1 package org.jmol.adapter.readers.xtal;
3 import java.util.Hashtable;
4 import java.util.Map;
7 import org.jmol.adapter.smarter.AtomSetCollectionReader;
8 import org.jmol.adapter.smarter.Atom;
9 import org.jmol.api.SymmetryInterface;
11 import javajs.util.PT;
12 import javajs.util.V3;
14 /**
15  * Problems identified (Bob Hanson) --
16  *
17  *   -- Coordinates for the asymmetric unit are conventional.
18  *      Default right now is to read conventional cell, not primitive celll
19  *
20  *   -- Frequency data number of atoms does not correspond to initial atom count.
21  *      It looks like there is a missing report of symmetry-generated atoms.
22  *
23  * see https://projects.ivec.org/gulp/
24  *
25  * @author Pieremanuele Canepa, Room 104, FM Group School of Physical Sciences,
26  *         Ingram Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NH United
27  *         Kingdom, pc229@kent.ac.uk
28  *
29  *
30  *
31  * @version 1.0
32  */
34 public class GulpReader extends AtomSetCollectionReader {
36   private boolean isSlab;
37   private boolean isPolymer;
38   private boolean isPrimitive;
39   private String sep = "-------";
40   private boolean coordinatesArePrimitive;
41   private Map<String, Float> atomCharges;
43   @Override
initializeReader()44   protected void initializeReader() throws Exception {
45     isPrimitive = !checkFilterKey("CONV");
46     coordinatesArePrimitive = true;
47     setFractionalCoordinates(readDimensionality());
48   }
50   @Override
finalizeSubclassReader()51   protected void finalizeSubclassReader() {
52     if (atomCharges == null)
53       return;
54     Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
55     Float f;
56     for (int i = asc.ac; --i >= 0;)
57       if ((f = atomCharges.get(atoms[i].atomName)) != null
58           || (f = atomCharges.get(atoms[i].getElementSymbol())) != null)
59         atoms[i].partialCharge = f.floatValue();
60   }
62   private boolean bTest;
64   @Override
checkLine()65   protected boolean checkLine() throws Exception {
66     if (line.contains("Space group ")) {
67       readSpaceGroup();
68       return true;
69     }
71     if (isSlab ? line.contains("Surface cell parameters")
72         : isPolymer ? line.contains("Polymer cell parameter")
73         : (bTest = line.contains("Cartesian lattice vectors"))
74             || line.contains("Cell parameters (Angstroms/Degrees)")
75             || line.contains("Primitive cell parameters")) {
76       readCellParameters(bTest);
77       return true;
78     }
79     if (line.contains("Monopole - monopole (total)")) {
80       readEnergy();
81       return true;
82     }
84     if (line.contains("Fractional coordinates of asymmetric unit :")
85         || (bTest = line.contains("Final asymmetric unit coordinates"))
86         || (bTest = line.contains("Final fractional coordinates "))
87         || line
88             .contains("Mixed fractional/Cartesian coordinates")
89         || line.contains("Cartesian coordinates of cluster ")
90         || line.contains("Final cartesian coordinates of atoms :")
91         && isMolecular) {
92       if (doGetModel(++modelNumber, null))
93         readAtomicPos(!bTest);
94       return true;
95     }
97     if (line.contains("Species output for all configurations")) {
98       readPartialCharges();
99       return true;
100     }
102 // past this point, we must already have coordinates defined
103     if (!doProcessLines)
104       return true;
105     if (line.contains("Final cell parameters and derivatives")) {
106       // this line comes AFTER atom positions
107       readFinalCell();
108       return true;
109     }
111     //if (line.contains(" Phonon Calculation : ")) {
112     // readFrequency();
114     return true;
115   }
readDimensionality()117   private boolean readDimensionality() throws Exception {
118     discardLinesUntilContains("Dimensionality");
119     String[] tokens = getTokens();
120     switch (parseIntStr(tokens[2])) {
121     case 0:
122       isMolecular = true;
123       isPrimitive = false;
124       return false;
125     case 1:
126       isPolymer = true;
127       isPrimitive = false;
128       break;
129     case 2:
130       isSlab = true;
131       isPrimitive = false;
132       break;
133     }
134     return true;
135   }
readSpaceGroup()137   private void readSpaceGroup() throws Exception {
138     sgName = line.substring(line.indexOf(":") + 1).trim();
