1 //#**************************************************************
2 //#
3 //# filename:             ANCFCable3D.h
4 //#
5 //# author:               Gerstmayr Johannes
6 //#
7 //# generated:						17.October 2004
8 //# description:          3D Element Library
9 //# remarks:
10 //#
11 //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian
12 //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the
13 //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved.
14 //#
15 //# This file is part of HotInt.
16 //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
17 //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details.
18 //#
19 //# bug reports are welcome!!!
20 //# WWW:		www.hotint.org
21 //# email:	bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org
22 //#***************************************************************************************
24 #ifndef ANCFCABLE3D__H
25 #define ANCFCABLE3D__H
27 #include "body3d.h"
30 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
31 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
32 // ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D ANCFCable3D
33 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
34 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
37 const int ANCFCableMaxIP=45;
38 //rigid cube
39 class ANCFCable3D: public Body3D    //$EDC$[beginclass,classname=ANCFCable3D,parentclassname=Body3D]
40 {
41 public:
42 	//Body3D():Element() {mbs = NULL;};
ANCFCable3D(MBS * mbsi)43 	ANCFCable3D(MBS* mbsi):Body3D(mbsi), massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), SV(), x1(), w1(),
44 			xg(), xgd(), e0() { SetElementName("ANCFCable3D"); };
ANCFCable3D(const ANCFCable3D & e)45 	ANCFCable3D(const ANCFCable3D& e):Body3D(e.mbs),massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), SV(), x1(), w1(),
46 			xg(), xgd(), e0() {CopyFrom(e);};
47 	//nodal coordinates of first and second point (x1,x2, x1.Length()==12)
48 	ANCFCable3D(MBS* mbsi, const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, double rhoi, double Emi,
49 		const Vector3D& si, const Vector3D& coli, int beammodel = 0, const Vector3D& directori=Vector3D(0,0,0)):
Body3D(mbsi)50 	  Body3D(mbsi),massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), SV(), x1(), w1(),
51 			xg(), xgd(), e0()
52 	{
53 		SetElementName("ANCFCable3D");
54 		n1=0; n2=0; sos2=SOS();
55 		size = si;
56 		lx = si.X(); ly = si.Y(); lz = si.Z();
58 		mass = lx*ly*lz*rhoi;
59 		//lx=1;ly=1;lz=1;
61 		x_init = xc1.Append(xc2);
62 		xg = xc1.Append(xc2);
64 		Em = Emi;
65 		//rho = rhoi; //$ DR 2013-02-04 deleted rho from class element, do not use it here!
66 		col = coli;
67 		concentratedmass1 = 0;
68 		concentratedmass2 = 0;
70 		BuildDSMatrices();
71 		e0 = x_init;
72 		x_init = x_init.Append(Vector(SOS())); //Velocity initial conditions can also be transformed by Tinv!!!
74 		if (directori.X() != 0 || directori.Y() != 0 || directori.Z() != 0)
75 		{
76 			director.Set(directori.X(),directori.Y(),directori.Z());
77 			use_director = true;
78 		}
79 		else
80 		{
81 			use_director = false;
82 		}
83 	};
85 	//Element shares nodes with other elements, n1 and n2 are nodenumbers; element sets initial conditions for nodes
86 	ANCFCable3D(MBS* mbsi, const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, int n1i, int n2i, double rhoi, double Emi,
87 		const Vector3D& si, const Vector3D& coli, int beammodel = 0, const Vector3D& directori=Vector3D(0,0,0)):
Body3D(mbsi)88 	  Body3D(mbsi),massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), SV(), x1(), w1(),
89 			xg(), xgd(), e0()
90 	{
91 		SetElementName("ANCFCable3D");
92 		n1=n1i; n2=n2i; sos2=0;
93 		size = si;
94 		lx = si.X(); ly = si.Y(); lz = si.Z();
96 		mass = lx*ly*lz*rhoi;
97 		//lx=1;ly=1;lz=1;
99 		x_init = xc1.Append(xc2);
100 		xg = xc1.Append(xc2);
102 		Em = Emi;
103 		//rho = rhoi; //$ DR 2013-02-04 deleted rho from class element, do not use it here!
