3!  Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Krzysztof M. Gorski, Eric Hivon,
4!                          Benjamin D. Wandelt, Anthony J. Banday,
5!                          Matthias Bartelmann, Hans K. Eriksen,
6!                          Frode K. Hansen, Martin Reinecke
9!  This file is part of HEALPix.
11!  HEALPix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13!  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14!  (at your option) any later version.
16!  HEALPix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19!  GNU General Public License for more details.
21!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22!  along with HEALPix; if not, write to the Free Software
23!  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
25!  For more information about HEALPix see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
29! Fast Smoothing of a full sky map in HEALPIX pixelisation.
30! Written and developed by E. Hivon (hivon@iap.fr) and K. Gorski
31! (krzysztof.m.gorski@jpl.nasa.gov) based on HEALPIX pixelisation developed
32! by K. Gorski
34! Copyright 1997 by Eric Hivon and Krzysztof M. Gorski.
35!  All rights reserved.
39  !=======================================================================
41  !     this code uses the FITSIO library that can be found at
42  !     http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/fitsio.html
43  !
45  !     about HEALPIX   : see Gorski et al, 2005, ApJ, 622, 759
46  !     about this code : see Hivon & Gorski, 1997, in preparation
47  !
48  !  HISTORY:
49  !     April-October 1997, Eric Hivon, TAC (f77)
50  !               Jan 1998 : translation in Fortran 90
51  !               Dec 2001 : version 1.2, EH, IPAC
52  !                 implementation of non-interactive input
53  !                 extension to polarised maps
54  !               Sep 2002 : implement new parser
55  !               Feb 2003 : output correct ORDERING keyword
56  !               May 2007 : calls map2alm_iterative
57  !               Jun 2010 : supports large maps
58  !
59  !  FEEDBACK:
60  !     for any questions : hivon@iap.fr
61  !
62  !=======================================================================
63  !     version 2.2
64  !=======================================================================
65  ! this file can not be compiled on its own.
66  ! It must be inserted into the file smoothing.f90 by the command  include
67  !
68  integer(I4B),             parameter :: KALMC = KIND((1.0_KMAP, 1.0_KMAP)) ! precision of alm arrays
69  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
71  integer(I4B) :: nsmax, nlmax, nmmax
73  complex(kind=KALMC), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: alm_TGC
74  complex(kind=KALMC), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: alm_TGC2
75  real(kind=KMAP),     DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: map_TQU
76  real(kind=KMAP),     DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: map_TQU2
77  real(kind=DP),       DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: w8ring_TQU
78  real(kind=DP),       DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: dw8
79  real(kind=DP),       DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: plm
80!  real(kind=KMAP),     dimension(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: pw8list
81  real(kind=KMAP),     dimension(:,:), target, ALLOCATABLE :: pw8map
82  real(kind=KMAP),     dimension(:,:), pointer       :: pmask
83  integer(kind=I4B) :: status
85  integer(kind=I8B) :: npixtot, n_plm, ipix, npixtot_tmp !, n_pw8_read
86  integer(kind=I4B) :: mlpol
87  integer(kind=I4B) :: plm_nside, plm_lmax, plm_pol, plm_mmax
88  !integer(kind=I4B) :: nmaps, type, polar_fits
89  integer(kind=I4B) :: i, j
90  integer(kind=I4B) :: nlheader
91  integer(kind=I4B) :: ordering, order_type
92  integer(kind=I4B) :: iter, iter_order, polar, n_pols
93  integer(kind=I4B) :: simul_type
94  integer(kind=I4B) :: n_rings, n_rings_read, won, nmw8
96  real(kind=KMAP)               :: fwhm_arcmin, fwhm_deg
97  real(kind=KMAP)               :: fmissval
98  real(kind=SP),      parameter :: fbad_value = -1.6375e30_sp
99  real(kind=SP)                 :: pix_size_arcmin
100  real(kind=DP)                 :: theta_cut_deg, cos_theta_cut
101  real(kind=DP)                 :: nullval
