1 /**********************************************************************
2 obutil.cpp - Various utility methods.
4 Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
5 Some portions Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison
7 This file is part of the Open Babel project.
8 For more information, see <http://openbabel.org/>
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
14 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ***********************************************************************/
20 #include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>
21 #include <openbabel/math/matrix3x3.h>
22 #include <openbabel/mol.h>
23 #include <openbabel/atom.h>
24 #include <openbabel/obiter.h>
25 #include <openbabel/obutil.h>
26 #include <openbabel/internalcoord.h>
28 #include <cstring>
30 #ifdef HAVE_CONIO_H
31 #include <conio.h>
32 #endif
34 using namespace std;
35 namespace OpenBabel
36 {
38   /*! \class OBStopwatch obutil.h <openbabel/obutil.h>
39     \brief Stopwatch class used for timing length of execution
41     The OBStopwatch class makes timing the execution of blocks of
42     code to microsecond accuracy very simple. The class effectively
43     has two functions, Start() and Elapsed(). The usage of the
44     OBStopwatch class is demonstrated by the following code:
45     \code
46     OBStopwatch sw;
47     sw.Start();
48     //insert code here
49     cout << "Elapsed time = " << sw.Elapsed() << endl;
50     \endcode
51   */
53   //! Deprecated: use the OBMessageHandler class instead
54   //! \deprecated Throw an error through the OpenBabel::OBMessageHandler class
ThrowError(char * str)55   void ThrowError(char *str)
56   {
57     obErrorLog.ThrowError("", str, obInfo);
58   }
60   //! Deprecated: use the OBMessageHandler class instead
61   //! \deprecated Throw an error through the OpenBabel::OBMessageHandler class
ThrowError(std::string & str)62   void ThrowError(std::string &str)
63   {
64     obErrorLog.ThrowError("", str, obInfo);
65   }
67   // returns True if a < b, False otherwise.
OBCompareInt(const int & a,const int & b)68   bool OBCompareInt(const int &a,const int &b)
69   {
70     return(a<b);
71   }
73   // Comparison function (for sorting unsigned ints) returns a < b
OBCompareUnsigned(const unsigned int & a,const unsigned int & b)74   bool OBCompareUnsigned(const unsigned int &a,const unsigned int &b)
75   {
76     return(a<b);
77   }
79   //! Comparison for doubles: returns fabs(a - b) < epsilon
IsNear(const double & a,const double & b,const double epsilon)80   bool IsNear(const double &a, const double &b, const double epsilon)
81   {
82     return (fabs(a - b) < epsilon);
83   }
85   //! Comparison for doubles: returns fabs(a) < epsilon
IsNearZero(const double & a,const double epsilon)86   bool IsNearZero(const double &a, const double epsilon)
87   {
88     return (fabs(a) < epsilon);
89   }
91   //! Comparison for nan (not a number)
IsNan(const double & a)92   bool IsNan(const double &a)
93   {
94     return ((a) != (a));
95   }
97   //! Tests whether its argument can be squared without triggering an overflow or
98   //! underflow.
CanBeSquared(const double & a)99   bool CanBeSquared(const double &a)
100   {
101     if( a == 0 ) return true;
102     const double max_squarable_double = 1e150;
103     const double min_squarable_double = 1e-150;
104     double abs_a = fabs(a);
105     return(abs_a < max_squarable_double && abs_a > min_squarable_double);
106   }
108   //! Utility function: replace the last extension in string &src with new extension char *ext.
NewExtension(string & src,char * ext)109   string NewExtension(string &src,char *ext)
110   {
111     string::size_type pos = (unsigned int)src.find_last_of(".");
112     string dst;
114     if (pos != string::npos)
115       dst = src.substr(0,pos+1);
116     else
117       {
118         dst = src;
119         dst += ".";
120       }
122     dst += ext;
123     return(dst);
124   }
126   //! \return the geometric centroid to an array of coordinates in double* format
127   //!  and center the coordinates to the origin. Operates on the first "size"
128   //!  coordinates in the array.
center_coords(double * c,unsigned int size)129   vector3 center_coords(double *c, unsigned int size)
130   {
131     if (size == 0)
132       {
133         return(VZero);
134       }
135 		unsigned int i;
136     double x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0;
137     for (i = 0;i < size;++i)
138       {
139         x += c[i*3];
140         y += c[i*3+1];
141         z += c[i*3+2];
142       }
143     x /= (double) size;
144     y /= (double) size;
145     z /= (double) size;
146     for (i = 0;i < size;++i)
147       {
148         c[i*3]   -= x;
149         c[i*3+1] -= y;
150         c[i*3+2] -= z;
151       }
152     vector3 v(x,y,z);
153     return(v);
154   }
156   //! Rotates the coordinate set *c by the transformation matrix m[3][3]
157   //!  Operates on the first "size" coordinates in the array.