104 		col = coli;
105 		concentratedmass1 = 0;
106 		concentratedmass2 = 0;
108 		//UO() << "Cable: rho=" << rho << ", E=" << Em << ", size=" << size 	<< ", n1=" << n1 << ", n2=" << n2 << "\n";
110 		BuildDSMatrices();
111 		e0 = x_init;
112 		x_init = x_init.Append(Vector(SOS())); //Velocity initial conditions can also be transformed by Tinv!!!
114 		if (directori.X() != 0 || directori.Y() != 0 || directori.Z() != 0)
115 		{
116 			director.Set(directori.X(),directori.Y(),directori.Z());
117 			use_director = true;
118 		}
119 		else
120 		{
121 			use_director = false;
122 		}
123 	};
125 	//Element shares nodes with other elements, n1 and n2 are nodenumbers; element sets initial conditions for nodes
126 	ANCFCable3D(MBS* mbsi, const Vector& xc1, const Vector& xc2, const Vector& vc1, const Vector& vc2,
127 		int n1i, int n2i, double rhoi, double Emi,
128 		const Vector3D& si, const Vector3D& coli, int beammodel = 0, const Vector3D& directori=Vector3D(0,0,0)):
Body3D(mbsi)129 	  Body3D(mbsi),massmatrix(), Hmatrix(), SV(), x1(), w1(),
130 			xg(), xgd(), e0()
131 	{
132 		SetElementName("ANCFCable3D");
133 		n1=n1i; n2=n2i; sos2=0;
134 		size = si;
135 		lx = si.X(); ly = si.Y(); lz = si.Z();
137 		mass = lx*ly*lz*rhoi;
138 		//lx=1;ly=1;lz=1;
140 		x_init = xc1.Append(xc2);
141 		xg = xc1.Append(xc2);
142 		Vector v_init = vc1.Append(vc2);
144 		Em = Emi;
145 		rho = rhoi;
146 		col = coli;
147 		concentratedmass1 = 0;
148 		concentratedmass2 = 0;
150 		BuildDSMatrices();
151 		e0 = x_init;
152 		x_init = x_init.Append(v_init); //Velocity initial conditions can also be transformed by Tinv!!!
154 		if (directori.X() != 0 || directori.Y() != 0 || directori.Z() != 0)
155 		{
156 			director.Set(directori.X(),directori.Y(),directori.Z());
157 			use_director = true;
158 		}
159 		else
160 		{
161 			use_director = false;
162 		}
163 	};
165 	//To be overwritten in derived class:
GetCopy()166 	virtual Element* GetCopy()
167 	{
168 		Element* ec = new ANCFCable3D(*this);
169 		return ec;
170 	}
171 	//To be overwritten in derived class:
CopyFrom(const Element & e)172 	virtual void CopyFrom(const Element& e)
173 	{
174 		Body3D::CopyFrom(e);
175 		const ANCFCable3D& ce = (const ANCFCable3D&)e;
176 		lx = ce.lx;
177 		ly = ce.ly;
178 		lz = ce.lz;
179 		Em = ce.Em;
180 		xg = ce.xg;
181 		xgd = ce.xgd;
182 		massmatrix = ce.massmatrix;
183 		Hmatrix = ce.Hmatrix;
184 		SV = ce.SV;
186 		rho= ce.rho; //DR 2013-02-04 deleted rho from class element
188 		//integration points
189 		x1 = ce.x1;
190 		w1 = ce.w1;
191 		orderx = ce.orderx;
193 		e0 = ce.e0;
195 		sos2 = ce.sos2;
196 		n1 = ce.n1; n2 = ce.n2;
197 		concentratedmass1 = ce.concentratedmass1;
198 		concentratedmass2 = ce.concentratedmass2;
200 		use_director = ce.use_director;
201 		if (use_director)
202 		{
203 			director = ce.director;
204 		}
205 	}
Initialize()207 	virtual void Initialize()
208 	{
209 		Body3D::Initialize();
210 	}
211 	virtual void LinkToElements();
212 	virtual void BuildDSMatrices();
214 	virtual void GetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); 		//fill in all element data
215 	virtual int SetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); //set element data acc. to ElementDataContainer, return 0 if failed or values invalid!
