2c================ Fredy Aquino's routines ======== START
4      subroutine get_rhoS_so(
5     &                   rtdb,
6     &                   g_dens_ini,nexc,
7     &                   geom,
8     &                   ao_bas_han,
9     &                   nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
10     &                   g_dens,
11     &                   g_moso,
12     &                   noc,
13     &                   nocc,
14     &                   ipol)
15c -- Purpose: Calculation of small component density, \rho_S
16c             for Electric Field Gradient calculation
17c             Source: van Lenthe, et.al.,JCP, V112,N19,Y2000
18c -- Author : Fredy Aquino 10-30-10
20         implicit none
22#include "errquit.fh"
23#include "mafdecls.fh"
24#include "stdio.fh"
25#include "global.fh"
26#include "msgids.fh"
27#include "rtdb.fh"
28#include "geom.fh"
29#include "zora.fh"
31      integer g_dens(2)
32      integer g_moso(2)
33      integer g_dens_ini(2)
34      integer noc,nocc(2)
35      integer geom
36      integer ao_bas_han
37      integer i,pos_dat,
38     &        do_zgc_old,nexc
39      logical dft_zoraEFGZ4_write
40      integer ipol,iat,nat,noc1,ac
41      integer l_xyzpt,k_xyzpt,
42     &        l_zanpt,k_zanpt
43      logical status
44      character*16 element, at_tag
45      character*255 zorafilename
46      double precision zora_eint,toac(5)
47      character*100 fname_RSLC
48      integer stat_read
49      integer iat1,l_AtNr,k_AtNr
50      integer rtdb
51      integer g_densZ4so(5),g_rhoS
52      integer read_SLCTD_EFG_Atoms
53      external get_densZ4_so,read_SLCTD_EFG_Atoms,
54     &         zora_getv_EFGZ4_SO,dft_zoraEFGZ4_write,
55     &         util_file_name
56      integer nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo
57      integer zora_Qpq
58      double precision xyz_EFGcoords(3)
59      integer g_efgz4_sf(2)
60      integer g_efgz4_so(3)
62c---- Input global variables (defined in zora.fh):
63c     1. zora_calc_type  ! =3 -> ZORA4-EFG
64c     2. so_term         ! =0 -> ZORA4-spin-free
65c     3. xyz_EFGcoords(i) i=1,2,3
66c     4. zora_Qpq=1,6 : xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz
67      if (ipol.eq.1) then
68        noc1=nocc(1)
69      else if (ipol.eq.2) then
70        noc1=nocc(1)+nocc(2)
71      endif
72      status=geom_ncent(geom,nat)
73c----- Allocate memory - FA
74      if (.not. ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,3*nat,'xyz pnt',l_xyzpt,k_xyzpt))
75     &    call errquit('get_rhoS: ma failed',911,MA_ERR)
76      if (.not. ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,nat,'zan pnt',l_zanpt,k_zanpt))
77     &    call errquit('get_rhoS: ma failed',911,MA_ERR)
78c----- Allocate global arrays - FA
79        do i=1,2 ! up,down
80         if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nbf_ao,nbf_ao,'g_zora_scale_sf 1',0,0,
81     &                     g_efgz4_sf(i)))
82     &   call errquit('dft_scf_so: error creating g_zora_scale_sf 1',0,
83     &                 GA_ERR)
84        enddo
85        do i=1,3 ! x,y,z
86         if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nbf_ao,nbf_ao,'g_zora_scale_so 1',0,0,
87     &                     g_efgz4_so(i)))
88     &   call errquit('dft_scf_so: error creating g_zora_scale_so 1',0,
89     &                 GA_ERR)
90        enddo
91c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
92c +++++ Read Atom Nr for EFG calc ++
93         if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nat,
94     &    'get_rhoS: g_AtNr',0,0,g_AtNr))
95     $     call errquit('get_rhoS: g_AtNr', 0,GA_ERR)
96        call ga_zero(g_AtNr)
97        stat_read=read_SLCTD_EFG_Atoms
98     &             (rtdb,nat,nlist,g_AtNr)
99        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
100     &      write(*,*) "==> nlist=",nlist
101c  Allocate memory for l_AtNr,k_AtNr
102      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,nat,'AtNr',
103     &    l_AtNr,k_AtNr))
104     &    call errquit('get_rhoS: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
105      call ga_get(g_AtNr,1,1,1,nat,dbl_mb(k_AtNr),1)
106c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
107c--- About content of g_rhoS:
108c--- 1st set of nat*6 elements corresponds to ZORA4-EFG
109c--- 2nd set of nat*6 elements corresponds to NUM-EFG
110         if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl,1,nlist*6*2,
111     &      'get_rhoS: g_rhoS',0,0,g_rhoS))
112     &       call errquit('get_rhoS: g_rhoS', 0,GA_ERR)
113      call ga_zero(g_rhoS)
114      pos_dat=1
115c      do zora_calc_type =3,4 !  ZORA4-EFG,NUM-EFG
116      do zora_calc_type =4,3,-1 !  NUM-EFG,ZORA4-EFG
117       call get_densZ4_so(rtdb,geom,ao_bas_han,
118     &                    nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
119     &                    g_dens,g_moso,
120     &                    noc,nocc,g_densZ4so)
121       do iat1=1,nlist ! nlist<=nat
122        iat=dbl_mb(k_AtNr+iat1-1)
123        status=geom_cent_get(geom,iat,at_tag,
124     &                       dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+3*(iat-1)),
125     &                       dbl_mb(k_zanpt+iat-1))
126        xyz_EFGcoords(1)= dbl_mb(k_xyzpt  +3*(iat-1))
127        xyz_EFGcoords(2)= dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+1+3*(iat-1))
128        xyz_EFGcoords(3)= dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+2+3*(iat-1))
129        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
130         write(*,19) iat,xyz_EFGcoords(1),xyz_EFGcoords(2),