102  real(kind=DP), dimension(1:2) :: zbounds
103  real(kind=DP)                 :: fsky
104  real(kind=SP)                 :: clock_time, time0, time1
105  real(kind=SP)                 :: ptime, ptime0, ptime1
107  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: infile
108  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: outfile
109!  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: parafile = ''
110  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: infile_plm
111  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: infile_w8
112  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: w8name
113  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: def_dir, def_file
114  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: usr_dir, usr_file
115  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: final_file
116  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: healpixtestdir
117  character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: beam_file
118  character(len=filenamelen)          :: description
119  character(len=100)                  :: chline, chline1, strw8file
120  character(LEN=80), DIMENSION(1:180) :: header
121  LOGICAL(kind=LGT) :: bad, ok, polarisation
122!   character(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: code = 'SMOOTHING'
123  character(len=*), parameter :: VERSION = HEALPIX_VERSION
124  integer(kind=i4b), parameter :: nm_max = 5
125  character(len=80), dimension(1:nm_max)   :: units_map
126  character(len=20)                        :: coordsys
128  type(paramfile_handle) :: handle
130  real(kind=DP), dimension(0:3) :: mono_dip
131  real(kind=DP)                 :: theta_dip, phi_dip, long_dip, lat_dip
132  integer(kind=I4B)             :: lowlreg
134  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
135  !                    get input parameters and create arrays
136  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
138  call wall_clock_time(time0)
139  call cpu_time(ptime0)
140  !     --- read parameters interactively if no command-line arguments
141  !     --- are given, otherwise interpret first command-line argument
142  !     --- as parameter file name and read parameters from it:
144  !     --- announces program, default banner ***
145  print *, " "
146  print *,'                        '//code//' '//version
147  write(*,'(a)') '         *** Smoothing of a Temperature (+Polarisation) map ***    '
148  if (KMAP == SP) print*,'                Single precision outputs'
149  if (KMAP == DP) print*,'                Double precision outputs'
150  print *, ''
151  handle = parse_init(parafile)
153  !     --- choose temp. only or  temp. + pol. ---
154  description = concatnl( &
155       & " Do you want to analyse", &
156       & " 1) a Temperature only map", &
157       & " 2) Temperature + polarisation maps")
158  simul_type = parse_int(handle, 'simul_type', default=1, vmin=1, vmax=2, descr=description)
159  if (simul_type .eq. 1) polarisation = .false.
160  if (simul_type .eq. 2) polarisation = .true.
162  !     --- gets the file name for the map ---
163  chline = "''"
164  healpixtestdir = get_healpix_test_dir()
165  if (trim(healpixtestdir)/='') chline = trim(healpixtestdir)//'/map.fits'
166  description = concatnl( &
167       & "", &
168       & " Enter input file name (Map FITS file): ")
169  infile = parse_string(handle, 'infile',default=chline, descr=description, filestatus='old')
171  !     --- check that this map is usable for this analysis
172  call check_input_map(code, infile, polarisation) ! this may change polarisation from T to F
174  !     --- finds out the pixel number of the map and its ordering ---
175  ! npixtot = getsize_fits(infile, nmaps = nmaps, ordering=ordering, nside=nsmax, &
176  ! &    mlpol=mlpol, type = type, polarisation = polar_fits, coordsys = coordsys)
178  !    --- get other relevant information ---
179  npixtot_tmp = getsize_fits(infile, ordering=ordering, nside=nsmax, &
180       mlpol=mlpol, coordsys = coordsys)
182!   if (nsmax<=0) then
183!      print*,'Keyword NSIDE not found in FITS header!'
184!      call fatal_error(code)
185!   endif
186!   if (type == 3) npixtot = nside2npix(nsmax) ! cut sky input data set
187!   if (nsmax/=npix2nside(npixtot)) then
188!      print*,"FITS header keyword NSIDE does not correspond"
189!      print*,"to the size of the map!"