216 	virtual int ReadSingleElementDataAuto(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); 		//automatically generated function from EDC_converter
217 	virtual int WriteSingleElementDataAuto(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
218   virtual int GetAvailableSpecialValuesAuto(TArrayDynamic<ReadWriteElementDataVariableType>& available_variables); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
GetElementSpec()220 	virtual const char* GetElementSpec() const { return "ANCFCable3D"; }
SOS()222 	virtual int SOS() const {return 12;}; //size of K and M
SOSowned()223 	virtual int SOSowned() const {return sos2;}; //len(u)
ES()224 	virtual int ES() const  {return 0;};  //size of first order explicit equations
IS()225 	virtual int IS() const  {return 0;};  //implicit (algebraic) size
IsRigid()227 	virtual int IsRigid() const {return 0;}
SetConcentratedMass(double cm1,double cm2)229 	virtual void SetConcentratedMass(double cm1, double cm2) {concentratedmass1=cm1; concentratedmass2=cm2;}
231 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
XGP(int iloc)232 	virtual const double& XGP(int iloc) const {return GetXact(ltg.Get(iloc+12));}
XGPD(int iloc)233 	virtual const double& XGPD(int iloc) const {return mbs->GetDrawValue(ltg.Get(iloc+12));}
234 //	virtual const double& XGP(int iloc) const {return GetXact(ltg(iloc+12));}
235 //	virtual const double& XGPD(int iloc) const {return mbs->GetDrawValue(ltg(iloc+12));}
NS()237 	virtual int NS() const {return 4;}
NNodes()238 	virtual int NNodes() const {if (SOSowned() == 0) return 2; else return 0;};
NodeNum(int i)239 	virtual const int& NodeNum(int i) const
240 	{
241 		if (i == 1) return n1; else return n2;
242 	}
NodeNum(int i)243 	virtual int& NodeNum(int i)
244 	{
245 		if (i == 1) return n1; else return n2;
246 	}
Rho()248 	double& Rho() {return rho;}
Rho()249 	const double& Rho() const {return rho;}
252 	virtual void GetS0(Vector& sf, const double& ploc) const;
253 	virtual void GetS0x(Vector& sfx, const double& ploc) const;
254 	virtual void GetS0xx(Vector& sfx, const double& ploc) const;
GetCoordinates(Vector & dc)256 	virtual void GetCoordinates(Vector& dc) const
257 	{
258 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
259 			dc(i) = XG(i);
260 	}
GetCoordinatesP(Vector & dc)262 	virtual void GetCoordinatesP(Vector& dc) const
263 	{
264 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
265 			dc(i) = XGP(i);
266 	}
GetDrawCoordinates(Vector & dc)268 	virtual void GetDrawCoordinates(Vector& dc) const
269 	{
270 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
271 			dc(i) = XGD(i);
272 	}
GetDrawCoordinatesP(Vector & dc)274 	virtual void GetDrawCoordinatesP(Vector& dc) const
275 	{
276 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
277 			dc(i) = XGPD(i);
278 	}
280 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(const double& p_loc) const;
GetPosx0(const double & p_loc,const Vector & xg)282 	virtual Vector3D GetPosx0(const double& p_loc, const Vector& xg) const
