1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# MolMod is a collection of molecular modelling tools for python.
3# Copyright (C) 2007 - 2019 Toon Verstraelen <Toon.Verstraelen@UGent.be>, Center
4# for Molecular Modeling (CMM), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; all rights
5# reserved unless otherwise stated.
7# This file is part of MolMod.
9# MolMod is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
12# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14# MolMod is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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22# --
23"""Efficiently compute all distances below a cutoff
25   Binning is a useful technique for efficiently calculating all distances
26   between a number of coordinates when you are only interested in the distances
27   below a given cutoff. The algorithm consists of two major steps:
29     1) Divide the given set of coordinates into bins on a regular grid
30     2) Calculate the distances (or other useful things) between coordinates in
31        neighboring bins.
35from __future__ import division
37from builtins import range
38import numpy as np
40from molmod.unit_cells import UnitCell
43__all__ = ["PairSearchIntra", "PairSearchInter"]
46class Binning(object):
47    """Division of coordinates in regular bins"""
48    def __init__(self, coordinates, cutoff, grid_cell, integer_cell=None):
49        """Initialize a Binning object
51           Arguments:
52            | ``coordinates``  --  a Nx3 numpy array with coordinates to be
53                                   triaged into bins
54            | ``cutoff``  --  The maximum distance between coordinates pairs.
55                              This affects the variable self.neighbor_bins,
56                              which is a set of relative integer bin coordinates
57                              that lie within the cuttof of the central bin.
58            | ``grid_cell``  --  A unit cell  object specifying the size and
59                                 shape of the bins
61           Optional argument:
62            | ``integer_cell``  --  the periodicity of the system in terms if
63                                    integer grid cells.
64        """
65        self.grid_cell = grid_cell
66        self.integer_cell = integer_cell
68        # setup the bins
69        self._bins = {}
71        fractional = grid_cell.to_fractional(coordinates)
72        for i in range(len(coordinates)):
73            key = tuple(fractional[i].astype(int))
74            if integer_cell is not None:
75                key = self.wrap_key(key)
76            bin = self._bins.get(key)
77            if bin is None:
78                bin = []
79                self._bins[key] = bin
80            bin.append((i, coordinates[i]))
82        # compute the neigbouring bins within the cutoff
83        if self.integer_cell is None:
84            self.neighbor_indexes = grid_cell.get_radius_indexes(cutoff)
85        else:
86            max_ranges = np.diag(self.integer_cell.matrix).astype(int)
87            max_ranges[True^self.integer_cell.active] = -1
88            self.neighbor_indexes = grid_cell.get_radius_indexes(cutoff, max_ranges)
90    def __iter__(self):
91        """Iterate over (key,bin) pairs"""
92        return iter(self._bins.items())
94    def iter_surrounding(self, center_key):
95        """Iterate over all bins surrounding the given bin"""
96        for shift in self.neighbor_indexes:
97            key = tuple(np.add(center_key, shift).astype(int))
98            if self.integer_cell is not None:
99                key = self.wrap_key(key)
100            bin = self._bins.get(key)
101            if bin is not None:
102                yield key, bin
104    def wrap_key(self, key):
105        """Translate the key into the central cell
107           This method is only applicable in case of a periodic system.
108        """
109        return tuple(np.round(
110            self.integer_cell.shortest_vector(key)
111        ).astype(int))
114class PairSearchBase(object):
115    """Base class for :class:`PairSearchIntra` and :class:`PairSearchInter`"""
116    def _setup_grid(self, cutoff, unit_cell, grid):
117        """Choose a proper grid for the binning process"""
118        if grid is None:
119            # automatically choose a decent grid
120            if unit_cell is None:
121                grid = cutoff/2.9
122            else:
123                # The following would be faster, but it is not reliable
124                # enough yet.
125                #grid = unit_cell.get_optimal_subcell(cutoff/2.0)
126                divisions = np.ceil(unit_cell.spacings/cutoff)
127                divisions[divisions<1] = 1
128                grid = unit_cell/divisions
130        if isinstance(grid, float):
131            grid_cell = UnitCell(np.array([
132                [grid, 0, 0],
133                [0, grid, 0],
134                [0, 0, grid]
135            ]))
136        elif isinstance(grid, UnitCell):
137            grid_cell = grid
138        else:
139            raise TypeError("Grid must be None, a float or a UnitCell instance.")
141        if unit_cell is not None:
142            # The columns of integer_matrix are the unit cell vectors in
143            # fractional coordinates of the grid cell.
144            integer_matrix = grid_cell.to_fractional(unit_cell.matrix.transpose()).transpose()
145            if abs((integer_matrix - np.round(integer_matrix))*self.unit_cell.active).max() > 1e-6:
146                raise ValueError("The unit cell vectors are not an integer linear combination of grid cell vectors.")
147            integer_matrix = integer_matrix.round()
148            integer_cell = UnitCell(integer_matrix, unit_cell.active)
149        else:
150            integer_cell = None
152        return grid_cell, integer_cell
155class PairSearchIntra(PairSearchBase):
156    """Iterator over all pairs of coordinates with a distance below a cutoff.