139   }
141   private float a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma;
142   private float[] primitiveData;
143   final private static String[] tags = { "a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "gamma" };
parameterIndex(String key)145   private static int parameterIndex(String key) {
146     for (int i = tags.length; --i >= 0;)
147       if (tags[i].equals(key))
148         return i;
149     return -1;
150   }
setParameter(String key, float value)152   private void setParameter(String key, float value) {
153     switch (parameterIndex(key)) {
154     case 0:
155       a = value;
156       break;
157     case 1:
158       b = value;
159       break;
160     case 2:
161       c = value;
162       break;
163     case 3:
164       alpha = value;
165       break;
166     case 4:
167       beta = value;
168       break;
169     case 5:
170       gamma = value;
171       break;
172     }
173   }
newAtomSet(boolean doSetUnitCell)175   private void newAtomSet(boolean doSetUnitCell) {
176     asc.newAtomSet();
177     if (doSetUnitCell) {
178       setModelParameters(coordinatesArePrimitive);
179       if (totEnergy != null)
180         setEnergy();
181     }
182   }
setModelParameters(boolean isPrimitive)184   private void setModelParameters(boolean isPrimitive) {
185     if (sgName != null)
186       setSpaceGroupName(isPrimitive ? "P1" : sgName);
187     if (isPrimitive && primitiveData != null) {
188       addExplicitLatticeVector(0, primitiveData, 0);
189       addExplicitLatticeVector(1, primitiveData, 3);
190       addExplicitLatticeVector(2, primitiveData, 6);
191     } else if (a != 0) {
192       if (isSlab) {
193         c = -1;
194         beta = gamma = 90;
195       } else if (isPolymer) {
196         b = c = -1;
197         alpha = beta = gamma = 90;
198       }
199       setUnitCell(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma);
200     }
201   }
203   /*
205   Cartesian lattice vectors (Angstroms) :
207        10.944693    0.000000    0.000000
208         3.123705    4.493221    0.000000
209         3.123705    1.632784    4.186054
211   Cell parameters (Angstroms/Degrees):
213   a =      10.9447    alpha =  55.1928
214   b =       5.4723    beta  =  55.1928
215   c =       5.4723    gamma =  55.1928
217   Primitive cell parameters :            Full cell parameters :
219   a =   5.1295    alpha =  55.2915       a =   4.7602    alpha =  90.0000
220   b =   5.1295    beta  =  55.2915       b =   4.7602    beta  =  90.0000
221   c =   5.1295    gamma =  55.2915       c =  12.9933    gamma = 120.0000
223    */
readCellParameters(boolean isLatticeVectors)225   private void readCellParameters(boolean isLatticeVectors) throws Exception {
226     if (isLatticeVectors) {
227       rd();
228       primitiveData = fillFloatArray(null, 0, new float[9]);
229       a = 0;
230       return;
231     }
232     int i0 = (line.indexOf("Full cell") < 0 ? 0 : 4);
233     coordinatesArePrimitive = (i0 == 0);
234     //if (!coordinatesArePrimitive)
235       //isPrimitive = false;
236     rd();
237     while (rd() != null && line.contains("="))  {
238       String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(line.replace('=', ' '));
239       for (int i = i0; i < i0 + 4; i += 2)
240         if (tokens.length > i + 1)
241           setParameter(tokens[i], parseFloatStr(tokens[i + 1]));
242     }
243   }
245   /*
246     Final cell parameters and derivatives :
248       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249              a            5.153230 Angstrom     dE/de1(xx)     0.000090 eV/strain
250              b            5.153230 Angstrom     dE/de2(yy)     0.000000 eV/strain
251              c            5.153230 Angstrom     dE/de3(zz)     0.000078 eV/strain
252              alpha       55.766721 Degrees      dE/de4(yz)     0.000000 eV/strain
253              beta        55.766721 Degrees      dE/de5(xz)     0.000000 eV/strain
254              gamma       55.766721 Degrees      dE/de6(xy)     0.000000 eV/strain
255       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
257   Non-primitive lattice parameters :
259   a    =     4.820055  b   =     4.820055  c    =    13.011659
260   alpha=    90.000000  beta=    90.000000  gamma=   120.000000
262    */
readFinalCell()264   private void readFinalCell() throws Exception {
265     // problem here is if we have primitive data, we have to change