rotate_coords(double * c,double m[3][3],unsigned int size)158   void rotate_coords(double *c,double m[3][3],unsigned int size)
159   {
160     double x,y,z;
161     for (unsigned int i = 0;i < size;++i)
162       {
163         x = c[i*3]*m[0][0] + c[i*3+1]*m[0][1] + c[i*3+2]*m[0][2];
164         y = c[i*3]*m[1][0] + c[i*3+1]*m[1][1] + c[i*3+2]*m[1][2];
165         z = c[i*3]*m[2][0] + c[i*3+1]*m[2][1] + c[i*3+2]*m[2][2];
166         c[i*3] = x;
167         c[i*3+1] = y;
168         c[i*3+2] = z;
169       }
170   }
172   //! Calculate the RMS deviation between the first N coordinates of *r and *f
calc_rms(double * r,double * f,unsigned int N)173   double calc_rms(double *r,double *f, unsigned int N)
174   {
175     if (N == 0)
176       return 0.0; // no RMS deviation between two empty sets
178     double d2=0.0;
179     for (unsigned int i = 0;i < N;++i)
180       {
181         d2 += SQUARE(r[i*3] - f[i*3]) +
182           SQUARE(r[i*3+1] - f[i*3+1]) +
183           SQUARE(r[i*3+2] - f[i*3+2]);
184       }
186     d2 /= (double) N;
187     return(sqrt(d2));
188   }
190   //! Rotate the coordinates of 'atoms'
191   //! such that tor == ang - atoms in 'tor' should be ordered such
192   //! that the 3rd atom is the pivot around which atoms rotate
SetRotorToAngle(double * c,vector<int> & tor,double ang,vector<int> & atoms)193   void SetRotorToAngle(double *c,vector<int> &tor,double ang,vector<int> &atoms)
194   {
195     double v1x,v1y,v1z,v2x,v2y,v2z,v3x,v3y,v3z;
196     double c1x,c1y,c1z,c2x,c2y,c2z,c3x,c3y,c3z;
197     double c1mag,c2mag,radang,costheta,m[9];
198     double x,y,z,mag,rotang,sn,cs,t,tx,ty,tz;
200     //
201     //calculate the torsion angle
202     //
203     v1x = c[tor[0]]   - c[tor[1]];
204     v2x = c[tor[1]]   - c[tor[2]];
205     v1y = c[tor[0]+1] - c[tor[1]+1];
206     v2y = c[tor[1]+1] - c[tor[2]+1];
207     v1z = c[tor[0]+2] - c[tor[1]+2];
208     v2z = c[tor[1]+2] - c[tor[2]+2];
209     v3x = c[tor[2]]   - c[tor[3]];
210     v3y = c[tor[2]+1] - c[tor[3]+1];
211     v3z = c[tor[2]+2] - c[tor[3]+2];
213     c1x = v1y*v2z - v1z*v2y;
214     c2x = v2y*v3z - v2z*v3y;
215     c1y = -v1x*v2z + v1z*v2x;
216     c2y = -v2x*v3z + v2z*v3x;
217     c1z = v1x*v2y - v1y*v2x;
218     c2z = v2x*v3y - v2y*v3x;
219     c3x = c1y*c2z - c1z*c2y;
220     c3y = -c1x*c2z + c1z*c2x;
221     c3z = c1x*c2y - c1y*c2x;
223     c1mag = SQUARE(c1x)+SQUARE(c1y)+SQUARE(c1z);
224     c2mag = SQUARE(c2x)+SQUARE(c2y)+SQUARE(c2z);
225     if (c1mag*c2mag < 0.01)
226       costheta = 1.0; //avoid div by zero error
227     else
228       costheta = (c1x*c2x + c1y*c2y + c1z*c2z)/(sqrt(c1mag*c2mag));
230     if (costheta < -0.999999)
231       costheta = -0.999999;
232     if (costheta >  0.999999)
233       costheta =  0.999999;
235     if ((v2x*c3x + v2y*c3y + v2z*c3z) > 0.0)
236       radang = -acos(costheta);
237     else
238       radang = acos(costheta);
240     //
241     // now we have the torsion angle (radang) - set up the rot matrix
242     //
244     //find the difference between current and requested
245     rotang = ang - radang;
247     sn = sin(rotang);
248     cs = cos(rotang);
249     t = 1 - cs;
250     //normalize the rotation vector
251     mag = sqrt(SQUARE(v2x)+SQUARE(v2y)+SQUARE(v2z));
252     x = v2x/mag;
253     y = v2y/mag;
254     z = v2z/mag;
256     //set up the rotation matrix
257     m[0]= t*x*x + cs;
258     m[1] = t*x*y + sn*z;
259     m[2] = t*x*z - sn*y;
260     m[3] = t*x*y - sn*z;
261     m[4] = t*y*y + cs;
262     m[5] = t*y*z + sn*x;
263     m[6] = t*x*z + sn*y;
264     m[7] = t*y*z - sn*x;
265     m[8] = t*z*z + cs;
267     //
268     //now the matrix is set - time to rotate the atoms
269     //
270     tx = c[tor[1]];
271     ty = c[tor[1]+1];
272     tz = c[tor[1]+2];
273     vector<int>::iterator i;
274     int j;
275     for (i = atoms.begin();i != atoms.end();++i)
276       {
277         j = *i;
278         c[j] -= tx;
279         c[j+1] -= ty;
280         c[j+2]-= tz;
281         x = c[j]*m[0] + c[j+1]*m[1] + c[j+2]*m[2];
282         y = c[j]*m[3] + c[j+1]*m[4] + c[j+2]*m[5];
283         z = c[j]*m[6] + c[j+1]*m[7] + c[j+2]*m[8];
284         c[j] = x;
285         c[j+1] = y;
286         c[j+2] = z;
287         c[j] += tx;
288         c[j+1] += ty;
289         c[j+2] += tz;
290       }
291   }
293   //! Safely open the supplied filename and return an ifstream, throwing an error
294   //! to the default OBMessageHandler error log if it fails.
SafeOpen(std::ifstream & fs,const char * filename)295   bool SafeOpen(std::ifstream &fs, const char *filename)
296   {
297 #ifdef WIN32
298     string s(filename);
299     if (s.find(".bin") != string::npos)
300       fs.open(filename,ios::binary);
301     else
302 #endif
304       fs.open(filename);
306     if (!fs)
307       {
308         string error = "Unable to open file \'";
309         error += filename;
310         error += "\' in read mode";
311         obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, error, obError);
312         return(false);
313       }
315     return(true);
316   }
319   //! Safely open the supplied filename and return an ofstream, throwing an error
320   //! to the default OBMessageHandler error log if it fails.
