1; author: Sylwester Arabas <slayoo@igf.fuw.edu.pl>
2; description: tests designed to be run in parralel with an IDL session to compare plotting results
3; usage: GDL> test_plotting_misc
5; helper routine
6pro next
7  null = ""
8  read, prompt="press any key to continue...", null
11; main routine
12pro test_plotting_misc
14  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
15  ; two bugs when plotting in DATA coordinates with !P.MULTI != 0 (fixed in revs. 1.81 and 1.80 of plotting.cpp)
16  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,2,1]&plot,findgen(10)&xyouts,.5,.5,'a'"
17  !P.MULTI=[0,2,1]&plot,findgen(10)&xyouts,.5,.5,'a'
18  next
19  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,2,1]&plot,findgen(10)&plots,[0,1],[0,2]"
20  !P.MULTI=[0,2,1]&plot,findgen(10)&plots,[0,1],[0,2]
21  next
23  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
24  ; test for "shade_max must exceed shade_min" error messages from plplot (fixed in rev. 1.79 of plotting.cpp)
25  message, /continue, "Testing: contour, fltarr(2, 2) + findgen(4), levels=[5], /fill"
26  contour, fltarr(2, 2) + findgen(4), levels=[5], /fill
27  next
28  message, /continue, "Testing: contour, fltarr(2, 2) + findgen(4), levels=[1,2,3,4], /fill"
29  contour, fltarr(2, 2) + findgen(4), levels=[1,2,3,4], /fill
30  next
32  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
33  ; various tests for checking /NODATA, /OVERPLOT, labelling and mapping support in CONTOUR
34  x = 30 * (findgen(5) - 2)
35  y = 30 * (findgen(5) - 2)
36  z = fltarr(5, 5) + findgen(25)
38  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata"
39  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata
40  next
41  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, /nodata"
42  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, /nodata
43  next
44  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,2,1] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata & contour, z, /nodata"
45  !P.MULTI=[0,2,1] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata & contour, z, /nodata
46  next
47  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata & contour, z, /nodata"
48  !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & contour, z, x, y, /nodata & contour, z, /nodata
49  next
51  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & plot, findgen(100) & contour, z, x, y, /overplot"
52  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & plot, findgen(100) & contour, z, x, y, /overplot
53  next
54  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & findgen(10) & contour, z, /overplot"
55  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & plot, findgen(10) & contour, z, /overplot
56  next
58  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & map_set, /conti & contour, z, x, y, /overplot"
59  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & map_set, /conti & contour, z, x, y, /overplot
60  next
61  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & map_set, /conti & contour, rebin(z, 10, 10), /overplot"
62  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & map_set, /conti & contour, rebin(z, 10, 10), /overplot
63  next
65  ; this is to test how GDL understands regularity of the data (it does not have to be linear!)
66  ; all example below should give the same results!
67  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, rebin(z, 10, 10)"
68  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, rebin(z, 10, 10)
69  next
70  message, /continue, "Testing: contour, rebin(z, 10, 10), rebin(x, 10), rebin(y, 10), /overplot"
71  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, rebin(z, 10, 10), rebin(x, 10), rebin(y, 10)
72  next
73  message, /continue, "Testing: contour, z, x, y, /overplot"
74  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, x, y, /overplot
75  next
77  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,2,1] & map_set, /grid & contour, z, /overplot & contour, z"
78  !P.MULTI = [0,2,1] & map_set, /grid & contour, z, /overplot & contour, z
79  next
80  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo & contour,z,x,y,/over & map_set,/adv,/gnomic & contour,z,x,y,/over"
81  !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo & contour,z,x,y,/over & map_set,/adv,/gnomic & contour,z,x,y,/over
82  next
84  erase
86  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over & map_set,/adv,/gnomic,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over"
87  !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over & map_set,/adv,/gnomic,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over
88  next
90  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over,/fill & map_set,/adv,/gnomic,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over,/fill"
91  !P.MULTI=[0,1,2] & map_set,/stereo,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over,/fill & map_set,/adv,/gnomic,/grid & contour,z,x,y,/over,/fill
92  next
94  message, /continue, "Testing: !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, /follow"
95  !P.MULTI = [0,0,0] & contour, z, /follow
96  next