1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2011 Ravishankar Sundararaman, Deniz Gunceler
4 This file is part of JDFTx.
6 JDFTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 JDFTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with JDFTx.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #include <commands/command.h>
21 #include <electronic/Everything.h>
22 #include <fluid/Euler.h>
24 struct CommandIon : public Command
25 {
CommandIonCommandIon26 	CommandIon() : Command("ion", "jdftx/Ionic/Geometry")
27 	{
28 		format = "<species-id> <x0> <x1> <x2> [v <vx0> <vx1> <vx2>] <moveScale> [<constraint type>="
29 			+ constraintTypeMap.optionList() + " <d0> <d1> <d2> [<group> [HyperPlane <d0> ...]]]";
31 			"Add an atom of species <species-id> at coordinates (<x0>,<x1>,<x2>).\n"
32 			"\n"
33 			"Optionally, for dynamics, specify ion velocity <v0>,<v1>,<v2> after keyword 'v'.\n"
34 			"\n"
35 			"<moveScale> preconditions the motion of this ion (set 0 to hold fixed)\n"
36 			"\n"
37 			"In addition, the ion may be constrained to a line or a plane with line\n"
38 			"direction or plane normal equal to (<d0>,<d1>,<d2>) in the coordinate\n"
39 			"system selected by command coords-type. Note that the constraints must\n"
40 			"be consistent with respect to symmetries (if enabled).\n"
41 			"\n"
42 			"The HyperPlane constraint allows constraining collective motion of many\n"
43 			"ions by restricting their motion to a hyperplane with normal specified\n"
44 			"by (<d0>,<d1>,<d2>) for all ions specifying a hyperplane constraint.\n"
45 			"By default, all hyperplane-constrained ions are included in a single\n"
46 			"group; use optional <group> label to specify multiple hyper-planes.\n"
47 			"Multiple hyperplane constraints may also be added to each atom,\n"
48 			"but this requires an explicit group label for each hyperplane.\n"
49 			"\n"
50 			"Note that when coords-type is lattice, the constraints are in covariant\n"
51 			"lattice coordinates (like direction indices) for line constraints, but\n"
52 			"contravariant coordinates (like plane indices) for plane constraints.";
54 		allowMultiple = true;
56 		require("ion-species");
57 		//Dependencies due to coordinate system option:
58 		require("latt-scale");
59 		require("coords-type");
60 	}
processCommandIon62 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
63 	{	//Find species:
64 		string id; pl.get(id, string(), "species-id", true);
65 		auto sp = findSpecies(id, e);
66 		if(!sp) throw string("Species "+id+" has not been defined");
67 		//Read coordinates:
68 		vector3<> pos;
69 		for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
70 		{	ostringstream oss; oss << "x" << k;
71 			pl.get(pos[k], 0., oss.str(), true);
72 		}
73 		//Transform coordinates if necessary
74 		if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsCartesian)
75 			pos = inv(e.gInfo.R) * pos;
76 		//Add position to list:
77 		sp->atpos.push_back(pos);
78 		sp->velocities.push_back(vector3<>(NAN,NAN,NAN));
80 		//Look for optional velocity and get moveScale:
81 		string key;
82 		pl.get(key, string(), "moveScale|v", true);
83 		SpeciesInfo::Constraint constraint;
84 		if(key == "v")
85 		{	//Read velocity (update the NAN added above):
86 			vector3<>& vel = sp->velocities.back();
87 			for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
88 			{	ostringstream oss; oss << "v" << k;
89 				pl.get(vel[k], 0., oss.str(), true);
90 			}
91 			//Transform coordinates if necessary
92 			if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsCartesian)
93 				vel = inv(e.gInfo.R) * vel;
94 			//Get moveScale from command line beyond the velocity:
95 			pl.get(constraint.moveScale, 0., "moveScale", true);
96 		}
97 		else
98 		{	//No velocity: get moveScale from key
99 			ParamList(key+" ").get(constraint.moveScale, 0., "moveScale", true);
100 		}
102 		//Parse constraints
103 		if(constraint.moveScale < 0.)   // Check for negative moveScales
104 			throw string("moveScale cannot be negative");
105 		pl.get(constraint.type, SpeciesInfo::Constraint::None, constraintTypeMap, "Type");
106 		if(constraint.type != SpeciesInfo::Constraint::None)
