4c     Modified to handle CPKS while reusing existing code
6c     BGJ - 8/98
8C> \ingroup nwdft_xc
9C> @{
11C> \brief Evaluate various matrix elements over the functionals
13C> This routine evaluates a variety of matrix elements that involve the
14C> density functional.
16C> Note that there are some inconsistencies with respect to the kinetic
17C> energy density. NWChem defines the kinetic energy density as
18C> \f{eqnarray*}{
19C>    \tau_1 &=& \sum_i \frac{1}{2}\langle\phi_i|\nabla^2|\phi_i\rangle
20C> \f}
21C> In most density functionals the kinetic energy density is defined as
22C> \f{eqnarray*}{
23C>    \tau_2 &=& \sum_i \langle\phi_i|\nabla^2|\phi_i\rangle
24C> \f}
25C> the reason being that the factor 1/2 can easily be absorpted into the
26C> density functional parameters. As a result the density functional routines
27C> evaluate
28C> \f{eqnarray*}{
29C>    e &=& f(\rho,\gamma,\tau_2) \\\\
30C>    Amat = &=& \frac{\partial f(\rho,\gamma,\tau_2)}{\partial\rho} \\\\
31C>    Cmat = &=& \frac{\partial f(\rho,\gamma,\tau_2)}{\partial\gamma} \\\\
32C>    Mmat = &=& \frac{\partial f(\rho,\gamma,\tau_2)}{\partial\tau_2} \\\\
33C> \f}
34C> The NWDFT module in NWChem handles this situation by conceptually wrapping
35C> the functional routines used (the actual implementation just scales
36C> \f$\tau\f$ by a factor 2)
37C> \f{eqnarray*}{
38C>   e &=& g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1) \\\\
39C>   g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1) &=& f(\rho,\gamma,2\tau_1) \\\\
40C> \f}
41C> As a result, however, the density functional routines now return
42C> \f{eqnarray*}{
43C>    e &=& g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1) \\\\
44C>    Amat = &=& \frac{\partial g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1)}{\partial\rho} \\\\
45C>    Cmat = &=& \frac{\partial g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1)}{\partial\gamma} \\\\
46C>    Mmat = &=& \frac{\partial g(\rho,\gamma,\tau_1)}{\partial\tau_2} \\\\
47C> \f}
48C> where there is an inconsistency in the derivative wrt. to \f$\tau\f$ as
49C> \f$g\f$ is a function of \f$\tau_1\f$ but differentiated wrt. \f$\tau_2\f$.
51C> In the NWXC module the differentation techniques deployed do not allow
52C> such inconsistencies and \f$g\f$ is strictly differentiated wrt.
53C> \f$\tau_1\f$. This results in a factor \f$2\f$ difference that we need to
54C> compensate for.
56      Subroutine xc_tabcd(what,l3d_dum,
57     ,     tol_rho, Tmat, TTmat, Amat, Bmat, Cmat, Dmat,
58     N     Emat,Fmat,qxyz,xyz,
59     &     chi, delchi, heschi,
60     N     curatoms,ncuratoms,nmat,
61     I     ipol, nq, nbf, max_at_bf, max_at_bf2,
62     G     GRAD, basis, natoms, iniz, ifin,
63     &     g_vxc, ibf, rchi_atom, rdelchi_atom,
64     &     rdens_atom, cetobfr,kske,Mmat,kslap,Gmat,Lmat,scr)
66c     We are using xc_tabcd for CPKS purposes
68      implicit none
69#include "mafdecls.fh"
70#include "global.fh"
71#include "dftpara.fh"
72#include "dft2drv.fh"
73#include "dist.fh"
74#include "dft_fdist.fh"
75#include "util.fh"
77      Logical GRAD !< [Input] .True. if functional depends on density
78                   !< gradient
79      integer what !< [Input] What should be calculated:
80                   !< - what=0: Do everything (?)
