1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright 2011 Ravishankar Sundararaman, Kendra Letchworth-Weaver
4 This file is part of JDFTx.
6 JDFTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9 (at your option) any later version.
11 JDFTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with JDFTx.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #include <fluid/ErfFMTweight.h>
21 #include <fluid/Molecule.h>
22 #include <core/Operators.h>
23 #include <electronic/ColumnBundle.h>
Site(string name,int atomicNumber)25 Molecule::Site::Site(string name, int atomicNumber) : name(name), Rhs(0), atomicNumber(atomicNumber), Znuc(0), sigmaNuc(0), Zelec(0), aElec(0), Zsite(0), deltaS(0), sigmaElec(0), rcElec(0), alpha(0), aPol(0), initialized(false)
26 {
27 }
~Site()29 Molecule::Site::~Site()
30 {	free();
31 }
free()33 void Molecule::Site::free()
34 {	if(initialized)
35 	{	elecKernel.free();
36 		chargeKernel.free();
37 		polKernel.free();
38 		if(Rhs)
39 		{	w0.free();
40 			w1.free();
41 			w2.free();
42 			w3.free();
43 			w1v.free();
44 			w2m.free();
45 		}
46 	}
47 }
49 //Functions for use in calculating site charge kernels for fluid-electron coupling
50 //--- normalized real space exponential function
Exponential(double r,double norm,double a)51 inline double Exponential(double r, double norm, double a)
52 {	return norm/(8.*M_PI*pow(a,3))*exp(-r/a);
53 }
54 //--- un-normalized real space peaked exponential function
PeakedExponential(double r,double a,double rc,double sigma)55 inline double PeakedExponential(double r, double a, double rc, double sigma)
56 {	return 0.5*exp(-r/a)*erfc((rc-r)/sigma);
57 }
59 //Create the radial kernel and initialize its weights (expensive) only once and then reuse
getLogGridKernel()60 RadialFunctionR getLogGridKernel()
61 {	static RadialFunctionR KernelR;
62 	if(!KernelR.r.size())
63 	{	int NRpts = 10000; //number of realspace log grid points used to represent electron density kernel
64 		double rVecMin = 1e-7; //minimum value in realspace log grid
65 		double rLogScale = 1.005; //rLogScale=r[i+1]/r[i]
66 		KernelR.r.resize(NRpts);
67 		for(int i=0; i<NRpts; i++)
68 			KernelR.r[i] = i ? (KernelR.r[i-1] * rLogScale) : rVecMin;
69 		KernelR.dr.resize(NRpts);
70 		KernelR.f.resize(NRpts);
71 		KernelR.initWeights();
72 	}
73 	return KernelR;
74 }
setup(const GridInfo & gInfo)76 void Molecule::Site::setup(const GridInfo& gInfo)
77 {	if(initialized) free();
78 	double dG = gInfo.dGradial;
79 	int nGridLoc = int(ceil(gInfo.GmaxGrid/dG))+5;
80 	logPrintf("     Initializing site '%s'\n", name.c_str());
82 	//Initialize electron density kernel:
83 	if(elecFilename.length() || elecFilenameG.length() || Zelec)
84 	{	logPrintf("       Electron density: ");
85 		if(!Zelec || !sigmaElec)
86 		{	logPrintf("cuspless exponential with width %lg and norm %lg\n", aElec, Zelec);
87 			elecKernel.init(0, dG, gInfo.GmaxGrid, RadialFunctionG::cusplessExpTilde, Zelec, aElec);