190!      call fatal_error(code)
191!   endif
193!   if (polarisation .and. (nmaps >=3) .and. polar_fits == -1) then
194!      print*,"The input fits file MAY NOT contain polarisation data."
195!      print*,"Proceed at your own risk"
196!   endif
198!   if (polarisation .and. (nmaps<3 .or. polar_fits ==0)) then
199!      print *,"The file does NOT contain polarisation maps"
200!      print *,"only the temperature field will be smoothed"
201!      polarisation = .false.
202!   endif
204!   !     --- check ordering scheme ---
205!   if ((ordering/=1).and.(ordering/=2)) then
206!      print*,'The ordering scheme of the map must be RING or NESTED.'
207!      print*,'No ordering specification is given in the FITS-header!'
208!      call fatal_error(code)
209!   endif
211  order_type = ordering
213  !     --- gets the L range for the analysis ---
214  WRITE(chline1,"(a,i5)") " The map has Nside = ",nsmax
215  if (mlpol<=0) WRITE(chline,"(a,i5,a)") "We recommend: (0 <= l <= l_max <= ",3*nsmax-1,")"
216  if (mlpol> 0) WRITE(chline,"(a,i5,a)") "We recommend: (0 <= l <= l_max <= ",mlpol,")"
217  description = concatnl(&
218       & "", &
219       & chline1, &
220       & " Enter the maximum l range (l_max) for the simulation. ", &
221       & chline )
222  nlmax = parse_int(handle, 'nlmax', default=2*nsmax, descr=description)
224  ! ----------  default parameters ----------------
225  nmmax   = nlmax
226  npixtot = nside2npix(nsmax)
227  pix_size_arcmin = 360.*60./SQRT(npixtot*PI)
229  !     --- ask about monopole/dipole removal ---
230  description = concatnl(&
231       & "", &
232       & " To improve the temperature map analysis (specially on a cut sky) ", &
233       & " you have the option of first regressing out the best fit monopole and dipole", &
234       & "   NOTE : the regression is made on valid (unflagged) pixels, ", &
235       & " out of the symmetric cut (if any)", &
236       & "  Do you want to : ", &
237       & " 0) Do the analysis on the raw map", &
238       & " 1) Remove the monopole (l=0) first ", &
239       & " 2) Remove the monopole and dipole (l=1) first")
240  lowlreg = parse_int(handle, 'regression', vmin=0, vmax=2, default=0, descr=description)
243  !     --- gets the cut applied to the map ---
244  description = concatnl(&
245       & "", &
246       & " Enter the symmetric cut around the equator in DEGREES : ", &
247       & " (One ignores data within |b| < b_cut)     0 <= b_cut = ")
248  theta_cut_deg = parse_double(handle, 'theta_cut_deg', &
249       &                       vmin=0.0_dp, default=0.0_dp, descr=description)
250  cos_theta_cut = SIN(theta_cut_deg/180.d0*PI) !counted from equator instead of from pole
252  zbounds = (/ cos_theta_cut , -cos_theta_cut /)
253  if (theta_cut_deg<1e-4) zbounds = (/ -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp /) !keep all sphere if cut not set
254  fsky = (zbounds(2)-zbounds(1))/2.0_dp
255  if (fsky <= 0.0_dp) fsky = 1.0_dp + fsky
256  write(*,"(a,f6.1,a)") "One keeps ",100.*fsky," % of the original map"
258  !     --- gets the order of iteration ---
259  description = concatnl(&
260       & "", &
261       & " Do you want : ", &
262       & " 0) a standard analysis", &
263       & " 1,2,3,4....) an iterative analysis", &
264       & " (enter order of iteration, 3rd order is usually optimal)")
265  iter_order=parse_int(handle, 'iter_order', vmin=0, default=0, descr=description)
266  if (.not. handle%interactive) then
267     select case (iter_order)
268     case (0)
