1 /**********************************************************************
2 typer.cpp - Open Babel atom typer.
4 Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by OpenEye Scientific Software, Inc.
5 Some portions Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by Geoffrey R. Hutchison
7 This file is part of the Open Babel project.
8 For more information, see <http://openbabel.org/>
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
14 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ***********************************************************************/
19 #include <openbabel/babelconfig.h>
21 #include <openbabel/mol.h>
22 #include <openbabel/atom.h>
23 #include <openbabel/bond.h>
24 #include <openbabel/ring.h>
25 #include <openbabel/obiter.h>
26 #include <openbabel/oberror.h>
27 #include <openbabel/typer.h>
28 #include <openbabel/elements.h>
30 // private data headers with default parameters
31 #include "atomtyp.h"
33 #ifdef WIN32
34 #pragma warning (disable : 4786)
35 #endif
37 using namespace std;
39 namespace OpenBabel
40 {
41   // Initialize globals declared in typer.h
42   THREAD_LOCAL OBAromaticTyper  aromtyper;
43   THREAD_LOCAL OBAtomTyper      atomtyper;
45   /*! \class OBAtomTyper typer.h <openbabel/typer.h>
46     \brief Assigns atom types, hybridization, and formal charges
48     The OBAtomTyper class is designed to read in a list of atom typing
49     rules and apply them to molecules. The code that performs atom
50     typing is not usually used directly as atom typing, hybridization
51     assignment, and charge are all done
52     automatically when their corresponding values are requested of
53     atoms:
54     \code
55     atom->GetType();
56     atom->GetFormalCharge();
57     atom->GetHyb();
58     \endcode
59   */
OBAtomTyper()60   OBAtomTyper::OBAtomTyper()
61   {
62     _init = false;
63     _dir = BABEL_DATADIR;
64     _envvar = "BABEL_DATADIR";
65     _filename = "atomtyp.txt";
66     _subdir = "data";
67     _dataptr = AtomTypeData;
68   }
ParseLine(const char * buffer)70   void OBAtomTyper::ParseLine(const char *buffer)
71   {
72     vector<string> vs;
73     OBSmartsPattern *sp;
75     if (EQn(buffer,"INTHYB",6))
76       {
77         tokenize(vs,buffer);
78         if (vs.size() < 3)
79           {
80             obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse INTHYB line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo);
81             return;
82           }
84         sp = new OBSmartsPattern;
85         if (sp->Init(vs[1]))
86           _vinthyb.push_back(pair<OBSmartsPattern*,int> (sp,atoi((char*)vs[2].c_str())));
87         else
88           {
89             delete sp;
90             sp = nullptr;
91             obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse INTHYB line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo);
92             return;
93           }
94       }
95     else if (EQn(buffer,"EXTTYP",6))
96       {
97         tokenize(vs,buffer);
98         if (vs.size() < 3)
99           {
100             obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse EXTTYP line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo);
101             return;
102           }
103         sp = new OBSmartsPattern;
104         if (sp->Init(vs[1]))
105           _vexttyp.push_back(pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> (sp,vs[2]));
106         else
107           {
108             delete sp;
109             sp = nullptr;
110             obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse EXTTYP line in atom type table from atomtyp.txt", obInfo);
111             return;
112           }
113       }
114   }
~OBAtomTyper()116   OBAtomTyper::~OBAtomTyper()
117   {
118     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,int> >::iterator i;
119     for (i = _vinthyb.begin();i != _vinthyb.end();++i)
120       {
121         delete i->first;
122         i->first = nullptr;
123       }
125     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> >::iterator j;
126     for (j = _vexttyp.begin();j != _vexttyp.end();++j)
127       {
128         delete j->first;
129         j->first = nullptr;
130       }
132   }
AssignTypes(OBMol & mol)134   void OBAtomTyper::AssignTypes(OBMol &mol)
135   {
136     if (!_init)
137       Init();
139     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
140                           "Ran OpenBabel::AssignTypes", obAuditMsg);
142     mol.SetAtomTypesPerceived();
144     vector<vector<int> >::iterator j;
