1 /******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright 1998-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other
3  * HYPRE Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)
6  ******************************************************************************/
8 #include "_hypre_parcsr_ls.h"
9 #include "par_amg.h"
10 #include "../parcsr_block_mv/par_csr_block_matrix.h"
12 #define DEBUG 0
13 #define PRINT_CF 0
15 #define DEBUG_SAVE_ALL_OPS 0
16 /*****************************************************************************
17  *
18  * Routine for driving the setup phase of AMG
19  *
20  *****************************************************************************/
22 /*****************************************************************************
23  * hypre_BoomerAMGSetup
24  *****************************************************************************/
26 HYPRE_Int
hypre_BoomerAMGSetup(void * amg_vdata,hypre_ParCSRMatrix * A,hypre_ParVector * f,hypre_ParVector * u)27 hypre_BoomerAMGSetup( void               *amg_vdata,
28                       hypre_ParCSRMatrix *A,
29                       hypre_ParVector    *f,
30                       hypre_ParVector    *u )
31 {
32    MPI_Comm            comm = hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A);
33    hypre_ParAMGData   *amg_data = (hypre_ParAMGData*) amg_vdata;
35    /* Data Structure variables */
36    hypre_ParCSRMatrix **A_array;
37    hypre_ParVector    **F_array;
38    hypre_ParVector    **U_array;
39    hypre_ParVector     *Vtemp = NULL;
40    hypre_ParVector     *Rtemp = NULL;
41    hypre_ParVector     *Ptemp = NULL;
42    hypre_ParVector     *Ztemp = NULL;
43    hypre_ParCSRMatrix **P_array;
44    hypre_ParCSRMatrix **R_array;
45    hypre_ParVector     *Residual_array;
46    hypre_IntArray     **CF_marker_array;
47    hypre_IntArray     **dof_func_array;
48    hypre_IntArray      *dof_func;
49    HYPRE_Int           *dof_func_data;
50    HYPRE_Real          *relax_weight;
51    HYPRE_Real          *omega;
52    HYPRE_Real           schwarz_relax_wt = 1;
53    HYPRE_Real           strong_threshold;
54    HYPRE_Int            coarsen_cut_factor;
55    HYPRE_Int            useSabs;
56    HYPRE_Real           CR_strong_th;
57    HYPRE_Real           max_row_sum;
58    HYPRE_Real           trunc_factor, jacobi_trunc_threshold;
59    HYPRE_Real           agg_trunc_factor, agg_P12_trunc_factor;
60    HYPRE_Real           CR_rate;
61    HYPRE_Int            relax_order;
62    HYPRE_Int            max_levels;
63    HYPRE_Int            amg_logging;
64    HYPRE_Int            amg_print_level;
65    HYPRE_Int            debug_flag;
66    HYPRE_Int            dbg_flg;
67    HYPRE_Int            local_num_vars;
68    HYPRE_Int            P_max_elmts;
69    HYPRE_Int            agg_P_max_elmts;
70    HYPRE_Int            agg_P12_max_elmts;
71    HYPRE_Int            IS_type;
72    HYPRE_Int            num_CR_relax_steps;
73    HYPRE_Int            CR_use_CG;
74    HYPRE_Int            cgc_its; /* BM Aug 25, 2006 */
75    HYPRE_Int            mult_additive = hypre_ParAMGDataMultAdditive(amg_data);
76    HYPRE_Int            additive = hypre_ParAMGDataAdditive(amg_data);
77    HYPRE_Int            simple = hypre_ParAMGDataSimple(amg_data);
78    HYPRE_Int            add_last_lvl = hypre_ParAMGDataAddLastLvl(amg_data);
79    HYPRE_Int            add_P_max_elmts = hypre_ParAMGDataMultAddPMaxElmts(amg_data);
80    HYPRE_Int            keep_same_sign = hypre_ParAMGDataKeepSameSign(amg_data);
81    HYPRE_Real           add_trunc_factor = hypre_ParAMGDataMultAddTruncFactor(amg_data);
82    HYPRE_Int            add_rlx = hypre_ParAMGDataAddRelaxType(amg_data);
83    HYPRE_Real           add_rlx_wt = hypre_ParAMGDataAddRelaxWt(amg_data);
85    hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix **A_block_array, **P_block_array, **R_block_array;
87    HYPRE_MemoryLocation memory_location = hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A);
89    /* Local variables */
90    HYPRE_Int           *CF_marker;
91    hypre_IntArray      *CF_marker_host;
92    hypre_IntArray      *CFN_marker = NULL;
93    hypre_IntArray      *CF2_marker = NULL;
94    hypre_IntArray      *CF3_marker = NULL;
95    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *S = NULL, *Sabs = NULL;
96    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *S2;
97    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *SN = NULL;
98    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *SCR;
99    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *P = NULL;
100    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *R = NULL;
101    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *A_H;
102    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *AN = NULL;
103    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *P1;
104    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *P2;
105    hypre_ParCSRMatrix  *Pnew = NULL;
106    HYPRE_Real          *SmoothVecs = NULL;
107    hypre_Vector       **l1_norms = NULL;
108    hypre_Vector       **cheby_ds = NULL;
109    HYPRE_Real         **cheby_coefs = NULL;
111    HYPRE_Int       old_num_levels, num_levels;
112    HYPRE_Int       level;
113    HYPRE_Int       local_size, i, row;
114    HYPRE_BigInt    first_local_row;
115    HYPRE_BigInt    coarse_size;
116    HYPRE_Int       coarsen_type;
117    HYPRE_Int       measure_type;
118    HYPRE_Int       setup_type;
119    HYPRE_BigInt    fine_size;
120    HYPRE_Int       offset;
121    HYPRE_Real      size;
122    HYPRE_Int       not_finished_coarsening = 1;
123    HYPRE_Int       coarse_threshold = hypre_ParAMGDataMaxCoarseSize(amg_data);
124    HYPRE_Int       min_coarse_size = hypre_ParAMGDataMinCoarseSize(amg_data);
125    HYPRE_Int       seq_threshold = hypre_ParAMGDataSeqThreshold(amg_data);
126    HYPRE_Int       j, k;
127    HYPRE_Int       num_procs,my_id;
128 #if !defined(HYPRE_USING_CUDA) && !defined(HYPRE_USING_HIP)
129    HYPRE_Int       num_threads = hypre_NumThreads();
130 #endif
131    HYPRE_Int      *grid_relax_type = hypre_ParAMGDataGridRelaxType(amg_data);
132    HYPRE_Int       num_functions = hypre_ParAMGDataNumFunctions(amg_data);
133    HYPRE_Int       nodal = hypre_ParAMGDataNodal(amg_data);
134    HYPRE_Int       nodal_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataNodalLevels(amg_data);
135    HYPRE_Int       nodal_diag = hypre_ParAMGDataNodalDiag(amg_data);
136    HYPRE_Int       num_paths = hypre_ParAMGDataNumPaths(amg_data);
137    HYPRE_Int       agg_num_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataAggNumLevels(amg_data);
138    HYPRE_Int       agg_interp_type = hypre_ParAMGDataAggInterpType(amg_data);
139    HYPRE_Int       sep_weight = hypre_ParAMGDataSepWeight(amg_data);
140    hypre_IntArray *coarse_dof_func = NULL;
141    HYPRE_BigInt   *coarse_pnts_global = NULL;
142    HYPRE_BigInt   *coarse_pnts_global1 = NULL;
143    HYPRE_Int       num_cg_sweeps;
145    HYPRE_Real *max_eig_est = NULL;
146    HYPRE_Real *min_eig_est = NULL;
148    HYPRE_Solver *smoother = NULL;
149    HYPRE_Int     smooth_type = hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data);
150    HYPRE_Int     smooth_num_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothNumLevels(amg_data);
151    HYPRE_Int     sym;
152    HYPRE_Int     nlevel;
153    HYPRE_Real    thresh;
154    HYPRE_Real    filter;
155    HYPRE_Real    drop_tol;
156    HYPRE_Int     max_nz_per_row;
157    char         *euclidfile;
158    HYPRE_Int     eu_level;
159    HYPRE_Int     eu_bj;
160    HYPRE_Real    eu_sparse_A;
161    HYPRE_Int     ilu_type;
162    HYPRE_Int     ilu_lfil;
163    HYPRE_Int     ilu_max_row_nnz;
164    HYPRE_Int     ilu_max_iter;
165    HYPRE_Real    ilu_droptol;
166    HYPRE_Int     ilu_reordering_type;
167    HYPRE_Int     needZ = 0;
169    HYPRE_Int interp_type, restri_type;
170    HYPRE_Int post_interp_type;  /* what to do after computing the interpolation matrix
171                                    0 for nothing, 1 for a Jacobi step */
173    /*for fittting interp vectors */
174    /*HYPRE_Int                smooth_interp_vectors= hypre_ParAMGSmoothInterpVectors(amg_data); */
175    HYPRE_Real         abs_q_trunc= hypre_ParAMGInterpVecAbsQTrunc(amg_data);
176    HYPRE_Int                q_max = hypre_ParAMGInterpVecQMax(amg_data);
177    HYPRE_Int                num_interp_vectors= hypre_ParAMGNumInterpVectors(amg_data);
178    HYPRE_Int                num_levels_interp_vectors = hypre_ParAMGNumLevelsInterpVectors(amg_data);
179    hypre_ParVector  **interp_vectors = hypre_ParAMGInterpVectors(amg_data);
180    hypre_ParVector ***interp_vectors_array= hypre_ParAMGInterpVectorsArray(amg_data);
181    HYPRE_Int                interp_vec_variant= hypre_ParAMGInterpVecVariant(amg_data);
182    HYPRE_Int                interp_refine= hypre_ParAMGInterpRefine(amg_data);
183    HYPRE_Int                interp_vec_first_level= hypre_ParAMGInterpVecFirstLevel(amg_data);
184    HYPRE_Real        *expandp_weights =  hypre_ParAMGDataExpandPWeights(amg_data);
186    /* parameters for non-Galerkin stuff */
187    HYPRE_Int nongalerk_num_tol = hypre_ParAMGDataNonGalerkNumTol (amg_data);
188    HYPRE_Real *nongalerk_tol = hypre_ParAMGDataNonGalerkTol (amg_data);
189    HYPRE_Real nongalerk_tol_l = 0.0;
190    HYPRE_Real *nongal_tol_array = hypre_ParAMGDataNonGalTolArray (amg_data);
192    hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix *A_H_block;
194    HYPRE_Int       block_mode = 0;
196    HYPRE_Int       mult_addlvl = hypre_max(mult_additive, simple);
197    HYPRE_Int       addlvl = hypre_max(mult_addlvl, additive);
198    HYPRE_Int       rap2 = hypre_ParAMGDataRAP2(amg_data);
199    HYPRE_Int       keepTranspose = hypre_ParAMGDataKeepTranspose(amg_data);
201    HYPRE_Int       local_coarse_size;
202    HYPRE_Int       num_C_points_coarse      = hypre_ParAMGDataNumCPoints(amg_data);
203    HYPRE_Int      *C_points_local_marker    = hypre_ParAMGDataCPointsLocalMarker(amg_data);
204    HYPRE_BigInt   *C_points_marker          = hypre_ParAMGDataCPointsMarker(amg_data);
205    HYPRE_Int       num_F_points             = hypre_ParAMGDataNumFPoints(amg_data);
206    HYPRE_BigInt   *F_points_marker          = hypre_ParAMGDataFPointsMarker(amg_data);
207    HYPRE_Int       num_isolated_F_points    = hypre_ParAMGDataNumIsolatedFPoints(amg_data);
208    HYPRE_BigInt   *isolated_F_points_marker = hypre_ParAMGDataIsolatedFPointsMarker(amg_data);
210    HYPRE_Int      *num_grid_sweeps = hypre_ParAMGDataNumGridSweeps(amg_data);
211    HYPRE_Int       ns = num_grid_sweeps[1];
212    HYPRE_Real      wall_time;   /* for debugging instrumentation */
213    HYPRE_Int       add_end;
216    HYPRE_Int       dslu_threshold = hypre_ParAMGDataDSLUThreshold(amg_data);
217 #endif
219    hypre_MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_procs);
220    hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&my_id);
222    /*A_new = hypre_CSRMatrixDeleteZeros(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A), 1.e-16);
223    hypre_CSRMatrixPrint(A_new, "Atestnew"); */
224    old_num_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataNumLevels(amg_data);
225    max_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataMaxLevels(amg_data);
226    add_end = hypre_min(add_last_lvl, max_levels-1);
227    if (add_end == -1) add_end = max_levels-1;
228    amg_logging = hypre_ParAMGDataLogging(amg_data);
229    amg_print_level = hypre_ParAMGDataPrintLevel(amg_data);
230    coarsen_type = hypre_ParAMGDataCoarsenType(amg_data);
231    measure_type = hypre_ParAMGDataMeasureType(amg_data);
232    setup_type = hypre_ParAMGDataSetupType(amg_data);
233    debug_flag = hypre_ParAMGDataDebugFlag(amg_data);
234    relax_weight = hypre_ParAMGDataRelaxWeight(amg_data);
235    omega = hypre_ParAMGDataOmega(amg_data);
236    sym = hypre_ParAMGDataSym(amg_data);
237    nlevel = hypre_ParAMGDataLevel(amg_data);
238    filter = hypre_ParAMGDataFilter(amg_data);
239    thresh = hypre_ParAMGDataThreshold(amg_data);
240    drop_tol = hypre_ParAMGDataDropTol(amg_data);
241    max_nz_per_row = hypre_ParAMGDataMaxNzPerRow(amg_data);
242    euclidfile = hypre_ParAMGDataEuclidFile(amg_data);
243    eu_level = hypre_ParAMGDataEuLevel(amg_data);
244    eu_sparse_A = hypre_ParAMGDataEuSparseA(amg_data);
245    eu_bj = hypre_ParAMGDataEuBJ(amg_data);
246    ilu_type = hypre_ParAMGDataILUType(amg_data);
247    ilu_lfil = hypre_ParAMGDataILULevel(amg_data);
248    ilu_max_row_nnz = hypre_ParAMGDataILUMaxRowNnz(amg_data);
249    ilu_droptol = hypre_ParAMGDataILUDroptol(amg_data);
250    ilu_max_iter = hypre_ParAMGDataILUMaxIter(amg_data);
251    ilu_reordering_type = hypre_ParAMGDataILULocalReordering(amg_data);
252    interp_type = hypre_ParAMGDataInterpType(amg_data);
253    restri_type = hypre_ParAMGDataRestriction(amg_data); /* RL */
254    post_interp_type = hypre_ParAMGDataPostInterpType(amg_data);
255    IS_type = hypre_ParAMGDataISType(amg_data);
256    num_CR_relax_steps = hypre_ParAMGDataNumCRRelaxSteps(amg_data);
257    CR_rate = hypre_ParAMGDataCRRate(amg_data);
258    CR_use_CG = hypre_ParAMGDataCRUseCG(amg_data);
259    cgc_its = hypre_ParAMGDataCGCIts(amg_data);
261    relax_order = hypre_ParAMGDataRelaxOrder(amg_data);
263    hypre_ParCSRMatrixSetNumNonzeros(A);
264    hypre_ParCSRMatrixSetDNumNonzeros(A);
265    hypre_ParAMGDataNumVariables(amg_data) = hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A);
267    if (num_procs == 1) seq_threshold = 0;
268    if (setup_type == 0) return hypre_error_flag;
270    S = NULL;
272    A_array = hypre_ParAMGDataAArray(amg_data);
273    P_array = hypre_ParAMGDataPArray(amg_data);
274    R_array = hypre_ParAMGDataRArray(amg_data);
275    CF_marker_array = hypre_ParAMGDataCFMarkerArray(amg_data);
276    dof_func_array = hypre_ParAMGDataDofFuncArray(amg_data);
277    dof_func = hypre_ParAMGDataDofFunc(amg_data);
278    local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A));
279    first_local_row = hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstRowIndex(A);
281    /* set size of dof_func hypre_IntArray if necessary */
282    if (dof_func && hypre_IntArraySize(dof_func) < 0)
283    {
284       hypre_IntArraySize(dof_func) = local_size;
285    }
287    A_block_array = hypre_ParAMGDataABlockArray(amg_data);
288    P_block_array = hypre_ParAMGDataPBlockArray(amg_data);
289    R_block_array = hypre_ParAMGDataRBlockArray(amg_data);
291    grid_relax_type[3] = hypre_ParAMGDataUserCoarseRelaxType(amg_data);
295    /* change in definition of standard and multipass interpolation, by
296       eliminating interp_type 9 and 5 and setting sep_weight instead
297       when using separation of weights option */
298    if (interp_type == 9)
299    {
300       interp_type = 8;
301       sep_weight = 1;
302    }
303    else if (interp_type == 5)
304    {
305       interp_type = 4;
306       sep_weight = 1;
307    }
309    /* Verify that if the user has selected the interp_vec_variant > 0
