1* $Id$
2      subroutine atscf_ecp(geom,basis,tag,hatom,nbas,
3     &    zeta,cont,ucont,nz)
5*.... computes the ecp contribution to the atomic scf potential
7      implicit none
8#include "errquit.fh"
9#include "mafdecls.fh"
10#include "bas.fh"
11#include "geom.fh"
12#include "stdio.fh"
15      integer geom  ! [input] geometry handle
16      integer basis ! [input] basis set handle
17      character*16  tag ! [input] tag for atom
18      double precision hatom(*) ! [output] ecp contribution to the V
19      integer nbas(4) ! [input] atomic scf internal structure of
20*                               number of basis functions per sym
21*                               or shell type s, p, d, f
22      integer nz      ! [input] number of exponents and coefs
23      double precision zeta(nz) ! [input] exponents
24      double precision cont(nz) ! [input] scaled atomic scf coefs
25      double precision ucont(nz)! [input] unscaled coefs (from bas)
27      integer bgeom ! geometry handle that basis was loaded with
28      integer nat   ! number of atoms
29      integer icent ! center index
30      character*16 gtag ! dummy geometry tag
31      character*16 btag ! dummy basis tag
32      integer clo   ! first non-uniuqe contraction on atom
33      integer chi   ! last non-uniuqe contraction on atom
34      integer i,j   ! dummy index
35      integer sz_hatom ! size of hatom array
36      integer ecpis    ! ecp basis handle
38cMG_start   pseudopotentials do not work for periodic systems yet
40      integer isys
42      if (.not. geom_systype_get(geom, isys)) call errquit
43     $     ('atscf_ecp: systype?', 0, UNKNOWN_ERR)
44      if (isys.gt.0) return
47      gtag = ' '
48      btag = ' '
50c compare geometry handles input vs. what bas used to read basis info
52      if (.not.bas_geom(basis,bgeom)) call errquit
53     &    ('atscf_ecp: bas_geom failed ',911, BASIS_ERR)
54      if (geom.ne.bgeom) call errquit
55     &    ('atscf_ecp: geom .ne. bgeom Fatal mismatch error',911,
56     &       GEOM_ERR)
58c determine the center index in the global picture
60      if (.not.geom_ncent(geom,nat)) call errquit
61     &    ('atscf_ecp: geom_ncent failed ',911, GEOM_ERR)
63      do icent = 1,nat
64        if (.not.geom_cent_tag(geom, icent, gtag)) call errquit
65     &      ('atscf_ecp: geom_cent_tag failed ',911, GEOM_ERR)
66        if (gtag.eq.tag) goto 00001
67      enddo
6800001 continue
69*debug:      write(6,*)'tags 1', tag, gtag
71c determine size of hatom (primitive triangles in s,p,d,f)
73      sz_hatom = 0
74      do i = 1,4
75        j = nbas(i)
76        sz_hatom = sz_hatom + j*(j+1)/2
77      enddo
78*debug:  write(6,*)' atscf_ecp: size of hatom is ',sz_hatom
79      call dfill(sz_hatom,0.0d00,hatom,1)
81c check if tag is an ecp center ?  If not do not compute anything
83      if (.not.geom_ecp_get(geom,icent)) return
85c get ecpis .. ecp basis set handle
87      if (.not.bas_get_ecp_handle(basis,ecpis)) call errquit
88     &    ('atscf_ecp: bas_get_ecp_handle failed ',911, BASIS_ERR)
90c gather info for call to ecp_integral
92      if (.not.bas_ce2cnr(ecpis,icent,clo,chi))
93     &    call errquit('atscf_ecp:bas_ce2cnr failed',911, BASIS_ERR)
94c Check if center is in the given ecp basis set
95      if (.not.(bas_isce(geom,ecpis,icent))) then
96        write(luout,*)' the lexical center ',icent, ' with tag ',
97     &      gtag,' is not in the ecp basis '
98        call errquit('atscf_ecp: tag mismatch fatal error',911,
99     &       BASIS_ERR)
100      endif
101      call atscf_ecp_setup_hatom(geom,basis,ecpis,
102     &    hatom,sz_hatom,nbas,zeta,cont,ucont,nz,icent)
103      end
104      subroutine atscf_ecp_setup_hatom(geom,basis,ecpis,
105     &    hatom,sz_hatom,nbas,zeta,cont,ucont,nz,icent)
106      implicit none
107#include "errquit.fh"
109* routine that sets up pointers for atomic ecp computation
111#include "mafdecls.fh"
112#include "bas.fh"
114      integer geom  ! [input] geometry handle
115      integer basis ! [input] basis set handle
116      integer ecpis ! [input] ecp basis set handle
117      integer nbas(4) ! [input] atomic scf internal structure of
118*                               number of basis functions per sym
119*                               or shell type s, p, d, f
120      integer nz      ! [input] number of exponents and coefs
121      double precision zeta(nz) ! [input] exponents
