1 //#**************************************************************
2 //#
3 //# filename:             linalg3d.h
4 //#
5 //# author:               Gerstmayr Johannes
6 //#
7 //# generated:            15.05.97
8 //# description:          Classes for linear and nonlinear algebra which is
9 //#												thought to be used in finite element or similar applications
10 //#												There are 2D and 3D and arbitrary size Vectors (Vector2D, Vector3D, Vector),
11 //#												arbitrary size matrices (Matrix), and a nonlinear system (NumNLSys)
12 //#												and a nonlinear solver (NumNLSolver)
13 //# remarks:							Indizes run from 1 to n except in Vector3D/2D
14 //#
15 //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian
16 //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the
17 //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved.
18 //#
19 //# This file is part of HotInt.
20 //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
21 //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details.
22 //#
23 //# bug reports are welcome!!!
24 //# WWW:		www.hotint.org
25 //# email:	bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org
26 //#**************************************************************
28 void Normal3D(const Vector3D& p1,const Vector3D& p2,const Vector3D& p3, Vector3D& n); //normalized normal
30 //distance from point p to infinite line (line consists of two points lp1 and lp2)
31 double DistToLine(const Vector3D& lp1, const Vector3D& lp2, const Vector3D& p);
32 double DistToLine(const Vector2D& lp1, const Vector2D& lp2, const Vector2D& p);
34 //distance from point p to line defined by linepoint lp and line vector lv; pp is nearest (projected) point on line:
35 //lv must have finite length!
36 double DistToLine(const Vector3D& lp, const Vector3D& lv, const Vector3D& p, Vector3D& pp);
38 //intersect two planes (plane normals pn1, pn2; plane points pp1, pp2): result=Line (represented by point lp and line direction lv)
39 //compute the intersection of two planes (if an intersection return 1, if planes are equal return 2, otherwise return 0)
40 int PlaneIntersection(const Vector3D& pn1, const Vector3D& pp1,
41 											 const Vector3D& pn2, const Vector3D& pp2,
42 											 Vector3D& lp, Vector3D& lv);
43 //{
44 //P=[0 0 0];
45 //N=cross(N1,N2);
46 //
47 //%  test if the two planes are parallel
48 //if norm(N) < 10^-7                % Plane 1 and Plane 2 are near parallel
49 //    V=A1-A2;
50 //        if (dot(N1,V) == 0)
51 //            check=1;                    % Plane 1 and Plane 2 coincide
52 //           return
53 //        else
54 //            check=0;                   %Plane 1 and Plane 2 are disjoint
55 //            return
56 //        end
57 //end
58 //
59 // check=2;
60 //
61 //% Plane 1 and Plane 2 intersect in a line
62 //%first determine max abs coordinate of cross product
63 //maxc=find(abs(N)==max(abs(N)));
64 //
65 //
66 //%next, to get a point on the intersection line and
67 //%zero the max coord, and solve for the other two
68 //
69 //d1 = -dot(N1,A1);   %the constants in the Plane 1 equations
70 //d2 = -dot(N2, A2);  %the constants in the Plane 2 equations
71 //
72 //switch maxc
73 //    case 1                   % intersect with x=0
74 //        P(1)= 0;
75 //        P(2) = (d2*N1(3) - d1*N2(3))/ N(1);
76 //        P(3) = (d1*N2(2) - d2*N1(2))/ N(1);
77 //    case 2                    %intersect with y=0
78 //        P(1) = (d1*N2(3) - d2*N1(3))/ N(2);
79 //        P(2) = 0;
80 //        P(3) = (d2*N1(1) - d1*N2(1))/ N(2);
81 //    case 3                    %intersect with z=0
82 //        P(1) = (d2*N1(2) - d1*N2(2))/ N(3);
83 //        P(2) = (d1*N2(1) - d2*N1(1))/ N(3);
84 //        P(3) = 0;
85 //end
86 //
87 //}
89 //distance from line, including boundary:
90 double MinDistLP(const Vector3D& lp1, const Vector3D& lp2, const Vector3D& p);
92 //distance from line, including boundary, get projected point:
93 double MinDistLP(const Vector3D& lp1, const Vector3D& lp2, const Vector3D& p, Vector3D& pp);
95 double Deflection(const Vector3D& lp1, const Vector3D& lp2, const Vector3D& p, const Vector3D& pn);
97 //get deflection in 2D, distance to line segment, right side is positive
98 double RighthandMinDist2D(const Vector2D& lp1, const Vector2D& lp2, const Vector2D& p, Vector2D& pp);
100 //Distance of 2 points:
101 double Dist(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2);
102 double Dist(const Vector2D& p1, const Vector2D& p2);
104 //squared Distance:
105 double Dist2(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2);
106 double Dist2(const Vector2D& p1, const Vector2D& p2);
108 double NormalizedVectorAngle(const Vector3D& v1, const Vector3D& v2);
109 double VectorAngle(Vector3D v1, Vector3D v2);
111 double NormalizedVectorAngle(const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2);
112 double VectorAngle(Vector2D v1, Vector2D v2);
113 double PolarAngle(double real, double imaginary);
114 double PolarAngle(Vector2D& v);
116 // returns parameters k and d of linear equation y = k*x+d, defined by 2 points pi=(xi,yi)
117 Vector2D GetLinearEquationParameters(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2);	//$ DR 2012-04-13
119 //Minimal Distance of p to plane (p0,n0), normalized normal, projected point in plane pp:
120 double DistToPlane(const Vector3D& p0, const Vector3D& n0, const Vector3D& p, Vector3D& pp);
122 //Minimal Distance of p to plane(HNF)
123 double DistToPlane(const Vector3D& p, const Vector3D& nplane, double cplane);
124 double DistToPlane(const Vector2D& p, const Vector2D& nplane, double cplane);
125 double DistToPlane(const Vector3D& p, const Vector3D& nplane, const Vector3D& n0);
126 double DistToPlane(const Vector2D& p, const Vector2D& nplane, const Vector2D& n0);
128 //Mirror Point/Vactor at plane(HNF)
129 Vector3D MirrorAtPlane3D(const Vector3D& p, const Vector3D& nplane, double cplane);
131 //Minimal Distance to Triangle:
132 double DistToTrig(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3,
133 									const Vector3D& p);
134 //Minimal Distance to Quad:
135 double DistToQuad(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3, const Vector3D& p4,
136 									const Vector3D& p);
138 //compute local coordinates lam1, lam2 of a vector v in a triangle:
139 void LocalCoordinates (const Vector3D & e1, const Vector3D & e2,
140 		  const Vector3D & v, double & lam1, double & lam2);
142 //minimum distance between point p and triangle
143 double MinDistTP(const Vector3D & tp1, const Vector3D & tp2,
144 		   const Vector3D & tp3, const Vector3D & p);
146 //minimum distance between point p and triangle
147 double MinDistTP(const Vector3D& tp1, const Vector3D& tp2,
148 		   const Vector3D& tp3, const Vector3D& p, Vector3D& pp);
150 void ProjectInPlane(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3, Vector3D& pp);
151 void ProjectInPlane(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& n, Vector3D& pp);
153 //return intersection point; rv=1 if success, rv=0 if no success, means line is normal to plane normal; pline is projected in direction of vline in plane
154 int IntersectLineWithPlane(const Vector3D& pplane, const Vector3D& nplane, const Vector3D& vline, Vector3D& pline);
156 //int PointInside(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3, const Vector3D& pp);
157 //double MinDistTP2(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3, const Vector3D& p3d);
159 double NormSym(const Matrix3D& m);
160 Matrix3D Deviator(const Matrix3D& m);
161 double DoubleProd3D(const Matrix3D& m, const Matrix3D& n);
163 double Area(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3);
164 double Area(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2, const Vector3D& p3, const Vector3D& p4);
167 ////// compute intersection of two lines in vector paramater representation
168 ////// returns 1 on success , -1 on skew lines(pti is not changed)
169 ////// returns 0 when identical(returns pti == pt1), -1 when parallel(pti is not changed)
170 ////int IntersectionPoint( Vector3D pt1, Vector3D dir1, Vector3D pt2, Vector3D dir2, Vector3D& pti );
172 // compute intersection of two lines in vector paramater representation
173 // returns 1 on success
174 // returns 2 for identical lines
175 // retirns 0 for parallel or skew lines(pti is not changed)
176 int IntersectLines3D( Vector3D pt1, Vector3D dir1, Vector3D pt2, Vector3D dir2, Vector3D& pti, Vector2D& lambda_mu );
178 // compute intersection of two lines in vector paramater representation
179 // returns 1 on success
180 // returns 2 for identical lines
181 // retirns 0 for parallel or skew lines(pti is not changed)
182 int IntersectLines2D( Vector2D pt1, Vector2D dir1, Vector2D pt2, Vector2D dir2, Vector2D& pti, Vector2D& lambda_mu );
184 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
185 //Rotation parameters:
187 //compute rotation matrix from Quaternions (euler parameters); b0 ..b3 are the euler parameters
188 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixFromQuaternions(double b0, double b1, double b2, double b3);
