1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     Christoph Kloss (DCS Computing GmbH, Linz)
36     Christoph Kloss (JKU Linz)
37     Richard Berger (JKU Linz)
39     Copyright 2012-     DCS Computing GmbH, Linz
40     Copyright 2009-2012 JKU Linz
41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
43 #ifdef NORMAL_MODEL
47 #else
52 #include "contact_models.h"
53 #include <cmath>
54 #include "atom.h"
55 #include "force.h"
56 #include "update.h"
57 #include "normal_model_base.h"
59 namespace LIGGGHTS {
60 namespace ContactModels
61 {
62   template<>
63   class NormalModel<HOOKE> : public NormalModelBase
64   {
65   public:
66     NormalModel(LAMMPS * lmp, IContactHistorySetup * hsetup,class ContactModelBase *c) :
67       NormalModelBase(lmp, hsetup, c),
68       Yeff(NULL),
69       Geff(NULL),
70       coeffRestMax(NULL),
71       coeffRestLog(NULL),
72       coeffMu(NULL),
73       coeffStc(NULL),
74       charVel(0.0),
75       viscous(false),
76       tangential_damping(false),
77       limitForce(false),
78       ktToKn(false),
79       displayedSettings(false),
80       heating(false),
81       heating_track(false),
82       elastic_potential_offset_(-1),
83       elasticpotflag_(false),
84       fix_dissipated_(NULL),
85       dissipatedflag_(false),
86       overlap_offset_(0.0),
87       disable_when_bonded_(false),
88       bond_history_offset_(-1),
89       dissipation_history_offset_(-1),
90       cmb(c)
91     {
93     }
95     inline void registerSettings(Settings & settings)
96     {
97       settings.registerOnOff("viscous", viscous);
98       settings.registerOnOff("tangential_damping", tangential_damping, true);
99       settings.registerOnOff("limitForce", limitForce);
100       settings.registerOnOff("ktToKnUser", ktToKn);
101       settings.registerOnOff("heating_normal_hooke",heating,false);
102       settings.registerOnOff("heating_tracking",heating_track,false);
103       settings.registerOnOff("computeElasticPotential", elasticpotflag_, false);
104       settings.registerOnOff("computeDissipatedEnergy", dissipatedflag_, false);
105       settings.registerOnOff("disableNormalWhenBonded", disable_when_bonded_, false);
106     }
108     inline void postSettings(IContactHistorySetup * hsetup, ContactModelBase *cmb)
109     {
110         if (elasticpotflag_)
111         {
112             elastic_potential_offset_ = cmb->get_history_offset("elastic_potential_normal");
113             if (elastic_potential_offset_ == -1)
114             {
115                 elastic_potential_offset_ = hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_potential_normal", "0");
116                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_force_normal_0", "1");
117                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_force_normal_1", "1");
118                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_force_normal_2", "1");
119                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_i_0", "0");
120                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_i_1", "0");
121                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_i_2", "0");
122                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_j_0", "0");
123                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_j_1", "0");
124                 hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_torque_normal_j_2", "0");
125                 if (cmb->is_wall())
126                     hsetup->add_history_value("elastic_potential_wall", "0");
127                 cmb->add_history_offset("elastic_potential_normal", elastic_potential_offset_);
128             }
129         }
130         if (dissipatedflag_)
131         {
132             if (cmb->is_wall())
133             {
134                 fix_dissipated_ = static_cast<FixPropertyAtom*>(modify->find_fix_property("dissipated_energy_wall", "property/atom", "vector", 0, 0, "dissipated energy"));
135                 dissipation_history_offset_ = cmb->get_history_offset("dissipation_force");
136                 if (!dissipation_history_offset_)
137                     error->one(FLERR, "Internal error: Could not find dissipation history offset");
138             }
139             else
140                 fix_dissipated_ = static_cast<FixPropertyAtom*>(modify->find_fix_property("dissipated_energy", "property/atom", "vector", 0, 0, "dissipated energy"));
141             if (!fix_dissipated_)
142                 error->one(FLERR, "Surface model has not registered dissipated_energy fix");
143         }
144         if (disable_when_bonded_)
145         {
146             bond_history_offset_ = cmb->get_history_offset("bond_contactflag");
147             if (bond_history_offset_ < 0)
148                 error->one(FLERR, "Could not find bond history offset");
149             overlap_offset_ = hsetup->add_history_value("overlap_offset", "0");
150         }
151     }