107 		{	if(!constraint.moveScale)
108 				throw string("Constraint specified after moveScale = 0");
109 			pl.get(constraint.d[0], 0.0, "d0", true);
110 			pl.get(constraint.d[1], 0.0, "d1", true);
111 			pl.get(constraint.d[2], 0.0, "d2", true);
112 			if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsLattice) //Transform to Cartesian (taking care of covariant/contravariant for line/plane directions)
113 				switch(constraint.type)
114 				{	case SpeciesInfo::Constraint::Linear:       constraint.d = e.gInfo.R * constraint.d; break;
115 					case SpeciesInfo::Constraint::Planar:       constraint.d = ~inv(e.gInfo.R) * constraint.d; break;
116 					case SpeciesInfo::Constraint::HyperPlane:   constraint.d = ~inv(e.gInfo.R) * constraint.d; break;
117 					default: break;
118 				}
119 			if(constraint.type == SpeciesInfo::Constraint::HyperPlane)
120 			{	string groupLabel;
121 				pl.get(groupLabel, string(), "group"); //optional group label for hyperplane constraint
122 				constraint.hyperplane.assign(1, std::make_pair(constraint.d, groupLabel));
123 				constraint.d = vector3<>(); //zero out the constraint d to prevent incorrect symmetry checks
124 				//Look for additional hyperplane constraints:
125 				while(true)
126 				{	string key; pl.get(key, string(), "Type");
127 					if(not key.length()) break; //End of constraint list
128 					if(key != "HyperPlane") throw string("Additional constraints must be of type HyperPlane");
129 					vector3<> d;
130 					pl.get(d[0], 0.0, "d0", true);
131 					pl.get(d[1], 0.0, "d1", true);
132 					pl.get(d[2], 0.0, "d2", true);
133 					pl.get(groupLabel, string(), "group", true); //group label required for additional hyperplanes
134 					if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsLattice) d = ~inv(e.gInfo.R) * d; //transform to Cartesian
135 					constraint.hyperplane.push_back(std::make_pair(d, groupLabel));
136 				}
137 			}
138 			else //Note d can be null for a guiven atom with HyperPlane
139 			{	if(not constraint.d.length_squared())
140 					throw string("Constraint vector must be non-null");
141 			}
142 		}
143 		sp->constraints.push_back(constraint);
144 	}
printStatusCommandIon146 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
147 	{	int iIon=0;
148 		for(auto sp: e.iInfo.species)
149 			for(unsigned at=0; at<sp->atpos.size(); at++)
150 			{	if(iIon==iRep)
151 				{	//Species and position:
152 					vector3<> pos = sp->atpos[at];
153 					if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsCartesian)
154 						pos = e.gInfo.R * pos; //report cartesian positions
155 					logPrintf("%s %19.15lf %19.15lf %19.15lf", sp->name.c_str(), pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
156 					//Optional velocity:
157 					vector3<> vel = sp->velocities[at];
158 					if(not std::isnan(vel.length_squared()))
159 					{	if(e.iInfo.coordsType == CoordsCartesian)
160 							vel = e.gInfo.R * vel; //report cartesian velocities
161 						logPrintf(" v %19.15lf %19.15lf %19.15lf", vel[0], vel[1], vel[2]);
162 					}
163 					logPrintf(" %lg", sp->constraints[at].moveScale);
164 					if(sp->constraints[at].type != SpeciesInfo::Constraint::None)
165 						sp->constraints[at].print(globalLog, e);
166 				}
167 				iIon++;
168 			}
169 	}
170 }
171 commandIon;
173 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 struct CommandInitialMagneticMoments : public Command
176 {
CommandInitialMagneticMomentsCommandInitialMagneticMoments177 	CommandInitialMagneticMoments() : Command("initial-magnetic-moments", "jdftx/Initialization")
178 	{
179 		format = "<species> <M1> <M2> ... <Mn> [<species2> ...]\n"
180 			"      | <species> <M1> <theta1> <phi1> ... <Mn> <thetan> <phin> [<species2> ...]";
182 			"Specify initial magnetic moments, defined as the difference between\n"
183 			"up and down electron counts, on each atom of one or more species.\n"
184 			"\n"
185 			"The second syntax with polar angles (in degrees) must be used\n"
186 			"for noncollinear  magnetism calculations.\n"
187 			"\n"
188 			"For each species, the initial magnetic moments are applied\n"
189 			"to the atoms in the order of ion commands for that species.\n"