310       (so GM or LN interpolation) then they have nodal coarsening
311       selected also */
312    if (interp_vec_variant > 0 && nodal < 1)
313    {
314       nodal = 1;
315       hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC,"WARNING: Changing to node-based coarsening because LN of GM interpolation has been specified via HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetInterpVecVariant.\n");
316    }
318    /* Verify that settings are correct for solving systmes */
319    /* If the user has specified either a block interpolation or a block relaxation then
320       we need to make sure the other has been choosen as well  - so we can be
321       in "block mode" - storing only block matrices on the coarse levels*/
322    /* Furthermore, if we are using systems and nodal = 0, then
323       we will change nodal to 1 */
324    /* probably should disable stuff like smooth num levels at some point */
327    if (grid_relax_type[0] >= 20) /* block relaxation choosen */
328    {
330       if (!((interp_type >= 20 && interp_type != 100) || interp_type == 11 || interp_type == 10 ) )
331       {
332          hypre_ParAMGDataInterpType(amg_data) = 20;
333          interp_type = hypre_ParAMGDataInterpType(amg_data) ;
334       }
336       for (i=1; i < 3; i++)
337       {
338          if (grid_relax_type[i] < 20)
339          {
340             grid_relax_type[i] = 23;
341          }
343       }
344       if (grid_relax_type[3] < 20) grid_relax_type[3] = 29;  /* GE */
346       block_mode = 1;
347    }
349    if ((interp_type >= 20 && interp_type != 100) || interp_type == 11 || interp_type == 10 ) /* block interp choosen */
350    {
351       if (!(nodal))
352       {
353          hypre_ParAMGDataNodal(amg_data) = 1;
354          nodal = hypre_ParAMGDataNodal(amg_data);
355       }
356       for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
357       {
358          if (grid_relax_type[i] < 20)
359             grid_relax_type[i] = 23;
360       }
362       if (grid_relax_type[3] < 20) grid_relax_type[3] = 29; /* GE */
364       block_mode = 1;
366    }
368    hypre_ParAMGDataBlockMode(amg_data) = block_mode;
371    /* end of systems checks */
373    /* free up storage in case of new setup without previous destroy */
375    if (A_array || A_block_array || P_array || P_block_array || CF_marker_array ||
376        dof_func_array || R_array || R_block_array)
377    {
378       for (j = 1; j < old_num_levels; j++)
379       {
380          if (A_array[j])
381          {
382             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(A_array[j]);
383             A_array[j] = NULL;
384          }
386          if (A_block_array[j])
387          {
388             hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDestroy(A_block_array[j]);
389             A_block_array[j] = NULL;
390          }
392          hypre_IntArrayDestroy(dof_func_array[j]);
393          dof_func_array[j] = NULL;
394       }
396       for (j = 0; j < old_num_levels-1; j++)
397       {
398          if (P_array[j])
399          {
400             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P_array[j]);
401             P_array[j] = NULL;
402          }
404          if (P_block_array[j])
405          {
406             hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDestroy(P_block_array[j]);
407             P_block_array[j] = NULL;
408          }
409          /* RL */
410          if (R_array[j])
411          {
412             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(R_array[j]);
413             R_array[j] = NULL;
414          }
416          if (R_block_array[j])
417          {
418             hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDestroy(R_block_array[j]);
419             R_block_array[j] = NULL;
420          }
421       }
423       /* Special case use of CF_marker_array when old_num_levels == 1
424          requires us to attempt this deallocation every time */
425       hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[0]);
426       CF_marker_array[0] = NULL;
428       for (j = 1; j < old_num_levels-1; j++)
429       {
430          hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[j]);
431          CF_marker_array[j] = NULL;
432       }
433    }
435    {
436       MPI_Comm new_comm = hypre_ParAMGDataNewComm(amg_data);
437       void *amg = hypre_ParAMGDataCoarseSolver(amg_data);
438       if (hypre_ParAMGDataRtemp(amg_data))
439       {
440          hypre_ParVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataRtemp(amg_data));
441          hypre_ParAMGDataRtemp(amg_data) = NULL;
442       }
443       if (hypre_ParAMGDataPtemp(amg_data))
444       {
445          hypre_ParVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataPtemp(amg_data));
446          hypre_ParAMGDataPtemp(amg_data) = NULL;
447       }
448       if (hypre_ParAMGDataZtemp(amg_data))
449       {
450          hypre_ParVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataZtemp(amg_data));
451          hypre_ParAMGDataZtemp(amg_data) = NULL;
452       }
454       if (hypre_ParAMGDataACoarse(amg_data))
455       {
456          hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataACoarse(amg_data));
457          hypre_ParAMGDataACoarse(amg_data) = NULL;
458       }
460       if (hypre_ParAMGDataUCoarse(amg_data))
461       {
462          hypre_ParVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataUCoarse(amg_data));
463          hypre_ParAMGDataUCoarse(amg_data) = NULL;
464       }
466       if (hypre_ParAMGDataFCoarse(amg_data))
467       {
468          hypre_ParVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataFCoarse(amg_data));
469          hypre_ParAMGDataFCoarse(amg_data) = NULL;
470       }
472       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataAMat(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
473       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataAInv(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
474       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataBVec(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
475       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataCommInfo(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
477       if (new_comm != hypre_MPI_COMM_NULL)
478       {
479          hypre_MPI_Comm_free (&new_comm);
480          hypre_ParAMGDataNewComm(amg_data) = hypre_MPI_COMM_NULL;
481       }
483       if (amg)
484       {
485          hypre_BoomerAMGDestroy (amg);
486          hypre_ParAMGDataCoarseSolver(amg_data) = NULL;
487       }
489       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataMaxEigEst(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
490       hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataMinEigEst(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
492       if (hypre_ParAMGDataL1Norms(amg_data))
493       {
494          for (i = 0; i < old_num_levels; i++)
495          {
496             hypre_SeqVectorDestroy(hypre_ParAMGDataL1Norms(amg_data)[i]);
497          }
498          hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataL1Norms(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
499       }
500       if (smooth_num_levels && smoother)
501       {
502          if (smooth_num_levels > old_num_levels-1)
503          {
504            smooth_num_levels = old_num_levels -1;
505          }
506          if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data) == 7)
507          {
508             for (i=0; i < smooth_num_levels; i++)
509             {
510                if (smoother[i])
511                {
512                   HYPRE_ParCSRPilutDestroy(smoother[i]);
513                   smoother[i] = NULL;
514                }
515             }
516          }
517          else if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data) == 8)
518          {
519             for (i=0; i < smooth_num_levels; i++)
520             {
521                if (smoother[i])
522                {
523                   HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsDestroy(smoother[i]);
524                   smoother[i] = NULL;
525                }
526             }
527          }
528          else if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data) == 9)
529          {
530             for (i=0; i < smooth_num_levels; i++)
531             {
532                if (smoother[i])
533                {
534                   HYPRE_EuclidDestroy(smoother[i]);
535                   smoother[i] = NULL;
536                }
537             }
538          }
539          else if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data) == 5)
540          {
541             for (i=0; i < smooth_num_levels; i++)
542             {
543                if (smoother[i])
544                {
545                   HYPRE_ILUDestroy(smoother[i]);
546                   smoother[i] = NULL;
547                }
548             }
549          }
550          else if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothType(amg_data) == 6)
551          {
552             for (i=0; i < smooth_num_levels; i++)
553             {
554                if (smoother[i])
555                {
556                   HYPRE_SchwarzDestroy(smoother[i]);
557                   smoother[i] = NULL;
558                }
559             }
560          }
561          hypre_TFree(hypre_ParAMGDataSmoother(amg_data), HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
562       }
563       if ( hypre_ParAMGDataResidual(amg_data) )
564       {
565          hypre_ParVectorDestroy( hypre_ParAMGDataResidual(amg_data) );
566          hypre_ParAMGDataResidual(amg_data) = NULL;
567       }
568    }
570    if (A_array == NULL)
571    {
572       A_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRMatrix*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
573    }
574    if (A_block_array == NULL)
575    {
576       A_block_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
577    }
579    if (P_array == NULL && max_levels > 1)
580    {
581       P_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRMatrix*, max_levels-1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
582    }
583    if (P_block_array == NULL && max_levels > 1)
584    {
585       P_block_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix*, max_levels-1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
586    }
588    /* RL: if retri_type != 0, R != P^T, allocate R matrices */
589    if (restri_type)
590    {
591       if (R_array == NULL && max_levels > 1)
592       {
593          R_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRMatrix*, max_levels-1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
594       }
595       if (R_block_array == NULL && max_levels > 1)
596       {
597          R_block_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix*, max_levels-1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
598       }
599    }
601    if (CF_marker_array == NULL)
602    {
603       CF_marker_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_IntArray*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
604    }
606    if (num_C_points_coarse > 0)
607    {
608       k = 0;
609       for (j = 0; j < num_C_points_coarse; j++)
610       {
611          row = (HYPRE_Int) (C_points_marker[j] - first_local_row);
612          if ((row >= 0) && (row < local_size))
613          {
614             C_points_local_marker[k++] = row;
615          }
616       }
617       num_C_points_coarse = k;
618    }
620    if (dof_func_array == NULL)
621    {
622       dof_func_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_IntArray*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
623    }
625    if (num_functions > 1 && dof_func == NULL)
626    {
627       dof_func = hypre_IntArrayCreate(local_size);
628       hypre_IntArrayInitialize(dof_func);
630       offset = (HYPRE_Int) ( first_local_row % ((HYPRE_BigInt) num_functions) );
632 #if defined(HYPRE_USING_CUDA) || defined(HYPRE_USING_HIP)
633       hypre_BoomerAMGInitDofFuncDevice(hypre_IntArrayData(dof_func), local_size, offset, num_functions);
634 #else
635       for (i = 0; i < local_size; i++)
636       {
637          hypre_IntArrayData(dof_func)[i] = (i + offset) % num_functions;
638       }
639 #endif /* defined(HYPRE_USING_CUDA) || defined(HYPRE_USING_HIP) */
640    }
642    A_array[0] = A;
644    /* interp vectors setup */
645    if (interp_vec_variant == 1)
646    {
647       num_levels_interp_vectors = interp_vec_first_level + 1;
648       hypre_ParAMGNumLevelsInterpVectors(amg_data) = num_levels_interp_vectors;
649    }
650    if ( interp_vec_variant > 0 &&  num_interp_vectors > 0)
651    {
652       interp_vectors_array =  hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParVector**, num_levels_interp_vectors, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
653       interp_vectors_array[0] = interp_vectors;
654       hypre_ParAMGInterpVectorsArray(amg_data)= interp_vectors_array;
655    }
657    if (block_mode)
658    {
659       A_block_array[0] = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixConvertFromParCSRMatrix(A_array[0],
660                                                                         num_functions);
661       hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixSetNumNonzeros(A_block_array[0]);
662       hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixSetDNumNonzeros(A_block_array[0]);
663    }
665    dof_func_array[0] = dof_func;
666    hypre_ParAMGDataCFMarkerArray(amg_data) = CF_marker_array;
667    hypre_ParAMGDataNumCPoints(amg_data) = num_C_points_coarse;
668    hypre_ParAMGDataDofFunc(amg_data) = dof_func;
669    hypre_ParAMGDataDofFuncArray(amg_data) = dof_func_array;
670    hypre_ParAMGDataAArray(amg_data) = A_array;
671    hypre_ParAMGDataPArray(amg_data) = P_array;
673    /* RL: if R != P^T */
674    if (restri_type)
675    {
676       hypre_ParAMGDataRArray(amg_data) = R_array;
677    }
678    else
679    {
680       hypre_ParAMGDataRArray(amg_data) = P_array;
681    }
683    hypre_ParAMGDataABlockArray(amg_data) = A_block_array;
684    hypre_ParAMGDataPBlockArray(amg_data) = P_block_array;
686    /* RL: if R != P^T */
687    if (restri_type)
688    {
689       hypre_ParAMGDataRBlockArray(amg_data) = R_block_array;
690    }
691    else
692    {
693       hypre_ParAMGDataRBlockArray(amg_data) = P_block_array;
694    }
696    Vtemp = hypre_ParAMGDataVtemp(amg_data);
698    if (Vtemp != NULL)
699    {
700       hypre_ParVectorDestroy(Vtemp);
701       Vtemp = NULL;
702    }
704    Vtemp = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[0]),
705                                  hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]),
706                                  hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[0]));
707    hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(Vtemp, memory_location);
708    hypre_ParAMGDataVtemp(amg_data) = Vtemp;
710    /* If we are doing Cheby relaxation, we also need up two more temp vectors.