81                   !< - what=1: CPKS_LHS
82                   !< - what=2: CPKS_RHS
83                   !< - what=3: NMR_RHS
84      integer basis !< [Input] The basis set handle
85      integer max_at_bf !< [Input] The maximum number of basis functions
86                        !< on an atom
87      integer max_at_bf2 !< [Input] The maximum number of basis
88                         !< functions on an atom
89      integer nmat !< [Input] Number of XC matrices (alpha + beta sets)
90                   !< to compute, e.g. the number of perturbations for
91                   !< CPSCF.
92      integer ipol  !< [Input] The number of spin channels
93      integer nq    !< [Input] The number of grid points
94      integer nbf    !< [Input] The number of basis functions
95      integer natoms !< [Input] The number of atoms
96      integer ncuratoms !< [Input] The number of current "active" atoms
97      integer curatoms(*) !< [Input] Mapping array for current atoms
98      integer jatcur,  nu, nu1,  indT
99      double precision tol_rho !< [Input] The electron density threshold
100      integer g_vxc(*)   !< [Input] The GA handle for Fock matrix
101                         !< derivatives
102      double precision Tmat(*) !< [Scratch]
103      double precision TTmat(*) !< [Scratch]
104      double precision rchi_atom(natoms) !< [Input] The maximum basis
105                                         !< function radius for each
106                                         !< atom in this call
107      double precision rdelchi_atom(natoms) !< [Input] The maximum
108      !< radius of the basis function gradient for each atom in
109      !< this call
110      double precision rdens_atom(natoms,natoms,ipol) !< Not used
111      integer cetobfr(2,natoms) !< [Input] Mapping from center to
112      !< basis functions (how different from `iniz` and `ifin`?):
113      !< - cetobfr(1,*): first basis function
114      !< - cetobfr(2,*): last basis function
115      logical l3d_dum !< [Junk]
117c     Sampling Matrices for the XC Potential & Energy
119      double precision Amat(nq,ipol,*) !< [Input] The derivative wrt rho
120      double precision Cmat(nq,3,ipol,*) !< [Input] The derivative wrt
121                                         !< rgamma
122      double precision Mmat(nq,ipol,*) !< [Input] The derivative wrt tau
123      double precision Lmat(nq,ipol,*) !< [Input] The derivative wrt lap
124      double precision Gmat(nq,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch]
126c     nmr
127      double precision Emat(nq,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch] NMR only
128      double precision Fmat(nq,3,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch] NMR only
129      double precision qxyz(3,*) !< [Input] Grid point coordinates
130      double precision xyz(3,*)  !< [Input] Nuclear coordinates
131      logical kske !< [Input] .True. if functional depends on kinetic
132                   !< energy density
133      logical kslap !< [Input] .True. if functional depends on laplacian
134c#elif defined(TABCD_CPKS_LHS)
136c     Note: Meaning of dimensioning of Amat and Cmat changes for
137c           second derivatives, simulating "overloading" of
138c           Amat and Cmat
140c     Sampling Matrices for the XC part of integrand when making
141c     multiple matrices, e.g. XC part of perturbations for CPSCF
143c      double precision Amat(nq,ipol,nmat), Cmat(nq,3,ipol,nmat)
144c#elif defined(TABCD_CPKS_RHS)
146c     For explicit nuclear derivatives of XC matrix, the same functional
147c     derivative values are combined with different basis fn derivatives
149c      double precision Amat(nq,ipol), Cmat(nq,3,ipol)
152c     Sampling Matrices for [Products of] Basis Functions & Gradients
154      integer imat ! XC matrix loop index
155      double precision Bmat(nq,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch]
156      double precision Dmat(nq,3,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch]
157      integer iniz(natoms) !< [Input] The first basis function for each
158                           !< atom
159      integer ifin(natoms) !< [Input] The last basis function for each
160                           !< atom
162c     Basis Functions & Gradients
164      double precision chi(nq,nbf) !< [Input] The value of the basis
165                                   !< functions at the grid points
166      double precision delchi(nq,3,nbf) !< [Input] The value of the
167                                        !< gradient of the basis
168                                        !< functions at the grid points
169      double precision heschi(nq,6,*) !< [Input] The value of the
170                                      !< Hessian of the basis
171                                      !< functions at the grid points
172      integer ibf(nbf) !< [Input] The rank of the basis function for
173                       !< every basis function (why do we need this?)