153     inline void connectToProperties(PropertyRegistry & registry) {
154       registry.registerProperty("Yeff", &MODEL_PARAMS::createYeff);
155       registry.registerProperty("Geff", &MODEL_PARAMS::createGeff);
156       registry.registerProperty("charVel", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCharacteristicVelocity);
158       registry.connect("Yeff", Yeff,"model hooke");
159       registry.connect("Geff", Geff,"model hooke");
160       registry.connect("charVel", charVel,"model hooke");
162       if(viscous) {
163         registry.registerProperty("coeffMu", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCoeffMu);
164         registry.registerProperty("coeffStc", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCoeffStc);
165         registry.registerProperty("coeffRestMax", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCoeffRestMax);
167         registry.connect("coeffMu", coeffMu,"model hooke viscous");
168         registry.connect("coeffStc", coeffStc,"model hooke viscous");
169         registry.connect("coeffRestMax", coeffRestMax,"model hooke viscous");
170         //registry.connect("log(coeffRestMax)+coeffStc", logRestMaxPlusStc);
171       } else {
172         registry.registerProperty("coeffRestLog", &MODEL_PARAMS::createCoeffRestLog);
174         registry.connect("coeffRestLog", coeffRestLog,"model hooke viscous");
175       }
177       // error checks on coarsegraining
178       if(force->cg_active())
179         error->cg(FLERR,"model hooke");
181       // enlarge contact distance flag in case of elastic energy computation
182       // to ensure that surfaceClose is called after a contact
183       if (elasticpotflag_)
184           //set neighbor contact_distance_factor here
185           neighbor->register_contact_dist_factor(1.01);
186     }
188     // effective exponent for stress-strain relationship
190     inline double stressStrainExponent()
191     {
192       return 1.;
193     }
195     void dissipateElasticPotential(SurfacesCloseData &scdata)
196     {
197         if (elasticpotflag_)
198         {
199             double * const elastic_energy = &scdata.contact_history[elastic_potential_offset_];
200             if (scdata.is_wall)
201             {
202                 // we need to calculate half an integration step which was left over to ensure no energy loss, but only for the elastic energy. The dissipation part is handled in fix_wall_gran_base.h.
203                 double delta[3];
204                 scdata.fix_mesh->triMesh()->get_global_vel(delta);
205                 vectorScalarMult3D(delta, update->dt);
206                 // -= because force is in opposite direction
207                 // no *dt as delta is v*dt of the contact position
208                 elastic_energy[0] -= (delta[0]*(elastic_energy[1]) +
209                                       delta[1]*(elastic_energy[2]) +
210                                       delta[2]*(elastic_energy[3]))*0.5
211                                      // from previous half step
212                                      + elastic_energy[10];
213                 elastic_energy[10] = 0.0;
214             }
215             elastic_energy[1] = 0.0;
216             elastic_energy[2] = 0.0;
217             elastic_energy[3] = 0.0;
218             elastic_energy[4] = 0.0;
219             elastic_energy[5] = 0.0;
220             elastic_energy[6] = 0.0;
221             elastic_energy[7] = 0.0;
222             elastic_energy[8] = 0.0;
223             elastic_energy[9] = 0.0;
224         }
225     }
227     inline void surfacesIntersect(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, ForceData & i_forces, ForceData & j_forces)
228     {
229       if (sidata.contact_flags)
230         *sidata.contact_flags |= CONTACT_NORMAL_MODEL;
231       const bool update_history = sidata.computeflag && sidata.shearupdate;
232       const int itype = sidata.itype;
233       const int jtype = sidata.jtype;
234       const double radi = sidata.radi;
235       const double radj = sidata.radj;
236       double reff=sidata.is_wall ? radi : (radi*radj/(radi+radj));
238       if(sidata.is_non_spherical && atom->superquadric_flag)
239         reff = sidata.reff;
240 #endif
241       const double meff=sidata.meff;
242       double coeffRestLogChosen;
244       const double sqrtval = sqrt(reff);
246       if(!displayedSettings)
247       {
248         displayedSettings = true;
249         /*
250         if(ktToKn)
251             if(0 == comm->me) fprintf(screen," NormalModel<HOOKE>: will use user-modified ktToKn of 2/7.\n");
252         if(tangential_damping)
253             if(0 == comm->me) fprintf(screen," NormalModel<HOOKE>: will apply tangential damping.\n");
254         if(viscous)
255             if(0 == comm->me) fprintf(screen," NormalModel<HOOKE>: will apply damping based on Stokes number.\n");
256         if(limitForce)
257             if(0 == comm->me) fprintf(screen," NormalModel<HOOKE>: will limit normal force.\n");