145     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> >::iterator i;
147     for (i = _vexttyp.begin(); i != _vexttyp.end(); ++i) {
148       std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;
149       if (i->first->Match(mol, mlist))
150       {
151         for (j = mlist.begin(); j != mlist.end(); ++j)
152           mol.GetAtom((*j)[0])->SetType(i->second);
153       }
154     }
156     // Special cases
157     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator a;
158     OBAtom* atom;
159     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(a); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(a)) {
160       // guanidinium. Fixes PR#1800964
161       if (strncasecmp(atom->GetType(),"C2", 2) == 0) {
162         int guanidineN = 0;
163         OBAtom *nbr;
164         vector<OBBond*>::iterator k;
165         for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(k);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(k)) {
166           if (strncasecmp(nbr->GetType(),"Npl", 3) == 0 ||
167               strncasecmp(nbr->GetType(),"N2", 2) == 0 ||
168               strncasecmp(nbr->GetType(),"Ng+", 3) == 0)
169             ++guanidineN;
170         }
171         if (guanidineN == 3)
172           atom->SetType("C+");
174       } // end C2 carbon for guanidinium
176     } // end special cases
177   }
AssignHyb(OBMol & mol)179   void OBAtomTyper::AssignHyb(OBMol &mol)
180   {
181     if (!_init)
182       Init();
184     aromtyper.AssignAromaticFlags(mol);
186     mol.SetHybridizationPerceived();
187     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
188                           "Ran OpenBabel::AssignHybridization", obAuditMsg);
190     OBAtom *atom;
191     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator k;
192     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(k);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(k))
193       atom->SetHyb(0);
195     vector<vector<int> >::iterator j;
196     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,int> >::iterator i;
198     for (i = _vinthyb.begin(); i != _vinthyb.end(); ++i) {
199       std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;
200       if (i->first->Match(mol, mlist))
201       {
202         for (j = mlist.begin(); j != mlist.end(); ++j)
203           mol.GetAtom((*j)[0])->SetHyb(i->second);
204       }
205     }
207     // check all atoms to make sure *some* hybridization is assigned
208     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(k);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(k))
209       if (atom->GetHyb() == 0) {
210         switch (atom->GetExplicitDegree()) {
211           case 0:
212           case 1:
213           case 2:
214             atom->SetHyb(1);
215             break;
216           case 3:
217             atom->SetHyb(2);
218             break;
219           case 4:
220             atom->SetHyb(3);
221             break;
222           default:
223             atom->SetHyb(atom->GetExplicitDegree());
224         }
225       }
226   }
228   /*! \class OBRingTyper typer.h <openbabel/typer.h>
229     \brief Assigns ring types
231     The OBRingTyper class is designed to read in a list of ring typing
232     rules and apply them to molecules. The code that performs ring
233     typing is not usually used directly as ring typing is done
234     automatically when the ring type is requested of rings:
235     \code
236     vector<OBRing*>::iterator i;
237     vector<OBRing*> rlist = mol.GetSSSR();
239     for (i = rlist.begin();i != rlist.end();++i)
240     cout << "ring type = " << (*i)->GetType() << endl;
241     \endcode
242   */
OBRingTyper()243   OBRingTyper::OBRingTyper()
244   {
245     _init = false;
246     _dir = BABEL_DATADIR;
247     _envvar = "BABEL_DATADIR";
248     _filename = "ringtyp.txt";
249     _subdir = "data";
250     //_dataptr = RingTypeData;
251   }
ParseLine(const char * buffer)253   void OBRingTyper::ParseLine(const char *buffer)
254   {
255     vector<string> vs;
256     OBSmartsPattern *sp;
258     if (EQn(buffer,"RINGTYP",7)) {
259       tokenize(vs,buffer);
260       if (vs.size() < 3) {
261         obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse RING line in ring type table from ringtyp.txt", obInfo);
262         return;
263       }
264       sp = new OBSmartsPattern;
265       if (sp->Init(vs[2]))
266         _ringtyp.push_back(pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> (sp,vs[1]));
267       else {
268         delete sp;
