3# Implements graphical user interface for McStas
6#   This file is part of the McStas neutron ray-trace simulation package
7#   Copyright (C) 1997-2008, All rights reserved
8#   Risoe National Laborartory, Roskilde, Denmark
9#   Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
11#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13#   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
15#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18#   GNU General Public License for more details.
20#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
24# Config module needed for various platform checks.
25# PW, 20030314
26use Config;
27use Tk::Balloon;
28use POSIX qw(_exit);
30# Determine the path to the McStas system directory. This must be done
31# in the BEGIN block so that it can be used in a "use lib" statement
32# afterwards.
37use lib $MCSTAS::perl_dir;
38use lib $MCSTAS::perl_modules;
39require "mccode_config.perl";
41# Overload with user's personal config
42if ($ENV{"HOME"} && -e $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'}."/mccode_config.perl") {
43  print "$0: reading local $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'} configuration from " . $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'}."/mccode_config.perl\n";
44  require $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'}."/mccode_config.perl";
47use strict;
48use FileHandle;
49use Tk;
50use Tk::TextUndo;
51use Tk::ROText;
52use Tk::DialogBox;
53use File::Path;
55require "mcfrontlib.pl";
56require "mcguilib.pl";
57# Requirement for mcplotlib.pl removed, will be loaded only
58# if mcdisplay PGPLOT backend is used.
59# PW, 20030314
60# require "mcplotlib.pl";
61require "mcrunlib.pl";
63my $kill_when_editor_exits = 0;
64my $current_sim_file;
65my $current_sim_def = "";
66my ($inf_instr, $inf_sim, $inf_data);
67my %inf_param_map;
69my ($main_window,$edit_window, $edit_control, $edit_label);
70my ($status_label, $current_results_label, $cmdwin, $current_instr_label, $workdir);
72my $prefix          = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PREFIX'};
73my $suffix          = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'SUFFIX'};
74my $background; # Only really makes sense on Unix systems...
75my $detach = 0;
76if ($Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32') {
77    $background = '&';
80my %shortcuts;
81# Gui shortcut setup, different for OS X, Unix, Win32
82if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'darwin') {
83    $shortcuts{'menuopen'}   = '<Meta-o>';
84    $shortcuts{'menurun'}    = '<Meta-u>';
85    $shortcuts{'menuplot'}   = '<Meta-p>';
86    # These ones are not too obvious, Meta-C and Meta-M taken by general
87    # OS bindings, Meta-s causing problems...
88    $shortcuts{'menuprefs'}  = '<Meta-F1>';
89    $shortcuts{'insertcomp'} = '<Meta-F2>';
90    $shortcuts{'menusave'}   = '<Meta-F3>';
91    # This one is implicit
92    $shortcuts{'menuquit'}   = '<Meta-w>';
93    $shortcuts{'cut'}        = '<Ctrl-x>';
94    $shortcuts{'copy'}       = '<Ctrl-c>';
95    $shortcuts{'paste'}      = '<Ctrl-v>';
96} else {
97    $shortcuts{'insertcomp'} = '<Alt-m>';
98    $shortcuts{'menuopen'}   = '<Alt-o>';
99    $shortcuts{'menurun'}    = '<Alt-u>';
100    $shortcuts{'menuplot'}   = '<Alt-p>';
101    $shortcuts{'menuprefs'}  = '<Alt-c>';
102    $shortcuts{'menusave'}   = '<Alt-s>';
103    $shortcuts{'menuquit'}   = '<Alt-q>';
104    $shortcuts{'cut'}        = '<Ctrl-x>';
105    $shortcuts{'copy'}       = '<Ctrl-c>';
106    $shortcuts{'paste'}      = '<Ctrl-v>';
109my $external_editor = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EXTERNAL_EDITOR'};
110our $quote=0; # default editor behaviour is to NOT surround strings with quotes
111$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CFLAGS_SAVED'} = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CFLAGS'};
112$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CFLAGS'} = '' unless $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCGUI_CFLAGS'};
114my $compinfo;                        # Cache of parsed component definitions
115my @compdefs;                        # List of available component definitions
117# Our own Tk:Error function, to trap errors in TextUndo->Save(). See
118# Tk documentation of Tk::Error.
119my $error_override;                # Temporary override Tk::Error.
120sub Tk::Error {
121    my ($w, $err, @loc) = @_;
122    if($error_override) {
123        &$error_override($w, $err, @loc);
124    } else {
125        print STDERR "Tk::Error###: $err ";
126        print STDERR join("\n ", @loc), "\n";
127    }
131sub ask_save_before_simulate {
132    my ($w) = @_;
133    if($edit_control && $edit_control->numberChanges() > 0) {
134        my $ret = $w->messageBox(
135          -message => "Save instrument \"$current_sim_def\" first?",
136          -title => "Save file?",
137          -type => 'YesNoCancel',
138          -icon => 'question',
139          -default => 'yes');
140        menu_save($w) if lc($ret) eq "yes";
141        return $ret eq "Cancel" ? 0 : 1;
142    } else {
143        return 1;
144    }
147sub is_erase_ok {
148    my ($w) = @_;
149    if($edit_control && $edit_control->numberChanges() > 0) {
150        my $ret = $w->messageBox(-message => "Ok to lose changes?",
151                                 -title => "Erase ok?",
152                                 -type => 'okcancel',
153                                 -icon => 'question',
154                                 -default => 'cancel');
155        # Make response all lowercase:
156        $ret = lc($ret);
157        return $ret eq "ok" ? 1 : 0;
158    } else {
159        return 1;
160    }
163sub menu_quit {
164    if(is_erase_ok($main_window)) {
165      # save log of session
166      if($current_sim_def) {
167        my $file;
168        my ($inidir, $inifile);
169        if($current_sim_def =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$!) {
170            ($inidir, $inifile) = ($1, $2);
171        } else {
172            ($inidir, $inifile) = ("", $current_sim_def);
173        }
174        $inifile =~ s/\.instr$//;
175        my $date = localtime(time());
176        $inifile .= "_${date}.log";
177        $inifile =~ s!\ !_!g;
178        $file = $inidir . $inifile;
179        my $outputtext = $cmdwin->get('1.0', 'end');
180        putmsg($cmdwin, "Save log file $file\n");
181        open(MCLOG,">>$file");
182        print MCLOG "# Log file $file generated by McStas/mcgui\n";
183        print MCLOG "# Date: $date\n";
184        print MCLOG "# Current instrument: $current_sim_def\n";
185        print MCLOG "# Current results: $current_sim_file\n";
186        print MCLOG "$outputtext";
187        close(MCLOG);
188      }
189      $main_window->destroy;
190    }
193sub menu_edit_current {
194    if($edit_control) {
195        $edit_window->raise();
196    } else {
197      my $tkwin;
198        if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EDITOR'} eq 0 || $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EDITOR'} eq 1) {
199	  $tkwin = $main_window->Toplevel;
200	  eval { # Try CodeText editor first
201	    setup_edit($main_window,$tkwin);
202	  };
203	  if ($@) { # or revert to old-school editor  if that failed.
204	    printf "Starting Tk::CodeText based editor failed. Using simpler McStas 1.7 style editor\n";
205	    setup_edit_1_7($main_window,$tkwin);
206	  }
207        } elsif ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EDITOR'} eq 1 && $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CODETEXT'}) {
209        } else {
210            menu_spawn_editor($main_window);
211        }
212    }
215sub menu_spawn_editor {
216    my ($w) = @_;
217    my $cmd = "$external_editor $current_sim_def";
218    if ($external_editor eq "no") { return 0; }
219    # Must be handled differently on Win32 vs. unix platforms...
220    spawn_external($w,$cmd);
223sub menu_spawn_internal_editor {
224    my ($w) = @_;
225    my $cmd = "mcgui$suffix --edit $current_sim_def";
226    if ($external_editor eq "no") { return 0; }
227    # Must be handled differently on Win32 vs. unix platforms...
228    spawn_external($w,$cmd);
232sub menu_spawn_mcdaemon {
233    my ($w) = @_;
234    my $cmd = "mcdaemon$suffix";
235    spawn_external($w,$cmd);
238sub menu_spawn_mcformatgui {
239    my ($w) = @_;
240    my $cmd = "mcformatgui$suffix";
241    spawn_external($w,$cmd);
245sub menu_spawn_mcplot {
246    my ($w) = @_;
247    my $file = $w->getOpenFile(-title => "Select simulation file", -initialdir => getcwd());
248    if ($file == 0) {
249	my $cmd = "$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTCMD'} $file";
250	spawn_external($w,$cmd);
251    }
254sub spawn_external {
255    # Procedure to put external processes in the background
256    my ($w, $cmd) = @_;
257    my $pid;
258    if($Config{'osname'} eq "MSWin32") {
259        system("start $cmd");
260    } else {
261        $pid = fork();
262        if(!defined($pid)) {
263            $w->messageBox(-message =>
264                           "Failed to spawn command \"$cmd\".",
265                           -title => "Command failed",
266                           -type => 'OK',
267                           -icon => 'error');
268            return 0;
269        } elsif($pid > 0) {
270            waitpid($pid, 0);
271            return 1;
272        } else {
273            # Double fork to avoid having to wait() for the command to
274            # finish (or having it become a zombie). See man perlfunc.
275            unless(fork()) {
276                exec("$cmd");
277                # If we get here, the exec() failed.
278                print STDERR "Error: exec() of command $cmd failed!\n";
279                POSIX::_exit(1);        # CORE:exit needed to avoid Perl/Tk failure.
280            }
281            POSIX::_exit(0);                # CORE:exit needed to avoid Perl/Tk failure.
282        }
283    }
286sub mcdoc_current {
287    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix $current_sim_def $background";
288    if (-e $current_sim_def) {
289        putmsg($cmdwin, "Opening instrument docs: $cmd\n", 'msg');
290        system("$cmd");
291    }
293sub mcdoc_web {
294    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix --web $background";
295    putmsg($cmdwin, "Opening Web Page: $cmd\n", 'msg');
296    system("$cmd");
299sub mcdoc_manual {
300    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix --manual $background";
301    putmsg($cmdwin, "Opening User Manual: $cmd\n", 'msg');
302    system("$cmd");
305sub mcdoc_compman {
306    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix --comp $background";
307    putmsg($cmdwin, "Opening Component Manual: $cmd\n", 'msg');
308    system("$cmd");
311sub mcdoc_components {
312    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix $background";
313    putmsg($cmdwin, "Opening Library help: $cmd\n", 'msg');
314    system("$cmd");
317sub mcdoc_generate {
318    my $cmd = "$prefix mcdoc$suffix --force $background";
319    putmsg($cmdwin, "Generating Library help (local): $cmd\n", 'msg');
320    system("$cmd");
323sub mcdoc_test {
324    my $status;
325    my $printer = sub { putmsg($cmdwin, "$_[0]\n", 'msg'); $main_window->update;};
326    $status = do_test($printer, 1, $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTTER'}, 'compatible graphics','',0,'1e6','BNL_H8.instr');
327    if (defined $status) { putmsg($cmdwin, "$status", 'msg'); }
330sub tools_shortcuts {
331    my ($w) = @_;
333    $w->fontCreate('small',
334    -family=>'Helvetica',
335    -weight=>'normal',
336    -size=>12);
337    my $msg="mcgui has platform dependent shorcut keys.\n\nOn this machine ".
