2C $Id$
4c  Hold all of the variables common to all hessian calculations.
5c  Wavefunction specific variables are set in the directories below.
7c     geom       = Geometry handle
8c     basis      = Basis handle
9c     cd_basis   = CD basis handle
10c     n3xyz      = no. of nuclear perturbations
11c     n3xyz2     = no. of nuclear perturbations squared
12c     l/k_exy    = hessian matrix (local ma handle)
13c     ncent      = no. of centers
14c     nbf        = no. of basis functions
15c     qy         = RHF fock derivative matrices (global ga handle)
16c                  (2x array for UHF or LSDA)
17c     g_rhs      = RHF fock derivative matrices (global ga handle)
18c                  (2x array for UHF or LSDA)
19c     g_dens     = density matrices (global ga handle)
20c                  (2x array for UHF or LSDA)
21c     g_wdens    = weighted density matrix (global ga handle)
22c     ndens      = number of density matrices
23c     nclosed    = no. of closed shells (RHF or ROHF)
24c     nopen      = no. of open shells   (ROHF)
25c     nalpha     = no. of alpha occupieds (UHF)
26c     nbeta      = no. of beta occupieds (UHF)
27c     nmo        = no. of molecular orbitals
28c     nocc       = no. of occupied orbitals (RHF or UHF [alpha and beta])
29c     nvirt      = no. of virtual orbitals (RHF or UHF [alpha and beta])
30c     vlen       = size of the rotation matrix (nmo*nvirt for RHF)
31c     kfac       = contribution from exchange when doing DFT
32c     jfac       = contribution from coulomb when doing DFT
33c     sx_dra_handle = handle for the DRA file that holds the S derivatives
34c     fx_dra_handle = handle for the DRA file that holds the F derivatives
37      integer geom, basis, n3xyz, n3xyz2, l_exy, k_exy, ncent, nbf
38      integer cd_basis,basis_list,nbasis
39      integer  nclosed, nopen, nalpha, nbeta, nmo, nocc, nvirt, vlen
40      integer qy, g_dens, g_wdens, g_rhs, g_rhs_xc, ndens
41      integer g_rhs_sx, g_rhs_fx
42      integer l_hess_xc, k_hess_xc, k_act, l_act, nactive
43      integer l_dder, k_dder
44      integer sx_dra_handle, fx_dra_handle
45      integer geomold
46      double precision kfac, jfac, tthresh
47      logical skelsym, ocdfit
48      character*4 scftype
49      character*32 theory
51      common /hesstuf/
53c  Doubles
54c  kfac and jfac need to be dependent on ndens
56     *   kfac(4), jfac(4), tthresh,
58c  Integers
60     *   geom, basis, cd_basis, basis_list(3),nbasis,
61     *   n3xyz, n3xyz2, l_exy, k_exy, l_hess_xc,
62     *   k_hess_xc, k_act, l_act, l_dder, k_dder, ncent, nactive,
63     *   nclosed, nopen, nalpha, nbeta, nmo, nocc(2), nvirt(2), vlen,
64     *   nbf, sx_dra_handle, fx_dra_handle, qy(2),
65     *   g_dens(4),g_wdens,ndens,g_rhs,g_rhs_xc, geomold,
66     *   g_rhs_sx, g_rhs_fx
68c  Characters
70      common /chesstuf/
71     *   scftype, theory
73c  Logicals
75      common /lhesstuf/
76     *   skelsym, ocdfit