191 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixEulerParam(const double& beta0, const double& beta1,
192 																	 const double& beta2, const double& beta3);
194 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixPEulerParam(const double& beta0, const double& beta1,
195 																		const double& beta2, const double& beta3, const double& betap0, const double& betap1,
196 																		const double& betap2, const double& betap3);
198 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixEuler(const double phi1, const double phi2, const double phi3);
200 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixWithKardanAngles(const double phi1, const double phi2, const double phi3); //this is the HOTINT Kardan angle definition from local to global coordinates
202 void RotMatToKardanAngles(const Matrix3D& A, Vector3D& phi); //this function gives all angles between -pi to +pi
204 void QuaternionsToKardanAngles(double beta0, double beta1, double beta2, double beta3, Vector3D& phi);//RL
206 Matrix3D ComputeRotMatrixEulerP(const double& phi1, const double& phi2, const double& phi3,
207 																				 const double& phi1p, const double& phi2p, const double& phi3p);
209 void QuaternionsToEulerAngles(double beta0, double beta1, double beta2, double beta3, Vector3D& phi);
211 void RotMatToEulerAngles(const Matrix3D& A, Vector3D& phi);
213 void QuaternionsPToAngularVelocities(double beta0, double beta1, double beta2, double beta3,
214 																							double beta0p, double beta1p, double beta2p, double beta3p, Vector3D& phip);
216 void RotMatToQuaternions(const Matrix3D& A, double& beta0, double& beta1, double& beta2, double& beta3);
217 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
219 Matrix DH_ij(double a, double alpha, double d, double theta);              // compute denavit hartenberg transformaion matrix from dh-parameters
220 void GetAij(const Matrix* T4_ij,Matrix3D& Aij);                            // compute rotation matrix from 4x4 transformation matrix
221 void Get_ri_jo(const Matrix* T4_ij,Vector3D& ri_jo);                       // compute displacement vector from 4x4 transformation matrix
222 void GetT4x4_ij(const Matrix3D& Aij,const Vector3D& ri_jo, Matrix* T4_ij); // compute 4x4 transformation matrix from rotation matrix and displacement vector
225 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
227 //compute rotation matrices with respect to axis 1, 2 and 3
228 Matrix3D RotMatrix1(double p);
229 Matrix3D RotMatrix2(double p);
230 Matrix3D RotMatrix3(double p);
232 double GetRotation(int rotaxis, const Matrix3D& rotmat);
234 class Vector3D BaseVector3D(int i);
235 class Vector2D BaseVector2D(int i);
236 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
237 //--------------    CLASS VECTOR 2D   -----------------------------
238 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
239 //Generation of a vector with user-defined length
240 //Operations: +,-,* (also matrices), <<
241 //initialized with 0 !!!
242 class Vector2D
243 {
244 public:
246 	//Constructors, Destructor
Vector2D()247 	Vector2D() { vec[0]=0; vec[1]=0;};
Vector2D(double x)248 	Vector2D(double x) { vec[0]=x; vec[1]=x; };
Vector2D(double x,double y)249 	Vector2D(double x, double y)
250 	{
251 		vec[0]=x; vec[1]=y;
252 	}
Vector2D(const Vector2D & veci)253 	Vector2D(const Vector2D& veci)
254 	{
255 		vec[0] = veci[0]; vec[1] = veci[1];
256 	}
257 //	Vector2D( Vector3D& veci);
258   Vector3D MakeV3D() const;
259 	//virtual ~Vector2D() { };
GetVecPtr()261 	const double* GetVecPtr() const {return &vec[0];}
GetVecPtr()262 	double* GetVecPtr() {return &vec[0];}
264 	//Assignment-operator
265 	Vector2D& operator= (const Vector2D& veci)
266 	{
267 		if (&veci == this) return *this;
269 		vec[0] = veci[0];
270 		vec[1] = veci[1];
271 		return *this;
272 	}
274 	Vector2D& operator= (const double& val)
275 	{
276 		vec[0] = val;
277 		vec[1] = val;
278 		return *this;
279 	}
280 	//Logical operator
281 	int operator== (const Vector2D& veci)
282 	{
283 		return (vec[0] == veci[0] &&
284 			vec[1] == veci[1]);
285 	}
X()287 	double& X() {return vec[0];}
Y()288 	double& Y() {return vec[1];}
X()290 	const double& X() const {return vec[0];}
Y()291 	const double& Y() const {return vec[1];}
293 	//Referencing access-operator
294 	double& operator[](int elem)
295 	{
296 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
297 		release_assert((elem>=0) && (elem<2));
298 #endif
299 		return vec[elem];
300 	};
301 	//Referencing access-operator
302 	const double& operator[](int elem) const
303 	{
304 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
305 		release_assert((elem>=0) && (elem<2));
306 #endif
307 		return vec[elem];
308 	};
309 	//Referencing access-operator
operator()310 	double& operator()(int elem)
311 	{
312 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
313 		release_assert((elem>0) && (elem<=2));
314 #endif
315 		return vec[elem-1];
316 	};
317 	//Referencing access-operator
operator()318 	const double& operator()(int elem) const
319 	{
320 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
321 		release_assert((elem>0) && (elem<=2));
322 #endif
323 		return vec[elem-1];
324 	};
Set(const double & x,const double & y)325 	void Set(const double& x, const double& y)
326 	{
327 		vec[0]=x; vec[1]=y;
328 	}
Get(double & x,double & y)329 	void Get(double& x, double& y) //$JG2012-01: this is for easier access to vector3d data
330 	{
331 		x=vec[0]; y=vec[1];
332 	}
334 	//Returns the length of a vector
Length()335 	int Length() const {return 2; };
GetLen()336 	int GetLen() const {return 2; };
Cross(const Vector2D & v)338 	double Cross(const Vector2D& v) const
339 	{
340 		return vec[0]*v.vec[1]-vec[1]*v.vec[0];
341 	}
342 	//Returns the quadratic norm of a vector
Norm()343 	double Norm() const {return sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1]);}
344 	//Returns the quadratic norm of a vector squared
Norm2()345 	double Norm2() const {return vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1];}
347 	//norms the vector
Normalize()348 	void Normalize()
349 	{
350 		double l=Norm();
351 		if (l>1e-16) {vec[0]/=l;vec[1]/=l;}
352 	}
354 	//Returns the maximum-norm of a vector
MaxNorm()355 	double MaxNorm() const {return Maximum(vec[0],vec[1]);}
357 	//Returns the minimum-norm of a vector
MinNorm()358 	double MinNorm() const {return Minimum(vec[0],vec[1]);};
Scale(double x,double y)360 	void Scale(double x, double y)
361 	{
362 		vec[0]/=x; vec[1]/=y;
363 	}
365 	//Arithmetic operations with one parameter
366 	Vector2D operator+= (const Vector2D& v)
367 	{
368 		vec[0]+=v.vec[0];
369 		vec[1]+=v.vec[1];
370 		return *this;
371 	}
372 	Vector2D operator-= (const Vector2D& v)
373 	{
374 		vec[0]-=v.vec[0];
375 		vec[1]-=v.vec[1];
376 		return *this;
377 	}
379 	Vector2D operator*= (const double& v)
380 	{
381 		vec[0]*=v;
382 		vec[1]*=v;
383 		return *this;
384 	}
386 	Vector2D operator/= (const double& v)
387 	{
388 		vec[0]/=v;
389 		vec[1]/=v;
390 		return *this;
391 	}
393 	//Arithmetic operations with two parameters
394 	friend Vector2D operator+ (const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2)
395 	{
396 		return Vector2D(v1.vec[0]+v2.vec[0],
397 			v1.vec[1]+v2.vec[1]);
398 	}
399 	friend Vector2D operator- (const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2)
400 	{
401 		return Vector2D(v1.vec[0]-v2.vec[0],
402 			v1.vec[1]-v2.vec[1]);
403 	}
404 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Vector2D& v, const double& val)
405 	{
406 		return Vector2D(v.vec[0]*val,
407 			v.vec[1]*val);
408 	}
410 	friend Vector2D operator* (const double& val, const Vector2D& v)
411 	{
412 		return Vector2D(v.vec[0]*val,
413 			v.vec[1]*val);
414 	}
415 	friend double operator* (const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2)
416 	{
417 		return v1.vec[0]*v2.vec[0]+v1.vec[1]*v2.vec[1];
418 	}
420 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix& m, const Vector2D& v);
421 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector2D& v);
422 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m, const Vector2D& v);
423 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Vector2D& v, const Matrix2D& m); //res=v^T*m =m^T*v
424 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m, const Vector& v);
425 	friend void Mult(const Matrix2D& m, const Vector2D& v, Vector& res);
426 	friend void Mult(const Matrix& m, const Vector2D& v, Vector& res); //computes res=m*v
428 	//Output parameter
429 	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Vector2D& v)
430 	{
431 		os << "[" << v.X() << ", " << v.Y() << "]";
432 		return os;
433 	}
435 private:
436 	double vec[2];
438 };
441 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
442 //--------------    CLASS VECTOR 3D   -----------------------------
443 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
444 //Generation of a vector with user-defined length
445 //Operations: +,-,* (also matrices), <<
446 //initialized with 0 !!!