283 	{
284 		double p0=p_loc;
285 		static Vector SV;
286 		GetS0x(SV, p0);
287 		Vector3D p(0.,0.,0.);
288 		for (int i = 1; i <= Dim(); i++)
289 		{
290 			for (int j = 1; j <= NS(); j++)
291 			{
292 				p(i) += SV(j)*xg((j-1)*3+i);
293 			}
294 		}
295 		return p;
296 	}
GetPosx0D(const double & p_loc)298 	virtual Vector3D GetPosx0D(const double& p_loc) const
299 	{
300 		double p0=p_loc;
301 		static Vector SV;
302 		GetS0x(SV, p0);
303 		static Vector xgd;
304 		xgd.SetLen(SOS());
305 		GetDrawCoordinates(xgd);
307 		Vector3D p(0.,0.,0.);
308 		for (int i = 1; i <= Dim(); i++)
309 		{
310 			for (int j = 1; j <= NS(); j++)
311 			{
312 				p(i) += SV(j)*xgd((j-1)*3+i);
313 			}
314 		}
315 		return p;
316 	}
GetPosxx0(const double & p_loc,const Vector & xg)318 	virtual Vector3D GetPosxx0(const double& p_loc, const Vector& xg) const
319 	{
320 		double p0=p_loc;
321 		static Vector SV;
322 		GetS0xx(SV, p0);
323 		Vector3D p(0.,0.,0.);
324 		for (int i = 1; i <= Dim(); i++)
325 		{
326 			for (int j = 1; j <= NS(); j++)
327 			{
328 				p(i) += SV(j)*xg((j-1)*3+i);
329 			}
330 		}
331 		return p;
332 	}
334 	virtual Vector3D GetVel(const double& p_loc) const;
335 	virtual Vector3D GetPosD(const double& p_loc) const;
GetRefPosD()336 	virtual Vector3D GetRefPosD() const {	return GetPosD(0); }     //PG & KN
GetDOFPosD(int idof)337 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFPosD(int idof) const
338 	{
339 		//returns postion of i-th DOF
340 		if (idof < 7)
341 		{
342 			return GetPosD(-lx/2.);
343 		}
344 		return GetPosD(lx/2.);
345 	}
GetDOFDirD(int idof)347 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFDirD(int idof) const //returns direction of action of i-th DOF
348 	{
349 		Matrix3D rot;
350 		if (idof < 7)
351 			rot = Matrix3D(1.);//GetInitRotMatrix3D(-lx*.5);
352 		else
353 			rot = Matrix3D(1.);//GetInitRotMatrix3D(lx*.5);
355 		switch(idof)
356 		{
357 		case 1: case 7: return Vector3D(rot(1,1),rot(2,1),rot(3,1)); break;
358 		case 2: case 8: return Vector3D(rot(1,2),rot(2,2),rot(3,2)); break;
359 		case 3: case 9: return Vector3D(rot(1,3),rot(2,3),rot(3,3)); break;
360 		}
361 		return Vector3D(0.,0.,0.);
362 	}
364 	//in reference element coordinates (-1..1)
365 	virtual Vector3D GetPos0D(const double& p_loc) const;
367 	virtual Vector3D GetVelD(const double& p_loc) const;
GetPos(const Vector3D & p_loc)369 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(const Vector3D& p_loc) const
370 	{
371 		if (use_director)
372 		{
373 			return GetPos(p_loc.X()) + GetRotMatrix(p_loc.X())*Vector3D(0.,p_loc.Y(),p_loc.Z());
374 		}
375 		return GetPos(p_loc.X());
376 	}
GetPosD(const Vector3D & p_loc)377 	virtual Vector3D GetPosD(const Vector3D& p_loc) const
378 	{
379 		if (use_director)
380 		{
381 			return GetPosD(p_loc.X()) + GetRotMatrixD(p_loc.X())*Vector3D(0.,p_loc.Y(),p_loc.Z());
382 		}
383 		return GetPosD(p_loc.X());
384 	}