258         */
259       }
260       if (viscous)  {
261          // Stokes Number from MW Schmeeckle (2001)
262          const double stokes=sidata.meff*sidata.vn/(6.0*M_PI*coeffMu[itype][jtype]*reff*reff);
263          // Empirical from Legendre (2006)
264          coeffRestLogChosen=log(coeffRestMax[itype][jtype])+coeffStc[itype][jtype]/stokes;
265       } else {
266          coeffRestLogChosen=coeffRestLog[itype][jtype];
267       }
269       double kn = 16./15.*sqrtval*(Yeff[itype][jtype])*pow(15.*meff*charVel*charVel/(16.*sqrtval*Yeff[itype][jtype]),0.2);
270       double kt = kn;
271       if(ktToKn) kt *= 0.285714286; //2//7
272       const double coeffRestLogChosenSq = coeffRestLogChosen*coeffRestLogChosen;
273       //const double gamman=sqrt(4.*meff*kn/(1.+(M_PI/coeffRestLogChosen)*(M_PI/coeffRestLogChosen)));
274       const double gamman=sqrt(4.*meff*kn*coeffRestLogChosenSq/(coeffRestLogChosenSq+M_PI*M_PI));
275       const double gammat = tangential_damping ? gamman : 0.0;
277       // convert Kn and Kt from pressure units to force/distance^2
278       kn /= force->nktv2p;
279       kt /= force->nktv2p;
281       const double Fn_damping = -gamman*sidata.vn;
282       if (disable_when_bonded_ && update_history && sidata.deltan < sidata.contact_history[overlap_offset_])
283         sidata.contact_history[overlap_offset_] = sidata.deltan;
284       const double deltan = disable_when_bonded_ ? fmax(sidata.deltan-sidata.contact_history[overlap_offset_], 0.0) : sidata.deltan;
285       const double Fn_contact = kn*deltan;
286       double Fn = Fn_damping + Fn_contact;
288       //limit force to avoid the artefact of negative repulsion force
289       if(limitForce && (Fn<0.0) )
290       {
291           Fn = 0.0;
292       }
293       sidata.Fn = Fn;
295       sidata.kn = kn;
296       sidata.kt = kt;
297       sidata.gamman = gamman;
298       sidata.gammat = gammat;
301           double torque_i[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
302           double Fn_i[3] = { Fn * sidata.en[0], Fn * sidata.en[1], Fn * sidata.en[2]};
303           if(sidata.is_non_spherical) {
304             double xci[3];
305             vectorSubtract3D(sidata.contact_point, atom->x[sidata.i], xci);
306             vectorCross3D(xci, Fn_i, torque_i);
307           }
308       #endif
310       // apply normal force
311       if (!disable_when_bonded_ || sidata.contact_history[bond_history_offset_] < 0.5)
312       {
314         if(heating)
315         {
316           sidata.P_diss += fabs(Fn_damping*sidata.vn); //fprintf(screen,"  contrib %f\n",fabs(Fn_damping*sidata.vn));
317           if(heating_track && sidata.is_wall) cmb->tally_pw(fabs(Fn_damping*sidata.vn),sidata.i,jtype,0);
318           if(heating_track && !sidata.is_wall) cmb->tally_pp(fabs(Fn_damping*sidata.vn),sidata.i,sidata.j,0);
319         }
321         // energy balance terms
322         if (update_history)
323         {
324             // compute increment in elastic potential
325             if (elasticpotflag_)
326             {
327                 double * const elastic_energy = &sidata.contact_history[elastic_potential_offset_];
328                 // correct for wall influence
329                 if (sidata.is_wall)
330                 {
331                     double delta[3];
332                     sidata.fix_mesh->triMesh()->get_global_vel(delta);
333                     vectorScalarMult3D(delta, update->dt);
334                     // -= because force is in opposite direction
335                     // no *dt as delta is v*dt of the contact position
336                       //printf("pela %e %e %e %e\n",  update->get_cur_time()-update->dt, deb, -sidata.radj, deb-sidata.radj);
337                     elastic_energy[0] -= (delta[0]*elastic_energy[1] +
338                                           delta[1]*elastic_energy[2] +
339                                           delta[2]*elastic_energy[3])*0.5
340                                          // from previous half step
341                                          + elastic_energy[10];
342                     elastic_energy[10] = -(delta[0]*Fn_contact*sidata.en[0] +
343                                            delta[1]*Fn_contact*sidata.en[1] +
344                                            delta[2]*Fn_contact*sidata.en[2])*0.5;
345                 }
346                 elastic_energy[1] = -Fn_contact*sidata.en[0];
347                 elastic_energy[2] = -Fn_contact*sidata.en[1];
348                 elastic_energy[3] = -Fn_contact*sidata.en[2];
349                 elastic_energy[4] = 0.0;
350                 elastic_energy[5] = 0.0;
351                 elastic_energy[6] = 0.0;
352                 elastic_energy[7] = 0.0;
353                 elastic_energy[8] = 0.0;
354                 elastic_energy[9] = 0.0;
355             }
356             // compute increment in dissipated energy
357             if (dissipatedflag_)
358             {