447 class Vector3D
448 {
449 public:
451 	//Constructors, Destructor
Vector3D()452 	Vector3D() { vec[0]=0; vec[1]=0; vec[2]=0;};
Vector3D(double x)453 	Vector3D(double x) { vec[0]=x; vec[1]=x; vec[2]=x;};
Vector3D(double x,double y,double z)454 	Vector3D(double x, double y, double z)
455 	{
456 		vec[0]=x; vec[1]=y; vec[2]=z;
457 	}
Vector3D(const Vector3D & avec)458 	Vector3D(const Vector3D& avec)
459 	{
460 		vec[0] = avec.X(); vec[1] = avec.Y(); vec[2] = avec.Z();
461 	}
463 //	Vector3D(const Vector2D& avec);
464 	Vector2D MakeV2D() const;
466 //	virtual ~Vector3D() { };
468 	//Assignment-operator
469 	Vector3D& operator= (const Vector3D& veci)
470 	{
471 		if (&veci == this) return *this;
473 		vec[0] = veci[0];
474 		vec[1] = veci[1];
475 		vec[2] = veci[2];
476 		return *this;
477 	}
479 	Vector3D& operator= (const double& val)
480 	{
481 		vec[0] = val;
482 		vec[1] = val;
483 		vec[2] = val;
484 		return *this;
485 	}
486 	//Logical operator
487 	int operator== (const Vector3D& veci)
488 	{
489 		return (vec[0] == veci[0] &&
490 			vec[1] == veci[1] &&
491 			vec[2] == veci[2]);
492 	}
494 	int operator== (const Vector3D& veci) const
495 	{
496 		return (vec[0] == veci[0] &&
497 			vec[1] == veci[1] &&
498 			vec[2] == veci[2]);
499 	}
X()501 	double& X() {return vec[0];}
Y()502 	double& Y() {return vec[1];}
Z()503 	double& Z() {return vec[2];}
X()505 	const double& X() const {return vec[0];}
Y()506 	const double& Y() const {return vec[1];}
Z()507 	const double& Z() const {return vec[2];}
509 	//Referencing access-operator
510 	double& operator[](int elem)
511 	{
512 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
513 		release_assert((elem>=0) && (elem<3));
514 #endif
515 		return vec[elem];
516 	};
517 	//Referencing access-operator
518 	const double& operator[](int elem) const
519 	{
520 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
521 		release_assert((elem>=0) && (elem<3));
522 #endif
523 		return vec[elem];
524 	};
525 	//Referencing access-operator
operator()526 	double& operator()(int elem)
527 	{
528 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
529 		release_assert((elem>0) && (elem<=3));
530 #endif
531 		return vec[elem-1];
532 	};
533 	//Referencing access-operator
operator()534 	const double& operator()(int elem) const
535 	{
536 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
537 		release_assert((elem>0) && (elem<=3));
538 #endif
539 		return vec[elem-1];
540 	};
GetVecPtr()542 	const double* GetVecPtr() const {return &vec[0];}
GetVecPtr()543 	double* GetVecPtr() {return &vec[0];}
544 	//Returns the length of a vector
Length()545 	int Length() const {return 3; };
GetLen()546 	int GetLen() const {return 3; };
Set(const double & x,const double & y,const double & z)547 	void Set(const double& x, const double& y, const double& z)
548 	{
549 		vec[0]=x; vec[1]=y; vec[2]=z;
550 	}
Get(double & x,double & y,double & z)551 	void Get(double& x, double& y, double& z) //$JG2012-01: this is for easier access to vector3d data
552 	{
553 		x=vec[0]; y=vec[1]; z=vec[2];
554 	}
556 	//Returns the quadratic norm of a vector
Norm()557 	double Norm() const {return sqrt(vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1]+vec[2]*vec[2]);}
558 	//Returns the quadratic norm of a vector squared
Norm2()559 	double Norm2() const {return vec[0]*vec[0]+vec[1]*vec[1]+vec[2]*vec[2];}
561 	//norms the vector
Normalize()562 	void Normalize()
563 	{
564 		double l=Norm();
565 		if (l!=0.) {vec[0]/=l;vec[1]/=l;vec[2]/=l;}
566 	}
Scale(double x,double y,double z)567 	void Scale(double x, double y, double z)
568 	{
569 		vec[0]/=x; vec[1]/=y; vec[2]/=z;
570 	}
571 	//normalizes *this and gets some orthogonal vectors n1 and n2
SetNormalBasis(Vector3D & n1,Vector3D & n2)572  	void SetNormalBasis(Vector3D& n1, Vector3D& n2)
573 	{
574 		Normalize();
575 		Vector3D nx;
576 		if (fabs(vec[0]) > 0.5 && fabs(vec[1]) < 0.1 && fabs(vec[2]) < 0.1) nx.Set(0.,1.,0.);
577 		else nx.Set(1.,0.,0.);
579 		double h = nx*(*this);
580 		n1 = nx-h*(*this);
581 		n1.Normalize();
582 		n2=this->Cross(n1);
583 	}
585 	//Project n into normal plane of *this
GramSchmidt(Vector3D & n)586 	void GramSchmidt(Vector3D& n)
587 	{
588 		double h = n*(*this)/((*this)*(*this));
589 		n -= h*(*this);
590 		n.Normalize();
591 	}
593 	//Project n into normal plane of *this
594 	//PG: added const-version of this routine
GramSchmidt(Vector3D & n)595 	void GramSchmidt(Vector3D& n) const
596 	{
597 		double h = n*(*this)/((*this)*(*this));
598 		n -= h*(*this);
599 		n.Normalize();
600 	}
602 	//Returns the maximum-norm of a vector
MaxNorm()603 	double MaxNorm() const {return Maximum(vec[0],vec[1],vec[2]);}
605 	//Returns the minimum-norm of a vector
MinNorm()606 	double MinNorm() const {return Minimum(vec[0],vec[1],vec[2]);};
608 	//Returns the normalized planar perpendicular vector of a vector
Cross(const Vector3D & v)609 	Vector3D Cross(const Vector3D& v) const
610 	{
611 		return Vector3D(vec[1]*v.vec[2]-vec[2]*v.vec[1],
612 			vec[2]*v.vec[0]-vec[0]*v.vec[2],
613 			vec[0]*v.vec[1]-vec[1]*v.vec[0]);
614 	}
616 	mystr& MakeString(mystr intro = mystr(""));
618 	//Arithmetic operations with one parameter
619 	Vector3D operator+= (const Vector3D& v)
620 	{
621 		vec[0]+=v.vec[0];
622 		vec[1]+=v.vec[1];
623 		vec[2]+=v.vec[2];
624 		return *this;
625 	}
626 	Vector3D operator-= (const Vector3D& v)
627 	{
628 		vec[0]-=v.vec[0];
629 		vec[1]-=v.vec[1];
630 		vec[2]-=v.vec[2];
631 		return *this;
632 	}
634 	Vector3D operator*= (const double& v)
635 	{
636 		vec[0]*=v;
637 		vec[1]*=v;
638 		vec[2]*=v;
639 		return *this;
640 	}
642 	Vector3D operator/= (const double& v)
643 	{
644 		vec[0]/=v;
645 		vec[1]/=v;
646 		vec[2]/=v;
647 		return *this;
648 	}
650 	//Arithmetic operations with two parameters
651 	friend Vector3D operator+ (const Vector3D& v1, const Vector3D& v2)
652 	{
653 		return Vector3D(v1.vec[0]+v2.vec[0],
654 			v1.vec[1]+v2.vec[1],
655 			v1.vec[2]+v2.vec[2]);
656 	}
657 	friend Vector3D operator- (const Vector3D& v1, const Vector3D& v2)
658 	{
659 		return Vector3D(v1.vec[0]-v2.vec[0],
660 			v1.vec[1]-v2.vec[1],
661 			v1.vec[2]-v2.vec[2]);
662 	}
663 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Vector3D& v, const double& val)
664 	{
665 		return Vector3D(v.vec[0]*val,
666 			v.vec[1]*val,
667 			v.vec[2]*val);
668 	}
670 	friend Vector3D operator* (const double& val, const Vector3D& v)
671 	{
672 		return Vector3D(v.vec[0]*val,
673 			v.vec[1]*val,
674 			v.vec[2]*val);
675 	}
676 	friend double operator* (const Vector3D& v1, const Vector3D& v2)
677 	{
678 		return v1.vec[0]*v2.vec[0]+v1.vec[1]*v2.vec[1]+v1.vec[2]*v2.vec[2];
679 	}
681 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix& m, const Vector3D& v);
682 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v);
683 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Vector3D& v, const Matrix3D& m); //res=v^T*m =m^T*v
684 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector& v);
685 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector& v);
687 	friend void Mult(const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v, Vector& res);
688 	friend void Mult(const Matrix& m, const Vector3D& v, Vector& res); //computes res=m*v
689 	friend void Mult(const MatrixXD& m, const Vector& v, Vector3D& res);
690 	friend void Mult(const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v, Vector3D& res);
691 	friend void Mult(const Matrix& m, const Vector& v, Vector3D& res); //computes res=m*v