174      double precision A_MAX, C_MAX, AC_MAX, FUNC_MAXI,
175     &                 B_MAX, D_MAX, BD_MAX, FUNC_MAXJ
176      integer iat, inizia, ifinia, nbfia, nnia, ifirst, ilast
177      integer jat, inizja, ifinja, nbfja, nnja, jfirst, jlast
178      integer ii, mu, mu1
179      integer n,lastjat
180      double precision chi1
181      double precision scr(nq) !< [Scratch] Temporary stuff in
182                               !< quadrature
183      double precision dabsmax
184      double precision tolrho15
185      external dabsmax
186      logical l3d !< [Input] .True. if XC-matrices stored in a 3D GA
187      integer jrsh,jrsh2,n3d,idir,jdir
188      integer g_update(2)
190      double precision Rij(3) ! vector R(jat) - R(iat)
191      integer inia, iq, ix, ix1, ix2
193c     Indexing array for basis function hessian columns as if
194c     it were a 3x3 matrix
196      integer indh(3,3)
197      logical w01,w02,w013,dofull
198      double precision raa,rbb
199      integer nbhandl1,nbhandl2
200      logical nbfirst1,nbfirst2,doitt
201      integer sizeblk
202#include "nwc_const.fh"
203      integer nonzero(nw_max_atom),natleft,
204     A     iat0,jat0
205      data indh / 1, 2, 3,
206     &            2, 4, 5,
207     &            3, 5, 6 /
208      data nbhandl1 /0./
209      data nbhandl2 /0./
210      save nbhandl1
211      save nbhandl2
213c         0: l3d=.f.    & n3d=1
214ccc     rhs: l3d=.true. & n3d=3
215ccc     lhs: l3d=.true. & n3d=1
217      call starttimer(monitor_tabcd)
218      call starttimer(monitor_screen0)
219c     lingering nbacc from previous calls
220      if(nbhandl1.ne.0) call ga_nbwait(nbhandl1)
221      if(nbhandl2.ne.0) call ga_nbwait(nbhandl2)
222      l3d = ga_ndim(g_vxc).eq.3
223      natleft=0
224      do  iat = 1, natoms
225        if (iniz(iat).ne.0) then
226          natleft=natleft+1
227          nonzero(natleft)=iat
228        endif
229      enddo
230      tolrho15=tol_rho**1.25d0
231      if (what.eq.0) then
232        n3d=1
233      elseif (what.eq.1) then
234        n3d=1
235      elseif (what.eq.2) then
236        n3d=3
237      elseif (what.eq.3) then
238        n3d=3
239      else
240        call errquit(' wrong what value for xctabcd ',0,0)
241      endif
242      w01=what.eq.0.or.what.eq.1
243      w013=w01.or.what.eq.3
244      w02=what.eq.0.or.what.eq.2
245      dofull=what.ne.0.or.l3d
246      nbfirst1=.true.
247      nbfirst2=.true.