SafeOpen(std::ofstream & fs,const char * filename)321   bool SafeOpen(std::ofstream &fs, const char *filename)
322   {
323 #ifdef WIN32
324     string s(filename);
325     if (s.find(".bin") != string::npos)
326       fs.open(filename,ios::binary);
327     else
328 #endif
330       fs.open(filename);
332     if (!fs)
333       {
334         string error = "Unable to open file \'";
335         error += filename;
336         error += "\' in write mode";
337         obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, error, obError);
338         return(false);
339       }
341     return(true);
342   }
344   //! Safely open the supplied filename and return an ifstream, throwing an error
345   //! to the default OBMessageHandler error log if it fails.
SafeOpen(std::ifstream & fs,const string & filename)346   bool SafeOpen(std::ifstream &fs, const string &filename)
347   {
348     return(SafeOpen(fs, filename.c_str()));
349   }
351   //! Safely open the supplied filename and return an ofstream, throwing an error
352   //! to the default OBMessageHandler error log if it fails.
SafeOpen(std::ofstream & fs,const string & filename)353   bool SafeOpen(std::ofstream &fs, const string &filename)
354   {
355     return(SafeOpen(fs, filename.c_str()));
356   }
358   //! Shift the supplied string to uppercase
ToUpper(std::string & s)359   void ToUpper(std::string &s)
360   {
361     if (s.empty())
362       return;
363     unsigned int i;
364     for (i = 0;i < s.size();++i)
365       if (isalpha(s[i]) && !isdigit(s[i]))
366         s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
367   }
369   //! Shift the supplied char* to uppercase
ToUpper(char * cptr)370   void ToUpper(char *cptr)
371   {
372     char *c;
373     for (c = cptr;*c != '\0';++c)
374       if (isalpha(*c) && !isdigit(*c))
375         *c = toupper(*c);
376   }
378   //! Shift the supplied string to lowercase
ToLower(std::string & s)379   void ToLower(std::string &s)
380   {
381     if (s.empty())
382       return;
383     unsigned int i;
384     for (i = 0;i < s.size();++i)
385       if (isalpha(s[i]) && !isdigit(s[i]))
386         s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
387   }
389   //! Shift the supplied char* to lowercase
ToLower(char * cptr)390   void ToLower(char *cptr)
391   {
392     char *c;
393     for (c = cptr;*c != '\0';++c)
394       if (isalpha(*c) && !isdigit(*c))
395         *c = tolower(*c);
396   }
398   //! Shift the supplied string: lowercase to upper, and upper to lower
399   //! \param s - The string to switch case
400   //! \param start - The position to start inverting case
InvertCase(std::string & s,unsigned int start)401   void InvertCase(std::string &s, unsigned int start)
402   {
403     if (start >= s.size())
404       return;
405     unsigned int i;
406     for (i = start; i < s.size();++i)
407       if (isalpha(s[i]) && !isdigit(s[i])) {
408         if (isupper(s[i])) s[i] = tolower(s[i]);
409         else s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
410       }
411   }
413   //! Shift the supplied char*: lowercase to upper, and upper to lower
InvertCase(char * cptr)414   void InvertCase(char *cptr)
415   {
416     char *c;
417     for (c = cptr;*c != '\0';++c)
418       if (isalpha(*c) && !isdigit(*c)) {
419         if (isupper(*c)) *c = tolower(*c);
420         else *c = toupper(*c);
421       }
422   }
424   //! "Clean" the supplied atom type, shifting the first character to uppercase,
425   //! the second character (if it's a letter) to lowercase, and terminating with a NULL
426   //! to strip off any trailing characters
CleanAtomType(char * id)427   void CleanAtomType(char *id)
428   {
429     id[0] = toupper(id[0]);
430     if (isalpha(id[1]) == 0)
431       id[1] = '\0';
432     else
433       {
434         id[1] = tolower(id[1]);
435         id[2] = '\0';
436       }
437   }
439   //! Transform the supplied vector<OBInternalCoord*> into cartesian and update
440   //! the OBMol accordingly. The size of supplied internal coordinate vector
441   //! has to be the same as the number of atoms in molecule (+ NULL in the
442   //! beginning).
443   //! Implements <a href="http://qsar.sourceforge.net/dicts/blue-obelisk/index.xhtml#zmatrixCoordinatesIntoCartesianCoordinates">blue-obelisk:zmatrixCoordinatesIntoCartesianCoordinates</a>
InternalToCartesian(std::vector<OBInternalCoord * > & vic,OBMol & mol)444   void InternalToCartesian(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*> &vic,OBMol &mol)
445   {
446     vector3 n,nn,v1,v2,v3,avec,bvec,cvec;
447     double dst = 0.0, ang = 0.0, tor = 0.0;
448     OBAtom *atom;
449     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;
450     unsigned int index;
452     if (vic.empty())
453       return;
455     if (vic[0] != nullptr) {
456       std::vector<OBInternalCoord*>::iterator it = vic.begin();
457       vic.insert(it, nullptr);
458     }
460     if (vic.size() != mol.NumAtoms() + 1) {
461       string error = "Number of internal coordinates is not the same as";
462       error += " the number of atoms in molecule";
463       obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, error, obError);
464       return;
465     }
467     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
468                           "Ran OpenBabel::InternalToCartesian", obAuditMsg);
470     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
471       {
472         index = atom->GetIdx();
474         // make sure we always have valid pointers
475         if (index >= vic.size() || !vic[index])
476           return;
478         if (vic[index]->_a) // make sure we have a valid ptr
479           {
480             avec = vic[index]->_a->GetVector();
481             dst = vic[index]->_dst;
482           }
483         else
484           {
485             // atom 1
486             atom->SetVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
487             continue;
488           }
490         if (vic[index]->_b)
491           {
492             bvec = vic[index]->_b->GetVector();
493             ang = vic[index]->_ang * DEG_TO_RAD;
494           }
495         else
496           {
497             // atom 2
498             atom->SetVector(dst, 0.0, 0.0);
499             continue;
500           }
502         if (vic[index]->_c)
503           {
504             cvec = vic[index]->_c->GetVector();
505             tor = vic[index]->_tor * DEG_TO_RAD;
506           }
507         else
508           {
509             // atom 3
510             cvec = VY;
511             tor = 90. * DEG_TO_RAD;
512           }
514         v1 = avec - bvec;
515         v2 = avec - cvec;
516         n = cross(v1,v2);
517         nn = cross(v1,n);
518         n.normalize();
519         nn.normalize();
521         n  *= -sin(tor);
522         nn *= cos(tor);
523         v3 = n + nn;
524         v3.normalize();
525         v3 *= dst * sin(ang);
526         v1.normalize();
527         v1 *= dst * cos(ang);
528         v2 = avec + v3 - v1;
530         atom->SetVector(v2);
531       }
533     // Delete dummy atoms
534     vector<OBAtom*> for_deletion;
535     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(a, mol)
536       if (a->GetAtomicNum() == 0)
537         for_deletion.push_back(&(*a));
538     for(vector<OBAtom*>::iterator a_it=for_deletion.begin(); a_it!=for_deletion.end(); ++a_it)
539       mol.DeleteAtom(*a_it);
541   }
543   //! Use the supplied OBMol and its Cartesian coordinates to generate
544   //! a set of internal (z-matrix) coordinates as supplied in the
545   //! vector<OBInternalCoord*> argument.