269         sp = nullptr;
270         obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__, " Could not parse RING line in ring type table from ringtyp.txt", obInfo);
271         return;
272       }
273     }
274   }
~OBRingTyper()276   OBRingTyper::~OBRingTyper()
277   {
278     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> >::iterator i;
279     for (i = _ringtyp.begin();i != _ringtyp.end();++i) {
280       delete i->first;
281       i->first = nullptr;
282     }
283   }
AssignTypes(OBMol & mol)285   void OBRingTyper::AssignTypes(OBMol &mol)
286   {
287     if (!_init)
288       Init();
290     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
291                           "Ran OBRing::AssignTypes", obAuditMsg);
293     mol.SetRingTypesPerceived();
295     vector<vector<int> >::iterator j2;
296     vector<pair<OBSmartsPattern*,string> >::iterator i2;
298     vector<OBRing*>::iterator i;
299     vector<int>::iterator j;
300     vector<OBRing*> rlist = mol.GetSSSR();
302     unsigned int member_count;
303     for (i2 = _ringtyp.begin();i2 != _ringtyp.end();++i2) { // for each ring type
304       std::vector<std::vector<int> > mlist;
305       if (i2->first->Match(mol, mlist)) {
306         for (j2 = mlist.begin();j2 != mlist.end();++j2) { // for each found match
308           for (i = rlist.begin();i != rlist.end();++i) { // for each ring
309             member_count = 0;
311             for(j = j2->begin(); j != j2->end(); ++j) { // for each atom in the match
312               if ((*i)->IsMember(mol.GetAtom(*j)))
313                 member_count++;
314             }
316             if ((*i)->Size() == member_count)
317               (*i)->SetType(i2->second);
318           }
319         }
320       }
321     }
322   }
324   // Start of helper functions for AssignOBAromaticityModel
FindExocyclicAtom(OBAtom * atm)327   static ExocyclicAtom FindExocyclicAtom(OBAtom *atm)
328   {
329     FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM(bond, atm) {
330       if (bond->GetBondOrder() == 2 && !bond->IsInRing()) {
331         unsigned int atomicnum = bond->GetNbrAtom(atm)->GetAtomicNum();
332         switch (atomicnum) {
333         case OBElements::Oxygen:
334           return EXO_OXYGEN;
335         default:
336           return EXO_NONOXYGEN;
337         }
338       }
339     }
340     return NO_EXOCYCLIC_ATOM;
341   }
HasExocyclicBondToOxygenMinus(OBAtom * atm)343   static bool HasExocyclicBondToOxygenMinus(OBAtom *atm)
344   {
345     FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM(bond, atm) {
346       if (bond->GetBondOrder() == 1 && !bond->IsInRing()) {
347         OBAtom* nbr = bond->GetNbrAtom(atm);
348         if (nbr->GetAtomicNum() == OBElements::Oxygen && nbr->GetFormalCharge() == -1)
349           return true;
350       }
351     }
352     return false;
353   }
HasExocyclicDblBondToOxygen(OBAtom * atm)355   static bool HasExocyclicDblBondToOxygen(OBAtom *atm)
356   {
357     FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM(bond, atm) {
358       if (bond->GetBondOrder() == 2 && !bond->IsInRing() &&
359           bond->GetNbrAtom(atm)->GetAtomicNum() == OBElements::Oxygen)
360         return true;
361     }
362     return false;
363   }
HasExocyclicDblBondToHet(OBAtom * atm)365   static bool HasExocyclicDblBondToHet(OBAtom *atm)
366   {
367     FOR_BONDS_OF_ATOM(bond, atm) {
368       if (bond->GetBondOrder() == 2 && !bond->IsInRing()) {
369         unsigned int atomicnum = bond->GetNbrAtom(atm)->GetAtomicNum();
370         switch (atomicnum) {
371         case OBElements::Carbon:
372         case OBElements::Hydrogen:
373           break;
374         default:
375           return true;
376         }
377       }
378     }
379     return false;
380   }
381   // End of predicates for AssignOBAromaticityModel
AssignOBAromaticityModel(OBAtom * atm,int & min,int & max)383   static bool AssignOBAromaticityModel(OBAtom *atm, int &min, int &max)
384   {
385     // The Open Babel aromaticity model
386     //
387     // Return minimum and maximum pi-electrons contributed to an aromatic system
388     // The return value indicates a potentially aromatic atom (i.e. any patterns matched)
389     //
390     // The original code used SMARTS patterns organised in increasing order of
391     // prioirity (i.e. later matches overrode earlier ones). These SMARTS patterns
392     // are now implemented in the code below, but are included in the comments
393     // for reference (Case 1->22).