131     &                   xyz_EFGcoords(3)
132 19      format('xyz_EFG(',i2,')=(',f15.8,',',f15.8,',',
133     &          f15.8,')')
134        endif
135        do zora_Qpq=1,6 ! xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz - FA
136c------Generate munu A^{pq}_r ----- START
137         so_term=0           ! ZORA-spin-free
138          do i=1,ipol
139           call ga_zero(g_efgz4_sf(i))
140          enddo
141          do i=1,3
142           call ga_zero(g_efgz4_so(i))
143          enddo
144          call zora_getv_EFGZ4_SO(rtdb,g_dens_ini,
145     &                            zora_calc_type,
146     &                            zora_Qpq,xyz_EFGcoords,
147     &                            g_efgz4_sf, !  out: munu matrix
148     &                            g_efgz4_so, !  out: munu matrix
149     &                            nexc)
150          do i=1,ipol
151           toac(i)=ga_ddot(g_densZ4so(i),g_efgz4_sf(i))
152          enddo ! end-loop-ipol
153          if (zora_calc_type.eq.3) then
154            ac=3
155            do i=1,3
156             toac(ac)=ga_ddot(g_densZ4so(ac),g_efgz4_so(i))
157             ac=ac+1
158            enddo
159            zora_eint=toac(1)+toac(2)+
160     &                toac(3)+toac(4)+toac(5)
161            if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
162             write(*,155) zora_calc_type,iat,zora_Qpq,pos_dat,
163     &                    toac(1),toac(2),toac(1)+toac(2),
164     &                    toac(3),toac(4),toac(5),zora_eint
165 155         format('zora-efg-so(',i3,',',i3,',',i3,',',i3,')=(',
166     &              f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,',',
167     &              f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,')')
168            endif
169          else
170           zora_eint=toac(1)+toac(2)
171           if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
172            write(*,15) zora_calc_type,iat,zora_Qpq,pos_dat,
173     &                  toac(1),toac(2),toac(1)+toac(2),
174     &                  zora_eint
175 15         format('zora-efg-so(',i3,',',i3,',',i3,',',i3,')=(',
176     &             f15.8,',',f15.8,',', f15.8,',',f15.8,')')
177           endif
178          endif
179          call ga_fill_patch(g_rhoS,1,1,pos_dat,pos_dat,zora_eint)
180c------Generate munu A^{pq}_r ----- END
181         pos_dat=pos_dat+1
182        end do ! zora_Qpq loop
183       end do ! iat-loop
184        do i=1,5
185         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_densZ4so(i))) call errquit(
186     &    'dft_zora_rhos_so: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
187        enddo
188      end do ! zora_calc_type loop
189c ----- Store efgz4 data in a file ------- START
190        call ga_sync()
191c       Note.- lbl_efgz4 defined in zora.fh
192        call util_file_name(lbl_efgz4,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
193        if (.not.dft_zoraEFGZ4_write(
194     &         zorafilename,
195     &         nlist,
196     &         nat,
197     &         g_AtNr,
198     &         g_rhoS))
199     &     call errquit('get_rhoS_so: dft_zoraEFGZ4_write failed',
200     &                  0,DISK_ERR)
201c ----- Store efgz4 data in a file ------- END
202c----deallocate memory - FA
203      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_zanpt)) call errquit
204     &   ('get_rhoS_so, ma_free_heap of l_zanpt failed',911,MA_ERR)
205      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_xyzpt)) call errquit
206     &   ('get_rhoS_so, ma_free_heap of l_xyzpt failed',911,MA_ERR)
207      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_AtNr)) call
208     &    errquit('dft_zora_utils: ma_free_heap l_AtNr',0, MA_ERR)
209        do i=1,ipol
210         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_efgz4_sf(i))) call errquit(
211     &    'dft_zora_rhos_so: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
212        enddo
213        do i=1,3
214         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_efgz4_so(i))) call errquit(
215     &    'dft_zora_rhos_so: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
216        enddo
217         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_rhoS)) call errquit(
218     &    'dft_zora_rhos_so: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
219      return
220      end
222          subroutine get_densZ4_so(
223     &                   rtdb,
224     &                   geom,
225     &                   ao_bas_han,
226     &                   nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
227     &                   g_dens,g_moso,
228     &                   noc,nocc,
229     &                   g_densZ4so)
230c    Purpose : Calculation of density matrix-like
231c              for EFG-ZORA-4
232c    Output  : g_densZ4so
233c    Author  : Fredy Aquino
234c    Note    : Modified from dft_zora_scale_so()
235c    Date    : 12-09-09
236       implicit none
237#include "nwc_const.fh"
238#include "errquit.fh"
239#include "mafdecls.fh"
240#include "stdio.fh"
241#include "global.fh"
242#include "msgids.fh"
243#include "rtdb.fh"
244#include "zora.fh"
246      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
247      external ga_create_atom_blocked
249      integer g_dens(2)
250      integer g_moso(2)
251      integer g_orb(2)
252      integer g_dens_so(2)
253      integer g_scr(2)
254      integer l_vecsre, k_vecsre
255      integer l_vecsim, k_vecsim
256      integer iorb
257      integer noc
258      integer ispin