692 	friend void MultTp(const Matrix& m, const Vector& v, Vector3D& res); //computes res=m*v
694 	friend void StrainVectorToMatrix2D(Matrix2D& m, const Vector3D& v);
696 	//Output parameter
697 	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Vector3D& v)
698 	{
699 		os << "[" << v.X() << ", " << v.Y() << ", " << v.Z() << "]";
700 		return os;
701 	}
703 private:
704 	double vec[3];
706 };
709 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
710 //CLASS MatrixXD  CLASS MatrixXD  CLASS MatrixXD  CLASS MatrixXD
711 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
712 //Generation of a Matrix with user-defined size
713 //Operations: +,-,*,<<
714 class MatrixXD
715 {
716 protected:
717 	int rows;
718 	int cols;
719 	double mat[16];
720 public:
722 	//Constructors,destructor
MatrixXD()723 	MatrixXD()
724 	{
725 		rows = 0; cols = 0;
726 	}
728 	//fill Diagonal matrix with x
MatrixXD(double x)729 	MatrixXD(double x)
730 	{
731 		rows = 0; cols = 0;
732 	}
734 	// copy constructor
MatrixXD(const MatrixXD & mati)735 	MatrixXD(const MatrixXD& mati)
736 	{
737 		cols = mati.cols; rows = mati.rows;
739 		for (int i=0; i < cols*rows; i++)
740 		{
741 			mat[i] = mati.mat[i];
742 		}
743 	}
~MatrixXD()745 	virtual ~MatrixXD() {};
Getcols()747 	virtual int Getcols() const {return cols;}
Getrows()748 	virtual int Getrows() const {return rows;}
GetMatPtr()749 	virtual double* GetMatPtr() {return mat;}
751 	//Assignment-operator
752 	virtual MatrixXD& operator= (const MatrixXD& mati)
753 	{
754 		rows=mati.rows;
755 		cols=mati.cols;
756 		for (int i=0; i < rows*cols; i++)
757 		{
758 			mat[i] = mati.mat[i];
759 		}
760 		return *this;
761 	}
SetAll(double x)763 	virtual void SetAll(double x)
764 	{
765 		for (int i=0; i < rows*cols; i++)
766 		{
767 			mat[i] = x;
768 		}
769 	}
SetSize(int r,int c)771 	virtual void SetSize(int r, int c) {rows = r; cols = c;}
773 	//fill Diagonal matrix with x -- pure virtual: overwrite in derived class
774 	virtual void SetDiag(double x) = 0;
776 	//returnsum of absolute values
AbsNorm()777 	virtual double AbsNorm() const
778 	{
779 		double val = 0.;
781 		for (int i=0; i < rows*cols; i++)
782 		{
783 			val += fabs(mat[i]);
784 		}
786 		return val;
787 	}
789 	//Returns Determinate of matrix
Det()790 	virtual double Det() const
791 	{
792 		if (cols == 3)
793 		{
794 			return mat[0]*mat[4]*mat[8]-mat[0]*mat[5]*mat[7]-mat[3]*mat[1]*mat[8]
795 			+mat[3]*mat[2]*mat[7]+mat[6]*mat[1]*mat[5]-mat[6]*mat[2]*mat[4];
796 		}
797 		else
798 		{
799 			return mat[0]*mat[3]-mat[1]*mat[2];
800 		}
801 	}
Trace()803 	virtual double Trace() const
804 	{
805 		double sum=0;
806 		for (int i=0; i < min(rows,cols); i++)
807 		{
808 			sum += Get0(i,i);
809 		}
810 		return sum;
811 	}
813 	// synonim of DoubleContract
InnerProduct(const MatrixXD & rhs)814 	virtual double InnerProduct(const MatrixXD& rhs) const
815 	{
816 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
817 		release_assert(rows == rhs.rows);
818 		release_assert(cols == rhs.rows);
819 #endif
820 		double val = 0.;
821 		for(int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++)
822 		{
823 			val += mat[i]*rhs.mat[i];
824 		}
825 		return val;
826 	}
828 	//transpose me
TpYs()829 	virtual void TpYs()
830 	{
831 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
832 		release_assert(rows == cols);
833 #endif
834 		for (int i=1; i<rows; i++)
835 		{
836 			for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
837 			{
838 				swap(mat[j*rows+i],mat[i*cols+j]);
839 			}
840 		}
841 	}
MakeSym()843 	virtual void MakeSym() //make matrix symmetric: (A+A^T)/2
844 	{
845 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
846 		release_assert(rows==cols);
847 #endif
848 		for (int i=0; i < cols; i++)
849 		{
850 			for (int j=0; j < i; j++)
851 			{
852 				Get0(i,j) += Get0(j,i);
853 				Get0(i,j) *= 0.5;
854 				Get0(j,i) = Get0(i,j);
855 			}
856 		}
857 	}
859 	// synonim of InnerProduct
DoubleContract(const MatrixXD & m)860 	virtual double DoubleContract(const MatrixXD& m) const
861 	{
862 		return InnerProduct(m);
863 	}
865 	//Referencing access-operator on element using row- and column-values, 0-based!!!
Get0(int row,int col)866 	virtual double& Get0(int row, int col)
867 	{
868 		return mat[row*cols+col];
869 	};
871 	//Referencing constant access-operator on element using row- and column-values, 0-based!!!
Get0(int row,int col)872 	virtual const double& Get0(int row, int col) const
873 	{
874 		return mat[row*cols+col];
875 	};
878 	//Referencing access-operator on element using row- and column-values, 1-based!!!
operator()879 	virtual double& operator()(int row, int col)
880 	{
881 		return mat[(row-1)*cols+col-1];
882 	};
884 	//Referencing constant access-operator on element using row- and column-values, 1-based!!!
operator()885 	virtual const double& operator()(int row, int col) const
886 	{
887 		return mat[(row-1)*cols+col-1];
888 	};
Transpose()891 	virtual void Transpose()
892 	{
893 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
894 		release_assert(rows==cols);
895 #endif
896 		double help;
897 		int idx1;
898 		int idx2;
900 		for(int i=0; i < rows; i++)
901 		{
902 			for(int j=0; j < i; j++)
903 			{
904 				idx1 = i*cols + j;
905 				idx2 = j*cols + i;
907 				help = mat[idx1];
908 				mat[idx1] = mat[idx2];
909 				mat[idx2] = help;
910 			}
911 		}
913 	}
915 	mystr& MakeString(mystr intro = mystr(""));
InnerProduct(const MatrixXD & m1,const MatrixXD & m2)917 	friend double InnerProduct(const MatrixXD& m1, const MatrixXD& m2) { return m1.InnerProduct(m2); }
918 	friend void Mult(const MatrixXD& m, const Vector& v, Vector& res);
919 	friend void Mult(const MatrixXD& m1, const Matrix& m2, Matrix& res);
920 	friend void Mult(const Matrix& m1, const MatrixXD& m2, Matrix& res);
922 	//writes out MatrixXD with constant width and factor normalized
923 	friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const MatrixXD& m);
924 };
928 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
929 //CLASS Matrix2D  CLASS Matrix2D  CLASS Matrix2D  CLASS Matrix2D
930 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
932 class Matrix2D : public MatrixXD
933 {
934 public:
Matrix2D()936 	Matrix2D()
937 	{
938 		rows = 2; cols = 2;
940 		mat[0] = 0.; mat[1] = 0.;
941 		mat[2] = 0.; mat[3] = 0.;
942 	}
Matrix2D(double x1)944 	Matrix2D(double x1)
945 	{
946 		rows = 2; cols = 2;
948 		mat[0] = x1; mat[1] = 0.;
949 		mat[2] = 0.; mat[3] = x1;
950 	}
Matrix2D(double x1,double x2)952 	Matrix2D(double x1, double x2)
953 	{
954 		rows=2; cols=2;
956 		mat[0] = x1; mat[1] = 0.;
957 		mat[2] = 0.; mat[3] = x2;
958 	}
Matrix2D(double x11,double x12,double x21,double x22)960 	Matrix2D(
961 		double x11, double x12,
962 		double x21, double x22)
963 	{
964 		rows=2; cols=2;
966 		mat[0] = x11; mat[1] = x12;
967 		mat[2] = x21; mat[3] = x22;
968 	}
SetDiag(double x)970 	void SetDiag(double x)
971 	{
972 		rows = 2; cols = 2;
974 		mat[0]=x; mat[1]=0;
975 		mat[2]=0; mat[3]=x;
976 	}
978 	//set Matrix as Skew matrix (to rotate a Vector2D around an angle phi)
SetSkew(double phi)979 	void SetSkew(double phi)
980 	{
981 		rows = 2; cols = 2;
983 		double cos_phi = cos(phi);
984 		double sin_phi = sin(phi);
986 		mat[0] = cos_phi; mat[1] = -sin_phi;
987 		mat[2] = sin_phi; mat[3] = cos_phi;
988 	}
Set(const Vector2D & r1,const Vector2D & r2)990 	void Set(const Vector2D& r1, const Vector2D& r2)
991 	{
992 		mat[0] = r1.X(); mat[1] = r2.X();
993 		mat[2] = r1.Y(); mat[3] = r2.Y();
994 	}
996 	//only for 2x2, fast!!!
