1c $Id$
3C> \ingroup nwint
4C> @{
6C> \brief Compute the 3 center overlap integral derivatives
8C> Compute the 3 center overlap integral derivatives as defined by
9C> \f{eqnarray*}{
10C>   \frac{\partial}{\partial X_x}({\mu}{\nu}{\lambda}) &=& \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}
11C>   \frac{\partial g_{\mu}(X_\mu,r_{1})g_{\nu}(X_\nu,r_{1})g_{\lambda}(X_\lambda,r_{1})}{\partial X_x}dr_{1}
12C> \f}
13C> Where \f$X_x\f$ refers to a nuclear coordinate that can be any of
14C> \f$X_\mu\f$, \f$X_\nu\f$ or \f$X_\lambda\f$.
16C> The integral derivatives are returned in `dOV3`. The order in which the
17C> integrals are stored is equivalent to the array being dimensioned as:
18C> `dOV3(nint,ncoord,natom)` where `ncoord` is equal to 3 for the Cartesian
19C> coordinates, and `natom` is equal to 3 for the atoms on which the Gaussians
20C> are centered. The lexical indeces of the atoms are returned in `idatom`.
21C> This relationship can be stated as: the integrals `dOV3(*,*,i)` belong to
22C> atom `idatom(i)`.
24C> Finally, if any of the entries in `idatom` equals 0 then the data in `dOV3`
25C> is invalid.
27c:tex-% this is part of the API Standard Integral routines.
29c:tex-This routine computes the 3 center overlap integral derivatives:
31c:tex-\frac{\partial}{\partial q}({\mu}{\nu}{\lamda}) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}
34c:tex-{\it Syntax:}
36      subroutine intd_1e3ov (i_basis, ish, j_basis, jsh, k_basis, ksh,
37     &       lscr, scr, ldov3, dOV3, idatom)
39      implicit none
40#include "nwc_const.fh"
41#include "errquit.fh"
42#include "basP.fh"
43#include "basdeclsP.fh"
44#include "geobasmapP.fh"
45#include "geomP.fh"
46#include "mafdecls.fh"
47#include "bas_exndcf_dec.fh"
48#include "bas_ibs_dec.fh"
49#include "int_nbf.fh"
50#include "stdio.fh"
51c:: external subroutines used
52c..  errquit
54      logical int_chk_sh, int_chk_init
55      external int_chk_sh, int_chk_init
58      integer i_basis            !< [Input] basis set handle for ish
59      integer ish                !< [Input] i shell/contraction
60      integer j_basis            !< [Input] basis set handle for jsh
61      integer jsh                !< [Input] j shell/contraction
62      integer k_basis            !< [Input] basis set handle for ksh
63      integer ksh                !< [Input] k shell/contraction
64      integer lscr               !< [Input] length of scratch array
65      double precision scr(lscr) !< [Scratch] scratch array
66      integer ldov3              !< [Input] length of 3c overlap integrals array
67      double precision dOV3(*)   !< [Output] 3c overlap integrals
68      integer idatom(3) !< [Output] array identifying centers for derivatives
69c                       !  e.g., the first nint*3  derivatives go to center idatom(1)
70c                       !        the second nint*3 derivatives go to center idatom(2)
73c Order is...   nint*3*3 (3=> xyz, 3=atoms)
75c  /                   |
76c | nint,d <ij>        |
77c |      --------------|
78c  \     d[idatom(1),x]|
79c                          |
80c       nint,d <ij>        |
81c            --------------|
82c            d[idatom(1),y]|
83c                              |
84c           nint,d <ij>        |
85c                --------------|
86c                d[idatom(1),z]|
87c                                  |
88c               nint,d <ij>        |
89c                    --------------|
90c                    d[idatom(2),x]|
91c                                      |
92c                   nint,d <ij>        |
93c                        --------------|
94c                        d[idatom(2),y]|
95c                                          |
96c                       nint,d <ij>        |
97c                            --------------|
98c                            d[idatom(2),z]|
99c                                              |
100c                           nint,d <ij>        |
101c                                --------------|
102c                                d[idatom(3),x]|
103c                                                  |
104c                               nint,d <ij>        |
105c                                    --------------|
106c                                    d[idatom(3),y]|
107c                                                      \
108c                                   nint,d <ij>         |
109c                                        -------------- |
110c                                        d[idatom(3),z]/
111c If idatom(?) = 0 then do not use this 3*nint block of integral derivatives
113      logical any_spherical
114      logical shells_ok
115      integer nint_intrnl
116      integer ucont
117      integer ibas, jbas, kbas
118      integer i_geom, j_geom, k_geom
119      integer Li, i_prim, i_gen, i_iexp, i_icfp, i_cent
120      integer Lj, j_prim, j_gen, j_iexp, j_icfp, j_cent
121      integer Lk, k_prim, k_gen, k_iexp, k_icfp, k_cent
123      integer i_pov3, j_pov3, k_pov3
124      integer WarnP