711     * If cheby_scale is false, only need one, otherwise need two */
712    if ((smooth_num_levels > 0 && smooth_type > 9) || relax_weight[0] < 0 || omega[0] < 0 ||
713        hypre_ParAMGDataSchwarzRlxWeight(amg_data) < 0 ||
714        (grid_relax_type[0] == 16 || grid_relax_type[1] == 16 || grid_relax_type[2] == 16 || grid_relax_type[3] == 16))
715    {
716       Ptemp = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[0]),
717                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]),
718                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[0]));
719       hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(Ptemp, memory_location);
720       hypre_ParAMGDataPtemp(amg_data) = Ptemp;
722       /* If not doing chebyshev relaxation, or (doing chebyshev relaxation and scaling) */
723       if (!(grid_relax_type[0] == 16 || grid_relax_type[1] == 16 || grid_relax_type[2] == 16 ||
724             grid_relax_type[3] == 16) ||
725           (hypre_ParAMGDataChebyScale(amg_data)))
726       {
727          Rtemp = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[0]),
728                                        hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]),
729                                        hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[0]));
730          hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(Rtemp, memory_location);
731          hypre_ParAMGDataRtemp(amg_data) = Rtemp;
732       }
733    }
735    /* See if we need the Ztemp vector */
736    if ( (smooth_num_levels > 0 && smooth_type > 6) || relax_weight[0] < 0 || omega[0] < 0 || hypre_ParAMGDataSchwarzRlxWeight(amg_data) < 0 )
737    {
738       needZ = hypre_max(needZ, 1);
739    }
741    if ( grid_relax_type[0] == 16 || grid_relax_type[1] == 16 || grid_relax_type[2] == 16 || grid_relax_type[3] == 16 )
742    {
743       /* Chebyshev */
744       needZ = hypre_max(needZ, 1);
745    }
747 #if !defined(HYPRE_USING_CUDA) && !defined(HYPRE_USING_HIP)
748    /* GPU impl. needs Z */
749    if (num_threads > 1)
750 #endif
751    {
752       /* we need the temp Z vector for relaxation 3 and 6 now if we are using threading */
753       for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
754       {
755          if (grid_relax_type[j] ==  3 || grid_relax_type[j] ==  4 || grid_relax_type[j] ==  6 ||
756              grid_relax_type[j] ==  8 || grid_relax_type[j] == 13 || grid_relax_type[j] == 14 ||
757              grid_relax_type[j] == 11 || grid_relax_type[j] == 12)
758          {
759             needZ = hypre_max(needZ, 1);
760             break;
761          }
762       }
763    }
765    if (needZ)
766    {
767       Ztemp = hypre_ParMultiVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[0]),
768                                          hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]),
769                                          hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[0]),
770                                          needZ);
771       hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(Ztemp, memory_location);
772       hypre_ParAMGDataZtemp(amg_data) = Ztemp;
773    }
775    F_array = hypre_ParAMGDataFArray(amg_data);
776    U_array = hypre_ParAMGDataUArray(amg_data);
778    if (F_array != NULL || U_array != NULL)
779    {
780       for (j = 1; j < old_num_levels; j++)
781       {
782          if (F_array[j] != NULL)
783          {
784             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(F_array[j]);
785             F_array[j] = NULL;
786          }
787          if (U_array[j] != NULL)
788          {
789             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(U_array[j]);
790             U_array[j] = NULL;
791          }
792       }
793    }
795    if (F_array == NULL)
796    {
797       F_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParVector*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
798    }
799    if (U_array == NULL)
800    {
801       U_array = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParVector*, max_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
802    }
804    F_array[0] = f;
805    U_array[0] = u;
807    hypre_ParAMGDataFArray(amg_data) = F_array;
808    hypre_ParAMGDataUArray(amg_data) = U_array;
810    /*----------------------------------------------------------
811     * Initialize hypre_ParAMGData
812     *----------------------------------------------------------*/
814    not_finished_coarsening = 1;
815    level = 0;
818    strong_threshold = hypre_ParAMGDataStrongThreshold(amg_data);
819    coarsen_cut_factor = hypre_ParAMGDataCoarsenCutFactor(amg_data);
820    useSabs = hypre_ParAMGDataSabs(amg_data);
821    CR_strong_th = hypre_ParAMGDataCRStrongTh(amg_data);
822    max_row_sum = hypre_ParAMGDataMaxRowSum(amg_data);
823    trunc_factor = hypre_ParAMGDataTruncFactor(amg_data);
824    agg_trunc_factor = hypre_ParAMGDataAggTruncFactor(amg_data);
825    agg_P12_trunc_factor = hypre_ParAMGDataAggP12TruncFactor(amg_data);
826    P_max_elmts = hypre_ParAMGDataPMaxElmts(amg_data);
827    agg_P_max_elmts = hypre_ParAMGDataAggPMaxElmts(amg_data);
828    agg_P12_max_elmts = hypre_ParAMGDataAggP12MaxElmts(amg_data);
829    jacobi_trunc_threshold = hypre_ParAMGDataJacobiTruncThreshold(amg_data);
830    if (smooth_num_levels > level)
831    {
832       smoother = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Solver, smooth_num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
833       hypre_ParAMGDataSmoother(amg_data) = smoother;
834    }
836    /*-----------------------------------------------------
837     *  Enter Coarsening Loop
838     *-----------------------------------------------------*/
840    while (not_finished_coarsening)
841    {
842       /* only do nodal coarsening on a fixed number of levels */
843       if (level >= nodal_levels)
844       {
845          nodal = 0;
846       }
848       if (block_mode)
849       {
850          fine_size = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_block_array[level]);
851       }
852       else
853       {
854          fine_size = hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]);
855       }
857       if (level > 0)
858       {
860          if (block_mode)
861          {
862             F_array[level] =
863                hypre_ParVectorCreateFromBlock(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixComm(A_block_array[level]),
864                                               hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_block_array[level]),
865                                               hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRowStarts(A_block_array[level]),
866                                               hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A_block_array[level]));
867             hypre_ParVectorInitialize(F_array[level]);
869             U_array[level] =
870                hypre_ParVectorCreateFromBlock(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixComm(A_block_array[level]),
871                                               hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_block_array[level]),
872                                               hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRowStarts(A_block_array[level]),
873                                               hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A_block_array[level]));
875             hypre_ParVectorInitialize(U_array[level]);
876          }
877          else
878          {
879             F_array[level] =
880                hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
881                                      hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
882                                      hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
883             hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(F_array[level], memory_location);
885             U_array[level] =
886                hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
887                                      hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
888                                      hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
889             hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(U_array[level], memory_location);
890          }
891       }
893       /*-------------------------------------------------------------
894        * Select coarse-grid points on 'level' : returns CF_marker
895        * for the level.  Returns strength matrix, S
896        *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
898       dof_func_data = NULL;
899       if (dof_func_array[level] != NULL)
900       {
901          dof_func_data = hypre_IntArrayData(dof_func_array[level]);
902       }
904       if (debug_flag==1) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();
905       if (debug_flag==3)
906       {
907           hypre_printf("\n ===== Proc = %d     Level = %d  =====\n",
908                         my_id, level);
909           fflush(NULL);
910       }
912       if (max_levels == 1)
913       {
914          S = NULL;
915          coarse_pnts_global = NULL;
916          CF_marker_array[level] = hypre_IntArrayCreate(local_size);
917          hypre_IntArrayInitialize(CF_marker_array[level]);
918          hypre_IntArraySetConstantValues(CF_marker_array[level], 1);
919          coarse_size = fine_size;
920       }
921       else /* max_levels > 1 */
922       {
923          if (block_mode)
924          {
925             local_num_vars =
926                hypre_CSRBlockMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDiag(A_block_array[level]));
927          }
928          else
929          {
930             local_num_vars =
931                hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level]));
932          }
933          if (hypre_ParAMGDataGSMG(amg_data) ||
934              hypre_ParAMGDataInterpType(amg_data) == 1)
935          {
936             hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSmoothVecs(amg_data, A_array[level],
937                   hypre_ParAMGDataNumGridSweeps(amg_data)[1],
938                   level, &SmoothVecs);
939          }
941          /**** Get the Strength Matrix ****/
942          if (hypre_ParAMGDataGSMG(amg_data) == 0)
943          {
944             if (nodal) /* if we are solving systems and
945                           not using the unknown approach then we need to
946                           convert A to a nodal matrix - values that represent the
947                           blocks  - before getting the strength matrix*/
948             {
950                if (block_mode)
951                {
952                   hypre_BoomerAMGBlockCreateNodalA(A_block_array[level], hypre_abs(nodal), nodal_diag, &AN);
953                }
954                else
955                {
956                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateNodalA(A_array[level],num_functions,
957                                               dof_func_data, hypre_abs(nodal), nodal_diag, &AN);
958                }
960                /* dof array not needed for creating S because we pass in that
961                   the number of functions is 1 */
962                /* creat s two different ways - depending on if any entries in AN are negative: */
964                /* first: positive and negative entries */
965                if (nodal == 3 || nodal == 6 || nodal_diag > 0)
966                {
967                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS(AN, strong_threshold, max_row_sum,
968                                          1, NULL, &SN);
969                }
970                else /* all entries are positive */
971                {
972                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSabs(AN, strong_threshold, max_row_sum,
973                                             1, NULL, &SN);
974                }
975             }
976             else /* standard AMG or unknown approach */
977             {
978                if (!useSabs)
979                {
980                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS(A_array[level], strong_threshold, max_row_sum,
981                                          num_functions, dof_func_data, &S);
982                }
983                else
984                {
985                   /*
986                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSabs(A_array[level], strong_threshold, max_row_sum,
987                                             num_functions, dof_func_array[level], &S);
988                                             */
989                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSabs(A_array[level], strong_threshold, 1.0,
990                                             1, NULL, &S);
991                }
992             }
994             /* for AIR, need absolute value SOC: use a different threshold */
995             if (restri_type == 1 || restri_type == 2 || restri_type == 15)
996             {
997                HYPRE_Real           strong_thresholdR;
998                strong_thresholdR = hypre_ParAMGDataStrongThresholdR(amg_data);
999                hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSabs(A_array[level], strong_thresholdR, 1.0,
1000                                          1, NULL, &Sabs);
1001             }
1002          }
1003          else
1004          {
1005             hypre_BoomerAMGCreateSmoothDirs(amg_data, A_array[level],
1006                                             SmoothVecs, strong_threshold,
1007                                             num_functions, dof_func_data, &S);
1008          }
1010          /* Allocate CF_marker for the current level */
1011          CF_marker_array[level] = hypre_IntArrayCreate(local_num_vars);
1012          hypre_IntArrayInitialize(CF_marker_array[level]);
1013          CF_marker = hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]);
1015          /* Set isolated fine points (SF_PT) given by the user */
1016          if ((num_isolated_F_points > 0) && (level == 0))
1017          {
1018             if (block_mode)
1019             {
1020                first_local_row = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixFirstRowIndex(A_block_array[level]);
1021             }
1022             else
1023             {
1024                first_local_row = hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstRowIndex(A_array[level]);
1025             }
1027             /* copy CF_marker to the host if needed */
1028             if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1029             {
1030                CF_marker_host = hypre_IntArrayCloneDeep_v2(CF_marker_array[level], HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
1031             }
1032             else
1033             {
1034                CF_marker_host = CF_marker_array[level];
1035             }
1037             for (j = 0; j < num_isolated_F_points; j++)
1038             {
1039                row = (HYPRE_Int) (isolated_F_points_marker[j] - first_local_row);
1040                if ((row >= 0) && (row < local_size))
1041                {
1042                   hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[row] = -3; // Assumes SF_PT == -3
1043                }
1044             }
1046             /* copy back to device and destroy host copy */
1047             if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1048             {
1049                hypre_IntArrayCopy(CF_marker_host, CF_marker_array[level]);
1050                hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_host);
1051             }
1054          }
1056          /**** Do the appropriate coarsening ****/
1057          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Coarsening");
1059          if (nodal == 0) /* no nodal coarsening */
1060          {
1061             if (coarsen_type == 6)
1062                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout(S, A_array[level], measure_type,
1063                                              coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1064             else if (coarsen_type == 7)
1065                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S, A_array[level], 2,
1066                                       debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1067             else if (coarsen_type == 8)
1068                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S, A_array[level], 0,
1069                                           debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1070             else if (coarsen_type == 9)
1071                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S, A_array[level], 2,
1072                                           debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1073             else if (coarsen_type == 10)
1074                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenHMIS(S, A_array[level], measure_type,
1075                                           coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1076             else if (coarsen_type == 21 || coarsen_type == 22)
1077             {
1078 #ifdef HYPRE_MIXEDINT
1079               hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC,"CGC coarsening is not available in mixedint mode!");
1080               return hypre_error_flag;
1081 #endif
1082               hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb(S, A_array[level], measure_type, coarsen_type,
1083                                          cgc_its, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1084             }
1085             else if (coarsen_type == 98)
1086               hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCR1(A_array[level], &(CF_marker_array[level]),
1087                                         &coarse_size, num_CR_relax_steps, IS_type, 0);
1088             else if (coarsen_type == 99)
1089             {
1090                hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS(A_array[level],
1091                                       CR_strong_th, 1,
1092                                       num_functions, dof_func_data,&SCR);
1093                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCR(A_array[level], &(CF_marker_array[level]),
1094                                         &coarse_size,
1095                                         num_CR_relax_steps, IS_type, 1, grid_relax_type[0],
1096                                         relax_weight[level], omega[level], CR_rate,
1097                                         NULL,NULL,CR_use_CG,SCR);
1098                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SCR);
1099             }
1100 #if DEBUG
1101             else if (coarsen_type == 999)
1102             {
1103                /* RL_DEBUG: read C/F splitting from files */
1104                /* read from file */
1105                HYPRE_Int my_id;
1106                MPI_Comm comm = hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]);
1107                hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_id);
1108                HYPRE_Int first_local_row = hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstRowIndex(A_array[level]);
1109                HYPRE_Int local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level]));
1110                char CFfile[256], line[1024];
1111                hypre_sprintf(CFfile, "CF_%d.txt", level);
1112                hypre_printf("myid %d: level %d, read C/F from file %s, first_row %d, local_size %d\n",
1113                              my_id, level, CFfile, first_local_row, local_size);
1114                FILE *fp;
1115                if ((fp = fopen(CFfile, "r")) == NULL)
1116                {
1117                   hypre_printf("cannot open file %s\n", CFfile);
1118                   exit(0);
1119                }
1120                HYPRE_Int i;
1121                for (i=0; i<first_local_row; i++)
1122                {
1123                   if (fgets(line, 1024, fp) == NULL)
1124                   {
1125                      exit(-1);
1126                   }
1127                   /*HYPRE_Real tmp; fscanf(fp, "%le\n", &tmp);*/
1128                }
1130                /* copy CF_marker to the host if needed */
1131                if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1132                {
1133                   CF_marker_host = hypre_IntArrayCloneDeep_v2(CF_marker_array[level], HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
1134                }
1135                else
1136                {
1137                   CF_marker_host = CF_marker_array[level];
1138                }
1140                for (i=0; i<local_size; i++)
1141                {
1142                   HYPRE_Real dj;
1143                   HYPRE_Int j;
1144                   if (fgets(line, 1024, fp) == NULL)
1145                   {
1146                      hypre_printf("CF file read error\n");
1147                      exit(0);
1148                   }
1149                   dj = atof(line);
1150                   j = (HYPRE_Int) dj;
1151                   /* 1: C, 0: F*/
1152                   if (j == 1)
1153                   {
1154                      hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[i] = 1;
1155                   } else if (j == 0)
1156                   {
1157                      hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[i] = -1;
1158                   }
1159                   else
1160                   {
1161                      hypre_printf("CF Error: %d\n", j);
1162                      exit(0);
1163                   }
1164                }
1166                /* copy back to device and destroy host copy */
1167                if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1168                {
1169                   hypre_IntArrayCopy(CF_marker_host, CF_marker_array[level]);
1170                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_host);
1171                }
1173                fclose(fp);
1174             }
1175 #endif
1176             else if (coarsen_type)
1177             {
1178                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge(S, A_array[level], measure_type, coarsen_type,
1179                                           coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1180                   /* DEBUG: SAVE CF the splitting
1181                   HYPRE_Int my_id;
1182                   MPI_Comm comm = hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]);
1183                   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_id);
1184                   char CFfile[256];
1185                   hypre_sprintf(CFfile, "hypreCF_%d.txt.%d", level, my_id);
1186                   FILE *fp = fopen(CFfile, "w");
1187                   for (i=0; i<local_size; i++)
1188                   {
1189                      HYPRE_Int k = CF_marker[i];
1190                      HYPRE_Real j;
1191                      if (k == 1) {
1192                        j = 1.0;
1193                      } else if (k == -1) {
1194                        j = 0.0;
1195                      } else {
1196                        if (k < 0) {
1197                          CF_marker[i] = -1;
1198                        }
1199                        j = (HYPRE_Real) k;
1200                      }
1201                      hypre_fprintf(fp, "%.18e\n", j);
1202                   }
1203                   fclose(fp);
1204                   */
1205             }
1206             else
1207             {
1208                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S, A_array[level], 0,
1209                                       debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1210             }
1212             if (level < agg_num_levels)
1213             {
1214                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1215                                           1, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1216                                           &coarse_dof_func, &coarse_pnts_global1);
1217                hypre_BoomerAMGCreate2ndS(S, CF_marker, num_paths,
1218                                          coarse_pnts_global1, &S2);
1219                if (coarsen_type == 10)
1220                {
1221                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenHMIS(S2, S2, measure_type+3, coarsen_cut_factor,
1222                                              debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1223                }
1224                else if (coarsen_type == 8)
1225                {
1226                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S2, S2, 3,
1227                                              debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1228                }
1229                else if (coarsen_type == 9)
1230                {
1231                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S2, S2, 4,
1232                                              debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1233                }
1234                else if (coarsen_type == 6)
1235                {
1236                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout(S2, S2, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1237                                                 debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1238                }
1239                else if (coarsen_type == 21 || coarsen_type == 22)
1240                {
1241                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb(S2, S2, measure_type,
1242                                              coarsen_type, cgc_its, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1243                }
1244                else if (coarsen_type == 7)
1245                {
1246                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S2, S2, 2, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1247                }
1248                else if (coarsen_type)
1249                {
1250                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge(S2, S2, measure_type, coarsen_type,
1251                                              coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1252                }
1253                else
1254                {
1255                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S2, S2, 0, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1256                }
1258                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S2);
1259             }
1260          }
1261          else if (block_mode)
1262          {
1263             if (coarsen_type == 6)
1264                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1265                                              debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1266             else if (coarsen_type == 7)
1267                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(SN, SN, 2,
1268                                       debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1269             else if (coarsen_type == 8)
1270                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(SN, SN, 0,
1271                                           debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1272             else if (coarsen_type == 9)
1273                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(SN, SN, 2,
1274                                           debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1275             else if (coarsen_type == 10)
1276                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenHMIS(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1277                                           debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1278             else if (coarsen_type == 21 || coarsen_type == 22)
1279                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb(SN, SN, measure_type,
1280                                           coarsen_type, cgc_its, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1281             else if (coarsen_type)
1282                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_type,
1283                                           coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1284             else
1285                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(SN, SN, 0, debug_flag, &(CF_marker_array[level]));
1286          }
1287          else if (nodal > 0)
1288          {
1289             if (coarsen_type == 6)
1290                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1291                                              debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1292             else if (coarsen_type == 7)
1293                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(SN, SN, 2, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1294             else if (coarsen_type == 8)
1295                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(SN, SN, 0, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1296             else if (coarsen_type == 9)
1297                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(SN, SN, 2, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1298             else if (coarsen_type == 10)
1299                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenHMIS(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1300                                           debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1301             else if (coarsen_type == 21 || coarsen_type == 22)
1302                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb(SN, SN, measure_type,
1303                                           coarsen_type, cgc_its, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1304             else if (coarsen_type)
1305                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge(SN, SN, measure_type, coarsen_type,
1306                                           coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1307             else
1308                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(SN, SN, 0,
1309                                       debug_flag, &CFN_marker);
1310             if (level < agg_num_levels)
1311             {
1312                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars/num_functions,
1313                                           1, dof_func_array[level], CFN_marker,
1314                                           &coarse_dof_func, &coarse_pnts_global1);
