1# emacs: -*- mode: python-mode; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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5#   See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
6#   copyright and license terms.
8### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
9"""Tests for mghformat reading writing"""
11import os
12import io
14import numpy as np
16from .. import load, save
17from ...openers import ImageOpener
18from ..mghformat import MGHHeader, MGHError, MGHImage
19from ...tmpdirs import InTemporaryDirectory
20from ...fileholders import FileHolder
21from ...spatialimages import HeaderDataError
22from ...volumeutils import sys_is_le
23from ...wrapstruct import WrapStructError
24from ... import imageglobals
27import pytest
29from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_almost_equal
31from ...testing import data_path
33from ...tests import test_spatialimages as tsi
34from ...tests.test_wrapstruct import _TestLabeledWrapStruct
36MGZ_FNAME = os.path.join(data_path, 'test.mgz')
38# sample voxel to ras matrix (mri_info --vox2ras)
39v2r = np.array([[1, 2, 3, -13], [2, 3, 1, -11.5],
40                [3, 1, 2, -11.5], [0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
41# sample voxel to ras - tkr matrix (mri_info --vox2ras-tkr)
42v2rtkr = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5],
43                   [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -2.5],
44                   [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2.0],
45                   [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], dtype=np.float32)
47BIG_CODES = ('>', 'big', 'BIG', 'b', 'be', 'B', 'BE')
48LITTLE_CODES = ('<', 'little', 'l', 'le', 'L', 'LE')
50if sys_is_le:
51    BIG_CODES += ('swapped', 's', 'S', '!')
52    LITTLE_CODES += ('native', 'n', 'N', '=', '|', 'i', 'I')
54    BIG_CODES += ('native', 'n', 'N', '=', '|', 'i', 'I')
55    LITTLE_CODES += ('swapped', 's', 'S', '!')
59def test_read_mgh():
60    # test.mgz was generated by the following command
61    # mri_volsynth --dim 3 4 5 2 --vol test.mgz
62    # --cdircos 1 2 3 --rdircos 2 3 1 --sdircos 3 1 2
63    # mri_volsynth is a FreeSurfer command
64    mgz = load(MGZ_FNAME)
66    # header
67    h = mgz.header
68    assert h['version'] == 1
69    assert h['type'] == 3
70    assert h['dof'] == 0
71    assert h['goodRASFlag'] == 1
72    assert_array_equal(h['dims'], [3, 4, 5, 2])
73    assert_almost_equal(h['tr'], 2.0)
74    assert_almost_equal(h['flip_angle'], 0.0)
75    assert_almost_equal(h['te'], 0.0)
76    assert_almost_equal(h['ti'], 0.0)
77    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_zooms(), [1, 1, 1, 2])
78    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_vox2ras(), v2r)
79    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_vox2ras_tkr(), v2rtkr)
81    # data. will be different for your own mri_volsynth invocation
82    v = mgz.get_fdata()
83    assert_almost_equal(v[1, 2, 3, 0], -0.3047, 4)
84    assert_almost_equal(v[1, 2, 3, 1], 0.0018, 4)
87def test_write_mgh():
88    # write our data to a tmp file
89    v = np.arange(120)
90    v = v.reshape((5, 4, 3, 2)).astype(np.float32)
91    # form a MGHImage object using data and vox2ras matrix
92    img = MGHImage(v, v2r)
93    with InTemporaryDirectory():
94        save(img, 'tmpsave.mgz')
95        # read from the tmp file and see if it checks out
96        mgz = load('tmpsave.mgz')
97        h = mgz.header
98        dat = mgz.get_fdata()
99        # Delete loaded image to allow file deletion by windows
100        del mgz
101    # header
102    assert h['version'] == 1
103    assert h['type'] == 3
104    assert h['dof'] == 0
105    assert h['goodRASFlag'] == 1
