1 /* -*- c++ -*- -----------------------------------------------------------
2    LAMMPS 2003 (July 31) - Molecular Dynamics Simulator
3    Sandia National Laboratories, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/lammps.html
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
6    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
7    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
8    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
9    the GNU General Public License.
11    For more info, see the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
14 #ifdef FIX_CLASS
15 // clang-format off
16 FixStyle(lb/fluid,FixLbFluid);
17 // clang-format on
18 #else
20 #ifndef LMP_FIX_LB_FLUID_H
21 #define LMP_FIX_LB_FLUID_H
23 #include "fix.h"
25 #if defined(MPI_STUBS)
26 #error "The LATBOLTZ package cannot be compiled in serial with MPI STUBS"
27 #endif
29 namespace LAMMPS_NS {
31 class FixLbFluid : public Fix {
32   friend class FixLbMomentum;
33   friend class FixLbRigidPCSphere;
34   friend class FixLbPC;
35   friend class FixLbViscous;
37  public:
38   FixLbFluid(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
39   ~FixLbFluid();
40   int setmask();
41   void init();
42   void initial_integrate(int);
43   void setup(int);
44   void post_force(int);
45   void end_of_step();
47   void grow_arrays(int);
48   void copy_arrays(int, int, int);
49   int pack_exchange(int, double *);
50   int unpack_exchange(int, double *);
52  private:
53   double viscosity, densityinit_real, a_0_real, T;
54   int setdx, seta0;
55   int numvel;
57   double dm_lb, dx_lb, dt_lb;    // Lattice units for mass, distance, time.
59   int Nbx, Nby, Nbz;             // Total # of x,y,z grid points.
60   int subNbx, subNby, subNbz;    // # of x,y,z, grid points (including buffer)
61                                  //   on local processor.
62   int me, nprocs;                // MPI variables: processor ID, # of processors
63   MPI_Datatype oneslice;         // MPI datatypes to pass arrays.
64   MPI_Datatype passxu, passyu, passzu;
65   MPI_Datatype passxf, passyf, passzf;
66   MPI_Datatype passxrho, passyrho, passzrho;
67   MPI_Datatype passxtemp, passytemp, passztemp;
69   double kB, densityinit, a_0;    // Boltzmann constant, initial density,
70                                   //   and a_0 all in lattice units.
71   double *Gamma;
72   double *NodeArea;
73   int setGamma, setArea;
74   double **hydroF;
76   int groupbit_viscouslb, groupbit_pc, groupbit_rigid_pc_sphere;
78   double ***density_lb;    // fluid density
79   double ****u_lb;         // fluid velocity
80   double ****f_lb;         // distributions
81   double ****fnew;         // used in the calculation of the new
82                            //   distributions.
83   double ****feq;          // equilibrium distributions
84   double ****feqold;       // equilibrium distributions from previous
85                            //   timestep
87   double ****feqn;       // equilibrium distributions without noise.
88   double ****feqoldn;    // equilibrium distributions from previous
89                          //   timestep without noise.
90   double ****Ff;         // Force from the MD particles on the fluid.
91   double ****Fftempx;
92   double ****Fftempy;
93   double ****Fftempz;
95   double *Ng_lb;    // Lattice Boltzmann variables.
96   double *w_lb;
97   double **mg_lb;
98   int **e;
99   double tau;
100   double expminusdtovertau;
101   double Dcoeff;
102   double K_0;
103   double dtoverdtcollision;
105   int step;
107   double ****buf;    // arrays used to output data.
108   double ****buf2;
109   double ****altogether;
110   double ****altogether2;
112   double bodyforcex, bodyforcey, bodyforcez;    // Body Forces acting on the fluid (default=0)
113   double vwtp, vwbt;                            // Velocities of the z walls in the y
114                                                 //   direction. (must have fixed boundary
115                                                 //   conditions in z)
117   int noisestress;    // 1 to include noise in the system,
118                       //   0 otherwise.
119   double namp, noisefactor;
120   int seed;
121   class RanMars *random;
123   int force_diagnostic;    // 1 to print out the force action on a group
124                            //   of particles, 0 otherwise.
125   int igroupforce;         // the group for which the force is to be
126                            //   printed.
128   int typeLB;
130   int trilinear_stencil;    // 1 to use the trilinear stencil, 0 to use the
131                             //   peskin stencil.
133   int readrestart;    // 1 to read in data from a restart file.
134   MPI_File pFileRead;
136   int printrestart;    // 1 to write data to a restart file.
137   MPI_File pFileWrite;
139   int printfluid;
140   int fixviscouslb;
142   void rescale(void);
143   void (FixLbFluid::*initializeLB)(void);
144   void initializeLB15(void);
145   void initializeLB19(void);
146   void initialize_feq(void);
147   void (FixLbFluid::*equilibriumdist)(int, int, int, int, int, int);
148   void equilibriumdist15(int, int, int, int, int, int);
149   void equilibriumdist19(int, int, int, int, int, int);
150   void parametercalc_part(int, int, int, int, int, int);
151   void parametercalc_full(void);
152   void update_periodic(int, int, int, int, int, int);
153   void (FixLbFluid::*update_full)(void);
154   void update_full15(void);
155   void update_full19(void);
156   void streamout(void);
157   void read_restartfile(void);
158   void write_restartfile(void);
159   void peskin_interpolation(int);
160   void trilinear_interpolation(int);
161   void calc_fluidforce(void);
162 };
163 }    // namespace LAMMPS_NS
164 #endif
165 #endif