395     if (!atm->IsInRing()) {
396       min = 0; max = 0; return false;
397     }
399     unsigned int elem = atm->GetAtomicNum();
400     int chg = atm->GetFormalCharge();
401     unsigned int deg = atm->GetExplicitDegree() + atm->GetImplicitHCount();
402     unsigned int val = atm->GetExplicitValence() + atm->GetImplicitHCount();
404     switch (elem) {
405     case OBElements::Carbon:
406       switch (chg) {
407       case 0:
408         if (val == 4 && deg == 3) {
409           if (HasExocyclicDblBondToHet(atm)) {
410             min = 0; max = 0; return true;
411           }
412           else {
413             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
414           }
415         }
416         break;
417       case 1:
418         if (val == 3) {
419           switch (deg) {
420           case 3:
421             min = 0; max = 0; return true;
422           case 2:
423             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
424           }
425         }
426         break;
427       case -1:
428         if (val == 3) {
429           switch (deg) {
430           case 3:
431             min = 2; max = 2; return true;
432           case 2:
433             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
434           }
435         }
436         break;
437       }
438       break;
440     case OBElements::Nitrogen: // nitrogen
441     case OBElements::Phosphorus: // phosphorus
442       switch (chg) {
443       case 0:
444         switch (val) {
445         case 3:
446           switch (deg) {
447           case 3:
448             min = 2; max = 2; return true;
449           case 2:
450             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
451           }
452           break;
453         case 5:
454           if (deg == 3) {
455             ExocyclicAtom exoatom = FindExocyclicAtom(atm);
456             switch (exoatom) {
457             case EXO_OXYGEN:
458               min = 1; max = 1; return true;
459             case EXO_NONOXYGEN:
460               min = 2; max = 2; return true;
461             default:
462               ;
463             }
464           }
465         }
466         break;
467       case 1:
468         if (val == 4 && deg == 3) {
469           min = 1; max = 1; return true;
470         }
471         break;
472       case -1:
473         if (val == 2 && deg == 2) {
474           min = 2; max = 2; return true;
475         }
476       }
477       break;
479     case OBElements::Oxygen:
480     case OBElements::Selenium:
481       switch (chg) {
482       case 0:
483         if (val == 2 && deg == 2) {
484           min = 2; max = 2; return true;
485         }
486       case 1:
487         if (val == 3 && deg == 2) {
488           min = 1; max = 1; return true;
489         }
490       }
491       break;
493     case OBElements::Sulfur:
494       switch (chg) {
495       case 0:
496         switch (val) {
497         case 2:
498           if (deg == 2) {
499             min = 2; max = 2; return true;
500           }
501           break;
502         case 4:
503           if (deg == 3 && HasExocyclicDblBondToOxygen(atm)) {
504             min = 2; max = 2; return true;
505           }
506         }
507         break;
508       case 1:
509         if (val == 3) {
510           switch (deg) {
511           case 2:
512             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
513           case 3:
514             if (HasExocyclicBondToOxygenMinus(atm)) {
515               min = 2; max = 2; return true;
516             }
517           }
518         }
519       }
520       break;
522     case OBElements::Boron:
523       if (chg == 0 && val == 3) {
524         switch (deg) {
525         case 2:
526           min = 1; max = 1; return true;
527         case 3:
528           min = 0; max = 0; return true;
529         }
530       }
531       break;
533     case OBElements::Arsenic:
534       switch (chg) {
535       case 0:
536         if (val == 3) {
537           switch (deg) {
538           case 2:
539             min = 1; max = 1; return true;
540           case 3:
541             min = 2; max = 2; return true;
542           }
543         }
544         break;