266     // that data by only changing vector lengths
267     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
268     String tokens[];
269     while (rd() != null && (tokens = getTokens()).length >= 2)
270       setParameter(tokens[0], parseFloatStr(tokens[1]));
271     if (primitiveData != null) {
272       scalePrimitiveData(0, a);
273       scalePrimitiveData(3, b);
274       scalePrimitiveData(6, c);
275       if (!coordinatesArePrimitive)
276         // we have a conventional cell -- get a, b, and c for it now
277         while (rd() != null && line.indexOf("Final") < 0)
278           if (line.indexOf("Non-primitive lattice parameters") > 0) {
279             rd();
280             for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
281               tokens = PT.getTokens(rd().replace('=', ' '));
282               setParameter(tokens[0], parseFloatStr(tokens[1]));
283               setParameter(tokens[2], parseFloatStr(tokens[3]));
284               setParameter(tokens[4], parseFloatStr(tokens[5]));
285             }
286             break;
287           }
288     }
289     setModelParameters(coordinatesArePrimitive);
290     applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory();
291     if (totEnergy != null)
292       setEnergy();
293   }
scalePrimitiveData(int i, float value)295   private void scalePrimitiveData(int i, float value) {
296     V3 v = V3.new3(primitiveData[i], primitiveData[i + 1], primitiveData[i + 2]);
297     v.normalize();
298     v.scale(value);
299     primitiveData[i++] = v.x;
300     primitiveData[i++] = v.y;
301     primitiveData[i++] = v.z;
302   }
304   @Override
applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory()305   public void applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory() throws Exception {
306     if (coordinatesArePrimitive && iHaveUnitCell && doCheckUnitCell && primitiveData != null && !isPrimitive) {
307       setModelParameters(false);
308       SymmetryInterface symFull = symmetry;
309       setModelParameters(true);
310       // Full cell -- must convert primitive to conventional
312       Atom[] atoms = asc.atoms;
313       int i0 = asc.getLastAtomSetAtomIndex();
314       int i1 = asc.ac;
315       for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++) {
316         Atom atom = atoms[i];
317         symmetry.toCartesian(atom, true);
318         symFull.toFractional(atom, true);
319         if (fixJavaFloat)
320           PT.fixPtFloats(atom, PT.FRACTIONAL_PRECISION);
321       }
322       setModelParameters(false);
323     }
324     applySymTrajASCR();
325   }
326   /*  Fractional coordinates of asymmetric unit :
328     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
329        No.  Atomic       x           y          z         Charge      Occupancy
330             Label      (Frac)      (Frac)     (Frac)        (e)         (Frac)
331     --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332           1 Ba    c    0.572390    0.144780    0.144780      0.1690    1.000000
333           2 Ba    c    0.677610 *  0.355219 *  0.355219 *    0.1690    1.000000
334           3 Fe    c    0.822391 *  0.644781 *  0.644781 *    1.9710    1.000000
335           4 Fe    c    0.927610 *  0.855219 *  0.855219 *    1.9710    1.000000
336           5 Fe    c    0.072390 *  0.144780 *  0.144780 *    1.9710    1.000000
337           6 Fe    c    0.177610 *  0.355219 *  0.355219 *    1.9710    1.000000
338           7 Fe    c    0.322391 *  0.644781 *  0.644781 *    1.9710    1.000000
339           8 Fe    c    0.427610 *  0.855219 *  0.855219 *    1.9710    1.000000
340           9 O     c    0.778081 *  0.943838 *  0.250000 *    0.5130    1.000000
341    */
343   /*
345   Cartesian coordinates of cluster :
347   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
348    No.  Atomic       x           y          z         Charge      Occupancy
349         Label      (Angs)      (Angs)     (Angs)        (e)         (Frac)
350   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
351       1 C1    c     -2.3420 *    1.0960 *   -0.0010 *   -0.1819    1.000000
352       2 C1    c     -1.0490 *    1.5890 *    0.0010 *   -0.2684    1.000000
353       3 C2    c      0.0730      0.7330     -0.0010      0.0661    1.000000
354       4 C3    c     -0.1850 *   -0.6550 *   -0.0030 *    0.1492    1.000000