338	    "(OS type $Config{'osname'}) they are:\n\n".
339	    "$shortcuts{'menuopen'} - Open instrument file\n".
340	    "$shortcuts{'menurun'} - Run instrument\n".
341	    "$shortcuts{'menuplot'} - Plot simulation data\n".
342	    "$shortcuts{'menuprefs'} - Config menu\n".
343	    "$shortcuts{'menuquit'} - Quit\n\n".
344	    "$shortcuts{'insertcomp'} - Editor, insert comp\n".
345	    "$shortcuts{'menusave'} - Editor, save instrument\n".
346	    "$shortcuts{'cut'} - Editor cut\n".
347	    "$shortcuts{'copy'} - Editor copy\n".
348	    "$shortcuts{'paste'} - Editor paste";
349    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTTER'} =~ /mcstas|mcxtrace|pgplot/i) {
350     $msg .= "\n\n
351    'P' - Plotter/PGPLOT export BW postscript
352    'C' - Plotter/PGPLOT export color postscript
353    'N' - Plotter/PGPLOT export PNG file
354    'M' - Plotter/PGPLOT export PPM file
355    'G' - Plotter/PGPLOT export GIF file
356    'L' - Plotter/PGPLOT Toggle log10 plotting mode (data)
357    'T' - Plotter/PGPLOT Toggle contour plotting mode (data)
358    'Z' - Plotter/PGPLOT zoom (in Trace/3D view)
359    'Q' - Plotter/PGPLOT quit";
360    }
362    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
363	    $w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
364		       -title => "McGUI: Shortcut keys",
365		       -type => 'OK',
366		       -icon => 'info');
367    } else {
368	    $w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
369		       -title => "McGUI: Shortcut keys",
370		       -type => 'OK',
371		       -font => 'small',
372		       -icon => 'info');
373    }
374    $w->fontDelete('small');
377sub tools_terminal {
378  # Starts the relevant "evnvironment script" - platform independent
379  my $scriptfile;
380  if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
381    $scriptfile = "start $MCSTAS::sys_dir\\..\\bin\\mccodego.bat"
382  } else {
383    $scriptfile = "$MCSTAS::sys_dir/environment";
384    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'darwin') {
385      $scriptfile = "open $scriptfile"
386    } else {
387      $scriptfile = "x-terminal-emulator -e $scriptfile"
388    }
389  }
390  system($scriptfile);
392sub tools_set_default_mcstas {
393  # Runs the packaged "postinst" script which sets up system-wide Unix links to
394  # the McCode version at hand
395  my ($w) = @_;
396  my $msg="Press Yes to use this McStas version from your terminals\n";
397  my $do_dsa=$w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
398		   -title => "McGUI: Make this McStas system default?",
399		   -type => 'YesNoCancel',
400		   -icon => 'question',
401		   -default => 'yes');
402  if ((lc($do_dsa) eq "no")||(lc($do_dsa) eq "cancel")) {
403    putmsg($cmdwin, "Set as system default cancelled!\n", 'msg');
404    return 0;
405  }
406  system("postinst set_mccode_default");
409sub tools_set_osx_bundle_pl {
410  # Runs the packaged "postinst" script which sets up the bundle to use the pl mcgui
411  my ($w) = @_;
412  my $msg="Press Yes to use run the Perl-based McStas App\n";
413  my $do_dsa=$w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
414		   -title => "McGUI: Use Perl McStas App?",
415		   -type => 'YesNoCancel',
416		   -icon => 'question',
417		   -default => 'yes');
418  if ((lc($do_dsa) eq "no")||(lc($do_dsa) eq "cancel")) {
419    putmsg($cmdwin, "Set Perl App cancelled!\n", 'msg');
420    return 0;
421  }
422  system("postinst osx_app_default pl");
425sub tools_set_osx_bundle_py {
426  # Runs the packaged "postinst" script which sets up the bundle to use the py mcgui
427  my ($w) = @_;
428  my $msg="Press Yes to use run the Python-based McStas App\n";
429  my $do_dsa=$w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
430		   -title => "McGUI: Use Python McStas App?",
431		   -type => 'YesNoCancel',
432		   -icon => 'question',
433		   -default => 'yes');
434  if ((lc($do_dsa) eq "no")||(lc($do_dsa) eq "cancel")) {
435    putmsg($cmdwin, "Set Python App cancelled!\n", 'msg');
436    return 0;
437  }
438  system("postinst osx_app_default py");
442sub tools_dsa {
443    my ($w) = @_;
444    my $msg="Press Yes to create DSA key.\n";
445    my $key_exist = 0;
446    if (-e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa") {
447      $msg = $msg."\nWarning! A DSA key exists!\n".
448	    "By pressing Yes it will be overwritten!";
449      $key_exist = 1;
450    }
451    my $do_dsa=$w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
452		   -title => "McGUI: Generate DSA key?",
453		   -type => 'YesNoCancel',
454		   -icon => 'question',
455		   -default => 'yes');
456    if ((lc($do_dsa) eq "no")||(lc($do_dsa) eq "cancel")) {
457	    putmsg($cmdwin, "DSA key generation cancelled!\n", 'msg');
458      return 0;
459    }
460    if ($key_exist == 1) {
461      system("rm -f $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa.pub");
462    }
463    # create DSA key for local MPI execution.
464    my $cmd = "ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -P \"\" -f $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa";
465    putmsg($cmdwin, "Installing DSA key for SSH: \n$cmd\n", 'msg');
466    my $success=my_system($w, "Please wait while generating DSA key\n", $cmd);
467    if ($success) {
468      $cmd = "cat $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/authorized_keys";
469      system("$cmd");
470      putmsg($cmdwin, "\nDSA key generated to $ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/authorized_keys\n", 'msg');
471    } else { putmsg($cmdwin, "\nDSA key generation FAILED!\n"); }
474sub mcdoc_about {
475  my ($w) = @_;
476  my $version = `$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'} --version`;
477  # create a small font for Message Box
478  $w->fontCreate('small',
479    -family=>'Helvetica',
480    -weight=>'normal',
481    -size=>12);
482  my $msg="This is the McStas Graphical User Interface. McStas is a tool for Monte Carlo neutron scattering simulations. It provides a complete set of tools, components, and example instruments.\n
483  This software required a significant effort to be brought to you. If you enjoy it, please use following references in your work:\n
484  P. Willendrup, E. Farhi and K. Lefmann, Physica B, 350 (2004) 735.\n
485  K. Lefmann and K. Nielsen, Neutron News 10, 20, (1999).\n
486  $version
487  Please visit <http://www.mcstas.org/>";
488  if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
489    $w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
490                                 -title => "McGUI: About McStas",
491                                 -type => 'OK',
492                                 -icon => 'info');
493  } else {
494    $w->messageBox(-message =>$msg,
495                                 -title => "McGUI: About McStas",
496                                 -type => 'OK',
497                                 -font => 'small',
498                                 -icon => 'info');
499  }
500  $w->fontDelete('small');
504sub new_simulation_results {
505    my ($w) = @_;
506    my $text = $current_sim_file ? $current_sim_file : "<None>";
507    $current_results_label->configure(-text => "Simulation results: $text");
510sub new_sim_def_name {
511    my ($w, $name) = @_;
512    unless($current_sim_def ne "" && $name eq $current_sim_def) {
513        undef($current_sim_file);
514        new_simulation_results($w);
515    }
516    $current_sim_def = $name;
517    # Strip any repeated "/" charactors (ie. "///" -> "/").
518    $current_sim_def =~ s!//!/!g;
519    # On NON-Win32 platforms, replace ' ' by '\ ' to ensure correct
520    # handling of spaces in filenames... Unfortunately, this is a
521    # more complicated matter on Win32 - has to be handled in each
522    # subroutine... :(
523    if (!$Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
524      $current_sim_def =~ s! !\ !g;
525    }
526    # Strip any redundant leading "./".
527    while($current_sim_def =~ m!^\./(.*)$!) {
528        $current_sim_def = $1;
529    }
530    # Strip any redundant "dir/../".
531    # Problem: Needs to handle "/../../" correctly to work ...
532#     while($current_sim_def =~ m!^[^/]+/\.\./(.*)$!) {
533#         $current_sim_def = $1;
534#     }
535#     while($current_sim_def =~ m!^(.*)/[^/]+/\.\./(.*)$!) {
536#         $current_sim_def = "$1/$2";
537#     }
538    $main_window->title("McStas: $current_sim_def");
539    my $text = "Instrument file: " .
540        ($current_sim_def ne "" ? $current_sim_def : "<None>");
541    if ($current_sim_def ne "" && $edit_window) {
542      $edit_window->title("Edit: $current_sim_def");
543    }
544    $current_instr_label->configure(-text => $text);
545    # On Win32, doing a chdir is probably better at this point...