259      integer geom
260      integer ao_bas_han
261      integer nbf
262      integer nbf_ao
263      integer nbf_mo
264      integer g_densZ4so(5)     ! FA - Main output
265      integer rtdb              ! FA
266      integer i,j,ac,noc1,count ! FA
267      integer nocc(2)           ! FA
268      integer l_Ci,k_Ci         ! FA
269      character*1  soxyz(3)     ! FA
270      character*7  lbls(6)      ! FA
271      character*34 lbls1(6)     ! FA
272      double precision scale    ! FA
273c     Using global input : g_Ci
274c     defined in zora.fh and calculated
275c     in dft_zora_scale_so()
276      soxyz(1)='z'
277      soxyz(2)='y'
278      soxyz(3)='x'
279      lbls(1)='orbs re'
280      lbls(2)='denmxre'
281      lbls(3)='scrch 1'
282      lbls(4)='orbs im'
283      lbls(5)='denmxim'
284      lbls(6)='scrch 2'
285      lbls1(1)='get_densZ4_so: orb  real     error'
286      lbls1(2)='get_densZ4_so: dens real     error'
287      lbls1(3)='get_densZ4_so: ga_duplicate failed'
288      lbls1(4)='get_densZ4_so: orb  imag     error'
289      lbls1(5)='get_densZ4_so: dens imag     error'
290      lbls1(6)='get_densZ4_so: ga_duplicate failed'
292      noc1=nocc(1)+nocc(2)
294cc    allocate memory
295       if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, nbf_mo, 'real vec aux',
296     &          l_vecsre, k_vecsre))
297     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so: cannot allocate vec',0, MA_ERR)
299      if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, nbf_mo, 'imag vec aux',
300     &          l_vecsim, k_vecsim))
301     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so: cannot allocate vec',0, MA_ERR)
303      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(MT_Dbl, 2*noc1, 'Ci',
304     &          l_Ci, k_Ci))
305     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
307      call ga_get(g_Ci,1,2,1,noc1,dbl_mb(k_Ci),2)
309      ac=1
310      do i=1,2
311c     spin-orbit vector -          i=1(real),2(imaginary)
312       if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nbf_mo,nbf_mo,lbls(ac),0,0,
313     &                   g_orb(i)))
314     & call errquit(lbls1(ac),0, GA_ERR)
315       call ga_zero(g_orb(i))
316       ac=ac+1
317c     spin-orbit density matrix -  i=1(real),2(imaginary)
318       if(.not.ga_create(mt_dbl,nbf_mo,nbf_mo,lbls(ac),0,0,
319     &                   g_dens_so(i)))
320     & call errquit(lbls1(ac),0, GA_ERR)
321       call ga_zero(g_dens_so(i))
322       ac=ac+1
323c     scratch array                i=1(real),2(imaginary)
324       if(.not.ga_duplicate(g_dens(i),g_scr(i),lbls(ac)))
325     &  call errquit(lbls1(ac),1, GA_ERR)
326        call ga_zero(g_scr(i))
327       ac=ac+1
328      end do ! end i-loop
330      do i=1,5  ! Added by FA
331       if(.not.ga_duplicate(g_dens(1),g_densZ4so(i),'densZ4so'))
332     &  call errquit('get_densZ4_so: ga_duplicate failed',1, GA_ERR)
333        call ga_zero(g_densZ4so(i))
334      end do
336      do ispin=1,2
337       iorb=ispin
338       do count=1,nocc(ispin)
339        call ga_get(g_moso(1),1,nbf_mo,iorb,iorb,dbl_mb(k_vecsre),1)
340        call ga_zero(g_orb(1))
341        call ga_put(g_orb(1),1,nbf_mo,iorb,iorb,dbl_mb(k_vecsre),1)
342        call ga_get(g_moso(2),1,nbf_mo,iorb,iorb,dbl_mb(k_vecsim),1)
343        call ga_zero(g_orb(2))
344        call ga_put(g_orb(2),1,nbf_mo,iorb,iorb,dbl_mb(k_vecsim),1)
345        call dft_densm_so(g_dens_so,g_orb,nbf_ao,noc)
346        call ga_zero(g_scr(1))
347        call ga_zero(g_scr(2))
348        call ga_dens_sf(g_scr, g_dens_so(1), nbf_ao)
349        if (zora_calc_type.eq.3) scale=1.0d0/dbl_mb(k_Ci+iorb-1)
350        if (zora_calc_type.eq.4 .or. zora_calc_type.eq.5) scale=1.0d0  ! NUM-EFG,NUM-NMR-K=1
351        do i=1,2
352          call ga_scale(g_scr(i),scale)
353          call ga_add(1.0d0,g_densZ4so(i),1.0d0,g_scr(i),g_densZ4so(i))
354        end do ! end-loop-i
355        j=3
356        do i=1,3
357         call ga_zero(g_scr(1))
358         call ga_dens_so(g_scr(1),g_dens_so,nbf_ao,soxyz(i))
359         call ga_scale(g_scr(1),scale)
360         call ga_add(1.0d0,g_densZ4so(j),1.0d0,g_scr(1),g_densZ4so(j))
361         j=j+1
362        end do ! end-loop-i
363        iorb=iorb+2
364       end do  ! count-loop
365      end do   ! ispin-loop
367c     deallocate memory
368      if (.not. ma_chop_stack(l_vecsim))
369     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so:l_vecsim', 0, MA_ERR)
370      if (.not. ma_chop_stack(l_vecsre))
371     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so:l_vecsre', 0, MA_ERR)
372      if (.not. MA_free_heap(l_Ci))
373     &  call errquit('get_densZ4_so:cannot free heap',111, MA_ERR)
374      do i=1,2
375       if (.not. ga_destroy(g_orb(i)))
376     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so: ga_destroy failed',0, GA_ERR)
377      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_so(i)))
378     & call errquit('get_densZ4_so: ga_destroy failed',0, GA_ERR)
379       if (.not. ga_destroy(g_scr(i)))
380     & call errquit('dft_zora_scale_so: ga_destroy failed',0, GA_ERR)
381      end do
383      return
384      end
386      subroutine hnd_efgmap_Z4_so(rtdb,basis,geom,
387     &                            nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
388     &                            g_dens_4SO,g_moso,
389     &                            noc,nocc)
391c $Id$
393c     This routine calculates the electric field gradient and
394c     the orientation of the EFG for a given density at the
395c     atomic positions.