355       5 C1    c     -1.4790 *   -1.1720 *   -0.0050 *   -0.1988    1.000000
356       6 C4    c     -2.5770 *   -0.3000 *   -0.0040 *    0.2336    1.000000
357       7 H1    c     -3.1860 *    1.7820 *   -0.0070 *    0.1768    1.000000
358       8 H1    c     -0.8980 *    2.6650 *    0.0030 *    0.1892    1.000000
359       9 C5    c      1.4540 *    1.1720 *    0.0010 *    0.1307    1.000000
360      10 H1    c     -1.6110 *   -2.2500 *   -0.0110 *    0.1768    1.000000
361      11 C7    c      2.1730 *   -1.1940 *    0.0010 *    0.7946    1.000000
362      12 C6    c      2.4410 *    0.2330 *    0.0020 *   -0.4195    1.000000
363      13 H1    c      3.4910 *    0.5060 *    0.0030 *    0.1718    1.000000
364      14 O1    c      0.8280 *   -1.5660 *   -0.0020 *   -0.3694    1.000000
365      15 O2    c      2.9950 *   -2.0810 *    0.0040 *   -0.6874    1.000000
366      16 C8    c      1.7830 *    2.6420 *    0.0020 *   -0.2362    1.000000
367      17 H2    c      1.3640 *    3.1400 *   -0.8810 *    0.0960    1.000000
368      18 H2    c      1.3630 *    3.1390 *    0.8850 *    0.0960    1.000000
369      19 H2    c      2.8640 *    2.7990 *    0.0020 *    0.0960    1.000000
370      20 N1    c     -3.8700 *   -0.7920 *   -0.0560 *   -0.8553    1.000000
371      21 H3    c     -4.0140 *   -1.7570 *    0.2000 *    0.4202    1.000000
372      22 H3    c     -4.6160 *   -0.1740 *    0.2260 *    0.4202    1.000000
373   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375    */
readAtomicPos(boolean finalizeSymmetry)377   private void readAtomicPos(boolean finalizeSymmetry) throws Exception {
378     newAtomSet(finalizeSymmetry);
379     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
380     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
381     while (rd() != null) {
382       if (line.indexOf(sep) >= 0 && rd().indexOf("Region") < 0)
383         break;
384       if (line.indexOf("Region") >= 0) {
385         rd();
386         continue;
387       }
388       line = line.replace('*', ' ');
389       String[] tokens = getTokens();
390       if (tokens[2].equals("c"))
391         addAtomXYZSymName(tokens, 3, null, tokens[1]);
392     }
393     if (finalizeSymmetry)
394       applySymmetryAndSetTrajectory();
395   }
397   /*
399   Species output for all configurations :
401 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
402   Species    Type    Atomic    Atomic    Charge       Radii (Angs)     Library
403                      Number     Mass       (e)     Cova   Ionic  VDW   Symbol
404 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
405     Fe       Core       26      55.85     1.9710   1.340  0.000  2.000
406     Fe       Shell      26      55.85     1.0290   1.340  0.000  2.000
407     Ba       Core       56     137.33     0.1690   1.340  0.000  2.000
408     Ba       Shell      56     137.33     1.8310   1.340  0.000  2.000
409     O        Core        8      16.00     0.5130   0.730  0.000  1.360
410     O        Shell       8      16.00    -2.5130   0.730  0.000  1.360
411 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
412    */
readPartialCharges()413   private void readPartialCharges() throws Exception {
414     atomCharges = new Hashtable<String, Float>();
415     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
416     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
417     String[] tokens;
418     while ((tokens = PT.getTokens(rd())).length > 5) {
419       String species = tokens[0];
420       Float charge = atomCharges.get(species);
421       float f = (charge == null ? 0 : charge.floatValue());
422       atomCharges.put(species, Float.valueOf((f + parseFloatStr(tokens[4]))));
423     }
424   }
427   /*
428   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
429   Total lattice energy       =        -386.17106576 eV
430   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431   Total lattice energy       =          -37259.6047 kJ/(mole unit cells)
432   Total lattice energy       =           -8905.2592 kcal/(mole unit cells)
433   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
436    **** Optimisation achieved ****
439   Final energy =    -557.53367977 eV
440   Final Gnorm  =       0.00035566
442    */
444   private Double totEnergy;
445   private String energyUnits;
readEnergy()447   private void readEnergy() throws Exception {
448     // question: Why read monopole-monopole energy as "totEnergy"?