546   //! Implements <a href="http://qsar.sourceforge.net/dicts/blue-obelisk/index.xhtml#cartesianCoordinatesIntoZmatrixCoordinates">blue-obelisk:cartesianCoordinatesIntoZmatrixCoordinates</a>.
547   //! \todo Consider lengths, angles, and torsions for periodic systems
CartesianToInternal(std::vector<OBInternalCoord * > & vic,OBMol & mol)548   void CartesianToInternal(std::vector<OBInternalCoord*> &vic,OBMol &mol)
549   {
550     double r,sum;
551     OBAtom *atom,*nbr,*ref;
552     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i,j,m;
554     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
555                           "Ran OpenBabel::CartesianToInternal", obAuditMsg);
557     //set reference atoms
558     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
559       {
560         if      (atom->GetIdx() == 1)
561           continue;
562         else if (atom->GetIdx() == 2)
563           {
564             vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_a = mol.GetAtom(1);
565             continue;
566           }
567         else if (atom->GetIdx() == 3)
568           {
569             if( (atom->GetVector()-mol.GetAtom(2)->GetVector()).length_2()
570                 <(atom->GetVector()-mol.GetAtom(1)->GetVector()).length_2())
571               {
572                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_a = mol.GetAtom(2);
573                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_b = mol.GetAtom(1);
574               }
575             else
576               {
577                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_a = mol.GetAtom(1);
578                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_b = mol.GetAtom(2);
579               }
580             continue;
581           }
582         sum=1.0E10;
583         ref = mol.GetAtom(1);
584         for(nbr = mol.BeginAtom(j);nbr && (i != j);nbr = mol.NextAtom(j))
585           {
586             r = (atom->GetVector()-nbr->GetVector()).length_2();
587             if((r < sum) && (vic[nbr->GetIdx()]->_a != nbr) &&
588                (vic[nbr->GetIdx()]->_b != nbr))
589               {
590                 sum = r;
591                 ref = nbr;
592               }
593           }
595         vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_a = ref;
596         if (ref->GetIdx() >= 3)
597           {
598             vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_b = vic[ref->GetIdx()]->_a;
599             vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_c = vic[ref->GetIdx()]->_b;
600           }
601         else
602           {
603             if(ref->GetIdx()== 1)
604               {
605                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_b = mol.GetAtom(2);
606                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_c = mol.GetAtom(3);
607               }
608             else
609               {//ref->GetIdx()== 2
610                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_b = mol.GetAtom(1);
611                 vic[atom->GetIdx()]->_c = mol.GetAtom(3);
612               }
613           }
614       }
616     //fill in geometries
617     unsigned int k;
618     vector3 v1,v2;
619     OBAtom *a,*b,*c;
620     for (k = 2;k <= mol.NumAtoms();++k)
621       {
622         atom = mol.GetAtom(k);
623         a = vic[k]->_a;
624         b = vic[k]->_b;
625         c = vic[k]->_c;
626         v1 = atom->GetVector() - a->GetVector();
627         vic[k]->_dst = v1.length();
628         if (k == 2)
629           continue;
631         v2 = b->GetVector()    - a->GetVector();
632         vic[k]->_ang = vectorAngle(v1,v2);
633         if (k == 3)
634           continue;
636         vic[k]->_tor = CalcTorsionAngle(atom->GetVector(),
637                                         a->GetVector(),
638                                         b->GetVector(),
639                                         c->GetVector());
640       }
642     //check for linear geometries and try to correct if possible
643     bool done;
644     double ang;
645     for (k = 2;k <= mol.NumAtoms();++k)
646       {
647         ang = fabs(vic[k]->_ang);
648         if (ang > 5.0 && ang < 175.0)
649           continue;
650         atom = mol.GetAtom(k);
651         done = false;
652         for (a = mol.BeginAtom(i);a && a->GetIdx() < k && !done;a = mol.NextAtom(i))
653           for (b=mol.BeginAtom(j);b && b->GetIdx()<a->GetIdx() && !done;b = mol.NextAtom(j))
654             {
655               v1 = atom->GetVector() - a->GetVector();
656               v2 = b->GetVector() - a->GetVector();
657               ang = fabs(vectorAngle(v1,v2));
658               if (ang < 5.0 || ang > 175.0)
659                 continue;
661               // Also check length considerations -- don't bother if the length > 10.0 Angstroms
662               if (v1.length_2() > 99.999)
663                 continue;
