2* rc=AixOpn(Handle,FileName)                                           *
3*                                                                      *
4* A file is opened for read/write operations. If the file does not     *
5* exist it is automatically created.                                   *
6*                                                                      *
7* Input:  FileName - A character string specifying a complete path     *
8*                    name or relative path name for the file. The      *
9*                    name must be shorter than 128 characters.         *
10*                                                                      *
11* Output: Handle   - When a file is sucessfully opened, a unique file  *
12*                    id is supplied by the routine. This is used for   *
13*                    specifying the file to other routines.            *
15* History:                                                             *
16* 911021 - If return code is 13 when opening file, try to open it as a *
17*          read only file. Per-Olof Widmark.                           *
18* 931217 - Flags obtained from system calls.                           *
19* 010710 - Change using iRand to incremental number                    *
20*                                                                      *
22      Integer Function AixOpn(handle,name,translate)
23      Include 'ioparm.inc'
24      Include 'switch.inc'
25      Include 'ctl.inc'
26      Character*(*) name
27      Character*256 tmp
28      Logical Translate
29c      Integer Length,Prog_Length
30      Integer StrnLn
31      External StrnLn
32      Character*256 tmp1
33      Character*80 ErrTxt
34      External Get_Progname
35      Character*100 Get_Progname
36      save NVV
37      data NVV /666/
38      NTEST = 0
40* Entry to AixOpn                                                      *
42      AixOpn=0
44* Check if slot in table is available                                  *
46      n=1
47100   If(CtlBlk(pStat,n).ne.vNaF) Then
48         n=n+1
49         If(n.gt.MxFile) Then
50            AixOpn=eTmF
51*            Call SysWarnMsg('Aixopn','Too many opened files\n',
52*     *      'try to increase MxFile')
53            STOP 'Aixopn: Too many opened files. Try to increase MxFile'
54            Return
55         End If
56         Go To 100
57      End If
58      nFile=n
60* Strip file name and append string terminator                         *
62      n=Len(name)
63200   If(name(n:n).eq.' ') Then
64         n=n-1
65         If(n.le.0) Then
66            AixOpn=eBlNme
67            Return
68         End If
69         Go To 200
70      End If
71      n=n+1
72      If(n.ge.Len(tmp)) Then
73         AixOpn=eTlFn
74         Return
75      End If
76      tmp=name
77      tmp(n:n)=Char(0)
79* Attempt to open file.                                                *
81      rc = 0
82      tmp1=tmp
83      ltmp=StrnLn(tmp1)
84*      if(translate) then
85cGLM        call PrgmTranslate(tmp1,tmp,ltmp)
86*      endif
87       tmp=tmp(1:ltmp)
88       tmp(ltmp+1:ltmp+1)=Char(0)
89       rc=c_open(tmp)
90      If(rc.lt.0) Then
91*         rc=AixErr(ErrTxt)
92*        Call SysWarnFileMsg('AixOpn',name,
93*     *            'MSG: open',ErrTxt)
94        STOP 'MSG: open'
95*       call SysPutsEnd()
96*       Call Abend()
97      End If
98      desc=rc
100* Attempt sucessful, update control blocks.                            *
102c      handle=iRand()
103       NVV=NVV+100
104       handle=NVV
105      CtlBlk(pHndle,nFile)=handle
106      CtlBlk(pDesc ,nFile)=desc
107      CtlBlk(pStat ,nFile)=vOpn
108      CtlBlk(pWhere,nFile)=vNull
109      FCtlBlk(nFile)=name
110      IF (NTEST.ge.10) then
111        write(6,*) ' *************************************************'
112        write(6,*) ' In AixOpn:                   '
113        write(6,*) ' nFile: ', nFile
114        write(6,*) ' pHndle, CtlBlk(pHndle,nFile) : ', pHndle, handle
115        write(6,*) ' pDesc , CtlBlk(pDesc ,nFile) : ', pDesc, desc
116        write(6,*) ' pStat , CtlBlk(pStat ,nFile) : ', pStat, vOpn
117        write(6,*) ' pWhere, CtlBlk(pWhere,nFile) : ', pWhere, vNull
118        write(6,*) ' **************************************************'
119      End if
121* Finished so return to caller                                         *
123      Return
124      End
125c $Id$