125      save WarnP
126      data WarnP /0/
128#include "bas_exndcf_sfn.fh"
129#include "bas_ibs_sfn.fh"
131c check initialization and shells
133      if (.not.int_chk_init('intd_1e3ov'))
134     &       call errquit('intd_1e3ov: int_init was not called' ,0,
135     &            INT_ERR)
137      shells_ok = int_chk_sh(i_basis,ish)
138      shells_ok = shells_ok .and. int_chk_sh(j_basis,jsh)
139      shells_ok = shells_ok .and. int_chk_sh(k_basis,ksh)
140      if (.not.shells_ok)
141     &       call errquit('intd_1e3ov: invalid contraction/shell',0,
142     &            BASIS_ERR)
144      call int_nogencont_check(i_basis,'intd_1e3ov:i_basis')
145      call int_nogencont_check(j_basis,'intd_1e3ov:j_basis')
146      call int_nogencont_check(k_basis,'intd_1e3ov:k_basis')
147      call int_nospshell_check(i_basis,'intd_1e3ov:i_basis')
148      call int_nospshell_check(j_basis,'intd_1e3ov:j_basis')
149      call int_nospshell_check(k_basis,'intd_1e3ov:k_basis')
151      ibas = i_basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET
152      jbas = j_basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET
153      kbas = k_basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET
155      ucont   = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(ish,ibas))
156      Li      = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE ,ucont,ibas)
157      i_prim  = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,ibas)
158      i_gen   = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN ,ucont,ibas)
159      i_iexp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP ,ucont,ibas)
160      i_icfp  = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP ,ucont,ibas)
161      i_cent  = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(ish,ibas))
162      i_geom  = ibs_geom(ibas)
164      ucont   = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(jsh,jbas))
165      Lj      = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE ,ucont,jbas)
166      j_prim  = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,jbas)
167      j_gen   = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN ,ucont,jbas)
168      j_iexp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP ,ucont,jbas)
169      j_icfp  = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP ,ucont,jbas)
170      j_cent  = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(jsh,jbas))
171      j_geom  = ibs_geom(jbas)
173      ucont   = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(ksh,kbas))
174      Lk      = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE ,ucont,kbas)
175      k_prim  = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,kbas)
176      k_gen   = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN ,ucont,kbas)
177      k_iexp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP ,ucont,kbas)
178      k_icfp  = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP ,ucont,kbas)
179      k_cent  = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(ksh,kbas))
180      k_geom  = ibs_geom(kbas)
182      nint_intrnl = int_nbf_x(Li)*int_nbf_x(Lj)*int_nbf_x(Lk)
183      if ((nint_intrnl*9).gt.ldov3) then
184        write(luout,*)' buffer size too small '
185        write(luout,*)' buffer size : ',ldov3
186        write(luout,*)' needed      : ',(nint_intrnl*9)
187        stop ' intd_1e3ov: fatal error '
188      endif
190      if ((i_cent.eq.j_cent).and.(j_cent.eq.k_cent)) then
191        idatom(1) = 0
192        idatom(2) = 0
193        idatom(3) = 0
194        call dcopy((9*nint_intrnl),0.0d00,0,dOV3,1)
195        return
196      endif
198      if ((i_geom.ne.j_geom.or.j_geom.ne.k_geom).and.WarnP.eq.0) then
199        write(luout,*)
200     &      'intd_1e3ov: WARNING: possible geometry inconsistency'
201        write(luout,*)'i_basis geometry handle:',i_geom
202        write(luout,*)'j_basis geometry handle:',j_geom
203        write(luout,*)'k_basis geometry handle:',k_geom
204        WarnP = 1
205      endif
207      call hfd3ois(
208     &    coords(1,i_cent,i_geom),
209     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(i_iexp,ibas)),
210     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(i_icfp,ibas)),
211     &    i_prim, 1, Li,
212     &    coords(1,j_cent,j_geom),
213     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(j_iexp,jbas)),
214     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(j_icfp,jbas)),
215     &    j_prim, 1, Lj,
216     &    coords(1,k_cent,k_geom),
217     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(k_iexp,kbas)),
218     &    dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(k_icfp,kbas)),
219     &    k_prim, 1, Lk,
220     &    dOV3,nint_intrnl,
222     &    .false.,scr,lscr)
224      i_pov3 = 1                    ! pointer to i block of derivs
225      j_pov3 = 3*nint_intrnl+i_pov3 ! pointer to j block of derivs
226      k_pov3 = 3*nint_intrnl+j_pov3 ! pointer to k block of derivs
228      any_spherical = bas_spherical(ibas).or.