269        print*," Standard analysis"
270     case default
271        print*," Iterative analysis"
272     end select
273  end if
275  ! ------------------- precomputed plms  ---------------------
27640 continue
277  n_plm   = 0
278  plm_pol = 0
279  description = concatnl(&
280       & "", &
281       & " Enter name of file with precomputed p_lms :", &
282       & "(eg, plm.fits) (if '' is typed, no file is read)" )
283  infile_plm = parse_string(handle, 'plmfile', default="''", descr=description, filestatus='old')
285  if (trim(infile_plm) /= "") then
286     ! check that the plm file matches the current simulation (for nside,lmax,mmax)
287     call read_par(infile_plm, plm_nside, plm_lmax, plm_pol, mmax=plm_mmax)
289     if ((plm_pol /= 1).and.(.not.polarisation)) plm_pol=1
291     if (plm_nside /= nsmax .or. plm_lmax /= nlmax .or. plm_mmax /= nmmax) then
292        print *," "//code//"> Plm file does not match map to smooth in Nside, Lmax or Mmax ! "
293        print*,'nside (plm file, map) = ',plm_nside,nsmax
294        print*,'lmax                  = ',plm_lmax, nlmax
295        print*,'mmax                  = ',plm_mmax, nmmax
296        if (handle%interactive) goto 40
297        call fatal_error(code)
298     endif
299     n_plm = (nmmax + 1_i8b)*(2*nlmax + 2_i8b -nmmax)*nsmax
300     print *," "
301  endif
303  !     --- inputs the FWHM or beam file ---
304  beam_file = ''
305  description = concatnl(&
306       & "", &
307       & " Enter the Gaussian beam FWHM in arcmin >= 0 (eg: 420.) : ")
308  fwhm_arcmin = parse_double(handle, 'fwhm_arcmin', default=420.0_dp, vmin=0.0_dp,descr=description)
310  description = concatnl(&
311       & "", &
312       & " Enter an external file name containing ", &
313       & " a symmetric beam Legendre transform (eg: mybeam.fits)", &
314       & " NB: if set to an existing file, it will override the FWHM chosen above", &
315       & "     if set to '', the gaussian FWHM will be used.")
316  beam_file = parse_string(handle, 'beam_file', default="''", &
317       &                 descr=description, filestatus='old')
318  if (beam_file /= '') then
319     fwhm_arcmin = 0.
320     print*,'fwhm_arcmin is now : 0.'
321  endif
323  !     --- gets the output sky map filename ---
324  description = concatnl(&
325       & "", &
326       & " Enter Output map file name (eg, test_smooth.fits) :", &
327       & "  (or !test_smooth.fits to overwrite an existing file)" )
328  outfile = parse_string(handle, "outfile", &
329       default="!test_smooth.fits", descr=description, filestatus="new")
331  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
332  !                      ask for weights
333  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
334  description = concatnl(&
335       & "", &
336       & " Do you want to use quadrature weights in the analysis: ", &
337       & " 0: no weight            ", &
338       & " 1: ring-based weights   ", &
339       & " 2: pixel-based weights ?")
340  won = parse_int(handle, 'won', vmin=0, vmax=2, default=0, descr=description)
342  infile_w8=""
343  strw8file = ""
345  if (won == 1 .or. won == 2) then
347     ! default weight file name
348     w8name = get_healpix_weight_file(nsmax, won)
350     def_file = trim(w8name)
351     def_dir  = get_healpix_data_dir()
353     if (won == 1) strw8file = "ring-based  quadrature weight file"
354     if (won == 2) strw8file = "pixel-based quadrature weight file"
35622   continue
357     final_file = ''
358     ok = .false.