665               for (c = mol.BeginAtom(m);c && c->GetIdx() < atom->GetIdx();c = mol.NextAtom(m))
666                 if (c != atom && c != a && c != b)
667                   break;
668               if (!c)
669                 continue;
671               vic[k]->_a = a;
672               vic[k]->_b = b;
673               vic[k]->_c = c;
674               vic[k]->_dst = v1.length();
675               vic[k]->_ang = vectorAngle(v1,v2);
676               vic[k]->_tor = CalcTorsionAngle(atom->GetVector(),
677                                               a->GetVector(),
678                                               b->GetVector(),
679                                               c->GetVector());
680               if (!isfinite(vic[k]->_tor))
681                 vic[k]->_tor = 180.0;
682               done = true;
683             }
684       }
685   }
qtrfit(double * r,double * f,int size,double u[3][3])687   void qtrfit (double *r,double *f,int size, double u[3][3])
688   {
689     int i;
690     double xxyx, xxyy, xxyz;
691     double xyyx, xyyy, xyyz;
692     double xzyx, xzyy, xzyz;
693     double d[4],q[4];
694     double c[16],v[16];
695     double rx,ry,rz,fx,fy,fz;
697     /* generate the upper triangle of the quadratic form matrix */
699     xxyx = 0.0;
700     xxyy = 0.0;
701     xxyz = 0.0;
702     xyyx = 0.0;
703     xyyy = 0.0;
704     xyyz = 0.0;
705     xzyx = 0.0;
706     xzyy = 0.0;
707     xzyz = 0.0;
709     for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
710       {
711         rx = r[i*3];
712         ry = r[i*3+1];
713         rz = r[i*3+2];
714         fx = f[i*3];
715         fy = f[i*3+1];
716         fz = f[i*3+2];
718         xxyx += fx * rx;
719         xxyy += fx * ry;
720         xxyz += fx * rz;
721         xyyx += fy * rx;
722         xyyy += fy * ry;
723         xyyz += fy * rz;
724         xzyx += fz * rx;
725         xzyy += fz * ry;
726         xzyz += fz * rz;
727       }
729     c[4*0+0] = xxyx + xyyy + xzyz;
731     c[4*0+1] = xzyy - xyyz;
732     c[4*1+1] = xxyx - xyyy - xzyz;
734     c[4*0+2] = xxyz - xzyx;
735     c[4*1+2] = xxyy + xyyx;
736     c[4*2+2] = xyyy - xzyz - xxyx;
738     c[4*0+3] = xyyx - xxyy;
739     c[4*1+3] = xzyx + xxyz;
740     c[4*2+3] = xyyz + xzyy;
741     c[4*3+3] = xzyz - xxyx - xyyy;
743     /* diagonalize c */
745     matrix3x3::jacobi(4, c, d, v);
747     /* extract the desired quaternion */
749     q[0] = v[4*0+3];
750     q[1] = v[4*1+3];
751     q[2] = v[4*2+3];
752     q[3] = v[4*3+3];
754     /* generate the rotation matrix */
756     u[0][0] = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
757     u[1][0] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);
758     u[2][0] = 2.0 * (q[1] * q[3] + q[0] * q[2]);
760     u[0][1] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[1] + q[0] * q[3]);
761     u[1][1] = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
762     u[2][1] = 2.0 * (q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]);
764     u[0][2] = 2.0 * (q[3] * q[1] - q[0] * q[2]);
765     u[1][2] = 2.0 * (q[3] * q[2] + q[0] * q[1]);
766     u[2][2] = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3];
767   }
771   static double Roots[4];
773 #define ApproxZero 1E-7
774 #define IsZero(x)  ((double)fabs(x)<ApproxZero)
775 #ifndef PI
776 #define PI         3.14159265358979323846226433
777 #endif
778 #define OneThird      (1.0/3.0)
779 #define FourThirdsPI  (4.0*PI/3.0)
780 #define TwoThirdsPI   (2.0*PI/3.0)
782   /*FUNCTION */
783   /* receives: the co-efficients for a general
784    *           equation of degree one.
785    *           Ax + B = 0 !!
786    */
SolveLinear(double A,double B)787   int SolveLinear(double A,double B)
788   {
789     if( IsZero(A) )
790       return( 0 );
791     Roots[0] = -B/A;
792     return( 1 );
793   }
795   /*FUNCTION */
796   /* receives: the co-efficients for a general
797    *           linear equation of degree two.
798    *           Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0 !!
799    */
SolveQuadratic(double A,double B,double C)800   int SolveQuadratic(double A,double B,double C)
801   {
802     double Descr, Temp, TwoA;
804     if( IsZero(A) )
805       return( SolveLinear(B,C) );
807     TwoA = A+A;
808     Temp = TwoA*C;
809     Descr = B*B - (Temp+Temp);
810     if( Descr<0.0 )
811       return( 0 );
813     if( Descr>0.0 )
814       {
815         Descr = sqrt(Descr);
816         /* W. Press, B. Flannery, S. Teukolsky and W. Vetterling,
817          * "Quadratic and Cubic Equations", Numerical Recipes in C,
818          * Chapter 5, pp. 156-157, 1989.
819          */
820         Temp = (B<0.0)? -0.5*(B-Descr) : -0.5*(B+Descr);
821         Roots[0] = Temp/A;
822         Roots[1] = C/Temp;
824         return( 2 );
825       }
826     Roots[0] = -B/TwoA;
827     return( 1 );
828   }
830   /*FUNCTION */
831   /* task: to return the cube root of the
832    *       given value taking into account
833    *       that it may be negative.
