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24/* Portions Copyright (c) 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota.       */
25/* All rights reserved.                                                       */
26/*                                                                            */
27/* Contributors:                                                              */
28/*    Daniel S. Karls                                                         */
29/*    Ellad B. Tadmor                                                         */
30/*    Ryan S. Elliott                                                         */
31/*                                                                            */
32/* Portions Copyright (c) 2019, Regents of the University of Minnesota.       */
33/* All rights reserved.                                                       */
34/*                                                                            */
35/* Contributors:                                                              */
36/*    Anshul Chawla                                                           */
37/*                                                                            */
39#include <math.h>
41/* Model Driver for the Khor-Das Sarma three-body bond-order potential        */
42/*                                                                            */
43/* Source:                                                                    */
44/* K.E.Khor and S. Das Sarma                                                  */
45/* "Proposed universal interatomic potential for elemental tetrahedrally      */
46/*  bonded semiconductors", Physical Review B, Vol. 38, 3318-3322, 1988.      */
48/* The following flag indicates whether or not to do an explicit check to     */
49/* determine if the distance between neighbors j and k of atom i in a         */
50/* three-body computations exceeds the (single) cutoff distance.  The check   */
51/* is skipped if the flag is set to 1, and performed if the flag is set to 0. */
52/* This feature is provided for efficiency reasons.                           */
53/*                                                                            */
54#define SKIP_CHECK_ON_RJK 1
56/* The following enumeration provides a named index to each element in your   */
57/* parameter array.  The last entry *must* be NUM_PARAMS (by construction by  */
58/* being at the end of the list, its value will be the number of parameters). */
59/* These names will be used in the functions below to unpack and access       */
60/* parameters.  The order of parameters *is* important.  It must match the    */
61/* ordering in the parameter file read in by the model driver.                */
62/*                                                                            */
63enum PARAMS {
64  PARAM_A,
65  PARAM_B,
66  PARAM_theta,
67  PARAM_lambda,
68  PARAM_alpha,
69  PARAM_beta,
70  PARAM_gamma,
71  PARAM_eta,
72  PARAM_R,
73  PARAM_thetanot,
77#include "bondorder_aux.inc"
79/* The following array of strings contains names and descriptions of the      */
80/* parameters that will be registered in the KIM API object. The number of    */
81/* entries must match the number of PARAM_* lines above, and the order must   */
82/* correspond to the ordering above.                                          */
83/*                                                                            */
84static char const * const param_strings[][2]
85  = {{"A", "Amplitude of the cutoff function"},
86    {"B", "Parameter in the prefactor b_ij to the attractive pairwise interaction"},
87    {"theta", "Exponent in the repulsive pairwise interaction function f_R"},
88    {"lambda", "Exponent in the attractive pairwise interaction function f_A"},
89    {"alpha", "Parameter in the prefactor b_ij to the attractive pairwise interaction"},
90    {"beta", "Parameter in the prefactor a_ij and b_ij to the repulsive pairwise interaction and attractive pairwise interaction respectively"},
91    {"gamma", "Parameter in the prefactor a_ij and b_ij to the repulsive pairwise interaction and attractive pairwise interaction respectively"},
92    {"eta", "Parameter in the angular function g(theta)"},
93    {"R", "minimum interatomic distance"},
94    {"thetanot","Equilibrium bond angle"}};
96/* The following two variables define the base unit system required to be     */
97/* used by the parameter file.                                                */
98/*                                                                            */
99static KIM_LengthUnit const * const length_unit = &KIM_LENGTH_UNIT_A;
100static KIM_EnergyUnit const * const energy_unit = &KIM_ENERGY_UNIT_eV;
102/* The following array of double precision values define the unit             */
103/* exponents for each parameter.  The first number is the length exponent     */