546    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
547        chdir(dirname($current_sim_def));
548    }
549    putmsg($cmdwin, "$text\n", 'msg');
552sub open_instr_def {
553    my ($w, $file) = @_;
554    $edit_control->Load($file) if $edit_control;
555    new_sim_def_name($w, $file);
559sub set_run_dir {
560  my ($w, $file) = @_;
561  my $dir = select_dir();
562  set_workdir($w, $dir);
565sub set_workdir{
566  my ($w, $dir) = @_;
567  if (!($dir eq "")) {
568    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
569      $dir =~ s+/+\\+g;
570    }
571    $workdir->delete("1.0", "end");
572    chdir($dir);
573    $workdir->insert('end', $dir);
574  }
577sub menu_open {
578    my ($w) = @_;
579    return 0 unless(is_erase_ok($w));
580    my $file = $w->getOpenFile(-defaultextension => ".instr",
581                               -title => "Select instrument file", -initialdir => getcwd());
582    return 0 unless $file;
583    open_instr_def($w, $file);
584    return 1;
587sub menu_save {
588    my ($w) = @_;
589    if($current_sim_def ne "") {
590        $edit_control->Save($current_sim_def);
591        $edit_window->title("Edit: $current_sim_def");
592        new_sim_def_name($w, $current_sim_def);
593    } else {
594        $error_override = sub {        # Temporary Tk::Error override
595            $w->messageBox(-message => "Could not save file:\n$_[1].",
596                           -title => "Save failed",
597                           -type => 'OK',
598                           -icon => 'error');
599        };
600        menu_saveas($w);
601        $error_override = undef; # Reinstall default Tk::Error handler/
602    }
605sub menu_saveas {
606    my ($w) = @_;
607    my $file;
608    if($current_sim_def) {
609        my ($inidir, $inifile);
610        if($current_sim_def =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$!) {
611            ($inidir, $inifile) = ($1, $2);
612        } else {
613            ($inidir, $inifile) = ("", $current_sim_def);
614        }
615        $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".instr",
616                                -title => "Select instrument file name",
617                                -initialdir => $inidir,
618                                -initialfile => $inifile);
619    } else {
620        $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".instr",
621                                -title => "Select instrument file name");
622    }
623    return 0 unless $file;
624    $edit_control->FileName($file);
625    new_sim_def_name($w, $file);
626    menu_save($w);
627    return 1;
630sub menu_save_config {
631  my ($w) = @_;
633  my $initdir;
635  if (-d $ENV{"HOME"}) {
636      if (!(-d $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'})) {
637	  mkdir $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'};
638	  if (!(-d $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'})) {
639	      mkdir $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'};
640	  }
641      }
642      $initdir = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VERSION'};
643  } else {
644      $initdir = $MCSTAS::perl_dir
645  }
646  my $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".perl",
647                                -title => "Select preference file name",
648                                -initialdir => $initdir,
649                                -initialfile => "mccode_config.perl");
650  if ($file) { save_config($w,$file); }
653sub save_config {
654  my ($w, $file) = @_;
656  # Start by collecting header + footer from perl_dir configfile
657  # for safe possible writing of this file...
659  my ($HEADER, $FOOTER);
660  my $found_head = 0; my $found_foot = 0;
662  my $fh = new FileHandle;
663  my $fid = open($fh, "<", "$MCSTAS::perl_dir/mccode_config.perl");
664  while (<$fh>) {
665    if (!$found_head) {
666      $HEADER = $HEADER.$_;
667    }
668    if (/^# HEADER/) { $found_head = 1; };
669    if (/^# FOOTER/) { $found_foot = 1; };
670    if ($found_foot) {
671      $FOOTER = $FOOTER.$_;
672    }
673  }
675  close($fh);
677  my $fid = open($fh, ">", $file);
679  if(!$fid) {
680    $w->messageBox(-message => "Error saving $file (permissions?)",
681		   -title => "Error saving configuration",
682                       -type => 'OK',
683		   -icon => 'error');
684    putmsg($w, "Problems saving configuration\n  $file\n", 'msg');
685    return;
686  } else {
687    print $fh $HEADER;
689    my @keys = keys %MCSTAS::mcstas_config;
690    my @values = values %MCSTAS::mcstas_config;
692    my ($j, $value, $key);
694    print $fh "\n\%MCSTAS::mcstas_config = (\n";
695    for ($j=0; $j<@keys; $j++) {
696    # CFLAGS/CFLAGS_SAVED must be handled as special case
697      if (!($keys[$j] eq "CFLAGS")) {
698	if ($keys[$j] eq  "CFLAGS_SAVED") { $keys[$j] = "CFLAGS" };
699	print $fh "\t$keys[$j] => ";
700	if ($values[$j]+0 ne $values[$j]) {$values[$j] = "'$values[$j]'";}
701	print $fh "$values[$j]";
702	if ($j<@keys-1) {
703	  print $fh ",\n";
704	}
705      }
706    }
707    print $fh "\n);\n\n";
708    print $fh $FOOTER;
709    close($fh);
710    putmsg($w, "Configuration file\n  $file\nsaved successfully\n", 'msg');
711    return;
712  }
715sub menu_new {
716    my ($w) = @_;
717    return 0 unless(is_erase_ok($w));
718    my $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".instr",
719                               -title => "Select instrument file name");
720    return 0 unless $file;
721    $edit_control->delete("1.0", "end");
722    $edit_control->FileName($file);
723    new_sim_def_name($w, $file);
724    return 1;
727sub menu_undo {
728    my ($w) = @_;
729    if($edit_control->numberChanges() <= 0) {
730        $w->messageBox(-message => "There is no further undo information.",
731                       -title => "Undo not possible",
732                       -type => 'OK',
733                       -icon => 'error');
734    } else {
735        $edit_control->eventGenerate("<<Undo>>");
736    }
739sub read_sim_data {
740    my ($w) = @_;
741    return 0 unless $current_sim_file && -r $current_sim_file;
742    my ($ii, $si, $di) = read_sim_file($current_sim_file);
743    return 0 unless $ii && $si && $di;
744    # Save old settings of "plot results".
745    $si->{'Autoplot'} = $inf_sim->{'Autoplot'};
746    $inf_instr = $ii;
747    $inf_sim = $si;
748    $inf_data = $di;
749    my $i;
750    foreach $i (keys %{$si->{'Params'}}) {
751        $inf_param_map{$i} = $si->{'Params'}{$i};
752    }
753    $si->{'Params'} = \%inf_param_map;
754    return 1;
757sub load_sim_file {
758    my ($w) = @_;
759    my $file = $w->getOpenFile(-defaultextension => ".sim",
760                               -title => "Select simulation file", -initialdir => getcwd());
761    if($file && -r $file) {
762        $current_sim_file = $file ;
763        new_simulation_results($w);
764    }
765    read_sim_data($w);
768sub save_disp_file {
769    # Function for saving mcdisplay type output
770    # PW 20030314
771    my ($w,$ext) = @_;
772    my $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => $ext,
773                               -title => "Select output filename", -initialdir => getcwd(), -initialfile => "mcdisplay_output.$ext");
774    return $file;
777sub putmsg {
778    my ($t, $m, $tag) = @_;
779    $cmdwin->insert('end', $m, $tag);
780    $cmdwin->see('end');
783sub run_dialog_create {
784    my ($w, $title, $text, $cancel_cmd, $update_cmd) = @_;
785    my $dlg = $w->Toplevel(-title => $title);
786    # Ad-hoc "wrapping" of the tooltip text, without use of string limit + Text::Wrap
787    $title =~ s/\ /\n/g;
789    $dlg->transient($dlg->Parent->toplevel);
790    $dlg->withdraw;
791    $dlg->protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW" => sub { } );
792    $b = $dlg->Balloon(-state => 'balloon');
793    # Add labels
794    my $text_label = $dlg->Label(-text => $text,
795                -anchor => 'w',
796                -justify => 'left')->pack(-fill => 'x');
797    $b->attach($text_label, -balloonmsg => $title);
798    my $bot_frame = $dlg->Frame(-relief => "raised", -bd => 1);
799    $bot_frame->pack(-side => "top", -fill => "both",
800                     -ipady => 3, -ipadx => 3);
801    my $but = $bot_frame->Button(-text => "Cancel", -command => $cancel_cmd);
802    my $buttext = "Save results\nand Stop/Abort";
803    if ($text =~ /compil/i || $text =~ /DSA/i || $title =~ /compil/i || $title =~ /DSA/i ) { $buttext="Abort current Job"; }
804    $b->attach($but, -balloonmsg => $buttext);
805    $but->pack(-side => "left", -expand => 1, -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
806    return $dlg;
809sub run_dialog_popup {
810    my ($dlg) = @_;
811    # Display the dialog box
812    my $old_focus = $dlg->focusSave;
813    my $old_grab = $dlg->grabSave;
814    $dlg->Popup;
815    $dlg->grab;
816    return [$old_focus, $old_grab];
819sub run_dialog_retract {
820    my ($dlg, $oldfg) = @_;
821    $dlg->grabRelease;
822    $dlg->destroy;
823    &{$oldfg->[0]} if $oldfg;
824    &{$oldfg->[1]} if $oldfg;
827sub run_dialog_reader {
828    my ($w, $fh, $rotext, $state, $success) = @_;
829    my $s;
830    my $len = sysread($fh, $s, 256, 0);
831    if($len) {
832        putmsg($rotext, $s);
833    } else {
834        $w->fileevent($fh,'readable', "");
835        return if $$state;
836        $$state = 1;
837        $$success = defined($len);
838    }
841sub run_dialog {
842    my ($w, $fh, $pid, $inittext) = @_;
843    # The $state variable is set when the simulation finishes.
844    my ($state, $success) = (0, 0);
845    # Initialize the dialog.
846    my $cancel_cmd = sub {
847        putmsg($cmdwin, "\nSending TERM to pid=$pid ($state)\n");
848        kill "TERM", $pid unless $state; # signal 15 is SIGTERM
849    };
850    my $update_cmd = sub {
851        putmsg($cmdwin, "\nSending USR2 to pid=$pid ($state)\n");
852        kill "USR2", $pid unless $state; # signal USR2
853    };
854    my $text="Job";
855    if ($inf_sim->{'Mode'}==1) { $text='Trace/3D View'; }
856    elsif ($inf_sim->{'Mode'}==2) { $text='Parameter Optimization'; }
857    if ($pid && $Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32') {
858      $text .= " [pid $pid]";
859    }
860    my $dlg = run_dialog_create($w, $inittext,
861                                "$text running ($current_sim_def)...",
862                                $cancel_cmd, $update_cmd);
863    putmsg($cmdwin, "$inittext\n", 'msg'); # Must appear before any other output
864    # Set up the pipe reader callback
865    my $reader = sub {
866        run_dialog_reader($w, $fh, $cmdwin, \$state, \$success);
867    };
869    $status_label->configure(-text => "Status: Running $text");
870    my $savefocus = run_dialog_popup($dlg);
871    my $status;
873    # The following is a little hack which allows us to upgrade perl on Win32,
874    # where we have been stuck with 5.6 since 2003...
875    if ($Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32') {
876      $w->fileevent($fh, 'readable', $reader);
877      do {
878	$w->waitVariable(\$state);
879      } until $state;
880      $status = close($fh);
881    } else {
882      # On Win32, mcrun and other commands run by themselves in seperate
883      # cmd.exe shell windows... Error messages etc. will go there.