1315                hypre_BoomerAMGCreate2ndS(SN, hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker), num_paths,
1316                                          coarse_pnts_global1, &S2);
1317                if (coarsen_type == 10)
1318                {
1319                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenHMIS(S2, S2, measure_type+3, coarsen_cut_factor,
1320                                              debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1321                }
1322                else if (coarsen_type == 8)
1323                {
1324                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S2, S2, 3,
1325                                              debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1326                }
1327                else if (coarsen_type == 9)
1328                {
1329                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenPMIS(S2, S2, 4,
1330                                              debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1331                }
1332                else if (coarsen_type == 6)
1333                {
1334                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout(S2, S2, measure_type, coarsen_cut_factor,
1335                                                 debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1336                }
1337                else if (coarsen_type == 21 || coarsen_type == 22)
1338                {
1339                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenCGCb(S2, S2, measure_type,
1340                                              coarsen_type, cgc_its, debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1341                }
1342                else if (coarsen_type == 7)
1343                {
1344                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S2, S2, 2, debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1345                }
1346                else if (coarsen_type)
1347                {
1348                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge(S2, S2, measure_type, coarsen_type,
1349                                              coarsen_cut_factor, debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1350                }
1351                else
1352                {
1353                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsen(S2, S2, 0, debug_flag, &CF2_marker);
1354                }
1356                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S2);
1357                S2 = NULL;
1358             }
1359             else
1360             {
1361                hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1362                                               num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1363                                               &dof_func,  &(CF_marker_array[level]),
1364                                               &S);
1365                hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1366                CFN_marker = NULL;
1367                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SN);
1368                SN = NULL;
1369                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AN);
1370                AN = NULL;
1371             }
1372          }
1374          /**************************************************/
1375          /*********Set the fixed index to CF_marker*********/
1376          /* copy CF_marker to the host if needed */
1377          if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1378          {
1379             CF_marker_host = hypre_IntArrayCloneDeep_v2(CF_marker_array[level], HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
1380          }
1381          else
1382          {
1383             CF_marker_host = CF_marker_array[level];
1384          }
1386          /* Set fine points (F_PT) given by the user */
1387          if ((num_F_points > 0) && (level == 0))
1388          {
1389             for (j = 0; j < num_F_points; j++)
1390             {
1391                row = (HYPRE_Int) (F_points_marker[j] - first_local_row);
1392                if ((row >= 0) && (row < local_size))
1393                {
1394                   hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[row] = -1; // Assumes F_PT == -1
1395                }
1396             }
1397          }
1400          if (num_C_points_coarse > 0)
1401          {
1402             if (block_mode)
1403             {
1404                hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC, "Keeping coarse nodes in block mode is not implemented\n");
1405             }
1406             else if (level < hypre_ParAMGDataCPointsLevel(amg_data))
1407             {
1408                for (j = 0; j < num_C_points_coarse; j++)
1409                {
1410                   hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[C_points_local_marker[j]] = 2;
1411                }
1413                local_coarse_size = 0;
1414                k = 0;
1415                for (j = 0; j < local_num_vars; j ++)
1416                {
1417                   if (hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[j] == 1)
1418                   {
1419                      local_coarse_size++;
1420                   }
1421                   else if (hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[j] == 2)
1422                   {
1423                      if ((level + 1) < hypre_ParAMGDataCPointsLevel(amg_data))
1424                      {
1425                         C_points_local_marker[k++] = local_coarse_size;
1426                      }
1427                      local_coarse_size++;
1428                      hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host)[j] = 1;
1429                   }
1430                }
1431             }
1432          }
1434          /* copy back to device and destroy host copy */
1435          if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1436          {
1437             hypre_IntArrayCopy(CF_marker_host, CF_marker_array[level]);
1438             hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_host);
1439          }
1441          /*****xxxxxxxxxxxxx changes for min_coarse_size */
1442          /* here we will determine the coarse grid size to be able to
1443             determine if it is not smaller than requested minimal size */
1445          if (level >= agg_num_levels)
1446          {
1447             if (block_mode)
1448             {
1449                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm,
1450                                           hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(AN)),
1451                                           1, NULL, CF_marker_array[level], NULL, &coarse_pnts_global);
1452             }
1453             else
1454             {
1455                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1456                                           num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1457                                           &coarse_dof_func, &coarse_pnts_global);
1458             }
1459             if (my_id == (num_procs -1)) coarse_size = coarse_pnts_global[1];
1460             hypre_MPI_Bcast(&coarse_size, 1, HYPRE_MPI_BIG_INT, num_procs-1, comm);
1461             /* if no coarse-grid, stop coarsening, and set the
1462              * coarsest solve to be a single sweep of default smoother or smoother set by user */
1463             if ((coarse_size == 0) || (coarse_size == fine_size))
1464             {
1465                HYPRE_Int *num_grid_sweeps = hypre_ParAMGDataNumGridSweeps(amg_data);
1466                HYPRE_Int **grid_relax_points = hypre_ParAMGDataGridRelaxPoints(amg_data);
1467                if (grid_relax_type[3] ==  9 || grid_relax_type[3] == 99 ||
1468                    grid_relax_type[3] == 19 || grid_relax_type[3] == 98)
1469                {
1470                   grid_relax_type[3] = grid_relax_type[0];
1471                   num_grid_sweeps[3] = 1;
1472                   if (grid_relax_points) grid_relax_points[3][0] = 0;
1473                }
1474                if (S) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
1475                if (SN) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SN);
1476                if (AN) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AN);
1477                //hypre_TFree(CF_marker, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
1478                if (level > 0)
1479                {
1480                   /* note special case treatment of CF_marker is necessary
1481                    * to do CF relaxation correctly when num_levels = 1 */
1482                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[level]);
1483                   CF_marker_array[level] = NULL;
1484                   hypre_ParVectorDestroy(F_array[level]);
1485                   hypre_ParVectorDestroy(U_array[level]);
1486                }
1487                coarse_size = fine_size;
1489                if (Sabs)
1490                {
1491                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Sabs);
1492                   Sabs = NULL;
1493                }
1495                HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Coarsening");
1496                break;
1497             }
1499             if (coarse_size < min_coarse_size)
1500             {
1501                if (S) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
1502                if (SN) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SN);
1503                if (AN) hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AN);
1504                if (num_functions > 1) hypre_IntArrayDestroy(coarse_dof_func);
1505                hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[level]);
1506                CF_marker_array[level] = NULL;
1507                hypre_TFree(coarse_pnts_global, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
1508                if (level > 0)
1509                {
1510                   hypre_ParVectorDestroy(F_array[level]);
1511                   hypre_ParVectorDestroy(U_array[level]);
1512                }
1513                coarse_size = fine_size;
1515                if (Sabs)
1516                {
1517                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Sabs);
1518                   Sabs = NULL;
1519                }
1521                HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Coarsening");
1522                break;
1523             }
1524          }
1526          /*****xxxxxxxxxxxxx changes for min_coarse_size  end */
1527          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Coarsening");
1528          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Interpolation");
1530          if (level < agg_num_levels)
1531          {
1532             if (nodal == 0)
1533             {
1534                if (agg_interp_type == 1)
1535                {
1536                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1537                                                   CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1538                                                   num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1539                                                   agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1540                }
1541                else if (agg_interp_type == 2)
1542                {
1543                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildStdInterp(A_array[level],
1544                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1545                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1546                                                 agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, 0, &P1);
1547                }
1548                else if (agg_interp_type == 3)
1549                {
1550                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtInterp(A_array[level],
1551                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1552                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1553                                                 agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1554                }
1555                else if (agg_interp_type == 5)
1556                {
1557                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtInterp(A_array[level],
1558                                                    CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1559                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1560                                                    debug_flag,
1561                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1562                }
1563                else if (agg_interp_type == 6)
1564                {
1565                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1566                                                    CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1567                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1568                                                    debug_flag,
1569                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1570                }
1571                else if (agg_interp_type == 7)
1572                {
1573                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPEInterp(A_array[level],
1574                                                    CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1575                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1576                                                    debug_flag,
1577                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1578                }
1580                if (agg_interp_type == 4)
1581                {
1582                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CF_marker_array[level], CFN_marker);
1583                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1584                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1585                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1586                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1587                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1588                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildMultipass(A_array[level],
1589                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1590                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1591                                                 agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, sep_weight,
1592                                                 &P);
1593                }
1594                else if (agg_interp_type == 8)
1595                {
1596                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CF_marker_array[level], CFN_marker);
1597                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1598                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1599                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1600                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1601                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1602                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModMultipass(A_array[level],
1603                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1604                                                 agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, 8,
1605                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, &P);
1606                }
1607                else if (agg_interp_type == 9)
1608                {
1609                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CF_marker_array[level], CFN_marker);
1610                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1611                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1612                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1613                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1614                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1615                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModMultipass(A_array[level],
1616                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1617                                                 agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, 9,
1618                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, &P);
1619                }
1620                else
1621                {
1622                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker2 (CF_marker_array[level], (CFN_marker));
1623                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1624                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1625                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1626                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1627                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1628                   if (agg_interp_type == 1 || agg_interp_type == 6 )
1629                   {
1630                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1631                                                             CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1632                                                             coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1633                                                             dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1634                                                             agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1635                   }
1636                   else if (agg_interp_type == 2)
1637                   {
1638                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialStdInterp(A_array[level],
1639                                                           CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1640                                                           coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1641                                                           dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1642                                                           agg_P12_max_elmts, sep_weight, &P2);
1643                   }
1644                   else if (agg_interp_type == 3)
1645                   {
1646                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialExtInterp(A_array[level],
1647                                                           CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1648                                                           coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1649                                                           dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1650                                                           agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1651                   }
1652                   else if (agg_interp_type == 5)
1653                   {
1654                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModPartialExtInterp(A_array[level],
1655                                                              CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1656                                                              coarse_pnts_global1,
1657                                                              num_functions, dof_func_data,
1658                                                              debug_flag,
1659                                                              agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1660                   }
1661                   else if (agg_interp_type == 7)
1662                   {
1663                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModPartialExtPEInterp(A_array[level],
1664                                                                CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1665                                                                coarse_pnts_global1,
1666                                                                num_functions, dof_func_data,
1667                                                                debug_flag,
1668                                                                agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1669                   }
1671                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
1672                   {
1673                      P = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(P1, P2);
1674                   }
1675                   else
1676                   {
1677                      P = hypre_ParMatmul(P1, P2);
1678                   }
1680                   hypre_BoomerAMGInterpTruncation(P, agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts);
1682                   hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(P);
1683                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P1);
1684                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P2);
1685                }
1686             }
1687             else if (nodal > 0)
1688             {
1689                if (agg_interp_type == 4)
1690                {
1691                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CFN_marker, CF2_marker);
1692                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF2_marker);
1693                   CF2_marker = NULL;
1695                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1696                                                  num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1697                                                  &dof_func, &(CF_marker_array[level]), &S);
1698                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1699                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1700                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1701                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1702                                              &coarse_dof_func, &coarse_pnts_global);
1703                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildMultipass(A_array[level],
1704                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1705                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1706                                                 agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, sep_weight,
1707                                                 &P);
1708                }
1709                else if (agg_interp_type == 8)
1710                {
1711                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CFN_marker, CF2_marker);
1712                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF2_marker);
1713                   CF2_marker = NULL;
1715                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1716                                                  num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1717                                                  &dof_func, &(CF_marker_array[level]), &S);
1718                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1719                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1720                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1721                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1722                                              &coarse_dof_func, &coarse_pnts_global);
1723                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModMultipass(A_array[level],
1724                                                    CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1725                                                    agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, 8,
1726                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data, &P);
1727                }
1728                else if (agg_interp_type == 9)
1729                {
1730                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker(CFN_marker, CF2_marker);
1731                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF2_marker);
1732                   CF2_marker = NULL;
1734                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1735                                                  num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1736                                                  &dof_func, &(CF_marker_array[level]), &S);
1737                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1738                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1739                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1740                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1741                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1742                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModMultipass(A_array[level],
1743                                                    CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1744                                                    agg_trunc_factor, agg_P_max_elmts, 9,
1745                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data, &P);
1746                }
1747                else
1748                {
1749                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1750                                                  num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1751                                                  &dof_func, &CF3_marker, &S);
1752                   for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
1753                   {
1754                      coarse_pnts_global1[i] *= num_functions;
1755                   }
1756                   if (agg_interp_type == 1)
1757                   {
1758                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1759                                                      hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1760                                                      num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1761                                                      agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1762                   }
1763                   else if (agg_interp_type == 2)
1764                   {
1765                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildStdInterp(A_array[level],
1766                                                    hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1767                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1768                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, 0, &P1);
1769                   }
1770                   else if (agg_interp_type == 3)
1771                   {
1772                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtInterp(A_array[level],
1773                                                    hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1774                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data, debug_flag,
1775                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1776                   }
1777                   else if (agg_interp_type == 5)
1778                   {
1779                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtInterp(A_array[level],
1780                                                    hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1781                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1782                                                    debug_flag,
1783                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1784                   }
1785                   else if (agg_interp_type == 6)
1786                   {
1787                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1788                                                    hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1789                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1790                                                    debug_flag,
1791                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1792                   }
1793                   else if (agg_interp_type == 7 )
1794                   {
1795                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPEInterp(A_array[level],
1796                                                    hypre_IntArrayData(CF3_marker), S, coarse_pnts_global1,
1797                                                    num_functions, dof_func_data,
1798                                                    debug_flag,
1799                                                    agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P1);
1800                   }
1802                   hypre_BoomerAMGCorrectCFMarker2 (CFN_marker, CF2_marker);
1803                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF2_marker);
1804                   CF2_marker = NULL;
1805                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF3_marker);
1806                   CF3_marker = NULL;
1807                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
1808                   hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCFS(SN, A_array[level], hypre_IntArrayData(CFN_marker),
1809                                                  num_functions, nodal, keep_same_sign,
1810                                                  &dof_func, &(CF_marker_array[level]), &S);
1812                   hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CFN_marker);
1813                   CFN_marker = NULL;
1814                   hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1815                                              num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker_array[level],
1816                                              &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1817                   if (agg_interp_type == 1 || agg_interp_type == 6)
1818                   {
1819                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialExtPIInterp(A_array[level],
