1 /*
2  *  aeif_psc_exp.cpp
3  *
4  *  This file is part of NEST.
5  *
6  *  Copyright (C) 2004 The NEST Initiative
7  *
8  *  NEST is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
11  *  (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  *  NEST is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  *  along with NEST.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #include "aeif_psc_exp.h"
25 #ifdef HAVE_GSL
27 // C++ includes:
28 #include <cmath>
29 #include <cstdio>
30 #include <iomanip>
31 #include <iostream>
32 #include <limits>
34 // Includes from libnestutil:
35 #include "dict_util.h"
36 #include "numerics.h"
38 // Includes from nestkernel:
39 #include "exceptions.h"
40 #include "kernel_manager.h"
41 #include "nest_names.h"
42 #include "universal_data_logger_impl.h"
44 // Includes from sli:
45 #include "dict.h"
46 #include "dictutils.h"
47 #include "doubledatum.h"
48 #include "integerdatum.h"
50 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
51  * Recordables map
52  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
54 nest::RecordablesMap< nest::aeif_psc_exp > nest::aeif_psc_exp::recordablesMap_;
56 namespace nest
57 {
58 /*
59  * template specialization must be placed in namespace
60  *
61  * Override the create() method with one call to RecordablesMap::insert_()
62  * for each quantity to be recorded.
63  */
64 template <>
65 void
create()66 RecordablesMap< aeif_psc_exp >::create()
67 {
68   // use standard names whereever you can for consistency!
69   insert_( names::V_m, &aeif_psc_exp::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_exp::State_::V_M > );
70   insert_( names::I_syn_ex, &aeif_psc_exp::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_exp::State_::I_EXC > );
71   insert_( names::I_syn_in, &aeif_psc_exp::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_exp::State_::I_INH > );
72   insert_( names::w, &aeif_psc_exp::get_y_elem_< aeif_psc_exp::State_::W > );
73 }
74 }
77 extern "C" int
aeif_psc_exp_dynamics(double,const double y[],double f[],void * pnode)78 nest::aeif_psc_exp_dynamics( double, const double y[], double f[], void* pnode )
79 {
80   // a shorthand
81   typedef nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_ S;
83   // get access to node so we can almost work as in a member function
84   assert( pnode );
85   const nest::aeif_psc_exp& node = *( reinterpret_cast< nest::aeif_psc_exp* >( pnode ) );
87   const bool is_refractory = node.S_.r_ > 0;
89   // y[] here is---and must be---the state vector supplied by the integrator,
90   // not the state vector in the node, node.S_.y[].
92   // The following code is verbose for the sake of clarity. We assume that a
93   // good compiler will optimize the verbosity away...
95   // Clamp membrane potential to V_reset while refractory, otherwise bound
96   // it to V_peak. Do not use V_.V_peak_ here, since that is set to V_th if
97   // Delta_T == 0.
98   const double& V = is_refractory ? node.P_.V_reset_ : std::min( y[ S::V_M ], node.P_.V_peak_ );
99   // shorthand for the other state variables
100   const double& I_syn_ex = y[ S::I_EXC ];
101   const double& I_syn_in = y[ S::I_INH ];
102   const double& w = y[ S::W ];
104   const double I_spike =
105     node.P_.Delta_T == 0. ? 0. : ( node.P_.g_L * node.P_.Delta_T * std::exp( ( V - node.P_.V_th ) / node.P_.Delta_T ) );
107   // dv/dt
108   f[ S::V_M ] = is_refractory ? 0. : ( -node.P_.g_L * ( V - node.P_.E_L ) + I_spike + I_syn_ex - I_syn_in - w
109                                        + node.P_.I_e + node.B_.I_stim_ ) / node.P_.C_m;
111   f[ S::I_EXC ] = -I_syn_ex / node.P_.tau_syn_ex; // Exc. synaptic current (pA)
113   f[ S::I_INH ] = -I_syn_in / node.P_.tau_syn_in; // Inh. synaptic current (pA)
115   // Adaptation current w.
