1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 PaGMO development team
3 This file is part of the PaGMO library.
5 The PaGMO library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of either:
8   * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
9     Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10     option) any later version.
12 or
14   * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15     Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
16     later version.
18 or both in parallel, as here.
20 The PaGMO library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
22 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
23 for more details.
25 You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
26 GNU Lesser General Public License along with the PaGMO library.  If not,
27 see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <cmath>
31 #include <iomanip>
32 #include <numeric>
33 #include <random>
34 #include <sstream>
35 #include <stdexcept>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <utility>
38 #include <vector>
40 #include <pagmo/algorithm.hpp>
41 #include <pagmo/algorithms/not_population_based.hpp>
42 #include <pagmo/algorithms/simulated_annealing.hpp>
43 #include <pagmo/exceptions.hpp>
44 #include <pagmo/io.hpp>
45 #include <pagmo/population.hpp>
46 #include <pagmo/s11n.hpp>
47 #include <pagmo/types.hpp>
48 #include <pagmo/utils/generic.hpp>
50 namespace pagmo
51 {
simulated_annealing(double Ts,double Tf,unsigned n_T_adj,unsigned n_range_adj,unsigned bin_size,double start_range,unsigned seed)53 simulated_annealing::simulated_annealing(double Ts, double Tf, unsigned n_T_adj, unsigned n_range_adj,
54                                          unsigned bin_size, double start_range, unsigned seed)
55     : m_Ts(Ts), m_Tf(Tf), m_n_T_adj(n_T_adj), m_n_range_adj(n_range_adj), m_bin_size(bin_size),
56       m_start_range(start_range), m_e(seed), m_seed(seed), m_verbosity(0u), m_log()
57 {
58     if (Ts <= 0. || !std::isfinite(Ts)) {
59         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, "The starting temperature must be finite and positive, while a value of "
60                                                + std::to_string(Ts) + " was detected.");
61     }
62     if (Tf <= 0. || !std::isfinite(Tf)) {
63         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, "The final temperature must be finite and positive, while a value of "
64                                                + std::to_string(Tf) + " was detected.");
65     }
66     if (Tf > Ts) {
67         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument,
68                     "The final temperature must be smaller than the initial temperature, while a value of "
69                         + std::to_string(Tf) + " >= " + std::to_string(Ts) + " was detected.");
70     }
71     if (start_range <= 0. || start_range > 1. || !std::isfinite(start_range)) {
72         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, "The start range must be in the (0, 1] range, while a value of "
73                                                + std::to_string(start_range) + " was detected.");
74     }
75     if (n_T_adj == 0u) {
76         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument,
77                     "The number of temperature adjustments must be strictly positive, while a value of "
78                         + std::to_string(n_T_adj) + " was detected.");
79     }
80     if (n_range_adj == 0u) {
81         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument,
82                     "The number of range adjustments must be strictly positive, while a value of "
83                         + std::to_string(n_range_adj) + " was detected.");
84     }
85 }
87 /// Algorithm evolve method
88 /**
89  * @param pop population to be evolved
90  * @return evolved population
91  * @throws std::invalid_argument if the problem is multi-objective, constrained or stochastic
92  * @throws std::invalid_argument if the population size is < 1u
93  */
evolve(population pop) const94 population simulated_annealing::evolve(population pop) const
95 {
96     // We store some useful properties
97     const auto &prob = pop.get_problem(); // This is a const reference, so using set_seed for example will not be
98                                           // allowed
99     auto dim = prob.get_nx();             // not const as used type for counters
100     const auto bounds = prob.get_bounds();
101     const auto &lb = bounds.first;
102     const auto &ub = bounds.second;
103     auto fevals0 = prob.get_fevals(); // disount for the already made fevals
104     unsigned count = 1u;              // regulates the screen output
106     // PREAMBLE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107     // We start by checking that the problem is suitable for this particular algorithm.
