1# cython: language_level=3
2"""Class to efficiently select and read data from an HDF5 dataset
4This is written in Cython to reduce overhead when reading small amounts of
5data. The core of it is translating between numpy-style slicing & indexing and
6HDF5's H5Sselect_hyperslab calls.
8Python & numpy distinguish indexing a[3] from slicing a single element a[3:4],
9but there is no equivalent to this when selecting data in HDF5. So we store a
10separate boolean ('scalar') for each dimension to distinguish these cases.
12from numpy cimport (
13    ndarray, npy_intp, PyArray_SimpleNew, PyArray_DATA, import_array,
14    PyArray_IsNativeByteOrder,
16from cpython cimport PyNumber_Index
18import numpy as np
19from .defs cimport *
20from .h5d cimport DatasetID
21from .h5s cimport SpaceID
22from .h5t cimport TypeID, typewrap, py_create
23from .utils cimport emalloc, efree, convert_dims
28cdef object convert_bools(bint* data, hsize_t rank):
29    # Convert a bint array to a Python tuple of bools.
30    cdef list bools_l
31    cdef int i
32    bools_l = []
34    for i in range(rank):
35        bools_l.append(bool(data[i]))
37    return tuple(bools_l)
40cdef class Selector:
41    cdef SpaceID spaceobj
42    cdef hid_t space
43    cdef int rank
44    cdef bint is_fancy
45    cdef hsize_t* dims
46    cdef hsize_t* start
47    cdef hsize_t* stride
48    cdef hsize_t* count
49    cdef hsize_t* block
50    cdef bint* scalar
52    def __cinit__(self, SpaceID space):
53        self.spaceobj = space
54        self.space = space.id
55        self.rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(self.space)
56        self.is_fancy = False
58        self.dims = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
59        self.start = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
60        self.stride = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
61        self.count = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
62        self.block = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
63        self.scalar = <bint*>emalloc(sizeof(bint) * self.rank)
65        H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(self.space, self.dims, NULL)
67    def __dealloc__(self):
68        efree(self.dims)
69        efree(self.start)
70        efree(self.stride)
71        efree(self.count)
72        efree(self.block)
73        efree(self.scalar)
75    cdef bint apply_args(self, tuple args) except 0:
76        """Apply indexing arguments to this Selector object"""
77        cdef:
78            int nargs, ellipsis_ix, array_ix = -1
79            bint seen_ellipsis = False
80            int dim_ix = -1
81            hsize_t l
82            ndarray array_arg
84        # If no explicit ellipsis, implicit ellipsis is after args
85        nargs = ellipsis_ix = len(args)
87        for a in args:
88            dim_ix += 1
90            if a is Ellipsis:
91                # [...] - Ellipsis (fill any unspecified dimensions here)
92                if seen_ellipsis:
93                    raise ValueError("Only one ellipsis may be used.")
94                seen_ellipsis = True
96                ellipsis_ix = dim_ix
97                nargs -= 1  # Don't count the ... itself
98                if nargs > self.rank:
99                    raise ValueError(f"{nargs} indexing arguments for {self.rank} dimensions")
101                # Skip ahead to the remaining dimensions
102                # -1 because the next iteration will increment dim_ix
103                dim_ix += self.rank - nargs - 1
104                continue
106            if dim_ix >= self.rank:
107                raise ValueError(f"{nargs} indexing arguments for {self.rank} dimensions")
109            # Length of the relevant dimension
110            l = self.dims[dim_ix]
112            # [0:10] - slicing
113            if isinstance(a, slice):
114                start, stop, step = a.indices(l)
115                # Now if step > 0, then start and stop are in [0, length];
116                # if step < 0, they are in [-1, length - 1] (Python 2.6b2 and later;
117                # Python issue 3004).
119                if step < 1:
120                    raise ValueError("Step must be >= 1 (got %d)" % step)
121                if stop < start:
122                    # list/tuple and numpy consider stop < start to be an empty selection
123                    start, count, step = 0, 0, 1
124                else:
125                    count = 1 + (stop - start - 1) // step
127                self.start[dim_ix] = start
128                self.stride[dim_ix] = step
129                self.count[dim_ix] = count
130                self.block[dim_ix] = 1
131                self.scalar[dim_ix] = False
133                continue
135            # [0] - simple integer indices
136            try:
137                # PyIndex_Check only checks the type - e.g. all numpy arrays
138                # pass PyIndex_Check, but only scalar arrays are valid.
139                a = PyNumber_Index(a)
140            except TypeError:
141                pass  # Fall through to check for list/array
142            else:
143                if a < 0:
144                    a += l
146                if not 0 <= a < l:
147                    if l == 0:
148                        msg = f"Index ({a}) out of range for empty dimension"
149                    else:
150                        msg = f"Index ({a}) out of range for (0-{l-1})"
151                    raise IndexError(msg)
153                self.start[dim_ix] = a
154                self.stride[dim_ix] = 1
155                self.count[dim_ix] = 1
156                self.block[dim_ix] = 1
157                self.scalar[dim_ix] = True
159                continue
161            # MultiBlockSlice exposes h5py's separate count & block parameters
162            # to allow more complex repeating selections.
