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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


README.mdH A D14-Aug-2020518 109

assert_file_correct.pyH A D14-Aug-2020458 2313

common.pyH A D01-Apr-2021570 2013

generate_file.pyH A D01-Apr-2021609 2716

test_file_compatibility.pyH A D09-Jun-20216.9 KiB195135


1ASDF file compatibility tests
3These tests confirm that files produced by the latest library code can be
4read by earlier releases of the library, and vice versa.  The tests obtain
5a list of released versions from pypi.org and install each tested version
6into a virtualenv, so an internet connection is required to run them.
8The tests in this directory are excluded from the normal test suite, but
9can be run (from the repo root directory) with
10`pytest compatibility_tests/ --remote-data`.