108     if (prob.get_nc() != 0u) {
109         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, "Non linear constraints detected in " + prob.get_name() + " instance. "
110                                                + get_name() + " cannot deal with them");
111     }
112     if (prob.get_nf() != 1u) {
113         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, "Multiple objectives detected in " + prob.get_name() + " instance. "
114                                                + get_name() + " cannot deal with them");
115     }
116     if (prob.is_stochastic()) {
117         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument,
118                     "The problem appears to be stochastic " + get_name() + " cannot deal with it");
119     }
120     if (!pop.size()) {
121         pagmo_throw(std::invalid_argument, get_name() + " does not work on an empty population");
122     }
123     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125     // No throws, all valid: we clear the logs
126     m_log.clear();
128     std::uniform_real_distribution<double> drng(0., 1.); // to generate a number in [0, 1)
130     // We init the starting point
131     auto sel_xf = select_individual(pop);
132     vector_double x0(std::move(sel_xf.first)), fit0(std::move(sel_xf.second));
133     // Determines the coefficient to decrease the temperature
134     const double Tcoeff = std::pow(m_Tf / m_Ts, 1.0 / static_cast<double>(m_n_T_adj));
135     // Stores the current and new points
136     auto xNEW = x0;
137     auto xOLD = x0;
138     auto best_x = x0;
139     auto fNEW = fit0;
140     auto fOLD = fit0;
141     auto best_f = fit0;
143     // Stores the adaptive ranges for each component
144     vector_double step(dim, m_start_range);
146     // Stores the number of accepted points for each component
147     std::vector<int> acp(dim, 0u);
148     double ratio = 0., currentT = m_Ts, probab = 0.;
150     // Main SA loops
151     for (decltype(m_n_T_adj) jter = 0u; jter < m_n_T_adj; ++jter) {
152         for (decltype(m_n_range_adj) mter = 0u; mter < m_n_range_adj; ++mter) {
153             // 1 - Annealing
154             for (decltype(m_bin_size) kter = 0u; kter < m_bin_size; ++kter) {
155                 auto nter = std::uniform_int_distribution<vector_double::size_type>(0u, dim - 1u)(m_e);
156                 for (decltype(dim) numb = 0u; numb < dim; ++numb) {
157                     nter = (nter + 1u) % dim;
158                     // We modify the current point by mutating its nter component within the adaptive step
159                     auto width = step[nter] * (ub[nter] - lb[nter]);
160                     xNEW[nter] = uniform_real_from_range(std::max(xOLD[nter] - width, lb[nter]),
161                                                          std::min(xOLD[nter] + width, ub[nter]), m_e);
162                     // And we valuate the objective function for the new point
163                     fNEW = prob.fitness(xNEW);
164                     // We decide wether to accept or discard the point
165                     if (fNEW[0] <= fOLD[0]) {
166                         // accept
167                         xOLD[nter] = xNEW[nter];
168                         fOLD = fNEW;
169                         acp[nter]++; // Increase the number of accepted values
170                         // We update the best
171                         if (fNEW[0] <= best_f[0]) {
172                             best_f = fNEW;
173                             best_x = xNEW;
174                         }
175                     } else {
176                         // test it with Boltzmann to decide the acceptance
177                         probab = std::exp(-std::abs(fOLD[0] - fNEW[0]) / currentT);
178                         // we compare prob with a random probability.