106    assert np.array_equal(h['dims'], [5, 4, 3, 2])
107    assert_almost_equal(h['tr'], 0.0)
108    assert_almost_equal(h['flip_angle'], 0.0)
109    assert_almost_equal(h['te'], 0.0)
110    assert_almost_equal(h['ti'], 0.0)
111    assert_almost_equal(h['fov'], 0.0)
112    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_vox2ras(), v2r)
113    # data
114    assert_almost_equal(dat, v, 7)
117def test_write_noaffine_mgh():
118    # now just save the image without the vox2ras transform
119    # and see if it uses the default values to save
120    v = np.ones((7, 13, 3, 22)).astype(np.uint8)
121    # form a MGHImage object using data
122    # and the default affine matrix (Note the "None")
123    img = MGHImage(v, None)
124    with InTemporaryDirectory():
125        save(img, 'tmpsave.mgz')
126        # read from the tmp file and see if it checks out
127        mgz = load('tmpsave.mgz')
128        h = mgz.header
129        # Delete loaded image to allow file deletion by windows
130        del mgz
131    # header
132    assert h['version'] == 1
133    assert h['type'] == 0  # uint8 for mgh
134    assert h['dof'] == 0
135    assert h['goodRASFlag'] == 1
136    assert np.array_equal(h['dims'], [7, 13, 3, 22])
137    assert_almost_equal(h['tr'], 0.0)
138    assert_almost_equal(h['flip_angle'], 0.0)
139    assert_almost_equal(h['te'], 0.0)
140    assert_almost_equal(h['ti'], 0.0)
141    assert_almost_equal(h['fov'], 0.0)
142    # important part -- whether default affine info is stored
143    assert_array_almost_equal(h['Mdc'], [[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]])
144    assert_array_almost_equal(h['Pxyz_c'], [0, 0, 0])
147def test_set_zooms():
148    mgz = load(MGZ_FNAME)
149    h = mgz.header
150    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_zooms(), [1, 1, 1, 2])
151    h.set_zooms([1, 1, 1, 3])
152    assert_array_almost_equal(h.get_zooms(), [1, 1, 1, 3])
153    for zooms in ((-1, 1, 1, 1),
154                  (1, -1, 1, 1),
155                  (1, 1, -1, 1),
156                  (1, 1, 1, -1),
157                  (1, 1, 1, 1, 5)):
158        with pytest.raises(HeaderDataError):
159            h.set_zooms(zooms)
160    # smoke test for tr=0
161    h.set_zooms((1, 1, 1, 0))
164def bad_dtype_mgh():
165    """ This function raises an MGHError exception because
166    uint16 is not a valid MGH datatype.
167    """
168    # try to write an unsigned short and make sure it
169    # raises MGHError
170    v = np.ones((7, 13, 3, 22)).astype(np.uint16)
171    # form a MGHImage object using data
172    # and the default affine matrix (Note the "None")
173    MGHImage(v, None)
176def test_bad_dtype_mgh():
177    # Now test the above function
178    with pytest.raises(MGHError):
179        bad_dtype_mgh()
182def test_filename_exts():
183    # Test acceptable filename extensions
184    v = np.ones((7, 13, 3, 22)).astype(np.uint8)
185    # form a MGHImage object using data
186    # and the default affine matrix (Note the "None")
187    img = MGHImage(v, None)
188    # Check if these extensions allow round trip
189    for ext in ('.mgh', '.mgz'):
190        with InTemporaryDirectory():
191            fname = 'tmpname' + ext
192            save(img, fname)
193            # read from the tmp file and see if it checks out
194            img_back = load(fname)
195            assert_array_equal(img_back.get_fdata(), v)
196            del img_back
199def _mgh_rt(img, fobj):
200    file_map = {'image': FileHolder(fileobj=fobj)}
201    img.to_file_map(file_map)
202    return MGHImage.from_file_map(file_map)
205def test_header_updating():
206    # Don't update the header information if the affine doesn't change.