359                 double * const * const dissipated = fix_dissipated_->array_atom;
360                 double * const dissipated_i = dissipated[sidata.i];
361                 double * const dissipated_j = dissipated[sidata.j];
362                 const double F_diss = -Fn_damping;
363                 dissipated_i[1] += sidata.en[0]*F_diss;
364                 dissipated_i[2] += sidata.en[1]*F_diss;
365                 dissipated_i[3] += sidata.en[2]*F_diss;
366                 if (sidata.j < atom->nlocal && !sidata.is_wall)
367                 {
368                     dissipated_j[1] -= sidata.en[0]*F_diss;
369                     dissipated_j[2] -= sidata.en[1]*F_diss;
370                     dissipated_j[3] -= sidata.en[2]*F_diss;
371                 }
372                 else if (sidata.is_wall)
373                 {
374                     double * const diss_force = &sidata.contact_history[dissipation_history_offset_];
375                     diss_force[0] -= sidata.en[0]*F_diss;
376                     diss_force[1] -= sidata.en[1]*F_diss;
377                     diss_force[2] -= sidata.en[2]*F_diss;
378                 }
379             }
380             #ifdef NONSPHERICAL_ACTIVE_FLAG
381             if ((dissipatedflag_ || elasticpotflag_) && sidata.is_non_spherical)
382                 error->one(FLERR, "Dissipation and elastic potential do not compute torque influence for nonspherical particles");
383             #endif
384         }
386         // apply normal force
387         if(sidata.is_wall) {
388           const double Fn_ = Fn * sidata.area_ratio;
389           i_forces.delta_F[0] += Fn_ * sidata.en[0];
390           i_forces.delta_F[1] += Fn_ * sidata.en[1];
391           i_forces.delta_F[2] += Fn_ * sidata.en[2];
392           #ifdef NONSPHERICAL_ACTIVE_FLAG
393                   if(sidata.is_non_spherical) {
394                     //for non-spherical particles normal force can produce torque!
395                     i_forces.delta_torque[0] += torque_i[0];
396                     i_forces.delta_torque[1] += torque_i[1];
397                     i_forces.delta_torque[2] += torque_i[2];
398                   }
399           #endif
400         } else {
401           const double fx = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[0];
402           const double fy = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[1];
403           const double fz = sidata.Fn * sidata.en[2];
405           i_forces.delta_F[0] += fx;
406           i_forces.delta_F[1] += fy;
407           i_forces.delta_F[2] += fz;
409           j_forces.delta_F[0] += -fx;
410           j_forces.delta_F[1] += -fy;
411           j_forces.delta_F[2] += -fz;
412           #ifdef NONSPHERICAL_ACTIVE_FLAG
413                   if(sidata.is_non_spherical) {
414                     //for non-spherical particles normal force can produce torque!
415                     double xcj[3], torque_j[3];
416                     double Fn_j[3] = { -Fn_i[0], -Fn_i[1], -Fn_i[2]};
417                     vectorSubtract3D(sidata.contact_point, atom->x[sidata.j], xcj);
418                     vectorCross3D(xcj, Fn_j, torque_j);
420                     i_forces.delta_torque[0] += torque_i[0];
421                     i_forces.delta_torque[1] += torque_i[1];
422                     i_forces.delta_torque[2] += torque_i[2];
424                     j_forces.delta_torque[0] += torque_j[0];
425                     j_forces.delta_torque[1] += torque_j[1];
426                     j_forces.delta_torque[2] += torque_j[2];
427                   }
428           #endif
429         }
430       }
431       else if (update_history)
432       {
433         sidata.contact_history[overlap_offset_] = sidata.deltan;
434         dissipateElasticPotential(sidata);
435       }
436     }
438     void surfacesClose(SurfacesCloseData &scdata, ForceData&, ForceData&)
439     {
440         if (scdata.contact_flags)
441             *scdata.contact_flags |= CONTACT_NORMAL_MODEL;
442         dissipateElasticPotential(scdata);
443     }
445     void beginPass(SurfacesIntersectData&, ForceData&, ForceData&){}
446     void endPass(SurfacesIntersectData&, ForceData&, ForceData&){}
448   protected:
449     double ** Yeff;
450     double ** Geff;
451     double ** coeffRestMax;
452     double ** coeffRestLog;
453     double ** coeffMu;
454     double ** coeffStc;
455     double charVel;
457     bool viscous;
458     bool tangential_damping;
459     bool limitForce;
460     bool ktToKn;
461     bool displayedSettings;
462     bool heating;
463     bool heating_track;
464     int elastic_potential_offset_;
465     bool elasticpotflag_;
466     FixPropertyAtom *fix_dissipated_;
467     bool dissipatedflag_;
468     int overlap_offset_;
469     bool disable_when_bonded_;
470     int bond_history_offset_;
471     int dissipation_history_offset_;
472     class ContactModelBase *cmb;
473   };
474 }
475 }
476 #endif // NORMAL_MODEL_HOOKE_H_
477 #endif