884      $status = 1;
885      $success = 1;
886    }
887    run_dialog_retract($dlg, $savefocus);
889    $status_label->configure(-text => "Status: Done");
890    if(!$success || (! $status && ($? != 0 || $!))) {
891        putmsg($cmdwin, "Job exited abnormally.\n");
892        return undef;
893    } else {
894        putmsg($cmdwin, "Job finished.\n", 'msg');
895        return 1;
896    }
899sub dialog_get_out_file {
900    # In case of mcrunflag set, let mcrun handle the compilation
901    my ($w, $file, $force, $mpi, $cflags, $mcrunflag) = @_;
902    # The $state variable is set when the spawned command finishes.
903    my ($state, $cmd_success);
904    my $success = 0;
905    my ($fh, $pid, $out_name);
906    # Initialize the dialog.
907    my $cancel_cmd = sub {
908        putmsg($cmdwin, "Sending KILL to $pid (compile)\n", 'msg');
909        kill "TERM", $pid if $pid; # signal 15 is SIGTERM
910    };
911    my $dlg = run_dialog_create($w, "Compiling simulation $current_sim_def",
912                                "Compiling simulation\n($current_sim_def)", $cancel_cmd);
913    my $printer = sub { putmsg($cmdwin, "$_[0]\n", 'msg'); };
914    # Set up the pipe reader callback
915    $status_label->configure(-text => "Status: Compiling simulation");
916    # The dialog isn't actually popped up unless/until a command is
917    # run or an error occurs.
918    my $savefocus;
919    my ($compile_data, $msg) = get_out_file_init($file, $force, $mpi, 1);
920    if(!$compile_data) {
921        &$printer("Could not compile simulation:\n$msg");
922    } else {
923        $state = 0;
924        for(;;) {
925            my ($type, $val) = get_out_file_next($compile_data, $printer, $mpi, $mcrunflag);
926            if($type eq 'FINISHED') {
927                $success = 1;
928                $out_name = $val;
929                last;
930            } elsif($type eq 'RUN_CMD') {
931                $success = my_system($w, "Compiling simulation $current_sim_def",
932                  join(" ", @$val));
933		if (defined($mcrunflag) && $mcrunflag == 1) {
934		  $type = 'FINISHED';
935		  $success=1;
936		  &$printer("Please wait for $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'RUNCMD'} window to exit.");
937		  last;
938		}
939                unless($success) {
940                        &$printer("** Error exit **.");
941                        last;
942		}
943            } elsif($type eq 'ERROR') {
944                &$printer("Error: $msg");
945                last;
946            } elsif($type eq 'CONTINUE') {
947                next;
948            } else {
949                die "Internal: compile_dialog(): $type, $msg";
950            }
951        }
952    }
953    run_dialog_retract($dlg, $savefocus);
954    my $donetype = $success ? "Done" : "Compile failed";
955    $status_label->configure(-text => "Status: $donetype");
956    &$printer("$donetype.") unless $success && !$savefocus;
957    return $success ? $out_name : undef;
960sub compile_instrument {
961    my ($w, $force) = @_;
962    return undef unless ask_save_before_simulate($w);
963    my $mcrunflag;
964    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
965      $mcrunflag = 1;
966    }
967    my $out_name = dialog_get_out_file($w, $current_sim_def, $force,
968      $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'} == 2 ? 1 : 0, $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'} == 1 ? 1 : 0, $mcrunflag);
969    unless($out_name && -x $out_name) {
970      if ($mcrunflag == 1) {
971	$w->messageBox(-message => "Compile running in seperate window.\nPlease wait for the process to finish!",
972                       -title => "Notice",
973                       -type => 'OK',
974                       -icon => 'warning');
975        return undef;
976      } else {
977        $w->messageBox(-message => "Could not compile simulation.",
978                       -title => "Compile failed",
979                       -type => 'OK',
980                       -icon => 'error');
981        return undef;
982      }
983    }
984    $inf_sim->{'Forcecompile'} = 0;
985    return $out_name;
988sub menu_compile{
989    my ($w) = @_;
990    unless($current_sim_def) {
991        $w->messageBox(-message => "No simulation definition loaded.",
992                       -title => "Compilation error",
993                       -type => 'OK',
994                       -icon => 'error');
995        return undef;
996    }
997    # Force recompilation.
998    compile_instrument($w, 1);
999    return 1;
1002sub my_system {
1003    my ($w, $inittext, @sysargs) = @_;
1004    my $fh = new FileHandle;
1005    my $child_pid;
1006    # Open calls must be handled according to
1007    # platform...
1008    # PW 20030314
1009    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
1010      $child_pid = open($fh, "start safewrap.pl @sysargs 2>&1 |");
1011    } else {
1012      $child_pid = open($fh, "-|");
1013    }
1014    unless(defined($child_pid)) {
1015        $w->messageBox(-message => "Could not run $inittext.",
1016                       -title => "Job failed",
1017                       -type => 'OK',
1018                       -icon => 'error');
1019        return undef;
1020    }
1021    if($child_pid) {                # Parent
1022        return run_dialog($w, $fh, $child_pid, $inittext);
1023    } else {                        # Child
1024        open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT") || die "Can't dup stdout";
1025        # Make the child the process group leader, so that
1026        # we can kill off any subprocesses it may have
1027        # spawned when the user selects CANCEL.
1028        setpgrp(0,0);
1029        exec @sysargs if @sysargs; # The "if @sysargs" avoids a Perl warning.
1030        # If we get here, the exec() failed.
1031        print STDERR "Error: exec() of $sysargs[0] failed!\n";
1032        POSIX::_exit(1);        # CORE:exit needed to avoid Perl/Tk failure.
1033    }
1036sub menu_run_simulation {
1037    my ($w) = @_;
1038    unless($current_sim_def) {
1039        return undef unless menu_open($w);
1040    }
1041    my $out_name = compile_instrument($w);
1042    return 0 unless $out_name;
1043    # Attempt to avoid problem with missing "." in $PATH. Unix only.
1044    if (!($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32')) {
1045        unless($out_name =~ "/") {
1046            $out_name = "./$out_name";
1047        }
1048    }
1049    my $out_info = get_sim_info($out_name);
1050    unless($out_info) {
1051        $w->messageBox(-message => "Could not run simulation.",
1052                       -title => "Run failed",
1053                       -type => 'OK',
1054                       -icon => 'error');
1055        return 0;
1056    }
1057    # In case last used path was autogenerated, strip it off before running simulation
1058    if ($inf_sim->{'DirAutogen'} == 1) {
1059      $inf_sim->{'Dir'} = '';
1060      $inf_sim->{'DirAutogen'} = 0;
1061    }
1062    my ($bt, $newsi) = simulation_dialog($w, $out_info, $inf_sim);
1064    if($bt eq 'Start') {
1065        my @command = ();
1066        # Check 'Plotter' setting
1067        my $plotter = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTTER'};
1069        # Check 'Mode' setting if a scan/trace/optim is
1070        # requested
1071        if ($newsi->{'Mode'} == 1) { # Trace 3D
1072            push @command, "$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TRACECMD'}";
1073            if ($plotter =~ /PGPLOT|McStas|McXtrace|Gnuplot/i) {
1074              push @command, "--plotter=PGPLOT";
1075              # Selection of PGPLOT 3-pane view from config menu only.
1076              # Default is to NOT use 3-pane view.
1077              if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCGUI_PGMULTI'}) {
1078                push @command, "--multi";
1079              }
1080            } elsif ($plotter =~ /Matlab/i && $plotter =~ /scriptfile/i) {
1081              push @command, "--plotter=Matlab";
1082              my $output_file = save_disp_file($w,'m');
1083              if (!$output_file) {
1084                putmsg($cmdwin, "Trace cancelled...\n");
1085                return;
1086              }
1087              $output_file = "\"$output_file\"";
1088              push @command, "-f$output_file";
1090            } elsif ($plotter =~ /Matlab/i) {
1091              push @command, "--plotter=Matlab";
1092            } elsif ($plotter =~ /nexus/i) {
1093              # Used to generate an IDF for a subsequent NeXus/Mantid dataset
1094	      push @command, "--plotter=Mantid";
1095	      $newsi->{'Ncount'}=0;
1096            } elsif ($plotter =~ /html|vrml/i) {
1097                push @command, "--plotter=VRML";
1098                # Make a check for # of neutron histories,
1099                # should be made small to avoid waiting a long time for
1100                # mcdisplay...
1101                # Subtract 0 to make sure $num_histories is treated as a
1102                # number...