397      implicit none
398#include "nwc_const.fh"
399#include "errquit.fh"
400#include "global.fh"
401#include "bas.fh"
402#include "mafdecls.fh"
403#include "geom.fh"
404#include "stdio.fh"
405#include "rtdb.fh"
406#include "cosmo.fh"
407#include "zora.fh" ! Added by FA
409      integer rtdb      ! [Input] rtdb
410      integer basis     ! [Input] Basis set
411      integer geom      ! [Input] Geometry
412      character*255 zorafilename
413      character*2  symbol
414      character*16 element, at_tag
415      integer iat, atn, nat, i, j, ij
416      integer l_xyzpt , k_xyzpt,
417     &        l_xyzpt1, k_xyzpt1,
418     &        l_zanpt , k_zanpt,
419     &        l_efgs  , k_efgs
420      integer l_tmp,k_tmp ! to store indices of selected atoms
421      integer g_dens(3),ndens,nclosed(2),nopen(2),nvirt(2)
422      integer nefc, l_efcc, k_efcc, l_efcz, k_efcz
423      double precision xp, yp, zp, xn, yn, zn, zan
424      double precision vec(3,3), eig(3), a(6)
425      double precision pi, deg, efgxx, efgyy, efgzz, efgxy, efgxz, efgyz
426      double precision rr, rr5, eta
427      logical status
428c     bq variables (MV)
429      logical dobq
430      integer bq_ncent
431      integer i_cbq
432      integer i_qbq
433      double precision elpotbq
434      logical dft_zoraEFGZ4_read
435      integer g_rhoS,g_Atnr1,icalczora
436      integer nder
437      integer l_rhoS,k_rhoS
438      integer ii,jj
439      integer g_densZ4(3)
440      double precision sum_efgs
441      integer ipol,pos,indx,indy
442      integer count_efgtyp
443      integer g_densZ4so(5)
444      integer g_dens_4SO(2)
445      integer g_moso(2)
446      integer nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
447     &        noc,nocc(*),efgfile,typeprop,
448     &        indx1,indx2,nat_slc
449      external hnd_elfcon_symm,hnd_elfcon
450      external get_densZ4_so,
451     &         dft_zoraEFGZ4_read,util_file_name
452      integer iat1
454c     Initialize integrals
456      call int_init(rtdb,1, basis)
457      call schwarz_init(geom, basis)
459c     ----- calculate electric field gradient -----
461      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) write(luout,9999)
462      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) write(luout,9994)
464      pi  = acos(-1.0d0)
465      deg = 180.0d0/pi
467      call ecce_print_module_entry('efg')
469c     ----- define points for calculation -----
470c           1. nuclei
471c ------- Read (nat,atmnr) --------- START
472         status=geom_ncent(geom,nat)
473      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
474     &       mt_int,nat,'nmt tmp',l_tmp,k_tmp))
475     &    call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
476         typeprop=1 ! =1 EFG =2 Shieldings =3 Hyperfine
477         call get_slctd_atoms(nat_slc,       ! out: selected atoms
478     &                        int_mb(k_tmp), ! out: list of selected atom nr.