179                         if (probab > drng(m_e)) {
180                             xOLD[nter] = xNEW[nter];
181                             fOLD = fNEW;
182                             acp[nter]++; // Increase the number of accepted values
183                         } else {
184                             xNEW[nter] = xOLD[nter];
185                         }
186                     }
187                     // 2 - We log to screen
188                     if (m_verbosity > 0u) {
189                         // Prints a log line every m_verbosity fitness evaluations
190                         auto fevals_count = prob.get_fevals() - fevals0;
191                         if (fevals_count >= (count - 1u) * m_verbosity) {
192                             // 1 - Every 50 lines print the column names
193                             if (count % 50u == 1u) {
194                                 print("\n", std::setw(7), "Fevals:", std::setw(15), "Best:", std::setw(15),
195                                       "Current:", std::setw(15), "Mean range:", std::setw(15), "Temperature:", '\n');
196                             }
197                             auto avg_range
198                                 = std::accumulate(step.begin(), step.end(), 0.) / static_cast<double>(step.size());
199                             // 2 - Print
200                             print(std::setw(7), fevals_count, std::setw(15), best_f[0], std::setw(15), fOLD[0],
201                                   std::setw(15), avg_range, std::setw(15), currentT);
202                             ++count;
203                             std::cout << std::endl; // we flush here as we want the user to read in real time ...
204                             // Logs
205                             m_log.emplace_back(fevals_count, best_f[0], fOLD[0], avg_range, currentT);
206                         }
207                     }
208                 } // end for(nter = 0; ...
209             }     // end for(kter = 0; ...
210             // adjust the step (adaptively)
211             for (decltype(dim) iter = 0u; iter < dim; ++iter) {
212                 ratio = static_cast<double>(acp[iter]) / static_cast<double>(m_bin_size);
213                 acp[iter] = 0u; // reset the counter
214                 if (ratio > .6) {
215                     // too many acceptances, increase the step by a factor 3 maximum
216                     step[iter] = step[iter] * (1. + 2. * (ratio - .6) / .4);
217                 } else {
218                     if (ratio < .4) {
219                         // too few acceptance, decrease the step by a factor 3 maximum
220                         step[iter] = step[iter] / (1. + 2. * ((.4 - ratio) / .4));
221                     };
222                 };
223                 // And if it becomes too large, reset it to its initial value
224                 if (step[iter] > m_start_range) step[iter] = m_start_range;
225             }
226         }
227         // Cooling schedule
228         currentT *= Tcoeff;
229     }
230     // We update the decision vector in pop, but only if things have improved
231     if (best_f[0] <= fit0[0]) {
232         replace_individual(pop, best_x, best_f);
233     }
234     return pop;
235 }
237 /// Sets the seed
238 /**
239  * @param seed the seed controlling the algorithm stochastic behaviour
240  */
set_seed(unsigned seed)241 void simulated_annealing::set_seed(unsigned seed)
242 {
243     m_e.seed(seed);
244     m_seed = seed;
245 }
247 /// Extra info
248 /**
249  * One of the optional methods of any user-defined algorithm (UDA).
250  *
251  * @return a string containing extra info on the algorithm
252  */
get_extra_info() const253 std::string simulated_annealing::get_extra_info() const
254 {
255     std::ostringstream ss;
256     stream(ss, "\tStarting temperature: ", m_Ts);
257     stream(ss, "\n\tFinal temperature: ", m_Tf);
258     stream(ss, "\n\tNumber of temperature adjustments: ", m_n_T_adj);
259     stream(ss, "\n\tNumber of range adjustments: ", m_n_range_adj);
260     stream(ss, "\n\tBin size: ", m_bin_size);
261     stream(ss, "\n\tStarting range: ", m_start_range);
262     stream(ss, "\n\tSeed: ", m_seed);
263     stream(ss, "\n\tVerbosity: ", m_verbosity);
264     return ss.str();
265 }
267 // Object serialization
268 template <typename Archive>
serialize(Archive & ar,unsigned)269 void simulated_annealing::serialize(Archive &ar, unsigned)
270 {
271     detail::archive(ar, boost::serialization::base_object<not_population_based>(*this), m_Ts, m_Tf, m_n_T_adj,
272                     m_n_range_adj, m_bin_size, m_start_range, m_e, m_seed, m_verbosity, m_log);
273 }
275 } // namespace pagmo
277 PAGMO_S11N_ALGORITHM_IMPLEMENT(pagmo::simulated_annealing)