1103                my $num_histories = $newsi->{'Ncount'} - 0;
1104                if ($num_histories >=1001) {
1105                    my $break = $w->messageBox(-message => "$num_histories is a very large number\nof neutron histories when using\nVRML\nContinue ?",
1106                     -title => "Warning: large number",
1107                     -type => 'yesnocancel',
1108                     -icon => 'error',
1109                     -default => 'no');
1110                    # Make first char lower case - default on
1111                    # Win32 upper case default on Unix... (perl 5.8)
1112                    $break = lcfirst($break);
1113                    if ((lc($break) eq "no")||(lc($break) eq "cancel")) {
1114                        return 0;
1115                    }
1116                }
1118            }
1120            push @command, "--inspect=$newsi->{'Inspect'}" if $newsi->{'Inspect'};
1121            push @command, "--first=$newsi->{'First'}" if $newsi->{'First'};
1122            push @command, "--last=$newsi->{'Last'}" if $newsi->{'Last'};
1123            # push @command, "--save";
1124        } # end Mode=Trace mcdisplay
1125        elsif ($newsi->{'Mode'} == 2) { # optimize
1126          push @command, "$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'prefix'}$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'RUNCMD'}";
1127          if (not ($newsi->{'Last'} || $newsi->{'Inspect'} || $newsi->{'First'})) {
1128            putmsg($cmdwin, "Warning: No criteria/monitor selected\n
1129         Global optimization using all monitors\n");
1130            push @command, "--optim";
1131          } else {
1132            push @command, "--optim=$newsi->{'Inspect'}" if $newsi->{'Inspect'};
1133            push @command, "--optim=$newsi->{'First'}" if $newsi->{'First'};
1134            push @command, "--optim=$newsi->{'Last'}" if $newsi->{'Last'};
1135          }
1136	  push @command, "--optim-prec=$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PREC'}" if $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PREC'};
1137        } # end Mode=Optimize
1138        elsif ($newsi->{'Mode'} == 0) { # simulate
1139	    push @command, "$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'prefix'}$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'RUNCMD'}";
1140        } # end Mode=simulate
1141        push @command, "$out_name";
1142        my ($OutDir,$OutDirBak);
1143        # In the special case of --dir, we simply replace ' ' with '_'
1144        # on Win32 (also giving out a warning message). This is done
1145        # because Win32::GetShortPathName only works on directories that
1146        # actually exist... :(
1147        if (!($newsi->{'Dir'})) {
1148            my $tmpdir = ${out_name};
1149            $tmpdir =~ s/\.$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EXE'}$//;
1150            $tmpdir .= '_' . POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", localtime);
1151            $newsi->{'Dir'} = $tmpdir;
1152            $newsi->{'DirAutogen'} =1;
1153        }
1154        if ($newsi->{'Dir'} && !($newsi->{'Mode'})) {
1155          $OutDir=$newsi->{'Dir'};
1156          if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32') {
1157            $OutDirBak = $OutDir;
1158            $OutDir =~ s! !_!g;
1159            if (! "$OutDir" == "$OutDirBak") {
1160              putmsg($cmdwin, "You have requested output directory \"$OutDirBak\"\n");
1161              putmsg($cmdwin, "For compatibility reasons, spaces are replaced by underscores.\n");
1162              putmsg($cmdwin, "Your output files will go to \"$OutDir\"\n");
1163              $newsi->{'Dir'} = $OutDir;
1164            }
1165          } else {
1166            $OutDir =~ s! !\ !g;
1167          }
1168        }
1169        # clustering methods
1170        if ($newsi->{'cluster'} == 2) {
1171          push @command, "--mpi=$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'NODES'}";
1172        } elsif ($newsi->{'cluster'} == 3) {
1173          push @command, "--multi=$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'NODES'}";
1174          if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'GRID_FORCECOMPILE'}) {
1175            push @command, "-c";
1176          }
1177        }
1178        if ($newsi->{'Forcecompile'} == 1) {
1179          if ($newsi->{'cluster'} == 3) {
1180            # force compile from mcrun
1181            push @command, "--force-compile";
1182            $newsi->{'Forcecompile'} = 0;
1183          } else { # compile from mcgui (locally)
1184            $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'} = $newsi->{'cluster'};
1185            $out_name = compile_instrument($w, 1);
1186          }
1187        }
1189        push @command, "--ncount=$newsi->{'Ncount'}";
1190        push @command, "--trace" if ($newsi->{'Mode'} eq 1);
1191        push @command, "--seed=$newsi->{'Seed'}" if $newsi->{'Seed'} ne "" && $newsi->{'Seed'} ne 0;
1192        push @command, "--dir=$OutDir" if ($newsi->{'Dir'} && !$newsi->{'Mode'}==1);
1194        # we now always use McStas/PGPLOT legacy format, except for HTML and NeXus
1195        if ($newsi->{'Mode'}!=1 && $plotter !~ /PGPLOT|McStas|Gnuplot|Matlab/i) {
1196          push @command, "--plotter=$plotter";
1197        }
1199        # add parameter values
1200        my @unset = ();
1201        my @multiple = ();
1202        if ($newsi->{'NScan'} eq '') { $newsi->{'NScan'} = 1; }
1203        for (@{$out_info->{'Parameters'}}) {
1204            if (length($newsi->{'Params'}{$_})>0) {
1205              # Check for comma separated values
1206              my @values = split(',',$newsi->{'Params'}{$_});
1207              my $value = $newsi->{'Params'}{$_};
1208              if (@values > 1) {
1209                  @multiple = (@multiple, $_);
1210                  if (($newsi->{'Mode'} == 0 && $newsi->{'NScan'} < 2)
1211                   || $newsi->{'Mode'} == 1) {
1212                   # compute mean value if range not applicable
1213                    my $j;
1214                    my $meanvalue=0;
1215                    for ($j=0; $j<@values; $j++) {
1216                        $meanvalue = $values[$j];
1217                    }
1218                    $meanvalue = $meanvalue / @values;
1219                    $value = $meanvalue;
1220                  }
1221              }
1222              push @command, "$_=$value";
1223            } else {
1224                push @unset, $_;
1225            }
1226        }
1227        if (@unset>0) {
1228            $w->messageBox(-message =>
1229                           "Unset parameter(s):\n\n@unset\n\nPlease fill all fields!",
1230                           -title => "Unset parameters!",
1231                           -type => 'OK',
1232                           -icon => 'error');
1233            return;
1234        }
1235        if (@multiple > 0 && (($newsi->{'Mode'} == 0 && $newsi->{'NScan'} < 2)
1236                   || $newsi->{'Mode'} == 1) ) {
1237            $w->messageBox(-message =>
1238                                "Scan range(s) not applicable. Mean value subsituted for parameter(s):\n\n@multiple",
1239                                -title => "No scan here!",
1240                                -type => 'OK',
1241                                -icon => 'info');
1242        }
1243        if (@multiple eq 0 && $newsi->{'NScan'} > 1) {
1244            if ($newsi->{'Mode'} == 0) {
1245              $w->messageBox(-message =>
1246                      "No scan range(s) given! Performing single simulation",
1247                      -title => "No scan here!",
1248                      -type => 'OK',
1249                      -icon => 'info');
1250              $newsi->{'NScan'} = 0;
1251            } elsif ($newsi->{'Mode'} == 2) {
1252              $w->messageBox(-message =>
1253                      "No optimization range(s) given! ",
1254                      -title => "No range here!",
1255                      -type => 'OK',
1256                      -icon => 'error');
1257              return;
1258            }
1259        }
1260        if ($newsi->{'gravity'} eq 1 && !$newsi->{'Mode'}) {
1261            if ($newsi->{'GravityWarn'} eq 0) {
1262              $w->messageBox(-message =>
1263                      "Only use --gravitation with components that support this!",
1264                      -title => "BEWARE!",
1265                      -type => 'OK',
1266                      -icon => 'warning');
1267              $newsi->{'GravityWarn'} = 1;
1268            }
1269            push @command, "--gravitation";
1270        }
1271        if (($newsi->{'Mode'} == 0 && $newsi->{'NScan'} > 1)
1272         || $newsi->{'Mode'} == 2) {
1273          push @command, "-N$newsi->{'NScan'}";
1274        }
1276	my $tmpfile;
1277	if ($newsi->{'Detach'} == 1) { # Background simulations using 'at'
1279	    # Create temporary file
1280	    my $fid;
1281	    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TEMP'} ne "no") {
1282        require File::Temp;
1283        ($fid, $tmpfile) = File::Temp::tempfile("McStas_XXXX", SUFFIX => '.sh');
1284        if (not defined $fid) { $tmpfile=""; }
1285      }
1286      if ($tmpfile eq "") {
1287        $tmpfile="McStas_000000.sh";
1288        $fid = new FileHandle "> $tmpfile";
1289      }
1290      if (not defined $fid) { die "Could not open temporary McStas file $tmpfile\n"; }
1292	    # Write to temporary file
1293	    print $fid "#!/bin/sh\n";
1294	    print $fid "#\n# This is a temporary shell script to ";
1295	    print $fid "run a McStas simulation detached\n# from the GUI";
1296	    print $fid "\n#\n# Will be removed shortly.\n#\n";
1298	    my $cmd = join(" ", @command);
1299	    my $date = localtime(time());
1300	    my $logfile = "${out_name}_${date}.log";
1301	    $logfile =~ s!\ !_!g;
1302	    print $fid "$cmd > $logfile 2>&1 ";
1304	    # Close; set execute mode
1305	    close($fid);
1306	    $fid = open(READ, "chmod a+x $tmpfile|");
1307	    close($fid);
1308	    $cmdwin->insert('end', "\nExecuting background job\n$cmd\n(logfile $logfile)\n\n",'');
1310	    # Clear @command, things to do are now in $tmpfile
1311	    @command = ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'AT'}, "-f", $tmpfile, "now");
1312	}
1313        $inf_sim->{'Mode'}     = $newsi->{'Mode'};
1314        my $inittext = "Running simulation '$out_name' ...\n" .
1315            join(" ", @command) . "\n";
1316        my $success = my_system $w, $inittext, @command;
1317        $inf_sim=$newsi;
1318        return unless $success;
1319        my $ext;
1320        if ($plotter =~ /PGPLOT|McStas|McXtrace|Matlab|Gnuplot/i) { $ext="sim"; }
1321        elsif ($plotter =~ /HTML/i)       { $ext="html"; }
1322        elsif ($plotter =~ /NeXus|HDF/i)  { $ext="h5"; }
1323        $current_sim_file = $newsi->{'Dir'} ?
1324            "$newsi->{'Dir'}/mccode.$ext" :
1325            "mccode.$ext";
1326        new_simulation_results($w);
1327        # In case of non-PGPLOT plotter, we can not read the data from disk.
1328        # Instead, we simply keep $newsi information in $inf_sim
1329        if ($plotter !~ /PGPLOT|McStas|Matlab|Gnuplot|NeXus/i) {
1330            read_sim_data($w);
1331        } else {
1332            $inf_sim=$newsi;
1333        }
1334        $inf_sim->{'Autoplot'} = $newsi->{'Autoplot'};
1335        $inf_sim->{'Mode'}     = $newsi->{'Mode'};
1336        $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'}  = $newsi->{'cluster'};
1338        if ($newsi->{'Autoplot'}) { # Is beeing set to 0 above if Win32 + trace
1339           plot_dialog($w, $inf_instr, $inf_sim, $inf_data,
1340                       $current_sim_file);
1341        }
1343	if ($newsi->{'Detach'}) { # Clean up after background simulation
1344	 sleep(1);
1345	 unlink($tmpfile)
1346#	    my $fid = open(READ,"rm -f $tmpfile|");
1347#	    close($fid);
1348	}
1350      }
1351  }
1353sub menu_plot_results {
1354    my ($w) = @_;
1355    unless($current_sim_file) {
1356        my $ret = load_sim_file($w);
1357        return 0 unless $ret && -e $current_sim_file;
1358    }
1359    plot_dialog($w, $inf_instr, $inf_sim, $inf_data, $current_sim_file);
1360    return 1;
1363sub menu_preferences {
1364    # sub for selection of mcdisplay "backend".
1365    # Default read from $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTTER'}
1366    # PW 20030314
1367    # Added entry for selection of internal editor
1368    # PW 20040527
1369    my ($w) = @_;
1370    my $ret;
1371    our $MPIstuff = $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'};
1372    ($ret) = preferences_dialog($w); #
1373    $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'CLUSTER'} = $MPIstuff;
1377sub menu_read_sim_file {
1378    my ($w) = @_;
1379    load_sim_file($w);
1380    menu_plot_results($w);
1384# Build the text (McStas metalanguage) representation of a component
1385# using data fillied in by the user.