479     &                        nat,           ! in : total nr atoms in molecule
480     &                        rtdb,          ! in : rdt  handle
481     &                        typeprop)      ! in : =1,2,3=EFG,Shieldings,Hyperfine
482      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
483       write(*,*) 'nat_slc=',nat_slc
484       do i=1,nat_slc
485        write(*,7) i,int_mb(k_tmp+i-1)
486 7      format('In hnd_efgmap_Z4:: atomnr(',i3,')=',i5)
487       enddo
488      endif
489c ------- Read (nat,atmnr) --------- END
490      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
491     &       mt_dbl,3*nat,'xyz pnt',l_xyzpt,k_xyzpt))
492     &    call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
493      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
494     &       mt_dbl,6*nat,'efg pnt',l_efgs,k_efgs))
495     &    call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
496      if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
497     &       mt_dbl,nat,'zan pnt',l_zanpt,k_zanpt))
498     &    call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
500      do 30 iat=1,nat
501         status=geom_cent_get(geom,iat,at_tag,
502     &                        dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+3*(iat-1)),
503     &                        dbl_mb(k_zanpt+iat-1))
504   30 continue
505c ++++++ Reading EFGZ4 data from file ++++++ START
506c       Note.- lbl_efgz4 defined in zora.fh
507        call util_file_name(lbl_efgz4,.false.,.false.,zorafilename)
508        icalczora = 0  ! initialize the flag
509        if (.not.dft_zoraEFGZ4_read(
510     &        zorafilename,
511     &        nat_slc,
512     &        nat,
513     &        g_AtNr1,
514     &        g_rhoS)) icalczora=1
515c Note.- If I print the GAs here it gets freezed
516c ++++++ Reading EFGZ4 data from file ++++++ END
517      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
518     &  write(*,*) '-------hnd_efgmat_Z4: g_rhoS ---------- START'
519      call ga_print(g_AtNr1)
520      call ga_print(g_rhoS)
521      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
522     &  write(*,*) '-------hnd_efgmat_Z4: g_rhoS ---------- END'
524c  Allocate memory for l_rhoS,k_rhoS
525       if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
526     &       mt_dbl,nat_slc*6*2,'rhoS',l_rhoS,k_rhoS))
527     &    call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4_so: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
528      call ga_get(g_rhoS,1,1,1,nat_slc*6*2,dbl_mb(k_rhoS),1)
530c      count_efgtyp=1
531      count_efgtyp=0 ! NUM-EFG, Z4-EFG
532      do zora_calc_type=4,3,-1
533       do_NonRel=.false.
534       if (zora_calc_type.eq.4) do_NonRel=.true.
535       call get_densZ4_so(rtdb,geom,basis,
536     &                    nbf,nbf_ao,nbf_mo,
537     &                    g_dens_4SO,g_moso,
538     &                    noc,nocc,g_densZ4so)
540c       if (zora_calc_type.eq.4) then
541c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
542c     &   write(*,*) '----g_densZ4so(1)----- START'
543c        call ga_print(g_densZ4so(1))
544c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
545c     &   write(*,*) '----g_densZ4so(1)----- END'
546c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
547c     &   write(*,*) '----g_densZ4so(2)----- START'
548c        call ga_print(g_densZ4so(2))
549c        if (ga_nodeid().eq.0)
550c     &   write(*,*) '----g_densZ4so(2)----- END'
551c       endif
553c ----- compute g_densZ4_all=g_densZ4so(1)+g_densZ4so(2)
554       call ga_add(1.0d00,g_densZ4so(1),
555     &             1.0d00,g_densZ4so(2),
556     &                    g_densZ4so(1))
557      nder=2
558       if (.not.ma_alloc_get(
559     &       mt_dbl,3*nat_slc,'xyz pnt1',l_xyzpt1,k_xyzpt1))
560     &     call errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma failed',0,MA_ERR)
561         do iat1=1,nat_slc
562          iat=int_mb(k_tmp+iat1-1)
563          indx1=k_xyzpt1+3*(iat1-1)
564          indx2=k_xyzpt +3*(iat -1)
565          dbl_mb(indx1  )= dbl_mb(indx2  )
566          dbl_mb(indx1+1)= dbl_mb(indx2+1)
567          dbl_mb(indx1+2)= dbl_mb(indx2+2)
568          if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
569           write(*,12) iat1,iat,
570     &                 dbl_mb(indx1),
571     &                 dbl_mb(indx1+1),
572     &                 dbl_mb(indx1+2)
573 12        format('Atom(',i3,',',i3,')=(',
574     &            f15.8,',',f15.8,',',f15.8,')')
575          endif
576         enddo
577c ---- extract selected atoms coordinates ----- END
578c         goto 13
579         efgfile=0 ! NO NLMO/NBO analysis
580         call hnd_elfcon_symm(basis,            ! in: basis handle
581     &                        geom,             ! in: geom  handle
582     &                        g_densZ4so(1),    ! in: electron density
583     &                        dbl_mb(k_xyzpt1), ! in: (x,y,z) centers
584     &                        nat_slc,          ! in: number of centers
585     &                        dbl_mb(k_efgs),   !out: EFG values at centers
586     &                        nder,             ! in: =2 for second derivative
587     &                        efgfile)          ! in: efgfile=0,1= NO,YES NLMONBO analysis
588c 13      continue
590c         call hnd_elfcon(basis,            ! in: basis handle
591c     &                   geom,             ! in: geom  handle