359     ! if interactive, try default name in default directories first
360     if (handle%interactive) ok = scan_directories(def_dir, def_file, final_file)
361     if (.not. ok) then
362        ! not found, ask the user
363        description = concatnl("",&
364             &        " Could not find "//trim(strw8file), &
365             &        " Enter the directory where this file can be found:")
366        usr_dir = parse_string(handle,'w8filedir',default='',descr=description)
367        if (trim(usr_dir) == '') usr_dir = trim(def_dir)
368        description = concatnl("",&
369             &        " Enter the name of the "//trim(strw8file)//":")
370        usr_file = parse_string(handle,'w8file',default=def_file,descr=description)
371        ! look for new name in user provided or default directories
372        ok   = scan_directories(usr_dir, usr_file, final_file)
373        ! if still fails, crash or ask again if interactive
374        if (.not. ok) then
375           print*,' File not found:'//trim(usr_file)
376           if (handle%interactive) goto 22
377           call fatal_error(code)
378        endif
379     endif
380     infile_w8 = final_file
381  endif
383  print *," "
384  call parse_check_unused(handle, code=lcode)
385  call parse_summarize(handle,code=lcode,prec=KMAP)
386  call parse_finish(handle)
387!  call parse_summarize(handle)
388  call brag_openmp()
390  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
391  !              allocate space for arrays
392  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
393  polar = 0
394  if (polarisation) polar = 1
395  n_pols = 1 + 2*polar ! either 1 or 3
397  ALLOCATE(map_TQU(0:12*nsmax**2-1,1:n_pols),stat = status)
398  call assert_alloc(status,code,"map_TQU")
400  ALLOCATE(w8ring_TQU(1:2*nsmax,1:n_pols),stat = status)
401  call assert_alloc(status,code,"w8ring_TQU")
403  ALLOCATE(dw8(1:2*nsmax,1:n_pols),stat = status)
404  call assert_alloc(status,code,"dw8")
406  if (n_plm/=0) then
407     ALLOCATE(plm(0:n_plm-1,1:plm_pol),stat = status)
408     call assert_alloc(status,code,"plm")
409  endif
410  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
411  !                      reads the map
412  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
413  print *,"      "//code//"> Inputting original map "
415  fmissval = 0.0
416  if (lowlreg > 0) fmissval = fbad_value
417  call input_map(infile, map_TQU(0:,1:n_pols), &
418       &  npixtot, n_pols, fmissval=fmissval, units=units_map(1:n_pols))
419  do i=1,n_pols
420     units_map(i) = adjustl(units_map(i))
421     if (trim(units_map(i)) == '') units_map(i) = 'unknown'
422  enddo
424  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
425  !                      remove dipole
426  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
428  if (lowlreg > 0) then
429     PRINT *,"      "//code//"> Remove monopole (and dipole) from Temperature map"
430     call remove_dipole(nsmax, map_TQU(0:npixtot-1,1), ordering, lowlreg, &
431          & mono_dip(0:), zbounds, fmissval=fmissval)
433     if (fmissval /= 0.0) then
434        do j=1,n_pols
435           do ipix=0, npixtot-1
436!               if (abs(map_TQU(i,j)/fmissval-1.0) < 1.e-6*fmissval) then
437              if (abs(map_TQU(ipix,j)-fmissval) <= abs(1.e-6*fmissval)) then
438                 map_TQU(ipix,j) = 0.0_sp
439              endif
440           enddo
441        enddo
442     endif
444     write(unit=*,fmt="(a,g13.3,a)")  " Monopole = ",&
445          & mono_dip(0)," "//trim(units_map(1))
446     if (lowlreg > 1) then
447        call vec2ang( mono_dip(1:3), theta_dip, phi_dip)
448        write(unit=*,fmt="(a,g13.3,a)")  " Dipole   = ",&
449             & sqrt(sum(mono_dip(1:3)**2))," "//trim(units_map(1))
450        long_dip =      phi_dip  /PI*180.0
451        lat_dip  = 90.0-theta_dip/PI*180.0
452        write(unit=*,fmt="(a,g10.3,', ',g10.3,a)")  &
453             & "(long.,lat.) = (",long_dip,lat_dip,") Deg"
454     endif
456  endif
457  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
458  !                      input weights
459  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
461  dw8=0.0_dp ! read as DP, even in SP in FITS file
462  if (trim(infile_w8)/="") then
463     if (won == 1) then
464        ! ring based weights: treated as such in map2alm
465        n_rings = 2 * nsmax
466        n_rings_read = getsize_fits(infile_w8, nmaps=nmw8)
468        if (n_rings_read /= n_rings) then
469           print *," "
470           print *,"wrong ring weight file:"//trim(infile_w8)
471           call fatal_error(code)
