1"palettes" [
4"gui" [
5  "renderer" = 1
6  "camera.type" = 0
7  "images.width" = 1024
8  "images.height" = 768
9  "camera.position" =                    0                   0                   1
10  "camera.velocity" =                    0                   0                   0
11  "camera.orbit" = 0
12  "camera.target" =                    0                   0                   0
13  "camera.up" =                    0                   1                   0
14  "camera.ortho.fov" = 346977
15  "camera.perspective.fov" = 1.0472
16  "camera.clip.near" = 1e-12
17  "camera.clip.far" = 1.79769e+308
18  "camera.autosetup" = 0
19  "camera.track_particle" = -1
20  "camera.track_median" = 0
21  "camera.tracking_offset" =                    0                   0                   0
22  "view.width" = 1024
23  "view.height" = 768
24  "view.max_framerate" = 100
25  "view.refresh_on_timestep" = 1
26  "view.grid_size" = 0
27  "background_color" =                    0                   0                   0
28  "colormap.type" = 0
29  "colormap.logarithmic.factor" = 2
30  "reduce_lowfrequency_noise" = 0
31  "show_key" = 1
32  "force_grayscale" = 0
33  "antialiased" = 0
34  "smooth_particles" = 0
35  "render_ghost_particles" = 1
36  "particle_radius" = 1
37  "camera.ortho.cutoff" = 0
38  "surface.resolution" = 100
39  "surface.level" = 0.13
40  "surface.sun_position" =      -0.549442246526     -0.137360561632      0.824163390257
41  "surface.sun_intentity" = 0.7
42  "surface.emission" = 1
43  "surface.ambient" = 0.1
44  "raytrace.subsampling" = 4
45  "raytrace.iteration_limit" = 10
46  "raytrace.hdri" = ""
47  "raytrace.brdf" = 0
48  "raytrace.shadows" = 1
49  "raytrace.spheres" = 0
50  "volume.emission" = 0.001
51  "volume.absorption" = 0
52  "contour.spacing" = 10
53  "contour.grid_size" = 100
54  "contour.show_labels" = 1
55  "default_colorizer" = -1
56  "default_panes" = 31
57  "window.title" = "OpenSPH"
58  "window.width" = 1600
59  "window.height" = 768
60  "plot.integrals" = 31
61  "plot.initial_period" = 60
62  "plot.overplot_sfd" = "/home/pavel/projects/astro/asteroids/hygiea/main_belt_families_2018/10_Hygiea/size_distribution/family.dat_hc"
65"globals" [
66  "sph.kernel" = 0
67  "run.thread.cnt" = 0
68  "run.thread.granularity" = 1000
69  "finder.leaf_size" = 25
70  "finder.max_parallel_depth" = 50
71  "run.rng" = 0
72  "run.rng.seed" = 1234
73  "misc.generate_uvws" = 0
74  "misc.uvw_mapping" = 1
75  "run.author" = "Pavel Sevecek"
76  "run.email" = "sevecek@sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz"
77  "run.comment" = ""
80"nodes" [
81  "cloud" [
82    "class_name" = "N-body ICs"
83    "position" = 562 428
84    "domain" = "domain"
85    "name" = "cloud"
86    "particles.count" = 10000
87    "radial_profile" = 0.333
88    "height_scale" = 0.1
89    "min_size" = 250
90    "max_size" = 250
91    "power_law.exponent" = 2
92    "min_separation" = 1
93    "velocity.multiplier" = 1.5
94    "velocity.dispersion" = 0.05
95    "total_mass" = 1
96  ]
97  "N-body bounce" [
98    "class_name" = "N-body run"
99    "position" = 762 428
100    "particles" = "cloud"
101    "name" = "N-body bounce"
102    "run.end_time" = 4
103    "is_resumed" = 0
104    "timestep.max_step" = 0.01
105    "timestep.initial" = 0.001
106    "timestep.integrator" = 1
107    "timestep.criterion" = 8
108    "timestep.courant_number" = 0.2
109    "timestep.derivative_factor" = 0.1
110    "timestep.divergence_factor" = 0.005
111    "timestep.max_change" = 2
112    "gravity.solver" = 2
113    "gravity.opening_angle" = 0.8
114    "gravity.multipole_order" = 3
115    "gravity.kernel" = 2
116    "gravity.recomputation_period" = 0
117    "nbody.aggregates.enable" = 0
118    "nbody.aggregates.source" = 0
119    "soft.enable" = 0
120    "soft.repel_strength" = 1
121    "soft.friction_strength" = 0.001
122    "collision.handler" = 2
123    "collision.overlap" = 2
124    "collision.restitution_normal" = 0.5
125    "collision.restitution_tangent" = 1
126    "collision.merging_limit" = 4
127    "collision.rotation_merging_limit" = 1
128    "run.logger" = 1
129    "run.logger.file" = "log.txt"
130    "run.logger.verbosity" = 0
131    "run.output.type" = 1
132    "run.output.path" = "."
133    "run.output.name" = "result_%d.txt"
134    "run.output.quantitites" = 7
135    "run.output.spacing" = 0
136    "run.output.interval" = 0.5
137    "run.output.custom_times" = "0, 0.5, 1, 2, 10"
138  ]
139  "save result" [
140    "class_name" = "save file"
141    "position" = 962 428
142    "particles" = "N-body bounce"
143    "name" = "save result"
144    "run.output.name" = "result.scf"
145    "run.output.type" = 4
146    "run.output.quantitites" = 3
147  ]
148  "compare with reference" [
149    "class_name" = "compare"
150    "position" = 855 589
151    "test particles" = "Load 'result.scf'"
152    "reference particles" = "Load 'reference.scf'"
153    "name" = "compare with reference"
154    "compare_mode" = 0
155    "eps" = 0.0001
156    "fraction" = 0.2
157    "max_deviation" = 0.0005
158  ]
159  "Load 'reference.scf'" [
160    "class_name" = "load file"
161    "position" = 639 649
162    "name" = ""
163    "file" = "reference.scf"
164    "units" = 0
165  ]
166  "Load 'result.scf'" [
167    "class_name" = "load file"
168    "position" = 639 540
169    "name" = ""
170    "file" = "result.scf"
171    "units" = 0
172  ]
173  "domain" [
174    "class_name" = "sphere"
175    "position" = 362 428
176    "name" = "domain"
177    "radius" = 100
178  ]
181"batch" [
182  "runCount" = 4
183  "paramCount" = 3
184  "params" [
185  ]
186  "runs" [
187    "run-0" = "Run 1"
188    "run-1" = "Run 2"
189    "run-2" = "Run 3"
190    "run-3" = "Run 4"
191  ]
192  "cells" [
193    "cell-0-0" = ""
194    "cell-1-0" = ""
195    "cell-2-0" = ""
196    "cell-0-1" = ""
197    "cell-1-1" = ""
198    "cell-2-1" = ""
199    "cell-0-2" = ""
200    "cell-1-2" = ""
201    "cell-2-2" = ""
202    "cell-0-3" = ""
203    "cell-1-3" = ""
204    "cell-2-3" = ""
205  ]
208"editor_state" [
209  "offset" = -197 -75
210  "zoom" = 1