116   f[ S::W ] = ( node.P_.a * ( V - node.P_.E_L ) - w ) / node.P_.tau_w;
118   return GSL_SUCCESS;
119 }
121 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
122  * Default constructors defining default parameters and state
123  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
Parameters_()125 nest::aeif_psc_exp::Parameters_::Parameters_()
126   : V_peak_( 0.0 )    // mV
127   , V_reset_( -60.0 ) // mV
128   , t_ref_( 0.0 )     // ms
129   , g_L( 30.0 )       // nS
130   , C_m( 281.0 )      // pF
131   , E_L( -70.6 )      // mV
132   , Delta_T( 2.0 )    // mV
133   , tau_w( 144.0 )    // ms
134   , a( 4.0 )          // nS
135   , b( 80.5 )         // pA
136   , V_th( -50.4 )     // mV
137   , tau_syn_ex( 0.2 ) // ms
138   , tau_syn_in( 2.0 ) // ms
139   , I_e( 0.0 )        // pA
140   , gsl_error_tol( 1e-6 )
141 {
142 }
State_(const Parameters_ & p)144 nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_::State_( const Parameters_& p )
145   : r_( 0 )
146 {
147   y_[ 0 ] = p.E_L;
148   for ( size_t i = 1; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i )
149   {
150     y_[ i ] = 0;
151   }
152 }
State_(const State_ & s)154 nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_::State_( const State_& s )
155   : r_( s.r_ )
156 {
157   for ( size_t i = 0; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i )
158   {
159     y_[ i ] = s.y_[ i ];
160   }
161 }
operator =(const State_ & s)163 nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_& nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_::operator=( const State_& s )
164 {
165   r_ = s.r_;
166   for ( size_t i = 0; i < STATE_VEC_SIZE; ++i )
167   {
168     y_[ i ] = s.y_[ i ];
169   }
170   return *this;
171 }
173 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
174  * Paramater and state extractions and manipulation functions
175  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
177 void
get(DictionaryDatum & d) const178 nest::aeif_psc_exp::Parameters_::get( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
179 {
180   def< double >( d, names::C_m, C_m );
181   def< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th );
182   def< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_ );
183   def< double >( d, names::g_L, g_L );
184   def< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L );
185   def< double >( d, names::V_reset, V_reset_ );
186   def< double >( d, names::tau_syn_ex, tau_syn_ex );
187   def< double >( d, names::tau_syn_in, tau_syn_in );
188   def< double >( d, names::a, a );
189   def< double >( d, names::b, b );
190   def< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T );
191   def< double >( d, names::tau_w, tau_w );
192   def< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e );
193   def< double >( d, names::V_peak, V_peak_ );
194   def< double >( d, names::gsl_error_tol, gsl_error_tol );
195 }
197 void
set(const DictionaryDatum & d,Node * node)198 nest::aeif_psc_exp::Parameters_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, Node* node )
199 {
200   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_th, V_th, node );
201   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_peak, V_peak_, node );
202   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::t_ref, t_ref_, node );
203   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::E_L, E_L, node );
204   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_reset, V_reset_, node );
206   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::C_m, C_m, node );
207   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::g_L, g_L, node );
209   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::tau_syn_ex, tau_syn_ex, node );
210   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::tau_syn_in, tau_syn_in, node );
212   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::a, a, node );
213   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::b, b, node );
214   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::Delta_T, Delta_T, node );
215   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::tau_w, tau_w, node );
217   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I_e, I_e, node );
219   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::gsl_error_tol, gsl_error_tol, node );
221   if ( V_reset_ >= V_peak_ )
222   {
223     throw BadProperty( "Ensure that V_reset < V_peak ." );
224   }
226   if ( Delta_T < 0. )
227   {
228     throw BadProperty( "Delta_T must be positive." );
229   }
230   else if ( Delta_T > 0. )
231   {
232     // check for possible numerical overflow with the exponential divergence at
233     // spike time, keep a 1e20 margin for the subsequent calculations
234     const double max_exp_arg = std::log( std::numeric_limits< double >::max() / 1e20 );
235     if ( ( V_peak_ - V_th ) / Delta_T >= max_exp_arg )
236     {
237       throw BadProperty(
238         "The current combination of V_peak, V_th and Delta_T"
239         "will lead to numerical overflow at spike time; try"
240         "for instance to increase Delta_T or to reduce V_peak"