545       case 1:
546         if (val == 4 && deg == 3) {
547           min = 1; max = 1; return true;
548         }
549       }
550       break;
553     case 0: // Asterisk
554       if (chg == 0) {
555         switch (val) {
556         case 2:
557           switch (deg) {
558           case 2:
559           case 3:
560             min = 0; max = 2; return true;
561           }
562           break;
563         case 3:
564           switch (deg) {
565           case 2:
566           case 3:
567             min = 0; max = 1; return true;
568           }
569           break;
570         }
571       }
572       break;
573     }
575     min = 0; max = 0; // nothing matched
576     return false;
577   }
579   class OBAromaticTyperMolState
580   {
581   public:
OBAromaticTyperMolState(OBMol & mol)582     OBAromaticTyperMolState(OBMol &mol) : mol(mol)
583     {
584       _vpa.resize(mol.NumAtoms() + 1);
585       _velec.resize(mol.NumAtoms() + 1);
586       _root.resize(mol.NumAtoms() + 1);
587       _visit.resize(mol.NumAtoms() + 1);
588     }
589     void AssignAromaticFlags();
590   private:
591     OBMol &mol;
592     std::vector<bool>             _vpa;   //!< potentially aromatic atoms
593     std::vector<bool>             _visit;
594     std::vector<bool>             _root;
595     std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >   _velec;   //!< # electrons an atom contributes
597     //! "Anti-alias" potentially aromatic flags around a molecule
598     //! (aromatic atoms need to have >= 2 neighboring ring atoms)
599     void PropagatePotentialAromatic(OBAtom*);
600     // Documentation in typer.cpp
601     void SelectRootAtoms(bool avoidInnerRingAtoms = true);
602     //! Remove 3-member rings from consideration
603     void ExcludeSmallRing();
604     //! Check aromaticity starting from the root atom, up to a specified depth
605     void CheckAromaticity(OBAtom *root, int searchDepth);
606     // Documentation in typer.cpp
607     bool TraverseCycle(OBAtom *root, OBAtom *atom, OBBond *prev,
608       std::pair<int, int> &er, int depth);
609   };
AssignAromaticFlags()611   void OBAromaticTyperMolState::AssignAromaticFlags()
612   {
613     OBBond *bond;
614     OBAtom *atom;
615     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;
616     vector<OBBond*>::iterator j;
618     //unset all aromatic flags
619     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
620       atom->SetAromatic(false);
621     for (bond = mol.BeginBond(j); bond; bond = mol.NextBond(j))
622       bond->SetAromatic(false);
624     // New code using lookups instead of SMARTS patterns
625     FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL(atom, mol) {
626       unsigned int idx = atom->GetIdx();
627       _vpa[idx] = AssignOBAromaticityModel(&(*atom), _velec[idx].first, _velec[idx].second);
628     }
630     //propagate potentially aromatic atoms
631     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
632       if (_vpa[atom->GetIdx()])
633         PropagatePotentialAromatic(atom);
635     //select root atoms
636     SelectRootAtoms();
638     ExcludeSmallRing(); //remove 3 membered rings from consideration
640     //loop over root atoms and look for aromatic rings
642     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i); atom; atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
643       if (_root[atom->GetIdx()])
644         CheckAromaticity(atom, 14);
646     //for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
647     //	  if (atom->IsAromatic())
648     //		  cerr << "aro = " <<atom->GetIdx()  << endl;
650     //for (bond = mol.BeginBond(j);bond;bond = mol.NextBond(j))
651     //if (bond->IsAromatic())
652     //cerr << bond->GetIdx() << ' ' << bond->IsAromatic() << endl;
653   }
655   /*! \class OBAromaticTyper typer.h <openbabel/typer.h>
656     \brief Assigns aromatic typing to atoms and bonds
658     The OBAromaticTyper class applies a set of
659     aromatic perception rules to molecules. The code
660     that performs typing is not usually used directly -- it is usually
661     done automatically when their corresponding values are requested of atoms
662     or bonds.