190 			"This may be used to construct a spin-polarized reference density\n"
191 			"for LCAO initialization of the Kohn-Sham orbitals.";
193 		require("ion");
194 		require("spintype");
195 	}
processCommandInitialMagneticMoments197 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
198 	{	if(e.eInfo.spinType==SpinNone || e.eInfo.spinType==SpinOrbit)
199 			throw string("Cannot specify magnetic moments in an unpolarized calculation");
200 		string id;
201 		pl.get(id, string(), "species", true);
202 		while(id.length())
203 		{	auto sp = findSpecies(id, e);
204 			if(!sp) throw string("Species "+id+" has not been defined");
205 			sp->initialMagneticMoments.resize(sp->atpos.size());
206 			for(unsigned a=0; a<sp->atpos.size(); a++)
207 			{	double M=0., theta=0., phi=0.;
208 				pl.get(M, 0., "M", true);
209 				if(e.eInfo.spinType == SpinVector)
210 				{	pl.get(theta, 0., "theta", true);
211 					pl.get(phi, 0., "phi", true);
212 				}
213 				//Store as Cartesian:
214 				sp->initialMagneticMoments[a] = M * polarUnitVector(phi*M_PI/180, theta*M_PI/180);
215 			}
216 			//Check for additional species:
217 			pl.get(id, string(), "species");
218 		}
219 	}
printStatusCommandInitialMagneticMoments221 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
222 	{	for(auto sp: e.iInfo.species)
223 			if(sp->initialMagneticMoments.size())
224 			{	logPrintf(" \\\n\t%s", sp->name.c_str());
225 				for(const vector3<>& M: sp->initialMagneticMoments)
226 				{	if(e.eInfo.spinType == SpinVector)
227 					{	vector3<> euler;
228 						if(M.length()) getEulerAxis(M, euler);
229 						euler *= 180./M_PI; //convert to degrees
230 						logPrintf(" %lg %lg %lg ", M.length(), euler[1], euler[0]);
231 					}
232 					else logPrintf(" %lg", M[2]); //SpinZ
233 				}
234 			}
235 	}
236 }
237 commandInitialMagneticMoments;
239 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 struct CommandInitialOxidationState : public Command
242 {
CommandInitialOxidationStateCommandInitialOxidationState243 	CommandInitialOxidationState() : Command("initial-oxidation-state", "jdftx/Initialization")
244 	{
245 		format = "<species> <oxState> [<species2> ...]";
247 			"Specify initial oxidation state assumed for each species in LCAO.\n"
248 			"This may significantly improve LCAO convergence in some cases.";
250 		require("ion-species");
251 	}
processCommandInitialOxidationState253 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
254 	{	string id;
255 		pl.get(id, string(), "species", true);
256 		while(id.length())
257 		{	auto sp = findSpecies(id, e);
258 			if(!sp) throw string("Species "+id+" has not been defined");
259 			pl.get(sp->initialOxidationState, 0., "oxState", true);
260 			//Check for additional species:
261 			pl.get(id, string(), "species");
262 		}
263 	}
printStatusCommandInitialOxidationState265 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
266 	{	for(auto sp: e.iInfo.species)
267 			if(sp->initialOxidationState)
268 				logPrintf(" \\\n\t%s %lg", sp->name.c_str(), sp->initialOxidationState);
269 	}
270 }
271 commandInitialOxidationState;
273 EnumStringMap<coreOverlapCheck> overlapCheckMap
274 (	additive, "additive",
275 	vector, "vector",
276 	none, "none"
277 );
280 struct CommandCoreOverlapCheck : public Command
281 {
CommandCoreOverlapCheckCommandCoreOverlapCheck282 	CommandCoreOverlapCheck() : Command("core-overlap-check", "jdftx/Ionic/Optimization")
283 	{
284 		format = "<condition>";
285 		comments = "Checks for core overlaps between ionic pseudopotentials based on <condition>:\n"
286 				   "+ additive: checks for interatomic distance < (R1 + R2)\n"
287 				   "+ vector: checks for interatomic distance < sqrt(R1^2 + R2^2) (default)\n"
288 				   "+ none";
289 		hasDefault = true;
290 	}
processCommandCoreOverlapCheck292 	void process(ParamList& pl, Everything& e)
293 	{	pl.get(e.iInfo.coreOverlapCondition, vector, overlapCheckMap, "overlap check");
294 	}
printStatusCommandCoreOverlapCheck296 	void printStatus(Everything& e, int iRep)
297 	{	logPrintf("%s", overlapCheckMap.getString(e.iInfo.coreOverlapCondition));
298 	}
299 }
300 commandCoreOverlapCheck;