1 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2 @NAME       : mincmakescalar
3 @INPUT      : argc, argv - command line arguments
4 @OUTPUT     : (none)
5 @RETURNS    : status
6 @DESCRIPTION: Program to make a scalar minc file from a vector minc file.
7 @METHOD     :
8 @GLOBALS    :
9 @CALLS      :
10 @CREATED    : August 7, 1997 (Peter Neelin)
11 @MODIFIED   :
12  * $Log: mincmakescalar.c,v $
13  * Revision 6.10  2008-01-17 02:33:02  rotor
14  *  * removed all rcsids
15  *  * removed a bunch of ^L's that somehow crept in
16  *  * removed old (and outdated) BUGS file
17  *
18  * Revision 6.9  2008/01/12 19:08:15  stever
19  * Add __attribute__ ((unused)) to all rcsid variables.
20  *
21  * Revision 6.8  2007/12/11 12:43:01  rotor
22  *  * added static to all global variables in main programs to avoid linking
23  *       problems with libraries (compress in mincconvert and libz for example)
24  *
25  * Revision 6.7  2005/08/26 21:07:17  bert
26  * Use #if rather than #ifdef with MINC2 symbol, and be sure to include config.h whereever MINC2 is used
27  *
28  * Revision 6.6  2005/01/28 19:34:09  bert
29  * Warn user if vector_dimension is not the last dimension in the image
30  *
31  * Revision 6.5  2004/11/01 22:38:38  bert
32  * Eliminate all references to minc_def.h
33  *
34  * Revision 6.4  2004/04/27 15:32:33  bert
35  * Added -2 option
36  *
37  * Revision 6.3  2001/04/24 13:38:43  neelin
38  * Replaced NC_NAT with MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE.
39  *
40  * Revision 6.2  2001/04/17 18:40:20  neelin
41  * Modifications to work with NetCDF 3.x
42  * In particular, changed NC_LONG to NC_INT (and corresponding longs to ints).
43  * Changed NC_UNSPECIFIED to NC_NAT.
44  * A few fixes to the configure script.
45  *
46  * Revision 6.1  1999/10/19 14:45:25  neelin
47  * Fixed Log subsitutions for CVS
48  *
49  * Revision 6.0  1997/09/12 13:24:20  neelin
50  * Release of minc version 0.6
51  *
52  * Revision 5.0  1997/08/21  13:25:19  neelin
53  * Release of minc version 0.5
54  *
55  * Revision 1.2  1997/08/07  16:23:19  neelin
56  * Change -length to -magnitude.
57  *
58  * Revision 1.1  1997/08/07  16:09:07  neelin
59  * Initial revision
60  *
61 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
64 #include "config.h"
65 #endif
67 #include <stdlib.h>
68 #include <stdio.h>
69 #include <string.h>
70 #include <ctype.h>
71 #include <math.h>
72 #include <float.h>
73 #include <minc.h>
74 #include <ParseArgv.h>
75 #include <time_stamp.h>
76 #include <voxel_loop.h>
78 #ifndef TRUE
79 #  define TRUE 1
80 #  define FALSE 0
81 #endif
85 #define INVALID_DATA (-DBL_MAX)
87 /* Types */
88 typedef enum
90 Conversion_Type;
92 /* Double_Array structure */
93 typedef struct {
94    int numvalues;
95    double *values;
96 } Double_Array;
98 /* Structure for program info */
99 typedef struct {
100    Conversion_Type conversion_type;
101    int num_coefficients;
102    double *linear_coefficients;
103 } Program_Data;
105 /* Function prototypes */
106 static void do_makescalar(void *caller_data, long num_voxels,
107                           int input_num_buffers, int input_vector_length,
108                           double *input_data[],
109                           int output_num_buffers, int output_vector_length,
110                           double *output_data[], Loop_Info *loop_info);
111 static int get_double_list(char *dst, char *key, char *nextarg);
112 static long get_vector_length(int mincid);
114 /* Argument variables */
115 static int clobber = FALSE;
116 #if MINC2
117 static int v2format = FALSE;
118 #endif /* MINC2 */
119 static int verbose = TRUE;
120 static nc_type datatype = MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE;
121 static int is_signed = FALSE;
122 static double valid_range[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
123 static int buffer_size = 10 * 1024;
124 static Conversion_Type conversion_type = CONV_DEFAULT;
125 static Double_Array linear_coefficients = {0, NULL};
127 /* Argument table */
128 static ArgvInfo argTable[] = {
129 #if MINC2
130     {"-2", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &v2format,
131        "Produce a MINC 2.0 format output file."},
132 #endif /* MINC2 */
133    {"-clobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &clobber,
134        "Overwrite existing file."},
135    {"-noclobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &clobber,
136        "Don't overwrite existing file (default)."},
137    {"-verbose", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &verbose,
138        "Print out log messages (default)."},
139    {"-quiet", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &verbose,
140        "Do not print out log messages."},
141    {"-buffer_size", ARGV_INT, (char *) 1, (char *) &buffer_size,
142        "Set the internal buffer size (in kb)."},
143    {"-filetype", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE, (char *) &datatype,
144        "Use data type of first file (default)."},
145    {"-byte", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_BYTE, (char *) &datatype,
146        "Write out byte data."},
147    {"-short", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_SHORT, (char *) &datatype,
148        "Write out short integer data."},
149    {"-int", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_INT, (char *) &datatype,
150        "Write out 32-bit integer data."},
151    {"-long", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_INT, (char *) &datatype,