1820                                                             CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1821                                                             coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1822                                                             dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1823                                                             agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1824                   }
1825                   else if (agg_interp_type == 2)
1826                   {
1827                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialStdInterp(A_array[level],
1828                                                           CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1829                                                           coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1830                                                           dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1831                                                           agg_P12_max_elmts, sep_weight, &P2);
1832                   }
1833                   else if (agg_interp_type == 3)
1834                   {
1835                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildPartialExtInterp(A_array[level],
1836                                                           CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global,
1837                                                           coarse_pnts_global1, num_functions,
1838                                                           dof_func_data, debug_flag, agg_P12_trunc_factor,
1839                                                           agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1840                   }
1841                   else if (agg_interp_type == 5)
1842                   {
1843                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModPartialExtInterp(A_array[level],
1844                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global, coarse_pnts_global1,
1845                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data,
1846                                                 debug_flag,
1847                                                 agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1848                   }
1849                   else if (agg_interp_type == 7)
1850                   {
1851                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModPartialExtPEInterp(A_array[level],
1852                                                 CF_marker, S, coarse_pnts_global, coarse_pnts_global1,
1853                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data,
1854                                                 debug_flag,
1855                                                 agg_P12_trunc_factor, agg_P12_max_elmts, &P2);
1856                   }
1858                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
1859                   {
1860                      P = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(P1, P2);
1861                   }
1862                   else
1863                   {
1864                      P = hypre_ParMatmul(P1, P2);
1865                   }
1866                   hypre_BoomerAMGInterpTruncation(P, agg_trunc_factor,
1867                                                   agg_P_max_elmts);
1868                   hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(P);
1869                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P1);
1870                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P2);
1871                }
1872                if (SN)
1873                {
1874                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SN);
1875                }
1876                SN = NULL;
1877                if (AN)
1878                {
1879                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AN);
1880                }
1881                AN = NULL;
1882             }
1883             if (my_id == (num_procs -1)) coarse_size = coarse_pnts_global[1];
1884             hypre_MPI_Bcast(&coarse_size, 1, HYPRE_MPI_BIG_INT, num_procs-1, comm);
1885          }
1886          else /* no aggressive coarsening */
1887          {
1888             /**** Get the coarse parameters ****/
1889 /* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx change for min_coarse_size
1890             if (block_mode )
1891             {
1892                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm,
1893                                           hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(AN)),
1894                                           1, NULL, CF_marker, NULL, &coarse_pnts_global);
1895             }
1896             else
1897             {
1898                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarseParms(comm, local_num_vars,
1899                                           num_functions, dof_func_array[level], CF_marker,
1900                                           &coarse_dof_func,&coarse_pnts_global);
1901             }
1902             if (my_id == (num_procs -1)) coarse_size = coarse_pnts_global[1];
1903             hypre_MPI_Bcast(&coarse_size, 1, HYPRE_MPI_BIG_INT, num_procs-1, comm);
1904  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx change for min_coarse_size */
1905             if (debug_flag==1)
1906             {
1907                wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
1908                hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Level = %d    Coarsen Time = %f\n",
1909                             my_id,level, wall_time);
1910                fflush(NULL);
1911             }
1913             /* RL: build restriction */
1914             if (restri_type)
1915             {
1916                HYPRE_Real filter_thresholdR;
1917                filter_thresholdR = hypre_ParAMGDataFilterThresholdR(amg_data);
1918                HYPRE_Int is_triangular = hypre_ParAMGDataIsTriangular(amg_data);
1919                HYPRE_Int gmres_switch = hypre_ParAMGDataGMRESSwitchR(amg_data);
1920                /* !!! RL: ensure that CF_marker contains -1 or 1 !!! */
1921 #if defined(HYPRE_USING_CUDA) || defined(HYPRE_USING_HIP)
1922                if (hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level]) == HYPRE_MEMORY_DEVICE)
1923                {
1924                   hypre_BoomerAMGCFMarkerTo1minus1Device(CF_marker, hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level])));
1925                }
1926                else
1927 #endif
1928                {
1929                   for (i = 0; i < hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level])); i++)
1930                   {
1931                      CF_marker[i] = CF_marker[i] > 0 ? 1 : -1;
1932                   }
1933                }
1935                if (restri_type == 1) /* distance-1 AIR */
1936                {
1937                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildRestrAIR(A_array[level], CF_marker,
1938                                                Sabs, coarse_pnts_global, 1, NULL,
1939                                                filter_thresholdR, debug_flag,
1940                                                &R,
1941                                                is_triangular, gmres_switch );
1942                }
1943                else if (restri_type == 2 || restri_type == 15) /* distance-2, 1.5 AIR */
1944                {
1945                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildRestrDist2AIR(A_array[level], CF_marker,
1946                                                     Sabs, coarse_pnts_global, 1, NULL,
1947                                                     filter_thresholdR, debug_flag,
1948                                                     &R, restri_type == 15,
1949                                                     is_triangular, gmres_switch);
1950                }
1951                else
1952                {
1953                   HYPRE_Int NeumannAIRDeg = restri_type - 3;
1954                   hypre_assert(NeumannAIRDeg >= 0);
1955                   HYPRE_Real strong_thresholdR;
1956                   strong_thresholdR = hypre_ParAMGDataStrongThresholdR(amg_data);
1957                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildRestrNeumannAIR(A_array[level], CF_marker,
1958                                                       coarse_pnts_global, 1, NULL,
1959                                                       NeumannAIRDeg, strong_thresholdR,
1960                                                       filter_thresholdR, debug_flag,
1961                                                       &R );
1962                }
1965                char file[256];
1966                hypre_sprintf(file, "R_%d.mtx", level);
1967                hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(R, 1, 1, file);
1968 #endif
1969                if (Sabs)
1970                {
1971                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Sabs);
1972                   Sabs = NULL;
1973                }
1974             }
1976             if (debug_flag==1) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();
1978             if (interp_type == 4)
1979             {
1980                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildMultipass(A_array[level], CF_marker,
1981                                              S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
1982                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, sep_weight, &P);
1983             }
1984             else if (interp_type == 1)
1985             {
1986                hypre_BoomerAMGNormalizeVecs(
1987                   hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level])),
1988                   hypre_ParAMGDataNumSamples(amg_data), SmoothVecs);
1990                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterpLS(NULL, CF_marker, S,
1991                                             coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
1992                                             debug_flag, trunc_factor,
1993                                             hypre_ParAMGDataNumSamples(amg_data), SmoothVecs, &P);
1994             }
1995             else if (interp_type == 2)
1996             {
1997                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterpHE(A_array[level], CF_marker,
1998                                             S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
1999                                             debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2000             }
2001             else if (interp_type == 3 || interp_type == 15)
2002             {
2003                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildDirInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2004                                              S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2005                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts,
2006                                              interp_type, &P);
2007             }
2008             else if (interp_type == 6) /*Extended+i classical interpolation */
2009             {
2010                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtPIInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2011                                                S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2012                                                debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2013             }
2014             else if (interp_type == 14) /*Extended classical interpolation */
2015             {
2016                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2017                                              S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2018                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2019             }
2020             else if (interp_type == 16) /*Extended classical MM interpolation */
2021             {
2022                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2023                                                 S, coarse_pnts_global,
2024                                                 num_functions, dof_func_data,
2025                                                 debug_flag,
2026                                                 trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2027             }
2028             else if (interp_type == 17) /*Extended+i MM interpolation */
2029             {
2030                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPIInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2031                                              S, coarse_pnts_global,
2032                                              num_functions, dof_func_data,
2033                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2034             }
2035             else if (interp_type == 18) /*Extended+e MM interpolation */
2036             {
2037                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildModExtPEInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2038                                              S, coarse_pnts_global,
2039                                              num_functions, dof_func_data,
2040                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2041             }
2043             else if (interp_type == 7) /*Extended+i (if no common C) interpolation */
2044             {
2045                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtPICCInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2046                                                  S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2047                                                  debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2048             }
2049             else if (interp_type == 12) /*FF interpolation */
2050             {
2051                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildFFInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2052                                             S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2053                                             debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2054             }
2055             else if (interp_type == 13) /*FF1 interpolation */
2056             {
2057                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildFF1Interp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2058                                              S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2059                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2060             }
2061             else if (interp_type == 8) /*Standard interpolation */
2062             {
2063                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildStdInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2064                                              S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2065                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, sep_weight, &P);
2066             }
2067             else if (interp_type == 100) /* 1pt interpolation */
2068             {
2069                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterpOnePnt(A_array[level], CF_marker, S,
2070                                                 coarse_pnts_global, 1, NULL,
2071                                                 debug_flag, &P);
2074                char file[256];
2075                hypre_sprintf(file, "P_%d.mtx", level);
2076                hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(P, 1, 1, file);
2077 #endif
2078             }
2079             else if (hypre_ParAMGDataGSMG(amg_data) == 0) /* none of above choosen and not GMSMG */
2080             {
2081                if (block_mode) /* nodal interpolation */
2082                {
2084                   /* convert A to a block matrix if there isn't already a block
2085                     matrix - there should be one already*/
2086                  if (!(A_block_array[level]))
2087                  {
2088                     A_block_array[level] =  hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixConvertFromParCSRMatrix(
2089                              A_array[level], num_functions);
2090                  }
2092                  /* note that the current CF_marker is nodal */
2093                  if (interp_type == 11)
2094                  {
2095                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterpDiag( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2096                                                          SN,
2097                                                          coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2098                                                          NULL,
2099                                                          debug_flag,
2100                                                          trunc_factor, P_max_elmts,1,
2101                                                          &P_block_array[level]);
2104                  }
2105                  else if (interp_type == 22)
2106                  {
2107                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterpRV( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2108                                                        SN,
2109                                                        coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2110                                                        NULL,
2111                                                        debug_flag,
2112                                                        trunc_factor, P_max_elmts,
2113                                                        &P_block_array[level]);
2114                  }
2115                  else if (interp_type == 23)
2116                  {
2117                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterpRV( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2118                                                        SN,
2119                                                        coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2120                                                        NULL,
2121                                                        debug_flag,
2122                                                        trunc_factor, P_max_elmts,
2123                                                        &P_block_array[level]);
2124                  }
2125                  else if (interp_type == 20)
2126                  {
2127                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterp( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2128                                                      SN,
2129                                                      coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2130                                                      NULL,
2131                                                      debug_flag,
2132                                                      trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, 0,
2133                                                      &P_block_array[level]);
2135                  }
2136                  else if (interp_type == 21)
2137                  {
2138                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterpDiag( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2139                                                          SN,
2140                                                          coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2141                                                          NULL,
2142                                                          debug_flag,
2143                                                          trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, 0,
2144                                                          &P_block_array[level]);
2145                  }
2146                  else if (interp_type == 24)
2147                  {
2148                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockDirInterp( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2149                                                         SN,
2150                                                         coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2151                                                         NULL,
2152                                                         debug_flag,
2153                                                         trunc_factor, P_max_elmts,
2154                                                         &P_block_array[level]);
2155                  }
2157                  else /* interp_type ==10 */
2158                  {
2160                     hypre_BoomerAMGBuildBlockInterp( A_block_array[level], CF_marker,
2161                                                      SN,
2162                                                      coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2163                                                      NULL,
2164                                                      debug_flag,
2165                                                      trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, 1,
2166                                                      &P_block_array[level]);
2168                  }
2170                  /* we need to set the global number of cols in P, as this was
2171                     not done in the interp
2172                     (which calls the matrix create) since we didn't
2173                     have the global partition */
2174                  /*  this has to be done before converting from block to non-block*/
2175                  hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixGlobalNumCols(P_block_array[level]) = coarse_size;
2177                  /* if we don't do nodal relaxation, we need a CF_array that is
2178                     not nodal - right now we don't allow this to happen though*/
2179                  /*
2180                    if (grid_relax_type[0] < 20  )
2181                    {
2182                    hypre_BoomerAMGCreateScalarCF(CFN_marker, num_functions,
2183                    hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(AN)),
2184                    &dof_func1, &CF_marker);
2186                    dof_func_array[level+1] = dof_func1;
2187                    hypre_TFree(CFN_marker, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
2188                    CF_marker_array[level] = CF_marker;
2189                    }
2190                  */
2192                  /* clean up other things */
2193                  hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AN);
2194                  hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(SN);
2196               }
2197               else /* not block mode - use default interp (interp_type = 0) */
2198               {
2199                  if (nodal > -1) /* non-systems, or systems with unknown approach interpolation*/
2200                  {
2201                     /* if systems, do we want to use an interp. that uses the full strength matrix?*/
2203                     if ( (num_functions > 1) && (interp_type == 19 || interp_type == 18 || interp_type == 17 || interp_type == 16))
2204                     {
2205                        /* so create a second strength matrix and build interp with with num_functions = 1 */
2206                        hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS(A_array[level],
2207                                               strong_threshold, max_row_sum,
2208                                               1, dof_func_data,&S2);
2209                        switch (interp_type)
2210                        {
2212                           case 19:
2213                              dbg_flg = debug_flag;
2214                              if (amg_print_level) dbg_flg = -debug_flag;
2215                              hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2216                                                         S2, coarse_pnts_global, 1,
2217                                                         dof_func_data,
2218                                                         dbg_flg, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2219                              break;
2221                           case 18:
2222                              hypre_BoomerAMGBuildStdInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2223                                                            S2, coarse_pnts_global, 1, dof_func_data,
2224                                                            debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, 0, &P);
2226                              break;
2228                           case 17:
2229                              hypre_BoomerAMGBuildExtPIInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2230                                                              S2, coarse_pnts_global, 1, dof_func_data,
2231                                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2232                              break;
2233                           case 16:
2234                              dbg_flg = debug_flag;
2235                              if (amg_print_level) dbg_flg = -debug_flag;
2236                              hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterpModUnk(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2237                                                               S2, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2238                                                               dbg_flg, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2239                              break;
2241                        }
2244                        hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S2);
2246                     }
2247                     else /* one function only or unknown-based interpolation- */
2248                     {
2249                        dbg_flg = debug_flag;
2250                        if (amg_print_level) dbg_flg = -debug_flag;
2252                        hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterp(A_array[level], CF_marker,
2253                                                   S, coarse_pnts_global, num_functions,
2254                                                   dof_func_data,
2255                                                   dbg_flg, trunc_factor, P_max_elmts, &P);
2258                     }
2259                  }
2260               }
2261            }
2262            else
2263            {
2264               hypre_BoomerAMGBuildInterpGSMG(NULL, CF_marker, S,
2265                                              coarse_pnts_global, num_functions, dof_func_data,
2266                                              debug_flag, trunc_factor, &P);
2267            }
2268          } /* end of no aggressive coarsening */
2270          dof_func_array[level+1] = NULL;
2271          if (num_functions > 1 && nodal > -1 && (!block_mode) )
2272             dof_func_array[level+1] = coarse_dof_func;
2274          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Interpolation");
2275       } /* end of if max_levels > 1 */
2277       /* if no coarse-grid, stop coarsening, and set the
2278        * coarsest solve to be a single sweep of Jacobi */
2279       if ( (coarse_size == 0) || (coarse_size == fine_size) )
2280       {
2281          HYPRE_Int     *num_grid_sweeps =
2282                hypre_ParAMGDataNumGridSweeps(amg_data);
2283          HYPRE_Int    **grid_relax_points =
2284                hypre_ParAMGDataGridRelaxPoints(amg_data);
2285          if (grid_relax_type[3] == 9 || grid_relax_type[3] == 99
2286              || grid_relax_type[3] == 19 || grid_relax_type[3] == 98)
2287          {
2288             grid_relax_type[3] = grid_relax_type[0];
2289             num_grid_sweeps[3] = 1;
2290             if (grid_relax_points) grid_relax_points[3][0] = 0;
2291          }
2292          if (S)
2293             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
2294          if (P)
2295             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P);
2296          if (level > 0)
2297          {
2298             /* note special case treatment of CF_marker is necessary
2299              * to do CF relaxation correctly when num_levels = 1 */
2300             hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[level]);
2301             CF_marker_array[level] = NULL;
2302             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(F_array[level]);
2303             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(U_array[level]);
2304          }
2305          hypre_IntArrayDestroy(dof_func_array[level+1]);
2306          dof_func_array[level+1] = NULL;
2308          break;
2309       }
2310       if (level < agg_num_levels && coarse_size < min_coarse_size)
2311       {
2312          if (S)
2313             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
2314          if (P)
2315             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P);
2316          if (level > 0)
2317          {
2318             hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_array[level]);
2319             CF_marker_array[level] = NULL;
2320             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(F_array[level]);
2321             hypre_ParVectorDestroy(U_array[level]);
2322          }
2323          hypre_IntArrayDestroy(dof_func_array[level+1]);
2324          dof_func_array[level+1] = NULL;
2325          coarse_size = fine_size;
2327          break;
2328       }
2330       /*-------------------------------------------------------------
2331        * Build prolongation matrix, P, and place in P_array[level]
2332        *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
2334       if (interp_refine > 0)
2335       {
2336          for (k = 0; k < interp_refine; k++)
2337             hypre_BoomerAMGRefineInterp(A_array[level],
2338                                         P,
2339                                         coarse_pnts_global,
2340                                         &num_functions,
2341                                         dof_func_data,
2342                                         hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2343                                         level);
2344       }
2346       /*  Post processing of interpolation operators to incorporate
2347           smooth vectors NOTE: must pick nodal coarsening !!!