834    */
CubeRoot(double X)835   double CubeRoot(double X)
836   {
837     if( X>=0.0 )
838       {
839         return pow( X, OneThird );
840       }
841     else
842       return -pow( -X, OneThird );
843   }
SolveCubic(double A,double B,double C,double D)845   int SolveCubic(double A,double B,double C,double D)
846   {
847     double TwoA, ThreeA, BOver3A;
848     double Temp, POver3, QOver2;
849     double Desc, Rho, Psi;
852     if( IsZero(A) )
853       {
854         return( SolveQuadratic(B,C,D) );
855       }
857     TwoA = A+A;
858     ThreeA = TwoA+A;
859     BOver3A = B/ThreeA;
860     QOver2 = ((TwoA*BOver3A*BOver3A-C)*BOver3A+D)/TwoA;
861     POver3 = (C-B*BOver3A)/ThreeA;
864     Rho = POver3*POver3*POver3;
865     Desc = QOver2*QOver2 + Rho;
867     if( Desc<=0.0 )
868       {
869         Rho = sqrt( -Rho );
870         Psi = OneThird*acos(-QOver2/Rho);
871         Temp = CubeRoot( Rho );
872         Temp = Temp+Temp;
874         Roots[0] = Temp*cos( Psi )-BOver3A;
875         Roots[1] = Temp*cos( Psi+TwoThirdsPI )-BOver3A;
876         Roots[2] = Temp*cos( Psi+FourThirdsPI )-BOver3A;
877         return( 3 );
878       }
880     if( Desc> 0.0 )
881       {
882         Temp = CubeRoot( -QOver2 );
883         Roots[0] = Temp+Temp-BOver3A;
884         Roots[1] = -Temp-BOver3A;
885         return( 2 );
886       }
888     Desc = sqrt( Desc );
889     Roots[0] = CubeRoot(Desc-QOver2)-CubeRoot(Desc+QOver2) - BOver3A;
891     return( 1 );
892   }
895 #define MAX_SWEEPS 50
ob_make_rmat(double a[3][3],double rmat[9])897   void ob_make_rmat(double a[3][3],double rmat[9])
898   {
899   	/*
900   	onorm, dnorm - hold the sum of diagonals and off diagonals to check Jacobi completion
901   	d[3] - holds the diagonals of the input vector, which transofrm to become the Eigenvalues
902   	r1, r2 - hold 1st two Eigenvectors
903   	v1,v2,v3 - hold orthogonal unit vectors derived from Eigenvectors
905   	The junction performs a Jacobi Eigenvalue/vector determination
906   	(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobi_eigenvalue_algorithm) on the supplied
907   	Inertial Tensor in a, and returns a unit transform matrix rmat as a row matrix.
908   	To work, a must be diagonally symmetric (i.e a[i][j] = a[j][i])
909   	v starts out holding the unit matrix (i.e. no transform in co-ordinate frame),
910   	and undergoes the same rotations as applied to the Inertial Tensor in the Jacobi
911   	process to arrive at the new co-ordinate frame.
912   	Finally, the eigenvalues are sorted in order that the largest principal moment aligns to the
913   	new x-axis
914   	*/
915     double onorm, dnorm;
916     double b, dma, q, t, c, s,d[3];
917     double atemp, vtemp, dtemp,v[3][3];
918     double r1[3],r2[3],v1[3],v2[3],v3[3];
919     int i, j, k, l;
921     memset((char*)d,'\0',sizeof(double)*3);
923     for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
924       {
925         for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
926           v[i][j] = 0.0;
928         v[j][j] = 1.0;
929         d[j] = a[j][j];
930       }
932     for (l = 1; l <= MAX_SWEEPS; ++l)
933       {
934         dnorm = 0.0;
935         onorm = 0.0;
936         for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
937           {
938             dnorm = dnorm + (double)fabs(d[j]);
939             for (i = 0; i <= j - 1; ++i)
940               {
941                 onorm = onorm + (double)fabs(a[i][j]);
942               }
943           }
945         if((onorm/dnorm) <= 1.0e-12)
946         /* Completion achieved (i.e. off-diagonals are all 0.0 within error)*/
947           goto Exit_now;
948         for (j = 1; j < 3; ++j)
949           {
950             for (i = 0; i <= j - 1; ++i)
951               {
952                 b = a[i][j];
953                 if(fabs(b) > 0.0)
954                   {
955                     dma = d[j] - d[i];
956                     if((fabs(dma) + fabs(b)) <=  fabs(dma))
957                       t = b / dma;
958                     else
959                       {
960                         q = 0.5 * dma / b;
961                         t = 1.0/((double)fabs(q) + (double)sqrt(1.0+q*q));
962                         if(q < 0.0)
963                           t = -t;
964                       }
965                     c = 1.0/(double)sqrt(t * t + 1.0);
966                     s = t * c;
967                     a[i][j] = 0.0;
968                     /* Perform a Jacobi rotation on the supplied matrix*/
969                     for (k = 0; k <= i-1; ++k)
970                       {
971                         atemp = c * a[k][i] - s * a[k][j];
972                         a[k][j] = s * a[k][i] + c * a[k][j];
973                         a[k][i] = atemp;
974                       }
975                     for (k = i+1; k <= j-1; ++k)
976                       {
977                         atemp = c * a[i][k] - s * a[k][j];
978                         a[k][j] = s * a[i][k] + c * a[k][j];
979                         a[i][k] = atemp;
980                       }
981                     for (k = j+1; k < 3; ++k)
982                       {
983                         atemp = c * a[i][k] - s * a[j][k];
984                         a[j][k] = s * a[i][k] + c * a[j][k];
985                         a[i][k] = atemp;
986                       }
987                       /* Rotate the reference frame */
988                     for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