152        "Superseded by -int."},
153    {"-float", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_FLOAT, (char *) &datatype,
154        "Write out single-precision floating-point data."},
155    {"-double", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_DOUBLE, (char *) &datatype,
156        "Write out double-precision floating-point data."},
157    {"-signed", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &is_signed,
158        "Write signed integer data."},
159    {"-unsigned", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &is_signed,
160        "Write unsigned integer data (default if type specified)."},
161    {"-valid_range", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 2, (char *) valid_range,
162        "Valid range for output data."},
163    {"-magnitude", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) CONV_MAGNITUDE,
164        (char *) &conversion_type,
165        "Compute magnitude of vectors (default)."},
166    {"-average", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) CONV_AVERAGE,
167        (char *) &conversion_type,
168        "Average components of vectors."},
169    {"-rgbtogrey", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) CONV_GREY, (char *) &conversion_type,
170        "Convert RGB to greyscale."},
171    {"-rgbtogray", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) CONV_GREY, (char *) &conversion_type,
172        "Synonym for rgbtogrey."},
173    {"-linear", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_double_list,
174        (char *) &linear_coefficients,
175        "Specify comma-separated list of coefficients for linear combination."},
177 };
179 static const char str_wrong_dimension_order[] = {
180     "Your input file contains an image with a vector dimension, but the\n"
181     "vector dimension isn't the last (i.e. fastest-varying) dimension in\n"
182     "the image. Please restructure the file using mincreshape before\n"
183     "attempting to use mincmakescalar.\n"
184 };
186 /* Main program */
main(int argc,char * argv[])188 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
189 {
190    char *infile, *outfile;
191    char *arg_string;
192    int inmincid;
193    int input_vector_length;
194    int ivalue;
195    Loop_Options *loop_options;
196    Program_Data program_data;
198    /* Save time stamp and args */
199    arg_string = time_stamp(argc, argv);
201    /* Get arguments */
202    if (ParseArgv(&argc, argv, argTable, 0) || (argc != 3)) {
203       (void) fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s [options] <in.mnc> <out.mnc>\n",
204                      argv[0]);
205       (void) fprintf(stderr,   "       %s -help\n\n",
206                      argv[0]);
207       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
208    }
209    infile = argv[1];
210    outfile = argv[2];
212    /* Check for conflicting options */
213    if ((conversion_type != CONV_DEFAULT) &&
214        (linear_coefficients.numvalues > 0)) {
215       (void) fprintf(stderr,
216                      "Do not specify -linear with other conversion options\n");
217       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
218    }
220    /* Set up conversion information */
221    if (conversion_type == CONV_DEFAULT) conversion_type = CONV_MAGNITUDE;
222    program_data.conversion_type = conversion_type;
223    program_data.num_coefficients = 0;
224    program_data.linear_coefficients = NULL;
226    /* Check for coefficients for linear combination */
227    if (linear_coefficients.numvalues > 0) {
228       conversion_type = CONV_LINEAR;
229       program_data.conversion_type = conversion_type;
230       program_data.num_coefficients = linear_coefficients.numvalues;
231       program_data.linear_coefficients =
232          malloc(linear_coefficients.numvalues *
233                 sizeof(*program_data.linear_coefficients));
234       for (ivalue=0; ivalue < linear_coefficients.numvalues; ivalue++) {
235          program_data.linear_coefficients[ivalue] =
236             linear_coefficients.values[ivalue];
237       }
238    }
240    /* Open the input file and get the vector length */
241    inmincid = miopen(infile, NC_NOWRITE);
242    input_vector_length = get_vector_length(inmincid);
243    if (input_vector_length < 0) {
244        fprintf(stderr, str_wrong_dimension_order);
245        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
246    }
247    if (input_vector_length < 1) input_vector_length = 1;
249    /* Check that this length is okay */
250    if ((conversion_type == CONV_GREY) &&
251        (input_vector_length != 3) && (input_vector_length > 1)) {
252       (void) fprintf(stderr, "Input file does not contain RGB data\n");
253       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
254    }
255    if ((conversion_type == CONV_LINEAR) &&
256        (input_vector_length != program_data.num_coefficients) &&
257        (input_vector_length > 1)) {
258       (void) fprintf(stderr,
259          "Input vector length does not match number of linear coefficients\n");
260       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
261    }
263    /* Set up looping options */
264    loop_options = create_loop_options();
265    set_loop_clobber(loop_options, clobber);
266    set_loop_verbose(loop_options, verbose);
267 #if MINC2
268    set_loop_v2format(loop_options, v2format);
269 #endif /* MINC2 */
270    set_loop_datatype(loop_options, datatype, is_signed,