GetATA2(MatrixXD & m)997 	void GetATA2(MatrixXD& m)
998 	{
999 		for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
1000 		{
1001 			for (int j=i;j<2;j++)
1002 			{
1003 				m.Get0(i,j) = 0.5*(mat[i]*mat[j] + mat[2+i]*mat[2+j]);
1004 			}
1005 		}
1006 		// 0 1
1007 		// 2 3
1008 		m.Get0(1,0) = m.Get0(0,1);
1009 	}
GetTp()1011 	Matrix2D GetTp() const
1012 	{
1013 		Matrix2D mt;
1014 		mt.SetSize(cols, rows);
1016 		for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
1017 		{
1018 			for (int j=0; j<cols; j++)
1019 			{
1020 				mt.Get0(i,j)=Get0(j,i);
1021 			}
1022 		}
1023 		return mt;
1024 	}
1026 	int GetInverse(Matrix2D& m2);
Invert()1027 	int Invert()
1028 	{
1029 		Matrix2D m2;
1030 		int rv = GetInverse(m2);
1032 		if (rv)
1033 		{
1034 			*this = m2;
1035 		}
1037 		return rv;
1038 	}
1040 	//Arithmetic operations with 1 parameter
1041 	Matrix2D& operator+= (const Matrix2D& m)
1042 	{
1043 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
1044 		release_assert(rows == m.Getrows());
1045 		release_assert(cols == m.Getcols());
1046 #endif
1047 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1048 		{
1049 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1050 			{
1051 				Get0(i,j) += m.Get0(i,j);
1052 			}
1053 		}
1054 		return *this;
1055 	}
1057 	Matrix2D& operator-= (const Matrix2D& m)
1058 	{
1059 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
1060 		release_assert(rows == m.Getrows());
1061 		release_assert(cols == m.Getcols());
1062 #endif
1063 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1064 		{
1065 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1066 			{
1067 				Get0(i,j) -= m.Get0(i,j);
1068 			}
1069 		}
1070 		return *this;
1071 	}
1073 	Matrix2D& operator*= (const double& val)
1074 	{
1075 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1076 		{
1077 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1078 			{
1079 				Get0(i,j) *= val;
1080 			}
1081 		}
1082 		return *this;
1083 	}
1085 	//get a orthogonal matrix from vectors v1 and v2
SetOrthogonalBasis(const Vector2D & v1,const Vector2D & v2)1086 	void SetOrthogonalBasis(const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2)
1087 	{
1088 		Vector2D r1 = v1;
1089 		Vector2D r2 = v2;
1090 		r1.Normalize();
1092 		double h = r2*r1;
1093 		r2 -= h*r1;
1094 		r2.Normalize();
1096 		Set(r1,r2);
1097 	}
1099 	//Arithmetic operations with 2 parameters
1100 	friend Matrix2D operator+ (const Matrix2D& m1, const Matrix2D& m2);
1101 	friend Matrix2D operator- (const Matrix2D& m1, const Matrix2D& m2);
1102 	friend Matrix2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m1, const double& val);
1103 	friend Matrix2D operator* (const double& val, const Matrix2D& m1);
1104 	friend Matrix2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m1, const Matrix2D& m2);
1105 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m, const Vector2D& v);
1106 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Vector2D& v, const Matrix2D& m); //res=v^T*m =m^T*v
1107 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix2D& m, const Vector& v);
1109 	friend void Mult(const Matrix2D& m, const Vector2D& v, Vector& res);
1111 	//transform strain and stress vectors to matrices and vice versa (by PG)
1112 	friend void StrainVectorToMatrix2D(Matrix2D& m, const Vector& v);
1113 	friend void StrainVectorToMatrix2D(Matrix2D& m, const Vector3D& v);
1114 	friend void StressVectorToMatrix2D(Matrix2D& m, const Vector& v);
1115 	friend void Matrix2DToStrainVector(Vector& v, const Matrix2D& m);
1116 	friend void Matrix2DToStressVector(Vector& v, const Matrix2D& m);
1117 };
1122 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1123 //CLASS Matrix3D  CLASS Matrix3D  CLASS Matrix3D  CLASS Matrix3D
1124 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
1126 class Matrix3D : public MatrixXD
1127 {
1128 public:
Matrix3D()1130 	Matrix3D()
1131 	{
1132 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1134 		mat[0] = 0.; mat[1] = 0.; mat[2] = 0.;
1135 		mat[3] = 0.; mat[4] = 0.; mat[5] = 0.;
1136 		mat[6] = 0.; mat[7] = 0.; mat[8] = 0.;
1137 	}
Matrix3D(double x1)1139 	Matrix3D(double x1)
1140 	{
1141 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1143 		mat[0] = x1; mat[1] = 0.; mat[2] = 0.;
1144 		mat[3] = 0.; mat[4] = x1; mat[5] = 0.;
1145 		mat[6] = 0.; mat[7] = 0.; mat[8] = x1;
1146 	}
Matrix3D(double x1,double x2,double x3)1148 	Matrix3D(double x1, double x2, double x3)
1149 	{
1150 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1152 		mat[0] = x1; mat[1] = 0.; mat[2] = 0.;
1153 		mat[3] = 0.; mat[4] = x2; mat[5] = 0.;
1154 		mat[6] = 0.; mat[7] = 0.; mat[8] = x3;
1155 	}
Matrix3D(double x11,double x12,double x13,double x21,double x22,double x23,double x31,double x32,double x33)1157 	Matrix3D(
1158 		double x11, double x12, double x13,
1159 		double x21, double x22, double x23,
1160 		double x31, double x32, double x33)
1161 	{
1162 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1164 		mat[0] = x11; mat[1] = x12; mat[2] = x13;
1165 		mat[3] = x21; mat[4] = x22; mat[5] = x23;
1166 		mat[6] = x31; mat[7] = x32; mat[8] = x33;
1167 	}
Matrix3D(double x11,double x12,double x13,double x14,double x21,double x22,double x23,double x24,double x31,double x32,double x33,double x34)1169 	Matrix3D(
1170 		double x11, double x12, double x13, double x14,
1171 		double x21, double x22, double x23, double x24,
1172 		double x31, double x32, double x33, double x34)
1173 	{
1174 		rows=3; cols=4;
1176 		mat[0]=x11; mat[1]=x12; mat[2]=x13; mat[3]=x14;
1177 		mat[4]=x21; mat[5]=x22; mat[6]=x23; mat[7]=x24;
1178 		mat[8]=x31; mat[9]=x32; mat[10]=x33;mat[11]=x34;
1179 	}
1181 	//only possible for
1182 	Matrix3D(const Matrix& mat);
SetDiag(double x)1184 	void SetDiag(double x)
1185 	{
1186 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1188 		mat[0]=x; mat[1]=0; mat[2]=0;
1189 		mat[3]=0; mat[4]=x; mat[5]=0;
1190 		mat[6]=0; mat[7]=0; mat[8]=x;
1191 	}
1193 	//set Matrix as Skew matrix
SetSkew(double x1,double x2,double x3)1194 	void SetSkew(double x1, double x2, double x3)
1195 	{
1196 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1198 		mat[0]=  0; mat[1]=-x3; mat[2]= x2;
1199 		mat[3]= x3; mat[4]=  0; mat[5]=-x1;
1200 		mat[6]=-x2; mat[7]= x1; mat[8]= 0;
1201 	}
1203 	//set Matrix as Skew matrix
SetSkew(const Vector3D & x)1204 	void SetSkew(const Vector3D& x)
1205 	{
1206 		rows = 3; cols = 3;
1208 		mat[0]=     0; mat[1]=-x.Z(); mat[2]= x.Y();
1209 		mat[3]= x.Z(); mat[4]=     0; mat[5]=-x.X();
1210 		mat[6]=-x.Y(); mat[7]= x.X(); mat[8]=     0;
1211 	}
Set43(double x11,double x12,double x13,double x21,double x22,double x23,double x31,double x32,double x33,double x41,double x42,double x43)1213 	void Set43(
1214 		double x11, double x12, double x13,
1215 		double x21, double x22, double x23,
1216 		double x31, double x32, double x33,
1217 		double x41, double x42, double x43)
1218 	{
1219 		rows = 4; cols = 3;
1221 		mat[0]=x11; mat[1]=x12; mat[2]=x13;
1222 		mat[3]=x21; mat[4]=x22; mat[5]=x23;
1223 		mat[6]=x31; mat[7]=x32; mat[8]=x33;
1224 		mat[9]=x41;mat[10]=x42;mat[11]=x43;
1225 	}
1227 	//PG: is this redundant since introduction of class Matrix2D (?)