207    # Luckily the test.mgz dataset had a bad set of cosine vectors, so these
208    # will be changed if the affine gets updated
209    mgz = load(MGZ_FNAME)
210    hdr = mgz.header
211    # Test against mri_info output
212    exp_aff = np.loadtxt(io.BytesIO(b"""
213    1.0000   2.0000   3.0000   -13.0000
214    2.0000   3.0000   1.0000   -11.5000
215    3.0000   1.0000   2.0000   -11.5000
216    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000"""))
217    assert_almost_equal(mgz.affine, exp_aff, 6)
218    assert_almost_equal(hdr.get_affine(), exp_aff, 6)
219    # Test that initial wonky header elements have not changed
220    assert np.all(hdr['delta'] == 1)
221    assert_almost_equal(hdr['Mdc'].T, exp_aff[:3, :3])
222    # Save, reload, same thing
223    img_fobj = io.BytesIO()
224    mgz2 = _mgh_rt(mgz, img_fobj)
225    hdr2 = mgz2.header
226    assert_almost_equal(hdr2.get_affine(), exp_aff, 6)
227    assert_array_equal(hdr2['delta'],1)
228    # Change affine, change underlying header info
229    exp_aff_d = exp_aff.copy()
230    exp_aff_d[0, -1] = -14
231    # This will (probably) become part of the official API
232    mgz2._affine[:] = exp_aff_d
233    mgz2.update_header()
234    assert_almost_equal(hdr2.get_affine(), exp_aff_d, 6)
235    RZS = exp_aff_d[:3, :3]
236    assert_almost_equal(hdr2['delta'], np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS ** 2, axis=0)))
237    assert_almost_equal(hdr2['Mdc'].T, RZS / hdr2['delta'])
240def test_cosine_order():
241    # Test we are interpreting the cosine order right
242    data = np.arange(60).reshape((3, 4, 5)).astype(np.int32)
243    aff = np.diag([2., 3, 4, 1])
244    aff[0] = [2, 1, 0, 10]
245    img = MGHImage(data, aff)
246    assert_almost_equal(img.affine, aff, 6)
247    img_fobj = io.BytesIO()
248    img2 = _mgh_rt(img, img_fobj)
249    hdr2 = img2.header
250    RZS = aff[:3, :3]
251    zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS ** 2, axis=0))
252    assert_almost_equal(hdr2['Mdc'].T, RZS / zooms)
253    assert_almost_equal(hdr2['delta'], zooms)
256def test_eq():
257    # Test headers compare properly
258    hdr = MGHHeader()
259    hdr2 = MGHHeader()
260    assert hdr == hdr2
261    hdr.set_data_shape((2, 3, 4))
262    assert(hdr != hdr2)
263    hdr2.set_data_shape((2, 3, 4))
264    assert hdr == hdr2
267def test_header_slope_inter():
268    # Test placeholder slope / inter method
269    hdr = MGHHeader()
270    assert hdr.get_slope_inter() == (None, None)
273def test_mgh_load_fileobj():
274    # Checks the filename gets passed to array proxy
275    #
276    # This is a bit of an implementation detail, but the test is to make sure
277    # that we aren't passing ImageOpener objects to the array proxy, as these
278    # were confusing mmap on Python 3.  If there's some sensible reason not to
279    # pass the filename to the array proxy, please feel free to change this
280    # test.