88 			deltaS -= 12.*M_PI*Zelec*pow(aElec,2);
89 		}
90 		else
91 		{	logPrintf("proportional to exp(-r/%lg)*erfc((r-%lg)/%lg) with norm %lg\n", aElec, rcElec, sigmaElec, Zelec);
92 			//--- construct the radial function in real space:
93 			RadialFunctionR KernelR(getLogGridKernel());
94 			for(unsigned i=0; i<KernelR.r.size(); i++)
95 				KernelR.f[i] = PeakedExponential(KernelR.r[i], aElec, rcElec, sigmaElec);
96 			//--- normalize the function to Zelec and store in reciprocal space:
97 			double scale_factor = Zelec / KernelR.transform(0, 0.);
98 			for(double& f: KernelR.f)
99 				f *= scale_factor;
100 			KernelR.transform(0, dG, nGridLoc, elecKernel);
101 			//--- calculate deltaS that accounts for mismatched charge kernels:
102 			//where deltaS = -2*pi/3*int(r^2*n(r))dV (realspace formula)
103 			for(unsigned i=0; i<KernelR.r.size(); i++)
104 			{	double r = KernelR.r[i];
105 				KernelR.f[i] = (-2*M_PI/3)*(r*r) * (KernelR.f[i] - Exponential(r,Zelec,aElec));
106 			}
107 			deltaS -= 8*M_PI*Zelec*pow(aElec,2); //apply the potential correction for the analytical exponential function
108 			deltaS += KernelR.transform(0, 0.); //apply the potential correction for the difference between radial and analytical functions
109 		}
111 		if(elecFilename.length())
112 		{	//--- Read from file to RadialFunctionR:
113 			ifstream ifs(elecFilename.c_str());
114 			if(!ifs.is_open()) die("\tCan't open radial electron density file '%s' for reading.\n", elecFilename.c_str());
115 			logPrintf("       Adding realspace radial model from '%s':\n", elecFilename.c_str());
116 	 		std::vector<double> rVec, nVec; //to store values of radius and density
117 			rVec.reserve(1000); nVec.reserve(1000); //to prevent repeated reallocations
118 			while(!ifs.eof())
119 			{	string line; getline(ifs, line);
120 				if(ifs.eof()) break;
121 				double r,n; istringstream(line) >> r >> n;
122 				if(rVec.size() && r<rVec.back())
123 				{	die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s:\n"
124 						"\tRadial gridpoints must be in ascending order\n", name.c_str(), elecFilename.c_str());
125 				}
126 				if(ifs.fail() || ifs.bad())
127 					die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s\n", name.c_str(), elecFilename.c_str());
128 				rVec.push_back(r);
129 				nVec.push_back(n);
130 			}
131 			RadialFunctionR KernelR(rVec.size());
132 			KernelR.r = rVec;
133 			KernelR.f = nVec;
134 			KernelR.initWeights();
135 			//--- Put kernel in G space and add to existing elecKernel:
136 			RadialFunctionG KernelG;
137 			KernelR.transform(0, dG, nGridLoc, KernelG);
138 			std::vector<double> newKernel;
139 			for (int i=0; i<nGridLoc; i++)
140 			{	double G = i*dG;
141 				newKernel.push_back(elecKernel(G)+KernelG(G));
142 			}
143 			elecKernel.init(0,newKernel,dG); //reinitialize elecKernel with new radial function added on.