163            if isinstance(a, MultiBlockSlice):
164                (
165                    self.start[dim_ix],
166                    self.stride[dim_ix],
167                    self.count[dim_ix],
168                    self.block[dim_ix],
169                ) = a.indices(l)
170                self.scalar[dim_ix] = False
172                continue
174            # [[0, 2, 10]] - list/array of indices ('fancy indexing')
175            if isinstance(a, (list, np.ndarray)):
176                if isinstance(a, list) and len(a) == 0:
177                    a = np.asarray(a, dtype=np.intp)
178                else:
179                    a = np.asarray(a)
180                if a.ndim != 1:
181                    raise TypeError("Only 1D arrays allowed for fancy indexing")
182                if not np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.integer):
183                    raise TypeError("Indexing arrays must have integer dtypes")
184                if array_ix != -1:
185                    raise TypeError("Only one indexing vector or array is currently allowed for fancy indexing")
187                # Convert negative indices to positive
188                if np.any(a < 0):
189                    a = a.copy()
190                    a[a < 0] += l
192                # Bounds check
193                if np.any((a < 0) | (a > l)):
194                    if l == 0:
195                        msg = "Fancy indexing out of range for empty dimension"
196                    else:
197                        msg = f"Fancy indexing out of range for (0-{l-1})"
198                    raise IndexError(msg)
200                if np.any(np.diff(a) <= 0):
201                    raise TypeError("Indexing elements must be in increasing order")
203                array_ix = dim_ix
204                array_arg = a
205                self.start[dim_ix] = 0
206                self.stride[dim_ix] = 1
207                self.count[dim_ix] = a.shape[0]
208                self.block[dim_ix] = 1
209                self.scalar[dim_ix] = False
211                continue
213            raise TypeError("Simple selection can't process %r" % a)
215        if nargs < self.rank:
216            # Fill in ellipsis or trailing dimensions
217            ellipsis_end = ellipsis_ix + (self.rank - nargs)
218            for dim_ix in range(ellipsis_ix, ellipsis_end):
219                self.start[dim_ix] = 0
220                self.stride[dim_ix] = 1
221                self.count[dim_ix] = self.dims[dim_ix]
222                self.block[dim_ix] = 1
223                self.scalar[dim_ix] = False
225        if nargs == 0:
226            H5Sselect_all(self.space)
227            self.is_fancy = False
228        elif array_ix != -1:
229            self.select_fancy(array_ix, array_arg)
230            self.is_fancy = True
231        else:
232            H5Sselect_hyperslab(self.space, H5S_SELECT_SET, self.start, self.stride, self.count, self.block)
233            self.is_fancy = False
234        return True
236    cdef select_fancy(self, int array_ix, ndarray array_arg):
237        """Apply a 'fancy' selection (array of indices) to the dataspace"""
238        cdef hsize_t* tmp_start
239        cdef hsize_t* tmp_count
240        cdef uint64_t i
242        H5Sselect_none(self.space)
244        tmp_start = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
245        tmp_count = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
246        try:
247            memcpy(tmp_start, self.start, sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
248            memcpy(tmp_count, self.count, sizeof(hsize_t) * self.rank)
249            tmp_count[array_ix] = 1
251            # Iterate over the array of indices, add each hyperslab to the selection
252            for i in array_arg:
253                tmp_start[array_ix] = i
254                H5Sselect_hyperslab(self.space, H5S_SELECT_OR, tmp_start, self.stride, tmp_count, self.block)
255        finally:
256            efree(tmp_start)
257            efree(tmp_count)
260    def make_selection(self, tuple args):
261        """Apply indexing/slicing args and create a high-level selection object
263        Returns an instance of SimpleSelection or FancySelection, with a copy
264        of the selector's dataspace.
265        """
266        cdef:
267            SpaceID space
268            tuple shape, start, count, step, scalar, arr_shape
269            int arr_rank, i
270            npy_intp* arr_shape_p
272        self.apply_args(args)
273        space = SpaceID(H5Scopy(self.space))
275        shape = convert_dims(self.dims, self.rank)
276        count = convert_dims(self.count, self.rank)
277        block = convert_dims(self.block, self.rank)
278        mshape = tuple(c * b for c, b in zip(count, block))
280        from ._hl.selections import SimpleSelection, FancySelection
282        if self.is_fancy:
283            arr_shape = tuple(
284                mshape[i] for i in range(self.rank) if not self.scalar[i]
285            )
286            return FancySelection(shape, space, count, arr_shape)
287        else:
288            start = convert_dims(self.start, self.rank)
289            step = convert_dims(self.stride, self.rank)
290            scalar = convert_bools(self.scalar, self.rank)
291            return SimpleSelection(shape, space, (start, mshape, step, scalar))
294cdef class Reader:
295    cdef hid_t dataset
296    cdef Selector selector
297    cdef TypeID h5_memory_datatype
298    cdef int np_typenum
299    cdef bint native_byteorder
301    def __cinit__(self, DatasetID dsid):
302        self.dataset = dsid.id
303        self.selector = Selector(dsid.get_space())
305        # HDF5 can use e.g. custom float datatypes which don't have an exact
306        # match in numpy. Translating it to a numpy dtype chooses the smallest
307        # dtype which won't lose any data, then we translate that back to a
308        # HDF5 datatype (h5_memory_datatype).