989                       {
990                         vtemp = c * v[k][i] - s * v[k][j];
991                         v[k][j] = s * v[k][i] + c * v[k][j];
992                         v[k][i] = vtemp;
993                       }
994                     dtemp = c*c*d[i] + s*s*d[j] - 2.0*c*s*b;
995                     d[j] = s*s*d[i] + c*c*d[j] +  2.0*c*s*b;
996                     d[i] = dtemp;
997                   }  /* end if */
998               } /* end for i */
999           } /* end for j */
1000       } /* end for l */
1002   Exit_now:
1004     /* max_sweeps = l;*/
1006 /* Now sort the eigenvalues and eigenvectors*/
1007     for (j = 0; j < 3-1; ++j)
1008       {
1009         k = j;
1010         dtemp = d[k];
1011         for (i = j+1; i < 3; ++i)
1012           if(d[i] < dtemp)
1013             {
1014               k = i;
1015               dtemp = d[k];
1016             }
1018         if(k > j)
1019           {
1020             d[k] = d[j];
1021             d[j] = dtemp;
1022             for (i = 0; i < 3 ; ++i)
1023               {
1024                 dtemp = v[i][k];
1025                 v[i][k] = v[i][j];
1026                 v[i][j] = dtemp;
1027               }
1028           }
1029       }
1031 	/* Transfer the 1st two eigenvectors into r1 and r2*/
1032     r1[0] = v[0][0];
1033     r1[1] = v[1][0];
1034     r1[2] = v[2][0];
1035     r2[0] = v[0][1];
1036     r2[1] = v[1][1];
1037     r2[2] = v[2][1];
1039 	/* Generate the 3rd unit vector for the new co-ordinate frame by cross product of r1 and r2*/
1040     v3[0] =  r1[1]*r2[2] - r1[2]*r2[1];
1041     v3[1] = -r1[0]*r2[2] + r1[2]*r2[0];
1042     v3[2] =  r1[0]*r2[1] - r1[1]*r2[0];
1043 	/* Ensure it is normalised |v3|=1 */
1044     s = (double)sqrt(v3[0]*v3[0] + v3[1]*v3[1] + v3[2]*v3[2]);
1045     v3[0] /= s;
1046     v3[1] /= s;
1047     v3[2] /= s;
1049 	/* Generate the 2nd unit vector for the new co-ordinate frame by cross product of v3 and r1*/
1050     v2[0] =  v3[1]*r1[2] - v3[2]*r1[1];
1051     v2[1] = -v3[0]*r1[2] + v3[2]*r1[0];
1052     v2[2] =  v3[0]*r1[1] - v3[1]*r1[0];
1053     /* Ensure it is normalised |v2|=1 */
1054     s = (double)sqrt(v2[0]*v2[0] + v2[1]*v2[1] + v2[2]*v2[2]);
1055     v2[0] /= s;
1056     v2[1] /= s;
1057     v2[2] /= s;
1059 	/* Generate the 1st unit vector for the new co-ordinate frame by cross product of v2 and v3*/
1060     v1[0] =  v2[1]*v3[2] - v2[2]*v3[1];
1061     v1[1] = -v2[0]*v3[2] + v2[2]*v3[0];
1062     v1[2] =  v2[0]*v3[1] - v2[1]*v3[0];
1063      /* Ensure it is normalised |v1|=1 */
1064     s = (double)sqrt(v1[0]*v1[0] + v1[1]*v1[1] + v1[2]*v1[2]);
1065     v1[0] /= s;
1066     v1[1] /= s;
1067     v1[2] /= s;
1069 	/* Transfer to the row matrix form for the result*/
1070     rmat[0] = v1[0];
1071     rmat[1] = v1[1];
1072     rmat[2] = v1[2];
1073     rmat[3] = v2[0];
1074     rmat[4] = v2[1];
1075     rmat[5] = v2[2];
1076     rmat[6] = v3[0];
1077     rmat[7] = v3[1];
1078     rmat[8] = v3[2];
1079   }
get_roots_3_3(double mat[3][3],double roots[3])1081   static int get_roots_3_3(double mat[3][3], double roots[3])
1082   {
1083     double rmat[9];
1085     ob_make_rmat(mat,rmat);
1087     mat[0][0]=rmat[0];
1088     mat[0][1]=rmat[3];
1089     mat[0][2]=rmat[6];
1090     mat[1][0]=rmat[1];
1091     mat[1][1]=rmat[4];
1092     mat[1][2]=rmat[7];
1093     mat[2][0]=rmat[2];
1094     mat[2][1]=rmat[5];
1095     mat[2][2]=rmat[8];
1097     roots[0]=(double)Roots[0];
1098     roots[1]=(double)Roots[1];
1099     roots[2]=(double)Roots[2];
1101     return 1;
1102   }
superimpose(double * r,double * f,int size)1104   double superimpose(double *r,double *f,int size)
1105   {
1106     int i,j;
1107     double x,y,z,d2;
1108     double mat[3][3],rmat[3][3],mat2[3][3],roots[3];
1110     /* make inertial cross tensor */
1111     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1112       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1113         mat[i][j]=0.0;
1115     for(i=0;i < size;++i)
1116       {
1117         mat[0][0]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i];
1118         mat[1][0]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i];
1119         mat[2][0]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i];
1120         mat[0][1]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i+1];
1121         mat[1][1]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i+1];
1122         mat[2][1]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i+1];
1123         mat[0][2]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i+2];
1124         mat[1][2]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i+2];
1125         mat[2][2]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i+2];
1126       }
1128     d2=mat[0][0]*(mat[1][1]*mat[2][2]-mat[1][2]*mat[2][1])
1129       -mat[0][1]*(mat[1][0]*mat[2][2]-mat[1][2]*mat[2][0])
1130       +mat[0][2]*(mat[1][0]*mat[2][1]-mat[1][1]*mat[2][0]);
1133     /* square matrix= ((mat transpose) * mat) */
1134     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1135       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1136         {
1137           x=mat[0][i]*mat[0][j]+mat[1][i]*mat[1][j]+mat[2][i]*mat[2][j];
1138           mat2[i][j]=mat[i][j];
1139           rmat[i][j]=x;
1140         }
1141     get_roots_3_3(rmat,roots);
1143     roots[0]=(roots[0]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[0]);