GetVel(const Vector3D & p_loc)385 	virtual Vector3D GetVel(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetVel(p_loc.X());}
GetVelD(const Vector3D & p_loc)386 	virtual Vector3D GetVelD(const Vector3D& p_loc) const {return GetVelD(p_loc.X());}
SetComputeCoordinates()388 	virtual void SetComputeCoordinates()
389 	{
390 		for (int i = 1; i <= SOS(); i++)
391 			xg(i) = XG(i);
392 	}
394 	virtual void GetH(Matrix& H);
396 	virtual void EvalM(Matrix& m, double t);
398 	virtual void EvalF2(Vector& f, double t);
400 	virtual double GetKappa(const double& x, const Vector& xg) const;
401 	virtual double GetEpsAxial(const double& x, const Vector& xg) const;
402 	virtual void GetDeltaKappa(const double& x, const Vector& xg, Vector& dkappa, double& kappa) const;
403 	virtual void GetDeltaEpsAxial(const double& x, const Vector& xg, Vector& depsaxial) const;
405 		//for body loads:
406 	//Computes f = d p_ref/d q * x
ApplyDprefdq(Vector & f,const Vector3D & x)407 	virtual void ApplyDprefdq(Vector& f, const Vector3D& x)
408 	{
409 		//fill in, f.Length is already set
410 		UO() << "Not yet implemented\n";
412 	}
413 	//Computes f = d rot_ref/d q * x, rot bedeutet rotation um x, y, und z-Achse
ApplyDrotrefdq(Vector & f,const Vector3D & x)414 	virtual void ApplyDrotrefdq(Vector& f, const Vector3D& x)
415 	{
416 		//fill in, f.Length is already set
417 		UO() << "Not yet implemented\n";
418 	}
419 	//only displacements, rotations makes no sense, even in rigid body
420 	//->only for volumeloads (gravity ...)
GetIntDuDq(Matrix & dudq)421 	virtual void GetIntDuDq(Matrix& dudq)
422 	{
423 		GetH(dudq);
424 	}
GetRotMatv(const Vector3D & ploc,const Vector3D & v)425 	virtual Vector3D GetRotMatv(const Vector3D& ploc, const Vector3D& v)
426 	{
427 		double diffpar = 1e-8;
428 		Vector3D vrot = (1./diffpar)*(GetPos(ploc + diffpar*v) - GetPos(ploc));
429 		return vrot;
431 		/*
432 		Vector3D vrot = GetPos(ploc + diffpar*v) - GetPos(ploc);
433 		vrot.Normalize();
434 		return vrot*v.Norm();*/
435 	}
GetRotMatPv(const Vector3D & ploc,const Vector3D & v)436 	virtual Vector3D GetRotMatPv(const Vector3D& ploc, const Vector3D& v)
437 	{
438 		double diffpar = 1e-8;
439 		Vector3D vrot = (1./diffpar)*(GetVel(ploc + diffpar*v) - GetVel(ploc));
440 		return vrot;
441 		//vrot.Normalize();
442 		//return vrot*v.Norm();
443 	}
GetdRotvdqT(const Vector3D & vloc,const Vector3D & ploc,Matrix & d)444 	virtual void GetdRotvdqT(const Vector3D& vloc, const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& d)
445 	{
446 		//Only vloc = (1,0,0) is possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
448 		d.SetSize(NS()*Dim(),3);
449 		static Matrix d2;
450 		d2.SetSize(NS()*Dim(),3);
451 		double diffpar = 1e-8;
452 		GetdPosdqT(ploc+diffpar*vloc, d2);
453 		d = d2;
454 		//UO() << "d=" << d << "\n";
455 		GetdPosdqT(ploc,d2);
456 		d -= d2;
457 		d *= 1./diffpar;
458 	}
GetdPosdqT(const Vector3D & ploc,Matrix & d)460 	virtual void GetdPosdqT(const Vector3D& ploc, Matrix& d)
461 	{
462 		//p = S(p.x,p.y,p.z)*q; d(p)/dq
463 		static Vector SV;