271                      valid_range[0], valid_range[1]);
272    set_loop_output_vector_size(loop_options, 1);
273    set_loop_buffer_size(loop_options, (long) buffer_size * 1024);
274    set_loop_first_input_mincid(loop_options, inmincid);
276    /* Do loop */
277    voxel_loop(1, &infile, 1, &outfile, arg_string, loop_options,
278               do_makescalar, (void *) &program_data);
280    /* Free stuff */
281    if (program_data.linear_coefficients != NULL) {
282       free(program_data.linear_coefficients);
283    }
284    if (linear_coefficients.values != NULL) {
285       free(linear_coefficients.values);
286    }
288    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
289 }
291 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
292 @NAME       : do_makescalar
293 @INPUT      : caller_data - pointer to structure containing lookup info
294               num_voxels - number of voxels to work on
295               input_num_buffers - number of input buffers
296               input_vector_length - length of input vector dimension
297               input_data - vector of pointers to input buffer data
298               output_num_buffers - number of output buffers
299               output_vector_length - length of output vector dimension
300               start - vector specifying start of hyperslab (not used)
301               count - vector specifying count of hyperslab (not used)
302 @OUTPUT     : output_data - vector of pointers to output buffer data
303 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
304 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to loop through an array of vector values and convert
305               them to scalar.
306 @METHOD     :
307 @GLOBALS    :
308 @CALLS      :
309 @CREATED    : August 7, 1997 (Peter Neelin)
310 @MODIFIED   :
311 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
do_makescalar(void * caller_data,long num_voxels,int input_num_buffers,int input_vector_length,double * input_data[],int output_num_buffers,int output_vector_length,double * output_data[],Loop_Info * loop_info)312 static void do_makescalar(void *caller_data, long num_voxels,
313                           int input_num_buffers, int input_vector_length,
314                           double *input_data[],
315                           int output_num_buffers, int output_vector_length,
316                           double *output_data[], Loop_Info *loop_info)
317      /* ARGSUSED */
318 {
319    Program_Data *program_data;
320    long ivoxel;
321    double *input_vector;
322    double value, result;
323    int ivalue;
324    static double grey_coefficients[3] = {0.299, 0.587, 0.114};
326    /* Get pointer to lookup info */
327    program_data = (Program_Data *) caller_data;
329    /* Check that values correspond */
330    if ((input_num_buffers != 1) || (output_num_buffers != 1) ||
331        (output_vector_length != 1)) {
332       (void) fprintf(stderr, "Bad internal values.\n");
333       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
334    }
335    if ((program_data->conversion_type == CONV_GREY) &&
336        (input_vector_length != 3)) {
337       (void) fprintf(stderr,
338          "Input must have three components for -grey conversion.\n");
339       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
340    }
342    /* Loop through the voxels */
343    for (ivoxel=0; ivoxel < num_voxels; ivoxel++) {
345       /* Handle the special case of scalar input */
346       if (input_vector_length <= 1) {
347          output_data[0][ivoxel] = input_data[0][ivoxel];
348          continue;
349       }
351       /* Get location of input value */
352       input_vector = &input_data[0][ivoxel*input_vector_length];
354       /* Loop over components of vector */
355       result = 0.0;
356       for (ivalue=0; ivalue < input_vector_length; ivalue++) {
358          /* Get value and check for invalid values */
359          value = input_vector[ivalue];
360          if (value == INVALID_DATA) {
361             result = INVALID_DATA;
362             break;
363          }
365          /* Sum things up according to scheme */
366          switch (program_data->conversion_type) {
367          case CONV_AVERAGE:
368             result += value;
369             break;
370          case CONV_MAGNITUDE:
371             result += value * value;
372             break;
373          case CONV_GREY:
374             result += grey_coefficients[ivalue] * value;
375             break;
376          case CONV_LINEAR:
377             result += program_data->linear_coefficients[ivalue] * value;
378             break;
379          }
381       }     /* End of loop over components */
383       /* Finish up the calculation */
384       if (result != INVALID_DATA) {
385          switch (program_data->conversion_type) {
386          case CONV_AVERAGE:
387             result /= (double) input_vector_length;
388             break;
389          case CONV_MAGNITUDE:
390             result = sqrt(result);
391             break;
392          }
393       }
395       /* Save the result */
396       output_data[0][ivoxel] = result;
397    }
399    return;
400 }
402 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
403 @NAME       : get_double_list
404 @INPUT      : dst - client data passed by ParseArgv
405               key - matching key in argv
406               nextarg - argument following key in argv
407 @OUTPUT     : (none)
408 @RETURNS    : TRUE since nextarg is used.