663     \code
664     atom->IsAromatic();
665     bond->IsAromatic();
666     \endcode
667   */
AssignAromaticFlags(OBMol & mol)669   void OBAromaticTyper::AssignAromaticFlags(OBMol &mol)
670   {
671     if (mol.HasAromaticPerceived())
672       return;
673     mol.SetAromaticPerceived();
674     obErrorLog.ThrowError(__FUNCTION__,
675                           "Ran OpenBabel::AssignAromaticFlags", obAuditMsg);
677     OBAromaticTyperMolState molstate(mol);
678     molstate.AssignAromaticFlags();
679   }
681   /** \brief Traverse a potentially aromatic cycle starting at @p root.
682       \return  True if the cycle is likely aromatic
683       \param root  The initial, "root" atom in traversing this ring
684       \param atom  The current atom to visit and check
685       \param prev  The bond traversed in moving to this @p atom
686       \param er    The min and max number of pi electrons for this ring
687       \param depth The maximum number of atoms to visit in a ring (e.g., 6)
689       This method traverses a potentially aromatic ring, adding up the possible
690       pi electrons for each atom. At the end (e.g., when @p atom == @p root)
691       the Huekel 4n+2 rule is checked to see if there is a possible electronic
692       configuration which corresponds to aromaticity.
693   **/
TraverseCycle(OBAtom * root,OBAtom * atom,OBBond * prev,std::pair<int,int> & er,int depth)694   bool OBAromaticTyperMolState::TraverseCycle(OBAtom *root, OBAtom *atom, OBBond *prev,
695                                       std::pair<int,int> &er,int depth)
696   {
697     if (atom == root)
698       {
699         int i;
700         for (i = er.first;i <= er.second;++i)
701           if (i%4 == 2 && i > 2)
702             return(true);
704         return(false);
705       }
707     if (!depth || !_vpa[atom->GetIdx()] || _visit[atom->GetIdx()])
708       return(false);
710     bool result = false;
712     depth--;
713     er.first  += _velec[atom->GetIdx()].first;
714     er.second += _velec[atom->GetIdx()].second;
716     _visit[atom->GetIdx()] = true;
717     OBAtom *nbr;
718     vector<OBBond*>::iterator i;
719     for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i))
720       if (*i != prev && (*i)->IsInRing() && _vpa[nbr->GetIdx()])
721         {
722           if (TraverseCycle(root,nbr,(OBBond*)(*i),er,depth))
723             {
724               result = true;
725               ((OBBond*) *i)->SetAromatic();
726             }
727         }
729     _visit[atom->GetIdx()] = false;
730     if (result)
731       atom->SetAromatic();
733     er.first  -= _velec[atom->GetIdx()].first;
734     er.second -= _velec[atom->GetIdx()].second;
736     return(result);
737   }
CheckAromaticity(OBAtom * atom,int depth)739   void OBAromaticTyperMolState::CheckAromaticity(OBAtom *atom,int depth)
740   {
741     OBAtom *nbr;
742     vector<OBBond*>::iterator i;
744     pair<int,int> erange;
745     for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i))
746       if ((*i)->IsInRing()) // check all rings, regardless of assumed aromaticity
747         {
748           erange = _velec[atom->GetIdx()];
750           if (TraverseCycle(atom,nbr,(OBBond *)*i,erange,depth-1))
751             {
752               atom->SetAromatic();
753               ((OBBond*) *i)->SetAromatic();
754             }
755         }
756   }
PropagatePotentialAromatic(OBAtom * atom)758   void OBAromaticTyperMolState::PropagatePotentialAromatic(OBAtom *atom)
759   {
760     int count = 0;
761     OBAtom *nbr;
762     vector<OBBond*>::iterator i;
764     for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i))
765       if ((*i)->IsInRing() && _vpa[nbr->GetIdx()])
766         count++;
768     if (count < 2)
769       {
770         _vpa[atom->GetIdx()] = false;
771         if (count == 1)
772           for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(i);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(i))
773             if ((*i)->IsInRing() && _vpa[nbr->GetIdx()])
774               PropagatePotentialAromatic(nbr);
775       }
776   }
778   /**
779    * \brief Select the root atoms for traversing atoms in rings.
