1 // -*- C++ -*-
3 /*
4  * Gnome Chemistry Utils
5  * libs/gcu/chain.h
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Jean Bréfort <jean.brefort@normalesup.org>
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
12  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
22  * USA
23  */
25 #ifndef GCU_CHAIN_H
26 #define GCU_CHAIN_H
28 #include "object.h"
29 #include <map>
31 /*!\file*/
32 namespace gcu {
34 class Atom;
35 class Bond;
36 class Molecule;
38 /*!\struct ChainElt gcu/chain.h
39 This structure stores the two bonds of sharing one atom in a chain. One
40 (or both) can be NULL if the atom is at start or end of the chain.
42 */
43 typedef struct
44 {
45 /*!
46 The bond in the forward direction
47 */
48 	Bond *fwd;
49 /*!
50 The bond in the backward direction
51 */
52 	Bond *rev;
53 } ChainElt;
55 /*!\class Chain gcu/chain.h
56 This class is used to represent chains of atoms.
58 */
59 class Chain: public Object
60 {
61 public:
62 /*!
63 @param pBond a bond.
64 @param pAtom an atom.
65 @param Type an optional type id used when constructing a derived type
66 (i. e. a cycle).
68 Constructs a Chain starting from a bond and an optional atom. Choosing the atom
69 forces the direction of the chain, otherwise, the first atom will be the
70 first atom of the bond.
71 */
72 	Chain (Bond* pBond, Atom* pAtom = NULL, TypeId Type = ChainType);
73 /*!
74 @param molecule a molecule.
75 @param pBond a bond in the molecule or NULL.
76 @param Type an optional type id used when constructing a derived type
78 Explores a molecule and find all cycles, starting from pBond or an empty chain
79 if pBond is NULL.
80 */
81 	Chain (Molecule* molecule, Bond* pBond, TypeId Type = ChainType);
82 /*!
83 @param molecule a molecule.
84 @param pAtom an atom in the molecule.
85 @param Type an optional type id used when constructing a derived type
87 Explores a molecule and find all cycles, starting from pAtom or an empty chain
88 if pAtom is NULL.
89 */
90 	Chain (Molecule* molecule, Atom* pAtom, TypeId Type = ChainType);
91 /*!
92 The destructor.
93 */
94 	virtual ~Chain();
96 /*!
97 @param pAtom an atom.
99 Searches all cycles in a molecule starting from Atom pAtom. Found cycles are
100 added to the molecule cycles list.
101 */
102 	void FindCycles (Atom* pAtom);
103 /*!
104 @param pAtom an atom.
105 @param pBond a bond.
107 Searches for a cycle containing the atom pAtom and the bond pBond. pAtom must
108 be one of the ends of pBond. If a cycle is found, it is added to the molecule
109 cycles list.
110 @return true on success, false otherwise.
111 */
112 	bool FindCycle (Atom* pAtom, Bond* pBond);
113 /*!
114 @param pAtom1 an atom in the source chain.
115 @param pAtom2 an atom in the source chain.
117 Erases a sub-chain. One of the atoms must already be one of the chain ends.
118 */
119 	virtual void Erase (Atom* pAtom1, Atom* pAtom2);
120 /*!
121 @param pAtom1 an atom in the source chain.
122 @param pAtom2 an atom in the source chain.
123 @param chain the source chain.
125 Inserts a chain. One of the atoms must already be in the target chain.
126 */
127 	virtual void Insert (Atom* pAtom1, Atom* pAtom2, Chain& chain);
128 /*!
129 @param pAtom1 an atom in the chain.
130 @param pAtom2 an atom in the chain.
131 @param chain the target chain.
133 Extracts a sub-chain to the chain variable which should be empty before the call.
134 */
135 	void Extract (Atom* pAtom1, Atom* pAtom2, Chain& chain);
136 /*!
137 Reverses the chain order.
138 */
139 	void Reverse ();
140 	void Append (Chain& chain);
141 /*!
142 @param start an atom.
143 @param end an atom.
145 Adds the two atoms and the bond between them to the chain. The two atoms must be bonded.
146 */
147 	void AddBond (Atom* start, Atom* end);
148 /*!
149 @return the number of multiple bonds in the chain so not really the unsaturations number.
150 */
151 	unsigned GetUnsaturations ();
152 /*!
153 @return the number of heteroatoms in the chain.
154 */
155 	unsigned GetHeteroatoms ();
156 /*!
157 @param pAtom an atom.
159 @return true if pAtom is in the chain.
160 */
161 	bool Contains (Atom* pAtom);
162 /*!
163 @param pBond a bond.
165 @return true if pBond is in the chain.
166 */
167 	bool Contains (Bond* pBond);
168 /*!
169 @return the number of bonds in the chain
170 */
171 	unsigned GetLength ();
172 /*!
173 @return the mean bond length in the chain.
174 */
175 	double GetMeanBondLength ();
176 /*!
177 @return the first atom in the chain if any.
178 */
179 	Atom* GetFirstAtom ();
180 /*!
181 @param pAtom an atom in the chain.
182 @return the next atom in the chain or NULL if pAtom is the last one.
183 */
184 	Atom* GetNextAtom (Atom* pAtom);
186 /*!
187 @return the localized object generic name.
188 */
189 	std::string Name ();
191 /*!
192 @param cycle_size where to store a cycle size if a cycle is encountered
193 @param cycle_pos where to store a cycle position if a cycle is encountered
195 Finds the longest chani starting from first bond and ending when a cycle is
196 found or at the chain end.
197 @return the evaluated chain length.
198 */
199 	unsigned BuildLength (unsigned *cycle_size = NULL, unsigned *cycle_pos = NULL);
201 protected:
202 /*!
203 	 The gcu::ChainElt elements in the chain indexed by their common atom.
204 */
205 	std::map<Atom*, ChainElt> m_Bonds;
206 /*!
207 The molecule which owns the chain.
208 */
209 	Molecule* m_Molecule;
210 };
212 }	//	namespace gcu
214 #endif // GCHEMPAINT_CHAIN_H