309        h5_stored_datatype = typewrap(H5Dget_type(self.dataset))
310        np_dtype = h5_stored_datatype.py_dtype()
311        self.np_typenum = np_dtype.num
312        self.native_byteorder = PyArray_IsNativeByteOrder(ord(np_dtype.byteorder))
313        self.h5_memory_datatype = py_create(np_dtype)
315    cdef ndarray make_array(self, hsize_t* mshape):
316        """Create an array to read the selected data into.
318        .apply_args() should be called first, to set self.count and self.scalar.
319        Only works for simple numeric dtypes which can be defined with typenum.
320        """
321        cdef int i, arr_rank = 0
322        cdef npy_intp* arr_shape
324        arr_shape = <npy_intp*>emalloc(sizeof(npy_intp) * self.selector.rank)
325        try:
326            # Copy any non-scalar selection dimensions for the array shape
327            for i in range(self.selector.rank):
328                if not self.selector.scalar[i]:
329                    arr_shape[arr_rank] = mshape[i]
330                    arr_rank += 1
332            arr = PyArray_SimpleNew(arr_rank, arr_shape, self.np_typenum)
333            if not self.native_byteorder:
334                arr = arr.newbyteorder()
335        finally:
336            efree(arr_shape)
338        return arr
340    def read(self, tuple args):
341        """Index the dataset using args and read into a new numpy array
343        Only works for simple numeric dtypes.
344        """
345        cdef void* buf
346        cdef ndarray arr
347        cdef hsize_t* mshape
348        cdef hid_t mspace
349        cdef int i
351        self.selector.apply_args(args)
353        # The selected length of each dimension is count * block
354        mshape = <hsize_t*>emalloc(sizeof(hsize_t) * self.selector.rank)
355        try:
356            for i in range(self.selector.rank):
357                mshape[i] = self.selector.count[i] * self.selector.block[i]
358            arr = self.make_array(mshape)
359            buf = PyArray_DATA(arr)
361            mspace = H5Screate_simple(self.selector.rank, mshape, NULL)
362        finally:
363            efree(mshape)
365        try:
366            H5Dread(self.dataset, self.h5_memory_datatype.id, mspace,
367                    self.selector.space, H5P_DEFAULT, buf)
368        finally:
369            H5Sclose(mspace)
371        if arr.ndim == 0:
372            return arr[()]
373        else:
374            return arr
377class MultiBlockSlice(object):
378    """
379        A conceptual extension of the built-in slice object to allow selections
380        using start, stride, count and block.
382        If given, these parameters will be passed directly to
383        H5Sselect_hyperslab. The defaults are start=0, stride=1, block=1,
384        count=length, which will select the full extent.
386        __init__(start, stride, count, block) => Create a new MultiBlockSlice, storing
387            any given selection parameters and using defaults for the others
388        start => The offset of the starting element of the specified hyperslab
389        stride => The number of elements between the start of one block and the next
390        count => The number of blocks to select
391        block => The number of elements in each block
393    """
395    def __init__(self, start=0, stride=1, count=None, block=1):
396        if start < 0:
397            raise ValueError("Start can't be negative")
398        if stride < 1 or (count is not None and count < 1) or block < 1:
399            raise ValueError("Stride, count and block can't be 0 or negative")
400        if block > stride:
401            raise ValueError("Blocks will overlap if block > stride")
403        self.start = start
404        self.stride = stride
405        self.count = count
406        self.block = block
408    def indices(self, length):
409        """Calculate and validate start, stride, count and block for the given length"""
410        if self.count is None:
411            # Select as many full blocks as possible without exceeding extent
412            count = (length - self.start - self.block) // self.stride + 1
413            if count < 1:
414                raise ValueError(
415                    "No full blocks can be selected using {} "
416                    "on dimension of length {}".format(self._repr(), length)
417                )
418        else:
419            count = self.count
421        end_index = self.start + self.block + (count - 1) * self.stride - 1
422        if end_index >= length:
423            raise ValueError(
424                "{} range ({} - {}) extends beyond maximum index ({})".format(
425                    self._repr(count), self.start, end_index, length - 1
426                ))
428        return self.start, self.stride, count, self.block
430    def _repr(self, count=None):
431        if count is None:
432            count = self.count
433        return "{}(start={}, stride={}, count={}, block={})".format(
434            self.__class__.__name__, self.start, self.stride, count, self.block
435        )
437    def __repr__(self):
438        return self._repr(count=None)