104/* and the second number is the energy exponent. The number of entries must   */
105/* match the number of PARAM_* lines above, and the order must correspond     */
106/* to the ordering above. Use two zeros for unitless parameters.              */
107/*                                                                            */
108static double const param_units[][2] = {{0.0, 1.0},  /* A length energy */
109                                        {0.0, 0.0},  /* B */
110                                        {-1.0, 0.0}, /* theta */
111                                        {-1.0, 0.0}, /* lambda */
112                                        {0.0, 0.0},  /* alpha */
113                                        {-1.0, 0.0}, /* beta (gamma) */
114                                        {0.0, 0.0},  /* gamma */
115                                        {0.0, 0.0},  /* eta */
116                                        {1.0, 0.0},  /* R */
117                                        {0.0, 0.0}}; /* theta */
119static double get_influence_distance(double const * const params)
121  double const beta = params[PARAM_beta];
122  double const gamma = params[PARAM_gamma];
123  double const R = params[PARAM_R];
125  return (R + pow(-log(1e-16)/beta, 1/gamma));
128/* Calculate coordination Zi and its derivative w.r.t. Rij */
129static void calc_Zi_dZi(double const * const params,
130                        double const Rij,
131                        double * const Z_i,
132                        double * const dZi_dRij)
134  /* Unpack parameters */
136  double const beta = params[PARAM_beta];
137  double const gamma = params[PARAM_gamma];
138  double const R = params[PARAM_R];
140  if (Rij <= R)
141  {
142    *Z_i = 1.0;
144    if (dZi_dRij != NULL)
145    {
146      *dZi_dRij = 0.0;
147    }
148  }
149  else
150  {
151    *Z_i = exp(-beta * pow(Rij - R, gamma));
153    if (dZi_dRij != NULL)
154    {
155      *dZi_dRij = -beta * gamma * pow(Rij - R, gamma - 1.0) * (*Z_i);
156    }
157  }
159  return;
162/* Calculate bond order bij and its derivative w.r.t. zeta_ij */
163static void calc_bij_dbij(double const * const params,
164                          double const Z_i,
165                          double const zeta_ij,
166                          double * const bij,
167                          double * const dbij_dZi,
168                          double * const dbij_dzeta_ij)
170  /* Unpack parameters */
171  double const B = params[PARAM_B];
172  double const alpha = params[PARAM_alpha];
174  double const Zi_pow_alpha = pow(Z_i, alpha);
176  *bij = (B/Zi_pow_alpha) *(1+ zeta_ij);
178  if (dbij_dZi != NULL)
179  {
180    *dbij_dZi = -(alpha/(Z_i)) * *bij;
181    *dbij_dzeta_ij = (B/Zi_pow_alpha);
182  }
184  return;
187/* Calculate two-body energy phi2(r) and its derivative w.r.t. Rij */
188static void calc_phi2_dphi2(double const * const params,
189                            double const Rij,
190                            double const bij,
191                            double * const phi2,
192                            double * const dphi2_dRij,
193                            double * const dphi2_dbij)
195  *phi2 = fc(params, Rij) * (fR(params, Rij) + bij * fA(params, Rij));
197  if (dphi2_dRij != NULL)
198  {
199    *dphi2_dRij
200        = fc(params, Rij)
201              * (dfR_dRij(params, Rij) + bij * dfA_dRij(params, Rij))
202          + dfc_dR(params, Rij) * (fR(params, Rij) + bij * fA(params, Rij));
204    *dphi2_dbij = fc(params, Rij) * fA(params, Rij);
205  }
207  return;
210/* Calculate three-body energy phi3(Rij, Rik, Rjk) and its derivatives w.r.t
211 * Rij, Rik, and Rjk */
212static void calc_phi3_dphi3(double const * const params,
213                            double const Rij,
214                            double const Rik,
215                            double const Rjk,
216                            double * const phi3,
217                            double * const dphi3_dRij,
218                            double * const dphi3_dRik,
219                            double * const dphi3_dRjk)
221  /* Unpack parameters */
223  double theta_jik;
224  double gval;
225  double dcosthetajik_dRij;
226  double dcosthetajik_dRik;
227  double dcosthetajik_dRjk;
228  double dg_dcosthetaval;
230  theta_jik = acos((Rij * Rij + Rik * Rik - Rjk * Rjk) / (2 * Rij * Rik));
231  gval = g(params, theta_jik);
233  *phi3 = gval;
235  if (dphi3_dRij != NULL)
236  {
237    dg_dcosthetaval = dg_dcostheta(params, theta_jik);
239    dcosthetajik_dRij
240        = (Rij * Rij - Rik * Rik + Rjk * Rjk) / (2 * Rij * Rij * Rik);
241    dcosthetajik_dRik
242        = (-Rij * Rij + Rik * Rik + Rjk * Rjk) / (2 * Rij * Rik * Rik);
243    dcosthetajik_dRjk = -Rjk / (Rij * Rik);
245    *dphi3_dRij = (dg_dcosthetaval * dcosthetajik_dRij);
247    *dphi3_dRik = (dg_dcosthetaval * dcosthetajik_dRik);
249    *dphi3_dRjk = (dg_dcosthetaval * dcosthetajik_dRjk);
252   }
254  return;