122      double precision cont(nz) ! [input] scaled atomic scf coefs
123      double precision ucont(nz)! [input] unscaled coefs (from bas)
124      integer sz_hatom ! [input] size of hatom array
125      double precision hatom(sz_hatom) ! [output] ecp part of V
126      integer icent ! [input] lexical index of center
128      integer sz_zeta ! size of exponent and coef arrays for ecp info
129      integer lmaxbs  ! high angular momentum in basis set
130      integer lmax_all_ecp ! high angular momentum in ecp basis
131      integer lscr, lbuf   ! size of scratch and buffer arrays
132      integer h_zetac,  k_zetac  ! MA handle and pointer ecp exponents
133      integer h_coefc,  k_coefc  ! MA handle and pointer ecp coefs
134      integer h_nprimc, k_nprimc ! MA handle and pointer ecp n_prim_c
135      integer h_ncoefc, k_ncoefc ! MA handle and pointer ecp n_coef_c
136      integer h_indc,   k_indc   ! MA handle and pointer ecp ind_c
137      integer h_scr,    k_scr    ! MA handle and pointer scratch
138      integer h_buf,    k_buf    ! MA handle and pointer buffer
140c...  allocate space for info on ecp functions
141c.. n_zeta_c number of exponents, need a max
142c.1. zeta_c = exponents of ecp      (flat for all ecp info)
143c.2. coef_c = contraction coeefs    (flat for all ecp info)
144c.3. n_prim_c = info about primitives rval, type and center
145*               (0:4,-1:lmax,necp=1)
146c.4. n_coef_c = info about prims summed over rval just type
147*               and center (-1:lmax,necp=1)
148c.5. ind_c    = first coeff/exponent for each type (-1:lmax,necp=1)
149c.. n_zeta_C = total number ecp exponents summed over centers
150c.. l_C      = max projector on center C (necp=1)
151c.. n_c      = number of ecp centers necp=1=n_c
152c.. l_ecp_max = max l val of projector on any center (lmax)
154c.. only need 5 arrays use arbitrary length for zeta_c and coef_c
155*   with max for test
156c.. get lmax in ecp basis and use this.
158c get ecp primitive exponents in ma
160      sz_zeta = 500 ! should be okay for most atoms
162c..   allocate memory for exponents
163      if (.not.
164     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,sz_zeta,
165     &    'atscf ecp exponents',
166     &    h_zetac,k_zetac)) call errquit
167     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
168      call dfill(sz_zeta,0.0d00,dbl_mb(k_zetac),1)
170c..   allocate memory for coeffs
171      if (.not.
172     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,sz_zeta,
173     &    'atscf ecp coeffs',
174     &    h_coefc,k_coefc)) call errquit
175     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
176      call dfill(sz_zeta,0.0d00,dbl_mb(k_coefc),1)
178c.. get lmax for all ecps
179      if (.not.bas_high_angular(ecpis,lmax_all_ecp)) call errquit
180     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: bas_high_angular failed',911,
181     &       BASIS_ERR)
183c.. get lmax for all basis set
184      if (.not.bas_high_angular(basis,lmaxbs)) call errquit
185     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: bas_high_angular failed',911,
186     &       BASIS_ERR)
188c.. allocate memory for n_prim_c array (see ecp_integral for def)
189      if (.not.
190     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_int,(5*(lmax_all_ecp+2)),
191     &    'atscf ecp nprimc',
192     &    h_nprimc,k_nprimc)) call errquit
193     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911,
194     &       MA_ERR)
195      call ifill((5*(lmax_all_ecp+2)),0,int_mb(k_nprimc),1)
197c.. allocate memory for n_coef_c array (see ecp_integral for def)
198      if (.not.
199     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_int,(lmax_all_ecp+2),
200     &    'atscf ecp ncoefc',
201     &    h_ncoefc,k_ncoefc)) call errquit
202     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
203      call ifill((lmax_all_ecp+2),0,int_mb(k_ncoefc),1)
205c.. allocate memory for ind_c array (see ecp_integral for def)
206      if (.not.
207     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_int,(lmax_all_ecp+2),
208     &    'atscf ecp nindc',
209     &    h_indc,k_indc)) call errquit
210     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
211      call ifill((lmax_all_ecp+2),0,int_mb(k_indc),1)
213c..   allocate memory for ecp integral buffer array
214      lbuf = (lmaxbs+1)*(lmaxbs+2)/2
215      lbuf = lbuf*lbuf
216      if (.not.