1144     roots[1]=(roots[1]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[1]);
1145     roots[2]=(roots[2]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[2]);
1147     /* make sqrt of rmat, store in mat*/
1149     roots[0]=roots[0]<0.0001? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[0]);
1150     roots[1]=roots[1]<0.0001? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[1]);
1151     roots[2]=roots[2]<0.0001? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[2]);
1153     if(d2<0.0)
1154       {
1155         if( (roots[0]>=roots[1]) && (roots[0]>=roots[2]) )
1156           roots[0]*=-1.0;
1157         if( (roots[1]>roots[0]) && (roots[1]>=roots[2]) )
1158           roots[1]*=-1.0;
1159         if( (roots[2]>roots[1]) && (roots[2]>roots[0]) )
1160           roots[2]*=-1.0;
1161       }
1163     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1164       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1165         mat[i][j]=roots[0]*rmat[i][0]*rmat[j][0]+
1166           roots[1]*rmat[i][1]*rmat[j][1]+
1167           roots[2]*rmat[i][2]*rmat[j][2];
1169     /* and multiply into original inertial cross matrix, mat2 */
1170     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1171       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1172         rmat[i][j]=mat[0][j]*mat2[i][0]+
1173           mat[1][j]*mat2[i][1]+
1174           mat[2][j]*mat2[i][2];
1176     /* rotate all coordinates */
1177     d2 = 0.0;
1178     for(i=0;i<size;++i)
1179       {
1180         x=f[3*i]*rmat[0][0]+f[3*i+1]*rmat[0][1]+f[3*i+2]*rmat[0][2];
1181         y=f[3*i]*rmat[1][0]+f[3*i+1]*rmat[1][1]+f[3*i+2]*rmat[1][2];
1182         z=f[3*i]*rmat[2][0]+f[3*i+1]*rmat[2][1]+f[3*i+2]*rmat[2][2];
1183         f[3*i  ]=x;
1184         f[3*i+1]=y;
1185         f[3*i+2]=z;
1187         x = r[i*3]   - f[i*3];
1188         y = r[i*3+1] - f[i*3+1];
1189         z = r[i*3+2] - f[i*3+2];
1190         d2 += x*x+y*y+z*z;
1191       }
1193     d2 /= (double) size;
1195     return((double)sqrt(d2));
1196   }
get_rmat(double * rvec,double * r,double * f,int size)1198   void get_rmat(double *rvec,double *r,double *f,int size)
1199   {
1200     int i,j;
1201     double x,d2;
1202     double mat[3][3],rmat[3][3],mat2[3][3],roots[3];
1204     /* make inertial cross tensor */
1205     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1206       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1207         mat[i][j]=0.0;
1209     for(i=0;i < size;++i)
1210       {
1211         mat[0][0]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i];
1212         mat[1][0]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i];
1213         mat[2][0]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i];
1214         mat[0][1]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i+1];
1215         mat[1][1]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i+1];
1216         mat[2][1]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i+1];
1217         mat[0][2]+=r[3*i]  *f[3*i+2];
1218         mat[1][2]+=r[3*i+1]*f[3*i+2];
1219         mat[2][2]+=r[3*i+2]*f[3*i+2];
1220       }
1222     d2=mat[0][0]*(mat[1][1]*mat[2][2]-mat[1][2]*mat[2][1])
1223       -mat[0][1]*(mat[1][0]*mat[2][2]-mat[1][2]*mat[2][0])
1224       +mat[0][2]*(mat[1][0]*mat[2][1]-mat[1][1]*mat[2][0]);
1226     /* square matrix= ((mat transpose) * mat) */
1227     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1228       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1229         {
1230           x=mat[0][i]*mat[0][j]+mat[1][i]*mat[1][j]+mat[2][i]*mat[2][j];
1231           mat2[i][j]=mat[i][j];
1232           rmat[i][j]=x;
1233         }
1234     get_roots_3_3(rmat,roots);
1236     roots[0]=(roots[0]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[0]);
1237     roots[1]=(roots[1]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[1]);
1238     roots[2]=(roots[2]<0.0001) ? 0.0: (roots[2]);
1240     /* make sqrt of rmat, store in mat*/
1242     roots[0]=(roots[0]<0.0001) ? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[0]);
1243     roots[1]=(roots[1]<0.0001) ? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[1]);
1244     roots[2]=(roots[2]<0.0001) ? 0.0: 1.0/(double)sqrt(roots[2]);
1246     if(d2<0.0)
1247       {
1248         if( (roots[0]>=roots[1]) && (roots[0]>=roots[2]) )
1249           roots[0]*=-1.0;
1250         if( (roots[1]>roots[0]) && (roots[1]>=roots[2]) )
1251           roots[1]*=-1.0;
1252         if( (roots[2]>roots[1]) && (roots[2]>roots[0]) )
1253           roots[2]*=-1.0;
1254       }
1256     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1257       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1258         mat[i][j]=roots[0]*rmat[i][0]*rmat[j][0]+
1259           roots[1]*rmat[i][1]*rmat[j][1]+
1260           roots[2]*rmat[i][2]*rmat[j][2];
1262     /* and multiply into original inertial cross matrix, mat2 */
1263     for(i=0;i<3;++i)
1264       for(j=0;j<3;++j)
1265         rmat[i][j]=mat[0][j]*mat2[i][0]+
1266           mat[1][j]*mat2[i][1]+
1267           mat[2][j]*mat2[i][2];
1269     rvec[0] = rmat[0][0];
1270     rvec[1] = rmat[0][1];
1271     rvec[2] = rmat[0][2];
1272     rvec[3] = rmat[1][0];
1273     rvec[4] = rmat[1][1];
1274     rvec[5] = rmat[1][2];
1275     rvec[6] = rmat[2][0];
1276     rvec[7] = rmat[2][1];
1277     rvec[8] = rmat[2][2];
1278   }
1280 } // end namespace OpenBabel
1282 //! \file obutil.cpp
1283 //! \brief Various utility methods.