2348           (nodal is changed above to 1 if it is 0)  */
2349       if (interp_vec_variant && nodal && num_interp_vectors)
2350       {
2351          /* TO DO: add option of smoothing the vectors at
2352           * coarser levels?*/
2354          if (level < interp_vec_first_level)
2355          {
2356             /* coarsen the smooth vecs */
2357             hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenInterpVectors( P,
2358                                                  num_interp_vectors,
2359                                                  interp_vectors_array[level],
2360                                                  hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2361                                                  &interp_vectors_array[level+1],
2362                                                  0, num_functions);
2364          }
2365          /* do  GM 2 and LN (3) at all levels and GM 1 only on first level */
2366          if (( interp_vec_variant > 1  && level >= interp_vec_first_level) ||
2367              (interp_vec_variant == 1 && interp_vec_first_level == level))
2369          {
2370             /*if (level == 0)
2371             {
2372                hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(A_array[0], 0, 0, "A");
2373                hypre_ParVectorPrintIJ(interp_vectors_array[0][0], 0, "rbm");
2374             }*/
2375             if (interp_vec_variant < 3) /* GM */
2376             {
2377                hypre_BoomerAMG_GMExpandInterp( A_array[level],
2378                                                &P,
2379                                                num_interp_vectors,
2380                                                interp_vectors_array[level],
2381                                                &num_functions,
2382                                                dof_func_data,
2383                                                &dof_func_array[level+1],
2384                                                interp_vec_variant, level,
2385                                                abs_q_trunc,
2386                                                expandp_weights,
2387                                                q_max,
2388                                                hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2389                                                interp_vec_first_level);
2390             }
2391             else /* LN */
2392             {
2393                hypre_BoomerAMG_LNExpandInterp( A_array[level],
2394                                                &P,
2395                                                coarse_pnts_global,
2396                                                &num_functions,
2397                                                dof_func_data,
2398                                                &dof_func_array[level+1],
2399                                                hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2400                                                level,
2401                                                expandp_weights,
2402                                                num_interp_vectors,
2403                                                interp_vectors_array[level],
2404                                                abs_q_trunc,
2405                                                q_max,
2406                                                interp_vec_first_level);
2407             }
2409             if (level == interp_vec_first_level)
2410             {
2411                /* check to see if we made A bigger - this can happen
2412                 * in 3D with certain coarsenings   - if so, need to fix vtemp*/
2414                HYPRE_Int local_sz = hypre_ParVectorActualLocalSize(Vtemp);
2415                HYPRE_Int local_P_sz = hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(P));
2416                if (local_sz < local_P_sz)
2417                {
2418                   hypre_Vector *Vtemp_local = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(Vtemp);
2419                   hypre_TFree(hypre_VectorData(Vtemp_local), memory_location);
2420                   hypre_VectorSize(Vtemp_local) = local_P_sz;
2421                   hypre_VectorData(Vtemp_local) = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Complex, local_P_sz, memory_location);
2422                   if (Ztemp)
2423                   {
2424                      hypre_Vector *Ztemp_local = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(Ztemp);
2425                      hypre_TFree(hypre_VectorData(Ztemp_local), memory_location);
2426                      hypre_VectorSize(Ztemp_local) = local_P_sz;
2427                      hypre_VectorData(Ztemp_local) = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Complex, local_P_sz, memory_location);
2428                   }
2429                   if (Ptemp)
2430                   {
2431                      hypre_Vector *Ptemp_local = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(Ptemp);
2432                      hypre_TFree(hypre_VectorData(Ptemp_local), memory_location);
2433                      hypre_VectorSize(Ptemp_local) = local_P_sz;
2434                      hypre_VectorData(Ptemp_local) = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Complex, local_P_sz, memory_location);
2435                   }
2436                   if (Rtemp)
2437                   {
2438                      hypre_Vector *Rtemp_local = hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(Rtemp);
2439                      hypre_TFree(hypre_VectorData(Rtemp_local), memory_location);
2440                      hypre_VectorSize(Rtemp_local) = local_P_sz;
2441                      hypre_VectorData(Rtemp_local) = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Complex, local_P_sz, memory_location);
2442                   }
2443                }
2444                /*if (hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]) < hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumCols(P))
2445                {
2447                   hypre_ParVectorDestroy(Vtemp);
2448                   Vtemp = NULL;
2450                   Vtemp = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(P),
2451                                                 hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumCols(P),
2452                                                 hypre_ParCSRMatrixColStarts(P));
2453                   hypre_ParVectorInitialize(Vtemp);
2454                   hypre_ParAMGDataVtemp(amg_data) = Vtemp;
2455                }*/
2456             }
2457             /* at the first level we have to add space for the new
2458              * unknowns in the smooth vectors */
2459             if (interp_vec_variant > 1 && level < max_levels)
2460             {
2461                HYPRE_Int expand_level = 0;
2463                if (level == interp_vec_first_level)
2464                   expand_level = 1;
2466                hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenInterpVectors( P,
2467                                                     num_interp_vectors,
2468                                                     interp_vectors_array[level],
2469                                                     hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2470                                                     &interp_vectors_array[level+1],
2471                                                     expand_level, num_functions);
2472             }
2473          } /* end apply variant */
2474       }/* end interp_vec_variant > 0 */
2476       /* Improve on P with Jacobi interpolation */
2477       for (i = 0; i < post_interp_type; i++)
2478       {
2479          hypre_BoomerAMGJacobiInterp( A_array[level], &P, S,
2480                                       num_functions, dof_func_data,
2481                                       hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2482                                       level, jacobi_trunc_threshold, 0.5*jacobi_trunc_threshold );
2483       }
2485       dof_func_data = NULL;
2486       if (dof_func_array[level+1])
2487       {
2488          dof_func_data = hypre_IntArrayData(dof_func_array[level+1]);
2490       }
2492       if (!block_mode)
2493       {
2494          if (mult_addlvl > -1 && level >= mult_addlvl && level <= add_end)
2495          {
2496             hypre_Vector *d_diag = NULL;
2498             if (ns == 1)
2499             {
2500                d_diag = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[level]));
2502                if (add_rlx == 0)
2503                {
2504                   hypre_CSRMatrix *lvl_Adiag = hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level]);
2505                   HYPRE_Int lvl_nrows = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(lvl_Adiag);
2506                   HYPRE_Int *lvl_i = hypre_CSRMatrixI(lvl_Adiag);
2507                   HYPRE_Real *lvl_data = hypre_CSRMatrixData(lvl_Adiag);
2508                   HYPRE_Real w_inv = 1.0 / add_rlx_wt;
2509                   /*HYPRE_Real w_inv = 1.0/hypre_ParAMGDataRelaxWeight(amg_data)[level];*/
2510                   hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(d_diag, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
2511                   for (i=0; i < lvl_nrows; i++)
2512                   {
2513                      hypre_VectorData(d_diag)[i] = lvl_data[lvl_i[i]] * w_inv;
2514                   }
2515                }
2516                else
2517                {
2518                   HYPRE_Real *d_diag_data = NULL;
2520                   hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[level], 1, NULL, &d_diag_data);
2522                   hypre_VectorData(d_diag) = d_diag_data;
2523                   hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(d_diag, hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[level]));
2524                }
2525             }
2527             HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "RAP");
2528             if (ns == 1)
2529             {
2530                hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2531                if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2532                {
2533                   Q = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level], P);
2534                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixAminvDB(P, Q, hypre_VectorData(d_diag), &P_array[level]);
2535                   A_H = hypre_ParCSRTMatMat(P, Q);
2536                }
2537                else
2538                {
2539                   Q = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level], P);
2540                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixAminvDB(P, Q, hypre_VectorData(d_diag), &P_array[level]);
2541                   A_H = hypre_ParTMatmul(P, Q);
2542                }
2543                if (num_procs > 1)
2544                {
2545                   hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2546                }
2547                /*hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P); */
2548                hypre_SeqVectorDestroy(d_diag);
2549                /* Set NonGalerkin drop tol on each level */
2550                if (level < nongalerk_num_tol) nongalerk_tol_l = nongalerk_tol[level];
2551                if (nongal_tol_array) nongalerk_tol_l = nongal_tol_array[level];
2552                if (nongalerk_tol_l > 0.0)
2553                {
2554                   /* Build Non-Galerkin Coarse Grid */
2555                   hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2556                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildNonGalerkinCoarseOperator(&A_H, Q,
2557                     0.333*strong_threshold, max_row_sum, num_functions,
2558                     dof_func_data, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2559                     /* nongalerk_tol, sym_collapse, lump_percent, beta );*/
2560                       nongalerk_tol_l,      1,            0.5,    1.0 );
2562                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixColStarts(P_array[level])[0] = hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_H)[0];
2563                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixColStarts(P_array[level])[1] = hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_H)[1];
2564                   if (!hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A_H))
2565                      hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2566                }
2567                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Q);
2568             }
2569             else
2570             {
2571                HYPRE_Int ns_tmp = ns;
2572                hypre_ParCSRMatrix *C = NULL;
2573                hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Ptmp = NULL;
2574                /* Set NonGalerkin drop tol on each level */
2575                if (level < nongalerk_num_tol)
2576                    nongalerk_tol_l = nongalerk_tol[level];
2577                if (nongal_tol_array) nongalerk_tol_l = nongal_tol_array[level];
2579                if (nongalerk_tol_l > 0.0)
2580                {
2581                   /* Construct AP, and then RAP */
2582                   hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2583                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2584                   {
2585                      Q = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level], P);
2586                      A_H = hypre_ParCSRTMatMatKT(P, Q, keepTranspose);
2587                   }
2588                   else
2589                   {
2590                      Q = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level], P);
2591                      A_H = hypre_ParTMatmul(P, Q);
2592                   }
2593                   if (num_procs > 1)
2594                   {
2595                      hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2596                   }
2598                   /* Build Non-Galerkin Coarse Grid */
2599                   hypre_BoomerAMGBuildNonGalerkinCoarseOperator(&A_H, Q,
2600                     0.333*strong_threshold, max_row_sum, num_functions,
2601                     dof_func_data, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2602                     /* nongalerk_tol, sym_collapse, lump_percent, beta );*/
2603                       nongalerk_tol_l,      1,            0.5,    1.0 );
2605                   if (!hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A_H))
2606                   {
2607                      hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2608                   }
2610                   /* Delete AP */
2611                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Q);
2612                }
2613                else if (rap2)
2614                {
2615                   /* Use two matrix products to generate A_H */
2616                   hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2617                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2618                   {
2619                      Q = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level], P);
2620                      A_H = hypre_ParCSRTMatMatKT(P, Q, keepTranspose);
2621                   }
2622                   else
2623                   {
2624                      Q = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level], P);
2625                      A_H = hypre_ParTMatmul(P, Q);
2626                   }
2628                   if (num_procs > 1)
2629                   {
2630                      hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2631                   }
2632                   /* Delete AP */
2633                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Q);
2634                }
2635                else
2636                {
2637                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2638                   {
2639                      A_H = hypre_ParCSRMatrixRAPKT(P, A_array[level],
2640                                                    P, keepTranspose);
2641                   }
2642                   else
2643                   {
2644                      hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperatorKT(P, A_array[level] , P,
2645                                                           keepTranspose, &A_H);
2646                   }
2647                }
2649                if (add_rlx == 18)
2650                {
2651                   C = hypre_CreateC(A_array[level], 0.0);
2652                }
2653                else
2654                {
2655                   C = hypre_CreateC(A_array[level], add_rlx_wt);
2656                }
2658                Ptmp = P;
2659                while (ns_tmp > 0)
2660                {
2661                   Pnew = Ptmp;
2662                   Ptmp = NULL;
2663                   if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2664                   {
2665                      Ptmp = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(C,Pnew);
2666                   }
2667                   else
2668                   {
2669                      Ptmp = hypre_ParMatmul(C,Pnew);
2670                   }
2671                   if (ns_tmp < ns)
2672                   {
2673                      hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Pnew);
2674                   }
2675                   ns_tmp--;
2676                }
2677                Pnew = Ptmp;
2678                P_array[level] = Pnew;
2679                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(C);
2680             } /* if (ns == 1) */
2681             HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "RAP");
2683             if (add_P_max_elmts || add_trunc_factor)
2684             {
2685                hypre_BoomerAMGTruncandBuild(P_array[level], add_trunc_factor,add_P_max_elmts);
2686             }
2687             /*else
2688                 hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(P_array[level]);  */
2689             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P);
2690          }
2691          else
2692          {
2693             P_array[level] = P;
2694             /* RL: save R matrix */
2695             if (restri_type)
2696             {
2697                R_array[level] = R;
2698             }
2699          }
2700       }
2702       if (S)
2703       {
2704          hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(S);
2705       }
2706       S = NULL;
2708       hypre_TFree(SmoothVecs, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
2710       if (debug_flag==1)
2711       {
2712          wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
2713          hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Level = %d    Build Interp Time = %f\n",
2714                      my_id,level, wall_time);
2715          fflush(NULL);
2716       }