217     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,lbuf,
218     &    'atscf ecp integrals',
219     &    h_buf,k_buf)) call errquit
220     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
221* does not need to be zeroed
223c..   allocate memory for scratch array used by ecp code
224      lscr = max(lbuf*10,20000)
225      if (.not.
226     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,lscr,
227     &    'atscf ecp scr',
228     &    h_scr,k_scr)) call errquit
229     &    ('atscf_ecp_setup_hatom: ma_alloc get failed',911, MA_ERR)
230* does not need to be zeroed
232c.. call routine that does computation
233      call atscf_ecp_build_hatom(geom,basis,ecpis,
234     &    hatom,sz_hatom,nbas,zeta,cont,ucont,nz,icent,
235     &    sz_zeta,dbl_mb(k_zetac),dbl_mb(k_coefc),
236     &    lmax_all_ecp,
237     &    int_mb(k_nprimc),int_mb(k_ncoefc),int_mb(k_indc),
238     &    dbl_mb(k_scr),lscr,dbl_mb(k_buf),lbuf)
240c.. free allocated memory
241      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_zetac)) call errquit
242     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_zetac',911, MEM_ERR)
243      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_coefc)) call errquit
244     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_coefc',911, MEM_ERR)
245      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_nprimc)) call errquit
246     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_nprimc',911, MEM_ERR)
247      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_ncoefc)) call errquit
248     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_ncoefc',911, MEM_ERR)
249      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_indc)) call errquit
250     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_indc',911, MEM_ERR)
251      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_buf)) call errquit
252     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_buf',911, MEM_ERR)
253      if (.not.ma_free_heap(h_scr)) call errquit
254     &    ('atscf_ecp: ma_free_heap failed for h_scr',911, MEM_ERR)
255      end
256      subroutine atscf_ecp_build_hatom(geom,basis,ecpis,
257     &    hatom,sz_hatom,nbas,zeta,cont,ucont,nz,icent,
258     &    sz_zetac,zeta_c,coef_c,lmax_all,n_prim_c,
259     &    n_coef_c, ind_c, scr,lscr, ecp_ints, l_ecp_ints)
260      implicit none
261#include "errquit.fh"
263* this routine fills pointer and coeff arrays with appropriate
264* ecp information and then generates the ecp integrals
266#include "stdio.fh"
267#include "mafdecls.fh"
268#include "bas.fh"
269#include "nwc_const.fh"
270#include "basP.fh"
271#include "bas_ibs_dec.fh"
272#include "bas_exndcf_dec.fh"
273#include "basdeclsP.fh"
274#include "geobasmapP.fh"
275#include "ecp_nwc.fh"
278      integer geom  ! [input] geometry handle
279      integer basis ! [input] basis set handle
280      integer ecpis ! [input] ecp basis set handle
281      integer nbas(4) ! [input] atomic scf internal structure of
282*                               number of basis functions per sym
283*                               or shell type s, p, d, f
284      integer nz      ! [input] number of exponents and coefs
285      double precision zeta(nz) ! [input] exponents
286      double precision cont(nz) ! [input] scaled atomic scf coefs
287      double precision ucont(nz)! [input] unscaled coefs (from bas)
288      integer sz_hatom ! [input] size of hatom array
289      double precision hatom(sz_hatom) ! [output] ecp part of V
290      integer icent ! [input] lexical index of center
291      integer sz_zetac ! [input] size of ecp exp/coef arrays
292* [s] == [scratch] used/filled locally and down tree but not
293*                  important above
294* [i] == [input]
295      double precision zeta_c(sz_zetac) ! [s] ecp exponent array
296      double precision coef_c(sz_zetac) ! [s] ecp coefs array
297      integer lmax_all                  ! [i] ecp max angular momentum
298      integer n_prim_c(0:4,-1:lmax_all) ! [s] ecp code pointer array
299      integer n_coef_c(-1:lmax_all)     ! [s] ecp code pointer array
300      integer ind_c(-1:lmax_all)        ! [s] ecp code pointer array
301      integer lscr     ! [input] length of scratch buffer
302      double precision scr(lscr) ! [s] scratch buffer for ecp code