Set22(double x11,double x12,double x21,double x22)1228 	void Set22(
1229 		double x11, double x12,
1230 		double x21, double x22)
1231 	{
1232 		rows = 2; cols = 2;
1234 		mat[0]=x11; mat[1]=x12;
1235 		mat[2]=x21; mat[3]=x22;
1236 	}
Set(const Vector3D & r1,const Vector3D & r2,const Vector3D & r3)1238 	void Set(const Vector3D& r1, const Vector3D& r2, const Vector3D& r3)
1239 	{
1240 		mat[0] = r1.X(); mat[1] = r2.X(); mat[2] = r3.X();
1241 		mat[3] = r1.Y(); mat[4] = r2.Y(); mat[5] = r3.Y();
1242 		mat[6] = r1.Z(); mat[7] = r2.Z(); mat[8] = r3.Z();
1243 	}
Mises()1245 	double Mises() const
1246 	{
1247 		Matrix3D s;
1248 		if (cols == 3)
1249 		{
1250 			s = *this - (1./3.)*Trace()*Matrix3D(1.);
1251 		}
1252 		else if (cols == 2)
1253 		{
1254 			s = *this;
1255 			double tr = (1./3.)*Trace();
1256 			s(1,1) -= tr; s(2,2) -= tr;
1257 		}
1258 		return sqrt(3./2.*(s.InnerProduct(s)));
1259 	}
1261 	//only for 3x3, fast!!!
GetATA2(MatrixXD & m)1262 	void GetATA2(MatrixXD& m)
1263 	{
1264 		for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
1265 		{
1266 			for (int j=i; j < 3; j++)
1267 			{
1268 				m.Get0(i,j) = 0.5*(mat[i]*mat[j] + mat[3+i]*mat[3+j] + mat[2*3+i]*mat[2*3+j]);
1269 			}
1270 		}
1271 		// 0 1 2
1272 		// 3 4 5
1273 		// 6 7 8
1274 		m.Get0(1,0) = m.Get0(0,1);
1275 		m.Get0(2,1) = m.Get0(1,2);
1276 		m.Get0(2,0) = m.Get0(0,2);
1277 	}
GetTp()1279 	Matrix3D GetTp() const
1280 	{
1281 		Matrix3D mt;
1282 		mt.SetSize(cols, rows);
1284 		for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
1285 		{
1286 			for (int j=0; j<cols; j++)
1287 			{
1288 				mt.Get0(j,i)=Get0(i,j);
1289 			}
1290 		}
1291 		return mt;
1292 	}
1294 	int GetInverse(Matrix3D& m2);
Invert()1295 	int Invert()
1296 	{
1297 		Matrix3D m2;
1298 		int rv = GetInverse(m2);
1300 		if (rv)
1301 		{
1302 			*this = m2;
1303 		}
1305 		return rv;
1306 	}
1308 	//Arithmetic operations with 1 parameter
1309 	Matrix3D& operator+= (const Matrix3D& m)
1310 	{
1311 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
1312 		release_assert(rows == m.Getrows());
1313 		release_assert(cols == m.Getcols());
1314 #endif
1315 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1316 		{
1317 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1318 			{
1319 				Get0(i,j) += m.Get0(i,j);
1320 			}
1321 		}
1322 		return *this;
1323 	}
1325 	Matrix3D& operator-= (const Matrix3D& m)
1326 	{
1327 #ifndef __QUICKMATH
1328 		release_assert(rows == m.Getrows());
1329 		release_assert(cols == m.Getcols());
1330 #endif
1331 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1332 		{
1333 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1334 			{
1335 				Get0(i,j) -= m.Get0(i,j);
1336 			}
1337 		}
1338 		return *this;
1339 	}
1341 	Matrix3D& operator*= (const double& val)
1342 	{
1343 		for (int i=0; i < rows; i++)
1344 		{
1345 			for (int j=0; j < cols; j++)
1346 			{
1347 				Get0(i,j) *= val;
1348 			}
1349 		}
1350 		return *this;
1351 	}
1353 	//get a orthogonal matrix from vectors v1 and v2
SetOrthogonalBasis(const Vector3D & v1,const Vector3D & v2)1354 	void SetOrthogonalBasis(const Vector3D& v1, const Vector3D& v2)
1355 	{
1356 		Vector3D r1 = v1;
1357 		Vector3D r2 = v2;
1358 		r1.Normalize();
1360 		double h = r2*r1;
1361 		r2 -= h*r1;
1362 		r2.Normalize();
1364 		Set(r1,r2,r1.Cross(r2));
1365 	}
1368 	//Arithmetic operations with 2 parameters
1369 	friend Matrix3D operator+ (const Matrix3D& m1, const Matrix3D& m2);
1370 	friend Matrix3D operator- (const Matrix3D& m1, const Matrix3D& m2);
1371 	friend Matrix3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m1, const double& val);
1372 	friend Matrix3D operator* (const double& val, const Matrix3D& m1);
1373 	friend Matrix3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m1, const Matrix3D& m2);
1374 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v);
1375 	friend Vector2D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector2D& v);	//this routine is redundant (since introduction of class Matrix2D)
1376 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Vector3D& v, const Matrix3D& m); //res=v^T*m =m^T*v
1377 	friend Vector3D operator* (const Matrix3D& m, const Vector& v);
1379 	friend void Mult(const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v, Vector& res);
1380 	friend void Mult(const Matrix3D& m, const Vector3D& v, Vector3D& res);
1382 	//transform strain and stress vectors to matrices and vice versa (by PG)
1383 	friend void StrainVectorToMatrix3D(Matrix3D& m, const Vector& v);
1384 	friend void StressVectorToMatrix3D(Matrix3D& m, const Vector& v);
1385 	friend void Matrix3DToStrainVector(Vector& v, const Matrix3D& m);
1386 	friend void Matrix3DToStressVector(Vector& v, const Matrix3D& m);
1387 };
1402 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1403 //++++++++++++++++++++++++    BOX3D     +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1404 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1406 class Box3D
1407 {
1408 public:
Box3D()1409 	Box3D()
1410 	{
1411 		//set empty box:
1412 		pmin = Vector3D(1.,1.,1.);
1413 		pmax = Vector3D(-1.,-1.,-1.);
1414 	}
Box3D(const Vector3D & p1,const Vector3D & p2)1415 	Box3D(const Vector3D& p1, const Vector3D& p2)
1416 	{
1417 		pmin.X() = Minimum(p1.X(),p2.X());
1418 		pmin.Y() = Minimum(p1.Y(),p2.Y());
1419 		pmin.Z() = Minimum(p1.Z(),p2.Z());
1421 		pmax.X() = Maximum(p1.X(),p2.X());
1422 		pmax.Y() = Maximum(p1.Y(),p2.Y());
1423 		pmax.Z() = Maximum(p1.Z(),p2.Z());
1424 	}
Box3D(const Box3D & b)1425 	Box3D(const Box3D& b)
1426 	{
1427 		pmin = b.pmin;
1428 		pmax = b.pmax;
1429 	}
Box3D(const Vector3D & c,double r)1430 	Box3D(const Vector3D& c, double r)
1431 	{
1432 		pmin = c;
1433 		pmax = c;
1434 		Increase(r);
1435 	}
Empty()1436 	int Empty() const
1437 	{
1438 		if (pmin.X() == 1 && pmax.X() == -1) {return 1;}
1439 		return 0;
1440 	}
Clear()1441 	void Clear()
1442 	{
1443 		//set empty box:
1444 		pmin = Vector3D(1.,1.,1.);
1445 		pmax = Vector3D(-1.,-1.,-1.);
1446 	}
Add(const Vector3D & p)1447 	void Add(const Vector3D & p)
1448 	{
1449 		if (Empty())
1450 		{
1451 			pmin = p;
1452 			pmax = p;
1453 		}
1454 		else
1455 		{
1456 			pmin.X() = Minimum(pmin.X(),p.X());
1457 			pmin.Y() = Minimum(pmin.Y(),p.Y());
1458 			pmin.Z() = Minimum(pmin.Z(),p.Z());
1460 			pmax.X() = Maximum(pmax.X(),p.X());
1461 			pmax.Y() = Maximum(pmax.Y(),p.Y());
1462 			pmax.Z() = Maximum(pmax.Z(),p.Z());
1463 		}
1464 	}
Add(const Box3D & b)1465 	void Add(const Box3D& b)
1466 	{
1467 		if (b.Empty()) return;
1469 		if (Empty())
1470 		{
1471 			pmin = b.PMin();
1472 			pmax = b.PMax();
1473 		}
1474 		else
1475 		{
1476 			pmin.X() = Minimum(pmin.X(),b.pmin.X());
1477 			pmin.Y() = Minimum(pmin.Y(),b.pmin.Y());
1478 			pmin.Z() = Minimum(pmin.Z(),b.pmin.Z());
1480 			pmax.X() = Maximum(pmax.X(),b.pmax.X());
1481 			pmax.Y() = Maximum(pmax.Y(),b.pmax.Y());
1482 			pmax.Z() = Maximum(pmax.Z(),b.pmax.Z());