780    *
781    * Picking only the begin atom of a closure bond can cause
782    * difficulties when the selected atom is an inner atom
783    * with three neighbour ring atoms. Why ? Because this atom
784    * can get trapped by the other atoms when determining aromaticity,
785    * because a simple visited flag is used in the
786    * OBAromaticTyper::TraverseCycle() method.
787    *
788    * Ported from JOELib, copyright Joerg Wegner, 2003 under the GPL version 2
789    * Improved by Fabian (fab5) in 2009 -- PR#2889708
790    *
791    * @param mol the molecule
792    * @param avoidInnerRingAtoms inner closure ring atoms with more than 2 neighbours will be avoided
793    *
794    */
SelectRootAtoms(bool avoidInnerRingAtoms)795   void OBAromaticTyperMolState::SelectRootAtoms(bool avoidInnerRingAtoms)
796   {
797     OBBond *bond;
798     OBAtom *atom, *nbr, *nbr2;
799     OBRing *ring;
800     //    vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;
801     vector<OBBond*>::iterator j, l, nbr2Iter;
802     vector<OBRing*> sssRings = mol.GetSSSR();
803     vector<OBRing*>::iterator k;
805     int rootAtom;
806     int ringNbrs;
807     int heavyNbrs;
808     int newRoot = -1;
809     vector<int> tmpRootAtoms;
810     vector<int> tmp;
812     vector<OBBond*> cbonds;
813     vector< vector<OBRing*> > ringAtoms; // store ring pointers on an atom basis
815     //generate list of closure bonds
816     for (bond = mol.BeginBond(j);bond;bond = mol.NextBond(j))
817       {
818         if( bond->IsClosure() )
819           {
820             cbonds.push_back(bond);
821             if(avoidInnerRingAtoms)
822               {
823                 tmpRootAtoms.push_back(bond->GetBeginAtomIdx());
824               }
825           }
826       }
828     if(avoidInnerRingAtoms)
829       {
830         //for every atom fill vector with ring pointer it's associated with
831         ringAtoms.resize(mol.NumAtoms()+1);
832         for (k = sssRings.begin();k != sssRings.end();++k)
833           {
834             tmp = (*k)->_path;
835             for (unsigned int j (0),j_end(tmp.size()); j < j_end; ++j)
836               {
837                 ringAtoms[tmp[j]].push_back(*k);
838               }
839           }
840       }
843     //loop over closure bonds
844     for(OBBondIterator bd(cbonds.begin()),bd_end(cbonds.end());bd!=bd_end;++bd)
845       {
846         bond = *bd;
848         // BASIC APPROACH
849         // pick beginning atom at closure bond
850         // this is really ready, isn't it ! ;-)
851         rootAtom = bond->GetBeginAtomIdx();
852         _root[rootAtom] = true;
854         // EXTENDED APPROACH
855         if (avoidInnerRingAtoms)
856           {
857             // count the number of neighbor ring atoms
858             atom = mol.GetAtom(rootAtom);
859             ringNbrs = heavyNbrs = 0;
861             for (nbr = atom->BeginNbrAtom(l);nbr;nbr = atom->NextNbrAtom(l))
862               {
863                 // we can get this from atom->GetHvyDegree()
864                 // but we need to find neighbors in rings too
865                 // so let's save some time
866                 if (nbr->GetAtomicNum() != OBElements::Hydrogen)
867                   {
868                     heavyNbrs++;
869                     if (nbr->IsInRing())
870                       ringNbrs++;
871                   }
873                 // if this atom has more than 2 neighbor ring atoms
874                 // we could get trapped later when traversing cycles
875                 // which can cause aromaticity false detection
876                 newRoot = -1;
878                 if (ringNbrs > 2)
879                   {
880                     // try to find another root atom
881                     // only loop over rings which contain rootAtom
882                     for(k = ringAtoms[rootAtom].begin() ; k != ringAtoms[rootAtom].end(); ++k)
883                       {
884                         ring = (*k);
885                         tmp = ring->_path;
887                         bool checkThisRing = false;
888                         int rootAtomNumber=0;
889                         int idx=0;
890                         // avoiding two root atoms in one ring !
