate jets imax and jmax
303 	// first erase all items
304 	imax.erase();
305 	// put items that are left
306 	for ( typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator it = ilist.begin();
307 	      it != ilist.end(); ++it) imax.addItem(*it);
308 	// recalculated jet quantities
309 	imax.updateJet();
310 	imax.splitted();
311 	//std::cout << " jet split 2 :: " << imax.pT() << " "<< imax.info().nbMerge() << " " << imax.info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
314 	// first erase all items
315 	jmax.erase();
316 	// put items that are left
317 	for ( typename std::list<const Item*>::const_iterator it = jlist.begin();
318 	      it != jlist.end(); ++it) jmax.addItem(*it);
319 	// recalculated jet quantities
320 	jmax.updateJet();
321 	jmax.splitted();
322 	//std::cout << " jet split " << jmax.pT() << " "<< jmax.info().nbMerge() << " " << jmax.info().nbSplit() << std::endl;
324 	_members.insert(std::make_pair(jmax,jmax.pT()));
325       }
326       _members.insert(std::make_pair(imax,imax.pT()));
327     }
328   } // while
329 }
330 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
332 }  // namespace d0
336 #endif