592c     &                   g_densZ4so(1),    ! in: electron density
593c     &                   dbl_mb(k_xyzpt1), ! in: (x,y,z) centers
594c     &                   nat_slc,          ! in: number of centers
595c     &                   dbl_mb(k_efgs),   !out: EFG values at centers
596c     &                   nder)             ! in: =2 for second derivative
598c Note.- Getting NaN in dbl_mb(k_efgs) for CuI + HiraoBS_uncontracted + BLYP
599c        filename: CuI_HiraoBS_uCNT_Z4_BLYP.pbs
600c       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
601c         write(*,*) '--------check k_efgs ------ START'
602c         do i=1,6*nat
603c          write(*,171) i,dbl_mb(k_efgs+i-1)
604c 171      format('efgs(',i3,')=',f15.8)
605c         enddo
606c         write(*,*) '--------check k_efgs ------ END'
607c        endif
609       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_xyzpt1)) call
610     &     errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4_so: ma_free_heap l_xyzpt1',0, MA_ERR)
612       if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then ! START-if-do-it-once
613        write(*,112)
614        do iat1=1,nat_slc
615          iat=int_mb(k_tmp+iat1-1)
616c ------- get Atom name: symbol ----------- START
617         if (.not. geom_cent_tag(geom,iat,at_tag)) call
618     &      errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4_so: geom_cent_tag failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
619         if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(at_tag,symbol,element,atn)) then
620            if(symbol.ne."bq") call
621     &      errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4_so: geom_tag_to_element failed',
622     &               0,GEOM_ERR)
623         end if
624c ------- get Atom name: symbol ----------- END
625         indx=k_efgs+6*(iat1-1)
626         efgxx = dbl_mb(indx)
627         efgyy = dbl_mb(indx+1)
628         efgzz = dbl_mb(indx+2)
629         efgxy = dbl_mb(indx+3)
630         efgxz = dbl_mb(indx+4)
631         efgyz = dbl_mb(indx+5)
632         sum_efgs=(efgxx+efgyy+efgzz)/3.0d0
633         efgxx=efgxx-sum_efgs
634         efgyy=efgyy-sum_efgs
635         efgzz=efgzz-sum_efgs
636         indx=k_efgs+6*(iat1-1)
637         indy=k_rhoS+6*(iat1-1)+6*nlist*count_efgtyp
638         if (zora_calc_type.eq.3) then
639          dbl_mb(indx  )=efgxx+dbl_mb(indy  )
640          dbl_mb(indx+1)=efgyy+dbl_mb(indy+1)
641          dbl_mb(indx+2)=efgzz+dbl_mb(indy+2)
642          dbl_mb(indx+3)=efgxy+dbl_mb(indy+3)
643          dbl_mb(indx+4)=efgxz+dbl_mb(indy+4)
644          dbl_mb(indx+5)=efgyz+dbl_mb(indy+5)
645          write(*,113) symbol,efgxx,efgyy,efgzz,efgxy,
646     &                 efgxz,efgyz
647          write(*,114) symbol,dbl_mb(indy),dbl_mb(indy+1),
648     &                 dbl_mb(indy+2),dbl_mb(indy+3),
649     &                 dbl_mb(indy+4),dbl_mb(indy+5)
650          write(*,115) symbol,dbl_mb(indx),dbl_mb(indx+1),
651     &                 dbl_mb(indx+2),dbl_mb(indx+3),
652     &                 dbl_mb(indx+4),dbl_mb(indx+5)
653         endif
654         if (zora_calc_type.eq.4) then
655          dbl_mb(indx  )=efgxx
656          dbl_mb(indx+1)=efgyy
657          dbl_mb(indx+2)=efgzz
658          dbl_mb(indx+3)=efgxy
659          dbl_mb(indx+4)=efgxz
660          dbl_mb(indx+5)=efgyz
661          write(*,116) symbol,efgxx,efgyy,efgzz,efgxy,
662     &                 efgxz,efgyz
663          write(*,117) symbol,dbl_mb(indy),dbl_mb(indy+1),
664     &                 dbl_mb(indy+2),dbl_mb(indy+3),
665     &                 dbl_mb(indy+4),dbl_mb(indy+5)
666         endif
667        end do ! iat-loop
668       end if ! END-if-do-it-once
669c       count_efgtyp=count_efgtyp-1
670       count_efgtyp=count_efgtyp+1 ! NUM-EFG, Z4-EFG
671        do i=1,5
672         if (.not. ga_destroy(g_densZ4so(i))) call errquit(
673     &    'dft_zora_rhos_so: ga_destroy failed ',0, GA_ERR)
674        enddo
675      end do ! zora_calc_type loop
676c ------- All-FA-formats------------------------------------ START
677 112     format('====> Electronic contribution to EFG',
678     &          ' in molecular frame (a.u.)',/,
679     & 21x,'XX',12x,'YY',12x,'ZZ',12x,'XY',12x,'XZ',12x,'YZ',/,
680     & 16x,82(1h-))
681 113      format('EFG-elec(',a2,')=(',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',
682     &          f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,')')
683 114      format('EFG-rhoS(',a2,')=(',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',
684     &          f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,')')
685 115      format('EFG-tot (',a2,')=(',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',
686     &          f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,')')
687 116      format('  ANALYT(',a2,')=(',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',
688     &          f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,')')
689 117      format('  NUMERI(',a2,')=(',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',
690     &          f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,',',f13.8,')')
691c ------- All-FA-formats------------------------------------ END
693c     get bq structures if any (MV)
694c     -----------------------------
695      dobq = .false.
696      if(geom_extbq_on()) then
697        dobq = .true.