248      call endtimer(monitor_screen0)
250c     Beginning of loop over multiple XC matrices
252      do 500 imat = 1,nmat
254c     Compute the matrix product for the XC potential and energy:
256c              T = transpose(A*B) + transpose(C*D)
259        call starttimer(monitor_screen1)
261        A_MAX = dabsmax(nq*ipol,Amat(1,1,imat))
262        if (GRAD) then
263          C_MAX = dabsmax(nq*3*ipol,Cmat(1,1,1,imat))
264        else
265          C_MAX = 0d0
266        endif
267        AC_MAX = max(A_MAX,C_MAX)
269        call endtimer(monitor_screen1)
272c     repl stuff
274        if (xcreplicated.and.dorepxc) then
275          g_update(1)=k_repxc(1)
276          g_update(2)=k_repxc(2)
277        else
278          g_update(1)=g_vxc(1)
279          g_update(2)=g_vxc(2)
280        endif
281        do 430 iat0=1,natleft
282          call starttimer(monitor_screen2)
283          iat=nonzero(iat0)
284          inizia = iniz(iat)
285          FUNC_MAXI = rchi_atom(iat)
286          if(GRAD) FUNC_MAXI = max(FUNC_MAXI,rdelchi_atom(iat))
287          doitt=(AC_MAX*FUNC_MAXI).ge.tol_rho
288          call endtimer(monitor_screen2)
289          if (what.eq.2.or.doitt) then
290            ifinia = ifin(iat)
291            ifirst = cetobfr(1,iat)
292            ilast = cetobfr(2,iat)
293            nnia = ifinia - inizia + 1
294            nbfia = ilast - ifirst + 1
295            do ii = 1, ipol
296              do mu = 1, nnia
298                call starttimer(monitor_mult1)
300                mu1 = mu+inizia-1
301                if (GRAD) then
302                  do n = 1, nq
303                    chi1 = chi(n,mu1)
306                    Bmat(n,mu) = Amat(n,ii,imat)*chi1 +
307     &                   delchi(n,1,mu1)*Cmat(n,1,ii,imat) +
308     &                   delchi(n,2,mu1)*Cmat(n,2,ii,imat) +
309     &                   delchi(n,3,mu1)*Cmat(n,3,ii,imat)
310                    Dmat(n,1,mu) = Cmat(n,1,ii,imat)*chi1
311                    Dmat(n,2,mu) = Cmat(n,2,ii,imat)*chi1
312                    Dmat(n,3,mu) = Cmat(n,3,ii,imat)*chi1
314                    if(kske) then
315                      Dmat(n,1,mu) = Dmat(n,1,mu) +
316     &                     Mmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,1,mu1)
317                      Dmat(n,2,mu) = Dmat(n,2,mu) +
318     &                     Mmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,2,mu1)
319                      Dmat(n,3,mu) = Dmat(n,3,mu) +
320     &                     Mmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,3,mu1)
321                    endif
323                    if(kslap) then
324                      Dmat(n,1,mu) = Dmat(n,1,mu) +
325     &                     2d0*Lmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,1,mu1)
326                      Dmat(n,2,mu) = Dmat(n,2,mu) +
327     &                     2d0*Lmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,2,mu1)
328                      Dmat(n,3,mu) = Dmat(n,3,mu) +
329     &                     2d0*Lmat(n,ii,imat)*delchi(n,3,mu1)
330                      Bmat(n,mu) = Bmat(n,mu) + Lmat(n,ii,imat)*
331     &                (heschi(n,1,mu1)+heschi(n,4,mu1)+heschi(n,6,mu1))
332                      Gmat(n,mu) = Lmat(n,ii,imat)*chi1
333                    endif
336                  enddo
337                else
338                  do n = 1, nq
339                    Bmat(n,mu) = chi(n,mu1)*Amat(n,ii,imat)
340                  enddo
341                endif ! GRAD
342              enddo ! mu
343c     Monitoring
345              call endtimer(monitor_mult1)
348              call starttimer(monitor_screen3)
349              B_MAX = dabsmax(nnia*nq,Bmat)
350              if (GRAD) then
351                D_MAX = dabsmax(nnia*nq*3,Dmat)
352              else
353                D_MAX = 0d0
354              endif
355              BD_MAX = max(B_MAX,D_MAX)
357              lastjat=iat0
358              if (what.eq.2) lastjat=natleft
359              if (what.eq.3) lastjat=iat0-1
360              call endtimer(monitor_screen3)
361              do 168 jat0=1,lastjat
362                jat=nonzero(jat0)
363                if(what.eq.2) then
365c     To fit better into existing structure, loop over full square
366c     of atom pairs and only compute nuclear derivative contribution
367c     from jat.  Also, this way we only need check jatcur once and
368c     for all, and do not have to check iatcur at all.