1386sub make_comp_inst {
1387    my ($cdata, $r) = @_;
1388    my ($p, $s);
1389    $s = "\n";
1390    $s .= "COMPONENT $r->{'INSTANCE'} = $r->{'DEFINITION'}(\n";
1391    my @ps = ();
1392    my $col = "";
1393    for $p (@{$cdata->{'inputpar'}}) {
1394        my $add;
1395        if(defined($r->{'VALUE'}{$p}) && $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} !~ /^\s*$/) {
1396          if(defined($cdata->{'parhelp'}{$p}{'type'})) {
1397          if (($cdata->{'parhelp'}{$p}{'type'} eq "string" ||
1398               $cdata->{'parhelp'}{$p}{'type'} =~ /char/) &&
1399               $quote == 1 &&
1400                $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} !~ /\".*\"/ &&
1401                $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} !~ /\'.*\'/) {
1402                  # Firstly, remove existing quotes :)
1403                  $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} =~ s!\"!!g;
1404                  $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} =~ s!\'!!g;
1405                  # Next, add quotes...
1406                  $r->{'VALUE'}{$p} = "\"$r->{'VALUE'}{$p}\"";
1407                }
1408          }
1409          $add .= "$p = $r->{'VALUE'}{$p}";
1410        } elsif(defined($cdata->{'parhelp'}{$p}{'default'})) {
1411            next;                # Omit non-specified default parameter
1412        } else {
1413            $add.= "$p = ";
1414        }
1415        if(length($col) > 0) {
1416            if(length("$col, $add") > 60) {
1417                push @ps, $col;
1418                $col = $add;
1419            } else {
1420                $col = "$col, $add";
1421            }
1422        } else {
1423            $col = $add;
1424        }
1425    }
1426    push @ps, $col if length($col) > 0;
1427    $s .= "    " . join(",\n    ", @ps) . ")\n";
1428    $s .= "  AT (".  $r->{'AT'}{'x'} . ", " . $r->{'AT'}{'y'} . ", " .
1429        $r->{'AT'}{'z'} . ") RELATIVE " . $r->{'AT'}{'relative'} . "\n";
1430    $s .= "  ROTATED (" . $r->{'ROTATED'}{'x'} . ", " . $r->{'ROTATED'}{'y'} .
1431        ", " . $r->{'ROTATED'}{'z'} . ") RELATIVE " .
1432            $r->{'ROTATED'}{'relative'} . "\n"
1433                if($r->{'ROTATED'}{'x'} || $r->{'ROTATED'}{'y'} ||
1434                   $r->{'ROTATED'}{'z'} || $r->{'ROTATED'}{'relative'});
1435    return $s;
1438# The text for the instrument template.
1439my $instr_template_start = <<INSTR_FINISH;
1441*         McStas instrument definition URL=http://www.mcstas.org
1443* Instrument: test (rename also the example and DEFINE lines below)
1445* %Identification
1446* Written by: Your name (email)
1447* Date: Current Date
1448* Origin: Your institution
1449* Release: McStas
1450* Version: 0.2
1451* %INSTRUMENT_SITE: Institution_name_as_a_single word
1453* Instrument short description
1455* %Description
1456* Instrument longer description (type, elements, usage...)
1458* Example: mcrun test.instr <parameters=values>
1460* %Parameters
1461* Par1: [unit] Parameter1 description
1463* %Link
1464* A reference/HTML link for more information
1466* %End
1469/* Change name of instrument and input parameters with default values */
1470DEFINE INSTRUMENT test(Par1=1)
1472/* The DECLARE section allows us to declare variables or  small      */
1473/* functions in C syntax. These may be used in the whole instrument. */
1478/* The INITIALIZE section is executed when the simulation starts     */
1479/* (C code). You may use them as component parameter values.         */
1484/* Here comes the TRACE section, where the actual      */
1485/* instrument is defined as a sequence of components.  */
1488/* The Arm() class component defines reference points and orientations  */
1489/* in 3D space. Every component instance must have a unique name. Here, */
1490/* Origin is used. This Arm() component is set to define the origin of  */
1491/* our global coordinate system (AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE). It may be used   */
1492/* for further RELATIVE reference, Other useful keywords are : ROTATED  */
1493/* EXTEND GROUP PREVIOUS. Also think about adding a neutron source !    */
1494/* Progress_bar is an Arm displaying simulation progress.               */
1495COMPONENT Origin = Progress_bar()
1496  AT (0,0,0) ABSOLUTE
1498my $instr_template_end = <<INSTR_FINISH;
1500/* This section is executed when the simulation ends (C code). Other    */
1501/* optional sections are : SAVE                                         */
1505/* The END token marks the instrument definition end */
1509sub menu_insert_instr_template {
1510    if($edit_control) {
1511        $edit_control->insert('1.0', $instr_template_start);
1512        # Save the current cursor position so that we can move it to
1513        # before the last part of the template if necessary.
1514        my $currentpos = $edit_control->index('insert');
1515        $edit_control->insert('end', $instr_template_end);
1516        $edit_control->markSet('insert', $currentpos);
1517        if (not $current_sim_def) {
1518          $edit_window->title("Edit: Insert components in TRACE and save your instrument");
1519        }
1520    }
1523sub menu_insert_file {
1524    my ($w) = @_;
1525    if($edit_control) {
1526	my $file = $w->getOpenFile(-title => "Select file to insert", -initialdir => getcwd());
1527	return 0 unless $file;
1528	my $fid = open(FILE, "<$file");
1529	my $input;
1530	while (<FILE>) {
1531	    $input = "$input$_";
1532	}
1533	$edit_control->see('insert');
1534	$edit_control->insert('insert', $input);
1535	$edit_control->see('insert');
1536    }
1539# Allow the user to populate a given component definition in a dialog
1540# window, and produce a corresponding component instance.
1541sub menu_insert_x {
1542    my ($w, $path) = @_;
1543    my $cdata = fetch_comp_info($path, $compinfo);
1545    my $r = comp_instance_dialog($w, $cdata);
1546    return undef unless $r;
1547    die "No values given" unless $r;
1549    if($edit_control) {
1550        $edit_control->see('insert');
1551        $edit_control->insert('insert', make_comp_inst($cdata, $r));
1552        $edit_control->see('insert');
1553    }
1554    return 1;
1557# Choose a component definition from a list in a dialog window, and
1558# then allow the user to populate it in another dialog.
1559sub menu_insert_component {
1560    my ($w) = @_;
1562    my $comp = comp_select_dialog($w, \@compdefs, $compinfo);
1563    return undef unless $comp;
1564    return menu_insert_x($w, $comp);
1567# Directories containing component definitions.
1568# MOD: E. Farhi, Oct 2nd, 2001: add obsolete dir. Aug 27th, 2002: contrib
1569my @comp_sources =
1570    (["Source", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/sources"]],
1571     ["Optics", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/optics"]],
1572     ["Sample", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/samples"]],
1573     ["Monitor", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/monitors"]],
1574     ["Misc", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/misc"]],
1575     ["Contrib", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/contrib"]],
1576     ["Contrib/union", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/contrib/union"]],
1577     ["Obsolete", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir/obsolete"]],
1578     ["Other", ["$MCSTAS::sys_dir", "."]]);
1580# Fill out the menu for building component instances.
1581sub make_insert_menu {
1582    my ($w, $menu) = @_;
1583    @compdefs = ();
1584    my @menudefs = ();
1585    my ($sec,$dir);
1586    for $sec (@comp_sources) {
1587        my $sl = [$sec->[0], []];
1588        for $dir (@{$sec->[1]}) {
1589            if(opendir(DIR, $dir)) {
1590                my @comps = readdir(DIR);
1591                closedir DIR;
1592                next unless @comps;
1593                my @paths = map("$dir/$_", grep(/\.(comp|cmp|com)$/, @comps));
1594                @paths = sort @paths;
1595                push(@compdefs, @paths);
1596                push(@{$sl->[1]}, map([compname($_), $_], @paths));
1597            }
1598        }
1599        push @menudefs, $sl;
1600    }
1601    $menu->command(-label => "Instrument template",
1602                   -command => sub { menu_insert_instr_template($w) },
1603                   -underline => 0);
1604    $menu->command(-label => "File ...",
1605                   -command => sub { menu_insert_file($w) },
1606                   -underline => 0);
1607    $menu->command(-label => "Component ...",
1608                   -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'insertcomp'} ,
1609                   -command => sub { menu_insert_component($w) },
1610                   -underline => 0);
1611    $w->bind($shortcuts{'insertcomp'} => sub { menu_insert_component($w) });
1612    # Now build all the menu entries for direct selection of component
1613    # definitions.
1614    my $p;
1615    for $p (@menudefs) {        # $p holds title and component list
1616        my $m2 = $menu->cascade(-label => $p->[0]);
1617        my $c;
1618        for $c (@{$p->[1]}) {        # $c holds name and path
1619            $m2->command(-label => "$c->[0] ...",
1620                         -command => sub { menu_insert_x($w, $c->[1]) });
1621        }
1622    }
1623    $menu->pack(-side=>'left');
1626sub setup_menu {
1627    my ($w) = @_;
1628    my $menu = $w->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2);
1629    $menu->pack(-fill => 'x');
1630    my $filemenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'File', -underline => 0);
1631    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Open instrument ...',
1632                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menuopen'} ,
1633                       -command => [\&menu_open, $w],
1634                       -underline => 0);
1635    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menuopen'}  => [\&menu_open, $w]);
1636    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Edit current/New...',
1637                       -underline => 0,
1638                       -command => \&menu_edit_current);
1639    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Edit current/New (detached)',
1640                       -underline => 0,
1641                       -command => sub { menu_spawn_internal_editor($w) } );
1642    if($external_editor) {
1643        my $shortname = (split " ", $external_editor)[0];
1644        $shortname = (split "/", $shortname)[-1];
1645        $filemenu->command(-label => 'Spawn editor "' . $shortname . '"',
1646                           -command => sub { menu_spawn_editor($w) } );
1647    }
1648    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Compile instrument',
1649                       -underline => 0,
1650                       -command => sub {menu_compile($w)});
1651    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Save output/Log file...',
1652                       -underline => 1,
1653                       -command => sub { setup_cmdwin_saveas($w) });
1654    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Clear output',
1655                       -underline => 1,
1656                       -command => sub { $cmdwin->delete("1.0", "end") });
1657    $filemenu->separator;
1658    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Preferences...',
1659                      -underline => 1,
1660                      -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menuprefs'} ,
1661                      -command => sub {menu_preferences($w);});
1662    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menuprefs'}  => [\&menu_preferences, $w]);
1663    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Save configuration...',
1664                       -underline => 2,
1665                       -command => sub {menu_save_config($w)});
1666    $filemenu->separator;
1667    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Quit',
1668                       -underline => 0,
1669                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menuquit'} ,
1670                       -command => \&menu_quit);
1671    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menuquit'}  => \&menu_quit);
1672    $filemenu->pack(-side=>'left');
1673    my $simmenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Simulation', -underline => 2);
1674    $simmenu->command(-label => 'Read old simulation ...',
1675                       -underline => 0,
1676                       -command => sub { menu_read_sim_file($w) });
1677    $simmenu->separator;
1678    $simmenu->command(-label => 'Run simulation...',
1679                      -underline => 1,
1680                      -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menurun'} ,
1681                      -command => sub {menu_run_simulation($w);});
1682    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menurun'}  => [\&menu_run_simulation, $w]);
1683    $simmenu->command(-label => 'Plot results...',
1684                      -underline => 0,
1685                      -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menuplot'} ,
1686                      -command => sub {menu_plot_results($w);});
1687    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'insertcomp'}  => [\&menu_plot_results, $w]);
1689    $simmenu->pack(-side=>'left');
1691    sitemenu_build($w,$menu);
1693    my $toolmenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Tools', -underline => 0);
1695    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Plot current results',
1696		       -command => sub {menu_plot_results($w);});
1697    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Plot other results',
1698		       -command => sub {menu_spawn_mcplot($w);});
1699    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Online plotting of results',
1700		       -command => sub {menu_spawn_mcdaemon($w);});
1701    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Dataset convert/merge',
1702		       -command => sub {menu_spawn_mcformatgui($w,$current_sim_file);});
1703    $toolmenu->pack(-side=>'left');
1704    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'mcgui Shorcut keys',
1705                       -command => sub {tools_shortcuts($w)});
1706    $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Open terminal env.',
1707                       -command => sub {tools_terminal($w)});
1708    # The following items for now only applies to non-Win32 systems...