303      integer l_ecp_ints         ! [input] size of ecp int buffer
304      double precision ecp_ints(l_ecp_ints) ! [s] ecp int buffer
306      double precision C(3)  ! coordinates
307      integer type           ! function type
308      integer ncoef          ! number of coefs in contraction
309      integer nprim          ! number of prims in contraction
310      integer ucent          ! unique basis center
311      integer nn             ! dummy contraction index
312      integer nn_off         ! pointer offset for building ecp arrays
313      integer f_cont         ! first contraction on center
314      integer l_cont         ! last contraction on center
315      integer ecp            ! lexical basis set index for ecpis
316      integer atscf_n_zetac  ! size of n_zeta_c in reality
317      integer n0, n1, n2     ! dummy r exponent indecies
318      integer n3, n4         ! dummy r exponent indecies
319      integer iexp,icfp,irexp ! private basis set pointer info
320      integer l_c            ! max ang on ecp center
321* for atomic code the next three are the same = 1
322      integer i_cent_C       ! lexical atom index of ecp center
323      integer i_c_A          ! lexical atom index of basis function center A
324      integer i_c_B          ! lexical atom index of basis function center B
325      integer i, j, k,       ! loop indices
326     &    lj, lk, ljkoff     ! pointer offsets
327      double precision
328     &    expa, coefa, expb, coefb  ! prim exp and coefs
329      integer sz_ints        ! size of ints block
330      integer nbf_s          ! nbf of shell in spherical d=5
331      integer nbf_x          ! nbf of shell in cart.     d=6
332      integer lscr_guess     ! dummy arg to check memory in ecp code
333      integer cnt_hatom      ! counter in hatom array
334c::-statement functions
335#include "bas_exndcf_sfn.fh"
336#include "bas_ibs_sfn.fh"
338c..  get lexical basis set index for ecp basis set handle
339      ecp = ecpis + Basis_handle_offset
341c..  get unique center index.
342      ucent = sf_ibs_ce2uce(icent,ecp)
343*debug:      write(6,*)' icent/ucent ',icent,'/',ucent
345c.. get number of contractions/primitives on ecp tag
346      atscf_n_zetac = infbs_tags(Tag_Nprim,ucent,ecp)
348c.. check to make sure ecp arrays are big enough
349      if (atscf_n_zetac.gt.sz_zetac) then
350        write(luout,*)' nprimc/ncoefc array too small '
351        write(luout,*)'atscf_n_zetac  = ',atscf_n_zetac
352        write(luout,*)'sz_zetac = ',sz_zetac
353        write(luout,*)'contact nwchem-support@emsl.pnl.gov'
354        call errquit
355     &      ('atscf_ecp_build_hatom: fatal error: ',911, BASIS_ERR)
356      endif
358c.. get first/last contraction on ecp tag
359      f_cont = infbs_tags(Tag_Fcont,ucent,ecp)
360      l_cont = infbs_tags(Tag_Lcont,ucent,ecp)
361*debug:      write(6,*)' f/l cont',f_cont,'/',l_cont
363c.. intialize some variables
364      l_c = -1000
365      nn_off = 1
367c.. loop over contractions
368      do nn = f_cont,l_cont
370        type = infbs_cont(Cont_Type,nn,ecp)
371        nprim = infbs_cont(Cont_Nprim,nn,ecp)
372        ncoef = nprim*infbs_cont(Cont_Ngen,nn,ecp)
373        if (nprim.ne.ncoef) then
374          write(luout,*)
375     &        'general contraction ecp basis are invalid now'
376          call errquit('atscf_ecp_build_hatom: error',911, BASIS_ERR)
377        endif
378        iexp  = infbs_cont(Cont_Iexp,nn,ecp)
379        icfp  = infbs_cont(Cont_Icfp,nn,ecp)
380        irexp = infbs_cont(Cont_Irexp,nn,ecp)
381        if ((nn_off+nprim-1).gt.sz_zetac) call errquit
382     &  ('atscf_ecp_build_hatom: too many exponents/coefficents',911,
383     &       BASIS_ERR)
384*rak:        call dcopy(nprim,dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(iexp,ecp)),1,
385*rak:     &      zeta_c(nn_off),1)
386*rak:        call dcopy(nprim,dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(icfp,ecp)),1,
387*rak:     &      coef_c(nn_off),1)
388        call ecp_get_n3(
389     &      zeta_c(nn_off),
390     &      dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(iexp,ecp)),
391     &      coef_c(nn_off),
392     &      dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(icfp,ecp)),
393     &      dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(irexp,ecp)),nprim,n0,n1,n2,n3,n4)