229     &    bas_spherical(jbas).or.bas_spherical(kbas)
230      if ((i_cent.ne.j_cent).and.(i_cent.ne.k_cent).and.
231     &                                       (j_cent.ne.k_cent)) then
232        idatom(1) = i_cent
233        idatom(2) = j_cent
234        idatom(3) = k_cent
235        if (any_spherical) then
236          if (Li.eq.-1) i_gen = 1
237          if (Lj.eq.-1) j_gen = 1
238          if (Lk.eq.-1) k_gen = 1
239          call spcart_3cBtran(dOV3,scr,lscr,
240     &        int_nbf_x(Li),int_nbf_s(Li),Li,i_gen,bas_spherical(ibas),
241     &        int_nbf_x(Lj),int_nbf_s(Lj),Lj,j_gen,bas_spherical(jbas),
242     &        int_nbf_x(Lk),int_nbf_s(Lk),Lk,k_gen,bas_spherical(kbas),
243     &        9,.false.)
244        endif
245      else if (i_cent.eq.j_cent) then
246        call daxpy(3*nint_intrnl,1.0d00,dOV3(j_pov3),1,dOV3(i_pov3),1)
247        call dcopy(3*nint_intrnl,dOV3(k_pov3),1,dOV3(j_pov3),1)
248        call dcopy(3*nint_intrnl,0.0d00,0,dOV3(k_pov3),1)
249        idatom(1) = i_cent
250        idatom(2) = k_cent
251        idatom(3) = 0
252        if (any_spherical) then
253          if (Li.eq.-1) i_gen = 1
254          if (Lj.eq.-1) j_gen = 1
255          if (Lk.eq.-1) k_gen = 1
256          call spcart_3cBtran(dOV3,scr,lscr,
257     &        int_nbf_x(Li),int_nbf_s(Li),Li,i_gen,bas_spherical(ibas),
258     &        int_nbf_x(Lj),int_nbf_s(Lj),Lj,j_gen,bas_spherical(jbas),
259     &        int_nbf_x(Lk),int_nbf_s(Lk),Lk,k_gen,bas_spherical(kbas),
260     &        6,.false.)
261        endif
262      else if (i_cent.eq.k_cent) then
263        call daxpy(3*nint_intrnl,1.0d00,dOV3(k_pov3),1,dOV3(i_pov3),1)
264        call dcopy(3*nint_intrnl,0.0d00,0,dOV3(k_pov3),1)
265        idatom(1) = i_cent
266        idatom(2) = j_cent
267        idatom(3) = 0
268        if (any_spherical) then
269          if (Li.eq.-1) i_gen = 1
270          if (Lj.eq.-1) j_gen = 1
271          if (Lk.eq.-1) k_gen = 1
272          call spcart_3cBtran(dOV3,scr,lscr,
273     &        int_nbf_x(Li),int_nbf_s(Li),Li,i_gen,bas_spherical(ibas),
274     &        int_nbf_x(Lj),int_nbf_s(Lj),Lj,j_gen,bas_spherical(jbas),
275     &        int_nbf_x(Lk),int_nbf_s(Lk),Lk,k_gen,bas_spherical(kbas),
276     &        6,.false.)
277        endif
278      else if (j_cent.eq.k_cent) then
279        call daxpy(3*nint_intrnl,1.0d00,dOV3(k_pov3),1,dOV3(j_pov3),1)
280        call dcopy(3*nint_intrnl,0.0d00,0,dOV3(k_pov3),1)
281        idatom(1) = i_cent
282        idatom(2) = j_cent
283        idatom(3) = 0
284        if (any_spherical) then
285          if (Li.eq.-1) i_gen = 1
286          if (Lj.eq.-1) j_gen = 1
287          if (Lk.eq.-1) k_gen = 1
288          call spcart_3cBtran(dOV3,scr,lscr,
289     &        int_nbf_x(Li),int_nbf_s(Li),Li,i_gen,bas_spherical(ibas),
290     &        int_nbf_x(Lj),int_nbf_s(Lj),Lj,j_gen,bas_spherical(jbas),
291     &        int_nbf_x(Lk),int_nbf_s(Lk),Lk,k_gen,bas_spherical(kbas),
292     &        6,.false.)
293        endif
294      else
295        write(luout,*)'ijk->centers',i_cent,j_cent,k_cent
296        write(luout,*)' fatal error '
297        stop 'intd_1e3ov: how did I get here'
298      endif
299      end
300C> @}