2718       /*-------------------------------------------------------------
2719        * Build coarse-grid operator, A_array[level+1] by R*A*P
2720        *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
2723       if (debug_flag==1) wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds();
2725       if (block_mode)
2726       {
2727          hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRAP(P_block_array[level],
2728                                     A_block_array[level],
2729                                     P_block_array[level], &A_H_block);
2731          hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixSetNumNonzeros(A_H_block);
2732          hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixSetDNumNonzeros(A_H_block);
2733          A_block_array[level+1] = A_H_block;
2734       }
2735       else if (mult_addlvl == -1 || level < mult_addlvl || level > add_end)
2736       {
2737          /* Set NonGalerkin drop tol on each level */
2738          if (level < nongalerk_num_tol)
2739          {
2740             nongalerk_tol_l = nongalerk_tol[level];
2741          }
2742          if (nongal_tol_array)
2743          {
2744             nongalerk_tol_l = nongal_tol_array[level];
2745          }
2747          if (nongalerk_tol_l > 0.0)
2748          {
2749             /* Construct AP, and then RAP */
2750             hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2751             if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2752             {
2753                Q = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level],P_array[level]);
2754                A_H = hypre_ParCSRTMatMatKT(P_array[level],Q,keepTranspose);
2755             }
2756             else
2757             {
2758                Q = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level],P_array[level]);
2759                A_H = hypre_ParTMatmul(P_array[level],Q);
2760             }
2761             if (num_procs > 1) hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2763             /* Build Non-Galerkin Coarse Grid */
2764             hypre_BoomerAMGBuildNonGalerkinCoarseOperator(&A_H, Q,
2765                                                           0.333*strong_threshold, max_row_sum, num_functions,
2766                                                           dof_func_data, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[level]),
2767                                                           /* nongalerk_tol, sym_collapse, lump_percent, beta );*/
2768                                                           nongalerk_tol_l,      1,            0.5,    1.0 );
2770             if (!hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A_H))
2771             {
2772                hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2773             }
2774             /* Delete AP */
2775             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Q);
2776          }
2777          else if (restri_type) /* RL: */
2778          {
2779             /* Use two matrix products to generate A_H */
2780             hypre_ParCSRMatrix *AP = NULL;
2781             if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2782             {
2783                AP  = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level], P_array[level]);
2784                A_H = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(R_array[level], AP);
2785                hypre_CSRMatrixReorder(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_H));
2786             }
2787             else
2788             {
2789                AP  = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level], P_array[level]);
2790                A_H = hypre_ParMatmul(R_array[level], AP);
2791             }
2792             if (num_procs > 1)
2793             {
2794                hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2795             }
2796             /* Delete AP */
2797             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(AP);
2800             if (level == 0)
2801             {
2802                hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(A_array[0], 1, 1, "A_0.mtx");
2803             }
2804             char file[256];
2805             hypre_sprintf(file, "A_%d.mtx", level+1);
2806             hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(A_H, 1, 1, file);
2807 #endif
2808          }
2809          else if (rap2)
2810          {
2811             /* Use two matrix products to generate A_H */
2812             hypre_ParCSRMatrix *Q = NULL;
2813             if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2814             {
2815                Q = hypre_ParCSRMatMat(A_array[level], P_array[level]);
2816                A_H = hypre_ParCSRTMatMatKT(P_array[level], Q, keepTranspose);
2817             }
2818             else
2819             {
2820                Q = hypre_ParMatmul(A_array[level],P_array[level]);
2821                A_H = hypre_ParTMatmul(P_array[level],Q);
2822             }
2823             if (num_procs > 1)
2824             {
2825                hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2826             }
2827             /* Delete AP */
2828             hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(Q);
2829          }
2830          else
2831          {
2832             /* Compute standard Galerkin coarse-grid product */
2833             if (hypre_ParAMGDataModularizedMatMat(amg_data))
2834             {
2835                A_H = hypre_ParCSRMatrixRAPKT(P_array[level], A_array[level],
2836                                              P_array[level], keepTranspose);
2837             }
2838             else
2839             {
2840                hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperatorKT(P_array[level], A_array[level] ,
2841                                                     P_array[level], keepTranspose, &A_H);
2842             }
2844             if (Pnew && ns==1)
2845             {
2846                hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(P);
2847                P_array[level] = Pnew;
2848             }
2849          }
2850       }
2852       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "RAP");
2853       if (debug_flag==1)
2854       {
2855          wall_time = time_getWallclockSeconds() - wall_time;
2856          hypre_printf("Proc = %d    Level = %d    Build Coarse Operator Time = %f\n",
2857                        my_id,level, wall_time);
2858          fflush(NULL);
2859       }
2862       ++level;
2865       if (!block_mode)
2866       {
2867          /* dropping in A_H */
2868          hypre_ParCSRMatrixDropSmallEntries(A_H, hypre_ParAMGDataADropTol(amg_data),
2869                                             hypre_ParAMGDataADropType(amg_data));
2870          /* if CommPkg for A_H was not built */
2871          if (num_procs > 1 && hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(A_H) == NULL)
2872          {
2873             hypre_MatvecCommPkgCreate(A_H);
2874          }
2875          /* NumNonzeros was set in hypre_ParCSRMatrixDropSmallEntries */
2876          if (hypre_ParAMGDataADropTol(amg_data) <= 0.0)
2877          {
2878             hypre_ParCSRMatrixSetNumNonzeros(A_H);
2879             hypre_ParCSRMatrixSetDNumNonzeros(A_H);
2880          }
2881          A_array[level] = A_H;
2882       }
2884       size = ((HYPRE_Real) fine_size )*.75;
2885       if (coarsen_type > 0 && coarse_size >= (HYPRE_BigInt) size)
2886       {
2887          coarsen_type = 0;
2888       }
2890       {
2891          HYPRE_Int max_thresh = hypre_max(coarse_threshold, seq_threshold);
2893          max_thresh = hypre_max(max_thresh, dslu_threshold);
2894 #endif
2895          if ( (level == max_levels-1) || (coarse_size <= (HYPRE_BigInt) max_thresh) )
2896          {
2897             not_finished_coarsening = 0;
2898          }
2899       }
2900    }  /* end of coarsening loop: while (not_finished_coarsening) */
2901    HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Coarse solve");
2903    /* free memory */
2904    hypre_TFree(coarse_pnts_global, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
2905    hypre_TFree(coarse_pnts_global1, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
2907    /* redundant coarse grid solve */
2908    if ((seq_threshold >= coarse_threshold) &&
2909        (coarse_size > (HYPRE_BigInt) coarse_threshold) &&
2910        (level != max_levels-1))
2911    {
2912       hypre_seqAMGSetup(amg_data, level, coarse_threshold);
2913    }
2915    else if ((dslu_threshold >= coarse_threshold) &&
2916             (coarse_size > (HYPRE_BigInt)coarse_threshold) &&
2917             (level != max_levels-1))
2918    {
2919       HYPRE_Solver dslu_solver;
2920       hypre_SLUDistSetup(&dslu_solver, A_array[level], amg_print_level);
2921       hypre_ParAMGDataDSLUSolver(amg_data) = dslu_solver;
2922    }
2923 #endif
2924    else if (grid_relax_type[3] == 9  ||
2925             grid_relax_type[3] == 99 ||
2926             grid_relax_type[3] == 199 ) /*use of Gaussian elimination on coarsest level */
2927    {
2928       if (coarse_size <= coarse_threshold)
2929       {
2930          hypre_GaussElimSetup(amg_data, level, grid_relax_type[3]);
2931       }
2932       else
2933       {
2934          grid_relax_type[3] = grid_relax_type[1];
2935       }
2936    }
2937    else if (grid_relax_type[3] == 19 || grid_relax_type[3] == 98)  /*use of Gaussian elimination on coarsest level */
2938    {
2939       if (coarse_size > coarse_threshold)
2940       {
2941          grid_relax_type[3] = grid_relax_type[1];
2942       }
2943    }
2944    HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Coarse solve");
2947    if (level > 0)
2948    {
2949       if (block_mode)
2950       {
2951          F_array[level] =
2952             hypre_ParVectorCreateFromBlock(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixComm(A_block_array[level]),
2953                                            hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_block_array[level]),
2954                                            hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRowStarts(A_block_array[level]),
2955                                            hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A_block_array[level]));
2956          hypre_ParVectorInitialize(F_array[level]);
2958          U_array[level] =
2959             hypre_ParVectorCreateFromBlock(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixComm(A_block_array[level]),
2960                                            hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_block_array[level]),
2961                                            hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRowStarts(A_block_array[level]),
2962                                            hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A_block_array[level]));
2964          hypre_ParVectorInitialize(U_array[level]);
2965       }
2966       else
2967       {
2968          F_array[level] =
2969             hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
2970                                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
2971                                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
2972          hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(F_array[level], memory_location);
2974          U_array[level] =
2975             hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
2976                                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
2977                                   hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
2978          hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(U_array[level], memory_location);
2979       }
2980    }
2982    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2983     * enter all the stuff created, A[level], P[level], CF_marker[level],
2984     * for levels 1 through coarsest, into amg_data data structure
2985     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2987    num_levels = level+1;
2988    hypre_ParAMGDataNumLevels(amg_data) = num_levels;
2989    if (hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothNumLevels(amg_data) > num_levels-1)
2990    {
2991       hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothNumLevels(amg_data) = num_levels;
2992    }
2993    smooth_num_levels = hypre_ParAMGDataSmoothNumLevels(amg_data);
2995    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2996     * Setup of special smoothers when needed
2997     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2999    if (addlvl > -1 ||
3000        grid_relax_type[1] ==  7 || grid_relax_type[2] ==  7 || grid_relax_type[3] ==  7 ||
3001        grid_relax_type[1] ==  8 || grid_relax_type[2] ==  8 || grid_relax_type[3] ==  8 ||
3002        grid_relax_type[1] == 13 || grid_relax_type[2] == 13 || grid_relax_type[3] == 13 ||
3003        grid_relax_type[1] == 14 || grid_relax_type[2] == 14 || grid_relax_type[3] == 14 ||
3004        grid_relax_type[1] == 18 || grid_relax_type[2] == 18 || grid_relax_type[3] == 18)
3005    {
3006       l1_norms = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Vector*, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3007       hypre_ParAMGDataL1Norms(amg_data) = l1_norms;
3008    }
3010    /* Chebyshev */
3011    if (grid_relax_type[0] == 16 || grid_relax_type[1] == 16 ||
3012        grid_relax_type[2] == 16 || grid_relax_type[3] == 16)
3013    {
3014       max_eig_est = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Real, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3015       min_eig_est = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Real, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3016       hypre_ParAMGDataMaxEigEst(amg_data) = max_eig_est;
3017       hypre_ParAMGDataMinEigEst(amg_data) = min_eig_est;
3018       cheby_ds = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Vector *, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3019       cheby_coefs = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Real *, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3020       hypre_ParAMGDataChebyDS(amg_data) = cheby_ds;
3021       hypre_ParAMGDataChebyCoefs(amg_data) = cheby_coefs;
3022    }
3024    /* CG */
3025    if (grid_relax_type[0] == 15 || grid_relax_type[1] == 15 ||
3026        grid_relax_type[2] == 15 || grid_relax_type[3] == 15)
3027    {
3028       smoother = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Solver, num_levels, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3029       hypre_ParAMGDataSmoother(amg_data) = smoother;
3030    }
3032    if (addlvl == -1)
3033    {
3034       addlvl = num_levels;
3035    }
3037    for (j = 0; j < addlvl; j++)
3038    {
3039       HYPRE_Real *l1_norm_data = NULL;
3042       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Relaxation");
3044       if (j < num_levels-1 &&
3045           (grid_relax_type[1] == 8 || grid_relax_type[1] == 13 || grid_relax_type[1] == 14 ||
3046            grid_relax_type[2] == 8 || grid_relax_type[2] == 13 || grid_relax_type[2] == 14))
3047       {
3048          if (relax_order)
3049          {
3050             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[j]), &l1_norm_data);
3051          }
3052          else
3053          {
3054             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3055          }
3056       }
3057       else if (j == num_levels-1 &&
3058                (grid_relax_type[3] == 8 || grid_relax_type[3] == 13 || grid_relax_type[3] == 14))
3059       {
3060          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3061       }
3063       if (j < num_levels-1 && (grid_relax_type[1] == 18 || grid_relax_type[2] == 18))
3064       {
3065          if (relax_order)
3066          {
3067             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[j]), &l1_norm_data);
3068          }
3069          else
3070          {
3071             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3072          }
3073       }
3074       else if (j == num_levels-1 && grid_relax_type[3] == 18)
3075       {
3076          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3077       }
3079       if (l1_norm_data)
3080       {
3081          l1_norms[j] = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]));
3082          hypre_VectorData(l1_norms[j]) = l1_norm_data;
3083          hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(l1_norms[j], hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[j]));
3084       }
3086       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Relaxation");
3088    }
3090    for (j = addlvl; j < hypre_min(add_end+1, num_levels) ; j++)
3091    {
3092       if (add_rlx == 18 )
3093       {
3094          HYPRE_Real *l1_norm_data = NULL;
3097          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Relaxation");
3099          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3101          l1_norms[j] = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]));
3102          hypre_VectorData(l1_norms[j]) = l1_norm_data;
3103          hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(l1_norms[j], hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[j]));
3105          HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Relaxation");
3107       }
3108    }
3110    for (j = add_end+1; j < num_levels; j++)
3111    {
3112       HYPRE_Real *l1_norm_data = NULL;
3115       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Relaxation");
3117       if (j < num_levels-1 && (grid_relax_type[1] == 8 || grid_relax_type[1] == 13 || grid_relax_type[1] == 14 ||
3118                                grid_relax_type[2] == 8 || grid_relax_type[2] == 13 || grid_relax_type[2] == 14))
3119       {
3120          if (relax_order)
3121          {
3122             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[j]), &l1_norm_data);
3123          }
3124          else
3125          {
3126             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3127          }
3128       }
3129       else if ((grid_relax_type[3] == 8 || grid_relax_type[3] == 13 || grid_relax_type[3] == 14) && j == num_levels-1)
3130       {
3131          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 4, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3132       }
3133       if ((grid_relax_type[1] == 18 || grid_relax_type[2] == 18) && j < num_levels-1)
3134       {
3135          if (relax_order)
3136          {
3137             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_array[j]), &l1_norm_data);
3138          }
3139          else
3140          {
3141             hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3142          }
3143       }
3144       else if (grid_relax_type[3] == 18 && j == num_levels-1)
3145       {
3146          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 1, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3147       }
3149       if (l1_norm_data)
3150       {
3151          l1_norms[j] = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]));