409 @DESCRIPTION: Gets a list (array) of double values.
410 @METHOD     :
411 @GLOBALS    :
412 @CALLS      :
413 @CREATED    : March 8, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
414 @MODIFIED   :
415 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_double_list(char * dst,char * key,char * nextarg)416 static int get_double_list(char *dst, char *key, char *nextarg)
417 {
418 #define VECTOR_SEPARATOR ','
420    int num_elements;
421    int num_alloc;
422    double *double_list;
423    double dvalue;
424    char *cur, *end, *prev;
425    Double_Array *double_array;
427    /* Check for a following argument */
428    if (nextarg == NULL) {
429       (void) fprintf(stderr,
430                      "\"%s\" option requires an additional argument\n",
431                      key);
432       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
433    }
435    /* Get pointers to array variables */
436    double_array = (Double_Array *) dst;
438    /* Set up pointers to end of string and first non-space character */
439    end = nextarg + strlen(nextarg);
440    cur = nextarg;
441    while (isspace(*cur)) cur++;
442    num_elements = 0;
443    num_alloc = 0;
444    double_list = NULL;
446    /* Loop through string looking for doubles */
447    while (cur!=end) {
449       /* Get double */
450       prev = cur;
451       dvalue = strtod(prev, &cur);
452       if (cur == prev) {
453          (void) fprintf(stderr,
454             "expected vector of doubles for \"%s\", but got \"%s\"\n",
455                         key, nextarg);
456          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
457       }
459       /* Add the value to the list */
460       num_elements++;
461       if (num_elements > num_alloc) {
462          num_alloc += 20;
463          if (double_list == NULL) {
464             double_list =
465                malloc(num_alloc * sizeof(*double_list));
466          }
467          else {
468             double_list =
469                realloc(double_list, num_alloc * sizeof(*double_list));
470          }
471       }
472       double_list[num_elements-1] = dvalue;
474       /* Skip any spaces */
475       while (isspace(*cur)) cur++;
477       /* Skip an optional comma */
478       if (*cur == VECTOR_SEPARATOR) cur++;
480    }
482    /* Update the global variables */
483    double_array->numvalues = num_elements;
484    if (double_array->values != NULL) {
485       free(double_array->values);
486    }
487    double_array->values = double_list;
489    return TRUE;
490 }
492 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
493 @NAME       : get_vector_length
494 @INPUT      : mincid - minc file id
495 @OUTPUT     : (none)
496 @RETURNS    : Length of vector dimension or zero if no such dimension.
497 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to get the length of the vector dimension in a minc file.
498 @METHOD     :
499 @GLOBALS    :
500 @CALLS      :
501 @CREATED    : November 30, 1994 (Peter Neelin)
502 @MODIFIED   :
503 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_vector_length(int mincid)504 static long get_vector_length(int mincid)
505 {
506    int imgid;
507    int ndims;
508    int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
509    char dimname[MAX_NC_NAME];
510    long vector_length;
511    int i;
513    /* Get image variable id */
514    imgid = ncvarid(mincid, MIimage);
516    /* Get the image dimension info */
517    (void) ncvarinq(mincid, imgid, NULL, NULL, &ndims, dim, NULL);
519    /* Check for vector dimension */
520    (void) ncdiminq(mincid, dim[ndims-1], dimname, &vector_length);
521    if ((strcmp(dimname, MIvector_dimension) != 0) || (ndims <= 2)) {
522       vector_length = 0;
524       /* New deal - check for an actual vector_dimension anywhere in the
525        * file.
526        */
527       for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
528           ncdiminq(mincid, dim[i], dimname, NULL);
529           if (!strcmp(dimname, MIvector_dimension)) {
530               vector_length = -1;
531               break;
532           }
533       }
534    }
536    return vector_length;
537 }