472        endif
473        nmw8 = min(nmw8, n_pols)
475        PRINT *,"      "//code//"> Inputting "//trim(strw8file)
476        call input_map(infile_w8, dw8, n_rings, nmw8, fmissval=0.0_dp)
477     endif
479     if (won == 2) then
480        ! pixel based weights: turned into full sky map and treat as mask
481        allocate(pw8map (0:npixtot-1,   1:1), stat=status)
482        call assert_alloc(status,code,"pw8map")
484        PRINT *,"      "//code//"> Inputting and unfolding "//trim(strw8file)
486!         n_pw8_read = getsize_fits(infile_w8)
487!         allocate(pw8list(0:n_pw8_read-1,1:1), stat=status)
488!         call assert_alloc(status,code,"pw8list")
489!         call input_map(infile_w8, pw8list, n_pw8_read, 1)
490!         call unfold_weightslist(nsmax, won, pw8list(:,1), pw8map(:,1))
491!         deallocate(pw8list)
493        call unfold_weightsfile(infile_w8, pw8map(:,1))
495        pmask => pw8map(:,1:1)
496        !print*,pmask(1:12,1)
497        !print*,pmask(npixtot-11:npixtot,1)
498     endif
499  endif
500  w8ring_TQU = 1.d0 + dw8
501  if (won /= 2) allocate(pmask(0:1,1))
503  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
504  !                 reorder maps to RING if necessary
505  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
506  if (order_type == 2) then
507     print *,"      "//code//"> Convert Nest -> Ring "
508     call convert_nest2ring (nsmax, map_TQU)
509  endif
511  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
512  !                    precomputed plms
513  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
515  if (n_plm/=0) then
516     if (plm_pol.eq.1) then
517        print*,"      "//code//"> Reading precomputed scalar P_lms "
518     else
519        print*,"      "//code//"> Reading precomputed tensor P_lms "
520     endif
521     !call read_dbintab(infile_plm,plm,n_plm,plm_pol,nullval,anynull=bad) ! replaced 2010-11-24
522     call read_bintab(infile_plm, plm, n_plm, plm_pol, nullval, anynull=bad)
523     if (bad) call fatal_error ("Missing points in P_lm-file!")
524  endif
526  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
527  !                        map to alm
528  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
530  ALLOCATE(alm_TGC(1:n_pols, 0:nlmax, 0:nmmax),stat = status)
531  call assert_alloc(status,code,"alm_TGC")
533  PRINT *,"      "//code//"> Analyse map "
535  if (n_plm/=0) then
536     call map2alm_iterative(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, iter_order, map_TQU, alm_TGC, &
537          &                 zbounds=zbounds, w8ring=w8ring_TQU, plm=plm, mask=pmask)
538  else
539     call map2alm_iterative(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, iter_order, map_TQU, alm_TGC, &
540          &                 zbounds=zbounds, w8ring=w8ring_TQU, mask=pmask)
541  endif
543  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
544  !                    smoothing of the alm
545  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
546  print *,'      '//code//'> Alter alm '
547  call alter_alm(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, fwhm_arcmin, alm_TGC(1:1+2*polar,0:nlmax,0:nmmax), beam_file)
549  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
550  !                           a_lm to map
551  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
553  print *,'      '//code//'> Generating sky map(s) '
555  select case (plm_pol+polar*10)
556  case(0)
557     call alm2map(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_TGC,map_TQU(:,1))
558  case(1)
559     call alm2map(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_TGC,map_TQU(:,1),plm=plm(:,1))
560  case(10)
561     call alm2map(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_TGC,map_TQU)
562  case(11)
563     call alm2map(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_TGC,map_TQU,plm=plm(:,1))
564  case(13)
565     call alm2map(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_TGC,map_TQU,plm=plm)
566  end select
568  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
569  !                 convert back to NEST if necessary
570  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
571  if (order_type == 2) then
572     print *,"      "//code//"> Convert Ring -> Nest "
573     call convert_ring2nest (nsmax, map_TQU)
574  endif
576  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
577  !                        generates header
578  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
579  nlheader = SIZE(header)
580  fwhm_deg = fwhm_arcmin/60.