394        n_prim_c(0,type) = n0
395        n_prim_c(1,type) = n1
396        n_prim_c(2,type) = n2
397        n_prim_c(3,type) = n3
398        n_prim_c(4,type) = n4
399        ind_c(type)      = nn_off
400        n_coef_c(type)   = nprim
401        l_c              = max(type,l_c)
402        nn_off = nn_off + nprim
403      enddo
404      i_cent_c = 1
405      i_c_A    = 1
406      i_c_B    = 1
408*debug:      write(6,*)' exponent list for ecp '
409*debug:      call output(zeta_c,1,atscf_n_zetac,1,1,atscf_n_zetac,1,1)
410*debug:      write(6,*)' contraction list for ecp '
411*debug:      call output(coef_c,1,atscf_n_zetac,1,1,atscf_n_zetac,1,1)
413c atom centered at origin
414      call dfill(3,0.0d00,C,1)
415*debug:      write(6,*)'nbas',nbas
416*debug:      write(6,*)'zeta',zeta
417*debug:      write(6,*)'ucont',ucont
418      ljkoff = 0
419      cnt_hatom = 0
420c.. loop over shell types or atomic scf symmetries
421      do i = 1,4
422        type = i-1   ! type in NWChem terms
423        sz_ints = (type+1)*(type+2)/2
424        sz_ints = sz_ints*sz_ints  ! size of integral block
425        lj = ljkoff
427c.. loop over primitives for <bra|
428        do j = 1,nbas(i)
429          lj = lj + 1
430          expa = zeta(lj)
431          coefa = ucont(lj)
432          lk = ljkoff
433c.. loop over primitives for |ket>
434          do k = 1,j
435            lk=lk+1
436            expb = zeta(lk)
437            coefb = ucont(lk)
438            lscr_guess = lscr
439*debug:            write(6,*)' lscr ',lscr
441              call ecp_integral(
442     &            C,expa,coefa,1,1,type,i_c_A,
443     &            C,expb,coefb,1,1,type,i_c_B,
444     &            C,zeta_c,coef_c,n_prim_C,n_coef_c,
445     &            ind_c, ind_c, atscf_n_zetac, atscf_n_zetac,
446     &            l_c,i_cent_C,1,lmax_all,0,
447     &            dbl_mb(k_ecp_c2s),mem_c2s,
448     &            ecp_ints,sz_ints,1,  ! nblk = 1 for ecp integrals
449     &            .true.,
450     &            scr,lscr_guess,
451     &            0)
452c.. make sure scratch array is big enough
453            if (lscr_guess.gt.lscr) then
454              write(luout,*)' lscr_guess =',lscr_guess
455              write(luout,*)' lscr       =',lscr
456              write(luout,*)' contact nwchem-support@emsl.pnl.gov'
457              call errquit('atscf_ecp_build_hatom: fatal error',911,
458     &       BASIS_ERR)
459            else
460c.. compute ecp integrals <bra|ecp|ket>
461              call ecp_integral(
462     &            C,expa,coefa,1,1,type,i_c_A,
463     &            C,expb,coefb,1,1,type,i_c_B,
464     &            C,zeta_c,coef_c,n_prim_C,n_coef_c,
465     &            ind_c, ind_c, atscf_n_zetac, atscf_n_zetac,
466     &            l_c,i_cent_C,1,lmax_all,0,
467     &            dbl_mb(k_ecp_c2s),mem_c2s,
468     &            ecp_ints,sz_ints,1,      ! nblk = 1 for ecp integrals
469     &            .false.,
470     &            scr,lscr,
471     &            0)
472*              write(6,*)' ecp integrals, cart'
473*              call output(ecp_ints,1,sz_ints,1,1,sz_ints,1,1)
474              nbf_x = (type+1)*(type+2)/2
475              nbf_s = 2*type+1
477c.. transform cartesian block to spherical since the atomic scf
478*             is a spherical code.  This makes the integral block
479*             diagonal with the same values for all 2*l+1 components.
481              call spcart_tran1e(ecp_ints,scr,
482     &            nbf_x,nbf_x,type,1,
483     &            nbf_s,nbf_s,type,1,
484     &            .false.)
485*              write(6,*)' ecp integrals, spherical'
486*              call output(ecp_ints,1,(nbf_s*nbf_s),
487*     &            1,1,(nbf_s*nbf_s),1,1)
488            endif
490c.. compute index into hatom array
491            cnt_hatom = cnt_hatom + 1
492c...  use the zero component of the (-l:l) square spherical integral
493*     block.  nbf_x is now the index into odd rank square matrix
494*             (e.g., find the center element)
495            nbf_x = (nbf_s*nbf_s - 1)/2 + 1
496            hatom(cnt_hatom) = ecp_ints(nbf_x)
497          enddo
498        enddo
500c.. compute offset into scalar atomic scf zeta and ucont arrays
501        ljkoff = ljkoff + nbas(i)
502      enddo
503      end