2c $Id$
4c Taken and modified from HONDO
6      subroutine hnd_stvintdd(xyzi,expi,coefi,i_nprim,i_ngen, Li,
7     1  i_cent,xyzj,expj,coefj, j_nprim, j_ngen, Lj, j_cent,
8     2  xyz,zan,nat,sder,tder,vder,nint,doS,doT,doV,scr,lscr)
10      implicit none
11#include "stdio.fh"
12      integer i_nprim  ! [input] num. prims on function i
13      integer i_ngen   ! [input] num general conts on func. i
14      integer Li       ! [input] angular momentum of func. i
15      integer j_nprim  ! [input] num. prims on function j
16      integer j_ngen   ! [input] num general conts on func. j
17      integer Lj       ! [input] angular momentum of func. j
18      integer nat      ! [input] number of atoms
19      integer lscr     ! [input] size of scratch array
20      integer nint     ! [input] size of any integral buffer
21      integer i_cent   ! [input] lexical number of center i
22      integer j_cent   ! [input] lexical number of center j
23      double precision xyzi(3)  ! [input] position of center i
24      double precision expi(i_nprim) ! [input] exponents on i
25      double precision coefi(i_nprim,i_ngen) ! [input] i coeffs
26      double precision xyzj(3)  ! [input] position of center j
27      double precision expj(j_nprim)  ! [input] exponents on j
28      double precision coefj(j_nprim,j_ngen)  ! [input] j coeffs
29      double precision xyz(3,nat)  ! [input] all atom positions
30      double precision zan(nat)  ! [input] charges on all atoms
31      double precision scr(lscr)  ! [scratch] scratch buffers
32      double precision sder(*)  ! [output] overlap integrals
33      double precision tder(*)  ! [output] kinetic energy integrals
34      double precision vder(*)  ! [output] potential integrals
35      logical doS     ! [input] compute overlap (True/False)
36      logical doT     ! [input] compute kinetic (True/False)
37      logical doV     ! [input] compute potential (True/False)
38      logical some
39      integer nder, maxi, maxj
40      integer i, index
41      double precision zero
42      data zero   /0.0d+00/
44      nder = 2
46c     ----- calculate -s-, -t-, and -v- derivative integrals -----
48      some = .false.
49      if(some) write(luout,9999)
51      if (doS) then
52        call dcopy(nint*3*3*4,zero,0,sder,1)
53        call hnd_sd_ij2(xyzi,expi,coefi,i_nprim,i_ngen, Li,
54     1    xyzj,expj,coefj, j_nprim, j_ngen, Lj, scr, scr, sder,
55     2    sder(nint*3*3+1),sder(nint*3*3*3+1),nder,nint,scr,lscr)
57c to get the djdi term which is equal to the didj term which is calculated
59        call dcopy(nint*3*3,sder(nint*3*3+1),1,sder(nint*3*3*2+1),1)
60      endif
62c     write(luout,*) 'before the call to doV'
63c     call flush(luout)
65      if (doV) then
66        call dcopy(nint*3*3*nat*3,zero,0,vder,1)
68c Do the Helman-Feynman part (i|d2/dxcdxcV|j)
69c The first nat*nint*3*3 holds these terms
71        do i=1,nat
72c         write(luout,*) 'number of calls to hnd_hlf_ij2 ',i
73          call hnd_hlf_ij2(xyzi,expi,coefi,i_nprim,i_ngen,Li,
74     1      xyzj,expj,coefj,j_nprim,j_ngen,Lj,i,scr,
75     2      vder((i-1)*3*3*nint+1),zan,xyz,nder,nint,scr,lscr)
76        enddo
77c       write(6,*) 'Hel-Fey part'
78c        do i=1,nat*3*3*3*nint
79c          write(6,*) vder(i)
80c        enddo
82c Do the mixed part (di|d/dxcV|j) and (i|d/dxcV|dj)
83c These are held in the rest of vder
85         do i=1,nat
86c         write(luout,*) 'number of calls to hnd_hlfd_ij ',i
87           call hnd_hlfd_ij2(xyzi,expi,coefi,i_nprim,i_ngen,Li,
88     1       xyzj,expj,coefj,j_nprim,j_ngen,Lj,i,
89     2       vder((i-1)*3*3*nint+nint*3*3*nat+1),
90     3       vder((i-1)*3*3*nint+nint*3*3*nat*2+1),
91     4       zan,xyz,nder,nint,scr,lscr)
92         enddo
94c        write(6,*) 'before the second doV, vder is'
95c        do i=1,nat*3*3*3*nint
96c          write(6,*) vder(i)
97c        enddo
98      endif
100c     write(luout,*) 'before the doT call'
101c     call flush(luout)
102      if (doT.or.doV) then
103        call dcopy(nint*3*3*3,zero,0,tder,1)
104c note that scr is used as a dummy and tder also holds the vder terms
105c       if (doV) call dcopy(nint*3*3,zero,0,scr,1)
106        call hnd_tvd_ij2(xyzi,expi,coefi,i_nprim,i_ngen,Li,
107     1    xyzj,expj,coefj,j_nprim,j_ngen,Lj,xyz,scr,scr,tder,
108     2    tder(nint*3*3+1),tder(nint*3*3*2+1),scr,scr,
109     3    tder,tder(nint*3*3+1),
110     4    tder(nint*3*3*2+1),nder,nint,
111     5    zan,nat,doT,doV,i_cent,j_cent,scr,lscr)
112c        write(6,*) 'after the second doV, vder is'
113c        do i=1,nat*3*3*3*nint
114c          write(6,*) vder(i)
115c        enddo
116      endif
118      if(some) write(luout,9998)
119      return
120 9999 format(/,10x,20(1h-),/,10x,'1 electron derivative integrals',
121     2       /,10x,20(1h-))
122 9998 format(' ...... end of one-electron integrals ......')
123      end