1709    if (!($Config{'osname'} eq 'MSWin32')) {
1710        $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Set this McStas as sys default',
1711			   -command => sub {tools_set_default_mcstas($w)});
1712	$toolmenu->command(-label => 'Activate MPI/grid (DSA key)',
1713			   -command => sub {tools_dsa($w)});
1714    }
1715    # The following item only apply to Mac OS systems...
1716    if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'darwin') {
1717      $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Use Python App',
1718			 -command => sub {tools_set_osx_bundle_py($w)});
1719      $toolmenu->command(-label => 'Use Perl App',
1720			 -command => sub {tools_set_osx_bundle_pl($w)});
1721    }
1723    my $helpmenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Help (McDoc)', -underline => 0);
1725    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'McStas User manual',
1726                       -command => sub {mcdoc_manual()});
1727    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'McStas Component manual',
1728                       -command => sub {mcdoc_compman()});
1729    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'Component Library index',
1730                       -command => sub {mcdoc_components()});
1731    $helpmenu->separator;
1732    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'McStas web page (web)',
1733                       -underline => 7,
1734                       -command => sub {mcdoc_web()});
1735    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'Current instrument info',
1736                       -command => sub {mcdoc_current()});
1737    $helpmenu->separator;
1738    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'Test McStas installation (BNL_H8)',
1739                       -command => sub {mcdoc_test($w)});
1740    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'Generate component index',
1741                       -command => sub {mcdoc_generate()});
1742    $helpmenu->command(-label => 'About McStas',
1743                       -command => sub {mcdoc_about($w)});
1744    $helpmenu->pack(-side=>'right');
1747sub setup_cmdwin {
1748    my ($w) = @_;
1749    my $f2 = $w->Frame();
1750    $b = $w->Balloon(-state => 'balloon');
1751    $f2->pack(-fill => 'x');
1752    my $instr_lab = $f2->Label(-text => "Instrument file: <None>",
1753                               -anchor => 'w',
1754                               -justify => 'left',-fg => 'red');
1755    $instr_lab->pack(-side => 'left');
1756    my $instr_run = $f2->Button(-text => "Run", -fg => 'blue',
1757                                -command => sub { menu_run_simulation($w) });
1758    $instr_run->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
1759    $b->attach($instr_run, -balloonmsg => "Compile and Run current instrument");
1760    my $instr_but = $f2->Button(-text => "Edit/New",
1761                                -command => \&menu_edit_current);
1762    $instr_but->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
1763    $b->attach($instr_but, -balloonmsg => "Edit current instrument description\nor create a new one from a Template");
1764    my $f3 = $w->Frame();
1765    $f3->pack(-fill => 'x');
1766    my $res_lab = $f3->Label(-text => "Simulation results: <None>",
1767                             -anchor => 'w',
1768                             -justify => 'left');
1769    $res_lab->pack(-side => 'left');
1770    my $plot_but = $f3->Button(-text => "Plot",
1771                                -command => sub {menu_plot_results($w);});
1772    $plot_but->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
1773    $b->attach($plot_but, -balloonmsg => "Plot last simulation results");
1774    my $sim_but = $f3->Button(-text => "Read",
1775                                -command => sub { menu_read_sim_file($w) });
1776    $sim_but->pack(-side => "right", -padx => 1, -pady => 1);
1777    $b->attach($sim_but, -balloonmsg => "Open previous simulation results");
1778    my $f4 = $w->Frame();
1779    my $status_lab = $f4->Label(-text => "Status: Ok",
1780                                -anchor => 'w',
1781                                -justify => 'left');
1782    my $spacer = $f4->Label(-text => " in ",
1783                                -anchor => 'w',
1784                                -justify => 'left');
1785    my $dir_but = $f4->Button(-text => "<-- Work dir.",
1786     			      -command => sub { set_run_dir($w) });
1788    $status_lab->pack(-side => 'left');
1789    $spacer->pack(-side => 'left');
1791    my $dirbox = $f4->ROText(-relief => 'sunken', -bd => '0',
1792     			     -setgrid => 'true',
1793     			     -height => 1);
1794    $dir_but->pack(-side => 'right');
1795    $dirbox->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'x', -side => 'right');
1797    $workdir = $dirbox;
1798    set_workdir($w, getcwd());
1799    $f4->pack(-fill => 'x');
1801    # Add the main text field, with scroll bar
1802    my $rotext = $w->ROText(-relief => 'sunken', -bd => '2',
1803                            -setgrid => 'true',
1804                            -height => 24, -width => 80);
1805    my $s = $w->Scrollbar(-command => [$rotext, 'yview']);
1806    $rotext->configure(-yscrollcommand =>  [$s, 'set']);
1807    $s->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
1808    $rotext->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
1809    $rotext->mark('set', 'insert', '0.0');
1810    $rotext->tagConfigure('msg', -foreground => 'blue');
1811    $current_instr_label   = $instr_lab;
1812    $current_results_label = $res_lab;
1813    $status_label = $status_lab;
1814    $cmdwin       = $rotext;
1816    # Insert "mcstas --version" message in window. Do it a line at the
1817    # time, since otherwise the tags mechanism seems to get confused.
1818    my $l;
1819    for $l (split "\n", `$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'} --version`) {
1820        $cmdwin->insert('end', "$l\n", 'msg');
1821    }
1822    # Insert contents of component lib revision file in window
1823    open(COMPREV,File::Spec->catfile($MCSTAS::sys_dir,'revision'));
1824    while (<COMPREV>) {
1825	$cmdwin->insert('end', "$_", 'msg');
1826    }
1828    my $text="";
1829    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MATLAB'} ne "no")   { $text .= "Matlab "; }
1830    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PGPLOT'} ne "no")   { $text .= "PGPLOT/McStas "; }
1831    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'GNUPLOT'} ne "no")   { $text .= "Gnuplot "; }
1832    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'BROWSER'} ne "no")  { $text .= "HTML "; }
1833    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'VRMLVIEW'} ne "no") { $text .= "VRML "; }
1834    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'NEXUS'} ne "") { $text .= "NeXus "; }
1835    if ($text ne "") { $cmdwin->insert('end', "Plotters: $text\n"); }
1837    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'HOSTFILE'} eq "" &&
1838          ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MPIRUN'} ne "no"
1839        ||  $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'SSH'} ne "no") ) {
1840      $cmdwin->insert('end',
1841"Warning: No MPI/grid machine list. Running locally.
1842  Define ".$ENV{"HOME"}."/.".$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MCCODE'}."/hosts
1843  or $MCSTAS::sys_dir/tools/perl/hosts
1844  or use option --machines=<file>\n");
1845    }
1846    my $text_grid="Single ";
1847    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MPIRUN'} ne "no")  { $text_grid .= "MPI "; }
1848    if ($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'SSH'} ne "no")     { $text_grid .= "Grid "; }
1849    if ($text_grid ne "") { $cmdwin->insert('end', "Clustering methods: $text_grid\n"); }
1850    if (($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'MPIRUN'} ne "no" || $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'SSH'} ne "no")
1851        && $Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32' && (not -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ssh/id_dsa")) {
1852      # Suggest to create DSA key for local MPI execution.
1853      putmsg($cmdwin, "Your system has MPI/SSH parallelisation available. To make use of this, \n".
1854	     "  please go to the Tool menu and select 'Install DSA key'.\n", 'msg');
1855    }
1856    $w->protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW" => sub { editor_quit($w);});
1859# save command output into LOG file
1860sub setup_cmdwin_saveas {
1861  my ($w) = @_;
1862  my $file;
1863  my $date = localtime(time());
1864  if($current_sim_def) {
1865      my ($inidir, $inifile);
1866      if($current_sim_def =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$!) {
1867          ($inidir, $inifile) = ($1, $2);
1868      } else {
1869          ($inidir, $inifile) = ("", $current_sim_def);
1870      }
1871      $inifile =~ s/\.instr$//;
1872      $inifile.= "_${date}.log";
1873      $inifile =~ s!\ !_!g;
1874      $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".log",
1875                              -title => "Select LOG output file name",
1876                              -initialdir => $inidir,
1877                              -initialfile => $inifile);
1878  } else {
1879      $file = $w->getSaveFile(-defaultextension => ".log",
1880                              -title => "Select LOG output file name");
1881  }
1882  return 0 unless $file;
1883  my $outputtext = $cmdwin->get('1.0', 'end');
1884  putmsg($cmdwin, "Save log file $file\n");
1885  open(MCLOG,">>$file");
1886  print MCLOG "# Log file $file generated by McStas/mcgui\n";
1887  print MCLOG "# Date: $date\n";
1888  print MCLOG "# Current instrument: $current_sim_def\n";
1889  print MCLOG "# Current results: $current_sim_file\n";
1890  print MCLOG "$outputtext";
1891  close(MCLOG);
1892  return 1;
1895sub editor_quit {
1896    my ($w) = @_;
1897    if(is_erase_ok($w)) {
1898        $w->destroy;
1899        $edit_window = undef;
1900        $edit_control = undef;
1901    }
1904sub Tk::CodeText::selectionModify {
1905        my ($cw, $char, $mode) = @_;
1906        my @ranges = $cw->tagRanges('sel');
1907        my $charlength = length($char);
1908        if (@ranges >= 2) {
1909                my $start = $cw->index($ranges[0]);
1910                my $end = $cw->index($ranges[1]);
1911                my $firststart = $start;
1912                while ($cw->compare($start, "<=", $end)) {
1913                        if ($mode) {
1914                            if ($cw->get("$start linestart", "$start linestart + $charlength chars") eq $char) {
1915                                        $cw->delete("$start linestart", "$start linestart + $charlength chars");
1916                                }
1917                        } else {
1918                            $cw->insert("$start linestart", $char);
1919                            }
1920                        $start = $cw->index("$start + 1 lines");
1921                    }
1922                if (!$mode) {
1923                    @ranges = $cw->tagRanges('sel');
1924                    @ranges = ($firststart, $ranges[@ranges-1]);
1925                }
1926                $cw->tagAdd('sel', @ranges);
1927            }
1930sub setup_edit_1_7 {
1931    # BEWARE: The code in this sub is from McStas version 1.7,
1932    # added only for those users unable to use the CodeText
1933    # based highlighting editor below. Other features are
1934    # also missing.