144 			Znuc = elecKernel(0)-Zsite;
145 			logPrintf("         Adjusting Znuc to %lg to ensure correct site charge.\n",Znuc);
146 			//--- Update deltaS correction for new piece
147 			double norm = KernelG(0.0);
148 			for(unsigned i=0; i<rVec.size(); i++)
149 			{	double r = KernelR.r[i];
150 				KernelR.f[i] = (-2*M_PI/3)*(r*r) * (KernelR.f[i] - Exponential(r,norm,aElec));
151 			}
152 			deltaS -= 8*M_PI*norm*pow(aElec,2); //apply the potential correction for the analytical exponential function
153 			deltaS += KernelR.transform(0, 0.); //apply the potential correction for the difference between radial and analytical functions
154 		}
156 		if(elecFilenameG.length())
157 		{	//--- Read from file to RadialFunctionG:
158 			ifstream ifs(elecFilenameG.c_str());
159 			if(!ifs.is_open())
160 				die("\tCan't open radial Gspace electron density file '%s' for reading.\n", elecFilenameG.c_str());
161 			logPrintf("       Adding Gspace radial model from '%s':\n", elecFilenameG.c_str());
162 			std::vector<double> GVec,nVec; //to store values of G and density
163 			GVec.reserve(1000); nVec.reserve(1000); //to prevent repeated reallocations
164 			while (!ifs.eof())
165 			{	string line; getline(ifs, line);
166 				if(ifs.eof()) break;
167 				double G,n; istringstream(line) >> G >> n;
168 				if(GVec.size()==1)
169 				{	const double dGmin = 0.1;
170 					double dGfile = G - GVec.back();
171 					if(dGfile <= 0.0)
172 						die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s:\n"
173 							"\tGspace gridpoints must be in ascending order\n", name.c_str(), elecFilenameG.c_str())
174 					if(dGfile > dGmin)
175 						die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s:\n"
176 							"\tGspace grid spacing must be less than %lg\n", name.c_str(), elecFilenameG.c_str(), dGmin)
177 				}
178 				else if(GVec.size()>1)
179 				{	if(fabs( (G-GVec.back()) - (GVec[1]-GVec[0]) )>1e-8)
180 						die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s:\n"
181 							"\tNon-uniform G spacing is currently unsupported\n", name.c_str(), elecFilenameG.c_str())
182 				}
183 				if( ifs.fail() || ifs.bad())
184 					die("\tERROR reading electron density model for %s site from %s\n", name.c_str(), elecFilenameG.c_str())
185 				GVec.push_back(G);
186 				nVec.push_back(n);
187 			}
188 			RadialFunctionG KernelG;
189 			KernelG.init(0, nVec, GVec[1]-GVec[0]);
190 			//--- add to existing elecKernel:
191 			std::vector<double> newKernel;
192 			for(int i=0; i<nGridLoc; i++)
193 			{	double G = i*dG;
194 				newKernel.push_back(elecKernel(G)+KernelG(G));
195 			}
196 			elecKernel.init(0,newKernel,dG); //reinitialize elecKernel with new radial function added on.
197 			logPrintf("\tWARNING: Uncompensated charge kernel mismatch for fluid-fluid and electron-fluid interactions\n");
198 		}
199 	}
201 	//Initialize charge kernel:
202 	if(elecKernel || Znuc)
203 	{	logPrintf("       Charge density: gaussian nuclear width %lg", sigmaNuc);
204 		std::vector<double> samples(nGridLoc);
205 		for(unsigned iG=0; iG<samples.size(); iG++)
206 		{	double G = iG * dG;
207 			if(elecKernel) samples[iG] += elecKernel(G);
208 			if(Znuc) samples[iG] -= RadialFunctionG::gaussTilde(G, Znuc, sigmaNuc);
209 		}
210 		chargeKernel.init(0, samples, dG);
211 		logPrintf(" with net site charge %lg\n", chargeKernel(0));
212 		deltaS += 2.*M_PI*Znuc*pow(sigmaNuc,2);
213 	}
215 	//Initialize polarizability kernel:
216 	if(alpha)
217 	{	logPrintf("       Polarizability: cuspless exponential with width %lg and norm %lg\n", aPol, alpha);
218 		polKernel.init(0, dG, gInfo.GmaxGrid, RadialFunctionG::cusplessExpTilde, 1., aPol);
219 	}
221 	if(Rhs)
222 	{	logPrintf("       Hard sphere radius: %lg bohrs\n", Rhs);