698        bq_ncent = geom_extbq_ncenter()
699        i_cbq = geom_extbq_coord()
700        i_qbq = geom_extbq_charge()
701      end if
703c     ----- collect and output results of all points -----
705      status = rtdb_parallel(.false.)   ! FA-04-23-10
706      if (ga_nodeid().gt.0) goto 300
707      do 230  iat=1,nat_slc
708         iat1=int_mb(k_tmp+iat-1)
709         xp = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt  +3*(iat1-1))
710         yp = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+1+3*(iat1-1))
711         zp = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+2+3*(iat1-1))
712c     ----- add nuclear contribution -----
713         efgxx = 0.0d0 ! FA
714         efgyy = 0.0d0 ! FA
715         efgzz = 0.0d0 ! FA
716         efgxy = 0.0d0 ! FA
717         efgxz = 0.0d0 ! FA
718         efgyz = 0.0d0 ! FA
719         do 210 i = 1,nat
720            xn  = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt  +3*(i-1)) - xp
721            yn  = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+1+3*(i-1)) - yp
722            zn  = dbl_mb(k_xyzpt+2+3*(i-1)) - zp
723            zan = dbl_mb(k_zanpt+i-1)
724            rr = sqrt(xn*xn + yn*yn + zn*zn)
725            if (rr.lt.1.0d-3) go to 210
726            rr5=rr*rr*rr*rr*rr
727            efgxx = efgxx - zan*xn*xn/rr5
728            efgyy = efgyy - zan*yn*yn/rr5
729            efgzz = efgzz - zan*zn*zn/rr5
730            efgxy = efgxy - zan*xn*yn/rr5
731            efgxz = efgxz - zan*xn*zn/rr5
732            efgyz = efgyz - zan*yn*zn/rr5
733  210    continue
735c     ----- form -efc- contribution -----
736c           from cosmo point charges !!!!
737         if (cosmo_last) then
738            if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:nefc',mt_int,1,nefc))
739     &         call errquit('hnd_efgmap: rtdb get failed for nefc ',911,
740     &         RTDB_ERR)
741            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nefc*3,'efcc',l_efcc,k_efcc))
742     &         call errquit('hnd_efgmap: malloc k_efcc fail',911,ma_err)
743            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_dbl,nefc,'efcz',l_efcz,k_efcz))
744     &         call errquit('hnd_efgmap: malloc k_efcz fail',911,ma_err)
745            if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:efcc',mt_dbl,3*nefc,
746     &         dbl_mb(k_efcc))) call
747     &         errquit('hnd_efgmap: rtdb get failed efcc',912,rtdb_err)
748            if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:efcz',mt_dbl,nefc,
749     &         dbl_mb(k_efcz))) call
750     &         errquit('hnd_efgmap: rtdb get failed efcz',913,rtdb_err)
751            do i = 1,nefc
752               xn = dbl_mb(k_efcc+3*(i-1)  ) - xp
753               yn = dbl_mb(k_efcc+3*(i-1)+1) - yp
754               zn = dbl_mb(k_efcc+3*(i-1)+2) - zp
755               rr =  sqrt(xn*xn + yn*yn + zn*zn)
756               if (rr.lt.1.0d-3) then
757                  write(luout,9993) xp,yp,zp,i
758               else
759               rr5=rr*rr*rr*rr*rr
760               efgxx = efgxx - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*xn*xn/rr5
761               efgyy = efgyy - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*yn*yn/rr5
762               efgzz = efgzz - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*zn*zn/rr5
763               efgxy = efgxy - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*xn*yn/rr5
764               efgxz = efgxz - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*xn*zn/rr5
765               efgyz = efgyz - dbl_mb(k_efcz+i-1)*yn*zn/rr5
766            endif
767            enddo
768 220        continue
769            if (.not.ma_chop_stack(l_efcc)) call
770     &         errquit('hnd_efgmap: chop stack l_efcc',913,ma_err)
771         endif
773c        adding external bq contributions(MV)
774c        ----------------------------------
775         if (dobq) then
776            do i = 1,bq_ncent
777               xn = dbl_mb(i_cbq+3*(i-1)  ) - xp
778               yn = dbl_mb(i_cbq+3*(i-1)+1) - yp
779               zn = dbl_mb(i_cbq+3*(i-1)+2) - zp
780               rr =  sqrt(xn*xn + yn*yn + zn*zn)
781               if (rr.lt.1.0d-3) then
782                  write(luout,9993) xp,yp,zp,i
783               else
784               rr5=rr*rr*rr*rr*rr
785               efgxx = efgxx - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*xn*xn/rr5
786               efgyy = efgyy - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*yn*yn/rr5
787               efgzz = efgzz - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*zn*zn/rr5
788               efgxy = efgxy - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*xn*yn/rr5
789               efgxz = efgxz - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*xn*zn/rr5
790               efgyz = efgyz - dbl_mb(i_qbq+i-1)*yn*zn/rr5
791               endif
792            end do
793         end if
794c ------- Adding modified electronic part + nuclear contribution
795         indx=k_efgs+6*(iat-1)
