1 /*
2  *                This source code is part of
3  *
4  *                          HelFEM
5  *                             -
6  * Finite element methods for electronic structure calculations on small systems
7  *
8  * Written by Susi Lehtola, 2018-
9  * Copyright (c) 2018- Susi Lehtola
10  *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  */
16 #include "../general/cmdline.h"
17 #include "../general/checkpoint.h"
18 #include "../general/constants.h"
19 #include "../general/timer.h"
20 #include "utils.h"
21 #include "basis.h"
22 #include <cfloat>
23 #include <climits>
25 using namespace helfem;
main(int argc,char ** argv)27 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
28   cmdline::parser parser;
30   // full option name, no short option, description, argument required
31   parser.add<std::string>("load", 0, "load guess from checkpoint", false, "");
32   parser.add<double>("mumax", 0, "mu max (negative for same as input)", false, -1.0);
33   parser.add<double>("phi", 0, "value of phi angle", false, 0.0);
34   parser.add<int>("Nmu", 0, "number of points in mu (negative for same as input)", false, -1);
35   parser.add<int>("Nnu", 0, "number of points in nu (negative for same as input)", false, -1);
36   parser.add<bool>("offset", 0, "use nu and mu offset?", false, false);
37   parser.add<std::string>("savedens", 0, "save density to file", false, "density.hdf5");
38   parser.parse_check(argc, argv);
40   // Get parameters
41   std::string load(parser.get<std::string>("load"));
42   double mumax(parser.get<double>("mumax"));
43   double phi(parser.get<double>("phi"));
44   std::string savedens(parser.get<std::string>("savedens"));
46   // Load checkpoint
47   Checkpoint loadchk(load,false);
48   // Basis set
49   diatomic::basis::TwoDBasis basis;
50   loadchk.read(basis);
52   // Sanity check
53   if(mumax<0 || mumax>basis.get_mumax())
54     mumax=basis.get_mumax();
56   int Nmu(parser.get<int>("Nmu"));
57   if(Nmu<=0)
58     Nmu=2*basis.Nrad();
60   int Nnu(parser.get<int>("Nnu"));
61   if(Nnu<=0)
62     Nnu=2*arma::max(basis.get_lval());
64   printf("Grid spanning mu = 0 .. %e, Nmu = %i, Nnu = %i\n",mumax,Nmu,Nnu);
66   // Density matrix
67   arma::mat P, Pa, Pb;
68   loadchk.read("Pa",Pa);
69   loadchk.read("Pb",Pb);
70   loadchk.read("P",P);
72   // mu array
73   arma::vec mu, nu;
74   bool offset(parser.get<bool>("offset"));
75   if(offset) {
76     double dmu=mumax/Nmu;
77     double dnu=M_PI/Nnu;
78     mu=arma::linspace<arma::vec>(dmu,mumax,Nmu);
79     nu=arma::linspace<arma::vec>(0.5*dnu,(Nnu-0.5)*dnu,Nnu);
80   } else {
81     mu=arma::linspace<arma::vec>(0.0,mumax,Nmu);
82     nu=arma::linspace<arma::vec>(0.0,M_PI,Nnu);
83   }
84   double dmudnu=(mu(1)-mu(0))*(nu(1)-nu(0));
86   // Density arrays
87   arma::mat dena(Nmu,Nnu);
88   dena.zeros();
89   arma::mat denb(Nmu,Nnu);
90   denb.zeros();
91   arma::mat dV(Nmu,Nnu);
92   dV.zeros();
93   for(size_t inu=0;inu<nu.n_elem;inu++)
94     for(size_t imu=0;imu<mu.n_elem;imu++) {
95       // Evaluate basis functions
96       double muval(mu(imu));
97       double cosnu(cos(nu(inu)));
98       arma::cx_vec bf(basis.eval_bf(muval, cosnu, phi));
100       // Evaluate density at the point
101       dena(imu,inu)=std::real(arma::as_scalar(bf.t()*Pa*bf));
102       denb(imu,inu)=std::real(arma::as_scalar(bf.t()*Pb*bf));
104       // Volume element is
105       double shmu(sinh(muval));
106       double chmu(cosh(muval));
107       double sinnu(sin(nu(inu)));
108       // Get 2 pi from phi integral (assuming density is symmetric)
109       dV(imu,inu)=2.0*M_PI*std::pow(basis.get_Rhalf(),3)*shmu*(chmu*chmu - cosnu*cosnu)*sinnu*dmudnu;
110     }
112   // Total density
113   arma::mat den(dena+denb);
115   printf("Norm of Pa on grid is %e\n",arma::sum(arma::sum(dena%dV)));
116   printf("Norm of Pb on grid is %e\n",arma::sum(arma::sum(denb%dV)));
117   printf("Norm of P on grid is %e\n",arma::sum(arma::sum(den%dV)));
119   Checkpoint savechk(savedens,true);
120   savechk.write("mu",mu);
121   savechk.write("nu",nu);
122   savechk.write("P",den);
123   savechk.write("Pa",dena);
124   savechk.write("Pb",denb);
125   savechk.write("R",2*basis.get_Rhalf());
126   printf("Saved density to file %s\n",savedens.c_str());
128   return 0;
129 }