223 		//Initialize hard sphere weights:
224 		ErfFMTweight erfFMTweight(Rhs, 0.);
225 		std::vector<double> w0(nGridLoc), w1(nGridLoc), w2(nGridLoc), w3(nGridLoc), w1v(nGridLoc), w2m(nGridLoc);
226 		for(int iG=0; iG<nGridLoc; iG++)
227 			erfFMTweight(iG*dG, w0[iG], w1[iG], w2[iG], w3[iG], w1v[iG], w2m[iG]);
228 		this->w0.init(0, w0, dG);
229 		this->w1.init(0, w1, dG);
230 		this->w2.init(0, w2, dG);
231 		this->w3.init(0, w3, dG);
232 		this->w1v.init(0, w1v, dG);
233 		this->w2m.init(0, w2m, dG);
234 	}
236 	logPrintf("       Positions in reference frame:\n");
237 	for(vector3<> r: positions) logPrintf("         [ %+.6lf %+.6lf %+.6lf ]\n", r[0], r[1], r[2]);
238 	initialized = true;
239 }
Molecule(string name)241 Molecule::Molecule(string name) : name(name), initialized(false)
242 {
243 }
~Molecule()245 Molecule::~Molecule()
246 {	if(initialized)
247 	{	mfKernel.free();
248 	}
249 }
sphericalShellTilde(double G,double R)251 inline double sphericalShellTilde(double G, double R)
252 {	return bessel_jl(0, G*R);
253 }
255 //Fourier transform of gaussian
gaussTilde(double G,double norm,double sigma)256 inline double gaussTilde(double G, double norm, double sigma)
257 {	double sigmaG = sigma*G;
258 	return norm * exp(-0.5*sigmaG*sigmaG);
259 }
261 //Lischner10 Coulomb Kernel
setCoulombCutoffKernel(double G)262 inline double setCoulombCutoffKernel(double G)
263 {
264   const double Gc = 0.33;
265   return 1/sqrt(1 + pow(G/Gc,4));
266 }
setup(const GridInfo & gInfo,double Rmf)268 void Molecule::setup(const GridInfo& gInfo, double Rmf)
269 {	logPrintf("   Initializing fluid molecule '%s'\n", name.c_str());
270 	for(auto& site: sites) site->setup(gInfo);
271 	logPrintf("     Net charge: %lg   dipole magnitude: %lg\n", checkCharge(), getDipole().length());
273 	if(getCharge())
274 	{	//Ions use gaussian mfKernel while neutral solvent molecules use spherical shell mfKernel
275 		double Res = Rmf ? Rmf/sqrt(2) : pow(3*getVhs()/(4.*M_PI), 1./3)/sqrt(2);
276 		mfKernel.init(0, gInfo.dGradial, gInfo.GmaxGrid, gaussTilde, 1.0, Res);
277 		logPrintf("     Initializing gaussian mfKernel with width: %lg Bohr\n",Res);
278 		for(auto& site: sites) site->deltaS += 2.*M_PI*site->Zsite*pow(Res,2);
279 	}
280 	else
281 	{	//Sundararaman style charge kernel (from JCP 2014)
282 		double Res = Rmf ? Rmf : pow(3*getVhs()/(4.*M_PI), 1./3);
283 		mfKernel.init(0, gInfo.dGradial, gInfo.GmaxGrid, sphericalShellTilde, Res);
284 		logPrintf("     Initializing spherical shell mfKernel with radius %lg Bohr\n",Res);
285 		for(auto& site: sites) site->deltaS += 2.*M_PI/3.*site->Zsite*pow(Res,2);
286 		//Debugging option:
287 		//Lischner style charge kernel
288 		// mfKernel.init(0, gInfo.dGradial, gInfo.GmaxGrid, setCoulombCutoffKernel);
289 		// logPrintf("\tInitializing Lischner style mfKernel.\n");
290 		//no contribution to deltaS
291 	}
292 	logPrintf("     deltaS corrections:\n");
293 	for(auto& site: sites)
294 		logPrintf("       site '%s': %lg\n", site->name.c_str(), site->deltaS);
295 	initialized = true;
296 }
isMonoatomic() const299 bool Molecule::isMonoatomic() const
300 {	return (sites.size()==1) && (sites[0]->positions.size()==1);
301 }
getCharge() const303 double Molecule::getCharge() const
304 {	double Q = 0.0;
305 	for(const auto& site: sites)
306 		if(site->chargeKernel)
307 			Q += site->chargeKernel(0) * site->positions.size();
308 	if(fabs(Q) < 1e-12) return 0.; //simplify neutrality testing
309 	else return Q;
310 }
312 //At first initialization of molecule absorb very small net charges
313 //into first site chargeKernel and elecKernel
checkCharge()314 double Molecule::checkCharge()
315 {
316 	double Q = getCharge();
317 	if(Q==0.)