1483 		}
1484 	}
PMin()1485 	const Vector3D& PMin() const {return pmin;}
PMax()1486 	const Vector3D& PMax() const {return pmax;}
SizeX()1487 	const double SizeX() const {return pmax[0]-pmin[0];}
SizeY()1488 	const double SizeY() const {return pmax[1]-pmin[1];}
SizeZ()1489 	const double SizeZ() const {return pmax[2]-pmin[2];}
Center()1490 	Vector3D Center() const {return 0.5*(pmin+pmax);}
Radius()1491 	double Radius() const {return 0.5*(pmax-pmin).Norm();}
Increase(double x,double y,double z)1493 	void Increase(double x, double y, double z)
1494 	{
1495 		pmin.X() -= x;
1496 		pmin.Y() -= y;
1497 		pmin.Z() -= z;
1498 		pmax.X() += x;
1499 		pmax.Y() += y;
1500 		pmax.Z() += z;
1501 	}
Increase(double x)1502 	void Increase(double x)
1503 	{
1504 		Increase(x,x,x);
1505 	}
InflateFactor(double x)1506   void InflateFactor(double x)
1507 	{
1508 		Vector3D pmi = PMin();
1509 		Vector3D pma = PMax();
1510 		Vector3D pc = Center();
1511 		pmin = pc + ( pmi-pc ) * x;
1512 		pmax = pc + ( pma-pc ) * x;
1513 	}
Intersect(const Box3D & b)1515 	int Intersect(const Box3D& b) const
1516 	{
1517 		if ( pmin[0] > b.pmax[0] || pmax[0] < b.pmin[0]
1518 			|| pmin[1] > b.pmax[1] || pmax[1] < b.pmin[1]
1519 			|| pmin[2] > b.pmax[2] || pmax[2] < b.pmin[2])
1520 			return 0;
1522 		return 1;
1523 	}
1525 	/// return 1 if point p in closure
IsIn(const Vector3D & p)1526 	int IsIn (const Vector3D & p) const
1527 	{
1528 		if ( pmin[0] <= p[0] && pmax[0] >= p[0]
1529 			&& pmin[1] <= p[1] && pmax[1] >= p[1]
1530 			&& pmin[2] <= p[2] && pmax[2] >= p[2])
1531 			return 1;
1533 		return 0;
1534 	}
1536 private:
1537 	Vector3D pmin, pmax;
1538 };
1542 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1543 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1544 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1545 //Zero-based!!!!
1546 //generate a searchtree with a physical size of Box3D b
1547 //all items must fit into this box and should be equally distributed
1548 //then use AddItems to add items with a bounding box and an identifier
1549 //GetItemsInBox() gives you all identifiers which have a bounding box within the specified box
1550 class SearchTree
1551 {
1552 public:
SearchTree()1553 	SearchTree():data(0), sx(0), sy(0), sz(0) {};
SearchTree(int sizex,int sizey,int sizez,Box3D b)1554 	SearchTree(int sizex, int sizey, int sizez, Box3D b)
1555 	{
1556 		box = b;
1557 		if (box.SizeX()*box.SizeY()*box.SizeZ() == 0) box.Increase(1e-4);
1559 		sx = sizex;
1560 		sy = sizey;
1561 		sz = sizez;
1563 		data = new IVector[sx*sy*sz]();
1564 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1565 		{
1566 			data[i].Init();
1567 		}
1568 	}
SearchTree(const SearchTree & tree)1569 	SearchTree(const SearchTree& tree)
1570 	{
1571 		box = tree.box;
1573 		sx = tree.sx;
1574 		sy = tree.sy;
1575 		sz = tree.sz;
1577 		data = new IVector[sx*sy*sz]();
1578 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1579 		{
1580 			data[i].Init();
1581 			data[i] = tree.data[i];
1582 		}
1583 	}
1585 	SearchTree& operator=(const SearchTree& tree)
1586 	{
1587 		if (&tree == this) return *this;
1589 		if (data)
1590 		{
1591 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1592 			{
1593 				data[i].Flush();
1594 			}
1595 			delete [] data;
1596 		}
1598 		box = tree.box;
1600 		sx = tree.sx;
1601 		sy = tree.sy;
1602 		sz = tree.sz;
1604 		data = new IVector[sx*sy*sz]();
1605 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1606 		{
1607 			data[i] = tree.data[i];
1608 		}
1609 		return *this;
1610 	}
~SearchTree()1612 	virtual ~SearchTree()
1613 	{
1614 		if (data)
1615 		{
1616 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1617 			{
1618 				data[i].Flush();
1619 			}
1620 			delete [] data;
1621 		}
1622 	}
ResetSearchTree(int sizex,int sizey,int sizez,Box3D b)1624 	void ResetSearchTree(int sizex, int sizey, int sizez, Box3D b)
1625 	{
1626 		ClearItems(); //empty all items
1627 		box = b;
1628 		if (box.SizeX()*box.SizeY()*box.SizeZ() == 0) box.Increase(1e-4);
1630 		if (sx != sizex || sy != sizey || sz != sizez)
1631 		{
1632 			if (data)
1633 			{
1634 				for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1635 				{
1636 					data[i].Flush();
1637 				}
1638 				delete [] data;
1639 			}
1641 			sx = sizex;
1642 			sy = sizey;
1643 			sz = sizez;
1645 			data = new IVector[sx*sy*sz]();
1646 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy*sz; i++)
1647 			{
1648 				data[i].Init();
1649 			}
1650 		}
1651 	}
1653 	//return 6 indices for box: minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
1654 	void GetBoxIndizes(const Box3D& b, int* ind) const;
1656 	//return items in box defined by 6 indices: minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
1657 	void GetItemsInBox(int* ind, TArray<int>& items) const;
1659 	//add items in box defined by 6 indices: minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz
1660 	//does not reset items list
1661 	void AddItemsInBox(int* ind, TArray<int>& items) const;
1663 	//get only items in box
1664 	void GetItemsInBox(const Box3D& b, TArray<int>& items) const;
1666 	//get items in box, do not reset items list
1667 	void AddItemsInBox(const Box3D& b, TArray<int>& items) const;
1669 	void AddItem(const Box3D& b, int identifier);
1671 	//return i-index for a double i-value in Box
1672 	int IndX(double x) const;
1674 	//return i-index for a double i-value in Box
1675 	int IndY(double x) const;
1677 	//return i-index for a double i-value in Box
1678 	int IndZ(double x) const;
1680 	int Index(int x, int y, int z) const;
ClearItems()1682 	void ClearItems()
1683 	{
1684 		for (int ix=0; ix < sx; ix++)
1685 		{
1686 			for (int iy=0; iy < sy; iy++)
1687 			{
1688 				for (int iz=0; iz < sz; iz++)
1689 				{
1690 					data[Index(ix,iy,iz)].SetLen(0);
1691 				}
1692 			}
1693 		}
1694 	}
1696 private:
1697 	int sx, sy, sz;
1698 	Box3D box;
1699 	IVector* data;
1701 };
1704 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1705 //++++++++++++++++++++++++    BOX2D     +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1706 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1708 class Box2D
1709 {
1710 public:
Box2D()1711 	Box2D()
1712 	{
1713 		//set empty box:
1714 		pmin = Vector2D(1.,1.);
1715 		pmax = Vector2D(-1.,-1.);
1716 	}
Box2D(const Vector2D & p1,const Vector2D & p2)1717 	Box2D(const Vector2D& p1, const Vector2D& p2)
1718 	{
1719 		pmin.X() = Minimum(p1.X(),p2.X());
1720 		pmin.Y() = Minimum(p1.Y(),p2.Y());
1722 		pmax.X() = Maximum(p1.X(),p2.X());
1723 		pmax.Y() = Maximum(p1.Y(),p2.Y());
1724 	}
Box2D(const Box2D & b)1725 	Box2D(const Box2D& b)
1726 	{
1727 		pmin = b.pmin;
1728 		pmax = b.pmax;
1729 	}
Box2D(const Vector2D & c,double r)1730 	Box2D(const Vector2D& c, double r)
1731 	{
1732 		pmin = c;
1733 		pmax = c;
1734 		Increase(r);
1735 	}
Empty()1736 	int Empty() const
1737 	{
1738 		if (pmin.X() > pmax.X()) {return 1;}
1739 		return 0;