370                  jatcur = curatoms(jat)
371                  if (jatcur.eq.0) goto 168
372                endif
373                call starttimer(monitor_screen4)
374                inizja = iniz(jat)
375                FUNC_MAXJ = rchi_atom(jat)
376                if(grad) FUNC_MAXJ = max(rdelchi_atom(jat),FUNC_MAXJ)
377                doitt=(BD_MAX*FUNC_MAXJ).ge.tol_rho
378                call endtimer(monitor_screen4)
379                if (what.eq.2.or.doitt) then
381c     Monitoring
383                  call starttimer(monitor_mult2)
385                  if (what.eq.3) then
386                    Rij(1) = 0.5d0*(xyz(1,jat)-xyz(1,iat))
387                    Rij(2) = 0.5d0*(xyz(2,jat)-xyz(2,iat))
388                    Rij(3) = 0.5d0*(xyz(3,jat)-xyz(3,iat))
389                  endif
390                  ifinja = ifin(jat)
391                  jfirst = cetobfr(1,jat)
392                  jlast = cetobfr(2,jat)
393                  nbfja = jlast - jfirst + 1
394                  nnja = ifinja - inizja + 1
395                  sizeblk=n3d*nbfia*nbfja
396                  if (what.eq.2.or.what.eq.3)
397     Y              call dcopy(sizeblk, 0d0,0, TTmat,1)
399c              Loop over x, y, z directions for derivative XC mats
401                  do jdir = 1,n3d
403                    if (what.eq.3) then
404                      ix1 = mod(jdir,3)+1
405                      ix2 = mod(jdir+1,3)+1
406                      raa=rij(ix1)
407                      rbb=rij(ix2)
408                      do iq = 1, nq
409                        scr(iq) = raa*qxyz(ix2,iq) - rbb*qxyz(ix1,iq)
410                      enddo
411                      do inia = 1, nnia
412                        do iq = 1, nq
413                          Emat(iq,inia) = scr(iq)*Bmat(iq,inia)
414                        enddo
415                        if (GRAD) then
416                          do iq = 1, nq
417                            Emat(iq,inia) = Emat(iq,inia)+
418     &                           (raa*Dmat(iq,ix2,inia)
419     &                           -  rbb*Dmat(iq,ix1,inia))
420                          enddo
421                        endif
422                      enddo
423                      if (GRAD) then
424                        do inia = 1, nnia
425                          do iq = 1, nq
426                             Fmat(iq,1,inia) = scr(iq)
427     &                            * Dmat(iq,1,inia)
428                             Fmat(iq,2,inia) = scr(iq)
429     &                            * Dmat(iq,2,inia)
430                             Fmat(iq,3,inia) = scr(iq)
431     &                            * Dmat(iq,3,inia)
432                          enddo
433                        enddo
434                      endif
435                    endif ! what.eq.3
437c Daniel (2-7-13): Here, we build matrix elements of the XC-kernel when
438c what = 1 for CPKS RHS with fxc*drhonuc*chi_mu in Bmat.
439                    if (w01) then
440                      call dgemm('T', 'N', nnia, nnja, nq, 1.d0, Bmat,
441     &                     nq, chi(1,inizja), nq, 0.d0, Tmat, nnia)
442                    elseif (what.eq.3) then
443                      call dgemm('T', 'N', nnia, nnja, nq, 1.0d0, Emat,
444     &                     nq, chi(1,inizja), nq, 0.0d0, Tmat, nnia)
445                    else
446c     Note the sign change for a nuclear derivative, and also that the
447c     leading dimension of delchi must be set correctly
448                      call dgemm('T', 'N', nnia, nnja, nq, -1.d0, Bmat,
449     &                     nq, delchi(1,jdir,inizja), nq*3, 0.d0, Tmat,
450     &                     nnia)
451                    endif
452                    if (GRAD) then
453                      if (w01) then
454                        call dgemm('T', 'N', nnia, nnja, 3*nq,
455     &                       1.d0, Dmat, 3*nq, delchi(1,1,inizja),
456     &                       3*nq, 1.d0, Tmat, nnia)
457                      elseif (what.eq.3) then
458                        call dgemm('T', 'N', nnia, nnja, 3*nq,
459     &                       1.0d0, Fmat, 3*nq, delchi(1,1,inizja),
460     &                       3*nq, 1.0d0, Tmat, nnia)
461                      else
462                        indT = 0
463                        do nu = 1, nnja
464                          nu1 = nu+inizja-1
465                          do mu = 1, nnia
466                            indT = indT + 1
467                            Tmat(indT) = Tmat(indT)-
468     *                           ddot(nq,Dmat(1,1,mu),1,
469     &                           heschi(1,indh(1,jdir),nu1),1) -
470     *                           ddot(nq,Dmat(1,2,mu),1,
471     &                           heschi(1,indh(2,jdir),nu1),1) -
472     *                           ddot(nq,Dmat(1,3,mu),1,
473     &                           heschi(1,indh(3,jdir),nu1),1)
474                          enddo
475                        enddo
476                      endif
477                    endif ! GRAD
478                    if(kslap) then
479                       if (w01) then
480                          indT=0
481                          do nu = 1, nnja
482                             nu1 = nu+inizja-1
483                             do mu = 1, nnia
484                               indT = indT + 1
485                               Tmat(indT) = Tmat(indT) +
486     &                         ddot(nq,Gmat(1,mu),1,heschi(1,1,nu1),1) +
487     &                         ddot(nq,Gmat(1,mu),1,heschi(1,4,nu1),1) +
488     &                         ddot(nq,Gmat(1,mu),1,heschi(1,6,nu1),1)
489                             enddo
490                          enddo
491                       endif
492                    endif
493c Daniel (2-7-13): For the CPKS RHS stuff, the first call has what=1,
494c so n3d=1.  Also, dofull is true in that case.