3152          hypre_VectorData(l1_norms[j]) = l1_norm_data;
3153          hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(l1_norms[j], hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[j]));
3154       }
3156       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Relaxation");
3158    }
3160    for (j = 0; j < num_levels; j++)
3161    {
3163       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_BEGIN("%s", "Relaxation");
3165       if (grid_relax_type[1] == 7 || grid_relax_type[2] == 7 || (grid_relax_type[3] == 7 && j == (num_levels-1)))
3166       {
3167          HYPRE_Real *l1_norm_data = NULL;
3169          hypre_ParCSRComputeL1Norms(A_array[j], 5, NULL, &l1_norm_data);
3171          l1_norms[j] = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]));
3172          hypre_VectorData(l1_norms[j]) = l1_norm_data;
3173          hypre_SeqVectorInitialize_v2(l1_norms[j], hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[j]));
3174       }
3175       else if (grid_relax_type[1] == 16 || grid_relax_type[2] == 16 || (grid_relax_type[3] == 16 && j== (num_levels-1)))
3176       {
3177          HYPRE_Int scale = hypre_ParAMGDataChebyScale(amg_data);
3178          /* If the full array is being considered, create the relevant temp vectors */
3180          HYPRE_Int variant = hypre_ParAMGDataChebyVariant(amg_data);
3181          HYPRE_Real max_eig, min_eig = 0;
3182          HYPRE_Real *coefs = NULL;
3183          HYPRE_Int cheby_order = hypre_ParAMGDataChebyOrder(amg_data);
3184          HYPRE_Int cheby_eig_est = hypre_ParAMGDataChebyEigEst(amg_data);
3185          HYPRE_Real cheby_fraction = hypre_ParAMGDataChebyFraction(amg_data);
3186          if (cheby_eig_est)
3187          {
3188             hypre_ParCSRMaxEigEstimateCG(A_array[j], scale, cheby_eig_est,
3189                                          &max_eig, &min_eig);
3190          }
3191          else
3192          {
3193             hypre_ParCSRMaxEigEstimate(A_array[j], scale, &max_eig, &min_eig);
3194          }
3195          max_eig_est[j] = max_eig;
3196          min_eig_est[j] = min_eig;
3198          cheby_ds[j]                             = hypre_SeqVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]));
3199          hypre_VectorVectorStride(cheby_ds[j])   = hypre_ParCSRMatrixNumRows(A_array[j]);
3200          hypre_VectorIndexStride(cheby_ds[j])    = 1;
3201          hypre_VectorMemoryLocation(cheby_ds[j]) = hypre_ParCSRMatrixMemoryLocation(A_array[j]);
3203          hypre_ParCSRRelax_Cheby_Setup(A_array[j],
3204                                        max_eig,
3205                                        min_eig,
3206                                        cheby_fraction,
3207                                        cheby_order,
3208                                        scale,
3209                                        variant,
3210                                        &coefs,
3211                                        &hypre_VectorData(cheby_ds[j]));
3212          cheby_coefs[j] = coefs;
3213       }
3214       else if (grid_relax_type[1] == 15 || (grid_relax_type[3] == 15 && j == (num_levels-1))  )
3215       {
3217          HYPRE_ParCSRPCGCreate(comm, &smoother[j]);
3218          /*HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetup(smoother[j],
3219                              (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3220                              (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3221                              (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);*/
3223          HYPRE_PCGSetTol(smoother[j], 1e-12); /* make small */
3224          HYPRE_PCGSetTwoNorm(smoother[j], 1); /* use 2-norm*/
3226          HYPRE_ParCSRPCGSetup(smoother[j],
3227                               (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3228                               (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3229                               (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);
3232       }
3233       if (relax_weight[j] == 0.0)
3234       {
3235          hypre_ParCSRMatrixScaledNorm(A_array[j], &relax_weight[j]);
3236          if (relax_weight[j] != 0.0)
3237             relax_weight[j] = 4.0/3.0/relax_weight[j];
3238          else
3239             hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC," Warning ! Matrix norm is zero !!!");
3240       }
3241       if ((smooth_type == 6 || smooth_type == 16) && smooth_num_levels > j)
3242       {
3243          schwarz_relax_wt = hypre_ParAMGDataSchwarzRlxWeight(amg_data);
3245          HYPRE_SchwarzCreate(&smoother[j]);
3246          HYPRE_SchwarzSetNumFunctions(smoother[j],num_functions);
3247          HYPRE_SchwarzSetVariant(smoother[j],
3248                                  hypre_ParAMGDataVariant(amg_data));
3249          HYPRE_SchwarzSetOverlap(smoother[j],
3250                                  hypre_ParAMGDataOverlap(amg_data));
3251          HYPRE_SchwarzSetDomainType(smoother[j],
3252                                     hypre_ParAMGDataDomainType(amg_data));
3253          HYPRE_SchwarzSetNonSymm(smoother[j],
3254                                  hypre_ParAMGDataSchwarzUseNonSymm(amg_data));
3255          if (schwarz_relax_wt > 0)
3256             HYPRE_SchwarzSetRelaxWeight(smoother[j],schwarz_relax_wt);
3257          HYPRE_SchwarzSetup(smoother[j],
3258                             (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3259                             (HYPRE_ParVector) f,
3260                             (HYPRE_ParVector) u);
3261          if (schwarz_relax_wt < 0 )
3262          {
3263             num_cg_sweeps = (HYPRE_Int) (-schwarz_relax_wt);
3264             hypre_BoomerAMGCGRelaxWt(amg_data, j, num_cg_sweeps,
3265                                      &schwarz_relax_wt);
3266             /*hypre_printf (" schwarz weight %f \n", schwarz_relax_wt);*/
3267             HYPRE_SchwarzSetRelaxWeight(smoother[j], schwarz_relax_wt);
3268             if (hypre_ParAMGDataVariant(amg_data) > 0)
3269             {
3270                local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[j]));
3271                hypre_SchwarzReScale(smoother[j], local_size, schwarz_relax_wt);
3272             }
3273             schwarz_relax_wt = 1;
3274          }
3275       }
3276       else if ((smooth_type == 9 || smooth_type == 19) && smooth_num_levels > j)
3277       {
3278 #ifdef HYPRE_MIXEDINT
3279          hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC,"Euclid smoothing is not available in mixedint mode!");
3280          return hypre_error_flag;
3281 #endif
3282          HYPRE_EuclidCreate(comm, &smoother[j]);
3283          if (euclidfile)
3284             HYPRE_EuclidSetParamsFromFile(smoother[j],euclidfile);
3285          HYPRE_EuclidSetLevel(smoother[j],eu_level);
3286          if (eu_bj)
3287             HYPRE_EuclidSetBJ(smoother[j],eu_bj);
3288          if (eu_sparse_A)
3289             HYPRE_EuclidSetSparseA(smoother[j],eu_sparse_A);
3290          HYPRE_EuclidSetup(smoother[j],
3291                            (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3292                            (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3293                            (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);
3294       }
3295       else if ((smooth_type == 5 || smooth_type == 15) && smooth_num_levels > j)
3296       {
3297          HYPRE_ILUCreate( &smoother[j]);
3298          HYPRE_ILUSetType( smoother[j], ilu_type);
3299          HYPRE_ILUSetLocalReordering( smoother[j], ilu_reordering_type);
3300          HYPRE_ILUSetMaxIter(smoother[j], ilu_max_iter);
3301          HYPRE_ILUSetTol(smoother[j], 0.);
3302          HYPRE_ILUSetDropThreshold(smoother[j], ilu_droptol);
3303          HYPRE_ILUSetLogging(smoother[j], 0);
3304          HYPRE_ILUSetPrintLevel(smoother[j], 0);
3305          HYPRE_ILUSetLevelOfFill(smoother[j], ilu_lfil);
3306          HYPRE_ILUSetMaxNnzPerRow(smoother[j],ilu_max_row_nnz);
3307          HYPRE_ILUSetup(smoother[j],
3308                         (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3309                         (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3310                         (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);
3311       }
3312       else if ((smooth_type == 8 || smooth_type == 18) && smooth_num_levels > j)
3313       {
3314 #ifdef HYPRE_MIXEDINT
3315          hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC,"ParaSails smoothing is not available in mixedint mode!");
3316          return hypre_error_flag;
3317 #endif
3318          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsCreate(comm, &smoother[j]);
3319          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetParams(smoother[j],thresh,nlevel);
3320          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetFilter(smoother[j],filter);
3321          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetSym(smoother[j],sym);
3322          HYPRE_ParCSRParaSailsSetup(smoother[j],
3323                                     (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3324                                     (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3325                                     (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);
3326       }
3327       else if ((smooth_type == 7 || smooth_type == 17) && smooth_num_levels > j)
3328       {
3329 #ifdef HYPRE_MIXEDINT
3330          hypre_error_w_msg(HYPRE_ERROR_GENERIC,"pilut smoothing is not available in mixedint mode!");
3331          return hypre_error_flag;
3332 #endif
3333          HYPRE_ParCSRPilutCreate(comm, &smoother[j]);
3334          HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetup(smoother[j],
3335                                 (HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix) A_array[j],
3336                                 (HYPRE_ParVector) F_array[j],
3337                                 (HYPRE_ParVector) U_array[j]);
3338          HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetDropTolerance(smoother[j],drop_tol);
3339          HYPRE_ParCSRPilutSetFactorRowSize(smoother[j],max_nz_per_row);
3340       }
3341       else if ( (j < num_levels-1) || ((j == num_levels-1) &&
3342                 (grid_relax_type[3] !=  9 && grid_relax_type[3] != 99  &&
3343                  grid_relax_type[3] != 19 && grid_relax_type[3] != 98) && coarse_size > 9) )
3344       {
3345          if (relax_weight[j] < 0)
3346          {
3347             num_cg_sweeps = (HYPRE_Int) (-relax_weight[j]);
3348             hypre_BoomerAMGCGRelaxWt(amg_data, j, num_cg_sweeps, &relax_weight[j]);
3349          }
3350          if (omega[j] < 0)
3351          {
3352             num_cg_sweeps = (HYPRE_Int) (-omega[j]);
3353             hypre_BoomerAMGCGRelaxWt(amg_data, j, num_cg_sweeps, &omega[j]);
3354          }
3355       }
3357       HYPRE_ANNOTATE_REGION_END("%s", "Relaxation");
3359    } /* end of levels loop */
3361    if (amg_logging > 1)
3362    {
3363       Residual_array = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[0]),
3364                                              hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[0]),
3365                                              hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[0]) );
3366       hypre_ParVectorInitialize_v2(Residual_array, memory_location);
3367       hypre_ParAMGDataResidual(amg_data) = Residual_array;
3368    }
3369    else
3370    {
3371       hypre_ParAMGDataResidual(amg_data) = NULL;
3372    }
3374    if (simple > -1 && simple < num_levels)
3375    {
3376       hypre_CreateDinv(amg_data);
3377    }
3378    else if ( (mult_additive > -1 && mult_additive < num_levels) ||
3379              (additive > -1 && additive < num_levels) )
3380    {
3381       hypre_CreateLambda(amg_data);
3382    }
3384    /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
3385     * Print some stuff
3386     *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3388    if (amg_print_level == 1 || amg_print_level == 3)
3389    {
3390       hypre_BoomerAMGSetupStats(amg_data,A);
3391    }
3393    /* print out CF info to plot grids in matlab (see 'tools/AMGgrids.m') */
3395    if (hypre_ParAMGDataPlotGrids(amg_data))
3396    {
3397       HYPRE_Int *CF, *CFc, *itemp;
3398       FILE* fp;
3399       char filename[256];
3400       HYPRE_Int coorddim = hypre_ParAMGDataCoordDim (amg_data);
3401       float *coordinates = hypre_ParAMGDataCoordinates (amg_data);
3403       if (!coordinates) coorddim=0;
3405       if (block_mode)
3406       {
3407          local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDiag(A_block_array[0]));
3408       }
3409       else
3410       {
3411          local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A));
3412       }
3414       CF  = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, local_size, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3415       CFc = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, local_size, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3417       for (level = (num_levels - 2); level >= 0; level--)
3418       {
3419          /* swap pointers */
3420          itemp = CFc;
3421          CFc = CF;
3422          CF = itemp;
3423          if (block_mode)
3424          {
3425             local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDiag(A_block_array[level]));
3426          }
3427          else
3428          {
3429             local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A_array[level]));
3430          }
3432          /* copy CF_marker to the host if needed */
3433          hypre_IntArray *CF_marker_host;
3434          if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
3435          {
3436             CF_marker_host = hypre_IntArrayCloneDeep_v2(CF_marker_array[level], HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3437          }
3438          else
3439          {
3440             CF_marker_host = CF_marker_array[level];
3441          }
3442          CF_marker = hypre_IntArrayData(CF_marker_host);
3444          for (i = 0, j = 0; i < local_size; i++)
3445          {
3446             /* if a C-point */
3447             CF[i] = 0;
3448             if (CF_marker[i] > -1)
3449             {
3450                CF[i] = CFc[j] + 1;
3451                j++;
3452             }
3453          }
3455          /* copy back to device and destroy host copy */
3456          if (hypre_GetActualMemLocation(hypre_IntArrayMemoryLocation(CF_marker_array[level])) == hypre_MEMORY_DEVICE)
3457          {
3458             hypre_IntArrayCopy(CF_marker_host, CF_marker_array[level]);
3459             hypre_IntArrayDestroy(CF_marker_host);
3460          }
3461       }
3462       if (block_mode)
3463       {
3464          local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDiag(A_block_array[0]));
3465       }
3466       else
3467       {
3468          local_size = hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(A));
3469       }
3470       hypre_sprintf (filename,"%s.%05d",hypre_ParAMGDataPlotFileName (amg_data),my_id);
3471       fp = fopen(filename, "w");
3473       for (i = 0; i < local_size; i++)
3474       {
3475          for (j = 0; j < coorddim; j++)
3476          {
3477             hypre_fprintf (fp,"% f ",coordinates[coorddim*i+j]);
3478          }
3479          hypre_fprintf(fp, "%d\n", CF[i]);
3480       }
3481       fclose(fp);
3483       hypre_TFree(CF, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3484       hypre_TFree(CFc, HYPRE_MEMORY_HOST);
3485    }
3487    /* print out matrices on all levels  */
3488 #if DEBUG
3489 {
3490    char  filename[256];
3492    if (block_mode)
3493    {
3494       hypre_ParCSRMatrix *temp_A;
3496       for (level = 0; level < num_levels; level++)
3497       {
3498          hypre_sprintf(filename, "BoomerAMG.out.A_blk.%02d.ij", level);
3499          temp_A =  hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixConvertToParCSRMatrix(
3500             A_block_array[level]);
3501          hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(temp_A, 0, 0, filename);
3502          hypre_ParCSRMatrixDestroy(temp_A);
3503       }
3505    }
3506    else
3507    {
3508       for (level = 0; level < num_levels; level++)
3509       {
3510          hypre_sprintf(filename, "BoomerAMG.out.A.%02d.ij", level);
3511          hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(A_array[level], 0, 0, filename);
3512       }
3513       for (level = 0; level < (num_levels-1); level++)
3514       {
3515          hypre_sprintf(filename, "BoomerAMG.out.P.%02d.ij", level);
3516          hypre_ParCSRMatrixPrintIJ(P_array[level], 0, 0, filename);
3517       }
3518    }
3519 }
3520 #endif
3522 /* run compatible relaxation on all levels and print results */
3523 #if 0
3524 {
3525    hypre_ParVector *u_vec, *f_vec;
3526    HYPRE_Real      *u, rho0, rho1, rho;
3527    HYPRE_Int              n;
3529    for (level = 0; level < (num_levels-1); level++)
3530    {
3531       u_vec = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
3532                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
3533                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
3534       hypre_ParVectorInitialize(u_vec);
3535       f_vec = hypre_ParVectorCreate(hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A_array[level]),
3536                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixGlobalNumRows(A_array[level]),
3537                                     hypre_ParCSRMatrixRowStarts(A_array[level]));
3538       hypre_ParVectorInitialize(f_vec);
3540       hypre_ParVectorSetRandomValues(u_vec, 99);
3541       hypre_ParVectorSetConstantValues(f_vec, 0.0);
3543       /* set C-pt values to zero */
3544       n = hypre_VectorSize(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(u_vec));
3545       u = hypre_VectorData(hypre_ParVectorLocalVector(u_vec));
3546       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
3547       {
3548          if (CF_marker_array[level][i] == 1)
3549          {
3550             u[i] = 0.0;
3551          }
3552       }
3554       rho1 = hypre_ParVectorInnerProd(u_vec, u_vec);
3555       for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
3556       {
3557          rho0 = rho1;
3558          hypre_BoomerAMGRelax(A_array[level], f_vec, CF_marker_array[level],
3559                               grid_relax_type[0], -1,
3560                               relax_weight[level], omega[level], l1_norms[level],
3561                               u_vec, Vtemp, Ztemp);
3562          rho1 = hypre_ParVectorInnerProd(u_vec,u_vec);
3563          rho = sqrt(rho1/rho0);
3564          if (rho < 0.01)
3565          {
3566             break;
3567          }
3568       }
3570       hypre_ParVectorDestroy(u_vec);
3571       hypre_ParVectorDestroy(f_vec);
3573       if (my_id == 0)
3574       {
3575          hypre_printf("level = %d, rhocr = %f\n", level, rho);
3576       }
3577    }
3578 }
3579 #endif
3583    return(hypre_error_flag);
3584 }