891                         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tmpRootAtoms.size(); ++j)
892                           {
893                             idx= tmpRootAtoms[j];
894                             if(ring->IsInRing(idx))
895                               {
896                                 rootAtomNumber++;
897                                 if(rootAtomNumber>=2)
898                                   break;
899                               }
900                           }
901                         if(rootAtomNumber<2)
902                           {
903                             for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tmp.size(); ++j)
904                               {
905                                 // find critical ring
906                                 if (tmp[j] == rootAtom)
907                                   {
908                                     checkThisRing = true;
909                                   }
910                                 else
911                                   {
912                                     // second root atom in this ring ?
913                                     if (_root[tmp[j]] == true)
914                                       {
915                                         // when there is a second root
916                                         // atom this ring can not be
917                                         // used for getting an other
918                                         // root atom
919                                         checkThisRing = false;
921                                         break;
922                                       }
923                                   }
924                               }
925                           }
927                         // check ring for getting another
928                         // root atom to avoid aromaticity typer problems
929                         if (checkThisRing)
930                           {
931                             // check if we can find another root atom
932                             for (unsigned int m = 0; m < tmp.size(); ++m)
933                               {
934                                 ringNbrs = heavyNbrs = 0;
935                                 for (nbr2 = (mol.GetAtom(tmp[m]))->BeginNbrAtom(nbr2Iter);
936                                      nbr2;nbr2 = (mol.GetAtom(tmp[m]))->NextNbrAtom(nbr2Iter))
937                                   {
938                                     if (nbr2->GetAtomicNum() != OBElements::Hydrogen)
939                                       {
940                                         heavyNbrs++;
942                                         if (nbr2->IsInRing())
943                                           ringNbrs++;
944                                       }
945                                   }
947                                 // if the number of neighboured heavy atoms is also
948                                 // the number of neighboured ring atoms, the aromaticity
949                                 // typer could be stuck in a local traversing trap
950                                 if (ringNbrs <= 2 && ring->IsInRing((mol.GetAtom(tmp[m])->GetIdx())))
951                                   {
952                                     newRoot = tmp[m];
953                                   }
954                               }
955                           }
956                       }
958                     if ((newRoot != -1) && (rootAtom != newRoot))
959                       {
960                         // unset root atom
961                         _root[rootAtom] = false;
963                         // pick new root atom
964                         _root[newRoot] = true;
965                       }
966                   } // if (ringNbrs > 2)
968               } // end for
969           } // if (avoid)
970       } // end for(closure bonds)
971   }
ExcludeSmallRing()973   void OBAromaticTyperMolState::ExcludeSmallRing()
974   {
975     OBAtom *atom,*nbr1,*nbr2;
976     vector<OBAtom*>::iterator i;
977     vector<OBBond*>::iterator j,k;
979     for (atom = mol.BeginAtom(i);atom;atom = mol.NextAtom(i))
980       if (_root[atom->GetIdx()])
981         for (nbr1 = atom->BeginNbrAtom(j);nbr1;nbr1 = atom->NextNbrAtom(j))
982           if ((*j)->IsInRing() && _vpa[nbr1->GetIdx()])
983             for (nbr2 = nbr1->BeginNbrAtom(k);nbr2;nbr2 = nbr1->NextNbrAtom(k))
984               if (nbr2 != atom && (*k)->IsInRing() && _vpa[nbr2->GetIdx()])
985                 if (atom->IsConnected(nbr2))
986                   _root[atom->GetIdx()] = false;
987   }
989 } //namespace OpenBabel;
991 //! \file typer.cpp
992 //! \brief Open Babel atom and aromaticity typer.