495                    if (n3d.eq.1) then
496                      call dfill(max_at_bf2, 0.d0, TTmat, 1)
497                      if (dofull) then
498                        call scat_mat(TTmat, Tmat, nbfia, nbfja, nnia,
499     &                       nnja,ifirst,jfirst,ibf(inizia),ibf(inizja))
500                      else
501                        call scat_matup(TTmat, Tmat, nbfia, nbfja, nnia,
502     &                       nnja,ifirst,jfirst,ibf(inizia),ibf(inizja))
503                      endif
504c Daniel (2-7-13): For the CPKS RHS stuff, the second call has what=2,
505c so n3d=3.  Also, dofull is true in that case.
506                    else
507                      call scat_mat3(n3d,jdir,
508     &                     TTmat, Tmat, nbfia, nbfja, nnia,
509     &                     nnja,ifirst,jfirst,ibf(inizia),ibf(inizja))
510                    endif
512                  enddo            ! jdir (loop over x, y, z directions for nmr)
513c     Monitoring
515                  call endtimer(monitor_mult2)
517                  doitt=.true.
518                  call starttimer(monitor_screen5)
519                  if (what.eq.0) then
520                    doitt=dabsmax(sizeblk,ttmat).ge.tolrho15
521                    jrsh=ii
522                  elseif (what.eq.1) then
523                    doitt=.true.
524                    jrsh=imat+(ii-1)*nmat
525                  elseif (what.eq.3) then
526                    jrsh=(ii-1)*n3d+1
527                  else
528                    doitt=dabsmax(sizeblk,ttmat).ge.tol_rho
529                    jrsh=1+(jat-1)*3+(ii-1)*3*natoms
530                  endif
531                  call endtimer(monitor_screen5)
532                  if (doitt) then
534                    jrsh2=jrsh+n3d-1
536c     Monitoring
538                    call updist(monitor_size_ga_acc1, sizeblk)
539                    call starttimer( monitor_comm_ga_acc1)
541c Daniel (2-7-13): l3d is always true for the CPKS RHS stuff.
542                    if (l3d) then
543                      call dft_3dacc(g_vxc, ttmat,
544     &                     jrsh,jrsh2,
545     %                     ifirst, ilast, jfirst, jlast, nbfia)
546                    else
547                      if (dftnbacc) then
548                        if (.not.nbfirst1) then
549                          call starttimer( monitor_wait1)
550                          call ga_nbwait(nbhandl1)
551                          call endtimer( monitor_wait1)
552                        endif
553                        nbfirst1=.false.
554                        call upd_atombl_nb(g_update(ii),
555     .                       basis,iat,jat,ttmat,nbhandl1)
556                      else
557                        if (truerepxc) then
558                           call xc_atom_blockd(dbl_mb(k_repxc(ii)),
559     N                          nbf_ld,basis,iat,jat,ttmat)
560                        else
561                          if (truerepxc) then
562                            call xc_atom_block(dbl_mb(k_repxc(ii)),
563     N                           nbf_ld,basis,jat,iat,tmat)
564                          else
565                            call upd_atom_block(g_update(ii),
566     .                           basis,iat,jat,ttmat)
567                          endif
568                        endif
569                      endif
570                    endif ! l3d
571c     Monitoring
573                    call endtimer( monitor_comm_ga_acc1)
575c Daniel (2-7-13): l3d is always true for the CPKS RHS stuff.