1935    my ($mw, $w) = @_;
1936    # Create the editor window.
1937    my $e;
1938    # Create the editor menus.
1939    my $menu = $w->Frame(-relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2);
1940    $menu->pack(-fill => 'x');
1941    my $filemenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'File', -underline => 0);
1942    $filemenu->command(-label => 'New instrument',
1943                       -command => [\&menu_new, $w],
1944                       -underline => 0);
1945    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Save instrument',
1946                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menusave'} ,
1947                       -command => [\&menu_save, $w],
1948                       -underline => 0);
1949    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menusave'}  => [\&menu_save, $w]);
1950    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Save instrument as ...',
1951                       -underline => 16,
1952                       -command => sub {menu_saveas($w)});
1953    $filemenu->separator;
1954    $filemenu->command(-label => 'Close',
1955                       -underline => 0,
1956                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'menuclose'} ,
1957                       -command => sub { editor_quit($w) } );
1958    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menuclose'}  => sub { editor_quit($w) } );
1959    $filemenu->pack(-side=>'left');
1960    my $editmenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Edit', -underline => 0);
1961    $editmenu->command(-label => 'Undo',
1962                       -accelerator => 'Ctrl+Z',
1963                       -command => [\&menu_undo, $w], -underline => 0);
1964    $w->bind('<Control-z>' => [\&menu_undo, $w]);
1965    $editmenu->separator;
1966    $editmenu->command(-label => 'Cut',
1967                       -accelerator => $shortcuts{'cut'} ,
1968                       -command => sub { $e->clipboardCut(); },
1969                       -underline => 0);
1970    $editmenu->command(-label => 'Copy',
1971                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'copy'} ,
1972                       -command => sub { $e->clipboardCopy(); },
1973                       -underline => 1);
1974    $editmenu->command(-label => 'Paste',
1975                       -accelerator =>  $shortcuts{'paste'} ,
1976                       -command => sub { $e->clipboardPaste(); },
1977                       -underline => 0);
1978    $editmenu->pack(-side=>'left');
1979    my $insert_menu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Insert', -underline => 0);
1980    make_insert_menu($w, $insert_menu);
1982    # Create the editor text widget.
1983    $e = $w->TextUndo(-relief => 'sunken', -bd => '2', -setgrid => 'true',
1984                      -height => 24);
1985    my $s = $w->Scrollbar(-command => [$e, 'yview']);
1986    $e->configure(-yscrollcommand =>  [$s, 'set']);
1987    $s->pack(-side => 'right', -fill => 'y');
1988    $e->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
1989    $e->mark('set', 'insert', '0.0');
1990    $e->Load($current_sim_def) if $current_sim_def && -r $current_sim_def;
1991    $w->protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW" => sub { editor_quit($w);
1992					     if ( $kill_when_editor_exits == 1) {
1993						 $mw->destroy();
1994					     }
1995					 } );
1996    $edit_control = $e;
1997    $edit_window = $w;
1998    if ($current_sim_def) {
1999      $w->title("Edit: $current_sim_def");
2000      if (-r $current_sim_def) {
2001          $e->Load($current_sim_def);
2002      }
2003    } else {
2004      $w->title("Edit: Start with Insert/Instrument template");
2005    }
2009sub setup_edit {
2010    my ($mw, $w) = @_;
2011    # Create the editor window.
2012    my $e;
2013    # Create the editor text widget.
2014    require Tk::CodeText;
2015    require Tk::CodeText::McStas;
2016    $e = $w->Scrolled('CodeText',-relief => 'sunken', -bd => '2', -setgrid => 'true',
2017                      -height => 24, wrap => 'none', -scrollbars =>'se',
2018                      -commentchar => '// ', -indentchar => "  ", -updatecall => \&update_line, -syntax => 'McStas');
2019    my $menu = $e->menu;
2020    $w->bind('<F5>' => [\&Tk::CodeText::selectionIndent]);
2021    $w->bind('<F6>' => [\&Tk::CodeText::selectionUnIndent]);
2022    $w->bind('<F7>' => [\&Tk::CodeText::selectionComment]);
2023    $w->bind('<F8>' => [\&Tk::CodeText::selectionUnComment]);
2024    $w->configure(-menu => $menu);
2025    my $insert_menu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Insert',  -underline => 0, -tearoff => 0);
2026    # This is only done for backward compatibility - we want to use Alt+s for saving...
2027    my $filemenu = $menu->Menubutton(-text => 'Search', -underline => 1);
2028    $w->bind( $shortcuts{'menusave'}  => [\&menu_save, $w]);
2029    make_insert_menu($w, $insert_menu);
2030    my $label = $w->Label(-bd => '1', -text => 'Current line: 1');
2031    $e->pack(-expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both');
2032    $label->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'no', -fill => 'x');
2033    $e->mark('set', 'insert', '0.0');
2034    $w->protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW" => sub { editor_quit($w);
2035						 if ( $kill_when_editor_exits == 1) {
2036						     $mw->destroy();
2037						 }
2038					 } );
2039    $edit_control = $e;
2040    $edit_window = $w;
2041    $edit_label = $label;
2042    if ($current_sim_def) {
2043      $w->title("Edit: $current_sim_def");
2044      if (-r $current_sim_def) {
2045          $e->Load($current_sim_def);
2046      }
2047    } else {
2048      $w->title("Edit: Start with Insert/Instrument template");
2049    }
2052sub Tk::TextUndo::FileSaveAsPopup
2054 my ($w)=@_;
2055 menu_saveas($w);
2058sub Tk::TextUndo::FileLoadPopup
2060 my ($w)=@_;
2061 my $name = $w->CreateFileSelect('getOpenFile',-title => 'File Load');
2062 if (defined($name) && length($name)){
2063     open_instr_def($w, $name);
2064     return 1;
2065 }
2066 return 0;
2069# GUI callback function for updating line numbers etc.
2070sub update_line {
2071    if (defined($edit_control)) {
2072        my ($line,$col) = split(/\./,$edit_control->index('insert'));
2073        my ($last_line,$last_col) = split(/\./,$edit_control->index('end'));
2074        $last_line=$last_line-1;
2075        $edit_label->configure(-text => " Line: $line of $last_line total, Column: $col");
2076    }
2079# Check if simulation needs recompiling.
2080sub check_if_need_recompile {
2081    my ($simname) = @_;
2082    my $exename;
2083    if($simname =~ /^(.*)\.(instr|ins)$/) {
2084        $exename = $1;
2085    } else {
2086      $exename = "$simname.$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'EXE'}";
2087    }
2088    return "not found" unless -f $exename;
2089    return "not executable" unless -x $exename;
2090    my @stat1 = stat($simname);
2091    my @stat2 = stat($exename);
2092    return "source is newer" unless $stat1[9] < $stat2[9];
2093    return "";
2096my $win = new MainWindow;
2098eval { # Try specified color palette...
2099  $win -> setPalette($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TKPALETTE'});
2101if ($@) { # or continue with system default if that failed.
2102  printf "Specified colorscheme '$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TKPALETTE'}' failed. Using system default.\n";
2105if (!($MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TKFONT'} eq "")) { # Only try loading a font if non-empty string is defined
2106  eval { # Try loading specified font...
2107    $win->optionAdd("*font", $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TKFONT'});
2108    $win->optionAdd("*borderWidth", 1);
2109  };
2110  if ($@) { # or continue with system default if that failed
2111    printf "Specified font '$MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'TKFONT'}' failed. Using system default.\n";
2112  }
2115$main_window = $win;
2119my $open_editor = 0;
2121if(@ARGV>0 && @ARGV<3) {
2122    # Check if one of the input arguments is '--open'
2123    # if so, start the editor of choice immediately
2124    my $j;
2125    my $filenames;
2126    for ($j=0; $j<@ARGV; $j++) {
2127        if ($ARGV[$j] eq "--help") {
2128          print "mcgui <instrument_file>\n";
2129          print "       [--help] Display command help\n";
2130          print "       [--open] Start with the editor opened\n";
2131          print "       [--edit] Edit instrument only\n";
2132          print "SEE ALSO: mcstas, mcdoc, mcplot, mcrun, mcgui, mcresplot, mcstas2vitess, mcformat\n";
2133          print "DOC:      Please visit http://www.mcstas.org\n";
2134          exit;
2135        } elsif ($ARGV[$j] eq "--open") {
2136            $open_editor = 1;
2137#            menu_edit_current($win);
2138        } elsif ($ARGV[$j] eq "--edit") {
2139	    $open_editor = 1;
2140	    $win->withdraw;
2141	    $kill_when_editor_exits = 1;
2142	} else {
2143            $filenames = "$ARGV[$j]";
2144        }
2145    }
2147    # Most likely, everything on the commandline is a filename... Join using
2148    # spaces, e.g. mcgui.pl My Documents\My Simulation.instr
2149    open_instr_def($win, $filenames);
2150    if ($open_editor == 1) {
2151        menu_edit_current($win);
2152    }
2153} else {
2154#    menu_open($win);
2157# On Unix systems - when PGPLOT/McCode format is chosen, ensure to start pgxwin_server
2158if ($Config{'osname'} ne 'MSWin32' && $MCSTAS::mcstas_config{'PLOTTER'} =~ /PGPLOT|McStas|McXtrace|Gnuplot/i) {
2159  require "mcplotlib.pl";
2160  ensure_pgplot_xserv_started()