281    img = MGHImage.load(MGZ_FNAME)
282    assert img.dataobj.file_like == MGZ_FNAME
283    # Check fileobj also passed into dataobj
284    with ImageOpener(MGZ_FNAME) as fobj:
285        contents = fobj.read()
286    bio = io.BytesIO(contents)
287    fm = MGHImage.make_file_map(mapping=dict(image=bio))
288    img2 = MGHImage.from_file_map(fm)
289    assert(img2.dataobj.file_like is bio)
290    assert_array_equal(img.get_fdata(), img2.get_fdata())
293def test_mgh_affine_default():
294    hdr = MGHHeader()
295    hdr['goodRASFlag'] = 0
296    hdr2 = MGHHeader(hdr.binaryblock)
297    assert hdr2['goodRASFlag'] == 1
298    assert_array_equal(hdr['Mdc'], hdr2['Mdc'])
299    assert_array_equal(hdr['Pxyz_c'], hdr2['Pxyz_c'])
302def test_mgh_set_data_shape():
303    hdr = MGHHeader()
304    hdr.set_data_shape((5,))
305    assert_array_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (5, 1, 1))
306    hdr.set_data_shape((5, 4))
307    assert_array_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (5, 4, 1))
308    hdr.set_data_shape((5, 4, 3))
309    assert_array_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (5, 4, 3))
310    hdr.set_data_shape((5, 4, 3, 2))
311    assert_array_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (5, 4, 3, 2))
312    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
313        hdr.set_data_shape((5, 4, 3, 2, 1))
316def test_mghheader_default_structarr():
317    hdr = MGHHeader.default_structarr()
318    assert hdr['version'] == 1
319    assert_array_equal(hdr['dims'], 1)
320    assert hdr['type'] == 3
321    assert hdr['dof'] == 0
322    assert hdr['goodRASFlag'] == 1
323    assert_array_equal(hdr['delta'], 1)
324    assert_array_equal(hdr['Mdc'], [[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]])
325    assert_array_equal(hdr['Pxyz_c'], 0)
326    assert hdr['tr'] == 0
327    assert hdr['flip_angle'] == 0
328    assert hdr['te'] == 0
329    assert hdr['ti'] == 0
330    assert hdr['fov'] == 0
332    for endianness in (None,) + BIG_CODES:
333        hdr2 = MGHHeader.default_structarr(endianness=endianness)
334        assert hdr2 == hdr
335        assert hdr2.newbyteorder('>') == hdr
337    for endianness in LITTLE_CODES:
338        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
339            MGHHeader.default_structarr(endianness=endianness)
342def test_deprecated_fields():
343    hdr = MGHHeader()
344    hdr_data = MGHHeader._HeaderData(hdr.structarr)
346    # mrparams is the only deprecated field at the moment
347    # Accessing hdr_data is equivalent to accessing hdr, so double all checks
348    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="from version: 2.3"):
349        assert_array_equal(hdr['mrparams'], 0)
350    assert_array_equal(hdr_data['mrparams'], 0)
352    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="from version: 2.3"):
353        hdr['mrparams'] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
354    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="from version: 2.3"):
355        assert_array_almost_equal(hdr['mrparams'], [1, 2, 3, 4])
356    assert hdr['tr'] == 1
357    assert hdr['flip_angle'] == 2
358    assert hdr['te'] == 3
359    assert hdr['ti'] == 4
360    assert hdr['fov'] == 0
361    assert_array_almost_equal(hdr_data['mrparams'], [1, 2, 3, 4])
362    assert hdr_data['tr'] == 1
363    assert hdr_data['flip_angle'] == 2
364    assert hdr_data['te'] == 3
365    assert hdr_data['ti'] == 4
366    assert hdr_data['fov'] == 0
368    hdr['tr'] = 5
369    hdr['flip_angle'] = 6
370    hdr['te'] = 7
371    hdr['ti'] = 8
372    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="from version: 2.3"):
373        assert_array_almost_equal(hdr['mrparams'], [5, 6, 7, 8])
374    assert_array_almost_equal(hdr_data['mrparams'], [5, 6, 7, 8])
376    hdr_data['tr'] = 9
377    hdr_data['flip_angle'] = 10
378    hdr_data['te'] = 11
379    hdr_data['ti'] = 12
380    with pytest.deprecated_call(match="from version: 2.3"):
381        assert_array_almost_equal(hdr['mrparams'], [9, 10, 11, 12])
382    assert_array_almost_equal(hdr_data['mrparams'], [9, 10, 11, 12])
385class TestMGHImage(tsi.TestSpatialImage, tsi.MmapImageMixin):
386    """ Apply general image tests to MGHImage
387    """
388    image_class = MGHImage
389    can_save = True
391    def check_dtypes(self, expected, actual):
392        # Some images will want dtypes to be equal including endianness,
393        # others may only require the same type
394        # MGH requires the actual to be a big endian version of expected