796         dbl_mb(indx  )=dbl_mb(indx  )+2.0d0*efgxx - efgyy - efgzz
797         dbl_mb(indx+1)=dbl_mb(indx+1)+2.0d0*efgyy - efgxx - efgzz
798         dbl_mb(indx+2)=dbl_mb(indx+2)+2.0d0*efgzz - efgxx - efgyy
799         dbl_mb(indx+3)=dbl_mb(indx+3)+3.0d0*efgxy
800         dbl_mb(indx+4)=dbl_mb(indx+4)+3.0d0*efgxz
801         dbl_mb(indx+5)=dbl_mb(indx+5)+3.0d0*efgyz
803c        ----- reorder into a as xx xy yy xz yz zz to form matrix -----
804         a(1) = dbl_mb(k_efgs  +6*(iat-1))
805         a(2) = dbl_mb(k_efgs+3+6*(iat-1))
806         a(3) = dbl_mb(k_efgs+1+6*(iat-1))
807         a(4) = dbl_mb(k_efgs+4+6*(iat-1))
808         a(5) = dbl_mb(k_efgs+5+6*(iat-1))
809         a(6) = dbl_mb(k_efgs+2+6*(iat-1))
810         ij=0
811         do 241 i = 1, 3
812         do 241 j = 1, i
813            ij = ij + 1
814            vec(i,j) = a(ij)
815            vec(j,i) = a(ij)
816  241    continue
818c        ----- store ecce data -----
819         if (.not. geom_cent_tag(geom,iat1,at_tag)) call
820     &      errquit('hnd_efgmap: geom_cent_tag failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
821c        geom_tag_to_element returns false for Bq elements (MV)
822c        -----------------------------------------------------
823         if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(at_tag,symbol,element,atn)) then
824            if(symbol.ne."bq") call
825     &      errquit('hnd_efgmap: geom_tag_to_element failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
826         end if
828c         if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(at_tag,symbol,element,atn)) call
829c     &      errquit('hnd_efgmap: geom_tag_to_element failed',0,GEOM_ERR)
831         call ecce_print1_char('atom name',symbol,1)
832         call ecce_print2('EFG tensor',MT_DBL,vec,3,3,3)
834c        ----- print tensor components -----
836         write(luout,9998) iat,symbol,xp,yp,zp
837         write(luout,9997)
838         write(luout,9995) (dbl_mb(k_efgs+6*(iat-1)+i),i=0,5)
840c        ----- diagonalize to get principal components and vectors -----
842c        FA: I found that for some few cases it halts when calling hnd_diag()
843c            I don't know why.
844c            Example: AuI_SARC1-ZORA_BS_CNT_Z4_BLYP_4.out (04-16-10)
846         call hnd_diag(vec,eig,3,.true.,.false.)
847         eta  = abs( (eig(3)-eig(2)) / eig(1) )
849         call ecce_print1('EFG eigenvalues',MT_DBL,eig,3)
850         call ecce_print2('EFG eigenvectors',MT_DBL,vec,3,3,3)
851         call ecce_print1('EFG asymmetry',MT_DBL,eta,1)
853         write(luout,9992)
854         write(luout,9991) eig(1),eig(2),eig(3),eta
855         write(luout,9988) ((vec(i,j),j=1,3),i=1,3)
856         write(luout,*) ' '
858  230 continue ! Assemblin and printing next atom
859        call ecce_print_module_exit('EFG','ok')
860        call util_flush(luout)
862c     ----- release memory block -----
863  300 call ga_sync()
864      status = rtdb_parallel(.true.)   ! FA-04-23-10
866c     ------- Deallocate MA memory ------
867       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_rhoS)) call
868     &     errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma_free_heap l_rhoS',0, MA_ERR)
869       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_zanpt)) call
870     &     errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma_free_heap l_zanpt',0, MA_ERR)
871       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_efgs)) call
872     &     errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma_free_heap l_efgs',0, MA_ERR)
873       if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_xyzpt)) call
874     &     errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma_free_heap l_xyzpt',0, MA_ERR)
875      if (.not.ma_free_heap(l_tmp)) call
876     &    errquit('hnd_efgmap_Z4: ma_free_heap l_tmp',0, MA_ERR)
878      return
879 9999 format(/,10x,23(1h-),/,10x,'Electric field gradient',
880     1       /,10x,23(1h-),/)
881 9998 format(/,1x,60(1h-),/,3x,'Atom',6x,'X',9x,'Y',9x,'Z',/,1x,60(1h-),
882     1       /,i5,1x,a2,3f10.5,/,1x,60(1h-),/)
883 9997 format(1x,'Electric field gradient in molecular frame (a.u.)',/,
884     2 9x,'XX',13x,'YY',13x,'ZZ',13x,'XY',13x,'XZ',13x,'YZ',/,
885     3 1x,90(1h-))
886 9996 format(' --- Warning - electric field gradient at ',
887     1 3F10.5,' . contribution from nucleus ',i3,' ignored')
888 9995 format(1x,6f15.6,/)
889 9994 format(' 1 a.u. = 0.324123 10**(16) esu/cm**3 ',
890     1       ' ( or statvolts/cm**2 )',' = 0.97174 10**(22) v/m**2 ',/)
891 9993 format(' --- Warning - electric field gradient at ',
892     1 3f10.5,' . contribution from  -efc-  ',i3,' ignored')
893 9992 format(1x,'Principal components (a.u.) and orientation ',
894     1       /,' of principal axis w.r.t. absolute frame',
895     2       22x,'Asymmetry parameter eta',/,1x,86(1h-))
896 9991 format(1x,3f15.6,16x,f15.6,/)
897 9988 format(1X,3F15.6)
898      end
900c================ Fredy Aquino's routines ======== END