318 		return 0.;
319 	if(fabs(Q) < 1e-2)
320 	{
321 		int ChargedSite = 0;
322 		while (!sites[ChargedSite]->chargeKernel(0))
323 		{
324 		  ChargedSite += 1;
325 		}
326 		std::shared_ptr<Site> s0 = sites[ChargedSite];
327 		int nG = s0->chargeKernel.nCoeff;
328 		double dG = 1./s0->chargeKernel.dGinv;
329 		std::vector<double> chargeKernel, elecKernel;
330 		for (int i=0; i < nG; i++)
331 		{
332 			double G = double(i)*dG;
333 			chargeKernel.push_back(s0->chargeKernel(G));
334 			elecKernel.push_back(s0->elecKernel(G));
335 		}
336 		chargeKernel[0] -= Q / s0->positions.size();
337 		s0->chargeKernel.init(0,chargeKernel,dG);
338 		elecKernel[0] -=  Q / s0->positions.size();
339 		s0->elecKernel.init(0,elecKernel,dG);
340 		logPrintf("     WARNING: Molecule had net charge %lg, adjusting %s site charge by %lg to compensate.\n",Q,s0->name.c_str(),-Q/s0->positions.size());
341 		return 0.;
342 	}
343 	else return Q;
344 }
getDipole() const347 vector3<> Molecule::getDipole() const
348 {	vector3<> P;
349 	for(const auto& site: sites)
350 		if(site->chargeKernel)
351 			for(const vector3<>& r: site->positions)
352 				P += site->chargeKernel(0) * r;
353 	if(P.length() < 1e-12) return vector3<>(); //simplify polarity testing
354 	else return P;
355 }
getVhs() const357 double Molecule::getVhs() const
358 {	double Vhs = 0;
359 	for(const auto& site: sites)
360 		if(site->w3)
361 			Vhs += site->w3(0) * site->positions.size();
362 	return Vhs;
363 }
getAlphaTot() const365 double Molecule::getAlphaTot() const
366 {	double alphaTot = 0.;
367 	for(const auto& site: sites)
368 		if(site->polKernel)
369 			alphaTot += site->alpha * site->positions.size();
370 	return alphaTot;
371 }
getBonds() const373 std::map<double,int> Molecule::getBonds() const
374 {	std::map<double,int> bond;
375 	for(const auto& site1: sites)
376 	{	double R1 = site1->Rhs;
377 		if(R1) for(vector3<> pos1: site1->positions)
378 		{	for(const auto& site2: sites)
379 			{	double R2 = site2->Rhs;
380 				if(R2) for(vector3<> pos2: site2->positions)
381 				{	if(fabs(R1+R2-(pos1-pos2).length()) < 1e-6*(R1+R2))
382 						bond[R1*R2/(R1+R2)]++;
383 				}
384 			}
385 		}
386 	}
387 	//correct for double counting:
388 	for(auto& bondEntry: bond)
389 	{	assert(bondEntry.second % 2 == 0);
390 		bondEntry.second /= 2;
391 	}
392 	return bond;
393 }
setModelMonoatomic(string name,double Q,double Rhs)395 void Molecule::setModelMonoatomic(string name, double Q, double Rhs)
396 {	sites.clear();
397 	this->name = name;
398 	auto site = std::make_shared<Molecule::Site>(name);
399 		site->Znuc = Q; site->sigmaNuc = (1./6)*Rhs;
400 		site->Rhs = Rhs;
401 	sites.push_back(site);
402 	site->positions.push_back(vector3<>());
403 }