581  print *,'      '//code//'> Writing smoothed map to FITS file '
583  call write_minimal_header(header, 'map', &
584       order = order_type, nside = nsmax, coordsys = coordsys, &
585       creator = CODE, version = VERSION, nlmax = nlmax, &
586       beam_leg = trim(beam_file), fwhm_degree = fwhm_deg * 1.d0, &
587       polar = polarisation, units = units_map(1) )
589  call add_card(header,'EXTNAME','SMOOTHED DATA', update = .true.)
590  call add_card(header)
591  call add_card(header,'COMMENT','************************* Input data ************************* ')
592  call add_card(header,'COMMENT','Input Map in '//TRIM(infile))
593  call add_card(header,'COMMENT','*************************************************************** ')
594  call add_card(header,"NITERALM",iter_order,   " Number of iterations for a_lms extraction")
595  call add_card(header,"LREGRESS",lowlreg,      " Regression of low multipoles (0/1/2)")
596  call add_card(header,"QUADSCHM",won,          " Quadrature scheme (0/1/2)")
597  call add_card(header) ! blank line
598  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
599  !                      write the map to FITS file
600  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
601  !call output_map(map_TQU(0:npixtot-1,1:n_pols), header, outfile) !not on Sun
602  call write_bintab(map_TQU, npixtot, n_pols, header, nlheader, outfile)
604  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
605  !                      deallocate memory for arrays
606  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
608  DEALLOCATE(w8ring_TQU)
609  DEALLOCATE(dw8)
611  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
612  !                      output and report card
613  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
614  call wall_clock_time(time1)
615  call cpu_time(ptime1)
616  clock_time = time1 - time0
617  ptime      = ptime1 - ptime0
619  write(*,9000) " "
620  write(*,9000) " Report Card for "//code//" run"
621  write(*,9000) " -----------------------------"
622  write(*,9000) " "
623  if (.not. polarisation) then
624     write(*,9000) "      Temperature alone"
625  else
626     write(*,9000) "    Temperature + Polarisation"
627  endif
628  write(*,9000) " "
630  write(*,9000) " Input map              : "//TRIM(infile)
631  write(*,9006) " Multipole range        : ",lowlreg ," <= l <= ", nlmax
632  write(*,9010) " Number of pixels       : ", npixtot
633  write(*,9020) " Pixel size in arcmin   : ", pix_size_arcmin
634  if (trim(beam_file) == '') then
635     write(*,9020) " Gauss. FWHM in arcmin  : ", fwhm_arcmin
636  else
637     write(*,9000) " Beam file  : "//trim(beam_file)
638  endif
639  write(*,9000) " Output map             : "//TRIM(outfile)
640  if (won >0) write(*,9000) " Quadrature weight file : "//trim(infile_w8)
641  write(*,9030) " Clock and CPU time [s] : ", clock_time, ptime
643  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
644  !                       end of routine
645  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
646  write(*,9000) " "
647  write(*,9000) " "//code//"> normal completion"
6499000 format(a)
6509005 format(a,i8)
6519006 format(a,i2,a,i8)
6529010 format(a,i16)
6539020 format(a,g20.5)
6549030 format(a,f11.2,f11.2)