449     // note that in some cases this is in Kcal/mol
450     if (line.indexOf("=") < 0)
451       discardLinesUntilContains("=");
452     String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(line.substring(line.indexOf("=")));
453     totEnergy = Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]));
454     energyUnits = tokens[2];
455     discardLinesUntilContains(sep);
456   }
setEnergy()458   private void setEnergy() {
459     asc.setAtomSetEnergy("" + totEnergy, totEnergy.floatValue());
460     asc.setInfo("Energy", totEnergy);
461     asc.setAtomSetName("E = " + totEnergy + " " + energyUnits);
462     totEnergy = null;
463   }
465   /*
466   private void setAtomSetInfo(){
468   }*/
470   /*
471   Frequency       0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  133.9963  134.1490  227.2719
472   IR Intensity    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0030    0.0030    0.0000
473      in X         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0008    0.0023    0.0000
474      in Y         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0023    0.0008    0.0000
475      in Z         0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
476   Raman Intsty    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.3276
478       1 x       0.390326 -0.056775 -0.015611 -0.039949  0.069193 -0.305899
479       1 y       0.054908  0.388754 -0.040954  0.091620  0.052898  0.000000
480       1 z      -0.021265 -0.038324 -0.392302 -0.013870 -0.008008  0.000000
481       2 x       0.390326 -0.056775 -0.015611  0.099320 -0.011213  0.152950
482       2 y       0.054908  0.388754 -0.040954  0.011214 -0.086372 -0.264916
483       2 z      -0.021265 -0.038324 -0.392302  0.013870 -0.008007  0.000000
484       3 x       0.390326 -0.056775 -0.015611 -0.039948 -0.091621  0.152949
485       3 y       0.054908  0.388754 -0.040954 -0.069194  0.052897  0.264916
486       3 z      -0.021265 -0.038324 -0.392302  0.000000  0.016016  0.000000
487       4 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782 -0.120330  0.243402 -0.030861
488       4 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909  0.086109  0.358453  0.294237
489       4 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077  0.125378  0.314751  0.179865
490       5 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782  0.381440  0.203588 -0.239386
491       5 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909  0.046295 -0.143317 -0.173845
492       5 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077 -0.335271 -0.048796  0.179865
493       6 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782  0.096075 -0.211051  0.270247
494       6 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909 -0.368344  0.142048 -0.120392
495       6 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077  0.209894 -0.265956  0.179865
496       7 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782 -0.150630  0.225910 -0.030862
497       7 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909  0.353487 -0.104649 -0.294238
498       7 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077  0.335275 -0.048791 -0.179865
499       8 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782 -0.367031 -0.228549 -0.239387
500       8 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909 -0.100971  0.111751  0.173846
501       8 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077 -0.209891 -0.265961 -0.179865
502       9 x       0.294586 -0.042849 -0.011782  0.134742 -0.188728  0.270249
503       9 y       0.041440  0.293399 -0.030909 -0.061150 -0.390021  0.120392
504       9 z      -0.016049 -0.028924 -0.296077 -0.125383  0.314752 -0.179865
505    */
506   /*
507   private void readFrequency() throws Exception {
508     discardLines(1);
509     readLine();
511     //for the  time being it reads only phonons at the gamma point k (0, 0, 0)
512     if (line.contains("gamma")) {
513       discardLines(9);
514       if (line.contains("Frequency"))
515         ;
516     } else {
517       return;
518     }
519   }
520    */
521 }