576                    if (what.ne.0.or.l3d) then
578c                 check to see if can skip and use ga_symmetrize
580c Daniel (2-7-13): This part is always done for the second call to
581c xc_tabcd in CPKS RHS stuff.  For the first call, it only happens
582c for off-diagonal terms.
583                      if ((w013.and.iat.ne.jat).or.what.eq.2) then
584c     For CPKS RHS, we update with transpose even for iat = jat,
585c     since that is necessary to get both contributions
586c     mu * del(nu) and del(mu) * nu
589                        call starttimer(monitor_comp_transp)
591c Daniel (2-7-13): This happens for the first call for CPKS RHS stuff
592c (n3d=1).
593                        if (n3d.eq.1) then
594                          call transp_mat(TTmat, Tmat,
595     ,                         nbfia, nbfja)
596c Daniel (2-7-13): This happens for the second call for CPKS RHS stuff
597c (n3d=3).
598                        else
599                          if (what.eq.3) then
600                            call dscal(n3d*nbfia*nbfja,-1.0d0,TTmat,1)
601                          endif
602                          call transp_mat3(n3d,TTmat, Tmat,
603     ,                         nbfia, nbfja)
604                        endif
606                        call endtimer(monitor_comp_transp)
609c     Monitoring
611                        call starttimer(monitor_comm_ga_acc2)
614c Daniel (2-7-13): For CPKS RHS stuff, l3d=true always.
615                        if (l3d) then
616                          call dft_3dacc(g_vxc, tmat,
617     &                         jrsh,jrsh2,
618     %                         jfirst, jlast, ifirst, ilast, nbfja)
619                        else
620                          if (dftnbacc) then
621                            if (.not.nbfirst2) then
622                              call ga_nbwait(nbhandl2)
623                            endif
624                            nbfirst2 = .false.
625                            call upd_atombl_nb(g_update(ii),
626     .                           basis,jat,iat,tmat,nbhandl2)
627                          else
628                            call upd_atom_block(g_update(ii),basis,
629     J                           jat,iat,tmat)
630                          endif
631                        endif
632c     Monitoring
634                        call endtimer(monitor_comm_ga_acc2)
637                      endif ! (w013.and.iat.ne.jat).or.what.eq.2
638                    endif ! what.ne.3.or.l3d
639                  endif ! doitt
640                endif ! what.eq.2.or.doitt
641  168         continue ! jat0 loop
642            enddo ! ipol loop
643          endif ! what.eq.2.or.doitt
644  430   continue ! iat0 loop
645  500 continue ! imat loop
646      call endtimer(monitor_tabcd)
648      return
649      end
650      subroutine upd_atombl_nb(g_array, basis, iat, jat, buf,
651     $     nbhandle)
652      implicit none
653#include "errquit.fh"
654#include "global.fh"
655#include "bas.fh"
657      integer g_array, basis, iat, jat
658      integer nbhandle
659      double precision buf(*)
660      logical status
662      integer ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, idim, jdim
664c     add atom block buf info of the matrix g_array (over basis functions)
666      status= bas_ce2bfr(basis, iat, ilo, ihi)
667      status=status.and. bas_ce2bfr(basis, jat, jlo, jhi)
668      if (.not. status)
669     $     call errquit('upd_atom_block: ce2bfr failed', 0, BASIS_ERR)
671      idim = ihi - ilo + 1
672      jdim = jhi - jlo + 1
674c     clearing lingering nbacc
676c      if(nbhandle.ne.0) call ga_nbwait(nbhandle)
677      nbhandle=0
678      if (idim.gt.0 .and. jdim.gt.0)
679     $     call ga_nbacc(g_array, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, buf, idim,
680     $        1.0d0,nbhandle)
682      end
684C> @}