1740 	}
Clear()1741 	void Clear()
1742 	{
1743 		pmin = Vector2D(1.,1.);
1744 		pmax = Vector2D(-1.,-1.);
1745 	}
Add(const Vector2D & p)1747 	void Add(const Vector2D & p)
1748 	{
1749 		if (Empty())
1750 		{
1751 			pmin = p;
1752 			pmax = p;
1753 		}
1754 		else
1755 		{
1756 			pmin.X() = Minimum(pmin.X(),p.X());
1757 			pmin.Y() = Minimum(pmin.Y(),p.Y());
1759 			pmax.X() = Maximum(pmax.X(),p.X());
1760 			pmax.Y() = Maximum(pmax.Y(),p.Y());
1761 		}
1762 	}
Add(const Box2D & b)1763 	void Add(const Box2D& b)
1764 	{
1765 		if (Empty())
1766 		{
1767 			pmin = b.PMin();
1768 			pmax = b.PMax();
1769 		}
1770 		else
1771 		{
1772 			pmin.X() = Minimum(pmin.X(),b.pmin.X());
1773 			pmin.Y() = Minimum(pmin.Y(),b.pmin.Y());
1775 			pmax.X() = Maximum(pmax.X(),b.pmax.X());
1776 			pmax.Y() = Maximum(pmax.Y(),b.pmax.Y());
1777 		}
1778 	}
PMin()1779 	const Vector2D& PMin() const {return pmin;}
PMax()1780 	const Vector2D& PMax() const {return pmax;}
SizeX()1781 	const double SizeX() const {return pmax[0]-pmin[0];}
SizeY()1782 	const double SizeY() const {return pmax[1]-pmin[1];}
Center()1783 	Vector2D Center() const {return 0.5*(pmin+pmax);}
Radius()1784 	double Radius() const {return (pmax-pmin).Norm();}
Increase(double x)1785 	void Increase(double x)
1786 	{
1787 		Increase(x,x);
1788 	}
Increase(double x,double y)1789 	void Increase(double x, double y)
1790 	{
1791 		pmin.X() -= x;
1792 		pmin.Y() -= y;
1793 		pmax.X() += x;
1794 		pmax.Y() += y;
1795 	}
InflateFactor(double x)1796   void InflateFactor(double x)
1797 	{
1798 		Vector2D pmi = PMin();
1799 		Vector2D pma = PMax();
1800 		Vector2D pc = Center();
1801 		pmin = pc + ( pmi-pc ) * x;
1802 		pmax = pc + ( pma-pc ) * x;
1803 	}
Intersect(const Box2D & b)1804 	int Intersect(const Box2D& b) const
1805 	{
1806 		if ( pmin[0] > b.pmax[0] || pmax[0] < b.pmin[0]
1807 			|| pmin[1] > b.pmax[1] || pmax[1] < b.pmin[1])	return 0;
1809 		return 1;
1810 	}
1812 	/// return 1 if point p in closure
IsIn(const Vector2D & p)1813 	int IsIn (const Vector2D & p) const
1814 	{
1815 		if ( pmin[0] <= p[0] && pmax[0] >= p[0]
1816 			&& pmin[1] <= p[1] && pmax[1] >= p[1])
1817 			return 1;
1819 		return 0;
1820 	}
1822 private:
1823 	Vector2D pmin, pmax;
1824 };
1828 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1829 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++    SEARCHTREE 2D    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1830 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1831 //Zero-based!!!!
1832 //generate a searchtree with a physical size of Box2D b
1833 //all items must fit into this box and should be equally distributed
1834 //then use AddItems to add items with a bounding box and an identifier
1835 //GetItemsInBox() gives you all identifiers which have a bounding box within the specified box
1836 class SearchTree2D
1837 {
1838 public:
SearchTree2D()1839 	SearchTree2D():data(0), sx(0), sy(0) {};
SearchTree2D(int sizex,int sizey,Box2D b)1840 	SearchTree2D(int sizex, int sizey, Box2D b)
1841 	{
1842 		box = b;
1843 		if (box.SizeX()*box.SizeY() == 0) box.Increase(1e-4);
1845 		sx = sizex;
1846 		sy = sizey;
1848 		data = new IVector[sx*sy]();
1849 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1850 		{
1851 			data[i].Init();
1852 		}
1853 	}
SearchTree2D(const SearchTree2D & tree)1854 	SearchTree2D(const SearchTree2D& tree)
1855 	{
1856 		box = tree.box;
1858 		sx = tree.sx;
1859 		sy = tree.sy;
1861 		data = new IVector[sx*sy]();
1862 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1863 		{
1864 			data[i].Init();
1865 			data[i] = tree.data[i];
1866 		}
1867 	}
1869 	SearchTree2D& operator=(const SearchTree2D& tree)
1870 	{
1871 		if (&tree == this) return *this;
1873 		if (data)
1874 		{
1875 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1876 			{
1877 				data[i].Flush();
1878 			}
1879 			delete [] data;
1880 		}
1882 		box = tree.box;
1884 		sx = tree.sx;
1885 		sy = tree.sy;
1887 		data = new IVector[sx*sy]();
1888 		for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1889 		{
1890 			data[i] = tree.data[i];
1891 		}
1892 		return *this;
1893 	}
~SearchTree2D()1895 	virtual ~SearchTree2D()
1896 	{
1897 		if (data)
1898 		{
1899 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1900 			{
1901 				data[i].Flush();
1902 			}
1903 			delete [] data;
1904 		}
1905 	}
ResetSearchTree(int sizex,int sizey,Box2D b)1907 	void ResetSearchTree(int sizex, int sizey, Box2D b)
1908 	{
1909 		ClearItems(); //empty all items
1910 		box = b;
1911 		if (box.SizeX()*box.SizeY() == 0) box.Increase(1e-4);
1913 		if (sx != sizex || sy != sizey)
1914 		{
1915 			if (data)
1916 			{
1917 				for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1918 				{
1919 					data[i].Flush();
1920 				}
1921 				delete [] data;
1922 			}
1924 			sx = sizex;
1925 			sy = sizey;
1927 			data = new IVector[sx*sy]();
1928 			for (int i = 0; i < sx*sy; i++)
1929 			{
1930 				data[i].Init();
1931 			}
1932 		}
1933 	}
GetItemsInBox(const Box2D & b,TArray<int> & items)1935 	void GetItemsInBox(const Box2D& b, TArray<int>& items) const
1936 	{
1937 		items.SetLen(0);
1938 		for (int ix=IndX(b.PMin().X()); ix <= IndX(b.PMax().X()); ix++)
1939 		{
1940 			for (int iy=IndY(b.PMin().Y()); iy <= IndY(b.PMax().Y()); iy++)
1941 			{
1942 				for (int i = 1; i <= data[Index(ix,iy)].Length(); i++)
1943 					items.Add((data[Index(ix,iy)])(i));
1944 			}
1945 		}
1946 	}
AddItem(const Box2D & b,int identifier)1948 	void AddItem(const Box2D& b, int identifier)
1949 	{
1950 		for (int ix=IndX(b.PMin().X()); ix <= IndX(b.PMax().X()); ix++)
1951 		{
1952 			for (int iy=IndY(b.PMin().Y()); iy <= IndY(b.PMax().Y()); iy++)
1953 			{
1954 				data[Index(ix,iy)].Add(identifier);
1955 			}
1956 		}
1957 	}
1958 	//return i-index for a double i-value in Box
IndX(double x)1959 	int IndX(double x) const
1960 	{
1961 		int i = (int)(((x-box.PMin().X())*sx)/box.SizeX());
1962 		if (i < 0) i = 0;
1963 		if (i >= sx) i = sx-1;
1964 		return i;
1965 	}
1966 	//return i-index for a double i-value in Box
IndY(double x)1967 	int IndY(double x) const
1968 	{
1969 		int i = (int)(((x-box.PMin().Y())*sy)/box.SizeY());
1970 		if (i < 0) i = 0;
1971 		if (i >= sy) i = sy-1;
1972 		return i;
1973 	}
Index(int x,int y)1975 	int Index(int x, int y) const
1976 	{
1977 		return x+y*sx;
1978 	}
ClearItems()1980 	void ClearItems()
1981 	{
1982 		for (int ix=0; ix < sx; ix++)
1983 		{
1984 			for (int iy=0; iy < sy; iy++)
1985 			{
1986 				data[Index(ix,iy)].SetLen(0);
1987 			}
1988 		}
1989 	}
1991 private:
1992 	int sx, sy;
1993 	Box2D box;
1994 	IVector* data;
1996 };
1998 //dont use this function!, use KArdan functions instead!
1999 Matrix3D ComputeRot1Rot2Rot3Matrix(const double phi1, const double phi2, const double phi3); //this is not the same as HOTINT Kardan definition !!!!
2000 void QuaternionsToRot1Rot2Rot3Angles(double beta0, double beta1, double beta2, double beta3, Vector3D& phi);