395        assert expected.newbyteorder('>') == actual
398class TestMGHHeader(_TestLabeledWrapStruct):
399    header_class = MGHHeader
401    def _set_something_into_hdr(self, hdr):
402        hdr['dims'] = [4, 3, 2, 1]
404    def get_bad_bb(self):
405        return b'\xff' + b'\x00' * self.header_class._hdrdtype.itemsize
407    # Update tests to account for big-endian requirement
408    def test_general_init(self):
409        hdr = self.header_class()
410        # binaryblock has length given by header data dtype
411        binblock = hdr.binaryblock
412        assert len(binblock) == hdr.structarr.dtype.itemsize
413        # Endianness will always be big, and cannot be set
414        assert hdr.endianness == '>'
415        # You can also pass in a check flag, without data this has no
416        # effect
417        hdr = self.header_class(check=False)
419    def test__eq__(self):
420        # Test equal and not equal
421        hdr1 = self.header_class()
422        hdr2 = self.header_class()
423        assert hdr1 == hdr2
424        self._set_something_into_hdr(hdr1)
425        assert hdr1 != hdr2
426        self._set_something_into_hdr(hdr2)
427        assert hdr1 == hdr2
428        # REMOVED as_byteswapped() test
429        # Check comparing to funny thing says no
430        assert hdr1 != None
431        assert hdr1 != 1
433    def test_to_from_fileobj(self):
434        # Successful write using write_to
435        hdr = self.header_class()
436        str_io = io.BytesIO()
437        hdr.write_to(str_io)
438        str_io.seek(0)
439        hdr2 = self.header_class.from_fileobj(str_io)
440        assert hdr2.endianness == '>'
441        assert hdr2.binaryblock == hdr.binaryblock
443    def test_endian_guess(self):
444        # Check guesses of endian
445        eh = self.header_class()
446        assert eh.endianness == '>'
447        assert self.header_class.guessed_endian(eh) == '>'
449    def test_bytes(self):
450        # Test get of bytes
451        hdr1 = self.header_class()
452        bb = hdr1.binaryblock
453        hdr2 = self.header_class(hdr1.binaryblock)
454        assert hdr1 == hdr2
455        assert hdr1.binaryblock == hdr2.binaryblock
456        # Do a set into the header, and try again.  The specifics of 'setting
457        # something' will depend on the nature of the bytes object
458        self._set_something_into_hdr(hdr1)
459        hdr2 = self.header_class(hdr1.binaryblock)
460        assert hdr1 == hdr2
461        assert hdr1.binaryblock == hdr2.binaryblock
462        # Short binaryblocks give errors (here set through init)
463        # Long binaryblocks are truncated
464        with pytest.raises(WrapStructError):
465            self.header_class(bb[:self.header_class._hdrdtype.itemsize - 1])
467        # Checking set to true by default, and prevents nonsense being
468        # set into the header.
469        bb_bad = self.get_bad_bb()
470        if bb_bad is None:
471            return
472        with imageglobals.LoggingOutputSuppressor():
473            with pytest.raises(HeaderDataError):
474                self.header_class(bb_bad)
476        # now slips past without check
477        _ = self.header_class(bb_bad, check=False)
479    def test_as_byteswapped(self):
480        # Check byte swapping
481        hdr = self.header_class()
482        assert hdr.endianness == '>'
483        # same code just returns a copy
484        for endianness in BIG_CODES:
485            hdr2 = hdr.as_byteswapped(endianness)
486            assert(hdr2 is not hdr)
487            assert hdr2 == hdr
489        # Different code raises error
490        for endianness in (None,) + LITTLE_CODES:
491            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
492                hdr.as_byteswapped(endianness)
493        # Note that contents is not rechecked on swap / copy
494        class DC(self.header_class):
495            def check_fix(self, *args, **kwargs):
496                raise Exception
498        # Assumes check=True default
499        with pytest.raises(Exception):
500            DC(hdr.binaryblock)
502        hdr = DC(hdr.binaryblock, check=False)
503        hdr2 = hdr.as_byteswapped('>')
505    def test_checks(self):
506        # Test header checks
507        hdr_t = self.header_class()
508        # _dxer just returns the diagnostics as a string
509        # Default hdr is OK
510        assert self._dxer(hdr_t) == ''
511        # Version should be 1
512        hdr = hdr_t.copy()
513        hdr['version'] = 2
514        assert self._dxer(hdr) == 'Unknown MGH format version'