241         "to avoid this problem." );
242     }
243   }
245   if ( V_peak_ < V_th )
246   {
247     throw BadProperty( "V_peak >= V_th required." );
248   }
250   if ( C_m <= 0 )
251   {
252     throw BadProperty( "Ensure that C_m > 0" );
253   }
255   if ( t_ref_ < 0 )
256   {
257     throw BadProperty( "Refractory time cannot be negative." );
258   }
260   if ( tau_syn_ex <= 0 || tau_syn_in <= 0 || tau_w <= 0 )
261   {
262     throw BadProperty( "All time constants must be strictly positive." );
263   }
265   if ( gsl_error_tol <= 0. )
266   {
267     throw BadProperty( "The gsl_error_tol must be strictly positive." );
268   }
269 }
271 void
get(DictionaryDatum & d) const272 nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_::get( DictionaryDatum& d ) const
273 {
274   def< double >( d, names::V_m, y_[ V_M ] );
275   def< double >( d, names::I_syn_ex, y_[ I_EXC ] );
276   def< double >( d, names::I_syn_in, y_[ I_INH ] );
277   def< double >( d, names::w, y_[ W ] );
278 }
280 void
set(const DictionaryDatum & d,const Parameters_ &,Node * node)281 nest::aeif_psc_exp::State_::set( const DictionaryDatum& d, const Parameters_&, Node* node )
282 {
283   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::V_m, y_[ V_M ], node );
284   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I_syn_ex, y_[ I_EXC ], node );
285   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::I_syn_in, y_[ I_INH ], node );
286   updateValueParam< double >( d, names::w, y_[ W ], node );
287   if ( y_[ I_EXC ] < 0 || y_[ I_INH ] < 0 )
288   {
289     throw BadProperty( "Conductances must not be negative." );
290   }
291 }
Buffers_(aeif_psc_exp & n)293 nest::aeif_psc_exp::Buffers_::Buffers_( aeif_psc_exp& n )
294   : logger_( n )
295   , s_( 0 )
296   , c_( 0 )
297   , e_( 0 )
298 {
299   // Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
300   // init_buffers_().
301 }
Buffers_(const Buffers_ &,aeif_psc_exp & n)303 nest::aeif_psc_exp::Buffers_::Buffers_( const Buffers_&, aeif_psc_exp& n )
304   : logger_( n )
305   , s_( 0 )
306   , c_( 0 )
307   , e_( 0 )
308 {
309   // Initialization of the remaining members is deferred to
310   // init_buffers_().
311 }
313 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
314  * Default and copy constructor for node, and destructor
315  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
aeif_psc_exp()317 nest::aeif_psc_exp::aeif_psc_exp()
318   : ArchivingNode()
319   , P_()
320   , S_( P_ )
321   , B_( *this )
322 {
323   recordablesMap_.create();
324 }
aeif_psc_exp(const aeif_psc_exp & n)326 nest::aeif_psc_exp::aeif_psc_exp( const aeif_psc_exp& n )
327   : ArchivingNode( n )
328   , P_( n.P_ )
329   , S_( n.S_ )
330   , B_( n.B_, *this )
331 {
332 }
~aeif_psc_exp()334 nest::aeif_psc_exp::~aeif_psc_exp()
335 {
336   // GSL structs may not have been allocated, so we need to protect destruction
337   if ( B_.s_ )
338   {
339     gsl_odeiv_step_free( B_.s_ );
340   }
341   if ( B_.c_ )
342   {
343     gsl_odeiv_control_free( B_.c_ );
344   }
345   if ( B_.e_ )
346   {
347     gsl_odeiv_evolve_free( B_.e_ );
348   }
349 }
351 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
352  * Node initialization functions
353  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
355 void
init_buffers_()356 nest::aeif_psc_exp::init_buffers_()
357 {
358   B_.spike_exc_.clear(); // includes resize
359   B_.spike_inh_.clear(); // includes resize
360   B_.currents_.clear();  // includes resize
361   ArchivingNode::clear_history();
363   B_.logger_.reset();
365   B_.step_ = Time::get_resolution().get_ms();
367   // We must integrate this model with high-precision to obtain decent results
368   B_.IntegrationStep_ = std::min( 0.01, B_.step_ );
370   if ( B_.s_ == 0 )
371   {
372     B_.s_ = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc( gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45, State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE );
373   }
374   else
375   {
376     gsl_odeiv_step_reset( B_.s_ );
377   }
379   if ( B_.c_ == 0 )
380   {
381     B_.c_ = gsl_odeiv_control_yp_new( P_.gsl_error_tol, P_.gsl_error_tol );
382   }
383   else
384   {
385     gsl_odeiv_control_init( B_.c_, P_.gsl_error_tol, P_.gsl_error_tol, 0.0, 1.0 );
386   }
388   if ( B_.e_ == 0 )
389   {
390     B_.e_ = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc( State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE );
391   }
392   else
393   {
394     gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset( B_.e_ );
395   }
397   B_.sys_.jacobian = NULL;
398   B_.sys_.dimension = State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE;
399   B_.sys_.params = reinterpret_cast< void* >( this );
400   B_.sys_.function = aeif_psc_exp_dynamics;
402   B_.I_stim_ = 0.0;
403 }
405 void
calibrate()406 nest::aeif_psc_exp::calibrate()
407 {
408   // ensures initialization in case mm connected after Simulate
409   B_.logger_.init();
411   // set the right threshold and GSL function depending on Delta_T
412   if ( P_.Delta_T > 0. )