158       Example usage::
160           coordinates = np.random.uniform(0,10,(10,3))
161           for i, j, delta, distance in PairSearchIntra(coordinates, 2.5):
162               print i, j, distance
164       Note that for periodic systems the minimum image convention is applied.
165    """
167    def __init__(self, coordinates, cutoff, unit_cell=None, grid=None):
168        """
169           Arguments:
170            | ``coordinates``  --  A Nx3 numpy array with Cartesian coordinates
171            | ``radius``  --  The cutoff radius for the pair distances.
172                              Distances larger than the cutoff will be neglected
173                              in the pair search.
175           Optional arguments:
176            | ``unit_cell``  --  Specifies the periodic boundary conditions
177            | ``grid``  --  Specification of the grid, can be a floating point
178                        number which will result in cubic bins with edge length
179                        equal to the given number. Otherwise a UnitCell object
180                        can be specified to construct non-cubic bins. In the
181                        latter case and when a unit_cell is given, the unit cell
182                        vectors must be integer linear combinations of the grid
183                        cell vectors (for those directions that are active in
184                        the unit cell). If this is not the case, a ValueError is
185                        raised.
187           The default value of grid depends on other parameters:
189             1) When no unit cell is given, it is equal to cutoff/2.9.
190             2) When a unit cell is given, the grid cell is as close to cubic
191                as possible, with spacings below cutoff/2 that are integer
192                divisions of the unit cell spacings
193        """
194        self.cutoff = cutoff
195        self.unit_cell = unit_cell
196        grid_cell, integer_cell = self._setup_grid(cutoff, unit_cell, grid)
197        self.bins = Binning(coordinates, cutoff, grid_cell, integer_cell)
199    def __iter__(self):
200        """Iterate over all pairs with a distance below the cutoff"""
201        for key0, bin0 in self.bins:
202            for key1, bin1 in self.bins.iter_surrounding(key0):
203                for i0, c0 in bin0:
204                    for i1, c1 in bin1:
205                        if i1 >= i0:
206                            continue
207                        delta = c1 - c0
208                        if self.unit_cell is not None:
209                            delta = self.unit_cell.shortest_vector(delta)
210                        distance = np.linalg.norm(delta)
211                        if distance <= self.cutoff:
212                            yield i0, i1, delta, distance
214class PairSearchInter(PairSearchBase):
215    """Iterator over all pairs of coordinates with a distance below a cutoff.
217       Example usage::
219           coordinates0 = np.random.uniform(0,10,(10,3))
220           coordinates1 = np.random.uniform(0,10,(10,3))
221           for i, j, delta, distance in PairSearchInter(coordinates0, coordinates1, 2.5):
222               print i, j, distance
224       Note that for periodic systems the minimum image convention is applied.
225    """
227    def __init__(self, coordinates0, coordinates1, cutoff, unit_cell=None, grid=None):
228        """
229           Arguments:
230            | ``coordinates0``  --  A Nx3 numpy array with Cartesian coordinates
231            | ``coordinates1``  --  A Nx3 numpy array with Cartesian coordinates
232            | ``radius``  --  The cutoff radius for the pair distances.
233                              Distances larger than the cutoff will be neglected
234                              in the pair search.
236           Optional arguments:
237            | ``unit_cell``  --  Specifies the periodic boundary conditions
238            | ``grid``  --  Specification of the grid, can be a floating point
239                        number which will result in cubic bins with edge length
240                        equal to the given number. Otherwise a UnitCell object
241                        can be specified to construct non-cubic bins. In the
242                        latter case and when a unit_cell is given, the unit cell
243                        vectors must be integer linear combinations of the grid
244                        cell vectors (for those directions that are active in
245                        the unit cell). If this is not the case, a ValueError is
246                        raised.
248           The default value of grid depends on other parameters:
249             1) When no unit cell is given, it is equal to cutoff/2.9.
250             2) When a unit cell is given, the grid cell is as close to cubic
251                as possible, with spacings below cutoff/2 that are integer
252                divisions of the unit cell spacings
253        """
254        self.cutoff = cutoff
255        self.unit_cell = unit_cell
256        grid_cell, integer_cell = self._setup_grid(cutoff, unit_cell, grid)
257        self.bins0 = Binning(coordinates0, cutoff, grid_cell, integer_cell)
258        self.bins1 = Binning(coordinates1, cutoff, grid_cell, integer_cell)
260    def __iter__(self):
261        """Iterate over all pairs with a distance below the cutoff"""
262        for key0, bin0 in self.bins0:
263            for key1, bin1 in self.bins1.iter_surrounding(key0):
264                for i0, c0 in bin0:
265                    for i1, c1 in bin1:
266                        delta = c1 - c0
267                        if self.unit_cell is not None:
268                            delta = self.unit_cell.shortest_vector(delta)
269                        distance = np.linalg.norm(delta)
270                        if distance <= self.cutoff:
271                            yield i0, i1, delta, distance