464 		GetS0(SV, ploc.X()/(0.5*lx));
465 		d.SetSize(NS()*Dim(),3);
466 		d.FillWithZeros();
467 		for (int i = 1; i <= NS(); i++)
468 		{
469 			d((i-1)*3+1,1)=SV(i);
470 			d((i-1)*3+2,2)=SV(i);
471 			d((i-1)*3+3,3)=SV(i);
472 		}
473 	}
GetdPosdx(const Vector3D & ploc,Vector3D & dpdx)475 	virtual void GetdPosdx(const Vector3D& ploc, Vector3D& dpdx)
476 	{
477 		//optimierungspotenzial 500% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
478 		double p0 = ploc.X()/(0.5*lx);
480 		SV.SetLen(NS());
481 		GetS0x(SV,p0);
483 		static Vector xg;
484 		xg.SetLen(SOS());
485 		GetCoordinates(xg);
486 		dpdx = 0;
487 		for (int i=1; i <= 3; i++)
488 		{
489 			for (int j=1; j <= NS(); j++)
490 			{
491 				dpdx(i) += SV(j) * xg((j-1)*3+i);
492 			}
493 		}
494 	};
GetDirector()496 	virtual const Vector3D& GetDirector() const {return director;}
GetDirector()497 	virtual Vector3D& GetDirector() {return director;}
GetRotMatrix(const double p_loc)498 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrix(const double p_loc) const
499 	{
500 		// use only, if director is defined (see constructor)
501 		assert (use_director);
503 		// p_loc in [-lx/2,lx/2]
504 		// p0 in [-1,1]
505 		double p0=p_loc/(0.5*lx);
507 		static Vector xg(SOS());
508 		for (int j=1; j<=SOS(); j++)
509 		{
510 			xg(j) = XG(j);
511 		}
513 		Vector3D rx = GetPosx0(p0, xg);
514 		rx.Normalize();
516 		Vector3D e20 = GetDirector();
517 		rx.GramSchmidt(e20); //d is projected into plane normal to rx (GramSchmidt() already returns a normalized Vector3D)
519 		Vector3D e30 = rx.Cross(e20); //length=1
521 		Matrix3D A(rx.X(),e20.X(),e30.X(),
522 			rx.Y(),e20.Y(),e30.Y(),
523 			rx.Z(),e20.Z(),e30.Z());
525 		return A;
526 	}
GetRotMatrixD(const double p_loc)527 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixD(const double p_loc) const
528 	{
529 		// use only, if director is defined (see constructor)
530 		assert (use_director);
532 		// p_loc in [-lx/2,lx/2]
533 		// p0 in [-1,1]
534 		double p0=p_loc/(0.5*lx);
536 		Vector3D rx = GetPosx0D(p0);
537 		rx.Normalize();
539 		Vector3D e20 = GetDirector();
540 		rx.GramSchmidt(e20); //d is projected into plane normal to rx (GramSchmidt() already returns a normalized Vector3D)
542 		Vector3D e30 = rx.Cross(e20); //length=1
544 		Matrix3D A(rx.X(),e20.X(),e30.X(),
545 			rx.Y(),e20.Y(),e30.Y(),
546 			rx.Z(),e20.Z(),e30.Z());
548 		return A;
549 	}
551 	virtual void DrawElement();
553 protected:
554 	//mechanical:
555 	double lx, ly, lz, Em;
557 	int n1, n2, sos2;
559 	double concentratedmass1, concentratedmass2;
560 	//temporary storage for acceleration:
561 	Vector xg, xgd;
562 	Matrix massmatrix, Hmatrix;
563 	Vector SV; //4
564 	Vector temp;
566 	//integration points
567 	Vector x1,w1;
568 	int orderx;
570 	Vector e0; //initial vector in e, not in p
572 	Vector3D director;
573 	bool use_director;
575 	double rho; //DR 2013-02-04 deleted rho from class element
577 };   //$EDC$[endclass,ANCFCable3D]
582 #endif