413   {
414     V_.V_peak = P_.V_peak_;
415   }
416   else
417   {
418     V_.V_peak = P_.V_th; // same as IAF dynamics for spikes if Delta_T == 0.
419   }
421   V_.refractory_counts_ = Time( Time::ms( P_.t_ref_ ) ).get_steps();
422 }
424 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
425  * Update and spike handling functions
426  * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
428 void
update(const Time & origin,const long from,const long to)429 nest::aeif_psc_exp::update( const Time& origin, const long from, const long to )
430 {
431   assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
432   assert( from < to );
433   assert( State_::V_M == 0 );
435   for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
436   {
437     double t = 0.0;
439     // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
440     // ------------------------------------------------------
441     // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
442     // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
443     // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
444     // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
445     // to a small integration step size;
446     // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
447     // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
448     // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t
449     while ( t < B_.step_ )
450     {
451       const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
452         B_.c_,
453         B_.s_,
454         &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
455         &t,                   // from t
456         B_.step_,             // to t <= step
457         &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
458         S_.y_ );              // neuronal state
459       if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
460       {
461         throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );
462       }
464       // check for unreasonable values; we allow V_M to explode
465       if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] < -1e3 || S_.y_[ State_::W ] < -1e6 || S_.y_[ State_::W ] > 1e6 )
466       {
467         throw NumericalInstability( get_name() );
468       }
470       // spikes are handled inside the while-loop
471       // due to spike-driven adaptation
472       if ( S_.r_ > 0 )
473       {
474         S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;
475       }
476       else if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= V_.V_peak )
477       {
478         S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;
479         S_.y_[ State_::W ] += P_.b; // spike-driven adaptation
481         /* Initialize refractory step counter.
482          * - We need to add 1 to compensate for count-down immediately after
483          *   while loop.
484          * - If neuron has no refractory time, set to 0 to avoid refractory
485          *   artifact inside while loop.
486          */
487         S_.r_ = V_.refractory_counts_ > 0 ? V_.refractory_counts_ + 1 : 0;
489         set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );
490         SpikeEvent se;
491         kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );
492       }
493     }
495     // decrement refractory count
496     if ( S_.r_ > 0 )
497     {
498       --S_.r_;
499     }
501     S_.y_[ State_::I_EXC ] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag );
502     S_.y_[ State_::I_INH ] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag );
504     // set new input current
505     B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );
507     // log state data
508     B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
509   }
510 }
512 void
handle(SpikeEvent & e)513 nest::aeif_psc_exp::handle( SpikeEvent& e )
514 {
515   assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
517   if ( e.get_weight() > 0.0 )
518   {
519     B_.spike_exc_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ),
520       e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
521   }
522   else
523   {
524     B_.spike_inh_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ),
525       -e.get_weight() * e.get_multiplicity() );
526   }
527 }
529 void
handle(CurrentEvent & e)530 nest::aeif_psc_exp::handle( CurrentEvent& e )
531 {
532   assert( e.get_delay_steps() > 0 );
534   const double c = e.get_current();
535   const double w = e.get_weight();
537   B_.currents_.add_value( e.get_rel_delivery_steps( kernel().simulation_manager.get_slice_origin() ), w * c );
538 }
540 void
handle(DataLoggingRequest & e)541 nest::aeif_psc_exp::handle( DataLoggingRequest& e )
542 {
543   B_.logger_.handle( e );
544 }
546 #endif // HAVE_GSL